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The binding of the rat hepatic dioxin and glucocorticoid receptors to the polyanionic matrices heparin-Sepharose and DNA-cellulose in vitro and to cell nuclei in vivo was studied under various conditions. In a non-liganded and non-activated state both receptors eluted from heparin-Sepharose at a low ionic strength and were not retained on DNA-cellulose. Following ligandation and activation in vitro both receptors showed an increased affinity for heparin-Sepharose and were retained on DNA-cellulose. In analogy to these in vitro data, it was found that a high salt concentration (0.4 M KCl) was required to extract in vivo liganded dioxin receptor from purified nuclear preparations in contrast to that previously reported for non-liganded nuclear receptors. Limited proteolysis of both dioxin and glucocorticoid receptors resulted in molecular species of similar binding properties with regard to DNA-cellulose and heparin-Sepharose. We conclude that, in addition to the dioxin and glucocorticoid receptors showing considerable similarities in their physicochemical properties, they may also share a similar structural organization with regard to functional domains.  相似文献   

In the last years, small-world behavior has been extensively described for proteins, when they are represented by the undirected graph defined by the inter-residue protein contacts. By adopting this representation it was possible to compute the average clustering coefficient (C) and characteristic path length (L) of protein structures, and their values were found to be similar to those of graphs characterized by small-world topology. In this comment, we analyze a large set of non-redundant protein structures (1753) and show that by randomly mimicking the protein collapse, the covalent structure of the protein chain significantly contributes to the small-world behavior of the inter-residue contact graphs. When protein graphs are generated, imposing constraints similar to those induced by the backbone connectivity, their characteristic path lengths and clustering coefficients are indistinguishable from those computed using the real contact maps showing that L and C values cannot be used for 'protein fingerprinting'. Moreover we verified that these results are independent of the selected protein representations, residue composition and protein secondary structures.  相似文献   

Using spectroscopic, electrophoretic and microcalorimetric techniques, the changes in the spatial structure of human thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG) induced by exposure of protein solutions to high temperatures (45-90 degrees C) and low pH (2.5-6.0) were studied. Simultaneously the biological activity and immunoreactivity of TBG samples were measured. The structural changes were manifested at 52 degrees C or at pH 4.0 and were then aggravated with a rise in temperature or a decrease of pH. The circular dichroism spectra showed that the molecular ellipticity had a maximum decrease (by 10%) at 218-222 nm. In fluorescence spectra excitable at 280 nm the band half-width increased by 4-6 nm; their intensity decreased by 30-40%, whereas the position of the maxima did not change significantly. After addition of an equimolar amount of thyroxine to inactivated TBG the protein fluorescence was quenched by 25-40%. The electrophoregrams of treated preparations contained additional protein bands possessing no biological activity, whose mobility was less than that of native TBG. Microcalorimetric assays of native TBG revealed a thermoabsorption peak with a maximum at 62.5 degrees C and a half-width of 7.1 degrees C. The thermodynamic parameters of melting of TBG spatial structure were consistent with a model of a two-domain structure of the molecule. The biological activity and immunoreactivity of TBG showed a coordinated decrease with a rise in the degree of protein denaturation, However, the formation of TBG complex with antibodies did not screen the thyroxine-binding center of TBG and did not alter its affinity. Possible mechanisms of structural transition of TBG and its effect on the biological properties of TBG are discussed.  相似文献   

Cryptosin, a new cardenolide, was found to preferentially bind to Na,K-ATPase enzyme (7), which is believed to be the ouabain binding site on cardiac sarcolemmal membrane. CD spectral studies revealed that cryptosin, in the presence of Na+ and Mg++ ions, bind to Na,K-ATPase and induce a dose-dependent change in the backbone structure of cardiac Na,K-ATPase.  相似文献   

Using hydroxyl radical footprinting and ethylation interference experiments, we have determined the backbone contacts made by the entire LexA repressor and its amino-terminal fragment with the recA operator DNA. These techniques reveal essentially the same contacts between both proteins and one side of the DNA helix if one assumes that the DNA stays in the normal B-conformation. This result is somewhat unexpected because protection of guanine bases against methylation suggested a somewhat twisted recognition surface. The backbone contacts revealed by both methods are symmetrically disposed with respect to the center of the operator, providing further evidence that the operator binds two LexA monomers. Each half-operator contains seven interfering phosphates. These phosphates are found on both sides of the 5'-CTGT sequence that is believed to be the principal recognition target. On the side close to the center of the operator are found two phosphates, whereas the other five are clustered on the side apart from the dyad axis. We are not aware of such an extended cluster of interfering phosphates for any other DNA-binding protein. A quantification of the hydroxyl radical footprints allowed us to compare further the affinity of the LexA repressor for the recA operator with that of its isolated DNA binding domain. We find an only 13-fold higher binding constant for LexA than for its amino-terminal domain, which is in good agreement with our earlier results for the uvrA operator using a completely different binding assay.  相似文献   

