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The diseases of the Kafue lechwe (Kobus leche kafuensis) are reviewed in this paper. Kafue lechwe are an important natural resource for Zambia. Bovine tuberculosis is widespread within the lechwe population and they are host to many parasites, especially the warble Strobiloestrous vanzyli.  相似文献   

The composition of the rumen ciliate fauna in 76 Kafue lechwe inhabiting a limited area in Zambia was surveyed and five genera containing 24 species with 16 formae belonging to the family Ophryoscolecidae were identified. Four new species belonging to Diplodiniinae were recognized and described as Diplodinium lochinvarense n. sp., Diplodinium leche n. sp., Diplodinium zambiense n. sp., and Metadinium ossiculi n. sp. In addition, Ostracodinium gracile form fissilaminatum Dogiel, 1932 was found for the second time and described as Metadinium fissilaminatum n. comb. The species composition was fairly unusual. Seven of the species have been found only in African wild antelopes and these species were found more frequently than cosmopolitan species. There was no evidence of isotrichid species. The average density of ciliates per 1 ml of the rumen fluid was 25.7 x 10(4), and the number of ciliate species per head of host was 10.8.  相似文献   

The study determined heavy metal concentrations and MT1 nucleotide sequence [phylogeny] in liver of the Kafue lechwe. Applicability of MT1 as a biomarker of pollution was assessed. cDNA-encoding sequences for lechwe MT1 were amplified by RT-PCR to characterize the sequence of MT1 which was subjected to BLAST searching at NCBI. Phylogenetic relationships were based on pairwise matrix of sequence divergences calculated by Clustal W. Phylogenetic tree was constructed by NJ method using PHILLIP program. Metals were extracted by acid digestion and concentrations of Cr, Co, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, and Ni were determined using an AAS. MT1 mRNA expression levels were measured by quantitative comparative real-time RT-PCR. Lechwe MT1 has a length of 183bp, which encode for MT1 proteins of 61AA, which include 20 cysteines. Nucleotide sequence of lechwe MT1 showed identity with sheep MT (97%) and cattle MT1E (97%). Phylogenetic tree revealed that lechwe MT1 was clustered with sheep MT and cattle MT1E. Cu and Ni concentrations and MT1 mRNA expression levels of lechwe from Blue Lagoon were significantly higher than those from Lochinvar (p<0.05). Concentrations of Cd and Cu, Co and Cu, Co and Pb, Ni and Cu, and Ni and Cr were positively correlated. Spearman's rank correlations also showed positive correlations between Cu and Co concentrations and MT mRNA expression. PCA further suggested that MT mRNA expression was related to Zn and Cd concentrations. Hepatic MT1 mRNA expression in lechwe can be used as biomarker of heavy metal pollution.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The composition of the rumen ciliate fauna in 76 Kafue lechwe inhabiting a limited area in Zambia was surveyed and five genera containing 24 species with 16 formae belonging to the family Ophryoscolecidae were identified. Four new species belonging to Diplodiniinae were recognized and described as Diplodinium lochinvarense n. sp., Diplodinium leche n. sp., Diplodinium zambiense n. sp., and Metadinium ossiculi n. sp. In addition, Ostracodinium gracile form fissilaminatum Dogiel, 1932 was found for the second time and described as Metadinium fissilaminatum n. comb. The species composition was fairly unusual. Seven of the species have been found only in African wild antelopes and these species were found more frequently than cosmopolitan species. There was no evidence of isotrichid species. The average density of ciliates per 1 ml of the rumen fluid was 25.7 times 104, and the number of ciliate species per head of host was 10.8.  相似文献   

A method of collecting rumen fluid from free-living antelope is presented, together with the in vitro procedure used to try to estimate the digestibility of the herbage grazed by them. Modifications to this procedure are suggested, which it is thought would allow the calculation of a meaningful equation relating these data to digestibility estimates obtained by a chemical method.  相似文献   

An isolated population of red lechwe living in the Busanga Plain, Zambia, has been protected from human hunting since 1948. Probably as a result the population has increased, as indicated by reliable census data. From 1956 to 1972 this increase has very closely fitted an exponential rate; the calculated value of the infinitesimal rate of population increase (r) is 0–131, and the finite rate of increase is 14-0% per year. This exponential phase is considered to represent a segment of a logistic curve.  相似文献   

Lechwe habitat use was studied intensively for 2.5 years and monitored for a further 7.5 years in the Linyanti Swamp, northern Botswana. It was found to be highly selective with respect to both resting and feeding sites. The selection of resting sites was probably a function of predator avoidance behaviour, while the selection of feeding sites was probably a function of pasture quality. The results of the study were consistent with the argument of IIlius & Gordon (1987) that sexual segregation of feeding sites is due to allometry of food intake and with the contention of Jarman (1974) that social factors may also affect habitat use.


