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Recent development in biochemical experiment techniques and bioinformatics has enabled us to create a variety of artificial biocatalysts with protein scaffolds (namely ‘artificial enzymes’). The construction methods of these catalysts include genetic mutation, chemical modification using synthetic molecules and/or a combination of these methods. Designed evolution strategy based on the structural information of host proteins has become more and more popular as an effective approach to construct artificial protein-based biocatalysts with desired reactivities. From the viewpoint of application of artificial enzymes for organic synthesis, recently constructed artificial enzymes mediating oxidation, reduction and C–C bond formation/cleavage are introduced in this review article.  相似文献   

The structural stability of wild-type horse prion protein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Prion diseases (e.g. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), variant CJD (vCJD), Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker syndrome (GSS), Fatal Familial Insomnia (FFI) and Kuru in humans, scrapie in sheep, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE or 'mad-cow' disease) and chronic wasting disease (CWD) in cattles) are invariably fatal and highly infectious neurodegenerative diseases affecting humans and animals. However, by now there have not been some effective therapeutic approaches or medications to treat all these prion diseases. Rabbits, dogs, and horses are the only mammalian species reported to be resistant to infection from prion diseases isolated from other species. Recently, the β2-α2 loop has been reported to contribute to their protein structural stabilities. The author has found that rabbit prion protein has a strong salt bridge ASP177-ARG163 (like a taut bow string) keeping this loop linked. This paper confirms that this salt bridge also contributes to the structural stability of horse prion protein. Thus, the region of β2-α2 loop might be a potential drug target region. Besides this very important salt bridge, other four important salt bridges GLU196-ARG156-HIS187, ARG156-ASP202 and GLU211-HIS177 are also found to greatly contribute to the structural stability of horse prion protein. Rich databases of salt bridges, hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic contacts for horse prion protein can be found in this paper.  相似文献   

TrmE is a 50 kDa guanine nucleotide-binding protein conserved between bacteria and man. It is involved in the modification of uridine bases (U34) at the first anticodon (wobble) position of tRNAs decoding two-family box triplets. The precise role of TrmE in the modification reaction is hitherto unknown. Here, we report the X-ray structure of TrmE from Thermotoga maritima. The structure reveals a three-domain protein comprising the N-terminal alpha/beta domain, the central helical domain and the G domain, responsible for GTP binding and hydrolysis. The N-terminal domain induces dimerization and is homologous to the tetrahydrofolate-binding domain of N,N-dimethylglycine oxidase. Biochemical and structural studies show that TrmE indeed binds formyl-tetrahydrofolate. A cysteine residue, necessary for modification of U34, is located close to the C1-group donor 5-formyl-tetrahydrofolate, suggesting a direct role of TrmE in the modification analogous to DNA modification enzymes. We propose a reaction mechanism whereby TrmE actively participates in the formylation reaction of uridine and regulates the ensuing hydrogenation reaction of a Schiff's base intermediate.  相似文献   

The strategies organisms use to decode synonymous codons in cytosolic protein synthesis are not uniform. The complete isoacceptor tRNA repertoire and the type of modified nucleoside found at the wobble position 34 of their anticodons were analyzed in all kingdoms of life. This led to the identification of four main decoding strategies that are diversely used in Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya. Many of the modern tRNA modification enzymes acting at position 34 of tRNAs are present only in specific domains and obviously have arisen late during evolution. In an evolutionary fine-tuning process, these enzymes must have played an essential role in the progressive introduction of new amino acids, and in the refinement and standardization of the canonical nuclear genetic code observed in all extant organisms (functional convergent evolutionary hypothesis).  相似文献   

The presence of high-molecular-weight complexes of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases in Escherichia coli has been reported (C. L. Harris, J. Bacteriol. 169:2718-2723, 1987). In the current study, Bio-Gel A-5M gel chromatography of 105,000 x g supernatant preparations from E. coli Q13 indicated high molecular weights for both tRNA methylase (300,000) and tRNA sulfurtransferase (450,000). These tRNA modification enzymes did not appear to exist in the same multienzymic complex. On the other hand, 4-thiouridine sulfurtransferase eluted with aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase activity on Bio-Gel A-5M, and both of these activities were cosedimented after further centrifugation of cell supernatants at 160,000 x g for 18 h. Despite this evidence for association of the sulfurtransferase with the synthetase complex, isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase and tRNA sulfurtransferase were totally resolved from each other by DEAE-Sephacel chromatography. Subsequent gel chromatography showed little change in their elution positions on agarose. Hence, either nonspecific aggregation occurred here, or the modification enzymes studied are not members of the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase complex in E. coli. These findings do suggest that some bacterial tRNA modification enzymes are present in multiprotein complexes of high molecular weight.  相似文献   

