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Two international meetings on ecological engineering, with a focus on riparian buffer zones, served as the source for selected papers in this special issue: (1) an International Workshop on Efficiency of Purification Processes in Riparian Buffer Zones: Their Design and Planning in Agricultural Watersheds, jointly organised by Hokkaido University, Japan, the National Agricultural Research Center for Hokkaido Region, Japan, Civil Engineering Research Institute of Hokkaido, Japan, and the Institute of Geography, University of Tartu, Estonia, and held from 5 to 9 November 2001 in Kushiro City, Hokkaido, Japan; and (2) an International Conference on Ecological Engineering for Landscape Services and Products, jointly organised by the International Ecological Engineering Society (IEES) and Lincoln University, Christchurch, New Zealand, and held from 25 to 29 November 2001 in Christchurch, New Zealand. At these two meetings, altogether 94 oral presentations (17 from invited speakers) and 15 posters by representatives from 21 countries were presented. The editorial paper highlights trends in investigation of the purification processes in riparian buffer zones as well as planning, design and management aspects of riparian buffers regarding the wide spectrum of their ecological functions; it characterises the two international meetings which served as sources for the selected papers and briefly explains the main aspects of these papers.  相似文献   

东风港滨岸缓冲带对水生生物群落结构的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选择苏州河的支流东风港为研究对象,选取其中一段人工建造滨岸缓冲带作为研究区,调查其水生生物群落并与对照区相比较,以具体说明滨岸缓冲带对水生生物群落结构的影响。通过对研究区与对照区内的浮游植物、浮游动物、底栖动物和大型水生植物的调查研究,结果显示,研究区浮游植物的种类数多于对照区,且以清水种占优势;浮游动物群落结构研究区明显比对照区复杂;底栖动物的种类数、密度和生物量研究区都多于对照区;另外研究区还有较为多样化的大型水生植物群落。这些都表明研究区的水生生物群落结构较对照区更为完善。说明滨岸缓冲带对提高水体生物多样性,完善水生生物群落结构具有较为明显的作用。  相似文献   

Recent attention has focused on riparian forest buffer systems for filtering sediment, nutrients, and pesticides entering from upland agricultural fields. This paper summarizes the results of a field monitoring study done in Tokachikawa watershed in Hokkaido, Japan, Cisadane, Cianten and Citamyang sub-watersheds in Indonesia and Cauvery watershed, India to quantify the impact of riparian buffer zones on changes in stream water quality. A watershed approach was used to compare land use indicators – uplands, forests, riparian forest, livestock areas – to a wide range of surface water physical and chemical properties. Stream water physical property values increased from upstream to the confluence point, influenced by the upland and livestock land use activities. The greatest reduction in impairment of water quality was observed in buffer zones located along higher order streams where the gradient is very low, leading to slow groundwater movement. The lower stream water temperature in riparian buffer zones suggests that the shading effect is most pronounced in this area of the watershed. The results demonstrate the positive impact of forest buffer zones in reducing the influence of agricultural nutrients and chemicals on surface stream waters. Design and management considerations for establishing riparian zone land use are discussed.  相似文献   

苏州河东风港河岸缓冲带中草地生态功能研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
构建河岸缓冲带对改善河流水质及其生态功能有重要作用。草地是河岸缓冲带的重要组成部分。选取高羊茅、白花三叶草和百慕达三种常见草种为研究对象,采用样地试验、指标测定的方法,重点测定试验样地的土壤理化指标、植株根系指标和土壤动物指标,分析不同草地对河岸缓冲带的保水固土及生物多样性维持等生态功能的影响。研究表明,三类草地对土壤理化条件改善及生物多样性维持均具有较好的促进作用。其中高羊茅固土能力突出,白花三叶草在土壤动物多样性维持上具有优势,而百慕达在土壤理化性质调节方面具有显著作用。三类草地缓冲带与周边菜地或荒地对照样带相比具有明显优势。  相似文献   

