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The oil‐seed cakes of neem (Azadirachta indica), castor (Ricinus communis), linseed (Linum usitatissimum), groundnut (Arachis hypogaea), mustard (Brassica campestris) and duan (Eruca sativa) were tested for their efficacious nature against plant‐parasitic nematodes and soil‐inhabiting fungi infesting lentil and also on the subsequent crop, mungbean in field trials. The population of plant‐parasitic nematodes such as Meloidogyne incognita, Rotylenchulus reniformis, Tylenchorhynchus brassicae, Helicoty‐lenchus indicus etc., and the frequency of pathogenic fungi Macrophomina phaseolina, Fusarium oxysporum f. lentis, Rhizoctonia solarii, Septoria leguminum, Sclerotium rolfsii, etc., were significantly reduced by the incorporation of oil‐seed cakes, however, the frequency of saprophytic fungi Aspergillus niger, Trichoderma viridae, Penicillium degetatum, etc., was increased. A several‐fold improvement was observed in plant‐growth parameters such as plant weight, percent pollen fertility, pod numbers, chlorophyll content, nitrate reducíase activity in leaves and root‐nodulation. The residual effects of different oil‐seed cakes were also noted in the subsequent crop, mungbean, in the next growing season. The population of plant‐parasitic nematodes and frequency of soil‐inhabiting fungi also influenced by the depth of ploughing.  相似文献   

Explosive radiations—substantial increases in net species diversification—have been considered one of the most intriguing diversification patterns across the Tree of Life, but the subsequent change, movement, and extinction of the constituent lineages make radiations hard to discern or understand as geological time passes. We used the megadiverse angiosperm genus Solanum L. (Solanaceae), with ca. 1200 currently accepted species distributed worldwide in a wide array of habitats, to explore these patterns on a global scale. We synthesized phylogenetic and distributional data for this ongoing radiation to show how dispersal events and past climatic changes have interacted to shape diversification. We find that, despite the vast diversity of Solanum lineages in the Neotropics, lineages in the Old World are diversifying more rapidly. This recent increase in diversification coincides with a long‐distance dispersal event from the Neotropics to regions where major climatic changes were taking place. Two separate groups of Solanum have migrated and established in Australia, but only the arid‐adapted lineages underwent significant increases in diversification rate, as they were able to adapt to the continent's long‐term climatic trend towards seasonally dry and arid biomes (a pattern observed in the diversification of other arid‐adapted groups). Our findings provide a clear example of how successful colonization of new areas and niches can—but does not always—drive explosive diversifications.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins of plants have originally been identified as proteins that are strongly induced upon biotic and abiotic stress. These proteins fall into 17 distinct classes (PR1–PR17). The mode of action of most of these PR proteins has been well characterized, except for PR1, which belongs to a widespread superfamily of proteins that share a common CAP domain. Proteins of this family are not only expressed in plants but also in humans and in many different pathogens, including phytopathogenic nematodes and fungi. These proteins are associated with a diverse range of physiological functions. However, their precise mode of action has remained elusive. The importance of these proteins in immune defence is illustrated by the fact that PR1 overexpression in plants results in increased resistance against pathogens. However, PR1-like CAP proteins are also produced by pathogens and deletion of these genes results in reduced virulence, suggesting that CAP proteins can exert both defensive and offensive functions. Recent progress has revealed that plant PR1 is proteolytically cleaved to release a C-terminal CAPE1 peptide, which is sufficient to activate an immune response. The release of this signalling peptide is blocked by pathogenic effectors to evade immune defence. Moreover, plant PR1 forms complexes with other PR family members, including PR5, also known as thaumatin, and PR14, a lipid transfer protein, to enhance the host's immune response. Here, we discuss possible functions of PR1 proteins and their interactors, particularly in light of the fact that these proteins can bind lipids, which have important immune signalling functions.  相似文献   

