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Ice recrystallization, the growth of large ice crystals at the expense of small ones, stresses freeze tolerant organisms and causes spoilage of frozen foods. This process is inhibited by antifreeze proteins (AFPs). Here, we present a simple method for determining the ice recrystallization inhibition (RI) activity of an AFP under physiological conditions using 10microl glass capillaries. Serial dilutions were prepared to determine the concentration below which RI activity was no longer detected, termed the RI endpoint. For type III AFP this was 200nM. The capillary method allows samples to be aligned and viewed simultaneously, which facilitates RI endpoint determination. Once prepared, the samples can be used reproducibly in subsequent RI assays and can be archived in a freezer for future reference. This method was used to detect the elution of type III AFP from a Sephadex G-75 size-exclusion column. RI activity was found at the expected V(e) for a 7kDa protein and also unexpectedly in the void volume.  相似文献   

Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) share two related properties: the ability to depress the freezing temperature below the melting point of ice (thermal hysteresis; TH); and the ability to inhibit the restructuring of ice into larger crystals. Since the ‘hyperactive’ AFPs, which have been more recently discovered, show an order of magnitude more TH than previously characterized AFPs, we have now determined their activities in ice restructuring inhibition (IrI) assays. IrI activities of three TH-hyperactive AFPs and three less TH-active AFPs varied over an 8-fold range. There was no obvious correlation between high TH activity and high IrI activity. However, the use of mutant AFPs demonstrated that severe disruption of ice-binding residues diminished both TH and IrI similarly, revealing that that the same ice-binding residues are crucial for both activities. In addition, bicarbonate ions, which are known to enhance the TH activity of AFPs, also enhanced their IrI activity. We suggest that these seemingly contradictory observations can be partially explained by differences in the coverage of ice by TH-hyperactive and non-hyperactive AFPs, and by differences in the stability of AFP-bound ice under supercooled and recrystallization conditions.  相似文献   

The freezing-melting hysteresis in a given volume of hemolymph from the cerambycid beetle Rhagium inquisitor was linearly and negatively related to the logarithm of the mass fraction of ice in the sample. When the ice fraction dropped by a factor of 10, the hysteresis activity increased by about 2 degrees C. When the hemolymph was diluted, the hysteresis activity was linearly and negatively related to the logarithm of the dilution factor. Dilution of the hemolymph by a factor of 2 led to a 1 degree C reduction in hysteresis activity. In the diluted samples, the ice growth took place along the a-axes, implying that the antifreeze peptides of insects block ice growth along the c-axis, in addition to the a-axis.  相似文献   

