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By separating FcR+ and FcR? cells from stimulator spleens using an EA rosetting procedure, it was found that EA-rosetting (FcR+) cells stimulate mixed-lymphocyte culture reaction (MLR) far more effectively than do non-EA-rosetting (FcR?) cells. The difference in stimulatory activity is observed in MLR of both H-2 and M-locus different combinations and cannot be explained by the proportion of B cells and macrophages contained in each population. The finding that FcR+ cells can stimulate allogeneic responding T cells more effectively than FcR? cells suggests a close association of FcR with Ia and Mls antigens on the cell surface.  相似文献   

EA, i.e., antigen-antibody complexes are able to induce an antigen-nonspecific suppressive factor(s) from FcR+ B cells by binding on FcR. This factor, termed “suppressive B-cell factor (SBF)” was only effective on H-2 compatible, but not on H-2 incompatible spleen cells in an adoptive cell transfer system. Furthermore, SBF, prepared from B10.A (H-2a) splenic FcR+ B cells, suppressed the adoptive primary response of B10.D2 mice (H-2d), in addition to A/J mice (H-2a) against DNP-DE, by the pretreatment of cells with SBF in vitro. Absorption with affinity columns demonstrated that active components) of SBF from C3H/He mice (H-2k) was eliminated by both B6 anti-CBA (H-2b anti-H-2k) and B10.D2 anti-B10.BR (H-2d anti-H-2k), but not B10 anti-B10.A (H-2b anti-H-2a). In contrast, the suppressive activity of SBF was eliminated neither by anti-mouse Ig nor by a heat-aggregated human γ-globulin column. These results indicate that SBF contains a product coded by the right-hand side of H-2 gene complex, but does not contain Ig determinants nor FcR. Thus, it is conceivable that a compatibility of the right-hand side of H-2 gene complex is required for inducing effective suppression of spleen cells by SBF. SBF was considered to be a trypsin-resistant and heat-labile substance with a molecular weight of 30,000–63,000. The target cells for SBF were FcR? B precursors, but not helper T cells.  相似文献   

High anti-DNP PFC responses to DNP-DE or DNP-KLH were obtained by transferring normal or primed FcR? B cell fractions into irradiated syngeneic recipients. On the other hand, the FcR+ B cell fraction showed a low precursor activity. Trypsinization of the FcR+ B cells, to eliminate remaining antigen-antibody complexes on the surface, failed to augment the response in comparison with that of trypsin-untreated FcR+ B cells. Therefore, the weak precursor activity of FcR+ B cells seemed to be inherent. No synergistic interaction between the FcR+ B and precursor FcR? B cells, to give rise to the maximum PFC response, was observed. On the contrary, the FcR+ B cells significantly suppressed the PFC responses of FcR? B cells. This kind of suppression could be mediated by a factor released from the FcR+ B cell, but not from the FcR? B or original-unrosetted spleen cell fraction. The factor was not attributable to macrophages, because the FcR+ B cells isolated from normal spleen cells, of which macrophages were depleted by Sephadex G-10 columns, could produce the factor with the same activity. Stimulation by specific antigen is not necessary for the induction of the factor(s) as well as of the suppressing FcR+ B cells. It seems to be necessary to stimulate FcR by antigen-antibody complexes to produce or release this factor.  相似文献   

The effects of a variety of exposure regimens were assessed for their ability to induce optimal, immunologically mediated resistance against subsequent homologous reinfection by Schistosoma mansoni. Following exposure, Fischer rats modulated their subsequent worm burden, through as yet undefined internal mechanisms, and in a manner which resulted ultimately in a relatively consistent worm burden. The magnitude and rapidity of development and the longevity of maintenance of resistance was related to the intensity and pattern of exposure to normal cercariae. The modulatory effects tended to favor the development of optimal resistance over a wide variety of exposure patterns. Optimal resistance was most efficiently stimulated and maintained by immunogens which were associated with early stages of infection. Antihelminthic drug therapy adversely affected both the development and maintenance of resistance. Rats were also exposed to irradiated cercariae and soluble surface membrane preparations obtained from cercariae, adult worms, or eggs. Animals exposed to irradiated cercariae or soluble cercarial immunogen developed resistance to approximately 80 and 35%, respectively, of the levels shown by the naturally infected animals. The mechanism of this variable resistance was investigated using a number of in vivo and in vitro assessments and is the subject of a subsequent report.  相似文献   