The structure, phylogeny and in vivo function of the base pair formed between nucleotides 32 and 38 of the tRNA anticodon loop are reviewed. The A32-U38 pair, which is highly conserved in tRNA2(Ala) and sometimes observed in tRNA2(Pro), was recently found to decrease the affinity of tRNAs to the ribosomal A site relative to other 32-38 combinations. This suggests that the role of 32-38 pair is to tune the tRNA affinity in the A site to a uniform value. New experiments presented here show that the U32C mutation in tRNA1(Gly) increases its affinity to the cognate codon and to codons with third position mismatches in the A site. This suggests that one reason for uniform tRNA binding to evolve was to avoid incorrect codon recognition.  相似文献   

Posttranslational protein modifications influence a number of immunologic responses ranging from intracellular signaling to protein processing and presentation. One such modification, termed isoaspartyl (isoAsp), is the spontaneous nonenzymatic modification of aspartic acid residues occurring at physiologic pH and temperature. In this study, we have examined the intracellular levels of isoAsp residues in self-proteins from MRL(+/+), MRL/lpr, and NZB/W F(1) mouse strains compared with nonautoimmune B10.BR mice. In contrast to control B10.BR or NZB/W mice, the isoAsp content in MRL autoimmune mice increased and accumulated with age in erythrocytes, brain, kidney, and T lymphocytes. Moreover, T cells that hyperproliferate to antigenic stimulation in MRL mice also have elevated intracellular isoAsp protein content. Protein l-isoaspartate O-methyltransferase activity, a repair enzyme for isoAsp residues in vivo, remains stable with age in all strains of mice. These studies demonstrate a role for the accumulation of intracellular isoAsp proteins associated with T cell proliferative defects of MRL autoimmune mice.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli arginine tRNA1 has been modified at position s2C32 with iodoacetamide and a spin labelled derivative. The small effects on the charging ability of tRNA by the modifiications suggest that the synthetase does not bind to the tRNA in this region of the anticodon loop before the anticodon. A ternary complex of elongation factor Tu, GTP and the modified Arg-tRNA, can be formed allowing future studies of enzymatic binding to the ribosome. Using the triplet binding assay the native Arg-tRNA1 decodes all 4 codons beginning with CG. The modified Arg-tRNA1 has a restricted decoding but the decoding pattern is still unusual according to the Wobble Hypothesis.  相似文献   

Photoexcited TiO2 degrades biomolecules such as nucleic acids, cell membrane proteins, and enzymes. Stabilization of enzyme activity against the deactivation caused by the combination of TiO2-UV is essential if we are to develop novel hybrid materials exhibiting photocatalytic and biocatalytic activities useful for decontamination applications. In this paper we describe the stabilization of a model enzyme, chymotrypsin, against TiO2-UV-induced deactivation by conjugating the enzyme with UV-absorbing, carboxyl-terminated oligo[2-[3-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4-hydroxyphenyl]ethyl methacrylate] [oligo(HBMA)-COOH]. Chymotrypsin was completely deactivated within 3 h, whereas the chymotrypsin-oligo(HBMA) conjugate retained > 50% activity even after 5 h of exposure to TiO2-UV (lambdamax 365 nm). The degree of enzyme stabilization induced by the conjugated UV absorber was 2-fold higher than that from the equivalent number of conjugated PEG chains. Spectroscopic characterizations revealed that chymotrypsin-oligo(HBMA) absorbs UV light and initially resists photoexcitation of TiO2. Modified chymotrypsin also exhibited resistance to changes in the secondary structure during the deactivation. This method of stabilizing enzymes against photodegradation could be also useful in photolithographic enzyme immobilizations for sensors and arrays or for stabilization of any UV-sensitive protein.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, the MnmEG complex modifies transfer RNAs (tRNAs) decoding NNA/NNG codons. MnmEG catalyzes two different modification reactions, which add an aminomethyl (nm) or carboxymethylaminomethyl (cmnm) group to position 5 of the anticodon wobble uridine using ammonium or glycine, respectively. In and , however, cmnm5 appears as the final modification, whereas in the remaining tRNAs, the MnmEG products are converted into 5-methylaminomethyl (mnm5) through the two-domain, bi-functional enzyme MnmC. MnmC(o) transforms cmnm5 into nm5, whereas MnmC(m) converts nm5 into mnm5, thus producing an atypical network of modification pathways. We investigate the activities and tRNA specificity of MnmEG and the MnmC domains, the ability of tRNAs to follow the ammonium or glycine pathway and the effect of mnmC mutations on growth. We demonstrate that the two MnmC domains function independently of each other and that and are substrates for MnmC(m), but not MnmC(o). Synthesis of mnm5s2U by MnmEG-MnmC in vivo avoids build-up of intermediates in . We also show that MnmEG can modify all the tRNAs via the ammonium pathway. Strikingly, the net output of the MnmEG pathways in vivo depends on growth conditions and tRNA species. Loss of any MnmC activity has a biological cost under specific conditions.  相似文献   