Light is the energy source for plant photosynthesis and influences plant growth and development. Through multiple photoreceptors, plant interprets light signals through various downstream phytohormones such as auxin. Recently, Chen et al. (2020) uncover a new layer of regulation in IPyA pathway of auxin biosynthesis by light. Here we highlight recent studies about how light controls plant growth through regulating auxin biosynthesis and signaling.  相似文献   

Disentangling the effects of plant diversity on the control of herbivores is important for understanding agricultural sustainability. Recent studies have investigated the relationships between plant diversity and arthropod communities at the landscape scale, but few have done so at the local scale. We conducted a meta‐analysis of 32 papers containing 175 independent measures of the relationship between plant diversity and arthropod communities. We found that generalist predators had a strong positive response to plant diversity, that is, their abundance increased as plant diversity increased. Herbivores, in contrast, had an overall weak and negative response to plant diversity. However, specialist and generalist herbivores differed in their response to plant diversity, that is, the response was negative for specialists and not significant for generalists. While the effects of scale remain unclear, the response to plant diversity tended to increase for specialist herbivores, but decrease for generalist herbivores as the scale increased. There was no clear effect of scale on the response of generalist predators to plant diversity. Our results suggest that the response of herbivores to plant diversity at the local scale is a balance between habitat and trophic effects that vary according to arthropod specialization and habitat type. Synthesis and applications. Positive effects of plant diversity on generalist predators confirm that, at the local scale, plant diversification of agroecosystems is a credible and promising option for increasing pest regulation. Results from our meta‐analysis suggest that natural control in plant‐diversified systems is more likely to occur for specialist than for generalist herbivores. In terms of pest management, our results indicate that small‐scale plant diversification (via the planting of cover crops or intercrops and reduced weed management) is likely to increase the control of specialist herbivores by generalist predators.  相似文献   

This is the first comprehensive analysis of vascular plant diversity patterns in the Aleutian Islands to identify and quantify the impact of Aleutian Island distance dispersal barriers, geographical, ecological and anthropogenic factors. Data from public Open Access databases, printed floristic accounts, and from collections made by the primary author were used to develop an Aleutian floristic database. The most common plant distribution pattern was “an eastern origin community”, though it compared similarly to the “Western” and “Widespread” distribution pattern. We established an ecological plant community composition class for each island, based on clustering species assemblage dissimilarity measurements (Jaccard Index), and a measurement of phylogenetic dissimilarity (UniFrac). We modelled these composition classes and species richness values in non‐parametric algorithmic models and concepts (data cloning using machine learning, stochastic boosting‐ TreeNet) based on classic and Aleutians‐specific island biogeography hypotheses. Plant species richness is strongly associated with the equilibrium model variables of area and island isolation, as well as distance to the Alaska Peninsula, and island total stream length. Species composition is strongly associated with the landmass groups during the last glacial maximum, maximum island elevation, island isolation and island area. Phylogenetic composition is associated with island area, distance from the islands to the Chukotka Peninsula, maximum island elevation, island geologic age, and island isolation. This study extends the equilibrium theory of island biogeography by including additional drivers of diversity during the Anthropocene, such as the landmass during the LGM, as well as factors that may be related to anthropogenic extinction rate.  相似文献   

