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The relationship between preflight risk assessment by prey andthe escape behaviors they perform while fleeing from predatorsis relatively unexplored. To examine this relationship, a humanobserver approached groups of Columbian black-tailed deer (Odocoileushemionus columbianus), varying his behavior to simulate moreor less threatening behavior. We measured the focal deer's angleof escape, distance moved during flight, duration of trottingand stotting behavior, and change in elevation during flight.Analyses revealed positive relationships between the distancemoved during flight and the distance at which they fled. Whenflight was initiated when the approacher was close, deer fledrelatively shorter distances and took flight paths at more acuteangles, a property that would force a real predator to changedirection suddenly. Our results indicate that deer do not compensatefor allowing the observer to approach more closely by fleeinggreater distances. Rather, distance moved and flight initiationdistance are linked by level of reactivity and habituation:more reactive or less habituated deer both flee at a greaterdistance and move away to a greater distance during flight.More threatening behavior by the approacher led to longer durationsof rapid flight behavior (e.g., trotting and stotting), anddeer tended to flee uphill and into taller vegetation, usingthese landscape features as refuge from danger. Finally, weprovide the first evidence for Pitcher's untested "antiambush"hypothesis for the function of stotting and discuss its significance.In general, both preflight predator behavior and habitat featuresinfluence both duration and direction of escape.  相似文献   

Flight initiation distance (FID) is the distance between a potential threat and the point at which a potential prey flees. Animals may modify their FID to compensate for increased risk generated by external/extrinsic factors such as habitat type, visibility, group size, time of year, predator‐approach velocity, and distance to burrow, as well as internal/intrinsic factors such as physical condition, body temperature, crypsis, and morphological antipredator defenses. The intrinsic speed at which an animal can escape a predator is a factor that should influence FID. We studied the relationship between an individual's intrinsic escape speed and FID in yellow‐bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris) to determine whether marmots compensated for slower escape speeds by fleeing at greater distances. We found no evidence of risk compensation. Rather, we found that slower marmots tolerated closer approaches. This behavioral syndrome may be explained by a coevolution of FID and escape speed in determining an individual's antipredator behavior, an idea upon which we expand.  相似文献   

Optimal escape theory seeks to explain variation in the distanceto an approaching predator at which the prey initiates escape(flight initiation distance). Flight initiation distance increaseswhen predators pose a greater threat and decreases when escapecosts increase. Although optimal escape theory has been highlysuccessful, its predictions have been tested primarily for speciesthat escape to discrete refuges, and most studies have focusedon single risk or cost factors. We present data from two experimentsin which two risks or a risk and a cost varied in Bonaire whiptaillizards (Cnemidophorus murinus) that escaped without enteringrefuges. Our data verify several predictions about optimal escapefor nonrefuging lizard prey. Two risk factors, speed and directnessof approach by the predator, interacted. Directly approachedlizards had greater flight initiation distances than did indirectlyapproached lizards when approached rapidly, but shorter flightinitiation distances when approached slowly. Flight initiationdistance was shorter in the presence of food and during slowversus rapid approaches, but contrary to expectation, food presenceand approach speed did not interact. This would be explainedif cost curves are nonlinear or if they are parallel ratherthan intersecting when the predator reaches the prey. More empiricalwork is needed to determine which risk and cost factors actadditively and which act synergistically. The absence of interactionbetween the risk and cost factors suggests that cost curveswere nonlinear.  相似文献   

