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Exogenous proteoglycans stained for electron microscopy with colloidal gold and/or cuprolinic blue bind to the surface of cultured arterial smooth muscle cells at two different sites. (I) About 20% of the proteoglycans adsorbed to the cells from the culture medium interact as monomeric and multimeric proteoglycans with smooth or coated membrane areas. (II) The bulk of exogenous proteoglycans exhibits high affinity binding to cell membrane-associated 10 nm fibrils containing or being closely associated with fibronectin and to collagen. It is suggested that the self association of proteoglycans and their binding to the cell membrane and to cell surface-associated fibronectin and collagen are important for maintaining an appropriate micro-environment for the cultured cells.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Sulphate labelled proteoglycans (PG) synthesized by cultured human arterial smooth muscle cell have been quantified using an improved method based on a combination of specific enzymes and ethanol precipitation.
  • 2.2. The present method gives quantitative data of PGs and subclasses allowing batchwise analysis of a large number of samples.
  • 3.3. Approximately 81 % ± 1.7% (mean ± SD, n = 6) of total PGs synthesized by human arterial smooth muscle cells accumulated in medium.
  • 4.4. In cell layer and medium chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan constituted 65.0% ± 0.3% and 75.8% ± 0.7% (mean ± SD, n = 3), respectively of sulphated PGs.
  • 5.5. Heparan sulphate proteoglycan accounted for 26.8% ± 0.6% in cell layer and 22.6% ± 0.5% (mean ± SD, n = 3) in medium of sulphated PGs.

Human arterial smooth muscle cells growing in tissue culture, in contrast to rat cells, preferentially bind and take up large, lipid-rich lipoproteins (125I-labeled low density and very low density lipoproteins) in comparison to the known difference in the propensity of these two species to develop atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Cultured arterial smooth muscle cells synthesize and secrete two types of sulfated proteoglycans, designated as proteoglycan A and B, into the culture medium. They are isolated as immunologically distinct monomers with relative molecular masses of 280 X 10(3) and 180 X 10(3) and are characterized as chondroitin-sulfate-rich (A) and dermatan-sulfate-rich (B) proteoglycans. Both proteoglycan A and B were labelled with [35S]sulfate and used for studies of endocytosis. Uptake of proteoglycan B by arterial smooth muscle cells shows saturable kinetics. At saturation (500 microM) one cell may endocytose up to 1.5 X 10(6) proteoglycan B molecules/h. Proteoglycan A is internalized at a 10-fold lower rate. No saturation kinetics were observed at high proteoglycan A concentrations (500 microM). Endocytosis of proteoglycan B in the presence of an excess of proteoglycan A and vice versa suggest that proteoglycan A and B do not compete for the same receptor site. Free hyaluronate or chondroitin sulfate do not inhibit the uptake of proteoglycan B or A. The results suggest that proteoglycan B is internalized by arterial smooth muscle cells via a high-affinity receptor-mediated process, whereas proteoglycan A is taken up by fluid endocytosis and/or by low-affinity endocytotic processes.  相似文献   

1. Human skin fibroblasts internalize homologous sulphated proteoglycans by adsorptive endocytosis. Endocytosis rate is half maximal when the concentration of the proteoglycans is 0.1 nM. At saturation, a single fibroblast may endocytose up to 8 X 10(6) proteoglycan molecules/h. 2. The kinetics of prote;glycan binding to the cell surface suggest the presence of 6 X 10(5) high-affinity binding sites per cell. The bulk of sulphated proteoglycans associates to low-affinity binding sites on the cell surface. 3. Glycosaminoglycans and other anionic macromolecules inhibit endocytosis of sulphated proteoglycans non-competitively. The lack of interaction of glycosaminoglycans with the cell-surface receptors for sulphated proteoglycans suggests that the protein core of proteoglycans is essential for binding to the cell surface. 4. The effects of trypsin, cell density, serum concentration and medium pH on endocytosis and degradation of endocytosed sulphated proteoglycans is described. 5. A comparison of the number of the high-affinity binding sites and the number of molecules endocytosed with respect to time suggests a recycling of the proteoglycan receptors between the cell surface and the endocytotic vesicles and/or the lysosomes.  相似文献   

Cultured aortic smooth muscle cells originated from healthy and atherosclerotic rabbits produce prostaglandins (namely prostacyclin) at a basal state. Prostaglandin secretion is dramatically reduced in atherosclerotic cells. This impairment was not correlated with any alteration of acyl hydrolase activities and probably involved a decrease of cyclooxygenase activities.  相似文献   

