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The flight of birds; the flapping cycle of the pigeon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Ydenberg, R. 2000. The behavioural ecology of provisioning in birds. Ostrich 71 (1): 361.

In this talk I outline the idea of provisioning, stressing the difference between feeding and delivery. Foraging studies have just begun to recognise this distinction, and to explore some of its implications for behaviour. I outline a basic model of provisioning, based on central place foraging, in which the forager must spend some extra time on each excursion to gather enough energy to cover the excursion's energetic costs. I describe studies of provisioning pertinent to this framework, and go on to consider risk-sensitive provisioning, the role of predation danger in provisioning, and the question of how hard provisioners should work.  相似文献   

The origin and early evolution of birds   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Birds evolved from and are phylogenetically recognized as members of the theropod dinosaurs; their first known member is the Late Jurassic Archaeopteryx, now represented by seven skeletons and a feather, and their closest known non-avian relatives are the dromaeosaurid theropods such as Deinonychus. Bird flight is widely thought to have evolved from the trees down, but Archaeopteryx and its outgroups show no obvious arboreal or tree-climbing characters, and its wing planform and wing loading do not resemble those of gliders. The ancestors of birds were bipedal, terrestrial, agile, cursorial and carnivorous or omnivorous. Apart from a perching foot and some skeletal fusions, a great many characters that are usually considered ‘avian’ (e.g. the furcula, the elongated forearm, the laterally flexing wrist and apparently feathers) evolved in non-avian theropods for reasons unrelated to birds or to flight. Soon after Archaeopteryx, avian features such as the pygostyle, fusion of the carpometacarpus, and elongated curved pedal claws with a reversed, fully descended and opposable hallux, indicate improved flying ability and arboreal habits. In the further evolution of birds, characters related to the flight apparatus phylogenetically preceded those related to the rest of the skeleton and skull. Mesozoic birds are more diverse and numerous than thought previously and the most diverse known group of Cretaceous birds, the Enantiornithes, was not even recognized until 1981. The vast majority of Mesozoic bird groups have no Tertiary records: Enantiornithes, Hesperornithiformes, Ichthyornithiformes and several other lineages disappeared by the end of the Cretaceous. By that time, a few Linnean ‘Orders’ of extant birds had appeared, but none of these taxa belongs to extant ‘families’, and it is not until the Paleocene or (in most cases) the Eocene that the majority of extant bird ‘Orders’ are known in the fossil record. There is no evidence for a major or mass extinction of birds at the end of the Cretaceous, nor for a sudden ‘bottleneck’ in diversity that fostered the early Tertiary origination of living bird ‘Orders’.  相似文献   

The ecology of mangrove forest birds in Peninsular Malaysia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RICHARD A. NOSKE 《Ibis》1995,137(2):250-263
The density, distribution and feeding ecology of birds of mangrove forests in Selangor on the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia were investigated between February and May 1989. Excluding aerial hunters and wading birds, 47 species were recorded from four mangrove forest sites in Selangor, though undoubtedly some rarer species were missed due to the brevity of the study. The estimated density of birds, using fixed-width transects, ranged from 15 to 26 birds per ha. One quarter of all birds counted belonged to just one species, the Ashy Tailorbird Orthotomus ruficeps. Excluding ground feeders (three species), four foraging guilds were recognized among 17 of the commonest bird species: obligate foliage-foraging insectivores (seven species), bark-foraging insectivores (four), facultative nectar-ivores (five) and aerial hawkers (one). Species within the first and third guilds apparently were partitioned by foraging technique and heights, while those of the second guild (woodpeckers) differed mainly in their selection of plant species. The horizontal distribution of several species corresponded to the zonation of mangroves. Avifaunal differences between sites reflected differences in forest floristics. The greatest number of species occurred at the dry landward edge site, which supported seven bird species not encountered elsewhere in Selangor. This habitat has almost completely disappeared from much of the peninsula owing to land reclamation. Four of the six resident mangrove-specialized bird species in Selangor were regularly recorded at two or more sites, another (Greater Gol-denback Woodpecker Chrysocolaptes lucidus) occurred at only one site and the last (Ruddy Kingfisher Halcyon coromanda) was never recorded. Two species of sunbirds probably play an important role in the pollination of several species of mangroves. The colonization of anthropogenic habitats by many mangrove-dwelling bird species is attributed partly to their generalized foraging niches, which may have evolved in response to regular fluctuations in food availability and the dynamic physiography of mangrove communities.  相似文献   