Prey must balance gains from activities such as foraging and social behavior with predation risk. Optimal escape theory has been successful in predicting escape behavior of prey under a range of risk and cost factors. The optimal approach distance, the distance from the predator at which prey should begin to flee, occurs when risk equals cost. Optimal escape theory predicts that for a fixed cost, the approach distance increases as risk increases. It makes no predictions about approach distance for prey in refuges that provide only partial protection or about escape variables other than approach distance, such as the likelihood of stopping before entering refuge and escape speed. By experimentally simulating a predator approaching keeled earless lizards, Holbrookia propinqua, the predictions of optimal escape theory for two risk factors, predator approach speed and directness of approach were tested. In addition, predictions that the likelihood of fleeing into refuge without stopping and the speed of escape runs increase with risk, in this case predator approach speed, and that lizards in incompletely protective refuges permit closer approach than lizards not in refuges were also tested. Approach distance increased with predator approach speed and directness of approach, confirming predictions of optimal escape theory. Lizards were more likely to enter refuge and ran faster when approached rapidly, verifying that predation risk affects escape decisions by the lizards for escape variables not included in optimal escape theory. They allowed closer approach when in incompletely protective refuges than when in the open, confirming the prediction that risk affects escape decisions while in refuge. Optimal escape theory has been highly successful, but testing it has led to relative neglect of important aspects of escape other than approach distance.  相似文献   

During encounters with predators, prey must balance the degreeof risk against the loss of fitness-enhancing benefits suchas feeding and social activities. Most studies of tradeoffsbetween risk and cost of escaping have measured flight initiationdistance and time to emerge from refuge, for which theory providesrobustly supported predictions. Tradeoffs involving other aspectsof encounters, including distance fled and time between escapeand return to a food source, have received little theoreticalor empirical attention. By adapting models of flight initiationdistance and time between entry into refuge and emergence, wepredict effects of predation risk and cost on distance fledand time to return to a source of benefit after fleeing. Actingas simulated predators that approached at a fixed speed, weconducted an experimental field study to test the hypothesesthat flight initiation distance, distance fled, and time toreturn to food by Balearic lizards (Podarcis lilfordi) decreasewith the presence and amount of insect food. Predictions ofthe models were strongly supported, including those for distancefled and return time, but predictions for other cost factorsand predation risk factors remain to be tested.  相似文献   

Small herbivores face risks of predation while foraging and are often forced to trade off food quality for safety. Life history, behaviour, and habitat of predator and prey can influence these trade‐offs. We compared how two sympatric rabbits (pygmy rabbit, Brachylagus idahoensis; mountain cottontail, Sylvilagus nuttallii) that differ in size, use of burrows, and habitat specialization in the sagebrush‐steppe of western North America respond to amount and orientation of concealment cover and proximity to burrow refuges when selecting food patches. We predicted that both rabbit species would prefer food patches that offered greater concealment and food patches that were closer to burrow refuges. However, because pygmy rabbits are small, obligate burrowers that are restricted to sagebrush habitats, we predicted that they would show stronger preferences for greater cover, orientation of concealment, and patches closer to burrow refuges. We offered two food patches to individuals of each species during three experiments that either varied in the amount of concealment cover, orientation of concealment cover, or distance from a burrow refuge. Both species preferred food patches that offered greater concealment, but pygmy rabbits generally preferred terrestrial and mountain cottontails preferred aerial concealment. Only pygmy rabbits preferred food patches closer to their burrow refuge. Different responses to concealment and proximity to burrow refuges by the two species likely reflect differences in perceived predation risks. Because terrestrial predators are able to dig for prey in burrows, animals like pygmy rabbits that rely on burrow refuges might select food patches based more on terrestrial concealment. In contrast, larger habitat generalists that do not rely on burrow refuges, like mountain cottontails, might trade off terrestrial concealment for visibility to detect approaching terrestrial predators. This study suggests that body size and evolutionary adaptations for using habitat, even in closely related species, might influence anti‐predator behaviors in prey species.  相似文献   

