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We present Uberon, an integrated cross-species ontology consisting of over 6,500 classes representing a variety of anatomical entities, organized according to traditional anatomical classification criteria. The ontology represents structures in a species-neutral way and includes extensive associations to existing species-centric anatomical ontologies, allowing integration of model organism and human data. Uberon provides a necessary bridge between anatomical structures in different taxa for cross-species inference. It uses novel methods for representing taxonomic variation, and has proved to be essential for translational phenotype analyses. Uberon is available at http://uberon.org.  相似文献   

Dixit A  Verkhivker GM 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e26071
The growing interest in quantifying the molecular basis of protein kinase activation and allosteric regulation by cancer mutations has fueled computational studies of allosteric signaling in protein kinases. In the present study, we combined computer simulations and the energy landscape analysis of protein kinases to characterize the interplay between oncogenic mutations and locally frustrated sites as important catalysts of allostetric kinase activation. While structurally rigid kinase core constitutes a minimally frustrated hub of the catalytic domain, locally frustrated residue clusters, whose interaction networks are not energetically optimized, are prone to dynamic modulation and could enable allosteric conformational transitions. The results of this study have shown that the energy landscape effect of oncogenic mutations may be allosteric eliciting global changes in the spatial distribution of highly frustrated residues. We have found that mutation-induced allosteric signaling may involve a dynamic coupling between structurally rigid (minimally frustrated) and plastic (locally frustrated) clusters of residues. The presented study has demonstrated that activation cancer mutations may affect the thermodynamic equilibrium between kinase states by allosterically altering the distribution of locally frustrated sites and increasing the local frustration in the inactive form, while eliminating locally frustrated sites and restoring structural rigidity of the active form. The energy landsape analysis of protein kinases and the proposed role of locally frustrated sites in activation mechanisms may have useful implications for bioinformatics-based screening and detection of functional sites critical for allosteric regulation in complex biomolecular systems.  相似文献   

Small-molecule kinase inhibitors have been well established and successfully developed in the last decades for cancer target therapies. However, intrinsic or acquired drug resistance is becoming the major barrier for their clinical application. With the development of immunotherapies, in particular the discovery of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), the combination of ICIs with other therapies have recently been extensively explored, among which combination of ICIs with kinase inhibitors achieves promising clinical outcome in a plethora of cancer types. Here we comprehensively summarize the potent roles of protein kinases in modulating immune checkpoints both in tumor and immune cells, and reshaping tumor immune microenvironments by evoking innate immune response and neoantigen generation or presentation. Moreover, the clinical trial and approval of combined administration of kinase inhibitors with ICIs are collected, highlighting the precise strategies to benefit cancer immune therapies.  相似文献   

Plant genomes encode hundreds of protein kinases, yet only for a small fraction of them precise functions and phosphorylation targets have been identified. Recently, we applied a chemical-genetic approach to sensitize the tomato serine/threonine kinase Pto to analogs of PP1, an ATP-competitive and cell-permeable small-molecule inhibitor. The Pto kinase confers resistance to Pst bacteria by activating immune responses upon specific recognition of bacterial effectors. By using PP1 analogs in combination with the analog-sensitive Pto, we shed new light on the role of Pto kinase activity in effector recognition and signal transduction. Here we broaden the use of this chemical-genetic approach to another defense-related plant protein kinase, the MAP kinase LeMPK3. In addition, we show that analog-sensitive but not wild-type kinases are able to use unnatural N6-modified ATP analogs as phosphodonors that can be exploited for tagging direct phosphorylation targets of the kinase of interest. Thus, sensitization of kinases to analogs of the small-molecule inhibitor PP1 and ATP can be an effective tool for the discovery of cellular functions and phosphorylation substrates of plant protein kinases.Key words: chemical genetics, gatekeeper, LeMPK3, protein kinase, Pto, small-molecule inhibitor  相似文献   

