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X-ray diffraction studies of lecithin bilayers.   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Counting the individuals in a population before and after an annual period of environmental stress allows the proportion s of the initial population surviving the period to be computed. A series of such observations over n annual periods gives a sequence s1, s2, …, sn. A statistical model is formulated from axioms describing the survival process, and it is concluded that these observed values may usefully be regarded as realizations of a random variable that arises from the normal generated distribution (n.g.d.). Equations for estimating the n.g.d. parameters ζ and τ2 from observed survival proportions by the method of moments and maximum likelihood are given. The distributions of parameter estimates ζ and τ2 are obtained and discussed in the context of testing hypotheses comparing survival among different populations. Finally, the dependence of the n.g.d. upon parameters ζ and τ2 is examined in terms of altering survival, either by population self-regulation mechanisms or man-induced controls. The intent is to provide insight into the relationship between the n.g.d. and its supporting axioms and, more generally, basic knowledge of population processes.  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction was used to study the interdigitated structure of phosphatidylcholines (PCs) in glycerol. In this study, we investigated five different saturated diacyl PCs with carbon number from 14 to 18 in their acyl chains. It was found that lamellar spacings increase linearly as increasing the carbon number in the chains and that the increment is 0.10+/-0.01 nm per one carbon atom. The lamellar diffraction intensity data were analyzed, by applying a method proposed by Adachi [Chem. Phys. Lipids 107 (2000) 93]. The results indicate that the moiety around polar headgroup regions is almost unchanged, being independent of the carbon number.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol (PI) bilayers, squeezed together by applied osmotic pressures, were studied by both neutron diffraction and X-ray diffraction. The lamellar repeat period for PI bilayers decreased from 9.5 nm at an applied pressure of 1.1.10(6) dyn/cm2 (1.1 atm) to 5.4 nm at an applied pressure of 1.6.10(7) dyn/cm2 (16 atm). Further increases in applied pressure, up to 2.7.10(9) dyn/cm2 (2700 atm) reduced the repeat period by only about 0.3 nm, to 5.1 nm. Thus, a plot of applied pressure versus repeat period shows a sharp upward break for repeat periods less than about 5.4 nm. For repeat periods of less than 5.4 nm, analysis of neutron-scattering density profiles and electron-density profiles indicates that the structure of the PI bilayers changes as the bilayers are dehydrated, even though there are only small changes in the repeat period. These structural changes are most likely due to removal of water from the headgroup regions of the bilayer. D2O/H2O exchange experiments show that, at an applied pressure of 2.8.10(7) dyn/cm2, water is located between adjacent PI headgroups in the plane of the bilayer. We conclude that, although electrostatics provide the dominant long-range repulsive interaction, hydration repulsion and steric hindrance between PI headgroups from apposing bilayers provide the major barriers for the close approach of adjacent PI bilayers for repeat periods less than 5.4 nm. This structural analysis also indicates that the phosphoinositol group extends from the plane of the bilayer into the fluid space between adjacent bilayers. This extended orientation for the headgroup is consistent with electrophoretic measurements on PI vesicles.  相似文献   

Interactions between lipid bilayers are critical in many biological processes in which membrane surfaces come close together. Recent X-ray diffraction analyses of bilayers subjected to known osmotic pressures have provided critical information on the magnitude of both the repulsive and the attractive forces that exist between phospholipid and glycolipid membranes.  相似文献   

Bilayer form factors obtained from x-ray scattering data taken with high instrumental resolution are reported for multilamellar vesicles of L alpha phase lipid bilayers of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine at 50 degrees C under varying osmotic pressure. Artifacts in the magnitudes of the form factors due to liquid crystalline fluctuations have been eliminated by using modified Caillé theory. The Caillé fluctuation parameter eta 1 increases systematically with increasing lamellar D spacing and this explains why some higher order peaks are unobservable for the larger D spacings. The corrected form factors fall on one smooth continuous transform F(q); this shows that the bilayer does not change shape as D decreases from 67.2 A (fully hydrated) to 60.9 A. The distance between headgroup peaks is obtained from Fourier reconstruction of samples with four orders of diffraction and from electron density models that use 38 independent form factors. By combining these results with previous gel phase results, area AF per lipid molecule and other structural quantities are obtained for the fluid L alpha phase. Comparison with results that we derived from previous neutron diffraction data is excellent, and we conclude from diffraction studies that AF = 62.9 +/- 1.3 A2, which is in excellent agreement with a previous estimate from NMR data.  相似文献   