Escape theory predicts that flight initiation distance (FID=distance between predator and prey when escape begins) is longer when risk is greater and shorter when escape is more costly. A few tests suggest that escape theory applies to distance fled. Escape models have not addressed stochastic variables, such as probability of fleeing and of entering refuge, but their economic logic might be applicable. Experiments on several risk factors in the lizard Sceloporus virgatus confirmed all predictions for the above escape variables. FID was greater when approach was faster and more direct, for lizards on ground than on trees, for lizards rarely exposed to humans, for the second of two approaches, and when the predator turned toward lizards rather than away. Lizards fled further during rapid and second consecutive approaches. They were more likely to flee when approached directly, when a predator turned toward them, and during second approaches. They were more likely to enter refuge when approached rapidly. A novel finding is that perch height in trees was unrelated to FID because lizards escaped by moving out of sight, then moving up or down unpredictably. These findings add to a growing body of evidence supporting predictions of escape theory for FID and distance fled. They show that two probabilistic aspects of escape are predictable based on relative predation risk levels. Because individuals differ in boldness, the assessed optimal FID and threshold risks for fleeing and entering refuge are exceeded for an increasing proportion of individuals as risk increases[Current Zoology 55(2):123-131,2009].  相似文献   

Escape theory predicts that flight initiation distance (predator–prey distance when escape begins) increases as predation risk increases and decreases as cost of fleeing increases. Scant information is available about the effects of some putative predation risk factors and about interaction between simultaneously operating risk and cost of fleeing factors on flight initiation distance and distance fled. By simulating an approaching predator, I studied the effects of body temperature (BT), distance to nearest refuge, and eye contact with a predator, as well as simultaneous effects of predator approach speed and female presence/absence on escape behavior by a small ectothermic vertebrate, the lizard Sceloporus virgatus. Flight initiation distance decreased as BT increased, presumably because running speed increases as BT increases, facilitating escape. Distance to nearest refuge was unrelated to BT or flight initiation distance. Substrate temperature was only marginally related, and air temperature was not related to flight initiation distance. Eye contact did not affect flight initiation during indirect approaches that bypassed lizards by a minimum of 1 m, but an effect of eye contact found in other studies during direct approach might occur. Predator approach speed and presence of a female interactively affected flight initiation distance, which increased as speed increased and decreased when a female was present. In the presence of a female, flight initiation distance was far shorter than when no female was present. The high cost of forgoing a mating opportunity accounts for the interaction because the difference between female presence and absence is greater when risk is greater.  相似文献   

Escape theory has been exceptionally successful in conceptualizing and accurately predicting effects of numerous factors that affect predation risk and explaining variation in flight initiation distance (FID; predator–prey distance when escape begins). Less explored is the relative orientation of an approaching predator, prey, and its eventual refuge. The relationship between an approaching threat and its refuge can be expressed as an angle we call the “interpath angle” or “Φ,” which describes the angle between the paths of predator and prey to the prey’s refuge and thus expresses the degree to which prey must run toward an approaching predator. In general, we might expect that prey would escape at greater distances if they must flee toward a predator to reach its burrow. The “race for life” model makes formal predictions about how Φ should affect FID. We evaluated the model by studying escape decisions in yellow-bellied marmots Marmota flaviventer, a species which flees to burrows. We found support for some of the model’s predictions, yet the relationship between Φ and FID was less clear. Marmots may not assess Φ in a continuous fashion; but we found that binning angle into 4 45° bins explained a similar amount of variation as models that analyzed angle continuously. Future studies of Φ, especially those that focus on how different species perceive relative orientation, will likely enhance our understanding of its importance in flight decisions.  相似文献   

Synopsis The risk to a prey individual in an encounter with a predator increases as the distance to protective cover increases. Prey should therefore initiate their flight to cover at longer distances from an approaching predator (i.e., sooner) and/or flee at greater velocities, as the distance to cover increases. These predictions were tested with an African cichlid fish, Melanochromis chipokae presented with a looming stimulus simulating an attacking predator. The fish varied their flight initiation distance as predicted, but there was no significant effect of distance-to-cover on escape velocity. Nevertheless, the cichlids appeared to choose a combination of flight initiation distance and escape velocity which ensured they reached cover with a constant temporal margin of safety.  相似文献   