On a étudié intensément depuis 2.5 ans, et surveillé depuis 7.5 ans supplémentaires, la façon dont les Iechwe utilisent l'habitat dans les marais de Linyanti, au nord du Botswana. On a trouvé qu'ils étaient très selectifs, tant pour les endroits de repos que pour ceux où ils se nourrissent. La sélection des endroits de repos était liée au comportement visant àéviter les prédateurs, tandis que le choix des sites de nourrissage était probablement fonction de la qualité du fourrage. Les résultats de cette étude concordent avec la discussion de Illius & Gordon (1987) sur le fait que la ségrégation sexuelle des sites de nourrissage est due à l'allométrie de la ration alimentaire, et avec l'affirmation de Jarman (1974), que des facteurs sociaux aussi peuvent affecter l'utilisation de l'habitat.  相似文献   

Information on condition, growth and reproduction was collected from a sample of 155 female lechwe in the Linyanti Swamp, northern Botswana. Condition varied significantly with age, reproductive state and season and indications were found of relationships between body mass and the attainment of puberty in young females and body mass and the fertility of adult females. There were also indications that the population was under nutritional stress because of high water levels and that this had caused reductions in the growth rate and fertility of young females. It is suggested that the sensitivity of young females to adverse environmental conditions could be exploited to optimize population monitoring for conservation purposes by using them as an indicator class, rather than monitoring the entire population. Because of relationships between condition, growth and reproduction, it is also suggested that long-term monitoring of condition should form part of any effort to understand population dynamics.  相似文献   



The Kafue lechwe (Kobus leche Kafuensis), a medium-sized semi-aquatic antelope, is endemic to the Kafue basin of Zambia. The population of the Kafue lechwe has significantly dropped in the last decades leading to its subsequent inclusion on the red list of endangered species. In order to save the remaining population from extinction, it has become increasingly important that the impact of parasite infection and infestation on the Kafue lechwe is investigated.


Endoparasites accounted for the majority of parasites observed from a study of 40 Kafue lechwe occurring in the the Kafue basin. Amphistoma spp. were present in all animals examined, while Fasciola gigantica had a prevalence rate of 0.525 (95% CI: 0.36 to 0.69) and species of Schistosoma 0.3 (95% CI: 0.15 to 0.45). Among the ectoparasites, Strobiloestrous vanzyli, had a prevalence rate of 0.15 (95% CI: 0.03 to 0.27), while Rhipicephalus appendiculatus had a prevalence of 0.075 (3/40). Our findings indicate that body condition was not influenced by the parasitic infestation in Kafue lechwe. There was no association between sex and parasitic burden (odds ratio = 0.3, 95% CI: 0.8-1.3). However, an association between age and parasitic burden was observed as older animals above 15 years were more likely to get parasite infections than those aged between 1-5 years (odds ratio = 1.5, 95% CI: 1.1-2.4).


Overall, there was no evidence that parasitic infections and infestations adversely affected the lechwe population on the Kafue basin. These findings indicate that ecto- and endo-parasite infestation might not play a significant role in reducing the Kafue lechwe population on the Kafue basin.

Summary Bilatorchis papillogenitalis n.g., n.sp. from the red lechwe, Kobus leche Gray, 1850, from Zambia is described and illustrated. It is assigned to the subfamily Orthocoelinae Price & McIntosh, 1953 and distinguished from other members of the subfamily by the lateral and symmetrical position of the testes in the posterior third of the body between the caecal ends and the acetabulum, the intertesticular position of the ovary and Mehlis' gland and the limited extent of the caeca which end only at the level of the anterior border of the testes. A new type of genital atrium, papillogenitalis type is proposed for B. papillogenitalis, Calicophoron papillosum, Carmyerius parvipapillatus and, possibly, Orthocoelium parvipapillatum. The genus Cochinocotyle Gupta & Gupta, 1970 is moved to the subfamily Orthocoelinae.Supported by a scholarship grant under the 4th Education Project of the Philippines with the World Bank.Supported by a scholarship grant under the 4th Education Project of the Philippines with the World Bank.  相似文献   

Aerial surveys from 1970 onwards suggest a stable Kafue lechwe population of 94 000±9% on the Kafue Flats. The present distribution shows a contraction in dry and wet season range in comparison with 1953/54. Sex ratios of populations on both the North and South banks of the Kafue river do not differ significantly from unity. North bank males have a higher survival rate than South bank males. Survival curves for males and females on the South bank show the same pattern. For both the 1971 and 1972 breeding seasons 73% of South bank females older than 1½ years are expected to have bred successfully. The peaks of conceptions for both seasons are from mid-December to mid-March, suggesting a main lambing period from mid-July until mid-October. Present sex ratio, age structure, reproductive status and the reproductive cycle have been compared with 1961/62 data. Variation in physical condition, based on monthly measurements of the kidney fat percentage, dressing-out percentage and live weight, although influenced by the physiological demands of rut and pregnancy, is correlated with the availability of flood-plain grazing. The lowest values of condition parameters are found during the period of maximum flood, after the end of the rains (April/May), until the receding flood makes flood-plain grazing available, usually in early June. A high level of tuberculosis, lungworm infection and many other pathogens amongst the South bank population are reported. Animals from the North bank are thought to be in better physical condition. The Kafue Gorge dam, completed in 1971, and the Iteshi-teshi dam, at present under construction, will prolong the high flood period in wet years and prevent most flooding in dry years, both of these effects will reduce the carrying capacity of the flood plain for lechwe and a large reduction of the size of the population is expected to result from the operation of the dams.  相似文献   