In cold climates, some plants and bacteria that cannot avoid freezing use antifreeze proteins (AFPs) to lessen the destructive effects of ice recrystallization. These AFPs have weak freezing point depression activity, perhaps to avoid sudden, uncontrolled growth of ice. Here, we report on an uncharacteristically powerful bacterial AFP found in an Antarctic strain of the bacterium, Marinomonas primoryensis. It is Ca(2+)-dependent, shows evidence of cooperativity, and can produce over 2 degrees C of freezing point depression. Unlike most AFPs, it does not produce obvious crystal faceting during thermal hysteresis. This AFP might be capable of imparting freezing avoidance to M. primoryensis in ice-covered Antarctic lakes. A hyperactive bacterial AFP has not previously been reported.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》2014,588(9):1767-1772
The ice binding motifs of insect antifreeze proteins (AFPs) mainly consist of repetitive TxT motifs aligned on a flat face of the protein. However, these motifs often contain non-threonines that disrupt the TxT pattern. We substituted two such disruptive amino acids located in the ice binding face of an AFP from Rhagium mordax with threonine. Furthermore, a mutant with an extra ice facing TxT motif was constructed. These mutants showed enhanced antifreeze activity compared to the wild type at low concentrations. However, extrapolating the data indicates that the wild type will become the most active at concentrations above 270 μmol.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which fish antifreeze proteins cause thermal hysteresis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Antifreeze proteins are characterised by their ability to prevent ice from growing upon cooling below the bulk melting point. This displacement of the freezing temperature of ice is limited and at a sufficiently low temperature a rapid ice growth takes place. The separation of the melting and freezing temperature is usually referred to as thermal hysteresis, and the temperature of ice growth is referred to as the hysteresis freezing point. The hysteresis is supposed to be the result of an adsorption of antifreeze proteins to the crystal surface. This causes the ice to grow as convex surface regions between adjacent adsorbed antifreeze proteins, thus lowering the temperature at which the crystal can visibly expand. The model requires that the antifreeze proteins are irreversibly adsorbed onto the ice surface within the hysteresis gap. This presupposition is apparently in conflict with several characteristic features of the phenomenon; the absence of superheating of ice in the presence of antifreeze proteins, the dependence of the hysteresis activity on the concentration of antifreeze proteins and the different capacities of different types of antifreeze proteins to cause thermal hysteresis at equimolar concentrations. In addition, there are structural obstacles that apparently would preclude irreversible adsorption of the antifreeze proteins to the ice surface; the bond strength necessary for irreversible adsorption and the absence of a clearly defined surface to which the antifreeze proteins may adsorb. This article deals with these apparent conflicts between the prevailing theory and the empirical observations. We first review the mechanism of thermal hysteresis with some modifications: we explain the hysteresis as a result of vapour pressure equilibrium between the ice surface and the ambient fluid fraction within the hysteresis gap due to a pressure build-up within the convex growth zones, and the ice growth as the result of an ice surface nucleation event at the hysteresis freezing point. We then go on to summarise the empirical data to show that the dependence of the hysteresis on the concentration of antifreeze proteins arises from an equilibrium exchange of antifreeze proteins between ice and solution at the melting point. This reversible association between antifreeze proteins and the ice is followed by an irreversible adsorption of the antifreeze proteins onto a newly formed crystal plane when the temperature is lowered below the melting point. The formation of the crystal plane is due to a solidification of the interfacial region, and the necessary bond strength is provided by the protein "freezing" to the surface. In essence: the antifreeze proteins are "melted off" the ice at the bulk melting point and "freeze" to the ice as the temperature is reduced to subfreezing temperatures. We explain the different hysteresis activities caused by different types of antifreeze proteins at equimolar concentrations as a consequence of their solubility features during the phase of reversible association between the proteins and the ice, i.e., at the melting point; a low water solubility results in a large fraction of the proteins being associated with the ice at the melting point. This leads to a greater density of irreversibly adsorbed antifreeze proteins at the ice surface when the temperature drops, and thus to a greater hysteresis activity. Reference is also made to observations on insect antifreeze proteins to emphasise the general validity of this approach.  相似文献   

Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) were obtained from intercellular spaces of spruce needles Picea abies (L.) Karst. and Picea pungens Engelm. by vacuum infiltration with ascorbic acid, followed by centrifugation to recover the infiltrate. As shown by sodium dodecyl sulphate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS–PAGE), apoplastic proteins are accumulated in these spruce species as a group of 5–9 polypeptide bands. These proteins have a molecular mass of 7–80 kDa. The spruce AFPs have the ability to modify the growth of ice and thermal hysteresis, TH, caused by these AFPs was close to 2.0 °C at a concentration of 400 μg/ml. The antifreeze activity of proteins from these winter-hardy coniferous species showed a positive correlation with the concentration of proteins after cold acclimation of needle tissues. Apoplastic proteins from winter spruce needles exhibited antifreeze activity, whereas no such activity was observed in extracts from summer needles. When we examined the possible role of spruce AFPs in cryoprotection, we found that lactate dehydrogenase, LDH, activity was higher after freezing in the presence of AFPs compared with bovine serum albumin. Amino-terminal sequence comparisons indicated that a 27-kDa protein from both P. abies and P. pungens was similar to some pathogenesis-related proteins namely chitinases, also from conifer species. These results show that spruces produce AFPs that are secreted into the apoplast of needles. The accumulation of AFPs in extracellular spaces caused by seasonal cold acclimation during winter indicates that these proteins may play a role in the acquisition of freezing tolerance of needle cells in coniferous species.  相似文献   

