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A method of rapidly assessing streams and rivers using chironomid pupal exuviae was tested on a chlordane-impacted stream near St. Louis, Missouri. Various concentrations of chlordane were found in sediments of Grand Glaize Creek, most likely resulting from soil runoff around housing and business developments throughout the stream's course. Chironomid pupal exuviae and sediment samples were collected concurrently from Grand Glaize Creek on two separate occasions, once in 1988 and again in 1990. Cluster analysis of samples at sites, based on the percent abundances of taxa within habitats and by subfamilies, produced two distinct clusters; one grouping samples with lower chlordane concentrations and the other grouping samples with higher chlordane concentrations. Further analysis showed a trend towards lower percent abundances of taxa living in depositional and transitional/depositional zones (Chironominae and some Tanypodinae) at the higher chlordane site, while the lower chlordane sites had lower percent abundances of taxa within erosional and erosional/transitional zones (Orthocladiinae and some Tanypodinae). These findings support the hypothesis that taxa living in close association to fine organic sediments will be exposed to higher concentrations of chlordane in the stream and more negatively affected than taxa feeding and living in habitats removed from chlordane-bound sediments. Comparisons from the present study were made to related studies revealing similar patterns among the Chironomidae.  相似文献   

R. S. Wilson 《Aquatic Ecology》1992,26(2-4):521-525
Exuvial samples were collected at stations above and below organic effluent inflows at twenty river sites near Bristol, England, during May, July and September, 1989.Exuvial sample data for each station were amalgamated and related to chemical data obtained from the Wessex and the Severn-Trent Regions of the National Rivers Authority. Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and Canonical Community Ordination (CANOCO) were used to derive biplots of taxa and selected environmental factors. From these biplots, lists of taxa were obtained, and ranked in order of closeness of association to selected organically-related environmental factors. Lists of principal taxa, either positively or negatively associated with a given environmental factor, were termed indicator assemblages in respect of that factor.The rank orders of similarity of these indicator assemblages to amalgamated exuvial samples from 51 stations on the River Trent, were significantly correlated (p<0.001) to the same stations ranked in order of ammonia concentrations and biological oxygen demand (BOD.).  相似文献   

Two diel emergence patterns (April and October 1990) of chironomids from a hyporhithral site (4th–5th order) in the Aude River are described. In April, 62 species were collected with a mean hourly richness of 31 (±4). The Orthocladiinae (91%) largely dominated the emergence. The total number of exuviae captured by one drift-net varied from 1300 to 11600 per one hour period. There was a clear bimodal pattern with peaks post dawn (07.00–09.00 hrs) and around sunset (18.00 hrs).In October, the total number of exuviae captured was much lower and varied from 150 to 540 per one hour period with post dawn (06.00–08.00 hrs) and post sunset (18.00 hrs) peaks. Nevertheless, the total species richness (65) was higher as was the mean hourly richness (37±4). The Orthocladiinae (68%) dominated less because of increases in the Tanytarsini (15%) and Chiromini (14%). A diel rhythm appeared in autumn emergence. Most of the Orthocladiinae exuviae were collected during daylight hours, whereas most of the Chironomini and Tanytarsini were sampled during darkness. A majority of the exuviae with a length below 3 mm emerged during daylight, but most of the exuviae above 5 mm length emerged during darkness. The exuviae with an intermediate length (3–5 mm) had an amodal diel emergence pattern. In spring and autumn, the majority of species had a bimodal emergence pattern either by day (Orthocladiinae) or by night (Chironominae). But the smallest species had either an unimodal (Thiennemaniella vittata) or bimodal (Neozavrelia fuldensis) daytime emergence. The diel emergence patterns of 10 of the most frequently recorded species are presented.  相似文献   

L. P. Ruse 《Aquatic Ecology》1992,26(2-4):411-417
Chironomid pupal skins were collected during one year from three sites along a chalk stream in southern England. The sites had similar chemistry and discharge but differed in their current and temperature regimes. Substrate composition upstream of each collection point was surveyed during spring, summer and autumn. Proportions of macrophytes and sediments were compared with proportions of chironomid species and trophic groups. Seasonal changes in substrate and pupal skin collections were correlated by classification and direct ordination techniques. The distribution of chironomid species were indicated as being significantly related to the recorded substrate data.  相似文献   

