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Methanogenesis represents an important electron sink reaction in the hindgut of soil-feeding termites. This is the first comprehensive analysis of the archaeal community structure within the highly compartmentalized intestinal tract of a humivorous insect, combining clonal analysis and terminal restriction fragment (T-RF) length polymorphism (T-RFLP) fingerprinting of the archaeal communities in the different gut compartments of Cubitermes orthognathus. We found that the morphological and physicochemical heterogeneity of the gut is reflected in a large phylogenetic diversity and pronounced axial differences in the composition of the archaeal gut microbiota, notably among those clones or ribotypes that could be assigned to methanogenic taxa. Comparative analysis of the relative frequencies of different archaeal lineages among the small-subunit rRNA gene (SSU rDNA) clones and their corresponding T-RF indicated that the archaeal community in the anterior, extremely alkaline hindgut compartment (P1) consists mainly of members of the Methanosarcinaceae, whereas Methanobacteriaceae and Methanomicrobiales predominate in the subsequent, more posterior compartments (P3/4a and P4b). The relative abundance of Thermoplasmales increased towards the rectum (P5). SSU rDNA sequences representing Crenarchaeota, which have not yet been reported to occur in the intestinal tracts of arthropods, were detected in all gut sections. We discuss how the spatial distribution of methanogenic populations may be linked to axial heterogeneity in the physicochemical gut conditions and to functional adaptations to their respective ecological niches.  相似文献   

Members of the phylum Planctomycetes are found in aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Here we show that the highest density of Planctomycetes in natural environments (2.6 × 109 cells ml−1) is encountered in the hindgut of soil-feeding termites ( Cubitermes spp.), where they constitute up to one-third of the bacteria in the alkaline P3 compartment detected by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). A 16S-rRNA-based approach revealed that the planctomycete community is very diverse and falls into three major clusters representing novel, deeply branching lineages. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis and FISH with cluster-specific oligonucleotide probes confirmed that most of the lineages are also present in other gut compartments, albeit in much lower numbers, but absent from the food soil. The majority of planctomycetes in the gut belong to a large clade, the 'Termite planctomycete cluster', which consists exclusively of clones from termite guts and seems to be represented in all termite species.  相似文献   

It has been shown that the coexistence of methanogenesis and reductive acetogenesis in the hindgut of the wood-feeding termite Reticulitermes flavipes is based largely on the radial distribution of the respective microbial populations and relatively high hydrogen partial pressures in the gut lumen. Using Clark-type microelectrodes, we showed that the situation in Cubitermes orthognathus and other soil-feeding members of the subfamily Termitinae is different and much more complex. All major compartments of agarose-embedded hindguts were anoxic at the gut center, and high H(2) partial pressures (1 to 10 kPa) in the alkaline anterior region rendered the mixed segment and the third proctodeal segment (P3) significant sources of H(2). Posterior to the P3 segment, however, H(2) concentrations were generally below the detection limit (<100 Pa). All hindgut compartments turned into efficient hydrogen sinks when external H(2) was supplied, but methane was formed mainly in the P3/4a and P4b compartments, and in the latter only when H(2) or formate was added. Addition of H(2) to the gas headspace stimulated CH(4) emission of living termites, indicating that endogenous H(2) production limits methanogenesis also in vivo. At the low H(2) partial pressures in the posterior hindgut, methanogens would most likely outcompete homoacetogens for this electron donor. This might explain the apparent predominance of methanogenesis over reductive acetogenesis in the hindgut of soil-feeding termites, although the presence of homoacetogens in the anterior, highly alkaline region cannot yet be excluded. In addition, the direct contact of anterior and posterior hindgut compartments in situ permits a cross-epithelial transfer of H(2) or formate, which would not only fuel methanogenesis in these compartments, but would also create favorable microniches for reductive acetogenesis. In situ rates and spatial distribution of H(2)-dependent acetogenic activities are addressed in a companion paper (A. Tholen and A. Brune, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 65:4497-4505, 1999).  相似文献   