The structural changes accompanying the recently described sub-transition of hydrated dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (Chen, S.C., Sturtevant, J.M. and Gaffney, B.J. (1980) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 77, 5060–5063) have been defined using X-ray diffraction methods. Following prolonged storage at ?4°C the usual Lβ′ gel form of hydrated dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) is converted into a more ordered stable ‘crystal’ form. The bilayer periodicity is 59.1 Å and the most striking feature is the presence of a number of X-ray reflections in the wide angle region. The most prominent of these are a sharp reflection at 14.4A??1 and a broader reflection at 13.9A??1. This diffraction pattern is indicative of more ordered molecular and hydrocarbon chain packing modes in this low temperature ‘crystal’ bilayer form. At the sub-transition (Trmsub = 15–20°C) an increase in the bilayer periodicity occurs (d=63.6 A?) and a strong reflection at approx. 14.2A??1 with a shoulder at approx. 14.1A??1 is observed. This diffraction pattern is identical to that of the bilayer gel (Lβ′) form of hydrated DPPC. Thus, the sub-transition corresponds to a bilayer ‘crystal’ → bilayer Lβ′ gel structural rearrangement accompanied by a decrease in the lateral hydrocarbon chain interactions. Differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffraction show that on further heating the usual structural changes Lβ′ → Pβ′ and Pβ′ → Lα occur at the pre- and main transitions, at approx. 35°C and 41°C, respectively.  相似文献   

16-Fluoropalmitic acid was synthesized from 16-hydroxypalmitic acid using diethylaminosulfur trifluoride. This monofluorinated fatty acid then was used to make 1-palmitoyl-2-[16-fluoropalmitoyl]-phosphatidylcholine (F-DPPC) as a fluorinated analog of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC). Surprisingly, we found that the phase transition temperature (Tm) of F-DPPC occurs near 50 degrees C, approximately 10 degrees C higher than its nonfluorinated counterpart, DPPC, as judged by both differential scanning calorimetry and infrared spectroscopy. The pretransition observed for DPPC is absent in F-DPPC. A combination of REDOR, rotational-echo double-resonance, and conventional solid-state NMR experiments demonstrates that F-DPPC forms a fully interdigitated bilayer in the gel phase. Electron paramagnetic resonance experiments show that below Tm, the hydrocarbon chains of F-DPPC are more motionally restricted than those of DPPC. X-ray scattering experiments confirm that the thickness and packing of gel phase F-DPPC is similar to that of heptanetriol-induced interdigitated DPPC. F-DPPC is the first phosphoglyceride containing sn-1 and sn-2 ester-linked fatty acyl chains of equal length that spontaneously forms interdigitated bilayers in the gel state in the absence of inducing agents such as alcohols.  相似文献   

The effect of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) on the thermotropic and structural properties of phosphatidylserine or phosphatidylcholine membranes was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffraction. At molar fractions of sterol, X (sterol), less than approximately 0.2, DHEA interacts with both types of model membranes, depressing the melting temperature and reducing the enthalpy of melting. At higher concentrations, phase separation of DHEA occurs with appearance of crystallites of the S2 monohydrate form.  相似文献   

Behavior of spin labels in a variety of interdigitated lipid bilayers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The behavior of a number of spin labels in several lipid bilayers, shown by X-ray diffraction to be interdigitated, has been compared in order to evaluate the ability of the spin label technique to detect and diagnose the structure of lipid bilayers. The main difference between interdigitated and non-interdigitated gel phase bilayers which can be exploited for determination of their structure using spin labels, is that the former have a much less steep fluidity gradient. Thus long chain spin labels with the nitroxide group near the terminal methyl of the chain, such as 16-doxylstearic acid, its methyl ester, or a phosphatidylglycerol spin label containing 16-doxylstearic acid (PG-SL), are more motionally restricted and/or ordered in the interdigitated bilayer than in the non-interdigitated bilayer. This difference is large enough to be of diagnostic value for all three spin labels in the interdigitated bilayers of dihexadecylphosphatidylcholine, dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine/ethanol, and 1,3-dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine. However, it is not large enough to be of diagnostic value at low temperatures. Use of probes with the nitroxide group closer to the apolar/polar interface reveals that these latter interdigitated bilayers are more disordered or less closely packed. As the temperature is increased, however, the motion of the PG-SL does not increase as much in these interdigitated bilayers as in non-interdigitated bilayers. The difference in the motion and/or order of PG-SL between interdigitated and non-interdigitated bilayers is large enough at higher temperatures to be of value in diagnosing the structure of the bilayers. Thus by choice of a suitable spin label and a suitable temperature, this technique should prove useful for detection and diagnosis of lipid bilayer structure with a good degree of reliability. Caution must, of course be exercised, as with any spectroscopic technique. Spin labels will also be invaluable for more detailed studies of known interdigitated bilayers, which would be time- and material-consuming, if carried out using X-ray diffraction solely.  相似文献   

