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Alkaloid metabolism in wounded Catharanthus roseus seedlings.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effect of mechanical wounding on alkaloid metabolism was analyzed in Catharanthus roseus seedlings. Wounding induced an increase in ajmalicine accumulation, whereas catharanthine remained unaffected. A positive dual effect on vindoline was noticed. Short and mid-term effects were detected between 12 and 24 h after mechanical damage was inflicted, and apparently resulted from the accelerated transformation of the tabersonine intermediaries to vindoline. Long-term effects involved a generalized increase in carbon flux towards alkaloid synthesis. Exposure to ethylene (1 ppm) produced similar results to those observed in wounded seedlings, suggesting that it might be mediating the wound-induced increase in alkaloid synthesis. No synergistic or additive effects were observed when wounded seedlings were exposed to ethylene or jasmonate.  相似文献   

Enterobacter cloacae (strain PR2/7), a genetically modified endophyte (GME) in citrus plants, carrying different plasmids (pEC3.0/18, pCelE, pEglA and pGFP), was inoculated into Citrus sinensis seedlings under greenhouse conditions. The impact of this on the indigenous bacterial endophytic community was studied by analyses of 2 different morphologic groups. The germination rates of inoculated seeds were evaluated in greenhouse, and plasmid stability under in vitro conditions. Results demonstrated a great and diverse endophytic community inside plants, and specialization in tissue colonization by some bacterial groups, in different treatments. Shifts in seed germination rate were observed among treatments: in general, the PR2/7 harboring pEglA bacterial clone significantly reduced seed germination, compared to the PR2/7 harboring pEC3.0/18 clone. This suggests that the presence of the pEglA plasmid changes bacteria-seed interactions. The endophytic community of citrus seedlings changed according to treatment. In seedlings treated with the PR2/7 with pEglA clone, the population of group II decreased significantly, within the context of the total endophytic community. These results indicate that the application of GMEs induces shifts in the endophytic bacterial community of citrus seedlings.  相似文献   

The presence of human-pathogenic, enteric bacteria on the surface and in the interior of raw produce is a significant health concern. Several aspects of the biology of the interaction between these bacteria and alfalfa (Medicago sativa) seedlings are addressed here. A collection of enteric bacteria associated with alfalfa sprout contaminations, along with Escherichia coli K-12, Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium strain ATCC 14028, and an endophyte of maize, Klebsiella pneumoniae 342, were labeled with green fluorescent protein, and their abilities to colonize the rhizosphere and the interior of the plant were compared. These strains differed widely in their endophytic colonization abilities, with K. pneumoniae 342 and E. coli K-12 being the best and worst colonizers, respectively. The abilities of the pathogens were between those of K. pneumoniae 342 and E. coli K-12. All Salmonella bacteria colonized the interiors of the seedlings in high numbers with an inoculum of 10(2) CFU, although infection characteristics were different for each strain. For most strains, a strong correlation between endophytic colonization and rhizosphere colonization was observed. These results show significant strain specificity for plant entry by these strains. Significant colonization of lateral root cracks was observed, suggesting that this may be the site of entry into the plant for these bacteria. At low inoculum levels, a symbiosis mutant of Medicago truncatula, dmi1, was colonized in higher numbers on the rhizosphere and in the interior by a Salmonella endophyte than was the wild-type host. Endophytic entry of M. truncatula appears to occur by a mechanism independent of the symbiotic infections by Sinorhizobium meliloti or mycorrhizal fungi.  相似文献   