For three years chironomid larvae were collected bimonthly with a grab sampler in two deep storage reservoirs in The Netherlands. Chironomid pupal exuviae were collected monthly, from April to November, with a handnet. Net samples yielded more taxa than grab samples. The taxa found in net samples originated from more habitats, than taxa found in grab samples. The relative contribution of Orthocladiinae was much larger in net samples. Based on the results obtained in the two reservoirs, some advantages and disadvantages of both sampling methods are discussed.  相似文献   

Between 1991 and 1993, samples were collected upstream and downstream of the industrial basin and urban centre of Liège. Rotifers and crustaceans (cladocerans and copepods) were identified and counted. Their population dynamics were related to physical and chemical factors (temperature, oxygen, ammonium, nitrates, nitrites, phosphates) and to phytoplankton biomass. The zooplankton was dominated by rotifers; crustaceans (cladocerans and copepods) were less abundant. There was a succession of groups and species, some thriving in the spring and others in summer or autumn. The dominant rotifer species were Brachionus calyciflorus Pallas, Brachionus angularis Gosse, Keratella cochlearis (Gosse) and Synchaeta spp.; B. calyciflorus and B. angularis are spring species. K. cochlearis was present between May and November. Crustacean biomass was important in summer and autumn, but the faunal spectrum and biomass also varied with sampling location. Low spring and summer discharges allowed the phytoplankton to develop significantly. The zooplankton development followed a similar pattern. During low flow, when plankton populations become established, some declines in phytoplankton could only be explained by sedimentation and grazing pressure by zooplankton. Although these factors provided a good explanation of the longitudinal variation, some local conditions (e.g. oxygen deficit, high level of phosphate) also induced changes (e.g. industrial and municipal waste water discharge).  相似文献   

Bacterioplanktonic biomass and production in the river Meuse (Belgium)   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
This paper presents results of bacterial biomass determination by epifluorescence microscopy after acridine orange staining and 3H-thymidine incorporation measurements in the river Meuse. Bacterial production is calculated from thymidine incorporation using an experimental conversion factor (0.5 1018 bacterial cells produced per mole of thymidine incorporated into macromolecules). Seasonal variations of bacterial biomass and production at two stations are presented. Biomass ranges between 0.05 mgC · 1−1 (in winter) and 0.8 mgC · 1−1 (in summer). The variations of bacterial production seem to be closely linked to those of primary production; values lower than 1 μgC · 1−1 · h−1 are found in winter and high values (> 5 μgC 1−1 · h −1) in summer. Longitudinal profiles in the Belgian course of the river show important increase of biomass and production from upstream to downstream. Bacterial growth yield (Y) has been determined (Y = 0.3) in order to calculate bacterial carbon uptake from bacterial production.  相似文献   

One decade of benthic macroinvertebrate biomonitoring in the River Meuse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The benthic macroinvertebrate community of the River Meuse was studied at four locations in Belgium and The Netherlands from 1983–1993. Macroinvertebrates were collected from artificial substrates, placed near the river bottom from June–August. The results were analyzed using autecological information. At an upstream sampling site in the Belgian Ardennes (Hastière) the most diverse fauna was found. One quarter of the taxa found at this site are known to be confined to running waters and none of the dominant or subdominant taxa could be characterized as a specialized riverine taxon. These findings indicate an impoverished riverine fauna. This was especially the case in years with low discharge, indicating a delicately balanced ecosystem, easily susceptible to disturbances in the environment. Further downstream, in the heavily industrialized region of Liège (Hermalle) and just across the Belgian-Dutch border (Borgharen) the macroinvertebrate fauna consisted of taxa tolerating severe organic pollution. The ecosystem at these sites is on the brink of collapse. Recent results indicate an improvement of this situation at Borgharen. The macroinvertebrate fauna in the lowland reach (Keizersveer) indicates ecological recovery. It is concluded that abatement of the severe pollution must be the first step for an ecological rehabilitation of the degraded ecosystem and for the safe drinking water supply for millions of people in Belgium and The Netherlands.This article is dedicated to my friend and colleague Nicole Frantzen, who died in 1992 at the age of 27.  相似文献   