Passerine birds in the ecology of Uukuniemi virus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
P Saikku 《Medical biology》1974,52(2):98-103

Relative brain size and ecology in birds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We test the hypothesis that the relative sizes of the different parts of the brain (brain stem, optic lobes, cerebellum and cerebral hemispheres), measured after body size effects have been removed, are associated with differences in behaviour and ecology across bird species.
The results demonstrate that behavioural and ecological correlates of relative brain size are not independent of each other. When the effects of variation in other categories are accounted for, the strongest single effect is due to relatively large brain sizes being associated with altricial development. It is unlikely that this effect is due to the confounding influence of taxonomic associations.
Overall, the results do not provide support for the idea that differences in measures of environmental complexity select for differences in relative brain size.  相似文献   

捕食螨化学生态研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董文霞  王国昌  孙晓玲  陈宗懋 《生态学报》2010,30(15):4206-4212
捕食螨是重要的生物防治因子。早在20世纪70年代就发现了捕食螨的性信息素,许多研究证明植物挥发物在捕食螨向猎物定位过程中发挥着至关重要的作用,影响捕食螨寻找猎物的植物挥发物来源于未受害植物、机械损伤植物、猎物危害植物、非猎物危害植物。人工合成的植物挥发物组分对捕食螨具有引诱作用,但引诱活性低于虫害诱导植物释放的挥发性混合物。捕食螨的饲养条件、饥饿程度、学习与经验行为等会影响捕食螨对植物挥发物的反应。介绍了信息素与植物挥发物对捕食螨的作用,并讨论了目前存在的问题和研究前景。  相似文献   

Cooperative breeding in birds: the role of ecology   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
Theory predicts that cooperative breeding should only occurin species in which certain individuals are constrained frombreeding independently by some peculiarity of the species' ecology.Here, we use comparative methods to examine the role of variationin ecology in explaining differences between taxa in the frequencyof cooperative breeding. We address three questions. First,does the frequency of cooperative breeding vary at just one phylogeneticlevel, or across several levels? Second, are differences inthe frequency of cooperative breeding among closely-relatedspecies correlated with ecology? Last, are ecological differencesbetween ancient lineages important in predisposing certain lineagesto cooperative breeding? We find that variation in the frequencyof cooperative breeding occurs across all phylogenetic levels,with 40% among families and 60% within families. Also, variationin the frequency of cooperative breeding between closely related speciesis associated with ecological differences. However, differencesin the frequency of cooperative breeding among more ancientlineages are not correlated with differences in ecology. Together,our results suggest that cooperative breeding is not due toany single factor, but is a two step-process: life-history predispositionand ecological facilitation. Low annual mortality predisposescertain lineages to cooperative breeding. Subsequently, changesin ecology facilitate the evolution of cooperative breedingwithin these predisposed lineages. The key ecological changesappear to be sedentariness and living in a relatively invariableand warm climate. Thus, although ecological variation is notthe most important factor in predisposing lineages to cooperativebreeding, it is important in determining exactly which speciesor populations in a predisposed lineage will adopt cooperativebreeding.  相似文献   

Physical constraints on the foraging ecology of a predatory snail   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We studied the effects of aerial exposure and high summer temperatures on the southern oyster drill ( Stramonita haemastoma ), feeding on the American oyster, Crassostrea virginica . In the laboratory, oyster drill feeding rates and growth were highest at 25 and 30°C, some mortality occurred at 35°C, all snails died at 40 and 45°C, and the 28-day LC 50 was 35.7°C. In a second experiment where both water temperature (25 vs . 33°C) and aerial exposure were varied, only simulated tidal exposure lowered oyster drill feeding and growth rates. In field cage experiments, oyster drills had reduced feeding rates and growth at intertidal sites, but snail growth rates increased in late summer with warmer water temperature. We therefore conclude that aerial exposure, not high temperature, is the major factor limiting oyster drill feeding and growth in intertidal oyster reefs. Field experiments with partial cages also suggested that ambient predation rates were much higher at a subtidal than at a nearby intertidal site. Because southern oyster drills have depressed feeding, growth, and possibly lower fitness in intertidal oyster reefs during the summer, this reduced predation risk may provide a refuge for intertidal oysters.  相似文献   