1. The growth-stimulating effect of serum on the proteoglycan and hyaluronic acid production in arterial smooth muscle cells was investigated, using cells synchronized by serum deprivation. 2. After stimulation, synthesis of [35S]sulfated proteoglycans and [14C]hyaluronic acid increased during G1 and G2 phases (about 2- and 5-fold, respectively, in the culture medium), in comparison with quiescent cells. 3. Neither the size, nor the charge, nor the relative proportions of [35S]glycosaminoglycans of the proteoglycans were modified. 4. However, when the cells were stimulated to divide, increased synthesis of large [14C]hyaluronic acid was observed concomitantly with the production of higher hydrodynamic size [35S]proteoglycans, which aggregated with hyaluronic acid (20%).  相似文献   

Turnover of radioactive sulphate-labelled proteoglycans in cultured rat smooth muscle cells was detected by pulse chase techniques. The degradation appeared to take the form of desulphation of sulphated macromolecules, with a loss in total sulphate of approximately 50% in 5 days. The desulphation process occurred in the pericellular/matrix compartment of the culture system and was unaffected by inhibition of matrix formation by beta-aminopropionitrile, or by incubation of cells with lysomotropic inhibitors. There was no evidence for further degradation of desulphated species even when exogenous, radio-labelled proteoglycans were added to fresh cultures and incubated for four days. Labelled macromolecules initiated on xyloside acceptors were desulphated by rat smooth muscle cell cultures more slowly than intact proteoglycans.  相似文献   

Atheroma have been produced in experimental animal by systemic hypoxia. This study assessed the effects of hypoxia on binding, uptake and degradation of human low density lipoprotein (LDL) by human arterial smooth muscle cells, the cell involved in atherogenesis. The LDL content of the smooth muscle cell grown in the usual conditions (95% air [20% O2], 5% CO2) increased with the incubation time of LDL in the medium (7.5 mug protein/ml of medium); the trypsin releasable LDL "binding" reached a plateau by 24 h (2.2 +/- 1.3 [x +/- S.D.]) ng/mug LDL protein added per 10(6) cells whereas the LDL in the cell after trypsinization ("net uptake") continued to increase up to 48 h (6.5 +/- 4.6 ng/mug LDL protein added per 10(6) cells at 48 h). LDL protein degradation increases rapidly between 7 and 48 h (10.4 ng/mug LDL protein added per 10(6) cells at 24 h) after an initial delay of approximately 7 h. Smooth muscle cells grown under hypoxic conditions (5%02) had similar LDL "binding " but showed increased "net uptake" (10.7 +/- 4.8 ng/mug LDL protein added per 10(6) cells) and a 36 +/- 13% decrease in degradation (p less than 0.05; n =8). The impaired degradation of lipoprotein by smooth muscle cells may, in part, explain the role of hypoxia in atherogenesis.  相似文献   

1. Medium and cell-layer proteoglycans from pig aorta smooth muscle cells in culture were compared. In both compartments, the main proteoglycans contained chondroitin sulfate-dermatan sulfate chains of 40 kDalton. 2. However, cell-layer proteoglycans differed from those of the medium by the presence of: (a) some small-size proteoglycans; (b) a greater amount of heparan sulfate; (c) chondroitin sulfate-dermatan sulfate enriched in iduronate and in 4 sulfate- (instead of 6 sulfate-) residues. 3. During dissociation-reassociation assays of arterial proteoglycans with exogenous hyaluronate or "aggregate" proteoglycans, the in vitro formation of complexes appeared to involve inter-associations between proteoglycans molecules, in addition to aggregation with hyaluronate.  相似文献   

Summary Smooth muscle cells were cultured from pig aorta. Changes in both the growth and the properties of sulfated proteoglycans were observed during passage. The population doubling time during log phase growth was 34 h from Passages 3 to 7–8 but 20 h at the Passage 11, and the cell density at the stationary phase, was 86 000 and 136 000 cells/cm2 at Passages 3 and 11, respectively. Structural characteristics of sulfated proteoglycans secreted into the medium were investigated after metabolic labeling with [35S]-sulfate. Significant differences were observed with age in vitro: a) [35S]proteoglycan complexes were in a greater amount at Passage 10 than at Passage 3; b) the hydrodynamic size of at least 45% of subunits and about 90% of monomers decreased with in vitro aging; c) this decrease in the size of proteoglycans was partly due to a decrease in the size of their glycanic chains; d) an increase of 15% in the proportion of dermatan sulfate was observed when cells were subjected to 10 passages. This work was supported by grants from the Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM, U. 181) and the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale.  相似文献   

The ability of cultured human arterial smooth muscle cells to regulate low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor activity was tested. In contrast to human skin fibroblasts incubated with lipoprotein deficient medium under identical conditions, smooth muscle cells showed significantly reduced enhancement of 125I-labeled LDL and 125I-labeled VLDL (very low density lipoprotein) binding. Smooth muscle cells also failed to suppress LDL receptor activity during incubation with either LDL or cholesterol added to the medium, while fibroblasts shoed an active regulatory response. Thus, in comparison with the brisk LDL receptor regulation characteristic of skin fibroblasts, arterial smooth muscle cells have and attenuated capacity to regulate their LDL receptor activity. These results may be relevant to the propensity of these cells to accumulate LDL and cholesterol and form "foam cells" in the arterial wall in vivo, a process associated with atherogenesis.  相似文献   

