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Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) do not autonomously adopt a stable unique 3D structure and exist as an ensemble of rapidly interconverting structures. They are characterized by significant conformational plasticity and are associated with several biological functions and dysfunctions. The rapid conformational fluctuation is governed by the backbone segmental dynamics arising due to the dihedral angle fluctuation on the Ramachandran ?–ψ conformational space. We discovered that the intrinsic backbone torsional mobility can be monitored by a sensitive fluorescence readout, namely fluorescence depolarization kinetics, of tryptophan in an archetypal IDP such as α-synuclein. This methodology allows us to map the site-specific torsional mobility in the dihedral space within picosecond-nanosecond time range at a low protein concentration under the native condition. The characteristic timescale of ~?1.4 ns, independent of residue position, represents collective torsional dynamics of dihedral angles (? and ψ) of several residues from tryptophan and is independent of overall global tumbling of the protein. We believe that fluorescence depolarization kinetics methodology will find broad application to study both short-range and long-range correlated motions, internal friction, binding-induced folding, disorder-to-order transition, misfolding and aggregation of IDPs.  相似文献   

We propose a new alpha proton detection based approach for the sequential assignment of natively unfolded proteins. The proposed protocol superimposes on following features: HA-detection (1) enables assignment of natively unfolded proteins at any pH, i.e., it is not sensitive to rapid chemical exchange undergoing in natively unfolded proteins even at moderately high pH. (2) It allows straightforward assignment of proline-rich polypeptides without additional proline-customized experiments. (3) It offers more streamlined and less ambiguous assignment based on solely intraresidual 15N(i)-13C′(i)-Hα(i) (or 15N(i)-13Cα(i)-Hα(i)) and sequential 15N(i + 1)-13C′(i)-Hα(i) (or 15N(i + 1)-13Cα(i)-Hα(i)) correlation experiments together with efficient use of chemical shifts of 15N and 13C′ nuclei, which show smaller dependence on residue type. We have tested the proposed protocol on two proteins, small globular 56-residue GB1, and highly disordered, proline-rich 47-residue fifth repeat of EspFU. Using the proposed approach, we were able to assign 90% of 1Hα, 13Cα, 13C′, 15N chemical shifts in EspFU. We reckon that the HA-detection based strategy will be very useful in the assignment of natively unfolded proline-rich proteins or polypeptide chains.  相似文献   

Comparing and combining predictors of mostly disordered proteins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Intrinsically disordered proteins and regions carry out varied and vital cellular functions. Proteins with disordered regions are especially common in eukaryotic cells, with a subset of these proteins being mostly disordered, e.g., with more disordered than ordered residues. Two distinct methods have been previously described for using amino acid sequences to predict which proteins are likely to be mostly disordered. These methods are based on the net charge-hydropathy distribution and disorder prediction score distribution. Each of these methods is reexamined, and the prediction results are compared herein. A new prediction method based on consensus is described. Application of the consensus method to whole genomes reveals that approximately 4.5% of Yersinia pestis, 5% of Escherichia coli K12, 6% of Archaeoglobus fulgidus, 8% of Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum, 23% of Arabidopsis thaliana, and 28% of Mus musculus proteins are mostly disordered. The unexpectedly high frequency of mostly disordered proteins in eukaryotes has important implications both for large-scale, high-throughput projects and also for focused experiments aimed at determination of protein structure and function.  相似文献   

Intrinsically disordered proteins are biomolecules that do not have a definite 3D structure; therefore, their dynamical simulation cannot start from a known list of atomistic positions, such as a Protein Data Bank file. We describe a method to start a computer simulation of these proteins. The first step of the procedure is the creation of a multi-rod configuration of the molecule, derived from its primary sequence. This structure is dynamically evolved in vacuo until its gyration radius reaches the experimental average value; at this point solvent molecules, in explicit or implicit implementation, are added to the protein and a regular molecular dynamics simulation follows. We have applied this procedure to the simulation of tau, one of the largest totally disordered proteins.  相似文献   

Dehydrins are a class of stress proteins that belong to the family of Late Embryogenesis Abundant (LEA) proteins in plants, so named because they are highly expressed in late stages of seed formation. In somatic cells, their expression is very low under normal conditions, but increases critically upon dehydration elicited by water stress, high salinity or cold. Dehydrins are thought to be intrinsically disordered proteins, which represents a challenge in understanding their structure–function relationship. Herein we present the backbone 1H, 15N and 13C NMR assignment of the 185 amino acid long ERD14 (Early Response to Dehydration 14), which is a K3S-type, typical dehydrin of A. thaliana. Secondary chemical shifts as well as NMR relaxation data show that ERD14 is fully disordered under near native conditions, with short regions of somewhat restricted motion and 5–25% helical propensity. These results suggest that ERD14 may have partially preformed elements for functional interaction with its partner(s) and set the stage for further detailed structural and functional studies of ERD14 both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Four novel 5D (HACA(N)CONH, HNCOCACB, (HACA)CON(CA)CONH, (H)NCO(NCA)CONH), and one 6D ((H)NCO(N)CACONH) NMR pulse sequences are proposed. The new experiments employ non-uniform sampling that enables achieving high resolution in indirectly detected dimensions. The experiments facilitate resonance assignment of intrinsically disordered proteins. The novel pulse sequences were successfully tested using δ subunit (20 kDa) of Bacillus subtilis RNA polymerase that has an 81-amino acid disordered part containing various repetitive sequences.  相似文献   