Hood  W. Gregory  Naiman  Robert J. 《Plant Ecology》2000,148(1):105-114
We compared the invasibility of riparian plant communities high on river banks with those on floodplain floors for four South African rivers. Analyses of abundant and significant riparian species showed that the floors have 3.1 times more exotic plants than the banks. The percent exotics ranges from 5% to 11% of total species richness for the banks, and from 20% to 30% for the floors. Species richness and percent exotics are negatively correlated for the banks, but not correlated for the floors.Despite great differences in climate, species richness, and landuse history, the percentages of exotic plants in three rivers in the Pacific Northwest of the USA and one river in southwestern France are similar to those in South Africa (24-30% vs. 20-30%, respectively). Furthermore, the high proportions of exotic species in these riparian plant communities are comparable to those reported for vascular plant communities on islands. We conclude that the macro-channel floor regions of the riparian zones of South African rivers are highly vulnerable to invasion by exotic vascular plants.  相似文献   

Plant uptake and denitrification are considered to be the most important processes responsible for N retention and mitigation in riparian buffers. In many riparian buffers, however, nutrients taken up by plants remain in the system only temporarily and may be gradually released by mineralization later. Still, plants increase the residence time of nutrients considerably by reducing their mobility. We investigated the importance of plant N uptake and N immobilization in litter for N retention in riparian buffers. Nitrogen uptake in vegetation and N dynamics in litter were measured over a two-year period in a range of forested and herbaceous riparian buffers along a climatic gradient in Europe, receiving different loadings of N-enriched groundwater. Plant production, nitrogen uptake, and N retention were significantly higher in the forested buffer sites compared to the herbaceous buffer sites. However, in herbaceous buffers, periodic harvesting of herbaceous biomass contributed considerably to the N retention. No relationship between lateral N loading and plant productivity or N uptake was observed; this indicated that plant growth was not N-limited. In the winter period, decaying leaf litter had a small but significant role in N retention in a majority of the riparian ecosystems studied. Moreover, no responses to the climatic gradient were found. Generally, we can state that annual N retention in the vegetation and litter compartment is substantial, making up 13–99% of the total N mitigation.  相似文献   

Principles of planning and establishment of buffer zones   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Good management of the uplands is essential and effective buffer zones along the streams draining the basin will complete the task of water quality protection. Most basin drainage moves through the riparian zones of first- and second-order headwaters streams. It is important to have continuous buffers on both sides of these streams. For larger streams, protect the flood plains. Several zones of buffer vegetation are most effective. A narrow grass strip at the upland edge traps suspended particulates and phosphorus. A wider zone of woody vegetation traps nitrate, and both cools and provides natural organic matter to the receiving waters. Contour the buffer surface to avoid concentrated storm flows and periodically remove sediment berms that develop. For a completely degraded riparian zone, it is essential to provide soils of the right porosity and organic carbon content. Sub-soils need to be permeable and to have a reasonable groundwater retention time. High organic carbon is required to develop a low redox potential. Provide short-term protection from erosion. Only add native species. Sometimes, exotic plants get established and must be eradicated. Fence livestock out. Control excessive activity by wild ungulates, voles, and beaver.  相似文献   

Recently, the riparian buffer zone using Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. has frequently been installed in the ecotone, and young shoots of P. australis have been produced worldwide using seeds and/or rhizomes. However, the expenditures of labor, time, and money related to this technique have been enormous. In this paper, therefore, a new method which enables the reduction of the above-mentioned expenditure is developed and proposed. Using this method, we were able to install an area where P. australis flourished without the production of young shoots, by simply placing segments of P. australis culms by the water, and were able to reduce the above-mentioned usual expenditure. On the other hand, hydrophytes such as Scirpus tabernaemontani Gmel., Zizania latifolia Turcz. and Typha latifolia L. have frequently been planted with P. australis as a riparian buffer zone material. In this study, therefore, the care required in the mix planting of the above-mentioned four hydrophytes was also examined on the basis of the allelopathic potential of the interspecies. As a result, the allelopathic inhibition of root elongation was observed between the interspecies. Therefore a sufficient planting interval is required in order to ensure the elongation of the roots of the above-mentioned hydrophytes in the case of mix planting.  相似文献   

