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We have measured the rate of hydrolysis of liposomes made of DL--dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and L--dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine by a soluble fraction of highly purified lysosomes isolated from rat liver. Phospholipids are hydrolyzed into lysophospho-lipids and fatty acids at a rate which is maximal near the temperature characteristic of the gel to liquid crystalline phase transition of the lipid bilayer. This strong influence of the physical properties of the substrate on the enzyme activity suggests a structural analogy between the lysosomal phospholipases of the A type (EC and EC and the pancreatic phospholipase A2.  相似文献   

Utilizing reflectance spectrophotometry, hemoperfusion, rate of oxygen consumption and redox level of mitochondrial cytochrome c (+c1) in livers in situ of anesthetized rats were measured. The transition to the anoxic state was induced by raising the pressure on the liver surface to more than the hepatic blood pressure by pressing with the tip of the optical guide of the reflectance spectrophotometer. During this transition, the average oxygen saturation of hemoglobin in the liver in situ decreased linearly with time until it became 10--20% of the total. This was followed by reduction of mitochondrial cytochrome c (+c1), which reached completion in 10--20 s. The measured O2 consumption rate remained constant until the percentage of oxyhemoglobin in situ decreased to a critical level. There was then a decrease in the rate of O2 consumption which was accompanied by a progressive reduction of cytochrome c (+c1). It was shown that amounts of hemoglobin and mitochondrial respiratory chain cytochromes in the liver in situ could be measured non-invasively and could provide important signals for vital cellular functions. The changes in hemoperfusion and rate of O2 consumption of the liver in situ following ethanol ingestion were also shown in rats, and are briefly discussed with respect to possible application of this method to study the pathophysiology of tissues.  相似文献   

Aspects of osmotic properties of liposomes, prepared from synthetic lecithin, above, at and below the gel to liquid crystalline phase transition temperature are described. The experiments show that liposomal membranes with their lipids in the gel state are still permeable to water. The rate of water permeation changes drastically on passing the transition temperature. The water permeation has activation energies of 9.5 +/- 1.28 and 26.4 +/- 0.9 kcal/mol above and below the transition temperature, respectively, indicating that the diffusion processes take place by different mechanisms. With respect to the barrier properties of the liposomes in the vicinity of the transition temperature, the following conclusions can be made. (1) Studying the osmotic shrinkage of liposomes at a fixed temperature near the transition point, the experiments indicate that dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine membranes are highly permeable to glucose under these conditions, where liquid and solid domains co-exist. Under the same conditions the osmotic experiments did not indicate a strong increase in glucose permeability of dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine membranes as compared to the situation above and below the transition temperature. (2) On the other hand, perturbations of the phase equilibrium by temperature varations resulted in a marked increase of the glucose permeation through dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine bilayers. Once a new phase equilibrium of liquid and solid regions is established the permeation rate of glucose is much less.  相似文献   

