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Two tumor necrosis factor-α mutants MT1 (32Trp157Phe) and MT2 (2Lys30Ser-32Trp 157Phe) were constructed by site-directed mutagenesis. These mutants were soluble and over-expressed inE. coli. The purity of purified mutants was above 95% by serial chromatography. The results of Western blot indicated that these mutants could be cross-reactive with monoclonal antibody against native hTNF-α. Compared to parent hTNF-α, the cytotoxicity of these mutants on murine fibrosarcoma L929 cell lines reduced 4–5 orders of magnitude but was equivalent to that of native hTNF-α on human tumor cell lines. The LD50 of mutant MT1 was reduced to 0.34% of wild type and the dose of MT2 that resulted in 30% death of mice reduced to less than 1/700 that of parent hTNF-α.  相似文献   

Theremarkableabilityofhumantumornecrosisfactor(hTNF-a)istokillmanymalignantcelllinesinvitroorinvivoselectivelyandhavealmostnotoxicityfornormaltissuecells[1,2].However,manysideeffectsofhTNF-ainclinictrialshaveseverelylimiteditsapplicationincancertreatment[3].Recently,alotofworkhasbeendoneforimprovinghTNF-abymeansofproteinengineeringtoobtainnovelhTNF-amutantswithhighcytotoxcityandreducedsystematictoxicity.Yamagishietal.pointedoutthattheessentialfourregionsformaintainingtheactivityofhTNF-aw…  相似文献   

Superoxide dismutase (SOD) occurs in two intracellular forms in mammals, copper–zinc SOD (CuZnSOD), found in the cytoplasm, mitochondria and nucleus, and manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD), in mitochondria. Changes in MnSOD expression (as compared to normal cells) have been reported in several forms of cancer, and these changes have been associated with regulation of cell proliferation, cell death, and metastasis. We have found that progestins stimulate MnSOD in T47D human breast cancer cells in a time and physiological concentration-dependent manner, exhibiting specificity for progestins and inhibition by the antiprogestin RU486. Progestin stimulation occurs at the level of mRNA, protein, and enzyme activity. Cycloheximide inhibits stimulation at the mRNA level, suggesting that progestin induction of MnSOD mRNA depends on synthesis of protein. Experiments with the MEK inhibitor UO126 suggest involvement of the MAP kinase signal transduction pathway. Finally, MnSOD-directed siRNA lowers progestin-stimulated MnSOD and inhibits progestin stimulation of migration and invasion, suggesting that up-regulation of MnSOD may be involved in the mechanism of progestin stimulation of invasive properties. To our knowledge, this is the first characterization of progestin stimulation of MnSOD in human breast cancer cells.  相似文献   

Manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) is the only primary antioxidant enzyme in mitochondria that scavenges superoxide radicals. Overexpressing MnSOD in cancer cells by cDNA transfection suppresses tumor formation and reverses malignant growth. In this study, we examined the effect of recombinant human manganese superoxide dismutase (rhMnSOD) alone and in combination with adriamycin (ADR) against solid tumors of sarcoma 180 in Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) mice. Administration of rhMnSOD alone and in combination with ADR significantly inhibited tumor growth in a dose-dependent manner. The use of rhMnSOD in combination with ADR enhanced ADR’s anti-tumor potency without increasing toxicity. Histopathological examination provided evidence of the anti-tumor effect. In addition, we found lymphocyte infiltration of the tumors, with an increase in both CD4- and CD8-positive cells in the treated tumors. The expression of CD4 and CD8 was up-regulated with increasing dose of rhMnSOD, and the combination treatment with ADR further enhanced this up-regulation. Collectively, these data indicate that rhMnSOD may exhibit an anti-tumor effect by stimulating the immune system and promoting the recruitment of lymphocytes into the tumor to kill tumor cells. Thus MnSOD may constitute a potential new therapeutic agent to be exploited as an adjuvant in cancer therapy.  相似文献   

目的和方法:用针头式滤器检测肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)作用前后及三种药物干预时大鼠肺微血管内皮细胞(RPMVEC)单层通透性的变化,并用免疫组化的方法检测TNF作用前后细胞F-肌动蛋白的改变。结果:TNF作用30min、60min、90min通透系数Kf值较致伤前显著增高;分别加福莫特罗(FOR)、山莨菪碱或霍乱毒素(CTX)干预时Kf值均显著低于TNF组。而TNF作用90min,RPMVEC F-肌动蛋白发生明显解聚:分别加POR、山莨菪硷或CTX干预时F-肌动蛋白无明显变化。结论:TNF诱导RPMVEC单层通透性增高的机制与细胞F-肌动蛋白解聚有关,FOR、山莨菪碱和CTX可能通过抑制F-肌动蛋白解聚而抑制NF诱导的RPMVEC单层通透性增高。  相似文献   