In 1847, Karl Bergmann proposed that temperature gradients are the key to understanding geographic variation in the body sizes of warm-blooded animals. Yet both the geographic patterns of body-size variation and their underlying mechanisms remain controversial. Here, we conduct the first assemblage-level global examination of 'Bergmann's rule' within an entire animal class. We generate global maps of avian body size and demonstrate a general pattern of larger body sizes at high latitudes, conforming to Bergmann's rule. We also show, however, that median body size within assemblages is systematically large on islands and small in species-rich areas. Similarly, while spatial models show that temperature is the single strongest environmental correlate of body size, there are secondary correlations with resource availability and a strong pattern of decreasing body size with increasing species richness. Finally, our results suggest that geographic patterns of body size are caused both by adaptation within lineages, as invoked by Bergmann, and by taxonomic turnover among lineages. Taken together, these results indicate that while Bergmann's prediction based on physiological scaling is remarkably accurate, it is far from the full picture. Global patterns of body size in avian assemblages are driven by interactions between the physiological demands of the environment, resource availability, species richness and taxonomic turnover among lineages.  相似文献   

The evolution of shell polymorphism in terrestrial snails is a classic textbook example of the effect of natural selection in which avian and mammalian predation represents an important selective force on gene frequency. However, many questions about predation remain unclear, especially in the case of mammals. We collected 2000 specimens from eight terrestrial gastropod species to investigate the predation pressure exerted by birds and mice on snails. We found evidence of avian and mammalian predation in 26.5% and 36.8% of the shells. Both birds and mammals were selective with respect to snail species, size and morphs. Birds preferred the brown-lipped banded snail Cepaea nemoralis (L.) and mice preferred the burgundy snail Helix pomatia L. Mice avoided pink mid-banded C. nemoralis and preferred brown mid-banded morphs, which were neglected by birds. In contrast to mice, birds chose larger individuals. Significant differences in their predatory pressure can influence the evolution and maintenance of shell size and polymorphism of shell colouration in snails.  相似文献   

Variations in cone photoreceptor abundance and the visual ecology of birds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The relative abundance and topographical distribution of retinal cone photoreceptors was measured in 19 bird species to identify possible correlations between photoreceptor complement and visual ecology. In contrast to previous studies, all five types of cone photoreceptor were distinguished, using bright field and epifluorescent light microscopy, in four retinal quadrants. Land birds tended to show either posterior dorsal to anterior ventral or anterior dorsal to posterior ventral gradients in cone photoreceptor distribution, fundus coloration and oil droplet pigmentation across the retina. Marine birds tended to show dorsal to ventral gradients instead. Statistical analyses showed that the proportions of the different cone types varied significantly across the retinae of all species investigated. Cluster analysis was performed on the data to identify groups or clusters of species on the basis of their oil droplet complement. Using the absolute percentages of each oil droplet type in each quadrant for the analysis produced clusters that tended to reflect phylogenetic relatedness between species rather than similarities in their visual ecology. Repeating the analysis after subtracting the mean percentage of a given oil droplet type across the whole retina (the 'eye mean') from the percentage of that oil droplet type in each quadrant, i.e. to give a measure of the variation about the mean, resulted in clusters that reflected diet, feeding behaviour and habitat to a greater extent than phylogeny.  相似文献   

The Hawaiian islands contain the most spectacular variety of landbirds ever discovered on remote oceanic islands. The Hawaiian honeycreepers, having evolved from a presumably single founding species of cardueline finch, comprise most of this avifauna. Birds from at least three other families of passerines and five families of non-passerines also radiated in Hawaii. Recent discoveries of a fossil avifauna indicate that most radiations were more extensive than previously thought. Classical analysis of the radiation of Hawaiian birds, especially the honeycreepers, focused on characters related to acquisition of food. Recent studies of bill size and shape in relation to food resources, and of foraging mode in relation to interspecific competitors, provide models of how divergence in diet and/or bill morphology might have evolved. Studies of geographic variation among subspecies on different islands and among populations within islands have revealed extensive divergence in characters such as sexual chromatism, nest sites and nest morphology.  相似文献   