Lenssen  J.P.M.  Menting  F.B.J.  Van der Putten  W.H.  Blom  C.W.P.M. 《Plant Ecology》2000,147(1):137-146
In riparian wetlands total standing crop often fails to account for a significant part of the observed variation in species richness and species composition within communities. In this study, we used abundance of the dominant species instead of total standing crop as the biotic predictor variable and investigated its relationships with species composition and species richness in communities dominated by Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steudel. This was done by measuring soil organic matter content, litter cover and elevation, Phragmites abundance (standing crop and stem density) and species composition in 78 relevés. In addition, we tried to identify the environmental boundaries of Phragmites communities by sampling relevés in neighbouring communities.Two gradients were related to a decline in Phragmites abundance: one gradient, perpendicular to the shoreline, was mainly related to increased elevation and the second gradient ran parallel to the shoreline and was related to increased amounts of soil organic matter. Within the relevés dominated by Phragmites, stem density of Phragmites and litter cover were the only factors significantly related to species composition in the RDA solution. Litter cover and standing crop of the dominant accounted for 64% of the variation in species richness within the Phragmites-dominated community. These results show that dead and living biomass of the dominant species may account for a substantial part of the variation in species composition and species richness within a single community.  相似文献   

N and P budgets quantify inputs and outputs of nutrients at the catchment scale to allow evaluation of inputs and outputs as well as inferences about transport and processing based on unaccounted-for nutrients. N and P budgets were constructed for two catchments in southeastern Michigan with markedly different numbers of impoundments, over two years, to evaluate the influence of impoundments on nutrient fluxes from each catchment. The Huron, with 88 impoundments >10 ha, stored 156 kg P km−2 y−1, while the Raisin (with 14 impoundments) had a net export of 102 kg P km−2 y−1. The Huron catchment also stored and denitrified more N than the Raisin catchment – 2,418 kg N km−2 y−1 compared to 1,538 kg N km−2 y−1. Riverine export of N and P also varied markedly between the catchments, with the Huron River exporting 288 kg N and 7 kg P km−2 y−1 and the Raisin River exporting 1,268 kg N and 34 kg P km−2 y−1. We then re-calculated budget results from previous studies using the approach of the present study, altering input and outputs fluxes as well as system boundaries to obtain comparable budgets. For these comparable budgets, annual P outputs on average accounted for 77% of inputs whereas N outputs accounted for only 39% of N inputs. Across catchments, the percent of inputs exported by the river averaged 16% for N and 5% for P, indicating more effective retention of P than N.  相似文献   

Compared to upland forests, riparian forest soils have greater potential to remove nitrate (NO3) from agricultural runoff through denitrification. It is unclear, however, whether prolonged exposure of riparian soils to nitrogen (N) loading will affect the rate of denitrification and its end products. This research assesses the rate of denitrification and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from riparian forest soils exposed to prolonged nutrient runoff from plant nurseries and compares these to similar forest soils not exposed to nutrient runoff. Nursery runoff also contains high levels of phosphate (PO4). Since there are conflicting reports on the impact of PO4 on the activity of denitrifying microbes, the impact of PO4 on such activity was also investigated. Bulk and intact soil cores were collected from N-exposed and non-exposed forests to determine denitrification and N2O emission rates, whereas denitrification potential was determined using soil slurries. Compared to the non-amended treatment, denitrification rate increased 2.7- and 3.4-fold when soil cores collected from both N-exposed and non-exposed sites were amended with 30 and 60 μg NO3-N g−1 soil, respectively. Net N2O emissions were 1.5 and 1.7 times higher from the N-exposed sites compared to the non-exposed sites at 30 and 60 μg NO3-N g−1 soil amendment rates, respectively. Similarly, denitrification potential increased 17 times in response to addition of 15 μg NO3-N g−1 in soil slurries. The addition of PO4 (5 μg PO4-P g−1) to soil slurries and intact cores did not affect denitrification rates. These observations suggest that prolonged N loading did not affect the denitrification potential of the riparian forest soils; however, it did result in higher N2O emissions compared to emission rates from non-exposed forest soils.  相似文献   

Salix gracilistyla is one of the dominant plants in the riparian vegetation of the upper-middle reaches of rivers in western Japan. This species colonizes mainly sandy habitats, where soil nutrient levels are low, but shows high potential for production. We hypothesized that S.␣gracilistyla uses nutrients conservatively within stands, showing a high resorption efficiency during leaf senescence. To test this hypothesis, we examined seasonal changes in nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations in aboveground organs of S. gracilistyla stands on a fluvial bar in the Ohtagawa River, western Japan. The concentrations in leaves decreased from April to May as leaves expanded. Thereafter, the concentrations showed little fluctuation until September. They declined considerably in autumn, possibly owing to nutrient resorption. We converted the nutrient concentrations in each organ to nutrient amounts per stand area on the basis of the biomass of each organ. The resorption efficiency of N and P in leaves during senescence were estimated to be 44 and 46%, respectively. Annual net increments of N and P in aboveground organs, calculated by adding the amounts in inflorescences and leaf litter to the annual increments in perennial organs, were estimated to be 9.9 g and 0.83 g m−2 year−1, respectively. The amounts released in leaf litter were 6.7 g N and 0.44 g P m−2. These values are comparable to or larger than those of other deciduous trees. We conclude that S. gracilistyla stands acquire large amounts of nutrients and release a large proportion in leaf litter.  相似文献   

