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Experimental autoimmune uveitis (EAU) is a well-known animal model of posterior uveitis that is one of the major causes of blindness. EAU could be induced in susceptible animals (i.e., Lewis rat) by immune reactions using evolutionarily conserved retinal proteins, such as interphoto-receptor retinoid binding protein (IRBP), or epitaphs of the protein. First, we prepared the following four test groups that subsequently increased or decreased inflammation. (1) Normal control group, (2) IRBP-induced uveitis group, (3) Hemin-treated uveitis group, and (4) Sn(IV) protoporphyrin IX dichloride (SnPP)-treated uveitis group. Second, in the vitreous bodies of Lewis rats, the infiltrated proteins were analyzed using two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE), MALDI-TOF/MS, and Micro LC/LC-MS/MS analysis. Finally, Western blotting was applied to confirm the relative amount of crystallins and phosphorylation sites of alphaB-crystallin. Thirty spots were identified in vitreous bodies, and 27 of these spots were members of the crystallin family. Unlike betaA4- and B2-crystallins (that were significantly increased without truncation), alphaA- and B-crystallins were only truncated in EAU vitreous body. Taken as a whole, in the rat EAU model, we suggest that post-translational truncations of alphaA- and alphaB-crystallins, phosphorylation of alphaB-crystallin, and new production of betaA4- and betaB2-crystallins are intercorrelated with uveitis progression and inflammatory responses.  相似文献   

Female patients suffering from autoimmune uveitis are reported to experience a temporary remission during pregnancy. Experimental autoimmune uveitis (EAU) is a model for human uveitis. Here we examine the effect of pregnancy on the development of EAU and its associated immunological responses. Susceptible C57BL/6 mice were immunized with interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein (IRBP). EAU scores and Ag-specific responses were evaluated 21 days later. Mice immunized during pregnancy developed significantly less EAU than nonpregnant controls. Their lymph node cells and splenocytes produced a distinct pattern of cytokines in response to IRBP: reduced IFN-gamma and IL-12 p40, but unchanged levels of TNF-alpha, IL-4, IL-5, and IL-10. Anti-IRBP Ab isotypes revealed an up-regulation of IgG1, indicating a possible Th2 bias at the humoral level. Ag-specific proliferation and delayed hypersensitivity, as well as mitogen-induced IFN-gamma production, remained undiminished, arguing against an overall immune deficit. Interestingly, pregnant mice that received an infusion of IRBP-primed lymphoid cells from nonpregnant donors also developed reduced EAU, suggesting that pregnancy suppresses not only the generation, but also the function of mature uveitogenic effector T cells. Pregnant mice at the time of immunization exhibited elevated levels of TGF-beta, but not of IL-10, in the serum. We suggest that protection from EAU during pregnancy is due primarily to a selective reduction of Ag-specific Th1 responses with only marginal enhancement of Th2 function, and that these effects may in part be secondary to elevated systemic levels of TGF-beta.  相似文献   

To analyze the role of the retinal vascular endothelial cells in the development of experimental autoimmune uveitis (EAU), we studied the presence of Ia antigen and FN in retinal vessels of Lewis rats immunized with retinal S antigen. Immunopathologic studies were performed on frozen tissues obtained during various stages of the disease. Our results show that Ia antigen was not present in the normal rat retina, and there was very little FN present in a few retinal vessels. One to two days prior to the histologic and clinical onset of EAU, FN was found to be increased in the retinal vessels. Ia antigen was found to be present in the retinal vessels coincident with the first signs of cellular infiltration. During the stage of maximal cellular infiltration, FN was present diffusely throughout the retina, as well as in the subretinal space, and Ia antigen was found diffusely in the cellular infiltrate. Therefore, FN and Ia antigen reflect the immunomodulation of vascular endothelial cells in EAU, which may be very important in the pathogenesis of retinal S antigen-induced uveitis. Two possible mechanisms for the role of the activation of the retinal vascular endothelium in the development of retinal inflammation in uveitis are discussed.  相似文献   