Near confluent monolayers of arterial smooth muscle cells derived from Macaca nemestrina were labeled with Na2[35S]O4 and the newly synthesized proteoglycans present in the culture medium and cell layer were extracted with either 4 M guanidine HCl (dissociative solvent) or 0.5 M guanidine HCl (associative solvent) in the presence of protease inhibitors. The proteoglycans in both compartments were further purified by cesium chloride density gradient ultracentrifugation. Two size classes of proteoglycans were observed in the medium as determined by chromatography on Sepharose CL-2B. The large population (Kav = 0.31) contained predominantly chondroitin sulfate chains with Mr = approximately 40,000. The smaller population (Kav = 0.61) contained dermatan sulfate chains of similar Mr (approximately 40,000). When tested for their ability to aggregate, only proteoglycans in the large-sized population were able to aggregate. A chondroitin sulfate containing proteoglycan with identical properties was isolated from the cell layer. In addition, the cell layer contained a dermatan sulfate component which eluted later on Sepharose CL-2B (Kav = 0.78) than the dermatan sulfate proteoglycan present in the medium. Electron microscopy of the purified proteoglycans revealed a bottlebrush structure containing a central core averaging 140 nm in length with an average of 8 to 10 side projections. The length of the side projections varied but averaged between 70 and 75 nm. Similar bottlebrush structures were observed in the intercellular matrix of the smooth muscle cell cultures after staining with Safranin 0. This culture system provides a model to investigate parameters involved in the regulation of synthesis and degradation of arterial proteoglycans.  相似文献   

Binding, internalization, and degradation of 125I-labeled-rat atrial natriuretic peptide (rANP) were studied in cultured rat aortic vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC). At 37 degrees C, 125I-labeled-rANP rapidly bound to VSMCs, but the cell-bound radioactivity rapidly decreased upon subsequent incubation, while the binding was slow at 4 degrees C, reaching to an apparent equilibrium after 6 hrs. The cell-bound 125I-labeled-rANP at 37 degrees C is rapidly dissociated from VSMC (t 1/2: approximately 40 min) with the appearance of degradaded product(s) of radioligand in the medium, whereas the degradation was minimal at 4 degrees C. This degradative process was blocked by inhibitors of metabolic energy production (azide, dinitrophenol), inhibitors of lysosomal cathepsins (leupeptin, pepstatin), and lysosomotropic agents (NH4Cl, chloroquine, lidocaine, methylamine, dansylcadaverine), but not by inhibitors of serine or thiol proteases. 125I-labeled-rANP initially bound to the cell-surface was rapidly internalized, and delivered to lysosomal structures, which was confirmed by autoradiographic studies. These data indicate that rANP, after binding to the cell-surface receptors, is rapidly internalized into the cells through receptor-mediated endocytosis, and subsequently degradaded by lysosomal hydrolases.  相似文献   

Proteoglycan (PG) metabolism by aortic smooth muscle cell cultures derived from atherosclerosis-susceptible White Carneau (WC) and -resistant Show Racer (SR) pigeons was compared using [35S]sodium sulfate and [3H]serine or [3H]glucosamine as labeling precursors. Chondroitin sulfate (CS) PG and dermatan sulfate (DS) PG were the major PG secreted into the medium by both cell types. Total PG production, whether measured by incorporation of radiolabel into either core protein or glycosaminoglycan chains, was consistently lower in WC compared to SR cultures at several time points. This difference was due in part to lower (30-37%) PG synthesis in WC cells, but degradation of newly synthesized PG was an important contributor. A pulse-chase study indicated that of the total radiolabeled PG present at time O, only 47% was present at 24 h in WC cultures compared to 88% in SR cultures. The large CS-PG appeared to be the primary target for degradation in WC cells, and this selective processing resulted in a higher DS-PG:CS-PG ratio in these cultures. Structural studies indicated similar core protein and glycosaminoglycan chain sizes within a PG type for both cell types. PG monomer composition differed, however, by a higher sulfation of WC CS-PG compared to SR CS-PG and by a disaccharide sulfation position favoring 6-sulfation in WC PG and 4-sulfation in SR PG.  相似文献   