Soil samples were collected from three different ranks riparian soil profiles in a small river basin of Taihu area in China. The method of modified Hedley phosphorus sequential fraction was employed to characterize soil phosphorus fractions. The results showed that the riparian soil total phosphorus (TP) contents, organic phosphorus (OP) and inorganic phosphorus (IP) of the basin ranged from 234.98 to 542.29, 49.76 to 73.81, 161.17 to 492.54 mg kg?1, respectively. HCl-Pi, NaOH-Pi and residual Pi were the major part of IP, accounting for 28, 28 and 26% of IP respectively, but NaHCO3-Pi was accounted for 18% of IP. Overall, the various forms of phosphorus, except for Residual P, had a decreasing trend with soils depth. The vertical distributions of TP and IP had same rank order (Riparian Hejiabang > Riparian wuxidang > Riparian Yincungang), while the opposite trend was observed for OP. Surface soils in Riparian Yincungang had lower SOM (soil organic matters):OP ratios than Riparian Wuxidang and Riparian Hejiabang, reflecting the higher probability of OP mineralization in uncultivated soils. Besides, there was significant correlation between phosphorus fractions and SOM, bulk density and capillary porosity.  相似文献   

Territorial ecological networks (in US and some other countries known as greenways) are coherent assemblages of areas representing the natural and semi-natural landscape elements that need to be conserved, managed or, where appropriate, enriched or restored in order to ensure the favourable conservation status of the ecosystems, habitats, species and landscapes across their traditional range. An ecologically compensating areas network is a hierarchical system with the following levels: (1) core areas, (2) buffer zones of core areas, (3) corridors and stepping stones, and (4) nature development and/or restoration areas that support resources, habitats and species. Rivers form natural ecological networks and riparian buffer zones of rivers are typical elements of ecological networks. We studied the distribution of Clouded Apollo (Parnassius mnemosyne) and its habitat requirements in Estonia. Seventy-eight percent of all Clouded Apollo observations were recorded in riparian meadows along the banks of rivers with riparian strips consisting of bushes and trees. Detailed study showed that the butterfly is in most cases associated with meadows with a riparian strip of alder. This is the habitat of the food plant (fumeworth—Corydalis solida) of the larvae, the feeding and mating place of adults, and the migration and hiding site for the Clouded Apollo. The population area and number of individuals have been increasing during the last years, and a new growing South-Estonian sub-population of Clouded Apollo has also been discovered in Estonia.  相似文献   

A better understanding of nitrate removal mechanisms is important for managing the water quality function of stream riparian zones. We examined the linkages between hydrologic flow paths, patterns of electron donors and acceptors and the importance of denitrification as a nitrate removal mechanism in eight riparian zones on glacial till and outwash landscapes in southern Ontario, Canada. Nitrate-N concentrations in shallow groundwater from adjacent cropland declined from levels that were often 10–30 mg L–1 near the field-riparian edge to < 1 mg L–1 in the riparian zones throughout the year. Chloride data suggest that dilution cannot account for most of this nitrate decline. Despite contrasting hydrogeologic settings, these riparian zones displayed a well-organized pattern of electron donors and acceptors that resulted from the transport of oxic nitrate-rich groundwater to portions of the riparian zones where low DO concentrations and an increase in DOC concentrations were encountered. The natural abundances of d15N and in situ acetylene injection to piezometers indicate that denitrification is the primary mechanism of nitrate removal in all of the riparian zones. Our data indicate that effective nitrate removal by denitrification occurs in riparian zones with hydric soils as well as in non-hydric riparian zones and that a shallow water table is not always necessary for efficient nitrate removal by denitrification. The location of hot spots of denitrification within riparian areas can be explained by the influence of key landscape variables such as slope, sediment texture and depth of confining layers on hydrologic pathways that link supplies of electron donors and acceptors.  相似文献   