Bahk SC  Lee SH  Jang JU  Choi CU  Lee BS  Chae SC  Song HJ  Park ZY  Yang YS  Chung HT 《Proteomics》2006,6(11):3436-3444
Endotoxin-induced uveitis (EIU) is an animal model of acute ocular inflammation. To characterize the mechanism of EIU, we analyzed the infiltration of proteins in the vitreous bodies of rats with EIU and normal rats using 2-DE and micro LC/LC-MS/MS. Twenty spots were identified in vitreous bodies of rats. Eighteen of these spots were members of the crystallin family. The truncated form of beta A4- and beta B2-crystallin were predominant in normal vitreous bodies, but there were intact form of crystallins in lipopolysaccharide-injected rats with EIU. These results suggest that crystallin family proteins are the major group of proteins involved in uveitic vitreous and that C-terminal truncation of beta-crystallins may play a role in EIU-related disease progression.  相似文献   

Cucurbits are well‐studied models for phloem biology but unusually possess both fascicular phloem (FP) within vascular bundles and additional extrafascicular phloem (EFP). Although the functional differences between the two systems are not yet clear, sugar analysis and limited protein profiling have established that FP and EFP have divergent compositions. Here we report a detailed comparative proteomics study of FP and EFP in two cucurbits, pumpkin and cucumber. We re‐examined the sites of exudation by video microscopy, and confirmed that in both species, the spontaneous exudate following tissue cutting derives almost exclusively from EFP. Comparative gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry‐based proteomics of exudates, sieve element contents and microdissected stem tissues established that EFP and FP profiles are highly dissimilar, and that there are also species differences. Searches against cucurbit databases enabled identification of more than 300 FP proteins from each species. Few of the detected proteins (about 10%) were shared between the sieve element contents of FP and EFP, and enriched Gene Ontology categories also differed. To explore quantitative differences in the proteomes, we developed multiple reaction monitoring methods for cucumber proteins that are representative markers for FP or EFP and assessed exudate composition at different times after tissue cutting. Based on failure to detect FP markers in exudate samples, we conclude that FP is blocked very rapidly and therefore makes a minimal contribution to the exudates. Overall, the highly divergent contents of FP and EFP indicate that they are substantially independent vascular compartments.  相似文献   

Plasma fibronectin levels increased significantly over time in MRL/l mice with progressive autoimmune disease. At 100 and 120 days of age both male and female MRL/l mice exhibited significantly higher fibronectin (Fn) levels than the more resistant MRL/l controls. Male mice at early time points had Fn levels no greater than controls due perhaps to the later onset of disease in MRL/l males. In contrast, female MRL/l mice, when compared with MRL/n controls, had higher Fn levels from 40 days of age. The proteinuria in these animals was also above MRL/n controls from the first time point taken (Day 40). In a temporal study with female MRL/l mice, Fn levels peaked at age 120 days and reflected the pattern of the survival curve, indicating that plasma Fn levels have an association with disease activity.  相似文献   

Equine recurrent uveitis is a severe and frequent blinding disease in horses which presents with auto-reactive invading T-cells, resulting in the destruction of the inner eye. Infiltration of inflammatory cells into the retina and vitreous is driven by currently unknown guidance cues, however surgical removal of the vitreous (vitrectomy) has proven therapeutically successful. Therefore, proteomic analyses of vitrectomy samples are likely to result in detection of proteins contributing to disease pathogenesis. Vitreous from healthy and ERU diseased horses were directly compared by quantitative mass spectrometry based on label-free quantification of peak intensities across samples. We found a significant upregulation of complement and coagulation cascades and downregulation of negative paracrine regulators of canonical Wnt signalling including the Wnt signalling inhibitors DKK3 and SFRP2. Based on immunohistochemistry, both proteins are expressed in equine retina and suggest localisation to retinal Müller glial cells (RMG), which may be the source cells for these proteins. Furthermore, retinal expression levels and patterns of DKK3 change in response to ERU. Since many other regulated proteins identified here are associated with RMG cells, these cells qualify as the prime responders to autoimmune triggers.  相似文献   