Some herbivores deliberately consume a mixed diet, either to obtain a superior mix of nutrients or to avoid consuming too much of any one toxin. Few studies have examined diet mixing in parasitic plants, which typically have very broad host ranges. We offered the parasitic plant Cuscuta indecora (dodder), a range of mixtures of two hosts (Iva frutescens and Borrichia frutescens) in the greenhouse, and observed correlations between the host community and Cuscuta infection in the field. In the greenhouse, Cuscuta performed better on mixtures with a higher relative abundance of Iva. Cuscuta selectively foraged on whichever host was more abundant (diet switching), the exact opposite of the behavior that would be expected if diet mixing was advantageous. In the field, the intensity of Cuscuta infections was decreased by the presence of non-hosts (grasses), not strongly affected by the presence of intermediate hosts, and increased by the presence of Borrichia. We conclude that Cuscuta does not obtain nutritional benefits from a broad diet, but instead is constrained by its relative lack of mobility to attack hosts of intermediate value. In general, the lack of mobility of parasitic plants compared to herbivores probably selects for broad host ranges in parasitic plants.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to diagnose changes in species composition and their dynamics caused by human impact in aquatic and marsh vegetation in the contemporary agricultural landscape. The most serious threat was an increase in the nitrogen content of surface waters and groundwater which had resulted from the intensive management of the surrounding areas. Floristic data were collected in a lake, peaty pools and a drainage ditch within agricultural areas in the Wielkopolska region (West Poland) in 2006–2007, and compared with data from 1976–1980. The species richness had significantly increased and the shares of sociological and geographical–historical groups had changed clearly. This was reflected in an increase in the synanthropization index from 32.6 to 48.5. All the changes resulted from human impact, which had caused the acceleration of eutrophication in the water bodies. The natural plant succession, especially in the reed beds and sedge communities, was also accelerated due to human pressure. The vascular plant species richness in aquatic and marsh habitats increased by 40, because 15 species had disappeared and 55 new had appeared. However, six moss and four stonewort species had disappeared and only three new moss species were found. The increase in species richness did not raise the natural value of the flora, because the new species group is composed mainly of synanthropic species: native (apophytes) and alien, whereas all the lost species are endangered and rare native species (spontaneophytes), which occur only in natural or seminatural conditions. On the local scale, as species richness increases, plant communities lose their natural value. As an effect of synanthropization the stenotopic species disappear, while the widespread species spread even more. The increase in species richness is a consequence of appearance of species with a wide ecological scale that are not typical for aquatic ecosystems in patches of emergent vegetation. Finally, the species diversity of the whole landscape declines.  相似文献   

This article uses representative data on a sample of Australian workers to examine whether non‐English‐speaking‐background [NESB] immigrants are disadvantaged in terms of access to, and participation in, employment‐related training. Results from the estimation of logit models explaining participation in various types of training indicate that NESB immigrant workers have much lower probabilities of receiving training, even after holding other individual and employment characteristics constant. Further, this differential was generally found to be most pronounced for those immigrants with English‐language difficulties. Decomposition of the training differential, however, suggests that part of the explanation for the lesser incidence of training among NESB immigrants may well lie in employer‐based discrimination.  相似文献   

The composition of the Dolichopodid fauna was studied at various sites within nymphaeid stands during one growth season in an oxbow lake with the aid of adhesive traps; additional observations were made by means of hand-net collecting at various localities within nymphaeid stands. The first method gave the best results.

With this method the species composition, diversity, spatial and temporal distribution of the Dolichopodid fauna within nymphaeid stands could be described.

Nine species appeared to be common, viz. )in order of decreasing numbers( Hydrophorus praecox )Lehm.(, Dolichopus latilimbatus Mcq.1(, Campsicnemus picticornis )Zett.(, Rhaphium antennatum )Carl.(, Dolichopus nubilus Mg., Hydrophorus litoreus Fall., Campsicnemus pectinulatus Lw., Campsicnemus lumbatus Lw. and Rhaphium elegantulum )Mg.(. With respect to the spatial distribution within the nymphaeid zone both Hydrophorus species were found in large numbers on sites bordering on the open water, while the largest numbers of all other species mentioned above were caught on sites near the helophyte zone. A distinct succession of Dolichopodid species with respect to their numbers could be observed during the growth season on the floating leaves in the sequence Hydrophorus, Campsicnemus, Rhaphium and Dolichopus spp.