There are many anti‐predatory escape strategies in animals. A well‐established method to assess escape behavior is the flight initiation distance (FID), which is the distance between prey and predator at which an animal flees. Previous studies in various species throughout the animal kingdom have shown that group size, urbanization, and distance to refuge and body mass affect FID. In most species, FID increases if body mass, group size or distance to refuge decreases. However, how age and sexual dimorphism affect FID is rather unknown. Here, we assess the escape behavior and FID of the black redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros), a small turdid passerine. When approached by a human, males initiated flights later, that is allowing a closer approach than females. Males of this species are more conspicuous, and therefore, may exhibit aposematism to deter potential predators or are less fearful than females. Additionally, juveniles fled at shorter distances and fled to lower heights than adults. Lastly, concerning escape strategy, black redstarts, unless other passerine birds, fled less often into cover, but rather onto open or elevated spots. Black redstarts are especially prone to predation by ambushing predators that might hide in cover. Hence, this species most likely has a higher chance of escaping by fleeing to an open spot rather than to a potentially risky cover.  相似文献   

Relationships between predator avoidance behaviour and predation pressure were investigated in the wall lizard, Podarcis muralis. The wariness of lizards belonging to high (1185m) and low elevation (308m) populations under two different predation pressure levels was compared. Wall lizards belonging to the lowland population experienced greater predation pressure than those belonging to the highland population. Lizards belonging to the population under higher predation pressure had higher frequency of refuge use, and had longer flight initiation distances (i.e. the distance lizards allowed the observer to approach before fleeing). In contrast, neither the distance fled (i.e. the total distance they fled in one continuous movement from the lizard's initial position until hiding or stopping at a safe distance) nor the distance to the nearest refuge were significantly different between populations. Escape responses were independent of ambient temperature in the lowland population, but animals belonging to the highland population had longer flight initiation distances when the ambient temperatures were higher. These findings suggest that predator avoidance behaviour may vary with predation pressure.  相似文献   

We used giving-up densities in food patches to measure the effectsof several direct (left by the predator) and indirect (environmentalcorrelates of risk) cues of predatory risk on the foraging behaviorof free-living fox squirrels (Sciurus niger) and thirteen-linedground squirrels (Spermophihis tridtctmlineatus). Increasesin giving-up density in response to stimuli allow quantitativecomparisons of the effects of different types of cues. We usedolfactory (urine of red fox) and visual (plastic models of owls)direct cues. As indirect cues, we used mkrohabitat (near orfar from a refuge), background coloration (white, green, andbrown tarpaulins), and escape substrate (canvas tarpaulins versusnatural surrounding substrates). Both squirrel species respondedmost strongly to microhabitat Fox squirrels increased theirgiving-up density by 97% when feeding 4–6 m from a treecompared to feeding at the tree base. Thirteen-lined groundsquirrels increased giving-up densities 84% when feeding 2 mfrom their burrows compared to feeding at the burrow entry.In response to an unfavorable escape substrate (canvas versusgrass), fox squirrel giving-up densities increased 61%. Foxsquirrels and ground squirrels increased giving-up densities26% and 35%, respectively, in response to a plastic owL Backgroundcoloration had no demonstrable effect on the giving-up densitiesof fox squirrels. In contrast to other work on nocturnal mammalianherbivores and granivores, the diurnal fox squirrels did notrespond to olfactory cues.  相似文献   