Methanogenesis and homoacetogenesis occur simultaneously in the hindguts of almost all termites, but the reasons for the apparent predominance of methanogenesis over homoacetogenesis in the hindgut of the humivorous species is not known. We found that in gut homogenates of soil-feeding Cubitermes spp., methanogens outcompete homoacetogens for endogenous reductant. The rates of methanogenesis were always significantly higher than those of reductive acetogenesis, whereas the stimulation of acetogenesis by the addition of exogenous H(2) or formate was more pronounced than that of methanogenesis. In a companion paper, we reported that the anterior gut regions of Cubitermes spp. accumulated hydrogen to high partial pressures, whereas H(2) was always below the detection limit (<100 Pa) in the posterior hindgut, and that all hindgut compartments turned into efficient H(2) sinks when external H(2) was provided (D. Schmitt-Wagner and A. Brune, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 65:4490-4496, 1999). Using a microinjection technique, we found that only the posterior gut sections P3/4a and P4b, which harbored methanogenic activities, formed labeled acetate from H(14)CO(3)(-). Enumeration of methanogenic and homoacetogenic populations in the different gut sections confirmed the coexistence of both metabolic groups in the same compartments. However, the in situ rates of acetogenesis were strongly hydrogen limited; in the P4b section, no activity was detected unless external H(2) was added. Endogenous rates of reductive acetogenesis in isolated guts were about 10-fold lower than the in vivo rates of methanogenesis, but were almost equal when exogenous H(2) was supplied. We conclude that the homoacetogenic populations in the posterior hindgut are supported by either substrates other than H(2) or by a cross-epithelial H(2) transfer from the anterior gut regions, which may create microniches favorable for H(2)-dependent acetogenesis.  相似文献   

Soil-feeding termites play important roles in the dynamics of carbon and nitrogen in tropical soils. Through the mineralization of nitrogenous humus components, their intestinal tracts accumulate enormous amounts of ammonia, and nitrate and nitrite concentrations are several orders of magnitude above those in the ingested soil. Here, we studied the metabolism of nitrate in the different gut compartments of two Cubitermes and one Ophiotermes species using (15)N isotope tracer analysis. Living termites emitted N(2) at rates ranging from 3.8 to 6.8 nmol h(-1) (g fresh wt.)(-1). However, in homogenates of individual gut sections, denitrification was restricted to the posterior hindgut, whereas nitrate ammonification occurred in all gut compartments and was the prevailing process in the anterior gut. Potential rates of nitrate ammonification for the entire intestinal tract were tenfold higher than those of denitrification, implying that ammonification is the major sink for ingested nitrate in the intestinal tract of soil-feeding termites. Because nitrate is efficiently reduced already in the anterior gut, reductive processes in the posterior gut compartments must be fuelled by an endogenous source of oxidized nitrogen species. Quite unexpectedly, we observed an anaerobic oxidation of (15)N-labelled ammonia to nitrite, especially in the P4 section, which is presumably driven by ferric iron; nitrification and anammox activities were not detected. Two of the termite species also emitted substantial amounts of N(2) O, ranging from 0.4 to 3.9 nmol h(-1) (g fresh wt.)(-1), providing direct evidence that soil-feeding termites are a hitherto unrecognized source of this greenhouse gas in tropical soils.  相似文献   

The hindgut of soil-feeding termites is highly compartmentalized and characterized by pronounced axial dynamics of the intestinal pH and microbial processes such as hydrogen production, methanogenesis, and reductive acetogenesis. Nothing is known about the bacterial diversity and the abundance or axial distribution of the major phylogenetic groups in the different gut compartments. In this study, we showed that the variety of physicochemical conditions is reflected in the diversity of the microbial communities in the different gut compartments of two Cubitermes species (TERMITIDAE: Termitinae). 16S rRNA gene clones from the highly alkaline first proctodeal segment (P1) of Cubitermes orthognathus represented almost exclusively gram-positive bacteria with low G+C content (LGC bacteria). In the posterior gut segments, their proportion decreased progressively, and the clone libraries comprised a variety of phyla, including the Cytophaga-Flexibacter-Bacteroides group, various subgroups of Proteobacteria, and the spirochetes. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that many of the clones clustered with sequences from the guts of other termites, and some even formed clusters containing only clones from C. orthognathus. The abundance and axial distribution of major phylogenetic groups in the gut of Cubitermes ugandensis were determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization with group-specific oligonucleotide probes. While the results were generally in good agreement with those of the clonal analysis, direct counts with probes specific for the Planctomycetales revealed a severe underestimation of representatives of this phylum in the clone libraries. Results obtained with newly designed FISH probes directed against two clusters of LGC clones from C. orthognathus indicated that the clones were restricted to specific gut regions. A molecular fingerprinting analysis published in a companion paper (D. Schmitt-Wagner, M. W. Friedrich, B. Wagner, and A. Brune, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 69:6018-6024, 2003) corroborated the presence of compartment-specific bacterial communities in the gut of different Cubitermes species.  相似文献   

