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cDNA clones complementary to 9 S poly(A)+ RNA from erythroblasts of anemic larvae and adults of Xenopus laevis have been prepared. Clones, containing at least 400 bp of cDNA, have been analyzed by cross-hybridization and restriction mapping. They were found to comprise four unrelated main groups of sequences (two larval and two adult) and each main group contained two related subgroups. Partial sequence analysis and comparison of restriction data to previously published maps allowed the four main groups to be identified as α- or β-globin sequences. The sequence divergence between the subgroups was determined by melting curves of homo- and heteroduplexes. We found that the larval sequences have diverged twice as far as the adult ones. To account for this result, different hypotheses on globin gene evolution are proposed.  相似文献   

Xenopus laevis eggs and gastrula stage embryos were fractionated into three equal sections normal to the animal-vegetal axis, and poly(A)+ RNA was isolated from each section. Hybridization of these poly(A)+ RNAs with [32P]cDNA synthesized using animal or vegetal poly(A)+ RNAs showed no detectable differences in the extents or rates of reaction. Thus, the vast majority of poly(A)+ RNAs are not segregated along the animal-vegetal axis. To increase the sensitivity of these experiments, [32P]cDNAs were prepared which had reduced levels of RNA sequences from the animal region of the gastrula stage embryo or spawned unfertilized egg. Hybridization reactions with these probes showed that 3 to 5% of the input cDNA represents poly(A)+ RNA sequences enriched 2- to 20-fold in the vegetal region of the egg or gastrula stage embryo.  相似文献   

A DNA binding protein has been isolated, by affinity chromatography on DNA cellulose, from mitochondria and from purified mitDNA-protein complexes from oocytes of Xenopus laevis. This 12,500 daltons protein is polymeric in its native form and binds to DNA with a high efficiency. It exhibits an apparently preferential binding to the single-stranded fiber of the D loop structures.  相似文献   

Summary Nuclear poly(A)+ RNA was isolated from gastrula and early tadpole stages ofXenopus laevis, transcribed into cDNA and integrated as double stranded cDNA by the G-C joining method into the Pst cleavage site of plasmid pBR 322. After cloning inE. coli strain HB 101 the clone libraries were hybridized to32P labelled cDNA derived from nuclear poly(A)+ RNA of the two different developmental stages. About 20% of the clones gave a positive hybridization signal thus representing RNA molecules of high and medium abundance. From these clones, some individual clones were identified containing sequences which are not present at the oocyte and gastrula stages but which are transcribed at the early tadpole stage of embryonic development.  相似文献   

1. The nucleotide sequence of 5.8-S rRNA from Xenopus laevis is given; it differs by a C in equilibrium U transition at position 140 from the 5.8-S rRNA of Xenopus borealis. 2. The sequence contains two completely modified and two partially modified residues. 3. Three different 5' nucleotides are found: pU-C-G (0.4) pC-G (0.2) and pG (0.4). 4. The 3' terminus is C not U as in all other 5.8-S sequences so far determined. 5. The X. laevis sequence differs from the mammalian and turtle sequences by five and six residue changes respectively. 6. A ribonuclease-resistant hairpin loop is a principle feature of secondary structure models proposed for this molecule. 7. Sequence heterogeneity may occur at one position at a very low level (approximately 0.01) in X. laevis 5.8-S rRNA, while none was detected in X. borealis or HeLa cell 5.8-S rRNA.  相似文献   

A 1700 nucleotide DNA sequence derived from Xenopus vitellogenin mRNA has been cloned in the bacterial plasmid pBR322. The identity of the cloned sequence was verified in two ways. Firstly, the plasmid DNA was shown to hybridise to an RNA of the correct size (6,700 nucleotides). This was shown by in situ hybridisation to electrophoretically separated RNA and also by the formation of "R-loops" with purified vitellogenin mRNA. Then, using a novel procedure in which plasmid DNA covalently bound to diazotised paper is used to select complementary mRNA sequences, the cloned sequence was shown to hybridise to an mRNA which directed the synthesis of vitellogenin when translated in a reticulocyte lysate cell-free system.  相似文献   