Intrinsically disordered proteins, proteins that do not have a well-defined three-dimensional structure, make up a significant proportion of our proteome and are particularly prevalent in signaling and regulation. Although their importance has been realized for two decades, there is a lack of high-resolution experimental data. Molecular dynamics simulations have been crucial in reaching our current understanding of the dynamical structural ensemble sampled by intrinsically disordered proteins. In this review, we discuss enhanced sampling simulation methods that are particularly suitable to characterize the structural ensemble, along with examples of applications and limitations. The dynamics within the ensemble can be rigorously analyzed using Markov state models. We discuss recent developments that make Markov state modeling a viable approach for studying intrinsically disordered proteins. Finally, we briefly discuss challenges and future directions when applying molecular dynamics simulations to study intrinsically disordered proteins.  相似文献   

The p53 transactivation domain (p53TAD) is an intrinsically disordered protein (IDP) domain that undergoes coupled folding and binding when interacting with partner proteins like the E3 ligase, MDM2, and the 70 kDa subunit of replication protein A, RPA70. The secondary structure and dynamics of six closely related mammalian homologues of p53TAD were investigated using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Differences in both transient secondary structure and backbone dynamics were observed for the homologues. Many of these differences were localized to the binding sites for MDM2 and RPA70. The amount of transient helical secondary structure observed for the MDM2 binding site was lower for the dog and mouse homologues, compared with human, and the amount of transient helical secondary structure observed for the RPA70 binding site was higher for guinea pig and rabbit, compared with human. Differences in the amount of transient helical secondary structure observed for the MDM2 binding site were directly related to amino acid substitutions occurring on the solvent exposed side of the amphipathic helix that forms during the p53TAD/MDM2 interaction. Differences in the amount of transient helical secondary structure were not as easily explained for the RPA70 binding site because of its extensive sequence divergence. Clustering analysis shows that the divergence in the transient secondary structure of the p53TAD homologues exceeds the amino acid sequence divergence. In contrast, strong correlations were observed between the backbone dynamics of the homologues and the sequence identity matrix, suggesting that the dynamic behavior of IDPs is a conserved evolutionary feature. Proteins 2013; 81:1686–1698. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Laberge M  Yonetani T 《IUBMB life》2007,59(8-9):528-534
The recently discovered new members of the globin family, neurogobin and cytoglobin, are the object of sustained structural and functional studies aimed at understanding their physiological role and elucidating the impact of their bis-his heme hexacoordination. However, no studies have yet considered the dynamics of this protein family, an essential link between structure and function. In this communication, we present normal mode analysis results for neuroglobin, cytoglobin, hemoglobin and myoglobin to provide exploratory insights into globin characteristic motions. Our results show a clear correlation in the protein dynamics of this family. All four globins exhibit a high degree of correlated displacements involving residues in the C, E and F helices and link regions. They suggest that these motions play an important role in the reversible oxygen binding function of these proteins. Further, our results may help rationalize some functional features of the 6c-globins in that they alone exhibit correlated displacements of the G-helix region.  相似文献   

Intrinsically disordered proteins and intrinsically disordered regions are frequently enriched in charged amino acids. Intrinsically disordered regions are regularly involved in important biological processes in which one or more charged residues is the driving force behind a protein-biomolecule interaction. Several lines of experimental and computational evidence suggest that polypeptides and proteins that carry high net charges have a high preference for extended conformations with average end-to-end distances exceeding expectations for self-avoiding random coils. Here, we show that charged arginine residues even in short glycine-capped model peptides (GRRG and GRRRG) significantly affect the conformational propensities of each other when compared with the intrinsic propensities of a mostly unperturbed arginine in the tripeptide GRG. A conformational analysis based on experimentally determined J-coupling constants from heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy and amide I′ band profiles from vibrational spectroscopy reveals that nearest-neighbor interactions stabilize extended β-strand conformations at the expense of polyproline II and turn conformations. The results from molecular dynamics simulations with a CHARMM36m force field and TIP3P water reproduce our results only to a limited extent. The use of the Ramachandran distribution of the central residue of GRRRG in a calculation of end-to-end distances of polyarginines of different length yielded the expected power law behavior. The scaling coefficient of 0.66 suggests that such peptides would be more extended than predicted by a self-avoiding random walk. Our findings thus support in principle theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