The Tenebrio molitor thermal hysteresis protein has a cysteine content of 19%. This 84-residue protein folds as a compact beta-helix, with eight disulfide bonds buried in its core. Exposed on one face of the protein is an array of threonine residues, which constitutes the ice-binding face. Previous protocols for expression of this protein in recombinant expression systems resulted in inclusion bodies or soluble but largely inactive material. A long and laborious refolding procedure was performed to increase the fraction of active protein and isolate it from inactive fractions. We present a new protocol for production of fully folded and active T. molitor thermal hysteresis protein in bacteria, without the need for in vitro refolding. The protein coding sequence was fused to those of various carrier proteins and expressed at low temperature in a bacterial strain specially suited for production of disulfide-bonded proteins. The product, after a simple and robust purification procedure, was analyzed spectroscopically and functionally and was found to compare favorably to previously published data on refolded protein and protein obtained from its native source.  相似文献   

Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) enable organisms to survive under freezing or sub-freezing conditions. AFPs have a great potential in the low temperature storage of cells, tissues, organs, and foods. This process will require a large number of recombinant AFPs. In the present study, the recombinant carrot AFP was highly expressed in Escherichia coli strain BL21 (DE3). The activity of the purified and refolded recombinant proteins was analyzed by measurement of thermal hysteresis (TH) activity and detection of in vitro antifreeze activity by measuring enhanced cold resistance of bacteria. Two carrot AFP mutants generated by site-directed mutagenesis were also expressed and purified under these conditions for use in parallel experiments. Recombinant DcAFP displayed a TH activity equivalent to that of native DcAFP, while mutants DcAFP-N130Q and rDcAFP-N130V showed 32 and 43% decreases in TH activity, respectively. Both the recombinant DcAFP and its mutants were able to enhance the cold resistance of bacteria, to degrees consistent with their respective TH activities.  相似文献   

甲虫抗冻蛋白是一种具有规则结构的昆虫抗冻蛋白。在相同浓度条件下,甲虫抗冻蛋白比鱼类抗冻蛋白有更高的热滞活性,目前已成为人们重点研究的一类抗冻蛋白。根据甲虫抗冻蛋白的结构特点及其在冰晶表面的吸附模式,应用二维吸附结合模型计算分析了具有6 ̄11个β-螺旋(β-helix)结构片段的甲虫抗冻蛋白变体分子,得到了它们的热滞活性随溶液浓度变化的规律,特别是热滞活性与甲虫抗冻蛋白的β-螺旋结构片段数的关系。结果显示,抗冻蛋白在冰晶表面的覆盖度是一个影响其热滞活性的重要因素。  相似文献   

Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) can protect organisms from freezing injury by adsorbing to ice and inhibiting its growth. We describe here a method where ice, grown on a cold finger, is used to selectively adsorb and purify these ice-binding proteins from a crude mixture. Type III recombinant AFP was enriched approximately 50-fold after one round of partitioning into ice and purified to homogeneity by a second round. This method can also be used to purify non-ice-binding proteins by linkage to AFP domains as demonstrated by the recovery of a 50 kDa maltose-binding protein-AFP fusion from a crude lysate of Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

The deduced amino acid sequences of antifreeze proteins (AFPs) from larvae of the beetle Dendroides canadensis were determined from both complementary DNAs (cDNAs) and from peptide sequencing. These consisted of proteins with a 25-residue signal peptide and mature proteins 83 (Dendroides antifreeze protein; DAFP-1) or 84 (DAFP-2) amino acids in length which differed at only two positions. Peptide sequencing yielded sequences which overlapped exactly with those of the deduced cDNA sequences of DAFP-1 and DAFP-2, while the partial sequence of another AFP (DAFP-3) matched 21 of 28 residues. Seven 12- or 13-mer repeating units are present in these antifreeze proteins with a consensus sequence consisting of: Cys-Thr-X3-Ser-X5-X6-Cys-X8-X9-Ala-X11-Thr-X13, where X3 and X11 tend toward charged residues, X5 tends toward threonine or serine, X6 toward asparagine or aspartate, X9 toward asparagine or lysine, and X13 toward alanine in the 13-mers. The most interesting feature of these proteins is that throughout the length of the mature antifreeze proteins every sixth residue is a cysteine. These sequences are not similar to any of the known fish AFPs, but they are similar to AFPs from the beetle Tenebrio molitor. Accepted: 14 November 1997  相似文献   

