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Comparisons were made with human subjects of repellency of free flying Anopheles gambiae using soaps containing deet and permethrin or permethrin alone. The reduction in biting did not differ statistically significantly between these two forms of repellent soap. Some mosquitoes which touched the permethrin soap layer without biting died within the next day. The soap with deet was compared with the same amount of deet in a commercially available stick or as a liquid. Only in the latter form did the repellent show resistance to being washed off by cold water.Electrically heated vaporizing mats containing bio-allethrin were shown to be more effective than smouldering coils containing natural pyrethrins, in that there was more complete prevention of biting, and more rapid knock-down and kill. Operation of the vaporizing mat caused deposition of insecticide on the room surfaces.  相似文献   

Abstract. A village-scale field trial of pyrethroid-impregnated mosquito nets was undertaken in The Gambia, West Africa, in the Mandinka village of Saruja (13o13'N, 14o55'W) during July-November 1989. Nearly all the villagers possessed and used their own bednets. Anopheles gambiae is the main vector of human malaria in the area.
An experimental wash-resistant formulation of permethrin was compared with standard emulsifiable concentrate (EC) formulations of permethrin and lambda-cyhalothrin, versus placebo-treated bednets. Target concentrations of pyrethroids on bednets were permethrin 500mg/m2 and lambda-cyhalothrin 25 mg/m2. The experimental design involved random allocation of a treatment to one net per family. Whereas 68% of people questioned said they washed their nets fortnightly, observations during the 16-week trial period showed that only 4/130 (3%) of nets involved in the trial had been washed as frequently as once per month.
Early morning searches for mosquitoes under bednets (1 day/week for 16 weeks) found significantly more mosquitoes (60% An. gambiae ) in placebo-treated nets than in pyrethroid-treated nets. The numbers found with each of the three pyrethroid treatments did not differ significantly from each other. Insecticidal efficacy of the treatments was tested by bioassays using wild-caught unfed mosquitoes exposed to netting for 3min. Linear regression analysis of bioassay mortality against number of times that a net had been washed by villagers showed that nets impregnated with the wash-resistant permethrin retained their insecticidal properties better than nets impregnated with lambda-cyhalothrin or with the standard permethrin formulation.  相似文献   

The response of Anopheles gambiae complex mosquitoes to men sleeping under insecticide-impregnated or untreated bednets in six verandah trap huts was studied during the dry season in The Gambia. With this type of hut it was possible to collect live and dead indoor-resting mosquitoes and estimate the number of wild mosquitoes which entered, bloodfed on man, and exited each night. Bednets were treated with emulsions targetted to leave deposits of 25 mg/m2 lambda-cyhalothrin, or 5, 50 or 500 mg/m2 permethrin, diluted from emulsifiable concentrates (EC), or a blank formulation similar to the EC except that the permethrin was omitted; the sixth net was left untreated. Nets and sleepers were rotated between huts on different nights, the design being based on a series of Latin squares and conducted double-blind. Permethrin-impregnated bednets deterred mosquitoes from entering the huts. The degree of deterrency was proportional to the dosage of permethrin. This effect was also caused by the blank formulation and therefore attributed to other components of the formulation, rather than to the permethrin itself. The net impregnated with 500 mg permethrin per square metre gave the best individual protection, reducing mosquito bloodfeeding by 91% compared with untreated nets. However, lambda-cyhalothrin was proportionately more insecticidal than permethrin at doses of equivalent deterrency. At this stage of research, it remains conjectural whether chemical deterrency or killing of malaria vectors is better for community protection.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of a cheap and easy method of household protection against Culex quinquefasciatus Say and other mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) was investigated in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Kerosene-burning lamps (korobois) were modified to heat and vaporize transfluthrin, a volatile pyrethroid insecticide. When transfluthrin was added to fuel of the lamp, protection against biting was poor unless a very high concentration of insecticide was used. A modified lamp (= vaporizing koroboi) was designed to overcome this problem by mixing the insecticide with vegetable oil and heating it to 120 degrees C in a tin held just above the flame. The concentration of 0.1% transfluthrin in vegetable oil gave 50-75% reduction in biting, a similar degree of protection to that obtained from burning a mosquito coil containing a synthetic pyrethroid (0.25% d-allethrin) and significantly better protection than a locally bought coil (brand 'White Crane', probably containing DDT). Greater protection (consistently > 90%) was achieved with a higher concentration of transfluthrin (0.5%) in the vegetable oil. This modified lamp is simple, cheap and employs locally available technology. With further development, and due regard to inhalation toxicity of the vaporized materials, it may offer a more cost-effective alternative to a mosquito coil as a means of personal protection, and a useful complement to a net for the early part of the evening before bedtime.  相似文献   

The house-entering behaviour of nocturnal mosquitoes was studied in The Gambia. Mosquitoes were captured as they attacked man in the open and in experimental huts which comprised 1.8 m cube frames with corrugated iron roofs and plywood walls of various heights. Catches of all species were similar in the open and in a roofed, but unwalled, hut frame. The mosquitoes taken in catches in unwalled huts and others with wall heights of 0.6, 1.2 and 1.7 m (giving an 8 cm eaves-level entry slit) fell into two categories. The first group, which included the endophilic species Anopheles gambiae Giles s.l., An. melas Theobald and Mansonia spp. were only slightly affected by increasing wall height, but the second group, including the exophilic mosquitoes Aedes spp., An. pharoensis Theobald, Cx poicilipes (Theobald) and Cx thalassius Theobald showed a very marked progressive exclusion. In comparisons of catches in two huts with 8 cm entry slits at eaves or ground level, large numbers of An. pharoensis found access through the ground level entry but not at eaves level. No consistent difference could be demonstrated for other species. It is concluded that the house-entering behaviour which distinguishes endophagic mosquito species includes at least two distinct responses: flight upwards to eaves level and the passage from outside to indoors. It is also suggested that house entry as a component in host-seeking behaviour and indoor resting are distinct, but not necessarily exclusive, behavioural traits.  相似文献   

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