Hormones in the city: endocrine ecology of urban birds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Urbanization dramatically changes the landscape, presenting organisms with novel challenges and often leading to reduced species diversity. Urban ecologists have documented numerous biotic and abiotic consequences of urbanization, such as altered climate, species interactions, and community composition, but we lack an understanding of the mechanisms underlying organisms' responses to urbanization. Here, I review findings from the nascent field of study of the endocrine ecology of urban birds. Thus far, no clear or consistent patterns have been revealed, but we do have evidence that urban habitat can shape endocrine traits, and that those traits might contribute to adaptation to the urban environment. I suggest strong approaches for future work addressing exciting questions about the role of endocrine traits in mediating responses to urbanization within species across the globe.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Three species of Tanypodinae (Chironomidae) were found in an acid and iron-rich stream in southern England. Maximum abundance was achieved in summer and they were sparse at other times. Individuals were aggregated on the stream bed and were overrepresented in accumulations of leaf litter.
2. The diets of all three species consisted of a mixture of prey (prominently detritivorous chironomid larvae) and detritus. More detritus and fewer prey were taken in winter than in summer.
3. When comparing large tanypod species with small and, intraspecifically, late instars with early, the proportion of guts containing prey increased with increasing body size.
4. Stonefly larvae were more prominent in the diet of Zavrelimyia barbatipes (Kieffer) in summer than in winter but for the other two species the reverse was true. A bigger proportion of Trissopelopia longimana (Staeger) guts contained prey in early summer than in August whereas more Macropelopia goetghebueri (Kieffer) guts contained prey in August. This was apparently a consequence of seasonal differences in the distribution of body size among the populations of these two species.
5. The stream contains two further common predators, Plectrocnemia conspersa (Curtis) and Sialis fuliginosa Pict. These are important predators of tanypod larvae but might also compete with them since they severely deplete populations of prey taken in common.
6. Analysis of the food-web in Broadstone Stream reveals remarkably high values of connectance (C and Cmax) and of species richness times connectance (SCmax). Such characteristics are theoretically associated with fragile and dynamically unstable food webs, and may be found in 'constant' environments. There is also an apparently unusual prevalence of omnivory in the community.  相似文献   

Predacious syrphid fly species, also known as flower flies or hover flies, are cosmopolitan diptera that play two important ecological roles: predator and pollinator. In decades past, syrphid flies were studied by agricultural researchers due to their larvae’s ability to function as a biological control agent. In recent years, the global decline in both honey bees and various important wild bee species has led ecological researchers to investigate the role of syrphid fly pollination in both natural systems and agriculture. While these two roles have often been considered separately, they are rarely considered together in single studies. Syrphid fly population fluctuations in natural and agricultural systems are understudied, prompting calls for further study into the fundamental drivers of population dynamics of syrphid communities. In order to develop a deeper understanding of the fundamental dynamics of syrphid ecology, the present study offers a community model where both syrphid predation and pollination are incorporated into a single dynamic model. Using populations of predacious syrphid flies, herbivorous insects, and a shared resource flowering plant, the model is used to investigate community dynamics and persistence across different levels of plant reproductive dependence on syrphid pollination. Results indicate distinct levels of community viability across different pollination relationships as well as a tendency toward chaotic dynamics inherent to the trophic interactions of the community.  相似文献   

Winkler  H.  Preleuthner  M. 《Plant Ecology》2001,153(1-2):193-202
The canopy of rain forests exhibits several distinct features that determine avian adaptations. Light intensity and colour, wind, and temperature are the most important components of the physical environment. Tree architecture poses many challenges for the evolution of avian morphological features, and resource availability varies greatly. The canopy is easily accessible for birds that are equipped to travel over considerable distances. Given these conditions, high behavioural flexibility, and adaptations in behaviour and morphology related to a nomadic life-style, should prevail among canopy birds. The easy access for certain groups of birds also has consequences for the historical processes that shape canopy bird communities. Birds may contribute greatly to forest dynamics and composition, mainly due to their role as seed dispersers. We elaborate on these points with behavioural, morphological, and ecological data collected at our Neotropical study site in southern Venezuela (Surumoni Canopy Crane Project). We discuss how behaviour and morphological features reflect the ecological demands in the canopy. We contrast the specific behavioural and ecological characteristics of canopy birds with those of species found in the other tiers of the rain forest. It is pointed out that much of our knowledge is biased towards the Neotropics, and that better knowledge of the larger canopy species is needed for conservation.  相似文献   

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