H Ellens  J Bentz  F C Szoka 《Biochemistry》1986,25(2):285-294
We have examined whether there is a relationship between the lamellar-hexagonal phase transition temperature, TH, and the initial kinetics of H+- and Ca2+-induced destabilization of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) liposomes. The liposomes were composed of dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine, egg phosphatidylethanolamine (EPE), or phosphatidylethanolamine prepared from egg phosphatidylcholine by transesterification (TPE). These lipids have well-spaced lamellar-hexagonal phase transition temperatures (approximately 12, approximately 45, and approximately 57 degrees C) in a temperature range that allows us to measure the initial kinetics of bilayer destabilization, both below and above TH. The liposomes were prepared at pH 9.5. The TH of EPE and TPE was measured by using differential scanning calorimetry, and it was found that the TH was essentially the same at low pH or at high pH in the presence of 20 mM Ca2+. At temperatures well below TH, either at pH 4.5 or at pH 9.5 in the presence of Ca2+, the liposomes aggregate, leak, and undergo lipid mixing and mixing of contents. We show that liposome/liposome contact is involved in the destabilization of the PE liposomes. The temperature dependence of leakage, lipid mixing, and mixing of contents shows that there is a massive enhancement in the rate of leakage when the temperature approaches the TH of the particular PE and that lipid mixing appears to be enhanced. However, the fusion (mixing of aqueous contents) is diminished or even abolished at temperatures above TH. At and above the TH, a new mechanism of liposome destabilization arises, evidently dependent upon the ability of the PE molecules to adapt new morphological structures at these temperatures. We propose that this destabilization demarks the first step in the pathway to the eventual formation of the HII phase. Thus, the polymorphism accessible to PE is a powerful agent for membrane destabilization, but additional factors are required for fusion.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary cells, selected in mitosis and plated into medium containing hydroxyurea, can progress through G1 and enter S phase although bulk DNA synthesis is prevented. As the cells progress through G1 in the presence of hydroxyurea, ornithine decarboxylase activity remains low while general protein synthesis appears unaffected. After hydroxyurea is removed, ornithine decarboxylase activity increases, but only after approximately 20% of the DNA has been replicated. These results suggest that ornithine decarboxylase induction is not essential for cellular progression into S phase but is required for the completion of DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The shift in the gel-liquid crystal phase transition temperature (tm) of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine liposomes induced by incorporation of 10 mol% palmitic acid, was measured by 90 degrees light scattering at different bulk pH values. It has been found that the tm shift decreases sigmoidally from 4.7 to -0.3 degrees C as the bulk pH is raised from 5 to 11. Since it is in this range that the carboxyl group of a membrane-bound fatty acid should ionize, our results can be interpreted to mean that there is relationship between the tm shift and the degree of dissociation of palmitic acid, the uncharged fatty acid increasing tm and its conjugate, anionic form, slightly decreasing the transition temperature of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine liposomes. The experimental results are fitted by a modified form of the Henderson-Hasselbach equilibrium expression which takes into account the effect of the anionic fatty acid on the surface potential and hence, on the surface pH of liposomes, according to Gouy-Chapman and Boltzmann equations, respectively. Best fit between theory and experiments is found when the intrinsic interfacial pK of palmitic acid is set equal to 7.7. This high pK value can be explained as due to the effect of the lower dielectric constant of the interfacial region, as compared to bulk water, on the acid-base dissociation of the carboxyl group. The results presented here show that upon incorporation of palmitic acid, the phase transition of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine bilayers becomes extremely sensitive to changes of pH in the vicinity of the physiological range. This property is not shown by the pure phospholipid bilayers in the same pH range.  相似文献   

Amyloidogenic proteins aggregate through a self-templating mechanism that likely involves oligomeric or prefibrillar intermediates. For disease-associated amyloidogenic proteins, such intermediates have been suggested to be the primary cause of cellular toxicity. However, isolation and characterization of these oligomeric intermediates has proven difficult, sparking controversy over their biological relevance in disease pathology. Here, we describe an oligomeric species of a yeast prion protein in cells that is sufficient for prion transmission and infectivity. These oligomers differ from the classic prion aggregates in that they are soluble and less resistant to SDS. We found that large, SDS-resistant aggregates were required for the prion phenotype but that soluble, more SDS-sensitive oligomers contained all the information necessary to transmit the prion conformation. Thus, we identified distinct functional requirements of two types of prion species for this endogenous epigenetic element. Furthermore, the nontoxic, self-replicating amyloid conformers of yeast prion proteins have again provided valuable insight into the mechanisms of amyloid formation and propagation in cells.  相似文献   