Rats fed a safflower oil (alpha-linolenic acid (ALNA)-deficient) diet over the course of two generations had significantly decreased docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3) and increased docosapentaenoic acid (22:5n-6) contents in the major retinal phospholipids such as phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), and phosphatidylserine (PS) when compared with those fed a perilla oil (ALNA-sufficient) diet, but the compositions of phosphatidylinositol acyl chains were relatively unaffected. The contents of individual phospholipids in the retina were essentially the same for the two dietary groups. The activities of the rate-limiting enzymes in the de novo synthesis of PC and PE, CTP:phosphocholine cytidylyltransferase (CT), and CTP:phosphoethanolamine cytidylyltransferase (ET), respectively, were measured in the retinas excised at 5:00, 9:00, 13:00, and 17:00 h from rats adapted to a 24-h cycle with lights on from 7:00 to 19:00 h. Both enzymes exhibited significant diurnal rhythms with the lowest activities at 5:00 h and gradually increasing activities following exposure of the rats to light; the maximum activities were at 13:00 h for CT and 17:00 h for ET. The diurnal rhythms were not significantly affected by the above-mentioned diets. However, both enzyme activities at each collection time point were significantly lower in the safflower oil group than in the perilla oil group. These results suggest that retinal phospholipid turnover associated with shedding, phagocytosis, and resynthesis of the rod outer segments is limited by ALNA deficiency.  相似文献   

Experimental autoimmune uveitis (EAU) is caused by the immunization of microgram amounts of a soluble retinal protein, known as S-antigen, in susceptible animal strains including primates. The disease serves as an animal model of ocular inflammation. We induced EAU and pinealitis in Lewis rats with small synthetic peptides, corresponding to the amino acid sequence in Escherichia coli protein, which contains six consecutive amino acids identical to a uveitopathogenic site in human S-antigen (peptide M). EAU and pinealitis induced in rats by synthetic peptide derived from E. coli was indistinguishable from those induced by native S-antigen or other uveitopathogenic synthetic peptides corresponding to the amino acid sequence of S-antigen. Furthermore, lymph node cells from animals immunized with either peptide M or peptide derived from E. coli protein showed significant proliferation in the presence of either peptide when tested in vitro for lymphocyte mitogenesis using [3H]thymidine. Thus, molecular mimicry, a process by which an immune response directed against a nonself protein cross-reacts with a normal host protein, may play a role in autoimmunity.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factors of the beta-class (TGFs-beta) stimulate extracellular matrix synthesis and have been implicated in embryogenesis, wound healing, and fibroproliferative responses to tissue injury. Because cells communicate with several extracellular matrix components via specific cell membrane receptors, we hypothesized that TGFs-beta may also regulate the expression of such receptors. We confirmed that TGF-beta 1 increases the expression of fibronectin, an adhesive glycoprotein expressed during embryogenesis and tissue remodeling. Based upon the 48-72-h period required for a maximal fibroproliferative response to dermal injections of TGF-beta 1, we exposed human fetal lung fibroblasts (IMR-90) to TGF-beta 1 for periods up to 48 h in vitro. We observed as much as 6-fold increases in fibronectin synthesis by 24 h as previously reported for fibroblastic cells (Ignotz, R. A., and Massagué, J. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 4337-4345; Ignotz, R. A., Endo, T., and Massagué, J. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 6443-6446; Raghow, R., Postlethwaithe, A. E., Keski-Oja, J., Moses, H. L., and Kang, A. H. (1987) J. Clin. Invest. 79, 1285-1288), but up to 30-fold increases by 48 h. These increases are accompanied by similar increases in fibronectin mRNA levels which are prevented by actinomycin D treatment. Using a monospecific antibody raised to the human placental fibronectin receptor complex, we found that TGF-beta 1 stimulated fibronectin receptor synthesis up to 20-40-fold and increases mRNA levels encoding both the alpha- and beta-subunits up to 3-fold, compared to control IMR-90 in serum-free medium. Actinomycin D blocks TGF-beta 1-mediated increases in receptor mRNA levels. The earliest detectable TGF-beta 1-mediated increases in fibronectin receptor complex protein synthesis and mRNA levels occur at 8 h, whereas the earliest increases in fibronectin protein synthesis and mRNA levels occur at 12 h. These results demonstrate that TGF-beta 1 stimulates fibronectin receptor synthesis, extending the diverse stimulatory activities of this polypeptide to matrix receptors. In addition, because fibronectin matrix assembly may involve the fibronectin cell adhesive receptor complex, increased receptor expression may help drive fibronectin deposition into matrix.  相似文献   