In cancer research, background models for mutation rates have been extensively calibrated in coding regions, leading to the identification of many driver genes, recurrently mutated more than expected. Noncoding regions are also associated with disease; however, background models for them have not been investigated in as much detail. This is partially due to limited noncoding functional annotation. Also, great mutation heterogeneity and potential correlations between neighboring sites give rise to substantial overdispersion in mutation count, resulting in problematic background rate estimation. Here, we address these issues with a new computational framework called LARVA. It integrates variants with a comprehensive set of noncoding functional elements, modeling the mutation counts of the elements with a β-binomial distribution to handle overdispersion. LARVA, moreover, uses regional genomic features such as replication timing to better estimate local mutation rates and mutational hotspots. We demonstrate LARVA''s effectiveness on 760 whole-genome tumor sequences, showing that it identifies well-known noncoding drivers, such as mutations in the TERT promoter. Furthermore, LARVA highlights several novel highly mutated regulatory sites that could potentially be noncoding drivers. We make LARVA available as a software tool and release our highly mutated annotations as an online resource (larva.gersteinlab.org).  相似文献   

COHCAP (City of Hope CpG Island Analysis Pipeline) is an algorithm to analyze single-nucleotide resolution DNA methylation data produced by either an Illumina methylation array or targeted bisulfite sequencing. The goal of the COHCAP algorithm is to identify CpG islands that show a consistent pattern of methylation among CpG sites. COHCAP is currently the only DNA methylation package that provides integration with gene expression data to identify a subset of CpG islands that are most likely to regulate downstream gene expression, and it can generate lists of differentially methylated CpG islands with ∼50% concordance with gene expression from both cell line data and heterogeneous patient data. For example, this article describes known breast cancer biomarkers (such as estrogen receptor) with a negative correlation between DNA methylation and gene expression. COHCAP also provides visualization for quality control metrics, regions of differential methylation and correlation between methylation and gene expression. This software is freely available at https://sourceforge.net/projects/cohcap/.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic protein kinases are key molecules mediating signal transduction that play a pivotal role in the regulation of various biological processes, including cell cycle progression, cellular morphogenesis, development, and cellular response to environmental changes. A total of 106 eukaryotic protein kinase catalytic-domain-containing proteins have been found in the entire fission yeast genome, 44% (or 64%) of which possess orthologues (or nearest homologues) in humans, based on sequence similarity within catalytic domains. Systematic deletion analysis of all putative protein kinase-encoding genes have revealed that 17 out of 106 were essential for viability, including three previously uncharacterized putative protein kinases. Although the remaining 89 protein kinase mutants were able to form colonies under optimal growth conditions, 46% of the mutants exhibited hypersensitivity to at least 1 of the 17 different stress factors tested. Phenotypic assessment of these mutants allowed us to arrange kinases into functional groups. Based on the results of this assay, we propose also the existence of four major signaling pathways that are involved in the response to 17 stresses tested. Microarray analysis demonstrated a significant correlation between the expression signature and growth phenotype of kinase mutants tested. Our complete microarray data sets are available at http://giscompute.gis.a-star.edu.sg/~gisljh/kinome.  相似文献   

Through a comprehensive review and in silico analysis of reported data on STAT‐linked diseases, we analysed the communication pathways and interactome of the seven STATs in major cancer categories and proposed rational targeting approaches for therapeutic intervention to disrupt critical pathways and addictions to hyperactive JAK/STAT in neoplastic states. Although all STATs follow a similar molecular activation pathway, STAT1, STAT2, STAT4 and STAT6 exert specific biological profiles associated with a more restricted pattern of activation by cytokines. STAT3 and STAT5A as well as STAT5B have pleiotropic roles in the body and can act as critical oncogenes that promote many processes involved in cancer development. STAT1, STAT3 and STAT5 also possess tumour suppressive action in certain mutational and cancer type context. Here, we demonstrated member‐specific STAT activity in major cancer types. Through systems biology approaches, we found surprising roles for EGFR family members, sex steroid hormone receptor ESR1 interplay with oncogenic STAT function and proposed new drug targeting approaches of oncogenic STAT pathway addiction.  相似文献   