In tropical ecosystems, termite mound soils constitute an important soil compartment covering around 10% of African soils. Previous studies have shown (S. Fall, S. Nazaret, J. L. Chotte, and A. Brauman, Microb. Ecol. 28:191-199, 2004) that the bacterial genetic structure of the mounds of soil-feeding termites (Cubitermes niokoloensis) is different from that of their surrounding soil. The aim of this study was to characterize the specificity of bacterial communities within mounds with respect to the digestive and soil origins of the mound. We have compared the bacterial community structures of a termite mound, termite gut sections, and surrounding soil using PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis and cloning and sequencing of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene fragments. DGGE analysis revealed a drastic difference between the genetic structures of the bacterial communities of the termite gut and the mound. Analysis of 266 clones, including 54 from excised bands, revealed a high level of diversity in each biota investigated. The soil-feeding termite mound was dominated by the Actinobacteria phylum, whereas the Firmicutes and Proteobacteria phyla dominate the gut sections of termites and the surrounding soil, respectively. Phylogenetic analyses revealed a distinct clustering of Actinobacteria phylotypes between the mound and the surrounding soil. The Actinobacteria clones of the termite mound were diverse, distributed among 10 distinct families, and like those in the termite gut environment lightly dominated by the Nocardioidaceae family. Our findings confirmed that the soil-feeding termite mound (C. niokoloensis) represents a specific bacterial habitat in the tropics.  相似文献   

Higher termites are characterized by a purely prokaryotic gut microbiota and an increased compartmentation of their intestinal tract. In soil-feeding species, each gut compartment has different physicochemical conditions and is colonized by a specific microbial community. Although considerable information has accumulated also for wood-feeding species of the genus Nasutitermes, including cellulase activities and metagenomic data, a comprehensive study linking physicochemical gut conditions with the structure of the microbial communities in the different gut compartments is lacking. In this study, we measured high-resolution profiles of H(2), O(2), pH, and redox potential in the gut of Nasutitermes corniger termites, determined the fermentation products accumulating in the individual gut compartments, and analyzed the bacterial communities in detail by pyrotag sequencing of the V3-V4 region of the 16S rRNA genes. The dilated hindgut paunch (P3 compartment) was the only anoxic gut region, showed the highest density of bacteria, and accumulated H(2) to high partial pressures (up to 12 kPa). Molecular hydrogen is apparently produced by a dense community of Spirochaetes and Fibrobacteres, which also dominate the gut of other Nasutitermes species. All other compartments, such as the alkaline P1 compartment (average pH, 10.0), showed high redox potentials and comprised small but distinct populations characteristic for each gut region. In the crop and the posterior hindgut compartments, the community was even more diverse than in the paunch. Similarities in the communities of the posterior hindgut and crop suggested that proctodeal trophallaxis or coprophagy also occurs in higher termites. The large sampling depths of pyrotag sequencing in combination with the determination of important physicochemical parameters allow cautious conclusions concerning the functions of particular bacterial lineages in the respective gut sections to be drawn.  相似文献   

Two sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) were isolated from a mixed culture enriched with benzoate obtained from gut homogenate of the soil-feeding higher termite, Cubitermes speciosus. The organisms were vibrioid rods, staining Gram-negative, which performed incomplete substrate oxidation. They differed in several features. The smaller one, strain STp, was motile with a single polar flagellum. This strain differed from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans only by its inability to oxidize malate and pentanol. The bigger one, strain STg, differed from Desulfovibrio giganteus only by its nonmotility and a lower length. It is the first evidence of the presence of SRB in termite gut.  相似文献   