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by loss of motor function and eventual death as a result of degeneration of motor neurons in the spinal cord and brain. The discovery of mutations in SOD1, the gene encoding the antioxidant enzyme Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD), in a subset of ALS patients has led to new insight into the pathophysiology of ALS. Utilizing a novel adenovirus gene delivery system, our laboratory has developed a human cell culture model using chemically differentiated neuroblastoma cells to investigate how mutations in SOD1 lead to neuronal death. Expression of mutant SOD1 (G37R) resulted in a time and dose-related death of differentiated neuroblastoma cells. This cell death was inhibited by overexpression of the antioxidant enzyme manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD). These observations support the hypothesis that mutant SOD1-associated neuronal death is associated with alterations in oxidative stress, and since MnSOD is a mitochondrial enzyme, suggest that mitochondria play a key role in disease pathogenesis. Our findings in this model of inhibition of mutant SOD1-associated death by MnSOD represent an unique approach to explore the underlying mechanisms of mutant SOD1 cytotoxicity and can be used to identify potential therapeutic agents for further testing.  相似文献   

Effect of pyridoxine on tumor necrosis factor activitiesin vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Clinical trials with tumor necrosis factor (TNF) as an antitumor agent have so far given rather disappointing results. In this study we show that the naturally occuring vitamin B6 compound, pyridoxine, enhances TNF-induced cytolysis of three subclones of a mouse fibrosarcoma cell line (WEHI 164). The degree of pyridoxine-induced enhancement of TNF cytotoxicity seems to be dependent on the cells sensitivity to TNF, as the enhancement was much more pronounced in the relatively TNF resistant subclone act-R(cl.12)-WEHI 164, than in the very TNF sensitive subclone WEHI 164 clone 13. Furthermore, our study shows that pyridoxine, in contrast to its enhancing effect on TNF-induced cytotoxicity, rather inhibits TNF-induced growth of human FS-4 fibroblasts. Pyridoxine also enhances lymphotoxin (LT)-induced tumor cell killing and inhibits LT-induced fibroblast growth. Pyridoxine is a relatively non-toxic agentin vivo. Our results suggest that a combination of TNF and pyridoxine may be more efficient than TNF alone, in the treatment of cancer patients.  相似文献   

Rats injected with interleukin-1 (10 g) and tumor necrosis factor (10 g) and then exposed continuously to hyperoxia (> 99% O2, 1 atm) survived longer, had increased lung reduced/oxidized glutathione ratios, smaller pleural effusions, less pulmonary hypertension and improv+++ed arterial blood gases. The percentage of animals surviving for 72 hours in hyperoxia increased from 8% to 94%. Although relatively small increases in glutathione redox cycle enzymes occurred four and sixteen hours following cytokine injection, dramatic increases in all major antioxidant enzymes including superoxide dismutase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, glutathione reductase, glutathione peroxidase, and catalase had occurred following 72 hours of exposure to hyperoxia. The protective effect of IL-1 + TNF against lethal pulmonary O2 toxicity could be partially inhibited by pre-injection of lysine acetylsalicylate or, less effectively, of ibuprofen.Recent studies have suggested that both IL-1 and TNF can induce manganese (mitochondrial) superoxide dismutase mRNA and protein synthesis in a variety of cell types. Preliminary studies suggest that IL-1 alone, in ample dosage, can provide protection against lethal pulmonary O2 toxicity. Future studies should be directed toward identification of acute phase changes in lung antioxidant enzymes, surfactant proteins and/or lipid components, enzymes needed for synthesis of surfactant phospholipids, and/or other protective proteins. Additional work also needs to be done in identifying the lung cell types in which early enzyme induction occurs. These studies should provide a better understanding of mechanisms whereby protection against pulmonary O2 toxicity can occur. An understanding of the molecular mechanisms inducing protective proteins should lead to more precise pharmacologic control of these processes.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional X-ray structure of a recombinant human mitochondrial manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) (chain length 198 residues) was determined by the method of molecular replacement using the related structure of MnSOD from Thermus thermophilus as a search model. This tetrameric human MnSOD crystallizes in space group P2(1)2(1)2 with a dimer in the asymmetric unit (Wagner, U.G., Werber, M.M., Beck, Y., Hartman, J.R., Frolow, F., & Sussman, J.L., 1989, J. Mol. Biol. 206, 787-788). Refinement of the protein structure (3,148 atoms with Mn and no solvents), with restraints maintaining noncrystallographic symmetry, converged at an R-factor of 0.207 using all data from 8.0 to 3.2 A resolution and group thermal parameters. The monomer-monomer interactions typical of bacterial Fe- and Mn-containing SODs are retained in the human enzyme, but the dimer-dimer interactions that form the tetramer are very different from those found in the structure of MnSOD from T. thermophilus. In human MnSOD one of the dimers is rotated by 84 degrees relative to its equivalent in the thermophile enzyme. As a result the monomers are arranged in an approximately tetrahedral array, the dimer-dimer packing is more intimate than observed in the bacterial MnSOD from T. thermophilus, and the dimers interdigitate. The metal-ligand interactions, determined by refinement and verified by computation of omit maps, are identical to those observed in T. thermophilus MnSOD.  相似文献   

