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 Antinuclear autoantibodies are a hallmark of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Autoantibodies to HRES-1/p28, a 28 000 M r nuclear protein, commonly occur in patients with SLE. HRES-1 is a single-copy endogenous retroviral element mapped to human Chromosome 1 at q42. A polymorphic Hin dIII site defines two different allelic forms of the genomic locus. The HRES-1/1 probe [5.5 kilobases (kb)] anneals to three polymorphic fragments and three genotypes can be differentiated: I, 5.5 kb fragment only; II, 3.7 kb and 1.8 kb fragments only; and III, all three polymorphic fragments. By cloning of the HRES-1 locus from homozygous type I and type II human DNA samples, the polymorphic Hin dIII site was identified as a G to C transition at position 653 of the long terminal repeat region. Family studies showed that Hin dIII genotypes of the HRES-1 locus are inherited in a Mendelian pattern. The relative frequency of genotype I with respect to genotype III was 3.1-fold lower in patients with SLE (14 : 40=0.35) in comparison to 100 ethnically matched control donors (47 : 43=1.09;P=0.0084). Frequency of genotype I vs genotype II alleles was lower in SLE (68/52) than in normal donors (137/63;P=0.033), suggesting that a genotype I allele of the HRES-1 locus may be protective against SLE. Western blot seroreactivity with recombinant HRES-1/p28 was noted in 4/14 (29%) of genotype I patients and 13/19 (68%) of genotype III patients (P<0.025). These data raise the possibility that the HRES-1 element or a gene in linkage disequilibrium with this genomic locus may influence autoimmunity in SLE. Received: 20 February 1999 / Revised: 15 April 1999  相似文献   

Mutations in the gene encoding extracellular glycoprotein fibrillin-1 (FBN1) cause Marfan syndrome (MFS) and other related connective tissue disorders. In this study, eight mutations have been detected in MFS patients by heteroduplex analysis. These comprise two missense mutations, C1835Y and C2258Y in calcium-binding epidermal growth factor-like domains, two nonsense mutations, R1541X and R2394X in transforming growth factor beta1-binding protein-like domains, one splice site mutation, which has been detected previously, and three small insertions or deletions resulting in a frameshift. Fibroblast cells have been established from seven of the MFS patients and the biochemical effects of the mutations on fibrillin-1 synthesis and secretion assessed by pulse-chase analysis. Each cysteine mutation resulted in the delayed secretion of fibrillin-1 and both nonsense and frameshift mutations caused reduced levels of synthesis and/or deposition of fibrillin-1. Indirect immunofluorescence and rotary shadowing electron microscopy analysis of fibrillin microfibrils revealed no major differences between normal and patient samples. We discuss the relative merits of the biochemical techniques used in this study.  相似文献   

Seventy-four beta-thalassemia genes from 37 unrelated beta-thalassemia-major patients were systematically characterized by using PCR, dot-blot hybridization, and direct sequencing of amplified genomic DNA. We found that six mutations--namely, II-654, 41/42, -28, 17 beta, -29, and 27/28--were prevalent, accounting, respectively, for 45.9%, 28.4%, 10.8%, 10.8%, 1.4%, and 2.7% of studied patients. The 27/28 mutation has at codon 27-28 a cytosine insertion which has never been reported before. These results indicate that four oligo-probes (II-654, 41/42, -28, and 17 beta) allow allele-mutant determination by oligonucleotide analysis in 95.9% of this group of patients, and direct sequencing can be carried out for other samples. These data will facilitate the prenatal diagnosis of this disease by DNA analysis in Taiwan.  相似文献   

The PyAG1 gene, identified by the screening of a Plasmodium yoelii genomic DNA library with a rhoptry-specific Mab, encodes a protein with a zinc finger structure immediately followed by the consensus sequence of the Arf GAP catalytic site. The serum of mice immunized with the recombinant protein recognized specifically the rhoptries of the late infected erythrocytic stages. Blast analysis using the Genbank database gave the highest scores with four proteins presenting an Arf1 GAP activity. If presenting also this activity, the PyAG1 protein could be involved in the regulation of the secreted protein vesicular transport and, consequently, in the rhoptry biogenesis.  相似文献   