More ribosomal spacer sequences from Xenopus laevis.   总被引:25,自引:17,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
The base sequence analysis of a Xenopus laevis ribosomal DNA repeat (7) has been extended to cover almost the entire non-transcribed and external transcribed spacer. A compilation of these sequences is presented. All the repetitive and non-repetitive sequence elements of the spacer are identified and their evolution discussed. Comparison of the X.laevis and S.cerevisiae (25,26) ribosomal DNAs shows about 80% sequence conservation in the 18S gene but no sequence conservation, from the available data, in the external transcribed spacer. The sequence coding for the 3' terminus of the X.laevis 40S ribosomal precursor RNA is presented and its structural features analyzed.  相似文献   

Over 200 cloned sequences from recombinant DNA libraries prepared from Xenopus laevis embryonic poly(A)+RNA have been analyzed by colony hybridization with [32P]cDNA prepared from poly(A)+RNA from several stages of development. The period of early embryogenesis extending through the beginning of gastrulation (stage 10) is marked by the relative constancy of the abundant poly(A)+RNA population. Between the gastrula and tailbud stages (stage 24) there is a dramatic change in the pattern of abundant poly(A)+RNA species; the new pattern remains fairly constant for at least 2 days of development to the late prefeeding tadpole stages (stage 41). We have also compared nonpolysomal and polysomal poly(A)+RNA populations at two different stages. In stage 10 (early gastrula) postribosomal (free ribonucleoprotein) and polysomal poly(A)+RNA populations partly overlap; however, many cloned sequences occur in quite different concentrations in one fraction or the other. Among the sequences that are predominantly nonpolysomal at gastrula few become predominantly polysomal at tailbud stages. Thus, we have no evidence for a major recruitment of abundant nonpolysomal RNAs into polysomes with progressing development. We rather observe a general pattern in which a cloned sequence that is nonpolysomal in one stage of development tends to be nonpolysomal (if detectable at all) in other stages as well.  相似文献   

The function of alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) is not known in mammals. It is well-established in the amphibian Xenopus laevis in which alpha-MSH mediates the process of adaptation to a dark background. The amino acid sequence of this hormone is, however, not known in amphibians. In order to determine the primary structure of the precursor protein for alpha-MSH, which in mammals has been called pro-opiomelancortin (POMC), we constructed a cDNA library from Xenopus pituitary mRNA. A pool of synthetic oligodeoxyribonucleotide tetradecamers corresponding to part of the mammalian alpha-MSH sequence was used to screen the library. The nucleotide sequence of a 1050-base pair hybridization-positive cDNA clone was determined and the deduced amino acid sequence of Xenopus POMC revealed the sequences of Xenopus gamma-MSH, alpha-MSH, corticotropin-like intermediate lobe peptide, beta-MSH, and beta-endorphin. Interestingly, the N-terminal amino acid of Xenopus alpha-MSH, which is N alpha-acetylated in the biologically active form of the hormone, is different from that of mammalian alpha-MSH. The distribution of the bioactive domains within Xenopus POMC is remarkably similar to that in other known POMC molecules and as in mammals the domains in the amphibian prohormone are flanked on both sides by pairs of basic amino acids.  相似文献   

Meiotic maturation of Xenopus laevis oocytes by progesterone requires translation of stored maternal mRNAs. We investigated the role of poly(A) tail elongation of mRNAs during this process using cordycepin, which inhibits poly(A) tail elongation of mRNAs. When oocytes were treated with the buffer containing 10 mM cordycepin for 12 h, concentration of 3'-dATP in cytosol of oocytes increased to 0.7 mM, while that of ATP remained constant at around 1.2 mM. Incorporation of [32P]AMP into poly(A) mRNA was inhibited almost completely by this treatment. Progesterone-induced germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) was also abolished. Dose dependence of inhibition of progesterone-induced GVBD on cordycepin was similar to that of [32P]AMP incorporation into poly(A) mRNA. However, maturation-promoting factor-induced GVBD was unaffected by treatment of oocytes with cordycepin. Furthermore, the inhibition of GVBD by cordycepin was rescued by removal of cordycepin even in the presence of actinomycin D. Therefore, we concluded that poly(A) tail elongation of mRNA is required for induction of meiotic maturation of X. laevis oocytes. In addition, progesterone induced a 2.7-fold activation of [32P]AMP incorporation into the poly(A) tail of mRNA after a lag period of 3 h whereas GVBD was induced after 6-8 h from the progesterone treatment. Syntheses of most of the proteins were unaffected by treatment of oocytes with progesterone or cordycepin. However, syntheses of several proteins were increased or decreased by progesterone and cordycepin treatment.  相似文献   