P Hilditch  H Thomas  K Lucas 《Bio Systems》1989,22(3):241-248
It is thought that an important function of protein turnover is to purge the cell of damaged, displaced or unwanted polypeptide molecules. A model combining kinetic equations for synthesis, degradation and alteration is employed to evaluate this proposed role for protein turnover. It is demonstrated that the degradative system need not be aimed exclusively at altered protein molecules for turnover to be capable of controlling the size both of the total population and of the altered subpopulation. These conclusions are relevant to the part played by turnover in metabolic homeostasis, adaptation and catastrophe, and for the notion of control of protein turnover through specific "tagging" of molecules destined for breakdown.  相似文献   

Biopharmaceutical and biotechnology companies and regulatory agencies require novel methods to determine the structural stabilities of proteins and the integrity of protein-protein, protein-ligand, and protein-membrane interactions that can be applied to a variety of sample states and environments. Infrared spectroscopy is a favorable method for a number of reasons: it is adequately sensitive to minimal sample amounts and is not limited by the molecular weight of the sample; yields spectra that are simple to evaluate; does not require protein modifications, a special supporting matrix, or internal standard; and is applicable to soluble and membrane proteins. In this paper, we investigate the application of infrared spectroscopy to the quantification of protein structural stability by measuring the extent of amide hydrogen/deuterium exchange in buffers containing D2O for proteins in solution and interacting with ligands and lipid membranes. We report the thermodynamic stability of several protein preparations, including chick egg-white lysozyme, trypsin bound by benzamidine inhibitors, and cytochrome c interacting with lipid membranes of varying net-negative surface charge density. The results demonstrate that infrared spectroscopy can be used to compare protein stability as determined by amide hydrogen/deuterium exchange for a variety of cases.  相似文献   

The hydrophobic interaction is the main driving force for protein folding. Here, we address the question of what is the optimal fraction, f of hydrophobic (H) residues required to ensure protein collapse. For very small f (say f<0.1), the protein chain is expected to behave as a random coil, where the H residues are "wrapped" locally by polar (P) residues. However, for large enough f this local coverage cannot be achieved and the thermodynamic alternative to avoid contact with water is burying the H residues in the interior of a compact chain structure. The interior also contains P residues that are known to be clustered to optimize their electrostatic interactions. This means that the H residues are clustered as well, i.e. they effectively attract each other like the H-monomers in Dill's HP lattice model. Previously, we asked the question: assuming that the H monomers in the HP model are distributed randomly along the chain, what fraction of them is required to ensure a compact ground state? We claimed there that f approximately p(c), where p(c) is the site percolation threshold of the lattice (in a percolation experiment, each site of an initially empty lattice is visited and a particle is placed there with a probability p. The interest is in the critical (minimal) value, p(c), for which percolation occurs, i.e. a cluster connecting the opposite sides of the lattice is created). Due to the above correspondence between the HP model and real proteins (and assuming that the H residues are distributed at random) we suggest that the experimental f should lead to percolating clusters of H residues over the highly dense protein core, i.e. clusters of the core size. To check this theory, we treat a simplified model consisting of H and P residues represented by their alpha-carbon atoms only. The structure is defined by the C(alpha)-C(alpha) virtual bond lengths, angles and dihedral angles, and the X-ray structure is best-fitted onto a face-centered cubic lattice. Percolation experiments are carried out for 103 single-chain proteins using six different hydrophobic sets of residues. Indeed, on average, percolating clusters are generated, which supports our theory; however, some sets lead to a better core coverage than others. We also calculate the largest actual hydrophobic cluster of each protein and show that, on average, these clusters span the core, again in accord with our theory. We discuss the effect of protein size, deviations from the average picture, and implications of this study for defining reliable simplified models of proteins.  相似文献   

Modified nucleosides in tRNA anticodon loops such as 5-methoxy-carbonyl-methyl-2-thiouridine (mcm5s2U) and pseuduridine (Ψ) are thought to be required for an efficient decoding process. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the simultaneous presence of mcm5s2U and Ψ38 in tRNAGlnUUG was shown to mediate efficient synthesis of the Q/N rich [PIN+] prion forming protein Rnq1.1 Klassen R, Ciftci A, Johanna Funk J, Bruch A, Butter F, Schaffrath R. tRNA anticodon loop modifications ensure protein homeostasis and cell morphogenesis in yeast. Nucleic Acids Res 2016; 44(22):10946-959. pii: gkw705; PMID:27496282; http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkw705[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] In the absence of these two tRNA modifications, higher than normal levels of hypomodified tRNAGlnUUG, but not its isoacceptor tRNAGlnCUG can restore Rnq1 synthesis. Moroever, tRNA overexpression rescues pleiotropic phenotypes that associate with loss of mcm5s2U and Ψ38 formation. Notably, combined absence of different tRNA modifications are shown to induce the formation of protein aggregates which likely mediate severe cytological abnormalities, including cytokinesis and nuclear segregation defects. In support of this, overexpression of the aggregating polyQ protein Htt103Q, but not its non-aggregating variant Htt25Q phenocopies these cytological abnormalities, most pronouncedly in deg1 single mutants lacking Ψ38 alone. It is concluded that slow decoding of particular codons induces defects in protein homeostasis that interfere with key steps in cytokinesis and nuclear segregation.  相似文献   

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