Both experimental and statistical searches for specific motifs that mediate transmembrane helix-helix interactions showed that two glycine residues separated by three intervening residues (GxxxG) provide a framework for specific interactions. Further work suggested that other motifs of small residues can mediate the interaction of transmembrane domains, so that the AxxxA-motif could also drive strong interactions of alpha-helices in soluble proteins. Thus, all these data indicate that a motif of two small residues in a distance of four might be enough to provide a framework for transmembrane helix-helix interaction. To test whether GxxxG is equivalent to (small)xxx(small), we investigated the effect of a substitution of either of the two Gly residues in the glycophorin A GxxxG-motif by Ala or Ser using the recently developed GALLEX system. The results of this mutational study demonstrate that, while a replacement of either of the two Gly by Ala strongly disrupts GpA homo-dimerization, the mutation to Ser partly stabilizes a dimeric structure. We suggest that the Ser residue can form a hydrogen bond with a backbone carbonyl group of the adjacent helix stabilizing a preformed homo-dimer. While (small)xxx(small) serves as a useful clue, the context of adjacent side-chains is essential for stable helix interaction, so each case must be tested.  相似文献   

We are using the tissue-specific splicing of myosin phosphatase targeting subunit (MYPT1) as a model to investigate smooth muscle phenotypic diversity. We previously identified a U-rich intronic enhancer flanking the 5' splice site (IE1), and a bipartite exonic enhancer/suppressor, that regulate splicing of the MYPT1 central alternative exon. Here we show that T-cell inhibitor of apoptosis (TIA-1) and T-cell inhibitor of apoptosis-related (TIAR) proteins bind to the IE1. Co-transfection of TIA expression vectors with a MYPT1 mini-gene construct increase splicing of the central alternative exon. TIA proteins do not enhance splicing when the palindromic exonic splicing enhancer (ESE) is mutated, indicating that TIAs are necessary but not sufficient for splicing. The ESE specifically binds SRp55 and SRp20 proteins, supporting a model in which both SR and TIA proteins binding to their cis-elements are required for the recruitment of the splicing complex to a weak 5' splice site. Inactivation of TIA proteins in the DT40 cell line (TIA-1(-/-)TIAR(+/-)) reduced the splicing of the central alternative exon of the endogenous MYPT1 as well as stably transfected MYPT1 minigene constructs. Splicing of the MYPT1 3' alternative exon and the MLC(17) alternative exon were unaffected, suggesting that TIA proteins regulate a subset of smooth muscle/nonmuscle alternative splicing reactions. Finally, reduced RNA binding and reduced expression of the TIA and SR proteins in phasic (gizzard) smooth muscle around hatching coincided with the switch from exon inclusion to exon skipping, suggesting that loss of TIA and SR enhancer activity may play a role in the developmental switch in MYPT1 splicing.  相似文献   

We have used the fluorescent probe N-(7-nitro-2,1,3-benzoxadiazol-4-yl)phosphatidylethanolamine (NBD-PE) to detect the bilayer-to-hexagonal phase transition. The fluorescence intensity of the probe was found to increase during the bilayer-to-hexagonal transition. The bilayer-to-hexagonal transitions of various types of phosphatidylethanolamine or cardiolipin measured by this method are consistent with results obtained by differential scanning calorimetry. To establish this method for wider use, agents known to alter the bilayer-to-hexagonal transition were examined, and the results are comparable with the published data. The added advantage of this fluorometric method over other currently available techniques is that it is applicable not only for aggregated lipid samples but also for dilute liposome suspensions. This is especially important when one of the components of the system under study can partition between lipid and aqueous phase. Since NBD is located near the headgroup region of the bilayer, it most likely detects the change of the environment surrounding that region. On the basis of our present study, it appears that NBD-PE is sufficiently sensitive to detect bilayer-to-hexagonal phase transition.  相似文献   