The mechanical wound is one of the unavoidable threats to survival of plants. More researchers focus on the effect of mechanical wound to the over-ground tissues. And the effects of wound to roots were frequently ignored, although it is an important organ for plant growth. In our studies, the metabolomics study was performed to reveal the mechanical wound effects in Catharanthus roseus on roots and leaves by combining gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS), liquid chromatograph-mass spectrometer (LC-MS) and statistical analyses. The metabolic response of TIAs and PCs in plants to wound was most active at 0.5 h after treatment via Q value analysis. At this time point, then significantly responsive primary metabolites and specific secondary compounds (TIAs and PCs) were screened by PLS-DA score plot. In this case, the treatments of CK, LT (wound to leaves) and RT (wound to roots) were clearly distinguished. The targeted compounds include 8 sugars, 4 TIAs and 12 PCs and they displayed specific responses to CK, LT and RT treatments. Under RT group, plants invest more resources on the local responses using TIAs and the color reactions to regulate wound close using PCs. Whereas, LT group might lay emphasis on systemic responses via TIAs induced by SA (salicylic acid) and gallic acid. Our studies provide some basic data for further investigations of the defensive mechanism on roots treated by mechanical wound.  相似文献   

Catharanthus roseus is a medicinal plant from which secondary metabolites used in chemotherapy to treat diverse cancers are extracted. The well known high value metabolites vincristine and vinblastine are just 2 of 130 alkaloids that can be found in C. roseus. However, only few (∼11) of this high number of chemical entities are frequently analyzed and even fewer (∼8) are available commercially. For more than 30 years, different analytical techniques have been developed to isolate and identify C. roseus metabolites, and then allowing revealing the therapeutic potential of C. roseus metabolites. Among few approaches, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) technique is still widely used for the separation and analysis of secondary metabolites such as those from C. roseus. This article thus reviews the most recent developments in HPLC analysis of alkaloids from C. roseus. Diverse considerations that are crucial to the efficiency of secondary metabolites separation and identification steps, such as biomass manipulation, extraction phase and protocols, HPLC separation and analysis protocols are reviewed in details. Examples of spectra obtained using the most common detectors are also shown and suggestions are made on how to proceed in developing efficient separation and identification methods at the analytical and semi-preparative scales.  相似文献   

An endophytic whorl-forming Streptomyces sp. designated as TS3RO having antifungal activity against a large number of fungal pathogens, including Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Rhizoctonia solani, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Cryphonectria parasitica, Fusarium oxysporum, Pyrenophora tritici-repentis, Epidermophyton floccosum, and Trichophyton rubrum, was isolated from surface-sterilized Catharanthus roseus stems. Preliminary identification showed that Streptomyces cinnamoneus subsp. sparsus was its closest related species. However, strain TS3RO could readily be distinguished from this species using a combination of phenotypic properties, 16S rDNA sequence similarity, and phylogenetic analyses. Thus, the whorl-forming Streptomyces sp. strain TS3RO is likely a new subspecies within the Streptomyces cinnamoneus group. Direct bioautography on a thin-layer chromatography plate with Cladosporium cucumerinum was conducted throughout the purification steps for bioassay-guided isolation of the active antifungal compounds from the crude extract. Structural elucidation of the isolated bioactive compound was obtained via LC-MS spectrometry, UV-visible spectra, and nuclear magnetic resonance data. It revealed that fungichromin, a known methylpentaene macrolide antibiotic, was the main antifungal component of TS3RO strain, as shown by thin-layer chromatography bioautography. This is the first report of an endophytic whorl-forming Streptomyces isolated from the medically important plant Catharanthus roseus.  相似文献   

Among a total of 27 cultivable salt tolerant endophytic bacteria isolated from Catharanthus roseus grown in highly salt affected coastal region of cuddalore district, Tamilnadu, India four isolates were found to be positive for nitrogenase activity. The isolates were evaluated for their stress tolerance efficiency and screened for different PGP traits. Based on the above studied parameters, and ability to produce 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase (4.24???mol ??-ketobutyrate mg_1 protein h_1) the salt tolerant diazotrophic isolate AUM54 was selected for further investigation and identified as Achromobacter xylosoxidans by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. The ability of this isolate to ameliorate salt stress in C. roseus was evaluated under gnotobiotic and pot culture conditions. At 150?mM NaCl level A. xylosoxidans AUM54 treated plants recorded ethylene level of 394.1 p mol ethylene g?1 FW h?1 compared to the ethylene level of 516.0 p mol ethylene g?1 FW h?1 recorded in the un inoculated control. A. xylosoxidans AUM54 inoculated plants recorded the maximum germination percentage of 98.3, vigor index of 2231.4, plant height of 120.4?cm, root dry weight of 53.24?g Plant_1 and ajmalicine content of 1.60?mg?g?1, compared to the germination percentage of 91.6%, vigour index of 1511.5, plant height of 105.8, root weight of 47.2?g Plant?1, and ajmalicine content of 1.23?mg?g?1 in uninoculated plants grown without NaCl treatment. This isolate also decreased plant ethylene levels by 11?C23% and increased the antioxidative enzyme content of inoculated C. roseus plants to the tune of 19?C32% for ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activity, 20?C30% for superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and 4?C16% for catalase (CAT) under normal and salt affected conditions.  相似文献   