Protein post-translational modification is a critical means for the organisms to regulate their activities (Wu, 2011). Among these modifications, protein phosphorylation may be the most important one that involves in the regulation of almost all biological functions. Protein kinases are the major enzymes that are responsible for the protein phosphorylation. On the other hand, protein kinases require other proteins as the partners to assist or facilitate their kinase activ- ities. In this JMCB issue, four papers deliver new infor- mation for us to know more about the partners for protein kinases.  相似文献   

A chemical-genetic method for the generation of target-specific protein kinase inhibitors has been developed recently. This strategy utilizes a functionally silent active-site mutation to sensitize a target kinase to inhibition by a small molecule that does not inhibit wild-type kinases. Tyrosine and serine/threonine kinases are equally amenable to the drug-sensitization approach, which has been used to generate selective inhibitors of mutant Src-family kinases, Abl-family kinases, cyclin-dependent kinases, mitogen-activated kinases, p21-activated kinases and Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent kinases. The designed inhibitors are specific for the sensitized kinase in a cellular background where the wild-type kinase has been inactivated. By these means, kinase-sensitization has been used systematically to generate and analyze conditional alleles of several yeast protein kinases in vivo.  相似文献   

A generic high-throughput screening assay based on the scintillation proximity assay technology has been developed for protein kinases. In this assay, the biotinylated (33)P-peptide product is captured onto polylysine Ysi bead via avidin. The scintillation signal measuring the product formation increases linearly with avidin concentration due to effective capture of the product on the bead surface via strong coulombic interactions. This novel assay has been optimized and validated in 384-well microplates. In a pilot screen, a signal-to-noise ratio of 5- to 9-fold and a Z' factor ranging from 0.6 to 0.8 were observed, demonstrating the suitability of this assay for high-throughput screening of random chemical libraries for kinase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Clavilactones D and E were isolated from an agar culture of the Basidiomycetous fungus Clitocybe clavipes, and their structure was elucidated by 1H- and 13C-NMR studies. Clavilactone D is an inhibitor of tyrosine kinases.  相似文献   

Alpha-kinases are a recently discovered family of protein kinases that have no detectable sequence homology to conventional protein kinases (CPKs). They include elongation factor 2 kinase, Dictyostelium myosin heavy chain kinases and many other protein kinases from diverse organisms, as revealed by various genome sequencing projects. Mammals have six alpha-kinases, including two channel-kinases-novel signaling molecules that contain an alpha-kinase domain fused to an ion-channel. Analysis of all known alpha-kinase sequences reveals the presence of several highly conserved motifs. Despite the fact that alpha-kinases have no detectable sequence identity with CPKs, the recently determined three-dimensional structure of the channel-kinase TRPM7/ChaK1 kinase domain reveals that alpha-kinases have a fold very similar to CPKs. Using the structural alignment of channel-kinase TRPM7/ChaK1 with cyclic-AMP dependent kinase, the consensus motifs of alpha-kinases and CPKs were aligned and compared. Remarkably, the majority of structural elements, sequence motifs, and the position of key amino acid residues important for catalysis appear to be very similar in alpha-kinases and CPKs. Differences between alpha-kinases and CPKs, and their possible impact on substrate recognition are discussed.  相似文献   

Chemical genetic analysis of protein kinases involves engineering kinases to be uniquely sensitive to inhibitors and ATP analogs that are not recognized by wild-type kinases. Despite the successful application of this approach to over two dozen kinases, several kinases do not tolerate the necessary modification to the ATP binding pocket, as they lose catalytic activity or cellular function upon mutation of the 'gatekeeper' residue that governs inhibitor and nucleotide substrate specificity. Here we describe the identification of second-site suppressor mutations to rescue the activity of 'intolerant' kinases. A bacterial genetic selection for second-site suppressors using an aminoglycoside kinase APH(3')-IIIa revealed several suppressor hotspots in the kinase domain. Informed by results from this selection, we focused on the beta sheet in the N-terminal subdomain and generated a structure-based sequence alignment of protein kinases in this region. From this alignment, we identified second-site suppressors for several divergent kinases including Cdc5, MEKK1, GRK2 and Pto. The ability to identify second-site suppressors to rescue the activity of intolerant kinases should facilitate chemical genetic analysis of the majority of protein kinases in the genome.  相似文献   

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