In order to characterize the transport systems mediating K+ uptake into oocytes, flux studies employing 86Rb were performed on Xenopus oocytes stripped of follicular cells by pretreatment with Ca2(+)-Mg2(+)-free Barth's medium. Total Rb+ uptake consisted of an ouabain-sensitive and an ouabain-insensitive flux. In the presence of 100 mmol/l NaCl and 0.1 mmol/l ouabain the ouabain-insensitive flux amounted to 754.7 +/- 59.9 pmol/oocyte per h (n = 30 cells, i.e., 10 cells each from three different animals). In the absence of Na+ (Na+ substituted by N-methylglucamine) or when Cl- was replaced by NO3- the ouabain-insensitive flux was reduced to 84.4 +/- 42.9 and 79.2 +/- 12.1 pmol/oocyte per h, respectively (n = 50 cells). Furthermore, this Na(+)- and Cl(-)-dependent flux was completely inhibited by 10(-4) mol/l bumetanide, a specific inhibitor of the Na(+)-K(+)-2Cl- cotransport system. These results suggest that K+ uptake via a bumetanide-sensitive Na(+)-K(+)-2Cl- cotransport system represents a major K+ pathway in oocytes.  相似文献   

The complete sequence of a cloned cDNA derived from the major adult alpha-globin mRNA of Xenopus laevis (the South African Clawed Toad) is presented. The sequence contains the complete coding and 3' non-coding regions of the mRNA and part of the 5' non-coding region. The amino acid sequence of the encoded alpha-globin polypeptide has been deduced and is compared to other alpha-globin polypeptides. We find that the sequence is equally diverged from a bullfrog tadpole alpha-globin polypeptide and human alpha-globin polypeptide suggesting that these three sequences may have diverged from a common ancestral sequence several hundred million years ago.  相似文献   

A pre-export U1 snRNP in Xenopus laevis oocyte nuclei.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
We demonstrate that precursors of U1 snRNA are associated with nuclear proteins prior to export to the cytoplasm. The approximately 15S complexes containing pre-U1 RNA, which we call pre-export U1 snRNPs, were identified in extracts of Xenopus laevis oocyte nuclei that were synthesizing U1 RNAs from injected U1 genes. The U1 snRNP-specific A protein was associated with nuclear pre-U1 RNA since both this protein and the RNA were co-precipitated by antibodies directed against either the m7G-cap of the precursor RNA or the U1-A protein. The interaction of the U1-A protein with pre-U1 RNA required sequences in the loop II region although this region of U1 RNA was not necessary for the association of U1 A protein with mature U1 snRNPs. The U1 A protein helps protect pre-U1 RNA against degradation in the nucleus.  相似文献   

Total RNA, extracted from mature oocytes and tadpoles of Xenopus laevis, was used as a template for in vitro protein synthesis. The oocyte RNA is markedly deficient in abundant mRNA species by comparison to tadpole RNA or other somatic RNAs, in agreement with previous experiments using RNA-cDNA hybridization analysis (S. Perlman and M. Rosbash, 1978, Develop. Biol.63, 197–212). Oocyte pA+ RNA is also larger than tadpole pA+ RNA or other somatic pA+ populations. The larger oocyte pA+ RNA and smaller oocyte pA+ RNA are equally good templates for in vitro protein synthesis, which implies that much, and perhaps all, of the large oocyte pA+ RNA is bona fide mRNA. We suggest that the relatively large size of the oocyte pA+ RNA population is due, at least in part, to the relative lack of abundant mRNA species in the population. This suggestion follows from the observation of 0. Meyuhas and R. P. Perry (1979, Cell16, 139–148) that L-cell-abundant mRNAs are preferentially small and rare mRNAs preferentially large. Most of the oocyte pA+ sequences are also present in tadpoles and are still adenylated at this stage. Oocyte proteins synthesized in vivo do not appear deficient in abundant proteins, suggesting that a translational control mechanism operates to select certain pA+ RNAs at higher frequencies than others.  相似文献   

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