Wide-angle X-ray diffraction studies revealed that the lipid phase transition temperature of myelin from brain tissue of humans with Alzheimer's disease was about 12 degrees C lower than that of normal age-matched controls, indicating differences in the physical organization of the myelin lipid bilayer. Elevated levels of malondialdehyde and conjugated diene were found in brain tissue from humans with Alzheimer's disease, indicating an increased amount of lipid peroxidation over the controls. An increase in myelin disorder and in lipid peroxidation can both be correlated with aging in human brain, but the changes in myelin from humans with Alzheimer's disease are more pronounced than in normal aging. These changes might represent severe or accelerated aging.  相似文献   

The stability of lipid bilayers is ultimately linked to the hydrophobic effect and the properties of water of hydration. Magic angle spinning (MAS) nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY) with application of pulsed magnetic field gradients (PFG) was used to study the interaction of water with 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine bilayers in the fluid phase. NOESY cross-relaxation between water and polar groups of lipids, but also with methylene resonances of hydrophobic hydrocarbon chains, has been observed previously. This observation led to speculations that substantial amounts of water may reside in the hydrophobic core of bilayers. Here, the results of a quantitative analysis of cross-relaxation in a lipid 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3 phosphocholine (POPC)/water mixture are reported. Coherences were selected via application of pulsed magnetic field gradients. This technique shortens acquisition times of NOESY spectra to 20 min and reduces t 1-spectral noise, enabling detection of weak crosspeaks, like those between water and lipids, with higher precision than with non-gradient NOESY methods. The analysis showed that water molecules interact almost exclusively with sites of the lipid–water interface, including choline, phosphate, glycerol, and carbonyl groups. The lifetime of lipid–water associations is rather short, on the order of 100 ps, at least one order of magnitude shorter than the lifetime of lipid–lipid associations. The distribution of water molecules over the lipid bilayer was measured at identical water content by neutron diffraction. Water molecules penetrate deep into the interfacial region of bilayers but water concentration in the hydrophobic core is below the detection limit of one water molecule per lipid, in excellent agreement with the cross-relaxation data. Dedicated to Prof. K. Arnold on the occasion of his 65th birthday.  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction spacings in multilayered membranes obtained from frog sciatic nerves were found to increase in discrete steps of approx. 5 A during swelling. These observed jumps in the repeat period suggest that the lipid bilayers exist in distinct states of hydration, and perhaps the swelling occurs by step-wise addition of water layers between the polar head groups. Our analysis and statistical tests of this hypothesis are presented.  相似文献   

Equatorial x-ray diffraction patterns from single skinned rabbit psoas fibers were studied at various ionic strengths to obtain structural information regarding cross-bridge formation in relaxed muscle fibers. At ionic strengths between 20 and 50 mM, the intensity of the 11 reflection, I11, of the relaxed state was close to that of the rigor state, whereas the intensity of the 10 reflection, I10, was approximately twice that of rigor reflection. Calculations by two-dimensional Fourier synthesis indicated that substantial extra mass was associated with the thin filaments under these conditions. With increasing ionic strength between 20 and 100 mM, I10 increased and I11 decreased in an approximately linear way, indicating net transfer of mass away from the thin filaments towards the thick filaments. These results provided evidence that cross-bridges were formed in a relaxed fiber at low ionic strengths, and that the number of cross-bridges decreased as ionic strength was raised. Above mu = 100 mM, I10 and I11 both decreased, indicating the onset of increasing disorder within the filament lattice.  相似文献   

Laccase isozymes from the white-rot basidiomycete fungi Trametes versicolor and Pycnoporus cinnabarinus were purified to apparent iso-electric homogeneity and crystallised. T. versicolor laccase crystallises in two crystal forms, both with the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), which diffract to 1.9 and 2.95 A resolution, respectively. The crystals of P. cinnabarinus laccase belong to the monoclinic space group C2 and diffract to at least 2.2 A resolution. All the laccase crystals are suitable for X-ray structure determination and contain a full complement of copper ions.  相似文献   