A rise in cytosolic free Ca2+ is the immediate trigger for contraction in vascular smooth muscle (VSM). We employed the fluorescent Ca2(+)-indicator, Fura-2, and digital imaging microscopy to study the spatial distribution of intracellular Ca2+ in cultured A7r5 cells and the changes evoked by activation with 5-HT. Several methodological considerations that affect the temporal and spatial resolution of Ca2+ images have been addressed. These include: cytoplasmic distribution of Fura-2, wavelength selection for ratio imaging, signal:noise ratio measurement and the effect of [Ca2+] on the limits of detectability under conditions in which [Ca2+] is changing. The distribution of apparent free Ca2+, [Ca2+]App, in A7r5 cells was heterogeneous. This reflects, in part, different pools of intracellular Ca2+. [Ca2+]App was lowest in the nucleus (113 +/- 14 nM; n = 20 cells) and highest in the organelle-rich perinuclear region (228 +/- 12; n = 20), while the surrounding cytoplasmic area (containing relatively few organelles) had intermediate [Ca2+]app levels (150 +/- 13; n = 20). 5-HT (1 microM) evoked transient increases in [Ca2+]App that began within 11 s as relatively modest elevations of [Ca2+]App in the periphery, near the sarcolemma, and subsequently spread to the entire cell, reaching a peak within 18-24 s. At the peak of the Ca2+ transients, [Ca2+]App was highest in the perinuclear region where it sometimes exceeded the maximal detectable levels of the system (1.9 microM). The average peak Ca2+ transient amplitude in the non-nuclear cytoplasm was 1083 +/- 208 nM (1 microM 5-HT; n = 20 cells). Despite the continued presence of 5-HT following the Ca2+ transients, [Ca2+]App then returned to pre-stimulation levels within 5 min. These observations indicate that digital imaging microscopy enables the study of subcellular regulation of intracellular Ca2+ in VSM. The results provide new insights into the role of localized changes in Ca2+ in the regulation of VSM contractility.  相似文献   

Changes on collagen synthetic activity of cultured arterial smooth muscle cells of rabbits induced with purified platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) were examined. PDGF treatment (final concentration was 5 units/ml) decreased the total collagen synthesis per cell, while the rate of collagen synthesis against total protein synthesis was raised by PDGF. Type analysis of collagen revealed substantial reduction of type IV collagen and relative increase of type V collagen in the PDGF-treated cells. By immunofluorescence study using anti-type IV collagen antibody, the lacework fluorescence was decreased with PDGF supplement. These findings indicate that PDGF induces the decrease of type IV collagen synthesis with the simultaneous diminution of basement membrane formation probably in association with phenotypic modulation of smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

Changes in the concentration of cytosolic free calcium were recorded microfluorometrically in rat vascular smooth muscle cells in primary culture and loaded with quin-2. The effects of caffeine and high extracellular K+ on the release of calcium from the intracellular storage sites were determined. In the absence of extracellular calcium, both the depolarization of plasma membrane with excess extracellular K+ and the application of caffeine induced a transient and dose-dependent elevation of the cytosolic free calcium concentration, with durations of 4 and 2 min, respectively. Transient elevations of calcium repeatedly appeared in response to both repetitive depolarization (100 mM K+) and caffeine (10 mM) applications with progressive reductions in peak levels. In either case, the fifth or later treatments induced little or no rise in levels of the cytosolic calcium. The amount of released calcium induced by high K+ depolarization after (n-1) time applications (1 less than or equal to n less than or equal to 5) of caffeine was equal to that induced by the n-th application of caffeine. The amount of released calcium induced by caffeine after (n-1) time exposures (1 less than or equal to n less than or equal to 5) to K+ depolarization was equal to that observed during the n-th exposure to K+ depolarization. These results indicate that caffeine- and depolarization-sensitive intracellular calcium storage sites may be identical and that caffeine and K+, in optimal concentrations, will release an equal amount of calcium from the same storage site in cultured arterial smooth muscle cells, irrespective of the amount of stored calcium.  相似文献   

The pathways of degradation followed by endogenous proteins in cultured smooth muscle cells were compared with the well-characterized lysosomal pathway involved in the degradation of apolipoprotein B of endocytosed LDL. Under conditions in which lysosomal activity towards 125I-labeled LDL was almost completely inhibited by chloroquine and/or ammonium chloride, the degradation of short-lived and abnormal proteins, assessed by the release of [3H]phenylalanine, was reduced by only 10–17%. The basal rate of degradation of long-lived proteins was reduced by about 30% by the same inhibitors while the accelerated proteolysis found under nutrient-poor conditions could be completely accounted for by the lysosomal system as defined by these lysosomotrophic agents. Temperature studies indicated differences between the mechanisms involved in the degradation of long-lived proteins (Ea = 18 kcal/mol) and short-lived proteins (Ea = 10 kcal/mol). Arrhenius plots for the degradation of endogenous proteins showed no transitions between 15 and 37°C in contrast to the breakdown of LDL which ceased below 20°C. The results indicate that the degradation of rapid-turnover proteins is largely extralysosomal and that a significant breakdown of long-lived proteins occurs also outside lysosomes.  相似文献   

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