Babesia spp. were detected from 4 asymptomatic pukus captured on a game ranch in central Zambia in October 2008. Blood smears were examined in 4 species of aymptomatic free-ranging antelopes, namely the puku (Kobus vordanii), reedbuck (Redunca arundinum), bushbuck (Tragelaphus sylvaticus), and kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros), and showed the presence of Babesia parasites only in the puku. In the puku, the prevalence of babesiosis was estimated at 33.3% (n = 12), while the overall prevalence in all examined animals was 8.5% (n = 47). The parasites showed morphological characteristics of paired ring-like stages with the length varying between 1.61 μm and 3.02 μm (mean = 2.12 μm, n = 27; SD = 0.76 μm). Both the infected and non-infected pukus showed good body condition scores (BCS), while the dominant tick species detected from all animals were Rhipicephalus appendiculatus, Rhipicephalus spp., and Boophilus spp. To our knowledge this is the first report of Babesia spp. infection in pukus in Zambia. These findings suggest that wildlife could play an important role in the epidemiology of babesiosis in Zambia.  相似文献   

This study investigated the exposure of jaguar populations and domestic animals to smooth Brucella, Leptospira spp. and Toxoplasma gondii in the Cerrado, Pantanal and Amazon biomes of Brazil. Between February 2000 and January 2010, serum samples from 31 jaguars (Panthera onca), 1,245 cattle (Bos taurus), 168 domestic dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) and 29 domestic cats (Felis catus) were collected and analysed by rose bengal test for smooth Brucella, microscopic agglutination test for Leptospira spp. and modified agglutination test for T. gondii. Cattle populations from all sites (9.88%) were exposed to smooth Brucella, but only one jaguar from Cerrado was exposed to this agent. Jaguars captured in the Cerrado (60.0%) and in the Pantanal (45.5%) were seropositive for different serovars of Leptospira spp., cattle (72.18%) and domestic dogs (13.1%) from the three sites and one domestic cat from Pantanal were also seropositive for the agent. The most prevalent serotype of Leptospira spp. identified in jaguars from the Cerrado (Grippotyphosa) and the Pantanal (Pomona) biomes were distinct from those found in the domestic animals sampled. Jaguars (100%), domestic dogs (38.28%) and domestic cats (82.76%) from the three areas were exposed to T. gondii. Our results show that brucellosis and leptospirosis could have been transmitted to jaguars by domestic animals; and jaguars probably play an important role in the maintenance of T. gondii in nature.  相似文献   

The mating system and ecology of black lechwe Kobus leche smithemani was studied in the Bangweulu Basin, northern Zambia. Black lechwe were migratory and concentrated at high density during the wet season on shallow water floodplain and peripheral grassland. Female lechwe were evenly distributed in small groups within the two major habitat types, and density was related to water depth and the quality of vegetation. A proportion of the adult male population defended small, contiguous, resource-based territories of approximately 1–2 ha in size. Particularly high density concentrations of male and female lechwe occurred on small raised areas, which remained dry in comparison to the inundated floodplain. These areas superficially resembled the leks of other reduncine antelope. However, the presence of vegetational resources and the comparatively low levels of agonistic and sexual behaviour suggested that raised areas were clusters of resource-based territories. We suggest that the absence of lek-breeding in this high density population of lechwe is related to the homogeneity of vegetational resources and the corresponding even distribution of females. This may have led to a reduction in male harassment of oestrous females and the increased ability of males to retain oestrous females within single resource territories.  相似文献   

This study investigated interactions among Fasciola gigantica, Schistosoma spp. and Amphistomum spp. concurrent natural infections in Zambian cattle, based on egg and worm counts. In the abattoir 315 cattle were screened for worms of F. gigantica in the liver, Schistosoma spp. in mesenteric veins and/or Amphistomum spp. in the rumen. One hundred and thirty-three (42.2%) of the abattoir-examined cattle harboured one, two or all three trematodes. Of 133 cattle, 50 were randomly selected for worm and egg counts. The mean numbers (+/- SD) of Amphistomum, Schistosoma and Fasciola were 622.08 (+/- 97.87), 33.68 (+/- 7.44) and 19.46 (+/- 4.58), respectively. A total of 32% harboured all the three trematodes, 66% had F. gigantica and Amphistomum spp. infections, 52% had Schistosoma spp. and Amphistomum spp. infections while 32% had F. gigantica and Schistosoma infections. A positive correlation (P = 0.014) was found between F. gigantica and Amphistomum worm burdens. There were no correlations between Amphistomum and Schistosoma worm burdens and between F. gigantica and Schistosoma worm burdens. It may be concluded that there is no significant cross-protection among these trematodes in cattle in endemic areas.  相似文献   

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