The reasons for these distribution patterns are discussed on the basis of what is known of the ecology and behaviour of the various species.  相似文献   

Vegetation structure and plant species diversity of restoration sites are predicted to directly affect pollinator attraction, with potential impacts on gene flow, reproduction, genetic diversity of future generations, and ultimately restoration success. We compared Banksia attenuata R.Br. (Proteaceae) in a low species diversity restoration site and an adjacent natural remnant. We assessed fecundity genetic diversity in adult plants and their offspring, mating system parameters and pollen dispersal using paternity assignment. Results were compared to an earlier study of reproductive functionality within a high species diversity restoration site that was restored in a similar manner, enabling us to investigate any association between plant species diversity and fecundity. Seed set data indicated no significant differences between restored and adjacent natural sites; however, seed set data between restoration sites was significantly different (2.08 ± 0.39 and 6.89 ± 1.12, respectively). The mean number of fruits (follicles) per inflorescence was not significantly different between restoration sites. Genetic diversity of adult plants and their offspring were comparable in all sites. Higher allelic richness and genetic differentiation in one restored site reflected sourcing beyond local provenance. Low correlated paternity indicated high levels of multiple siring of seeds and paternity assignment demonstrated strong genetic connectivity between sites. Reproductive functionality, as measured by fecundity and genetic diversity in the offspring of B. attenuata, is resilient to low species diversity within a restored plant community. We consider our results in the context of establishing seed production areas (SPAs) that maximize the quantity and genetic quality of Banksia seeds for restoration.  相似文献   

This study aimed to (i) investigate the congruence among the species composition and diversity of bryophytes and vascular plants in forests; (ii) test if site prioritization for conservation aims by the maximization of the pooled number of vascular plant species is effective to maximize the pooled number of bryophyte species. The study was performed in six forests in Tuscany, Italy. Four-hundred and twenty vascular plant species (61 of which were woody) and 128 bryophyte species were recorded in 109 plots. Despite the good predictive value of the compositional patterns of both woody plants and total vascular with respect to the compositional pattern of bryophytes, the species richness of the latter was only marginally related to the species richness of the former two. Bryophyte rare species were not spatially related to rare plant species and neither coincided with the sites of highest plant species richness. The species accumulation curves of bryophytes behaved differently with respect to those of woody plants or total vascular plants. Reserve selection analysis based on the maximization of the pooled species richness of either woody plants or total vascular plants were not effective in maximizing the pooled species richness of bryophytes. This study indicates that species diversity of vascular plants is not likely to be a good indicator of the bryophyte species diversity in Mediterranean forests.  相似文献   

Salazar  Diego  Jaramillo  Alejandra  Marquis  Robert J. 《Oecologia》2016,181(4):1199-1208
Oecologia - Understanding the role of diversity in ecosystem processes and species interactions is a central goal of ecology. For plant–herbivore interactions, it has been hypothesized that...  相似文献   

History and current status of human taeniasis in the Republic of Korea, due to Taenia solium, Taenia asiatica, and Taenia saginata, are briefly reviewed. Until the 1980s, human taeniasis had been quite common in various localities of Korea. A study from 1924 reported 12.0% egg prevalence in fecal examinations. Thereafter, the prevalence of Taenia spp. ranged from 3% to 14% depending on the time and locality. Jeju-do, where pigs were reared in a conventional way, was the highest endemic area of taeniasis. An analysis of internal transcribed spacer 2 and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase 1 genes of 68 taeniasis cases reported from 1935 to 2005 in Korea by a research group revealed the relative occurrence of the 3 Taenia spp. as follows: T. solium (4.4%), T. asiatica (75.0%), and T. saginata (20.6%). However, national surveys on intestinal helminths conducted every 5 years on randomly selected people revealed that the Taenia egg prevalence dropped from 1.9% in 1971 to 0.02% in 1997 and finally to 0.0% in 2004. With the exception of 3 egg-positive cases reported in 2008 and 2 worm-proven cases in 2011, no more cases have been officially recorded. Based on these surveys and also on other literature, it can be concluded that taeniasis has virtually disappeared from Korea, although a few sporadic cases may remain hidden. Human cysticercosis is also expected to disappear within a couple of decades in Korea.  相似文献   