Many prey flee to refuges to escape from approaching predators, but little is known about how they select one among many refuges available. The problem of choice among alternative refuges has not been modeled previously, but a recent model that predicts flight initiation distance (FID = predator–prey distance when escape starts) for a prey fleeing to a refuge provides a basis for predicting which refuge should be chosen. Because fleeing is costly, prey should choose to flee to the refuge permitting the shortest FID. The model predicts that the more distant of two refuges can be favored if it is not too far and if the prey's trajectory to the farther refuge is more away from the predator than the direction to the nearer refuge. The difference in predicted FID between the farther and nearer refuges increases curvilinearly as the interpath angle for the farther refuge increases. The difference in predicted FID between the farther and nearer refuges increases linearly as the distance to the farther refuge increases. An isocline describing where nearer and farther refuges are equally favored shows a negative curvilinear relationship between interpath angle and prey distance to the farther refuge. In the region below the isocline, the farther refuge is favored, whereas above the isocline the prey should flee to the nearer refuge.  相似文献   

The possession of armour may affect escape behaviour in two ways. On one hand, by decreasing vulnerability to predators, armour may permit individuals to use habitats and behaviours that are too risky for unarmoured individuals. Alternatively, the possession of armour may have negative trade-offs on other traits involved in antipredator behaviour, such as sprint speed, thus constraining antipredator options relative to those available to unarmoured individuals. To examine these contrasting predictions, we examined species in the lizard family Cordylidae, which contains remarkable morphological diversity, ranging from completely unarmoured to heavily defended species. Moreover, phylogenetic analysis indicates that armour has been an evolutionarily labile trait. We found support for the second prediction. Degree of body armature was inversely correlated with distance run from a predator: heavily armoured species always entered refuges after short distances, whereas many unarmoured lizards continued to flee and could not be induced to enter a refuge. Possession of armour was also negatively related to use of vertical surfaces during escape behavour. These results were unchanged when analysed in a phylogenetic context. Thus, we conclude that the morphological requirements for active flight and armoured defence are incompatible. Heavily armoured species are bulky, have short legs and run more slowly than less armoured species. Rather than constituting an alternative to behavioural antipredator tactics, we conclude that the possession of armour is part of an antipredator syndrome that includes habitat use and behaviour as well as morphology. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

An animal's ability to avoid predation likely depends on its ability to detect approaching predators, conceal itself, and seek refuge or protection from predators. Habitat, especially vegetation structure, can influence all of these factors concurrently. Binary categorical assessments of habitat as ‘open’ or ‘closed’, however, confound at least two functions of habitat structure that could influence the perceived risk of predation: concealment, which functions to hide an individual, and visibility, which enhances detection of a potential predator. Both can influence predation risk independently and s imultaneously. In this study, we decoupled these functional properties of vegetation and studied the effects of concealment, visibility, and proximity to a refuge on the distance at which pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis) fled from an approaching threat (flight initiation distance; FID). Concealment by vegetation decreased perceptions of risk; however, pygmy rabbits exhibited elevated risk at high levels of visibility, regardless of the amount of concealment. Proximity to burrow entrances also influenced perceptions of risk, such that risk was significantly lower when rabbits were on or near burrow systems. Disentangling the functional properties of habitat can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the factors that influence perceived risk and escape behaviors of prey and provide insight into how habitat structure mechanistically relates to predation risk.  相似文献   

Males and females are known to differ in a whole suite of characteristics,such as morphology, physiology, ecology, and behavior. Intersexualdifferences are generally believed to arise because of differencesin selective pressures on either sex. In this study, we investigatedwhether intersexual differences in escape behavior exist inlizards of the genus Anolis, and whether these could be explainedby intersexual differences in body size and/or microhabitatuse. To do so, we compared the behavioral response to an approachinghuman predator in the field in males and females of 12 Anolisspecies. We found that ecomorphs and sexes differ greatly withrespect to escape behavior. Twig anoles have the shortest approachdistance (i.e., distance between the observer and the lizardwhen it starts fleeing) and final distance (i.e., distance betweenthe observer and the lizard when it stops moving), comparedwith the other ecomorphs. The distance fled, on the contrary,is greatest in twig anoles. Also, females flee less soon andrun over shorter distances than do males. Since twig anolesare considered the most cryptic anoles, and females may be lessconspicuous than males, these results corroborate the idea thatwell camouflaged animals allow predators to come closer. Theinterspecific variation in sexual dimorphism in escape behavior,however, cannot be explained by the interspecific variationin sexual size dimorphism or sexual dimorphism in microhabitatuse. Thus, escape behavior appears determined by different factorsin males and females.  相似文献   