Using an EA rosetting system, it was observed that Fc receptors (FcR) were present on the surface of T cells as well as B cells, and that functional differences existed between FcR-positive (FcR+) and FcR-negative (FcR?) cells in both T and B cells in in vivo humoral immune responses. Approximately 15% of splenic T cells obtained by nylon wool passage are FcR+. The number of surface immunoglobulinbearing cells as detected by immunofluorescent staining accounted for less than 10% of these FcR+ cells. FcR+ and FcR? T+B-cell populations obtained from spleens contain 60 and 20% of surface immunoglobulin-positive cells, respectively. In the adoptive primary response in which horse RBC and dinitrophenyl-conjugated dextran (DNP-DE) were used as T-dependent and T-independent antigens, respectively, the majority of precursor B cells were FcR?. In the secondary response using hapten-primed B cells and carrier-primed T cells, the majority of memory B cells for a haptenic determinant were also FcR?. Furthermore, the majority of functional cells exerting helper activity in the same hapten-carrier system are FcR? cells, and FcR+ T cells collaborate much less effectively with either memory B cells or helper FcR? T cells.  相似文献   

Fc receptor (FcR)-carrying blast cells were separated from nonFcR blast cells after priming in primary mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) by erythrocyte-antibody rosetting and by 1-g velocity sedimentation. Both types of blast cells were cytotoxic to relevant allogeneic target cells in vitro. The FcR-positive and FcR-negative blasts were then plated on a feeder layer syngeneic to the primary MLC responder cells. After feeder layer culture both types of cells reverted into secondary small lymphocytes. When restimulated with the original stimulator cells, both types of secondary lymphocytes produced the relevant secondary cell-mediated lysis responses. Thus no functionally dissimilar subclasses of secondary T lymphocytes can be distinguished in the MLC-stimulated T-cell population on the basis of the FcR.  相似文献   

Activation of human peripheral blood lymphocytes by incubation with particulate immune complexes or aggregated human gamma-globulin was studied by measuring the release of leukocyte migration inhibitory factor (LIF) activity. LIF-active supernatants were consistently produced when nonadherent lymphocytes containing less than 1% surface immunoglobulin-bearing cells and less than 0.2% nonspecific esterase-positive monocytes were incubated in the presence of RBC sensitized with rabbit or human antibodies or with pooled heat-aggregated human gamma-globulin. This immune complex-induced lymphokine production (ICLP) was dependent on the presence of cells bearing receptors for the Fc portion of IgG (Fc gamma). ICLP could not be demonstrated with lymphocyte preparations enriched for B cells even though the latter showed vigorous LIF production in the presence of complement-sensitized erythrocytes. ICLP was dependent on the concentration of lymphocytes and of stimulant as well as on the duration of coincubation, and it required active metabolic processes and RNA and protein synthesis but not DNA synthesis. Ca++ but not Mg++ was obligatory. ICLP by non-B Fc gamma receptor-bearing lymphocytes may play a role in antibody-dependent protective inflammation and immunologic injury phenomena, which is similar to that of lymphokine release by antigen-activated T cells in delayed hypersensitivity responses.  相似文献   

The autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction (AMLR) is a proliferative response of T cells to signals from autologous non-T cells. The AMLR has been an enigma to immunologists because spontaneous proliferation of cells removed from the body is usually substantially less than that observed with a strong AMLR. However, the AMLR is thought to represent an important in vitro function, since it has the attributes of other immune responses, and it is abnormal in a variety of disease states thought to have an immune basis. We reasoned that if the AMLR represented a fundamental immune phenomenon, it should be subject to regulation. In the present study, we present evidence for suppression of the AMLR by macrophages and by T cells. Macrophages inhibited the T cell proliferation to (B + null) cells in a dose-dependent fashion and throughout the time course of the AMLR. Elimination of suppressor T cells by a specific antiserum led to an increase in the AMLR, which was again suppressed in a dose-dependent way by addition of the suppressive T cells. It may be concluded that the AMLR itself is subject to immune regulation and that the suppressive influences observed probably strongly inhibit the AMLR in vivo. Removal of the suppressive principles allows the maximal expression of the AMLR in vitro. We believe that our demonstration of regulation of the AMLR should remove the enigma associated with it and lead to a better understanding of normal cell-cell interactions as well as the basis for abnormalities in a variety of immune-mediated diseases.  相似文献   

In contrast to liver, fat, muscle, the fibroblast, and the monocyte, the lymphocyte does not bear insulin receptors unless it is activated by antigen or mitogen. Antigen stimulation by skin graft or in the mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) generates a population of T lymphocytes, the effector function of which can be augmented by insulin. In the same pool of cells are found T lymphocytes with newly emergent insulin receptors capable of supporting this augmentation. This study demonstrates the close relationship between the augmentable effector T cell and the insulin receptor-bearing cell and strongly suggests that these cells are identical. Splenic lymphocytes from unidirectional murine MLCs were separated into light and heavy fractions by discrete density gradient eentrifugation daily and assayed for cellular-mediated cytotoxicity and for insulin receptors. Receptor-bearing and cytotoxic lymphocytes waxed and waned together primarily in the light fraction. Receptor-positive cells preceded effectors by 24 hr and the two characteristics were highly correlated over time (r ≥ 0.95). T-Cell depletion by specific antisera or by immunoabsorbent column chromatography demonstrated that most, but not all, receptor-bearing cells were T cells and that virtually all effectors were also receptor positive. When the insulin receptor was functionally removed from the lymphocyte membrane by trypsin proteolysis, effector function ceased. The return of cytotoxicity was accompanied by return of the lymphocyte insulin receptor. Receptor-bearing cells were predominantly of the Ly 2+3+ pedigree but Ly 1+ cells were also induced to bear the insulin receptor along with a few non-T cells. These data show that the emergence of a lymphocyte insulin receptor is not just a fortuitous marker event of cellular activation but provides a structure capable of supporting lymphocyte effector function. The appearance of Ly 1+ receptor-bearing cells suggests the alloactivation of T helpers and their participation in a T-T cooperative event.  相似文献   

Heavily irradiated BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice were injected intravenously with BALB/c thymocytes. At varying times thereafter spleen and lymph node cell suspensions from these animals were treated with mitomycin C and added as regulator populations to mixed lymphocyte reactions (MLR) with syngeneic responder cells. Alloantigen-activated spleen-localizing thymocytes suppressed MLR responses 40 to 95%. Suppressor activitity, manifested as a quantitative reduction in peak proliferative responses, was maximal 4 days after cell transfer. Antigenic specificity for the stimulator cell strain in MLR was not demonstrated. The effect of lymph nodelocalizing thymocytes as regulators in MLR was variable, but in most experiments these cells slightly enhanced responses. We conclude that splenic localization is an intrinsic property of the thymocyte subpopulation capable of suppressing MLR responses, and that the suppressor activity of this subpopulation is substantially enhanced by activation in allogeneic hosts.  相似文献   