We investigated whether the VP1 protein of simian virus 40 binds to DNA. In vitro DNA-binding experiments clearly indicate that VP1 bound strongly to double-stranded and single-stranded DNA, with a higher affinity for the latter; additional experiments show that VP1 did not bind to a specific sequence of simian virus 40 DNA.  相似文献   

To promote the understanding of the relationship between emulsifying and molecular properties of proteins/peptides, intact beta-casein (betaCN) and its amphipathic fragment, i.e., betaCN (1-105/107) were dephosphorylated. Dephosphorylation was found not to change significantly their emulsifying properties. Since it is known that the structure of proteins can change upon adsorption onto an interface, the secondary structure of intact beta-casein, its amphipathic fragment, and their dephosphorylated forms, both in solution and after adsorption onto a hydrophobic teflon/water interface, were studied by far-UV circular dichroism spectroscopy. An increased content of secondary structure, especially alpha-helix, was found for all samples after adsorption onto teflon. Dephosphorylation increased the helix-forming propensity, especially for amphipathic fragment of beta-casein. No influence of the secondary structure properties on the emulsion-forming and -stabilizing properties was observed, but a relationship between the maximum surface load and the emulsion-stabilizing properties was found.  相似文献   

In the present study we determined the effects of methionine, intermediates of polyamine catabolic pathways and inhibitors of either ethylene biosynthetic or polyamine catabolic pathways on polyamine accumulation in soybean leaves. Inhibitors to SAM decarboxylase and spermidine synthase, methylglyloxal-bis-(guanylhy-drazone) and cyclohexylamine, respectively, suggest that methionine may provide aminopropyl groups for the synthesis of polyamine via S-adenosylmethionine (SAM). Results from experiments that utilized a combination of compounds which altered either ethylene or polyamine biosynthesis, namely, aminoethoxyvinyl glycine, CoSO4, 2,5-norbornadiene, and CuSO4, suggest the two pathways compete for a common precursor. However, exogenous addition of ethylene (via ethephon treatments) had little or no effect on polyamine biosynthesis. Likewise, polyamine treatments had little or no effect on ethylene biosynthesis. These data suggest that there are few or no inhibitory effects from the end products of one pathway on the synthesis of the other. Data from leaves treated with metabolic intermediates in the catabolic pathway of polyamines and inhibitors of enzymes in the catabolic pathway, i.e. aminoguanidine, hydroxyethyldrazine and gabaculine, suggest that the observed increases in polyamine titers were not due to decreased catabolism of the polyamines. One catabolic intermediate, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), elevated putrescine, spermidine and spermine by 12-, 1.4-, and 2-fold, respectively, Ethylene levels decreased (25%) in GABA-treated leaves. This small decrease in ethylene could not account for such large increase in putrescine titers. Further analysis demonstrated that the GABA-mediated polyamine accumulation was inhibited by difluoromethylarginine, an inhibitor of arginine decarboxylase, but not by difluoromethylornithine, an inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase. These data suggest that GABA directly or indirectly affects the biosynthesis of polyamines via arginine decarboxylase.  相似文献   

The effects of two different gramicidin conformations on lipid phase behaviour and dynamics are compared. Samples of chain-perdeuterated dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine containing gramicidin were first prepared with gramicidin in a state having a circular dichroism spectrum generally identified as corresponding to the non-channel conformation. The effects, on bilayer lipid properties, of gramicidin in this conformation were then determined using deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance measurements of acyl chain orientational order and transverse relaxation times as a function of temperature. These samples were then incubated at 65 degrees C to convert the gramicidin to a state with a circular dichroism spectrum of the type generally identified with the channel conformation. The nuclear magnetic resonance measurements were then repeated. In the gel phase, it was found that transverse relaxation time and chain orientational order of the lipid were insensitive to gramicidin conformation. In the liquid crystalline phase, gramicidin in the channel conformation was found to have a slightly larger effect on transverse relaxation and orientational order than gramicidin in the non-channel conformation. The perturbation of the phase behavior by gramicidin was found to be relatively insensitive to gramicidin conformation.  相似文献   