The morphology, histology and ultrastructure of the mesenteric and proctodaeal components of the mixed segment are described in detail, together with the disposition of the associated gut musculature, the patterns of peristalsis and the streaming movements of soil particles in the gut lumen. The mesenteric epithelium is characterized by very extensive basal infoldings which are associated with a large population of mitochondria, but evidence of significant protein synthesis and secretion is lacking. It is proposed that this tissue is a transporting epithelium whose major function is the secretion of a copious, K+ -rich fluid into the intestinal lumen to irrigate the hindgut (proctodaeum) and that alkaline hydrolysis of humic fractions by this fluid is an essential component of digestion.
Malpighian tubules are present, but do not participate in fluid excretion. Since the hind-guts of soil-feeding termites are exceptionally voluminous and elongated and the major symbiotic micro-organisms occupy fixed positions by virtue of their attachment to the lining cuticle, it is argued that flushing is necessary to sustain microbial activity and for the recovery of end-products by the host. A survey of the protodaeal epithelium suggests that the anterior colon (P4a) is the most likely site of fluid reabsorption and that the wall of the hindgut anterior to this site is impermeable. The greater degree of ultrastructural differentiation of the mixed segment of Cubitermes severus and its more complete morphological separation from the midgut suggests that this species is a more advanced soil-feeder than Procubitermes aburiensis.  相似文献   

The hindgut of soil-feeding termites is highly compartmentalized and characterized by pronounced axial dynamics of the intestinal pH and microbial processes such as hydrogen production, methanogenesis, and reductive acetogenesis. Nothing is known about the bacterial diversity and the abundance or axial distribution of the major phylogenetic groups in the different gut compartments. In this study, we showed that the variety of physicochemical conditions is reflected in the diversity of the microbial communities in the different gut compartments of two Cubitermes species (Termitidae: Termitinae). 16S rRNA gene clones from the highly alkaline first proctodeal segment (P1) of Cubitermes orthognathus represented almost exclusively gram-positive bacteria with low G+C content (LGC bacteria). In the posterior gut segments, their proportion decreased progressively, and the clone libraries comprised a variety of phyla, including the Cytophaga-Flexibacter-Bacteroides group, various subgroups of Proteobacteria, and the spirochetes. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that many of the clones clustered with sequences from the guts of other termites, and some even formed clusters containing only clones from C. orthognathus. The abundance and axial distribution of major phylogenetic groups in the gut of Cubitermes ugandensis were determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization with group-specific oligonucleotide probes. While the results were generally in good agreement with those of the clonal analysis, direct counts with probes specific for the Planctomycetales revealed a severe underestimation of representatives of this phylum in the clone libraries. Results obtained with newly designed FISH probes directed against two clusters of LGC clones from C. orthognathus indicated that the clones were restricted to specific gut regions. A molecular fingerprinting analysis published in a companion paper (D. Schmitt-Wagner, M. W. Friedrich, B. Wagner, and A. Brune, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 69:6018-6024, 2003) corroborated the presence of compartment-specific bacterial communities in the gut of different Cubitermes species.  相似文献   

The highly compartmentalized gut of soil-feeding termites is characterized by pronounced axial dynamics in physicochemical conditions and microbial processes. In a companion paper (D. Schmitt-Wagner, M. W. Friedrich, B. Wagner, and A. Brune, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 69:6007-6017, 2003), we demonstrated that the variety of physicochemical conditions in the different gut compartments of Cubitermes spp. is reflected in the diversity of the respective intestinal microbial communities. Here, we used molecular fingerprints of 16S rRNA genes of the bacterial community, obtained by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis, to describe the axial dynamics of the bacterial community structure in the different gut sections. Comparison of the T-RFLP profiles with the predicted terminal restriction fragments of the clones in clone libraries of the gut segments in Cubitermes orthognathus confirmed that all hindgut sections harbored distinct bacterial communities. Morisita indices of community similarity, calculated by comparing the different patterns, revealed large differences between the bacterial communities of soil, gut, and nest material and also among the individual gut sections. By contrast, comparison of the homologous gut segments of different Cubitermes species indicated that the three termite species investigated possessed a similar, gut-specific microbiota that remained comparatively stable even during several months of maintenance in the laboratory.  相似文献   