The diversity of aquatic biota in two large river systems of The Netherlands,viz. the Lower Rhine and Meuse, is discussed in order to: (1) reveal historical changes in biodiversity; (2) examine the role of river-floodplain connectivity; (3) set guide lines for ecological river management. The taxonomical diversity, or species richness, is used to describe the former and recent state of aquatic biota in these river systems. The ecological diversity, obtained by incorporating the concept of ecological groups into the concept of biodiversity, appears very useful in delineating guide-lines for ecological river management. The present species richness in the main channels still appears to be relatively low, despite major water quality improvements. Although present biodiversity is much improved compared with a few decades ago, it is evident that the present species are mainly eurytopic, including many exotics. The inhibition of a further biodiversity recovery results from river regulation and normalization, which have caused the deterioration and functional isolation of main channel and floodplain biotopes. The importance of connectivity for the diversity of aquatic biota is found to be different for various taxa. Moreover, a transversal zonation by the biota in the floodplain lakes is found, emphazising the importance of differences in the degree of connectivity for a diverse aquatic flora and fauna. It is concluded that floodplain lakes contribute significantly to the total biodiversity of the entire riverine ecosystem. The redevelopment of active secondary channels is required to restore the most typical riverine habitats and biota.  相似文献   

Long-term changes in distribution and taxonomic composition of chironomid larvae and oligochaetes in two water storage reservoirs in The Netherlands were studied. A succession among the chironomid species was observed. In the last 10–15 years chironomid densities varied. Compared with other lakes chironomid densities were high. Densities of chironomids were higher in the littoral zone than in the profundal zone. The opposite was found for oligochaetes. Densities and composition of the chironomid fauna in the two reservoirs were similar.Procladius, Tanytarsus andHarnischia dominated at all depths. However, pupal exuviae samples showed some differences in chironomid taxonomic composition between the two reservoirs. Orthocladiinae, rarely found in bottom samples, abounded in pupal exuviae samples.  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to assess the water quality of the upper Moselle river by using biological indices. Simultaneous physico-chemical surveys were also undertaken from May 1999 to April 2000. Twelve sampling sites were selected in order to provide a wide range of potential pollution. Chemical analysis did not reveal any major problem of pollution. However a lower water quality resulting from domestic pollution was established for some sampling sites. A biological monitoring combining both macroinvertebrates and macrophytes was performed. Biological indices based on plant community structure and macrophyte composition were not pertinent tools, whereas simple indices based on taxonomic richness of particular groups of macroinvertebrates were strongly correlated with several chemical parameters, showing that such simple biological variables should represent powerful indicators of ecosystem degradation.  相似文献   

Intrinsic uncertainties and subjectivities of environmental problems have been increasingly dealt by using computation methods based on artificial intelligence. In order to evaluate this tool's applicability, this study proposed the creation of a new water quality index based on fuzzy logic, the fuzzy water quality index (FWQI). The performance of the index proposed in the present work is assessed through a comparison with several water quality indices (WQIs) suggested in the literature, using data from hydrographic surveys of the Ribeira de Iguape River, in the southwestern part do São Paulo State, Brazil, from 2004 to 2006. The index was reasonably close to the other indices and showed a good correlation with the WQI traditionally calculated in Brazil. This new index may also be used as an alternative tool for decision-making in environmental management.  相似文献   

During the period from 1981-07-23 to 1981-08-10, the River Rhine, from the Alps to the North Sea, was sampled for chironomid pupal exuviae. Samples were also taken from the Grande Canal d'Alsace and from selected tributaries. In all 78 samples were taken, of which 9771 exuviae were examined and 135 taxa identified. A species list is given showing the distribution of taxa between the principal regions of the river (Appendix 1). Samples were also taken to show the within-sample and between-sample variability, and one pair of samples was used to demonstrate the difference between the two banks of the river below the junction with the Main. The Rhine above the Bodensee has a diverse fauna dominated by Orthocladiinae. The Hochrhein near the entry of the River Aare, and the River Aare itself, also have a diverse fauna, but include many sediment-dwelling Chironominae. Below Strasbourg the fauna changes markedly, losing most of its sediment-dwellers, and shows a great increase of pollution-tolerant species. The fauna generally becomes less diverse and of poorer quality throughout the Oberrhein sections, and faunal changes are demonstrated that are related to the inflow of the Rivers Neckar and Main, Samples from the Mittelrhein gorge and the Niederrhein are generally dominated by two species ofRheotanytarsus and show a progressive reduction of diversity coupled to an increase of pollution-tolerant species. The low proportions of sediment-dwellers in the Niederrhein and the Waal, suggests that the sediments are unsuitable for the support of a normal chironomid fauna.  相似文献   

