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Growth and development of plants are known to be affected by exposure to red and blue light. Mechanisms by which light quality influences gene expression in maize (Zea mays L.) embryos have not been explored. Maize kernels can be cultured in vitro allowing experimental manipulation of environmental factors during seed development. We used the in vitro kernel culture system to investigate the response of developing maize seeds, which normally develop without exposure to light, to controlled light quality. Kernels grown under red light accumulated more dry weight than those grown in darkness, whereas kernels grown under blue light accumulated less. Reciprocal color shift experiments showed that light quality during the first week in culture had more influence on kernel weight than during the subsequent three weeks in culture. Soluble sugars were higher in both light treatments than in darkness. Blue-grown kernels had higher amino acid and lower lipid levels than red-or dark-grown kernels. Embryo morphology was markedly affected by red light, under which the upper shoot axis was longer than under blue light or in darkness. Embryo morphology was influenced by light quality during the later stages of development rather than the first week. We suggest, based on these results, that gene expression in the embryo and endosperm of developing maize seeds is sensitive to light quality, and the mechanism and time dependence of this effect warrant further study. In vitro maize kernel culture affords a convenient system for such light quality experiments.  相似文献   

Rates of nitrogen and phosphorus release from individualDaphnia magna were determined by measuring ammonia and soluble reactive phosphorus in successive 10-min incubations in small (0.05 ml) vessels after the animals were removed from their food. Release rates of both nutrients were generally highest initially and decreased with time after removal. The ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus released increased with time after animals were removed from an artificial detritus/bacterial food; ratios were lower and changed with time less for animals fed algae. These data suggest errors may be introduced by assumptions of constant stoichiometry for nutrient release in varying environments.GLERL Contribution No. 268  相似文献   

Glutamine metabolism in corn kernels cultured in vitro   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Misra S  Oaks A 《Plant physiology》1985,77(3):520-523
The fate of glutamine, the major source of nitrogen supplied to the developing maize endosperm, has been examined in endosperm tissues of corn caryopsis grown under sterile conditions. In the culture system, [U-14C]glutamine was included in the medium or was injected directly into the endosperm. Samples were harvested at intervals up to 168 hours. Protein and starch fractions were then separated and analyzed for their 14C content. At 168 hours, 31% of the total label incorporated in the endosperm was in zein, 15% in glutelin, and 24% in starch. When individual amino acids and sugars in the endosperm powders were analyzed, the 14C still remaining in the glutamine accounted for only 12 to 14% of the total radioactivity.  相似文献   

The response of developing maize (Zea mays L.) endosperm to elevated levels of abscisic acid (ABA) was investigated. Maize kernels and subtending cob sections were excised at 5 days after pollination (DAP) and placed in culture with or without 90 micromolar (±)-ABA in the medium. A decreased number of cells per endosperm was observed at 10 DAP (and later sampling times) in kernels cultured in medium containing ABA from 5 DAP, and in kernels transferred at 8 DAP to medium containing ABA, but not in kernels transferred at 11 DAP to medium containing ABA. The number of starch granules per endosperm was decreased in some treatments, but the reduction, when apparent, was comparable to the decreased number of endosperm cells. The effect on endosperm fresh weight was slight, transient, and appeared to be secondary to the effect on cell number. Mature endosperm dry weight was reduced when kernels were cultured continuously in medium containing ABA. Endosperm (+)-ABA content of kernels cultured in 0, 3, 10, 30, 100, or 300 micromolar (±)-ABA was measured at 10 DAP by indirect ELISA using a monoclonal antibody. Content of (+)-ABA in endosperms correlated negatively (R = −0.92) with endosperm cell number. On the basis of these studies we propose that during early kernel development, elevated levels of ABA decrease the rate of cell division in maize endosperm which, in turn, could limit the storage capacity of the kernel.  相似文献   