Bryant JE  Lecomte JT  Lee AL  Young GB  Pielak GJ 《Biochemistry》2006,45(33):10085-10091
Cells are crowded with macromolecules, yet most biophysical information about proteins is obtained in dilute solution. To determine the impact of this dichotomy, we used nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to measure the backbone (15)N T(1) and T(2) relaxation times and the {(1)H}-(15)N nuclear Overhauser enhancement (nOe) of uniformly (15)N-enriched apocytochrome b(5) in living Escherichia coli and in dilute solution. These data allowed us to assess the backbone dynamics of this partially folded protein in cells and in dilute solution. The two data sets were analyzed by using the model-free approach. Transfer from dilute solution to the cytosol has a quantitative effect on T(1), T(2), and nOe values. Most of the effects are attributed to an increase in the overall correlation time, caused by the increased viscosity of the cytosol compared to that of the dilute solution. Our main conclusion is that the cytosol does not alter the pattern of backbone dynamics of apocytochrome b(5). Increases in the time scale of both the picosecond and millisecond motions are observed, but the increases are less than approximately 30%.  相似文献   

A peptide–peptoid hybrid (peptomer) library was designed and synthesized, based on the sequence Phe-d-Phe-Arg-Trp-Gly. This sequence was previously found to specifically activate the melanocortin-4-receptor (MC4R) which participates in regulation of energy homeostasis and appetite. The library of peptomers included a peptoid bond in the Phe and/or d-Phe position and consisted of linear and backbone cyclic analogs, differed in their ring size. While the linear peptides rapidly degraded in serum and in brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV’s), the linear peptomers were more stable. Backbone cyclic peptomers were also stable under the same conditions. Backbone cyclization significantly increased the intestinal permeability of two peptomers compared to their linear counterparts, in the Caco-2 model. Pharmacological evaluation revealed that two linear and one backbone cyclic peptomer, were found active towards MC4R at the nanomolar range. Thus, the conformational constrains imposed by these local and global modifications affect both the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of the parent peptide. This study demonstrates the potential of imposing backbone cyclization on bioactive peptomers as a promising approach in developing an orally available peptidomimetic drug leads.  相似文献   

The basic differences between the 20 natural amino acid residues are due to differences in their side-chain structures. This characteristic design of protein building blocks implies that side-chain-side-chain interactions play an important, even dominant role in 3D-structural realization of amino acid codes. Here we present the results of a comparative analysis of the contributions of side-chain-side-chain (s-s) and side-chain-backbone (s-b) interactions to the stabilization of folded protein structures within the framework of the CHARMm molecular data model. Contrary to intuition, our results suggest that side-chain-backbone interactions play the major role in side-chain packing, in stabilizing the folded structures, and in differentiating the folded structures from the unfolded or misfolded structures, while the interactions between side chains have a secondary effect. An additional analysis of electrostatic energies suggests that combinatorial dominance of the interactions between opposite charges makes the electrostatic interactions act as an unspecific folding force that stabilizes not only native structure, but also compact random conformations. This observation is in agreement with experimental findings that, in the denatured state, the charge-charge interactions stabilize more compact conformations. Taking advantage of the dominant role of side-chain-backbone interactions in side-chain packing to reduce the combinatorial problem, we developed a new algorithm, ChiRotor, for rapid prediction of side-chain conformations. We present the results of a validation study of the method based on a set of high resolution X-ray structures.  相似文献   

I A Taylor  K G Davis  D Watts    G G Kneale 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(23):5772-5778
The type IC DNA methyltransferase M.EcoR124I is a complex multisubunit enzyme that recognizes the non-palindromic DNA sequence GAAN6RTCG. Small angle X-ray scattering has been used to investigate the solution structure of the methyltransferase and of complexes of the enzyme with unmethylated and hemimethylated 30 bp DNA duplexes containing the specific recognition sequence. A major change in the quaternary structure of the enzyme is observed following DNA binding, based on a decrease in the radius of gyration from 56 to 40 A and a reduction in the maximum dimension of the enzyme from 180 to 112 A. The structural transition observed is independent of the methylation state of the DNA. CD shows that there is no change in the secondary structure of the protein subunits when DNA is bound. In contrast, there is a large increase in the CD signal arising from the DNA, suggesting considerable structural distortion which may allow access to the bases targeted for methylation. We propose that DNA binding induces a large rotation of the two HsdM subunits towards the DNA, mediated by hinge bending domains in the specificity subunit HsdS.  相似文献   