According to the European Water Framework Directive, member states are obliged to ensure that all surface water bodies achieve at least good ecological status and to identify major anthropogenic stressors. Non-point source contamination of agricultural pesticides is widely acknowledged as one of the most important anthropogenic stressors in stream ecosystems.We surveyed the occurrence of 31 pesticides and evaluated their potential toxicity for benthic macroinvertebrates using Toxic Units (TU) in 14 Danish 1st-and 2nd-order streams in bed sediments and stream water during storm flow and base flow. Total pesticide concentrations and toxic potential were highest during storm flow events with maximum TU ranging from −6.63 to −1.72. We found that minimum buffer strip width in the near upstream area was the most important parameter governing TU. Furthermore, adding a function for minimum buffer strip width to the Runoff Potential (RP) model increased its power to predict measured TUs from 46% to 64%. However, including a function for tile drainage capacity is probably equally important and should be considered in future research in order to further optimise the RP model. Our results clearly emphasise the importance of considering buffer strips as risk mitigation tools in terms of non-point source pesticide contamination. We furthermore apply our results for discussing the minimum dimensions that vegetated buffer strips should have in order to sufficiently protect stream ecosystems from pesticide contamination and maintain good ecological status.  相似文献   

We investigated scale dependence of landscape metrics and the relationship between land use parameters and FRAGSTATS-based landscape metrics (edge density (ED), patch density (PD), mean shape index (SHAPE_MN), mean euclidean nearest neighbor index (ENN_MN), contagion (CONTAG), patch richness density (PRD), and Shannon's diversity index (SHDI)) and nutrient/organic-matter-based water quality indicators (BOD7 and CODKMnO4 values, total-N and total-P concentrations in water) in 24 catchments with various land use patterns in Estonia. We used the Basic Map of Estonia (1:10,000), the Base Map of Estonia (1:50,000) and the CORINE Land Cover Map (1:100,000). In scale analysis, we calculated landscape metrics on artificial and real landscapes. Scale analysis showed that responses of landscape metrics to changing grain size vary among landscapes and metrics. Analysis of artificial landscapes showed that mean euclidean nearest neighbor distance and contagion are directly dependent on grain size and should therefore be used carefully. When finding relationships between landscape metrics and water quality indicators, significant differences between the relationships derived from the Base Map and the CORINE Land Cover Map were found. In the case of the Base Map, landscape metrics correlated strongly with land use and showed no expected relationships with water quality data. This underlines the importance of land use classification in such kind of analysis. Correlation between the landscape metrics calculated on the basis of the CORINE Land Cover Map and water quality data was stronger than in the case of the Base Map. The CODKMnO4 value significantly correlated with all land use types. For instance, the CODKMnO4 values are higher when fens and natural areas form a higher proportion of the catchments’ land use. Except for the BOD7 value, all the water quality indicators showed significant correlation with urban land use proportions. Strong relationship between the patch density and the CODKMnO4 value is most likely caused by the fact that both parameters were significantly correlated with the proportion of natural areas. As the landscape metrics depend on pixel size, topographic scale, and land use classification, and as the effect of land use on water quality in catchments is the most significant of the factors, it was impossible to separate the influence of land use pattern from the influence of FRAGSTATS-based landscape metrics.  相似文献   

Lands under riparian and agricultural management differ in soil properties, water content, plant species and nutrient content and are therefore expected to influence denitrifier communities, denitrification and nitrous oxide (N(2) O) emissions. Denitrifier community abundance, denitrifier community structure, denitrification gene expression and activity were quantified on three dates in a maize field and adjacent riparian zone. N(2) O emissions were greater in the agricultural zone, whereas complete denitrification to N(2) was greater in the riparian zone. In general, the targeted denitrifier community abundance did not change between agricultural and riparian zones. However, nosZ gene expression was greater in the riparian zone than the agricultural zone. The community structure of nirS-gene-bearing denitrifiers differed in June only, whereas the nirK-gene-bearing community structure differed significantly between the riparian and the agricultural zones at all dates. The nirK-gene-bearing community structure was correlated with soil pH, while no significant correlations were found between nirS-gene-bearing community structure and soil environmental variables or N(2) O emissions, denitrification or denitrifier enzyme activity. The results suggested for the nirK and nirS-gene-bearing communities different factors control abundance vs. community structure. The nirK-gene-bearing community structure was also more responsive than the nirS-gene-bearing community structure to change between the two ecosystems.  相似文献   

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