Some creatures living in extremely low temperatures can produce some special materials called “antifreeze proteins” (AFPs), which can prevent the cell and body fluids from freezing. AFPs are present in vertebrates, invertebrates, plants, bacteria, fungi, etc. Although AFPs have a common function, they show a high degree of diversity in sequences and structures. Therefore, sequence similarity based search methods often fails to predict AFPs from sequence databases. In this work, we report a random forest approach “AFP-Pred” for the prediction of antifreeze proteins from protein sequence. AFP-Pred was trained on the dataset containing 300 AFPs and 300 non-AFPs and tested on the dataset containing 181 AFPs and 9193 non-AFPs. AFP-Pred achieved 81.33% accuracy from training and 83.38% from testing. The performance of AFP-Pred was compared with BLAST and HMM. High prediction accuracy and successful of prediction of hypothetical proteins suggests that AFP-Pred can be a useful approach to identify antifreeze proteins from sequence information, irrespective of their sequence similarity.  相似文献   

Antifreeze proteins in higher plants   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Atici O  Nalbantoglu B 《Phytochemistry》2003,64(7):1187-1196
Overwintering plants produce antifreeze proteins (AFPs) having the ability to adsorb onto the surface of ice crystals and modify their growth. Recently, several AFPs have been isolated and characterized and five full-length AFP cDNAs have been cloned and characterized in higher plants. The derived amino acid sequences have shown low homology for identical residues. Theoretical and experimental models for structure of Lolium perenne AFP have been proposed. In addition, it was found that the hormone ethylene is involved in regulating antifreeze activity in response to cold. In this review, it is seen that the physiological and biochemical roles of AFPs may be important to protect the plant tissues from mechanical stress caused by ice formation.  相似文献   

Summary Four antifreeze proteins (AFPs) were purified from larvae of the beetle Dendroides canadensis. The AFPs are similar in amino acid compositions, having high contents of hydrophilic amino acids (45–55 mol%) and cysteine (16 mol% Cys). Approximately half of the Cys residues form disulfide bridges, and both the disulfide bridges and free sulfhydryls are essential for activity. The N-terminals of the AFPs are blocked. The pH optimum of the AFPs is 7.8, but major loss of activity occurred only at very high pH (12.0). The detergents SDS and Triton X-100 did not inactivate the AFPs. Circular dichroism spectra indicate the presence of both and secondary structures in the AFPs, in addition to a large random structure component.Abbreviations AFP antifreeze protein - CD circular dichroism - DTT dithiothreitol - HPLC high pressure liquid chromatography - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PAS periodic acid Schiff - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - TFA trifluoroacetic acid  相似文献   

We have characterized a cold-induced, boiling stable antifreeze protein. This highly active ice recrystallization inhibition protein shows a much lower thermal hysteresis effect and displays binding behavior that is uncharacteristic of any AFP from fish or insects. Ice-binding studies show it binds to the (1 0 1 0) plane of ice and FTIR studies reveal that it has an unusual type of highly beta-sheeted secondary structure. Ice-binding studies of both glycosylated and nonglycosylated expressed forms indicate that it adsorbs to ice through the protein backbone. These results are discussed in light of the currently proposed mechanisms of AFP action.  相似文献   