Abstract Cubitermes spp. are widely distributed soil-feeding termite species in sub-Saharan Africa which play a fundamental role in soil structure and fertility. A complex of at least four cryptic species (i.e., Cubitermes sp. affinis subarquatus complex of species) has been recently described using molecular markers. In order to investigate the breeding system of these species, five microsatellite markers were used to carry out parentage and relatedness analyses in 15 Gabonese colonies. Monogamy was confirmed as the predominant reproductive organization in Cubitermes spp. (76% of the colonies). Within 30% of these monogamous colonies, a high relatedness between reproductives was shown, suggesting that mating between related individuals occurs. However, Cubitermes colonies can deviate from monogamy. Indeed, parental contributions by at least two related reproductives of the same sex were revealed in four colonies and polyandry was demonstrated in two of them. Infiltration of reproductives in the colony is the most plausible explanation for such cases of polygamy in Cubitermes spp.  相似文献   

Abstract Isolates of the genus Streptomyces were readily obtained from the intestines of two African species of soil-feeding termites by an aerobic explant technique using starch casein medium, and from their parent soil and mound materials by dilution plating. Discriminant analysis of the isolates, based on 44 representative characters, showed that the population derived directly from the termites was significantly different from that of the feed soil or the mound. The termite gut was considered to be a good source of unusual actinomycetes, but strains isolated under aerobic conditions are likely to be allochthons selected by the intestinal environment, which is highly alkaline and anaerobic. An anaerobic, filamentous isolate was obtained which may be a component of the prokaryotic symbiont population mediating termite digestion.  相似文献   

Differences in microenvironment and interactions of microorganisms within and across habitat boundaries should influence structure and diversity of the microbial communities within an ecosystem. We tested this hypothesis using the well characterized gut tract of the European subterranean termite Reticulitermes santonensis as a model. By cloning and sequencing analysis and molecular fingerprinting (terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism), we characterized the bacterial microbiota in the major intestinal habitats - the midgut, the wall of the hindgut paunch, the hindgut fluid and the intestinal protozoa. The bacterial community was very diverse (> 200 ribotypes) and comprised representatives of several phyla, including Firmicutes (mainly clostridia, streptococci and Mycoplasmatales-related clones), Bacteroidetes, Spirochaetes and a number of Proteobacteria, all of which were unevenly distributed among the four habitats. The largest group of clones fell into the so-called Termite group 1 (TG-1) phylum, which has no cultivated representatives. The majority of the TG-1 clones were associated with the protozoa and formed two phylogenetically distinct clusters, which consisted exclusively of clones previously retrieved from the gut of this and other Reticulitermes species. Also the other clones represented lineages of microorganisms that were exclusively recovered from the intestinal tract of termites. The termite specificity of these lineages was underscored by the finding that the closest relatives of the bacterial clones obtained from R. santonensis were usually derived also from the most closely related termites. Overall, differences in diversity between the different gut habitats and the uneven distribution of individual phylotypes support conclusively that niche heterogeneity is a strong determinant of the structure and spatial organization of the microbial community in the termite gut.  相似文献   

The gut microbiota of termites plays critical roles in the symbiotic digestion of lignocellulose. While phylogenetically ‘lower termites’ are characterized by a unique association with cellulolytic flagellates, higher termites (family Termitidae) harbour exclusively prokaryotic communities in their dilated hindguts. Unlike the more primitive termite families, which primarily feed on wood, they have adapted to a variety of lignocellulosic food sources in different stages of humification, ranging from sound wood to soil organic matter. In this study, we comparatively analysed representatives of different taxonomic lineages and feeding groups of higher termites to identify the major drivers of bacterial community structure in the termite gut, using amplicon libraries of 16S rRNA genes from 18 species of higher termites. In all analyses, the wood‐feeding species were clearly separated from humus and soil feeders, irrespective of their taxonomic affiliation, offering compelling evidence that diet is the primary determinant of bacterial community structure. Within each diet group, however, gut communities of termites from the same subfamily were more similar than those of distantly related species. A highly resolved classification using a curated reference database revealed only few genus‐level taxa whose distribution patterns indicated specificity for certain host lineages, limiting any possible cospeciation between the gut microbiota and host to short evolutionary timescales. Rather, the observed patterns in the host‐specific distribution of the bacterial lineages in termite guts are best explained by diet‐related differences in the availability of microhabitats and functional niches.  相似文献   