We have cloned 70 kb of DNA from the yellow (y) gene region and analyzed two y null alleles. These alleles are caused by different DNA elements that have inserted into different sites of the y gene coding region.  相似文献   

Mice harbor a family of endogenous retroviruses, the mouse mammary tumor viruses (MMTV), which encode superantigens. These superantigens are responsible for the deletion of T cells expressing certain Vbeta chains of the T-cell receptor in the thymus. Human T cells are able to recognize MMTV-encoded superantigens presented by human major histocompatibility complex class II-positive cells. Owing to this and to the similarity of the human and murine immune systems, it was speculated that human endogenous retroviruses might also code for superantigens. Recently, it was reported that a proviral clone (IDDMK(1,2)22) of the human endogenous retrovirus family HTDV/HERV-K encodes a superantigen. The putative superantigen gene was located within the env region of the virus. Stimulated by these findings, we amplified by PCR and cloned into eucaryotic expression vectors open reading frames (ORFs) which were identical or very similar to IDDMK(1,2)22. When we transfected these vectors into A20 cells, a murine B-cell lymphoma, we were able to demonstrate mRNA expression and protein production. However, we did not find any evidence that the ORF stimulated human or murine T cells in a Vbeta-specific fashion, the most prominent feature of superantigens.  相似文献   

Specific interactions between adjacent ryanodine receptor (RyR) molecules to form ordered two-dimensional arrays in the membrane have been demonstrated using electron microscopy both in situ, in tissues and cells, and in vitro, with the purified protein. RyR interoligomeric association has also been inferred from observations of simultaneous channel gating during multi-RyR channel recordings in lipid bilayers. In this study, we report experiments designed to identify the region(s) of the RyR molecule, participating in this reciprocal interaction. Using epitope-specific antibodies, we identified a RyR tryptic fragment that specifically bound the intact immobilized RyR. Three overlapping RyR fragments encompassing this epitope, expressed using an in vitro mammalian expression system, were immunoprecipitated by RyR. To refine the binding regions, smaller RyR fragments were expressed as glutathione S-transferase (GST) fusion proteins, and their binding to RyR was monitored using a "sandwich" enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Three GST-RyR fusion proteins demonstrated specific binding, dependent upon ionic strength. Binding was greatest at 50-150 mm NaCl for two GST-RyR constructs, and a third GST-RyR construct demonstrated maximum binding between 150 and 450 mm NaCl. The binding at high NaCl concentration suggested involvement of a hydrophobic interaction. In silico analysis of secondary structure showed evidence of coil regions in two of these RyR fragment sequences, which might explain these data. In GST pull-down assays, these same three fragments captured RyR2, and two of them retained RyR1. These results identify a region at the center of the linear RyR (residues 2540-3207 of human RyR2) which is able to bind to the RyR oligomer. This region may constitute a specific subdomain participating in RyR-RyR interaction.  相似文献   

Yi JM  Kim HM  Kim HS 《Molecules and cells》2001,12(1):137-141
Long terminal repeats (LTRs) of the human endogenous retroviruses K family (HERV-K) have been found to affect expression of genes located nearby. It has been suggested that the HERV-K LTR elements contributed to the structural change in the genome and genetic variation connected to various diseases. We examined the HERV-K LTR elements in human cancer cells. Using genomic DNA from various cancer cells, we performed PCR amplification and identified forty-nine HERV-K LTR elements. Those LTR elements showed a high degree of sequence similarity with human-specific HERV-K LTR elements. A phylogenetic tree, obtained by the neighbor-joining method, revealed that twelve HERV-K LTR elements were closely related to human-specific HERV-K LTR elements. These elements proliferated recently and were detectable in many human cancer cell lines. These results suggest that HERV-K LTR could be implicated in a pathogenic role, although this phenomenon may not directly lead to human cancers. Further studies on the biological function and expression of HERV-K LTR elements in cancer cells are indicated.  相似文献   