The human synuclein protein family includes alpha-synuclein, which has been linked to both familial and sporadic Parkinson's disease, and the highly homologous beta and gamma-synuclein. Mutations in alpha-synuclein cause autosomal dominant early onset Parkinson's, and the protein is found deposited in a fibrillar form in hereditary and idiopathic forms of the disease. No genetic link between beta and gamma-synuclein, and any neurodegenerative disease has been established, and it is generally considered that these proteins are not highly pathogenic. In addition, beta and gamma-synuclein are reported to aggregate less readily than alpha-synuclein in vitro. Indeed, beta-synuclein has been reported to protect against alpha-synuclein aggregation in vitro, as well as alpha-synuclein-mediated toxicity in vivo. Earlier, we compared the structural properties of the highly helical states adopted by all three synucleins in association with detergent micelles in an attempt to delineate the basis for functional differences between the three proteins. Here, we report a comparison of the structural and dynamic properties of the free states of all three proteins in order to shed light on differences that may help to explain their different propensities to aggregate, which in turn may underlie their differing contributions to the etiology of Parkinson's disease. We find that gamma-synuclein closely resembles alpha-synuclein in its free-state residual secondary structure, consistent with the more similar propensities of the two proteins to aggregate in vitro. beta-Synuclein, however, differs significantly from alpha-synuclein, exhibiting a lower predisposition towards helical structure in the second half of its lipid-binding domain, and a higher preference for extended structures in its C-terminal tail. Both beta and gamma-synuclein show less extensive transient long-range structure than that observed in alpha-synuclein. These results raise questions regarding the role of secondary structure propensities and transient long-range contacts in directing synuclein aggregation reactions.  相似文献   

Regulation of actin dynamics by WASP family proteins   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Rapid reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton underlies morphological changes and motility of cells. WASP family proteins have received a great deal of attention as the signal-regulated molecular switches that initiate actin polymerization. The first member, WASP, was identified as the product of a gene of which dysfunction causes the human hereditary disease Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome. There are now five members in this protein family, namely WASP, N-WASP, WAVE/Scar1, 2, and 3. WASP and N-WASP have functional and physical associations with Cdc42, a Rho family small GTPase involved in filopodium formation. In contrast, there is evidence that links the WAVE/Scar proteins with another Rho family protein, Rac, which is a regulator of membrane ruffling. All WASP family members have a VCA domain at the C-terminus through which Arp2/3 complex is activated to nucleate actin polymerization. Analyses of model organisms have just begun to reveal unexpected functions of WASP family proteins in multicellular organisms.  相似文献   

The relatively flat energy landscapes associated with intrinsically disordered proteins makes modeling these systems especially problematic. A comprehensive model for these proteins requires one to build an ensemble consisting of a finite collection of structures, and their corresponding relative stabilities, which adequately capture the range of accessible states of the protein. In this regard, methods that use computational techniques to interpret experimental data in terms of such ensembles are an essential part of the modeling process. In this review, we critically assess the advantages and limitations of current techniques and discuss new methods for the validation of these ensembles.  相似文献   

The transmembrane domains of membrane fusogenic proteins are known to contribute to lipid bilayer mixing as indicated by mutational studies and functional reconstitution of peptide mimics. Here, we demonstrate that mutations of a GxxxG motif or of Ile residues, that were previously shown to compromise the fusogenicity of the Vesicular Stomatitis virus G-protein transmembrane helix, reduce its backbone dynamics as determined by deuterium/hydrogen-exchange kinetics. Thus, the backbone dynamics of these helices may be linked to their fusogenicity which is consistent with the known over-representation of Gly and Ile in viral fusogen transmembrane helices. The transmembrane domains of membrane fusogenic proteins are known to contribute to lipid bilayer mixing. Our present results demonstrate that mutations of certain residues, that were previously shown to compromise the fusogenicity of the Vesicular Stomatitis virus G-protein transmembrane helix, reduce its backbone dynamics. Thus, the data suggest a relationship between sequence, backbone dynamics, and fusogenicity of transmembrane segments of viral fusogenic proteins.  相似文献   

Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) are abundant in cells and have central roles in protein-protein interaction networks. Interactions between the IDP Prothymosin alpha (ProTα) and the Neh2 domain of Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2), with a common binding partner, Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1(Keap1), are essential for regulating cellular response to oxidative stress. Misregulation of this pathway can lead to neurodegenerative diseases, premature aging and cancer. In order to understand the mechanisms these two disordered proteins employ to bind to Keap1, we performed extensive 0.5-1.0 microsecond atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and isothermal titration calorimetry experiments to investigate the structure/dynamics of free-state ProTα and Neh2 and their thermodynamics of bindings. The results show that in their free states, both ProTα and Neh2 have propensities to form bound-state-like β-turn structures but to different extents. We also found that, for both proteins, residues outside the Keap1-binding motifs may play important roles in stabilizing the bound-state-like structures. Based on our findings, we propose that the binding of disordered ProTα and Neh2 to Keap1 occurs synergistically via preformed structural elements (PSEs) and coupled folding and binding, with a heavy bias towards PSEs, particularly for Neh2. Our results provide insights into the molecular mechanisms Neh2 and ProTα bind to Keap1, information that is useful for developing therapeutics to enhance the oxidative stress response.  相似文献   

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