Termites and cockroaches are closely related, with molecular phylogenetic analyses even placing termites within the radiation of cockroaches. The intestinal tract of wood-feeding termites harbors a remarkably diverse microbial community that is essential for the digestion of lignocellulose. However, surprisingly little is known about the gut microbiota of their closest relatives, the omnivorous cockroaches. Here, we present a combined characterization of physiological parameters, metabolic activities, and bacterial microbiota in the gut of Shelfordella lateralis, a representative of the cockroach family Blattidae, the sister group of termites. We compared the bacterial communities within each gut compartment using terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis and made a 16S rRNA gene clone library of the microbiota in the colon-the dilated part of the hindgut with the highest density and diversity of bacteria. The colonic community was dominated by members of the Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes (mainly Clostridia), and some Deltaproteobacteria. Spirochaetes and Fibrobacteres, which are abundant members of termite gut communities, were conspicuously absent. Nevertheless, detailed phylogenetic analysis revealed that many of the clones from the cockroach colon clustered with sequences previously obtained from the termite gut, which indicated that the composition of the bacterial community reflects at least in part the phylogeny of the host.  相似文献   

Clostridium mayombei sp. nov., a previously undescribed H2-oxidizing CO2-reducing acetogenic bacterium, was isolated from gut contents of the African soilfeeding termite, Cubitermes speciosus. Cells were anaerobic, Gram positive, catalase and oxidase negative, endospore-forming motile rods which measured 1×2 – 6 m and which had a DNA base composition of 25.6 mol% G+C (strain SFC-5). Optimum conditions for growth on H2+CO2 were at 33°C and pH 7.3, and under these conditions cells produced acetate according to the equation: 4 H2+2 CO2CH3COOH+2 H2O. Other substrates supporting good growth included carbohydrates (e.g. glucose, xylose, starch), sugar alcohols, and organic and amino acids, and with these substrates acetate was almost always the principle fermentation product. Comparative analysis of 16S rRNA nucleotide sequences confirmed that C. mayombei was closely related to various members of the genus Clostridium. However, morphological and physiological differences between C. mayombei and other homoacetogenic clostridia were deemed significant enough to warrant creation of a new taxon. Results are discussed in light of the diversity of H2/CO2 acetogens recently isolated from various termites, and in terms of the relative importance of H2/CO2 acetogenesis to termite nutrition.  相似文献   

Summary Termite mound densities in typical guinea savanna, Detarium, and grassland (boval) habitats in northern guinea savanna were determined by random quadratting of 2–3 sites in each habitat (100, 10x10 m quadrats per habitat). Dominant species in guinea savanna were T. geminatus (46 mounds ha-1) and T. oeconomus (21 mounds ha-1), in Detarium T. geminatus (59 mounds ha-1) and C. curtatus (45 mounds ha-1) and in boval C. curtatus (72 mounds ha-1) and T. geminatus (22 mounds ha-1). Only C. curtatus densities and total densities differed significantly between sites within habitats, but all species differed significantly in abundance between habitats. The composition of each community was related to general environment but no particular environmental variable was shown to be a major determinant of termite distribution. Evidence for the limitation of termite populations was obtained from indirect evidence of competition between colonies in Detarium, and by experimental manipulation of fire regimes in the typical guinea savanna habitat. Harvester termites increased four-five fold over two years in fire-protected plots as a result of increased food supplies. Total termite densities in the fire-protected community equilibrated to the new population density (100 mounds ha-1) after only two-three years.  相似文献   

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