The influence of osmoticum treatments on early kernel development of maize (Zea mays L.) was studied using an in vitro culture method. Kernels with subtending cob sections were placed in culture at 5 days after pollination. Sucrose (0.29, 0.44, or 0.58 molar) and sorbitol (0, 0.15, or 0.29 molar) were used to obtain six media with water potentials of −1.1, −1.6, or −2.0 megapascals. Kernel water potential declined in correspondence with the water potential of the medium; however, fresh weight growth was not significantly inhibited from 5 to 12 days after pollination. In stress treatments with media water potentials of −1.6 or −2.0 megapascals, endosperm tissue accumulated water and solutes from 10 and 12 days after pollination at a rate similar to or greater than that of the control (−1.1 megapascals). In contrast, endosperm cell division was inhibited in all treatments relative to control. At 10 days after pollination, endosperm sucrose concentration was greater in two of the −2.0 megapascal treatments with 0.44 or 0.58 molar media sucrose compared to control kernels cultured in 0.29 molar sucrose at −1.1 megapascals. Significant increases in abscisic acid content per gram of fresh weight were detected in two −2.0 megapascal treatments (0.29 molar sucrose plus 0.29 molar sorbitol and 0.58 molar sucrose) at 10 days after pollination. We conclude that in cultured maize kernels, endosperm cell division was more responsive than fresh weight accumulation to low water potential treatments. Data were consistent with mechanisms involving abscisic acid or lowered tissue water potential, or an interaction of the two factors.  相似文献   

Interaction of liposomes from egg lecithin, phospholipids and gangliosides of rat liver with rat hepatocyte monolayers was investigated. It was shown that liposomes from phospho- and glycolipids of the liver were bound by rat hepatocytes to a far greater degree than lecithin liposomes. Liver gangliosides increased active endocytosis of liposomes by hepatocytes. Preincubation of hepatocytes with gangliosides reduced the binding of phosphoglycolipid liposomes by those cells.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of nitrogen applications on the amino acid composition of wheat grain was studied in a pot experiment, in which spring wheat was supplied with increasing amounts of ammonium sulphate. The ensuing yield curve extended from very small N-applications to applications resulting in a toxic effect on the yield.The contents of dry matter, total N, 15 amino acids and ammonia were determined in samples taken from 9 representative treatments. The relationship between the yield of dry matter and the concentration in the dry matte rof the individual amino acids showed the same characteristic variations as those previously found for total N and for a number of plant nutrients.In accordance with the results cited in the literature, increasing applications of N caused an increase of glumatic acid and proline on a nitrogen basis, whereas lysine and arginine decreased.  相似文献   

Cereal kernel growth and grain yield are functions of endosperm starch accumulation. The objective of this study was to examine how various metabolic factors in developing maize (Zea mays L.) endosperm influence starch deposition. Kernels were grown in vitro on medium with: (a) zero N (−N), (b) optimum N (+N), or (c) −N from 3 to 20 days after pollination followed by +N until maturity (±N) to produce different degrees of endosperm growth and to promote an enhancement of starch synthesis midway through development. At intervals, kernels were harvested and levels of enzyme activities and carbohydrate and N constituents examined. Endosperm starch and protein accumulation were decreased in −N compared to +N kernels, but relief of N starvation increased both constituents. With greater movement of N into ±N kernels, endosperm sugar concentrations declined suggesting an inverse relationship between C and N transport. Unusually high concentrations of sugar in N stressed kernels did not appear to limit or enhance starch production. Rather, increased accumulation of starch in ±N endosperm was correlated with significant increases in the enzymatic activities of sucrose synthase and PPi-linked phosphofructokinase, and to a lessor extent hexokinase. In addition, the occurrence of specific proteins of the albumin/globulin fraction either increased, decreased, or remained unchanged in relation to starch synthesis. These data suggest that lack of N limits starch deposition in maize endosperm primarily through an influence on synthesis of key proteins.  相似文献   