Seven geometrical or positional isomers of dipalmitoyl cyclopentanophosphoric acid (DPCPA) have been synthesized and studied: 1,3/2-1P (I); 1,2/3-1P (II); 1,2/3-3P (III), 1,2,3/0-1P (IV); 1,2,3/0-2P (V); 1,3/2-2P (VI); 1,2/3-2P (VII). When dispersed in 0.1 M Tris-HCl at pH 7.4, I-VII gave thermal transitions (Tc) of 60.0 degrees, 59.0 degrees, 56.8 degrees, 55.3 degrees, 38.3 degrees, 36.8 degrees and 34.0 degrees C, respectively, as measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). When the lipids were dispersed at pH 9.5 in 0.1 M borate, Tc of I-IV decreased, whereas Tc of V-VII increased. In contrast, at pH 1.5 in 0.1 M HCl/KCl, Tc of I-IV decreased slightly, but Tc of V-VII rose markedly. To determine the effect of head group geometry and substitution pattern on acyl chain motion, EPR spectra of 1-palmitoyl, 2-[16-doxylstearoyl]-glycero-3-phosphoric acid in bilayers of DPCPA isomers were acquired. Abrupt spectral changes occurred at temperatures closely correlating with transition temperatures observed by DSC. These results have led to the conclusions that: (i) isomers I-IV containing vicinal acyl chains form bilayers that exhibit structural transitions at temperatures higher than those at which transitions are exhibited by isomers V-VII which have a polar phosphate group interposed between the two chains; (ii) the effects of differences in backbone structure are transmitted down the entire length of the acyl chains; (iii) the orientation of the cyclopentane ring in the isomers I-IV is significantly different from that in isomers V-VII at pH values where the phosphate group is doubly negatively charged.  相似文献   

The effect of motional averaging when relating structural properties inferred from nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments to molecular dynamics simulations of peptides is considered. In particular, the effect of changing populations of conformations, the extent of sampling, and the sampling frequency on the estimation of nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) inter-proton distances, vicinal (3)J-coupling constants, and chemical shifts are investigated. The analysis is based on 50-ns simulations of a beta-heptapeptide in methanol at 298 K, 340 K, 350 K, and 360 K. This peptide undergoes reversible folding and samples a significant proportion of the available conformational space during the simulations, with at 298 K being predominantly folded and at 360 K being predominantly unfolded. The work highlights the fact that when motional averaging is included, NMR data has only limited capacity to distinguish between a single fully folded peptide conformation and various mixtures of folded and unfolded conformations. Proteins 1999;36:542-555.  相似文献   

One, two or four copies of the 'helix-hairpin-helix' (HhH) DNA-binding motif are predicted to occur in 14 homologous families of proteins. The predicted DNA-binding function of this motif is shown to be consistent with the crystallographic structure of rat polymerase beta, complexed with DNA template-primer [Pelletier, H., Sawaya, M.R., Kumar, A., Wilson, S.H. and Kraut, J. (1994) Science 264, 1891-1903] and with biochemical data. Five crystal structures of predicted HhH motifs are currently known: two from rat pol beta and one each in endonuclease III, AlkA and the 5' nuclease domain of Taq pol I. These motifs are more structurally similar to each other than to any other structure in current databases, including helix-turn-helix motifs. The clustering of the five HhH structures separately from other bi-helical structures in searches indicates that all members of the 14 families of proteins described herein possess similar HhH structures. By analogy with the rat pol beta structure, it is suggested that each of these HhH motifs bind DNA in a non-sequence-specific manner, via the formation of hydrogen bonds between protein backbone nitrogens and DNA phosphate groups. This type of interaction contrasts with the sequence-specific interactions of other motifs, including helix-turn-helix structures. Additional evidence is provided that alphaherpesvirus virion host shutoff proteins are members of the polymerase I 5'-nuclease and FEN1-like endonuclease gene family, and that a novel HhH-containing DNA-binding domain occurs in the kinesin-like molecule nod, and in other proteins such as cnjB, emb-5 and SPT6.  相似文献   

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