13C-NMR spectra have been obtained at 50.3 MHz for monoarachidoylphosphatidylcholine (MAPC) and dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) dispersions from 25 degrees C to 55 degrees C and for DPPC polycrystals at 25 degrees C using the cross polarization/magic angle spinning technique. Differential scanning calorimetric studies on DPPC and MAPC dispersions show comparable lipid phase transitions with transition temperatures at 41 degrees C and 45 degrees C, respectively, and thus enable the comparison of thermal, structural and dynamic differences between these two systems at corresponding temperatures. Conformational-dependent 13C chemical shift studies on DPPC dispersions demonstrate not only the coexistence of the tilted gel (L beta') and liquid-crystalline (L alpha) phases in the rippled gel (P beta') phase, but also the presence of an intermediate third microscopic phase as evidenced by three resolvable peaks for omega - 1 methylene carbon signals at the temperature interval between Tp and Tm. By comparing chemical shifts of MAPC in the hydrocarbon chain region with those of DPPC at similar reduced temperatures, it can be concluded that the packings are perturbed markedly in the middle segment of the fatty acyl chain during the lamellar to micellar transition. However, terminal methylene and methyl groups of interdigitated MAPC lamellae were found to be more ordered than those of non-interdigitated DPPC bilayers in the gel state. Interestingly, the terminal methyl groups of MAPC in the micelles remain to be relatively ordered; in fact, they are more ordered than the corresponding acyl chain end of DPPC in the liquid-crystalline state. Analysis of data obtained from rotating frame proton spin-lattice relaxation measurements shows a highly mobile phosphocholine headgroup, a rigid carbonyl group and an ordered hydrocarbon chain for lamellar MAPC in the interdigitated state. Furthermore, results suggest that free rotations of the glycerol C2-C3 bond within MAPC molecules may occur in the interdigitated bilayer, whereas intramolecular exchange between two conformations of the glycerol backbone in DPPC become possible at temperatures close to the pretransition temperature. Without isotope enrichment, we conclude that high-resolution solid-state 13C-NMR is indeed a useful technique which can be employed to study the packing and dynamics of phospholipids.  相似文献   

The structure of actomyosin complex while hydrolyzing ATP was investigated by recording X-ray diffraction patterns from rabbit skeletal muscle fibers, in which exogenously introduced rabbit skeletal subfragment-1 (S1) was covalently cross-linked to the endogenous actin filaments in rigor by 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide (EDC). Approximately two-thirds of the introduced S1 was cross-linked. The cross-linking procedure did not affect the profile of the S1-induced enhancement of the actin-based layer line reflections in rigor, indicating that the acto-S1 interactions remained highly stereospecific. In the presence of ATP, the MgATPase of the S1 was highly activated regardless of calcium levels, presumably because the availability of the stereospecific binding sites for both proteins was maximized by the cross-linking. However, the diffraction pattern in the presence of ATP was striking in that the intensity profile of the strong 1/5.9 nm(-1) layer lines was indistinguishable from that from bare actin filaments, despite the fact that the majority of the S1 was still associated with actin. The change of the intensity profiles upon addition of ATP was completely reversible. Model calculations showed that this result can be explained if the S1 is not only swinging around its pivoting point, but the pivoting point itself is also moving on the actin surface in a range of a few nanometers. The results suggest that the stereospecific binding sites, which have been considered important for actomyosin cycling, are paradoxically left unoccupied for most of the time in this highly activated actomyosin complex.  相似文献   

To clarify the extensibility of thin actin and thick myosin filaments in muscle, we examined the spacings of actin and myosin filament-based reflections in x-ray diffraction patterns at high resolution during isometric contraction of frog skeletal muscles and steady lengthening of the active muscles using synchrotron radiation as an intense x-ray source and a storage phosphor plate as a high sensitivity, high resolution area detector. Spacing of the actin meridional reflection at approximately 1/2.7 nm-1, which corresponds to the axial rise per actin subunit in the thin filament, increased about 0.25% during isometric contraction of muscles at full overlap length of thick and thin filaments. The changes in muscles stretched to approximately half overlap of the filaments, when they were scaled linearly up to the full isometric tension, gave an increase of approximately 0.3%. Conversely, the spacing decreased by approximately 0.1% upon activation of muscles at nonoverlap length. Slow stretching of a contracting muscle increased tension and increased this spacing over the isometric contraction value. Scaled up to a 100% tension increase, this corresponds to a approximately 0.26% additional change, consistent with that of the initial isometric contraction. Taken together, the extensibility of the actin filament amounts to 3-4 nm of elongation when a muscle switches from relaxation to maximum isometric contraction. Axial spacings of the layer-line reflections at approximately 1/5.1 nm-1 and approximately 1/5.9 nm-1 corresponding to the pitches of the right- and left-handed genetic helices of the actin filament, showed similar changes to that of the meridional reflection during isometric contraction of muscles at full overlap. The spacing changes of these reflections, which also depend on the mechanical load on the muscle, indicate that elongation is accompanied by slight changes of the actin helical structure possibly because of the axial force exerted by the actomyosin cross-bridges. Additional small spacing changes of the myosin meridional reflections during length changes applied to contracting muscles represented an increase of approximately 0.26% (scaled up to a 100% tension increase) in the myosin periodicity, suggesting that such spacing changes correspond to a tension-related extension of the myosin filaments. Elongation of the myosin filament backbone amounts to approximately 2.1 nm per half sarcomere. The results indicate that a large part (approximately 70%) of the sarcomere compliance of an active muscle is caused by the extensibility of the actin and myosin filaments; 42% of the compliance resides in the actin filaments, and 27% of it is in the myosin filaments.  相似文献   

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