Some aspects of escape predicted by theoretical models are intended to apply universally. For example, flight initiation distance (distance between an approaching predator and prey when escape begins) is predicted from predation risk and the costs of escaping. Escape tactics and refuge selection are not currently predicted by theoretical models, but are expected to vary with structural features of the habitat. One way of studying such variation is to compare aspects of antipredatory behavior among sympatric species that differ in habitat or microhabitat use. In an assemblage of lizards in northwestern Namibia, we conducted experiments to test predictions of escape theory for three risk factors in representatives of three families and observed escape tactics in additional species. As predicted by escape theory, flight initiation distance increased with directness of a predator's approach and predator speed in Agama planiceps, Mabuya acutilabris, and Rhotropus boultoni, and with distance from refuge in M. acutilabris. As predicted by theory, the probability of entering refuge increased with risk in R. boultoni. All available data indicate that flight initiation distance and refuge entry by lizards conform to theoretical predictions. Escape tactics varied greatly as a function of habitat type: (1) arboreal species fled up and around trees and sometimes entered tree holes; (2) saxicolous species used rock crevices as refuges, but differed in tactics prior to entering refuges; and (3) terrestrial species fled into bushes or other vegetation, often to the far sides of them. Some M. acutilabris entered small animal burrows or buried themselves in sand beneath bushes. Escape tactics varied even among congeners in Mabuya, highlighting the important effect of habitat structure on them. Although habitat partitioning has traditionally been viewed as favoring species coexistence, an interesting by‐product appears to be structuring of escape tactics in lizard communities.  相似文献   

Prey avoid being eaten by assessing the risk posed by approaching predators and responding accordingly. Such an assessment may result in prey–predator communication and signalling, which entail further monitoring of the predator by prey. An early antipredator response may provide potential prey with a selective advantage, although this benefit comes at the cost of disturbance in terms of lost foraging opportunities and increased energy expenditure. Therefore, it may pay prey to assess approaching predators and determine the likelihood of attack before fleeing. Given that many approaching potential predators are detected visually, we hypothesized that species with relatively large eyes would be able to detect an approaching predator from afar. Furthermore, we hypothesized that monitoring of predators by potential prey relies on evaluation through information processing by the brain. Therefore, species with relatively larger brains for their body size should be better able to monitor the intentions of a predator, delay flight for longer and hence have shorter flight initiation distances than species with smaller brains. Indeed, flight initiation distances increased with relative eye size and decreased with relative brain size in a comparative study of 107 species of birds. In addition, flight initiation distance increased independently with size of the cerebellum, which plays a key role in motor control. These results are consistent with cognitive monitoring as an antipredator behaviour that does not result in the fastest possible, but rather the least expensive escape flights. Therefore, antipredator behaviour may have coevolved with the size of sense organs, brains and compartments of the brain involved in responses to risk of predation.  相似文献   

When birds are attacked by aerial predators they should benefit by adjusting their escape to the prevailing attack situation. One important factor likely to affect escape decisions of prey, to our knowledge not previously studied, is the distance at which the attacking predator is detected. We investigated if great tits Parus major and blue tits P. caeruleus alter their escape behaviour to two different detection distances (2.3 m and 1m) by simulating surprise attacks using a predator model. Both species used the information about detection distance when escaping by increasing the escape angle at the shorter detection distance. In addition, blue tits adjusted to the shorter detection distance by dodging sideways more frequently. Great tits escaped initially steeper and faster than blue tits, whereas blue tits increased escape angle and speed more than great tits along the measured distance after taking wing.  相似文献   

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