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Bacteriophage Interference in Bacillus subtilis 168   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Strains of Bacillus subtilis lysogenic for temperate bacteriophage SPO2 inhibit the development of bacteriophage phi1. After infection by bacteriophage phi1, DNA and RNA synthesis in the lysogenic host terminates, culminating in cell death. Bacteriophage SPO2 also prevents the production of bacteriophage phi105. Mechanisms for these two types of bacteriophage interference are discussed.  相似文献   

In a temperature-sensitive mutant of Bacillus subtilis 168, induction of the defective phage PBSX occurred at 48 C. Cell lysis began after 90 min of growth at 48 C, and cell viability began to decrease after 10 to 30 min. The loss in viability at the nonpermissive temperature was prevented by azide or cyanide. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), ribonucleic acid, and protein synthesis were not inhibited at 48 C. Temperature induction of the temperate phage SPO2 also occurred in this mutant. The temperature-sensitive mutation, designated tsi-23, was linked by transduction to purB6 and pig, the order being purB6 pig tsi-23. Mutation tsi-23 was transformable to wild type by B. subtilis 168 DNA but not by DNA from the closely related strains W23 or S31. DNA from the latter two strains transformed auxotrophic markers of strain 168 at frequencies close to those found with 168 donor DNA. Upon temperature induction, cellular DNA was broken to a size of 22S, characteristic of DNA in PBSX particles. The DNA isolated from temperature-induced PBSX did not give an increased Ade(+)/Met(+) transformant ratio relative to cellular DNA nor contain preferential break points as determined by transformation of four closely linked markers.  相似文献   

Autolytic enzyme-deficient mutants of Bacillus subtilis 168.   总被引:56,自引:45,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Mutants of Bacillus subtilis strain 168 have been isolated that are at least 90 to 95% deficient in the autolytic enzymes N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanine amidase and endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase. These mutants grow at normal rates as very long chains of unseparated cells. The length of the chains is directly related to the growth rates. They are nonmotile and have no flagella, but otherwise appear to have normal cell morphology. Their walls are fully sysceptible to enzymes formed by the wild type and have the same chemical composition as the latter. Cell wall preparations from the mutants lyse at about 10% of the rate of those from the isogenic wild type, with the correspondingly small liberation of both the amino groups of alanine at pH 8.0 and of reducing groups at pH 5.6. Likewise, Microcococcus luteus walls at pH 5.6 and B. subtilis walls at pH 8 are lysed only very slowly by LiCl extracts made from the mutants as compared with rates obtained with wild-type extracts. Thus, the activity of both autolytic enzymes in the mutants is depressed. The frequencies of transformation, the isolation of revertants, and observations with a temperature-sensitive mutant all point to the likelihood that the pleiotropic, phenotypic properties of the strains are due to a single mutation. The mutants did not produce more protease or amylase than did the wild type. They sporulate and the spores germinate normally. The addition of antibiotics to exponentially growing cultures prevents wall synthesis but leads to less lysis than is obtained with the wild type. The bacteriophage PBSX can be induced in the mutants by treatment with mitomycin C.  相似文献   

The first alkaline phosphatase (APase) structural gene mutant of Bacillus subtilis 168 was constructed by using a clone identified by hybridization to a synthetic degenerative oligonucleotide. The design of the probe was based on the first 29 amino acids of the sequenced mature APase III protein, which had been isolated from the secreted fraction of vegetative, phosphate-starved cells. DNA sequencing of the clone revealed the first 80 amino acids of the APase III protein, including a typical procaryotic signal sequence of 32 amino acids preceding the start of the mature protein. The 29 amino acids encoded by the predicted open reading frame immediately following the signal sequence are identical to the first 29 amino acids of the sequenced mature protein. This region shows 80% identity to strand A of the beta sheet that is very well conserved in Escherichia coli and mammalian APases. A phoAIII structural mutant was constructed by insertional mutagenesis with a fragment internal to the coding region. The effects of this mutation on APase production in B. subtilis 168 were analyzed under both phosphate starvation and sporulation conditions. The mutation in APase III reduced the total vegetative APase specific activity by approximately 40% and sporulation APase specific activity by approximately 45%. An APase protein was isolated from sporulating cells at stage III and was identified as APase III by protein sequencing of the amino terminus and by its absence in the phoAIII mutant. The APase III gene has been mapped to approximately 50 degrees on the B. subtilis chromosome.  相似文献   

1. The purification of the `vegetative' alkaline phosphatase of Bacillus subtilis 168 was simplified by ionic elution of the enzyme from intact cells. 2. The enzyme has a molecular weight of about 70000 and treatment of the enzyme with 10mm-hydrochloric acid or 6.0m-guanidine hydrochloride, β-mercaptoethanol (0.1m) gives rise to enzymically inactive subunits. 3. The amino acid composition of the enzyme was determined. The N-terminal residue determined by the DNS chloride method is glycine. 4. The properties of this enzyme were compared with the `sporulation' alkaline phosphatase of the same strain. 5. Although the `sporulation' enzyme differs from the `vegetative' enzyme in its physiology of appearance and apparent mRNA stability, an examination of properties of the enzymes revealed no differences. 6. The enzyme from both cell forms is bound to the particulate fraction of cell extracts, but can be solubilized by high concentrations of magnesium chloride; removal of the magnesium chloride, by dialysis, results in precipitation of both enzymes. Both enzymes can be removed from intact cells by ionic elution. 7. The `vegetative' and `sporulation' enzymes have identical pH optima, Km and Ki values and electrophoretic mobilities in cellulose acetate. 8. Their half-life is 28min at 65°C and their Q10 is 1.25. 9. The molecular size determined by gel filtration on Sephadex G-100 is about 69000. 10. `Vegetative' and `sporulation' forms gave precipitin lines that were continuous and non-spurred when tested against antiserum prepared against the `vegetative' enzyme. 11. The `sporulation' alkaline phosphatase appears to be associated with stage II of sporulation and appears to be induced by something specifically concerned in sporulation and not by phosphate starvation.  相似文献   