盐胁迫对长春花幼苗生长和生物碱含量的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
王景艳  刘兆普  刘玲  刘冲 《应用生态学报》2008,19(10):2143-2148
以NaCl浓度分别为0、50、100、150、200和250 mmol·L-1的1/2 Hoagland营养液处理长春花幼苗,7 d后测定其鲜质量、干质量、丙二醛(MDA)和叶绿素含量、色氨酸脱羧酶(TDC)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性等生理指标及文多灵、长春质碱、长春新碱和长春碱等生物碱含量.结果表明:NaCl显著地降低长春花幼苗的鲜质量和干质量,提高MDA含量;叶绿素含量在低盐浓度(50 mmol·L-1)下与对照相比差异不显著,在高于50 mmol·L-1时随NaCl浓度的增加而逐渐降低;在NaCl处理下,POD活性与对照相比显著上升;TDC活性在50 mmol·L-1 NaCl处理下活性最高,而后随盐浓度的增加逐渐降低;文多灵、长春质碱、长春新碱和长春碱含量都是在50 mmol·L-1NaCl处理下最高,分别为4.61、3.56、1.19和2.95 mg·g-1,并显著高于对照及其他处理.盐胁迫虽然在一定程度上抑制了长春花幼苗生长,但促进了其生物碱的代谢,提高了生物碱含量;50 mmol·L-1NaCl处理对长春花吲哚生物碱代谢的促进作用最大.  相似文献   

Upon illumination, the cotyledons of Catharanthus roseus seedlings readily synthesise vindoline from late biosynthetic intermediates, which accumulate in etiolated seedlings. The cellular localisation of tryptophan decarboxylase (TDC) and desacetoxyvindoline 4-hydroxylase (D4H), which catalyse the first and penultimate reactions of vindoline biosynthesis, was identified by immunocytochemistry in developing seedlings. The expression of TDC was restricted to the upper epidermis of cotyledons, whereas that of D4H was confined to laticifer cells. Light exposure of etiolated seedlings significantly induced D4H enzyme activity without changing the steady-state levels of D4H immunoreactive protein or modifying the cellular distribution of D4H expression in dark-grown seedlings. These results suggest that the early and late stages of vindoline biosynthesis occupy different cellular compartments, even in the early phases of etiolated seedling development. The role of light in activating the late stages of vindoline biosynthesis does not, therefore, seem to be related to the formation of the laticifer and idioblast cell types. It is concluded that light is not required for formation of these cell types, whereas regulatory factors, restricted to idioblasts and laticifers, may respond to light to activate localised expression of the late stages of vindoline biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Summary Suspension cultures ofCatharanthus roseus filtered (with or without a vacuum) and resuspended in fresh or spent medium will release serpentine into the medium. This treatment is associated with small increases in pH and conductivity of the medium. The released serpentine quickly disappears, and is probably taken up by the cells.  相似文献   

A differential display of mRNAs was used to isolate periwinkle cDNAs differentially expressed following infection with one of three mollicutes: Spiroplasma citri, Candidatus Phytoplasma aurantifolia, and stolbur phytoplasma. Twenty-four differentially expressed cDNAs were characterized by Northern blots and sequence analysis. Eight of them had homologies with genes in databanks coding for proteins involved in photosynthesis, sugar transport, response to stress, or pathways of phytosterol synthesis. The regulation of these genes in periwinkle plants infected by additional phloem-restricted bacteria showed that they were not specific to a given mollicute, but correlations with particular symptoms could be established. Expression of transketolase was down regulated following infection with a pathogenic strain of S. citri. No down regulation was observed for the nonphytopathogenic mutant GMT553, which is deficient for fructose utilization.  相似文献   