流域尺度上的景观格局与河流水质关系研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘丽娟  李小玉  何兴元 《生态学报》2011,31(19):5460-5465
利用景观生态学原理研究流域尺度上土地利用及其空间格局对河流水质的影响,已成为流域环境研究中的热点问题。在综合评价国内外土地利用变化与河流水质关系研究的基础上,阐述了景观格局在流域水环境研究中的重要性,并根据国内外研究进展,对景观格局与水质关系的研究方法和手段进行了分类分析,同时也对流域尺度上的景观-水质模型研究进展也进行了分析总结,最后指出了景观格局与水质关系研究的核心问题和未来研究的热点方向。  相似文献   

Changes in agricultural intensity and river health along a river continuum   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
1. The impact of agricultural activities on waterways is a global issue, but the magnitude of the problem is often not clearly recognized by landowners, and land and water management agencies. 2. The Pomahaka River in southern New Zealand represents a typical lowland catchment with a long history of agricultural development. Fifteen sites were sampled along a 119-km stretch of the river. Headwater sites were surrounded by low-intensity sheep farming, with high-intensity pasture and dairying occurring in the mid-reach and lower reaches. 3. Water clarity decreased significantly from about 6 m in the headwaters to less than 2 m in the lower reaches. Benthic sediment levels increased significantly downriver, peaking at 35 mg m??2 below several tributaries with high-intensity agriculture in their catchments. Periphyton levels were also significantly greater in the lower reaches than the headwaters, and coincided with increased nitrogen (DIN) and phosphorus (SRP) concentrations. 4. Macro-invertebrate species richness did not change significantly throughout the river, but species composition did with Ephemeroptera, and to a lesser extent, Plecoptera and Trichoptera dominating the headwater sites (where there was high water clarity, and low nutrient and periphyton levels). Downriver these assemblages were replaced by molluscs, oligochaetes and chironomids. 5. Canonical correspondence analysis indicated that agricultural intensity and physical conditions associated with agriculture activity (e.g. impacted waters, high turbidity and temperature) were strongly associated with the composition of benthic assemblages at differing reaches down the Pomahaka River. 6. The present results indicate that quantifying agricultural intensity within a catchment, particularly relative livestock densities, may provide a useful tool for identifying threshold levels above which river health declines.  相似文献   

Various diatom indices are routinely used in European countries to monitor water quality in waterways. In order to assess their sensitivities and their integration interval after a sudden and lasting environmental change, epilithic diatom biofilms were transferred from several polluted rivers to an unpolluted stream. To monitor the changes of the index values, the biofilms were sampled in a first experiment 20 and 40 days after transfer, and in a second experiment 30 and 60 days after transfer. Sensitivities of the indices to the water quality improvement were assessed calculating the differences between the index values of the reference and the transferred assemblages. Some indices have intermediate sensitivities (BDI, GDI, ILM, SLA), others higher sensitivities (CEE, EPI, ROT, SPI, TDI). The integration interval of these indices was 40–60 days. Some differences were observed between the indices, but their results were homogeneous when compared to those obtained with other metrics such as Bray-Curtis or Chord distances, used to assess the difference between the transferred and the reference diatom assemblages. These other metrics showed that even after 60 days, the transferred assemblages still differed from the reference. This underlines that metrics do not have the same integration intervals and do not assess the same stresses; the choice of the metric used to assess water quality is of prime importance.  相似文献   