Using radial immunodiffusion serum histidine-rich glycoprotein (HRG) levels were measured in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) patients, in end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients after renal transplantation and immunosuppressive steroid therapy, and in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients treated with steroids. Compared with controls (12.5 +/- 3.0 mg/dl), HRG levels were significantly decreased in patients with AIDS (5.7 +/- 1.8 mg/dl, P less than 0.005): in patients with ESRD after renal transplantation with steroid therapy (4.4 +/- 1.1 mg/dl, P less than 0.005); and in asthmatic and COPD patients receiving steroids in acute (7.6 +/- 2.9 mg/dl, P less than 0.005) or chronic (7.4 +/- 3.0 mg/dl, P less than 0.025) high-dose regimens. In contrast, levels of hemopexin, another serum glycoprotein synthesized by the liver, were not lowered in these patients. These results show that serum HRG levels are selectively decreased in AIDS and in patients treated with immunosuppressive steroids.  相似文献   


Correlation of increased levels of serum urea and creatinine with retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) thinning on spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) was studied in diabetic retinopathy (DR). Sixty consecutive cases and 20 healthy controls were included. Cases were divided into three groups: without DR, non-proliferative DR with macular oedema and proliferative DR with oedema. Serum urea and creatinine were measured using a standard protocol. Average (RNFL) was measured using SD-OCT. Increased severity of DR was associated with decrease in levels of serum urea and serum creatinine levels. RNFL thinning correlated positively with increase in serum urea and creatinine levels.  相似文献   

Fibronectin (FN) is a major component of the extracellular matrix and functions in cell adhesion, cell spreading and cell migration. In the retina, FN is transiently expressed and assembled on astrocytes (ACs), which guide sprouting tip cells and deposit a provisional matrix for sprouting angiogenesis. The precise function of FN in retinal angiogenesis is largely unknown. Using genetic tools, we show that astrocytes are the major source of cellular FN during angiogenesis in the mouse retina. Deletion of astrocytic FN reduces radial endothelial migration during vascular plexus formation in a gene dose-dependent manner. This effect correlates with reduced VEGF receptor 2 and PI3K/AKT signalling, and can be mimicked by selectively inhibiting VEGF-A binding to FN through intraocular injection of blocking peptides. By contrast, AC-specific replacement of the integrin-binding RGD sequence with FN-RGE or endothelial deletion of itga5 shows little effect on migration and PI3K/AKT signalling, but impairs filopodial alignment along AC processes, suggesting that FN-integrin α5β1 interaction is involved in filopodial adhesion to the astrocytic matrix. AC FN shares its VEGF-binding function and cell-surface distribution with heparan-sulfate (HS), and genetic deletion of both FN and HS together greatly enhances the migration defect, indicating a synergistic function of FN and HS in VEGF binding. We propose that in vivo the VEGF-binding properties of FN and HS promote directional tip cell migration, whereas FN integrin-binding functions to support filopodia adhesion to the astrocytic migration template.  相似文献   

Mastication, which includes biting, is of great importance not only for the intake of food but also for the mental, physical and physiological functioning of the body. For example, biting suppresses the stress response. Although biting and nitric oxide (NO) appear to modulate brain dynamics during stress, the underlying mechanisms have not been elucidated. In this study, we examined the effect of biting during restraint stress on NO levels in the rat hypothalamus. To this end, we used NO-selective electrodes that were calibrated by electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. We implanted the electrodes and probes for perfusion of solutions into the brain of rats, near the hypothalamus. Saline containing 10 mM N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), which is one of the most commonly used inhibitors of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), was employed as the perfusate. L-NAME prevented increases in NO levels in the rat hypothalamus that were induced by restraint stress and biting. Hypothalamic NO levels in rats under restraint stress for 180 min were increased above levels observed in unrestrained control rats. The increase in hypothalamic NO (from 2.123 muM to 4.760 muM) during restraint stress was reduced after biting for 30 min. The decay rate of NO levels after biting was -0.584 pA/min (-0.071 muM/min). We conclude that: (i) it is possible to evaluate NO levels in vivo in rat brain; (ii) NO levels are increased by restraint stress; and (iii) this increase is prevented by biting behavior.  相似文献   