Phospholipases generate important secondary messengers in several cellular processes, including cell death. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) can induce two distinct modes of cell death, viz. necrosis and apoptosis. Here we demonstrate that phospholipase D (PLD) and cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) are differentially activated during TNF-induced necrosis or apoptosis. Moreover, a comparative study using TNF and anti-Fas antibodies as cell death stimuli showed that PLD and cPLA2 are specifically activated by TNF. These results indicate that both the mode of cell death and the type of death stimulus determine the potential role of phospholipases as generators of secondary messengers. J. Cell. Biochem. 71:392–399, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The mode of antitumor action of rHu-TNF was elucidated in BALB/c mice bearing Meth A fibrosarcoma 7 days after transplantation with respect to time course, dose-response relationships and selectivity of the effects. The maximal cytotoxic effect on tumor cells revealed by inhibition of DNA synthesis and maximal lesional effect on tumor vasculature revealed by change in blood pool-size in the tissue were detected at 30 min and I h after administration of rHu-TNF, respectively. The dose-response relationship between cytotoxic and tumoricidal effects of rHu-TNF was irrespective of administration route. ED50s of these antitumor effects afteri.v. administration of rHu-TNF were about 50 times as high as ED50s afteri.t. administration. ED50 ofi.t. given rHu-TNF for vascular effect was about 20 times as high as that for cytotoxicity while ED50 ofi.v. rHu-TNF for vascular effect was only 2–3 times as high as that for cytotoxicity. The whole body autoradiographies with [125I] HSA giveni.v. to see the blood influx into tumor tissue and [14C]thymidine given i.v. to see DNA synthesis in the whole body after administration of rHu-TNF revealed that the distribution of radioactivity was markedly changed in the tumor alone without any detectable change in other whole body tissues.In conclusion, thein vivo antitumor effect of rHu-TNF giveni.t. ori.v., appears to be exerted through the direct action on Meth A sarcoma rather than indirectly on tumor vasculature. Under present conditions, the effect of rHu-TNF in the whole body tissues seems rather selective on cells and vasculature of the tumor.  相似文献   

Zheng XC  An W  Bai JX  Mao SH  Wu YJ 《生理学报》1999,(2):199-205
本实验构建含人铜锌超氧化物歧化酶(hSOD1)基因的逆转录病毒载体,将其导入离体培养的鼠血管平滑肌细胞,观察hSOD1基因表达及其抗氧自由基损害作用,结果表明:(1)载体构建策略和方法正确,hSOD1基因可在靶细胞中高效稳定表达;(2)转化hSOD1的VSMCs可对抗大剂量氧自由基对细胞的直接损伤作用;(3)小剂量氧自由基刺激VSMCs增殖,而转化hSOD1的VSMCs增殖反应受到抑制,本研究结果  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) induces synthesis of manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD). It was previously shown that overexpression of MnSOD protected some mammalian cells from TNF cytotoxicity. The purpose of this study was to establish whether MnSOD was increased in cells selected for resistance to cytolysis by TNF in combination with cycloheximide. Melanoma SK-MEL-109 and HeLa cell-resistant variants were selected by repeated treatments with TNF and cycloheximide. The SK-MEL-109 variants had relatively low levels of MnSOD that were inducible by TNF. Surprisingly, the HeLa variants had very low levels of MnSOD that were poorly inducible by either TNF or interleukin-1 alpha. Therefore, an elevated level of MnSOD was not required to protect these cells from TNF-mediated cytolysis. The HeLa variants were more sensitive than parental cells to superoxide radical (O2-) generating compounds, such as paraquat or xanthine/xanthine oxidase. Pretreatment of these variants with TNF did not provide protection against damage by superoxide radicals.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(10):1154-1161

Manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) is over-expressed in most brain tumours, and high MnSOD expression is associated with poor prognosis. The mechanisms still remain largely unknown. In the present study, the elevation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) level and the enhancement of glioma migration/invasion by over-expression of MnSOD were demonstrated. Subsequent studies showed that over-expression of MnSOD significantly increased the activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) and phosphatidylinositol-3-kinases (PI3Ks), including AKTs, s6-ribosomal protein, ERKs and JNKs. Over-expression of MnSOD was also associated with elevations of matrix metalloproteinases-1(MMP-1) and MMP-9 protein. The promotion of migration/invasion, activation of PI3Ks and MAPKs and up-regulation of MMPs were inhibited by the general reactive oxygen species scavenger N-acetyl-l-cysteine (NAC), over-expression of the H2O2-detoxifying enzyme mitochondrial catalase (mCat) and specific inhibitors of AKTs or ERKs. Collectively, our study indicated that H2O2 would contribute to the MnSOD-promoted migration/invasion in glioma cells through activation of AKTs and ERKs. This study provided new molecular insights into the understanding of glioma migration and invasion.  相似文献   

Numerous sequence variants of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) genes have been found. Quantitative real-time PCR was used to measure the expression levels of three MnSOD genes distinguished by a variable amino acid, and three genes distinguished by sequence variation in the 3′ untranslated region (3′ UTR), in wheat plants grown at 20°C and cold-acclimated for 1–4 weeks at 2°C. The amino acid variants did not differ significantly in expression levels, however, differential expression of genes differing in the 3′ UTR was observed. Diploid wheat-related species also carried sequence variants of MnSOD, with differing levels of expression, suggesting diversification of the MnSOD gene family occurred prior to the polyploidization events of hexaploid wheat.  相似文献   

Summary Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), the active principle of certain endotoxins, protein-free perfused in rat hearts leads in 3 h to a considerable loss of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity. In the presence of albumin LPS has virtually no effect. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) added instead of LPS had no effects on LPL activity during 3 hin vitro perfusion. LPS injected into rats intravenously leads within 3 h to severe toxic phenomena amongst which increased capillary permeability. This was visualized as increased rate of interstitial fluid formation in Langendorff hearts mounted 3 h after rats had been treated with LPS. LPL activity did not decline in 3 h lasting endotoxemia. Six hours after LPS injection, however, cardiac LPL activity was considerably lowered, although immunoblotting and immunohistochemistry still showed LPL protein to be present. These date indicate the presence of a considerable pool of inactive LPL protein in addition to active LPL, that can be released in the presence of heparin. The LPL activity is lowered by LPS injection after a lag phase of at least 3 h, while capillary endothelial cells are influenced more rapidly. The relatively late expression of TNF toxicity in cardiomyocytes of the intact heart is discussed.  相似文献   

The induction of phagocytic activation in response to prolonged treatment with different doses of dichloroacetate (DCA) and trichloroacetate (TCA) has been investigated in mice. Groups of B6C3F1 male mice were administered 7.7, 77, 154, and 410 mg of DCA or TCA/kg/day, postorally, for 4‐ and 13‐weeks. Peritoneal lavage cells (PLCs) were isolated and assayed for the different biomarkers of phagocytyic activation, including superoxide anion (SA), tumor necrosis factor‐alpha (TNF‐α), and myeloperoxidase (MPO). In addition, the role of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the SA production was also assessed. DCA and TCA produced significant and dose‐dependent increases in SA and TNF‐α production and in MPO activity, but the increases in response to the high doses of the compounds (>77 mg/kg/day) in the 13‐week treatment period were less significant than those produced in the 4‐week treatment period. Also, dose‐dependent increases in SOD activity were observed in both periods of treatments. In general, the results demonstrate significant induction of the biomarkers of phagocytic activation by doses of DCA and TCA that were previously shown to be noncarcinogenic, with significantly greater increases observed at the earlier period of exposure, as compared with later period. These findings may argue against the contribution of those mechanisms to the hepatotoxicity/hepatocarcinogenicity of the compounds and suggest them to be early adaptive/ protective mechanisms against their long‐term effects. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biochem Mol Toxicol 24:136–144, 2010; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/jbt.20322  相似文献   

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