The maximum rate and duration for grain dry matter (DM) and nitrogen (N) accumulation were evaluated in 194 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from a cross between the two French wheat cultivars Récital and Renan. These cultivars were previously identified as having contrasting kinetics of grain DM and N accumulation. Grain protein composition was analysed by capillary electrophoresis (CE), which enabled quantification of the different storage protein fractions (-gliadins, -gliadins, LMW glutenins, HMW glutenins, and each of their subunits). Correlation analyses revealed that DM and N accumulation rates were closely correlated and repeatable over several years, which was not the case for DM and N accumulation durations, and that protein composition was primarily influenced by the N accumulation rate. This was particularly true for the LMW-glutenins and the -gliadins, the most abundant protein fractions. A genetic map of 254 molecular markers covering nearly 80% of the wheat genome was used for quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis. A total of seven QTLs were found. Five QTLs were significantly associated with the kinetics of DM and N accumulation, and two of them also influenced protein composition. Two QTLs affected only the protein composition. One major QTL explained more than 70% of the total variation in HMW-GS Glu1B-x content.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of short-term (4 days) and long-term (8 days) heat stress (35°C) on sink activity of maize (Zea mays L.) kernels. Beginning at 3 days after pollination (DAP) kernels were grown in vitro at 25°C and 24 h later were transferred to 35°C for either 4 or 8 days. Each treatment had a control that was maintained continously at 25°C. Two experiments were designed to examine the uptake and distribution of 14C among hexoses, sucrose and starch in the pedicel placento-chalazal (pedicel/p-c). endosperm, and pericarp tissues of kernels exposed to heat stress for 4 or 8 days. Kernels cultured in vitro were placed in 14C-sucrose medium either during the period of heat stress (experiment 1; 5 to 13 DAP) or immediately following heat-stress treatments (experiment 2; 10 to 22 DAP). In both experiments no significant effect of heat stress was observed on the total radioactivity accumulated in the kernels until about 17 DAP, after which heat-stressed kernels accumulated less 14C than the control. During the linear fill period, the endosperm of kernels exposed to heat stress accumulated more radioactivity associated with hexoses and sucrose and less radioactivity incorporated into starch, as compared to the control. Kernels heat stressed for 4 days showed a partial recovery in starch synthesis by 21 DAP, but to levels of only 65% of that of the control. Kernels heat stressed for 8 days did not recover. When 14C-sucrose was supplied during the heat stress period (5–13 DAP). kernels from all treatments accumulated more hexoses that sucrose in the pedicel/p-c. However, during the period following heat stress (10–22 DAP), pedicel/p-c accumulated sucrose, but only in kernels exposed to long-term heat stress. Soluble invertase activity was inhibited by both short-term and long-term heat stress, whereas the activity of insoluble invertase was affected only by long-term heat stress. These results support the hypothesis that the disruption of kernel growth and more particularly endosperm starch biosynthesis, in response to heat stress, is mainly associated with changes in carbon utilization and partitioning between the different nonstructural carbohydrates within the endosperm rather than with a limitation in carbon supply to the kernel. Therefore, the effect on sink activity does not seem to be attributable to a thermal disruption of kernel uptake of sugars, but rather it is a consequence of heat perturbation of other physiological processes such as endosperm sugar metabolism and starch biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Five maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids, FS854, B73 × Mo17, B84 × Mo17, B73 × B77, and P3382, grown under field conditions, were sampled at intervals during the grain-filling period. Plants were subdivided into stalks (including sheaths), leaves, and kernels. These parts were assayed for dry weight, reduced nitrogen, and extractable nonstructural carbohydrates. The duration and rates of net nitrate reduction and photosynthesis were approximated by the changes over time in the accumulation of reduced nitrogen and dry weight by the plant (total, above ground), respectively.

Data on the accumulation of reduced nitrogen and dry weight by the plant show that decreases in nitrate reduction preceded (in time and extent for four of the hybrids and in extent for FS854) decreases or cessation of photosynthesis. FS854 continued to accumulate reduced nitrogen and dry matter throughout the grain-filling period.

The patterns of change in stalk carbohydrate and reduced nitrogen during the early stages of ear development show the stalk serves as a storage reservoir and that these reserves were remobilized during the final stages of grain development. The marked increase and maintenance of dry weight and carbohydrate content of stalks until 34 days after anthesis, shows the capacity of the leaves to produce photosynthate through the first half of the grain-filling period exceeds the needs of the ear and/or the transport system. In contrast, stalk nitrogen content shows a slight increase up to 12 days after anthesis and decreases continually thereafter. Leaf nitrogen was lost continuously throughout grain development. The potential capacity of the plant to supply newly reduced nitrogen was inadequate to support initiation and early development of the kernels without remobilization of vegetative nitrogen. Of the two hybrids having delayed leaf senescence, FS854 with its initially higher concentration and content of reduced nitrogen in the stalk, initiated and developed a bigger ear than P3382, which had lower levels of stalk nitrogen.