Kubota N 《Cryobiology》2011,(3):198-209
Thermal hysteresis (TH) readings depend on the cooling rate, annealing time and the concentration of the biological antifreeze (AF) (i.e., antifreeze protein or antifreeze glycoprotein). Such time- and concentration-dependent TH readings are not true (or absolute) values. The true TH should be independent of time and AF concentration, and it should be a unique value for a given AF. Only the true TH can be used to assess the activity of an AF. A mathematical model is proposed to explain the time- and concentration-dependent behavior of AFs. The model assumes a reversible Langmuir adsorption mechanism for the AF molecules and the Kelvin effect to be applicable. A TH equation that correlates the TH reading with the cooling rate, annealing time and AF concentration was derived. The time-dependent behavior was attributed to the slow adsorption process of the AF. The theoretical calculations were compared with previously published data on the effects of the cooling rate, annealing time and AF concentration on TH readings. The calculated results agree qualitatively with the literature data. The experimental methodology required for obtaining the true TH of an AF is suggested.  相似文献   

Five genes coding for ice-active proteins were identified from an expressed sequence tag database of Lolium perenne cDNA libraries. Each of the five genes were characterized by the presence of an N-terminal signal peptide, a region enriched in hydrophilic amino acids and a leucine-rich region in four of the five genes that is homologous with the receptor domain of receptor-like protein kinases of plants. The C-terminal region of all five genes contains sequence homologous with Lolium and Triticum ice-active proteins. Of the four ice-active proteins (IAP1, IAP2, IAP3 and IAP5) cloned, three could be expressed in Escherichia coli and recovered in a functional form in order to study their ice activity. All three ice-active proteins had recrystallization inhibition activity but showed no detectable antifreeze or ice nucleation activity at the concentration tested. IAP2 and IAP5 formed distinct hexagonal-shaped crystals in the nanolitre osmometer as compared to the weakly hexagonal crystals produced by IAP3.  相似文献   

Fish embryo cryopreservation, which is useful in aquaculture or biodiversity conservation, is still far from being achieved. Structural barriers reduce the entrance of cryoprotectants into embryo compartments. Previous studies demonstrated a better ability for freezing in Arctic species which naturally express antifreeze proteins (AFPs). In this study, AFPs were delivered in early zebrafish embryos by incubation in media containing protein. Their cryoprotective effects were then analyzed. Chilling sensitivity was evaluated at 4 °C and −10 °C. Survival rates significantly increased in embryos incorporating AFPI and kept at −10 °C. To analyze their effects on cryopreservation, 5-somite embryos were vitrified. Incorporation of AFPI reduced the percentage of embryos that collapsed at thawing (14.2% of AFPI-treated embryos and 48.9% of controls). Cellular damage caused by vitrification was assessed after thawing by cell dissociation and further analysis of cell survival in culture (SYBR-14/IP labeling). The percentage of viable cells at thawing ranged from 25 to 50%, considered incompatible with embryo development. Cells recovered from frozen-control embryos did not survive in culture. However, the incorporation of AFPs allowed survival similar to that of cells recovered from non-frozen embryos. Blastomere cryopreservation trials incorporating AFPI in the extender also demonstrated a significant increase in viability after freezing. Our findings demonstrated that delivery of AFPs into zebrafish embryos by incubation in media containing protein at early stages is a simple and harmless method that increases cryoprotection of the cellular compartment. This beneficial effect is also noticed in blastomeres, encouraging their use in further protocols for embryo cryopreservation.  相似文献   

Structurally diverse carbon-linked (C-linked) analogs of antifreeze glycoprotein (AFGP) have been prepared via linear or convergent solid phase synthesis. These analogs range in molecular weight from approx 1.5–4.1 KDa and do not possess the β-d-galactose-1,3-α-d-N-acetylgalactosamine carbohydrate moiety or the l-threonine-l-alanine-l-alanine polypeptide backbone native to the AFGP wild-type. Despite these dramatic structural modifications, the 2.7-KDa and 4.1-KDa analogs possess antifreeze protein-specific activity as determined by recrystallization-inhibition (RI) and thermal hysteresis (TH) assays. These analogs are weaker than the wild-type in their activity, but nanoliter osmometry indicates that these compounds are binding to ice and affecting a localized freezing point depression. This is the first example of a C-linked AFGP analog that possesses TH and RI activity and suggests that the rational design and synthesis of chemically and biologically stable AFGP analogs is a feasible and worthwhile endeavor. Given the low degree of TH activity, these compounds may prove useful for the protection of cells during freezing and thawing cycles.  相似文献   

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