With 2285 species of higher plants crammed into 471 km2, the flora of South Africa's Cape Peninsula is exceptionally rich. Similar sized areas in other Mediterranean-climate region biodiversity hot-spots support between 4.7 and 2.7 times fewer species. The high plant species richness of the Cape Peninsula is due to the exceptionally high turnover between moderately species-rich sites in different habitats (beta diversity) and between sites in similar habitats along geographical gradients (gamma diversity). Highest beta diversity, encompassing almost complete turnover, was recorded along soil fertility gradients. Although similar patterns for these independent components explain the richness of other regions in the Cape Floristic Region, it is the very long and steep habitat gradients of the Cape Peninsula that makes this region exceptionally rich. Furthermore, the flora is characterized by a high degree of rarity, a phenomenon that undoubtedly influences the turnover. Future research should focus on developing a biological and ecological understanding of the different forms of rarity and integrating this into management plans for the maintenance of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Historical records, e.g., herbarium vouchers, contain information about species distribution since the early days of the scientific exploration of floras until today. These data provide crucial evidence to map the biodiversity of the area of interest and most importantly enable the evaluation of the conservation effectiveness for a given group of organisms. This study aimed to explore the ferns and lycophytes’ diversity of Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture in tropical China with special emphasis on conservation efforts provided by the currently established protected areas (PAs). Instead of relying exclusively on current observation, the database was compiled from digitalized herbarium vouchers and publications being explored with special attention on the temporal and spatial dimensions of collecting efforts. Utilizing the indices including species richness, weighed endemism, corrected weighted endemism, and beta diversity, hotspots of ferns and lycophytes’ diversity were identified. In turn, the proportion of hotspots located outside PAs was estimated as a measure of conservation gaps in Xishuangbanna. Our results revealed a long collecting history of ferns and lycophytes in Xishuangbanna and this prefecture accumulated a considerable number of historical records covering 20.2 % of Chinese and 3.6% of global fern diversity. The accumulation of historical records showed strong parallelism to the historical events shaping modern China. The spatial distribution of ferns and lycophytes in Xishuangbanna was characterized by a concentration of species richness in southern valleys and endemism in western and northern mountains. In terms of conservation, existing PAs showed higher effectiveness in the protection of species richness, whereas lower effectiveness was observed in the protection of endemism and beta diversity. Our research provided a key reference for understanding the diversity and conservation of ferns and lycophytes in Xishuangbanna, as well as highlighting the locality for future collecting and conservation efforts.  相似文献   


Comparisons were made between members of Missouri Citizens for Life (MCL) and of the Abortion Rights Alliance (ARA) of Missouri. ARA members were more educated, urbanized, and had fewer children. MCL members were predominantly Catholic, and compared to ARA members, highly religious. ARA members were more inclined to favor equality of the sexes, especially in their approval of the ERA. ARA members were politically more liberal and more committed to free speech for social deviants. MCL members were much more committed to a conservative approach to matters of personal morality. MCL members regarded suicide and euthanasia as more objectionable than did their ARA counterparts, but they were also more militaristic.  相似文献   


NO? alone is a poorly reactive species; however, it is able to undergo secondary reactions to form highly oxidizing and nitrating species, NO2?, N2O3, and ONOO?. These secondary reactive nitrogen species (RNS) are capable of modifying a diversity of biomolecular structures in the cell. The chemical properties of individual RNS will be discussed, along with their ability to react with amino acids, metal cofactors, lipids, cholesterol, and DNA bases and sugars. Many of the identified RNS-induced modifications have been observed both in vitro and in vivo. Several of these chemical modifications have been attributed with a functional role in the cell, such as the modulation of enzyme activity. Other areas in the field will be discussed, including the ability of RNS to react with metabolites, RNA, and substrates in the mitochondrion, and the cellular removal/repair of RNS-modified structures.  相似文献   

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