A beta-D-fructofuranosidase -- called levanase -- capable of the hydrolysis of sucrose, inulin and levans has been identified in Bacillus subtilis Marburg. This enzyme can not be detected in strain 168. However, sacL mutations -- mapped on the chromosome of strain 168 between the pheA and aroD reference markers -- lead to constitutive levanase synthesis. This synthesis is repressed by carbon sources such as glucose, glycerol or sucrose.  相似文献   

Genetic properties of arsenate sensitive mutants of Bacillus subtilis 168   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Summary Arsenate sensitive mutants were isolated from Bacillus subtilis strain 168 after treatment with N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine or ethyl methane sulfonate. Though all mutants are phenotypically identical, a high proportion (40%) of the induced mutations are of a multisite nature as they do not revert spontaneously and are poorly transformable to arsenate resistance with wild type DNA. On the basis of transformation efficiency, UV inactivation kinetics and cotransduction frequency of outside markers, four independently isolated multisite arsenate sensitive mutations are characterized as resulting from large deletions of homogenous size (24000±6000 base pairs). The arsenate resistance locus was mapped between phe and aroD on the B. subtilis chromosome by PBS1 mediated transduction. Mechanisms for the formation of such chromosomal deletions are discussed.Part of the dissertation of Alice Adams Lindahl, presented to New York University in partial fulfillment of requirements for the Ph. D. degree. A preliminary report of this work was presented at the NATO International Symposium, Mol, Belgium, August 1970.  相似文献   

Five mutants of Bacillus subtilis 168 defective in an intracellular esterase activity were identified. By polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, four of the mutants were shown to lack esterase B activity, and the fifth lacked esterase A activity. All of the back-crossed esterase mutants were able to sporulate at wild-type frequency and produce exoprotease(s) and antibiotic(s). No difference in motility could be attributed to the esterase mutation. PBS1 transduction analysis showed all the esterase B mutations to be linked to the hisA marker.  相似文献   

A derivative of Bacillus subtilis strain 168 sensitive to defective bacteriophages PBSX and PBSZ has been isolated. This particular strain, RUB824, carries the genetic information for defective bacteriophage PBSX.  相似文献   

Constitutive mutants for L-arabinose utilization were isolated from Bacillus subtilis 168T+ and showed resistance to D-fucose, a nonmetabolizable analog of L-arabinose. The mutations that conferred the constitutive phenotype (Arac) were mapped between cysB and hisA. All the mutants showed an isomerase activity which was reduced to 50 to 70% in the presence of L-arabinose and to 10% in the presence of glucose.  相似文献   

A genetic marker responsible for the killing activity of PBSX, a defective phage carried by Bacillus subtilis 168, has been located on the bacterial chromosome. Two mutant strains of B. subtilis 168, which produced tailless phage particles upon mitomycin C induction, were shown to carry lesions, designated xtl-1 and xtl-2, which were linked by transformation and PBS1-mediated transduction to metC. The link-age relationship between xtl and adjacent auxotrophic markers was determined by three-factor PBS1 transduction, the suggested order of markers being argO 1 metA metC xtl.  相似文献   

Hiraga, Sota (Osaka University, Osaka, Japan). Regulation of synthesis of alkaline phosphatase by deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis in a constitutive mutant of Bacillus subtilis. J. Bacteriol. 91:2192-2199. 1966.-It was found that synthesis of alkaline phosphatase (APase) correlated with deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis in a partially constitutive mutant of Bacillus subtilis. When cultures of the mutant were made to undergo synchronous growth by germination of spores in an excess-phosphate medium, synthesis of APase was repressed at the beginning of DNA synthesis. If the initiation of DNA synthesis was inhibited by thymine starvation, the repression of APase was not observed. When DNA synthesis, previously initiated, was inhibited by thymine or uracil starvation, or by addition of mitomycin C, the repression was partially released at a later stage. In contrast, this correlation between repression and DNA synthesis was not observed in a repressible strain.  相似文献   

Summary A number of mutants (abs)-resistant to antibiotic(s) produced by sporulating Bacillus subtilis 168 have been isolated from an early blocked asporogenous mutant (spoA12). At least four classes were recognized according to their phenotypic properties. Genetic analysis has shown that these mutants were neither partial revertants nor suppressor mutants of the spoA gene. Both nonsense and missense mutants of the spoA gene are reverted partially by a secondary mutation which is resistant to antibiotic of B. subtilis 168. Another asporogenous mutant, spoB, whose locus is closely linked to pheA, is also affected by the same abs mutation. The nature of abs mutants is discussed.  相似文献   

Two secreted alkaline phosphatase proteins were purified from cultures of Bacillus subtilis JH646MS. The two proteins showed slight differences in subunit molecular weight, substrate specificity, and charge characteristics. A total of 62% of the first 22 amino-terminal amino acids were identical. Both sequences showed conservation of structural features identified in Escherichia coli and human alkaline phosphatases. One alkaline phosphatase was a monomer and the other was a dimer. Southern analysis of genomic DNA with degenerative oligomers based on the amino acid sequences suggest that there are two structural genes for alkaline phosphatase in the genome of B. subtilis.  相似文献   

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