Temperature dependence of the electrophoretic mobility of multilamellar liposomes prepared from dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine was measured in the presence of salts with different anions in aqueous solutions. It was established that specific binding of anions to liposome surface induced a pronounced zeta potential (electrostatic potential at the hydrodynamic plane of shear). A combination of Langmuir, Gouy-Chapman, and Boltzmann equations was used to describe the dependence of the zeta potential on the concentration of anions. The values of binding constants (K) and maximum numbers of binding sites per unit area (σmax) were determined by this method. The sequence for anion affinities to liposome surface was found to be as follows: trinitrophenol >ClO4 >I >SCN >Br >NO3 >Cl SO42−. A sharp increase in the negative zeta potential was detected at the temperature of phase transition of the lipid from the gel to liquid-crystalline state. It was found that the parameter K did not change at lipid phase transition and the shifts in zeta potential might be due to alterations of σmax. The binding sites were considered as defects in the package of lipid molecules in membranes.  相似文献   

Several investigators have recently reported that odor and colorcan influence the sweetness of stimuli containing sucrose. Theseeffects were examined further by assessing the effect of redcoloring and strawberry odorant on the sweetness ratings ofaqueous solutions of sucrose. Two methods of olfactory stimulationwere used: (i) sip and spit, and (ii) swallowing the solutions.It was anticipated that swallowing the solutions would enhancethe olfactory effects by augmenting retronasal olfactory stimulation.The strawberry odor induced a small, but significant increasein sweetness for both the sip and spit and swallowing condition.There was a tendency for this effect to be more consistent andstable in the swallowing condition. Red coloring had no effecton sweetness.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effect of two monosaccharides, glucose and fructose, and two disaccharides, sucrose and trehalose, on the thermotropic phase transition of unilamellar extruded vesicles of DPPC. All the sugars investigated raise the main transition temperature (Tm) of some fraction of the lipid, but there are differences between the effect of glucose and the other three sugars. At low concentrations of glucose, Tm is lowered. At high concentrations of glucose there are two transitions, one with a low Tm and one with a high Tm. The data suggest that at low concentrations, all of the glucose present may bind to the bilayer and increase headgroup spacing by physical intercalation or increased hydration. The appearance of a Tm above that of pure hydrated DPPC suggests the possibility of the dehydration of some other population of phospholipid molecules. The other three sugars increase Tm, but at high concentrations of trehalose, sucrose, and fructose a second peak occurs at a low Tm. The other sugars appear to dehydrate the bilayer at low concentrations, but may show some binding or increased hydration of some portion of the lipid at very high concentrations. The sugar effects on unilamellar vesicles are strikingly different from the effects of these sugars on multilamellar vesicles.  相似文献   

Opresko PL  Shiman R  Eckert KA 《Biochemistry》2000,39(37):11399-11407
We previously described a general mutator form of mammalian DNA polymerase beta containing a cysteine substitution for tyrosine 265. Residue 265 localizes to a hydrophobic hinge region predicted to mediate a polymerase conformational change that may aid in nucleotide selectivity. In this study we tested the hypothesis that van der Waals and hydrophobic contacts between Y265 and neighboring residues are important for DNA synthesis fidelity and catalysis, by altering interactions in the hinge domain via substitution at position 265. Consistent with the importance of hydrophobic interactions, we found that phenylalanine, leucine, and tryptophan substitutions did not alter significantly the steady-state catalytic efficiency of DNA synthesis, relative to wild type, while the polar serine substitution decreased catalytic efficiency 6-fold. However, we found that all substitutions other than phenylalanine increased the error frequency, relative to wild type, in the order serine > tryptophan = leucine. Therefore, maintenance of the hydrophobicity of residue 265 was not sufficient for maintaining fidelity of DNA synthesis. We conclude that while hydrophobic interactions in the hinge domain are important for fidelity, additional factors such as electrostatic and van der Waals interactions contributed by the tyrosine 265 aromatic ring are required to retain wild-type fidelity.  相似文献   

Interaction of basic polypeptides (copolymers of lysine with phenylalanine or tyrosine) with phosphatidyserine or dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine liposomes was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry. The polypeptides cause a decrease in enthalpy of melting of the phospholipids almost without affecting the midpoint melting temperature.  相似文献   

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