Copy DNAs corresponding to a highly repetitive, proline-rich protein from maize have been cloned by differential screening of a coleoptile cDNA library. The deduced amino acid sequence contains a single repetitive element of carrot extensin (Ser-Pro-Pro-Pro-Pro). The related mRNAs have a defined distribution in tissues of the plant and are accumulated mainly in the coleoptile node and root tip. A peptide that corresponds to one of the repetitive elements of the protein has been synthesized and antisera have been obtained in rabbits. These antibodies react against crude preparations of coleoptile cell wall and against polypeptides extracted following the protocols described for the extraction of extensin. From these data it is concluded that the cDNAs correspond to a family of cell wall glycoproteins from maize.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage Tuc2009 is a temperate bacteriophage with a small isometric head and is isolated from Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris UC509. The phage genome is packaged by a headful mechanism, giving rise to circularly permuted molecules with terminal redundancy. The unit genome size is approximately 39 kb. A map of the phage genome on which several determinants could be localized was constructed: pac, the site of initiation of DNA packaging; lys (1,287 bp), specifying the phage lysin; S (267 bp), specifying a putative holin; and mp1 (522 bp) and mp2 (498 bp), each specifying one of the phage's structural proteins. lys, S, mp1, and mp2 were further characterized. lys and S are partially overlapping and appear to be part of one operon. The lysin shows homology to the lysins of the Streptococcus pneumoniae phages Cp-9, Cp-1, and Cp-7. The putative holin, which is thought to be involved in the release of lysin from the cytoplasm, contains two strongly hydrophobic presumptive transmembrane domains and a highly charged C-terminal domain.  相似文献   

Long terminal repeats (LTRs) of human endogenous retrovirus (HERV) have contributed to the structural change or genetic variation of primate genome that are connected to speciation and evolution. Using genomic DNAs that were derived from hominoid primates (chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, and gibbon), we performed PCR amplification and identified thirty HERV-W LTR elements. These LTR elements showed a 82-98% sequence similarity with HERV-W LTR (AF072500). Specifically, additional sequences (GCCACCACCACTGTTT in the gorilla and TGCTGCTGACTCCCATCC in the gibbon) were noticed. Clone OR3 from the orangutan and clone GI2 from the gibbon showed a 100% sequence similarity, although they are different species. This indicates that both LTR elements were proliferated during the last 2 to 5 million years from the integration of the original LTR element. A phylogenetic tree that was obtained by the neighbor-joining method revealed a wide overlap of the LTR elements across species, suggesting that the HERV-W LTR family evolved independently during the hominoid evolution.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of region 1 of the K5 antigen gene cluster of Escherichia coli was determined. This region is postulated to encode functions which, at least in part, participate in translocation of polysaccharide across the periplasmic space and onto the cell surface. Analysis of the nucleotide sequence revealed five genes that encode proteins with predicted molecular masses of 75.7, 60.5, 44, 43, and 27 kDa. The 27-kDa protein was 70.7% homologous to the CMP-2-keto-3-deoxyoctulosonic acid synthetase enzyme encoded by the E. coli kdsB gene, indicating the presence of a structural gene for a similar enzyme within the region 1 operon. The 43-kDa protein was homologous to both the Ctrb and BexC proteins encoded by the Neisseria meningitidis and Haemophilus influenzae capsule gene clusters, respectively, indicating common stages in the expression of capsules in these gram-negative bacteria. However, no homology was detected between the 75.7, 60.5-, and 44-kDa proteins and any of the proteins so far described for the H. influenzae and N. meningitidis capsule gene clusters.  相似文献   

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