Type 1 protein phosphatase (PP1) is a negative regulator of cardiac function. However, studies on the status and regulation of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)-associated PP1 activity in failing hearts are limited. We studied PP1 activity and protein and mRNA expression of the catalytic subunit of PP1 (PP1C) and protein levels of PP1-specific inhibitors [inhibitor 1 (Inh-1) and inhibitor 2 (Inh-2)] in the left ventricular (LV) myocardium of 6 dogs with heart failure (HF; LV ejection fraction, 23 +/- 2%) and 6 normal dogs. In failing LV tissue, PP1 activity values (expressed as pmol 32P. min-1. mg of noncollagen protein-1) in the homogenate, crude membranes, cytosol, and purified SR were increased by 52, 54, 55, and 72%, respectively. Trypsin treatment released PP1 but not type 2A protein phosphatase from the SR. In the supernatant of trypsin-treated SR, PP1 activity was approximately 24% higher in failing hearts than in normal control hearts. A similar increase in protein expression of PP1C was observed in the nontrypsinized SR. Heat-denatured phosphorylated SR inhibited PP1 activity by 30%, which suggests the presence of Inh-1 or -2 or both in the SR. With the use of a specific antibody, both Inh-1 and -2 proteins were found in the SR; the former was decreased by 56% in the failing SR, whereas the latter did not change. These results suggest that protein phosphatase activity bound to the SR is increased and is predominantly type 1. Increased SR-associated PP1 activity in failing hearts appears to be due partly to increased expression of PP1C and partly to reduced levels of Inh-1 but not Inh-2 protein. Thus inhibition of PP1 activity in the SR appears to be a potential therapeutic target for improving LV function in failing hearts, because it may lead to increased SR Ca2+ uptake, which is impaired in failing hearts.  相似文献   

Organismic evolution requires that variation at distinct hierarchical levels and attributes be coherently integrated, often in the face of disparate environmental and genetic pressures. A central part of the evolutionary analysis of biological systems remains to decipher the causal connections between organism-wide (or genome-wide) attributes (e.g., mRNA abundance, protein length, codon bias, recombination rate, genomic position, mutation rate, etc) as well as their role-together with mutation, selection, and genetic drift-in shaping patterns of evolutionary variation in any of the attributes themselves. Here we combine genome-wide evolutionary analysis of protein and gene expression data to highlight fundamental relationships among genomic attributes and their associations with the evolution of both protein sequences and gene expression levels. Our results show that protein divergence is positively coupled with both gene expression polymorphism and divergence. We show moreover that although the number of protein-protein interactions in Drosophila is negatively associated with protein divergence as well as gene expression polymorphism and divergence, protein-protein interactions cannot account for the observed coupling between regulatory and structural evolution. Furthermore, we show that proteins with higher rates of amino acid substitutions tend to have larger sizes and tend to be expressed at lower mRNA abundances, whereas genes with higher levels of gene expression divergence and polymorphism tend to have shorter sizes and tend to be expressed at higher mRNA abundances. Finally, we show that protein length is negatively associated with both number of protein-protein interactions and mRNA abundance and that interacting proteins in Drosophila show similar amounts of divergence. We suggest that protein sequences and gene expression are subjected to similar evolutionary dynamics, possibly because of similarity in the fitness effect (i.e., strength of stabilizing selection) of disruptions in a gene's protein sequence or its mRNA expression. We conclude that, as more and better data accumulate, understanding the causal connections among biological traits and how they are integrated over time to constrain or promote structural and regulatory evolution may finally become possible.  相似文献   

L Davis  J Engebrecht 《Genetics》1998,149(1):45-56
The DOM34 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is similar to genes found in diverse eukaryotes and archaebacteria. Analysis of dom34 strains shows that progression through the G1 phase of the cell cycle is delayed, mutant cells enter meiosis aberrantly, and their ability to form pseudohyphae is significantly diminisehd. RPS30A, which encodes ribosomal protein S30, was identified in a screen for high-copy suppressors of the dom34delta growth defect. dom34delta mutants display an altered polyribosome profile that is rescued by expression of RPS30A. Taken together, these data indicate that Dom34p functions in protein translation to promote G1 progression and differentiation. A Drosophila homolog of Dom34p, pelota, is required for the proper coordination of meiosis and spermatogenesis. Heterologous expression of pelota in dom34delata mutants restores wild-type growth and differentiation, suggesting conservation of function between the eukaryotic members of the gene family.  相似文献   

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