Human peripheral blood lymphocyte subpopulations were analyzed for the presence of B cell alloantigens with a microcytotoxicity assay. B cell alloantigens were found exclusively on sIg-positive lymphocytes and were not present on sIg-negative, Fc receptor-bearing lymphocytes or sIg-negative, Fc receptor-negative T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Previously, we have demonstrated that supernatants from autologous mixed lymphocyte (AMLR) cultures contain helper factors which can mediate the development of a cytotoxic T-cell response to hapten modified self. In the current study, the effect of AMLR supernatants on the humoral response was explored. BALB/C splenic non-T cells produced a large polyclonal antibody response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS), as measured in a Protein A SRBC plaque assay. Surprisingly, syngeneic AMLR supernatants suppressed the LPS-induced generation of plaque-forming cells. The presence of T cells in the stimulated cultures did not affect suppressor activity. The decreased response was not the result of a shift in kinetics, as maximal activity was observed on Day 4, whether or not AMLR supernatants were added. The AMLR culture supernatants were most effective in suppressing the plaque-forming cell response when added at the initiation of culture. AMLR supernatants added after 24 hr of culture resulted in only about 50% of maximum suppression. Supernatants added at 48 or 72 hr had no effect. Interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) has been detected in AMLR culture supernatant and has been reported to suppress the development of plaque-forming cells in response to LPS. However, it is unlikely the suppressive activity observed in these studies is due to IFN-gamma. Dialysis of the AMLR culture supernatant against a pH 2 buffer for 24 hr or incubation at 70, 80, or 90 degrees C for 10 min, treatments that inactivate IFN-gamma, enhanced suppression. These results suggest that in addition to cytotoxic-T-cell helper factors, the cellular interactions in the AMLR induces the production of a stable mediator(s) which is able to directly suppress B cells at an early stage of their development into plasma cells.  相似文献   

In in vitro plaque-forming cell (PFC) response to particulate as well as to soluble antigen, the functional difference between Fc receptor-bearing (FcR+) and nonbearing (FcR?) murine splenic lymphocytes was analyzed using the EA rosetting method. In the secondary anti-horse red blood cell (HRBC) response of C3H mice, FcR? cells showed higher IgM and IgG responses than did FcR+ cells. When nylon wool (NW)-purified T cells primed with keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) were fractionated into FcR? and FcR+ T cells, helper activity was proven in the former subset in the cooperation with syngeneic spleen cells primed with dinitrophenylated ascaris extract (DNP-Asc). FcR+ T cells showed essentially no helper activity. When FcR? cells were cultured, neogenesis of FcR+ cells was observed on Days 3 to 5. The conversion from FcR? to FcR+ cells was prominent in B cells (40 to 50%), whereas NW-purified nonadherent FcR? T cells converted poorly (15 to 20%). The converting process was accelerated slightly by mitogens, but was least affected by antigens. To examine the possible contribution of neogeneic FcR+ T cells in the helper activity, KLH-primed FcR? T cells were precultured for 7 days with homologous antigen. The specific helper activity of the cultured T cells proved to be unaffected by the depletion of neogeneic FcR+ T cells by EA rosetting. The neogeneic FcR+ T cells had no helper activity. It was thus suggested that helper T cells remain in the FcR? cell fraction and do not convert to the FcR+ state during the cooperating process.  相似文献   

In the course of the culture of an autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction (AMLR), T cells proliferated in response to autologous non-T cells, and differentiated to cytotoxic T cells (AMLR killers). DNA synthesis was necessary to generate AMLR killers, as the elimination of autoreactive proliferating cells with BUdR and UV light completely abrogated AMLR killer cytolysis. Amlr killers lysed various lymphoid cell lines, including autologous B cell lines, autologous or allogeneic mitogen blasts stimulated by Con A, PHA, or pokeweed mitogen, variious nonlymphoid cell lines derived from human, mouse, or rat, and weakly normal autologous or allogeneic non-T cells. KMT-17, methylcholanthrene-induced rat fibrosarcoma, was the only resistant cell line to have been tested. AMLR killers had characteristics similar to NK cells, Major histocompatibility antigens were not the target antigens for AMLR killers. AMLR killers distinguished the blasts stimulated by alloantigens as self from the blasts stimulated by mitogens as non-self.  相似文献   

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