Alkaloid production by transformed root cultures of Catharanthus roseus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Transformed roots of Catharanthus roseus were obtained following infection of detached leaves with Agrobacterium rhizogenes. Roots would not grow in full strength Gamborg's B5 medium but would grow satisfactorily if the medium was diluted to one half strength. Little alkaloid appeared in the growth medium but root tissue contained a high level and wide variety of alkaloids. Ajmalicine, serpentine, vindolinine and catharanthine were prominent components. Vinblastine could also be detected by a combination of HPLC and radioimmunoassay, though at a level of only 0.05g/g dry weight.Abbreviations B5 Gamborg's B5 nutrient salts - LC/MS combined liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry - FW fresh weight - Kb kilobase  相似文献   

The effect of different growth regulators on growth and the production of terpenoid indole alkaloids as well as some enzymes involved in the biosynthesis were studied in Catharanthus roseus seedlings. The seedlings were grown on MS solid medium containing different concentrations of each growth regulator for a period of one month. Extracted alkaloids were analyzed by HPLC for determination of terpenoid indole alkaloid quantities. Continuous availability of growth regulators induced different alkaloids with variable effects among the regulators. Gibberellic acid at concentration of either 5.8 M or 11.6 M resulted in elongation of shoots with lowering the number of leaves. Abscisic acid has a retardant effect on growth. Ethylene did not effect the growth pattern at concentration of 100 M but seedlings were not tolerant to higher concentrations. Methyljasmonate reduced the growth of the root system. Methyljasmonate was a general inducer for all alkaloids and increased the activity of strictosidine glucosidase. Ethylene applications promoted the pathways towards ajmalicine, serpentine, tabersonine and vindoline. Similar effect as for ethylene was observed for abscisic acid. Salicylic acid treatment increased the production of serpentine, tabersonine and higher concentration of salicylic acid induced vindoline accumulation. Peroxidase activity was also induced by salicylic acid. Gibberellic acid has little effect on alkaloid levels.  相似文献   

应用长春花(Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don)悬浮细胞培养体系对天麻素进行了生物转化反应研究.经过8 d培养形成一个转化产物,应用光谱方法鉴定转化产物的结构为对羟基苯甲醇,为天麻素水解后形成的甙元.  相似文献   

The uptake and metabolism of sugars by suspension-cultured Catharanthusroseus cells were investigated. Substantially all the sucrosein the culture medium was hydrolyzed to glucose and fructosebefore being taken up by the cells. The activity of invertasebound to cell walls, determined in situ, was high at the earlystage of culture. Glucose was more easily taken up by the cellsthan was fructose. Tracer experiments using [U-14C]glucose and[U-14C]fructose indicated that glucose is a better precursorfor respiration than fructose, while fructose is preferentiallyutilized for the synthesis of sucrose, especially in the earlyphase of cell growth. Possible metabolic routes of sugar insuspension-cultured Catharanthus roseus cells are discussedin the context of these results. Catharanthus roseus, Madagascar periwinkle, suspension culture, sucrose, glucose, fructose, metabolism, glycolysis  相似文献   

p. 186, right column line 11 ‘27.2 KBq’ change to‘37.2 MBq’ p. 187, left column line 8 ‘27.2 KBq’ change to‘37.2 MBq’ line 10 ‘13.6 KBq’ change to ‘18.6 MBq’ line 11 ‘13.6 KBq’ change to ‘18.6 MBq’ line 21 ‘89%’ change to ‘80%’ right column line 24 ‘CLC-NH4’ change to ‘CLC-NH2’ P. 189, Table 1 appeared incorrectly: it should appear as indicated.  相似文献   

真菌诱导子、信号分子、植物生长调节物质等诱导子对长春花生物碱的生物合成具有调控作用。文章介绍了诱导子种类、诱导效果与调控机理等方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

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