Three of the five hybrids had `near linear' rates of accumulation of kernel dry weight, whereas none of the hybrids had linear rates of gain in kernel nitrogen. All hybrids had maximum or near maximum rates of gain of kernel nitrogen between 26 and 34 days after anthesis and a marked reduction (41-52%) of rates in the following sampling interval. These decreases are concurrent with decreases in rates of nitrate reduction (nitrogen accumulation) by the whole plant for four of the hybrids and with decreases in remobilization of nitrogen from the vegetation of FS854. Data for the ratio of rates of accumulation of dry weight/reduced nitrogen by the kernels versus time after anthesis, show that the accumulation of dry weight and reduced nitrogen are independent of each other. The variations in the ratio values appear best related to variations in the availability of nitrogen from the vegetation.


以黄土高原土壤类型和土壤肥力差异较大的25个农田石灰性耕层土壤为供试土样,研究了土壤微生物量碳(BC)、微生物量氮(BN)与土壤氮素矿化势(NO)、全氮(TN)、有机碳(OC)及土壤颗粒组成的关系.结果表明:BC、BN与TN、OC呈极显著正相关(P〈0.01),表明BC、BN与土壤肥力关系密切,可作为评价土壤质量的生物学指标.BC、BN与NO均呈高度正相关,相关系数分别为0.665和0.741(P〈0.01).BC、BN、TN、OC、NO与土壤物理性粘粒(〈0.01mm)呈显著或极显著正相关,而与物理性砂粒(〉0.01mm)呈显著或极显著负相关,与物理性粘粒和砂粒比值呈显著或极显著正相关,表明土壤有机质主要通过与土壤物理性粘粒复合而形成有机无机复合体.  相似文献   

Quantitative analyses of indol-3yl-acetic acid (I aa ) in Zea mays L. (cv. LG 11) root segments cultured in vitro were performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring. The root extracts were first purified by highperformance liquid chromatography. Root primordia initiation in intact and decapitated roots showed different patterns: decapitation strongly enhanced primordia initiation in their first 10 mm. During the culture (5 days), I aa content decreased in both intact and decapitated roots. No correlation was found between the level of endogenous auxin and the numher of root primordia initiated from either intact or decapitated maize root segments.  相似文献   

We grew loblolly and ponderosa pine seedlings in a factorial experiment with two CO2 partial pressures (35 and 70 Pa), and two nitrogen treatments (1.0 and 3.5 mol m?3 NH4+), for one growing season to examine the effects of carbon and nitrogen availability on leaf construction cost. Growth in elevated CO2 reduced leaf nitrogen concentrations by 17 to 40%, and increased C:N by 22 to 68%. Elevated N availability increased leaf N concentrations and decreased C:N. Non-structural carbohydrates increased in high-CO2-grown loblolly seedlings, except in fascicles from low N, and in ponderosa primary and fascicle leaves grown in high N. In loblolly, increases in starch were nearly 2-fold greater than the increases in soluble sugars. In ponderosa, only the soluble sugars were affected by CO2. Leaf construction cost (g glucose g?1 dm) varied by 9.3% across all treatments. All of the variation in loblolly leaf construction cost could be explained by changes in non-structural carbohydrates. A model of the response of construction cost to changes in the mass of different biochemical fractions suggests that the remainder of the variation in ponderosa, not explained by non-structural carbohydrates, is probably attributable to changes in lignin, phenolic or protein concentrations.  相似文献   

The distribution of the glycolytic enzymes, phosphofructokinase, aldolase, triosephosphate isomerase, phosphoglycerate kinase, pyruvate kinase, and the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway enzymes, glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, was determined in the leaf tissues of two C3-plants, pea and leek, and two C4-plants, maize and sorghum. All enzymes examined were found in epidermal tissue. In pea, maize, and sorghum leaves, the specific activities of these enzymes were usually higher in the nonphotosynthetic epidermal tissue than in the photosynthetic tissues of the leaves. In leek leaves, which were etiolated, specific activities were similar in both epidermal and mesophyll tissue. The distribution of the rate limiting enzymes of glycolysis and the oxidative pentose phosphate pathways probably reflects the capacity of each tissue to generate NADH, NADPH, and ATP from the oxidation of glucose. This capacity appears to be greater in leaf tissues unable to generate reducing equivalents and ATP by photosynthesis, that is, in epidermal tissues and etiolated mesophyll tissue.  相似文献   

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