徐斌  杨悦锁  王咏  张刚  范伟  路莹  高翠萍 《生态学杂志》2017,28(8):2714-2722
生态工程是改善河流水质的重要手段,利用数学模型可以有效模拟水环境治理和预测生态修复工程效益.本文根据实际河流资料,应用WASP水质模型进行建模和验证,模拟和评估了河流的主要化学参数,进而研究了人工湿地和曝气复氧对河流水质的生态改善作用.结果表明: WASP水质模拟结果与实测水质数据拟合良好,可以对不同生态修复情景方案进行预测分析.合理减排、人工湿地、曝气复氧均可以降低河流水体中的污染物浓度、有效改善水质.在人工湿地系统中增加曝气复氧装置,将进一步提升河流水体的生态修复效率.以吉林省伊通河曝气条件下的人工湿地工程为例,分析了其生态修复效率.结果表明: 夏季的污染物去除效果最好,可能的原因为夏季气温较高,水体中的微生物活性较强.本研究对于污染河流环境的生态修复工程设计和运行具有指导意义.  相似文献   

Water quality of rivers in the drainage basin of Lake Peipsi   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Enn Loigu  Ülle Leisk 《Hydrobiologia》1996,338(1-3):25-35
Water quality and general regularities that have taken place in the water quality of rivers in the drainage basin of Lake Peipsi have been studied. The lake is located in the basin of the Narva River. Several changes of the water quality of the lake in 1970–1990, caused by increasing human impact, have been observed. The water quality of Lake Peipsi depends on its pollution load whereby the main part of the pollution reaches the lake via rivers. In 1985–1989 an extensive research programme of the lake and its drainage basin was carried out. In this paper a part of these results as well as recent changes in the water quality of the rivers of the Estonian side are studied. In the last years an improvement of the general state of rivers in the drainage basin of Lake Peipsi has taken place; the content of organic substances and nutrients in the inflows of Lake Peipsi and in the Narva River (lake outflow) is decreasing.  相似文献   

大辽河水系夏季浮游植物群落结构特征及水质评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
作为建立中国水环境生态学基准的基础性工作,于2010年7月,按照相关规范的要求,对大辽河水系浮游植物群落结构和水质状况进行了调查.结果表明:调查期间大辽河水系共检出5门124种或变种,其中以绿藻和硅藻为主,分别占43.55%和31.45%;总细胞密度在2.05×105~1.46×107个·L-1,平均6.35×106个·L-1,绿藻和硅藻占优势;主要优势种是硅藻的颗粒直链藻极狭变种(Melosira granulata var.angustissima);共检出污染指示种44种,其中β-中污带指示种居多,有36种,占所有指示种的81.81%;Shannon多样性指数为1.43 ~2.68,Margalef指数为1.00~1.78,Pielou均匀度指数为0.52 ~0.83;综合水体中浮游植物的密度、优势种类、指示种、生物多样性指数评价表明,大辽河水系处于富营养化状态、中等程度污染水平.  相似文献   

赣江流域土地利用方式对河流水质的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
王鹏  齐述华  陈波 《生态学报》2015,35(13):4326-4337
赣江是鄱阳湖的最大支流,是鄱阳湖水污染物的主要来源,查明流域土地利用方式对赣江水质的影响和鄱阳湖的水环境保护具有重要意义。基于2012年对赣江7个主要支流NH+4-N、TP、CODMn和DO浓度的每月测定结果,通过不同空间尺度和土地类型等级划分,利用相关分析和冗余分析研究土地利用方式对赣江流域河流水质的影响。研究结果表明,子流域的土地利用方式对TP的影响大于缓冲区;对CODMn的影响在丰水期大于缓冲区,在枯水期小于缓冲区;对NH+4-N的影响在丰水期与缓冲区接近,在枯水期小于缓冲区;DO受土地利用方式的影响较小。水田中的丘陵水田是赣江水体TP和丰水期CODMn的主要来源;平原水田是枯水期CODMn的主要来源。居民建设用地中的城镇用地是赣江水体TP、NH+4-N和丰水期CODMn的主要来源,农村用地是CODMn的主要来源。水域中的水库坑塘是赣江水体TP和丰水期NH+4-N、CODMn的主要来源。  相似文献   

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