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The metabolic origin and emission by the leaves of the tropospheric trace gas acetaldehyde were examined in 4-month-old poplar trees (Populus tremula x P. alba) cultivated under controlled environmental conditions in a greenhouse. Treatments which resulted in increased ethanol concentration of the xylem sap caused significantly enhanced rates of acetaldehyde and ethanol emission by the leaves. Leaves fed [14C]-ethanol via the transpiration stream emitted [<14C]-acetaldehyde. These findings suggest that acetaldehyde in the leaves is synthesized by a metabolic pathway that operates in the opposite direction of alcoholic fermentation and results in oxidation of ethanol. Enzymatic studies showed that this pathway is mediated either by alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH; EC or catalase (CAT; EC, both constitutively present in the leaves of poplar trees. Labelling experiments with [14C]-glucose indicated that the ethanol delivered to the leaves by the transpiration stream is produced in anaerobic zones of submersed roots by alcoholic fermentation. Anoxic conditions in the rhizosphere caused by flooding of the root system resulted in an activation of alcoholic fermentation and led to significantly increased ethanol concentrations in the xylem sap. These results support the hypothesis that acetaldehyde emitted by the leaves of trees is derived from xylem transported ethanol which is synthesized during alcoholic fermentation in the roots.Keywords: Acetaldehyde, emission, ethanol, anaerobiosis, Populus tremula x P. alba   相似文献   

This research investigates the fate and transport of methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) in phytoremediation, particularly the uptake and volatilization of MTBE in lab-scale hydroponic systems. The research reveals that MTBE was taken up by hybrid poplar cuttings and volatilized to the atmosphere. Volatilization of MTBE occurred through both stems and leaves. The concentration of MTBE in the transpiration stream declined exponentially with height, indicating that the uptake and volatilization along the stems are an important removal mechanism of MTBE in phytoremediation. Volatilization, via diffusion from the stems, has not been directly measured previously. No volatile MTBE metabolites were detected; however, mass balance closure and metabolite detection were not primary objectives of this study. The greatest amount of MTBE in plant biomass was associated with the woody stems from the previous year's growth, owing in part to the large biomass of stems. MTBE in the plant tissues appears to reach a steady state concentration and there does not appear to be an accumulation process that could lead to highly elevated concentrations relative to the groundwater source.  相似文献   

Trees, perennial phanerophytes, display a rich variety of rhythmic phenomena. These are either due to exclusive environmental entrainment or due to the functioning of endogenous oscillators independent of the environment. Both types of rhythms are covered in this review. Purely environment controlled rhythms may be considered as a prelude to endogenous rhythms. Environment controlled rhythms discussed are (i) the diurnal rhythms of nyctinastic and heliotropic leaf movements and oscillatory phenomena of photosynthesis, such as the midday depression and Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM), and (ii) the annual rhythms of annual growth ring formation, autumnal leaf senescence, over wintering mechanisms and flowering. Among the diurnal rhythms, nyctinastic movements and CAM are also free-running endogenous rhythms showing the operation of circadian clocks in trees. In leaf senescence, over wintering, and flowering control, photoperiod sensing is involved which suggests the participation of endogenous clocks. A question asked is if diurnal and annual rhythms are mechanistically correlated. Evidently, phenological phenomena based on photoperiodism (as dependent on measurement of night length) are co-ordinately regulated by the phytochrome system and the circadian clocks and many aspects of annual developments and over wintering are linked to photoperiodism. The existence in trees of circadian clock genes as known to be anchored in the genome of A. thaliana can be assessed by attempts of alignment with the sequenced genome of Populus or by isolating cDNA clones from trees to check them against the genome of A. thaliana. At extreme latitudes near the equator and north of the polar circle trees also display photoperiod-independent phenological phenomena. In the polar region, total irradiance of red and far red light could possibly be involved and the signalling pathway then involves phytochrome, and thus, may still be similar to that of photoperiodism. At the equator, total daily light irradiance received or sensing the dynamics of daily changes in solar irradiance are essential and it remains enigmatic whether signalling cascades are either attached to the circadian clocks in a still unknown way or totally independent of circadian clocks.  相似文献   

Chitinase accumulates systemically in wounded poplar trees   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Young leaves of poplar ( Populus spp.) trees accumulate novel messenger RNAs shortly after the mature leaves have been mechanically wounded. These systemically wound‐induced ( win ) mRNAs are thought to encode proteins involved in plant defense. In the present paper, transgenic tobacco plants that ectopically expressed a win6 cDNA contained a novel chitinase activity that was not present in normal tobacco. This demonstrated Win6 was a chitinase. Win6 and a related protein Win8 accumulated in wounded poplars. Win6 and Win8 had low isoelectric points (ca 4) as predicted from their nucleotide sequence. The wound‐inducible increase in Win6 and Win8 was correlated with an increase in chitinase (EC activity in poplar leaf extracts. We conclude that mechanical wounding induces chitinase in poplar trees, and speculate that the induced chitinase activity could act to increase the tolerance of poplars to opportunistic wound pathogens.  相似文献   

Plants cover their need for sulfur by taking up inorganic sulfate, reducing it to sulfide, and incorporating it into the amino acid cysteine. In herbaceous plants the pathway of assimilatory sulfate reduction is highly regulated by the availability of the nutrients sulfate and nitrate. To investigate the regulation of sulfate assimilation in deciduous trees we used the poplar hybrid Populus tremula × P. alba as a model. The enzymes of the pathway are present in several isoforms, except for sulfite reductase and -glutamylcysteine synthetase; the genomic organization of the pathway is thus similar to herbaceous plants. The mRNA level of APS reductase, the key enzyme of the pathway, was induced by 3 days of sulfur deficiency and reduced by nitrogen deficiency in the roots, whereas in the leaves it was affected only by the withdrawal of nitrogen. When both nutrients were absent, the mRNA levels did not differ from those in control plants. Four weeks of sulfur deficiency did not affect growth of the poplar plants, but the content of glutathione, the most abundant low molecular thiol, was reduced compared to control plants. Sulfur limitation resulted in an increase in mRNA levels of ATP sulfurylase, APS reductase, and sulfite reductase, probably as an adaptation mechanism to increase the efficiency of the sulfate assimilation pathway. Altogether, although distinct differences were found, e.g. no effect of sulfate deficiency on APR in poplar leaves, the regulation of sulfate assimilation by nutrient availability observed in poplar was similar to the regulation described for herbaceous plants.  相似文献   

In the present study, important components of carbon metabolism of mature leaves of young poplar trees (Populus x canescens) were determined. Carbohydrate concentrations in leaves and xylem sap were quantified at five different times during the day and compared with photosynthetic gas exchange measurements (net assimilation, transpiration and rates of isoprene emission). Continuously measured xylem sap flow rates, with a time resolution of 15 min, were used to calculate diurnal balances of carbon metabolism of whole mature poplar leaves on different days. Loss of photosynthetically fixed carbon by isoprene emission and dark respiration amounted to 1% and 20%. The most abundant soluble carbohydrates in leaves and xylem sap were glucose, fructose and sucrose, with amounts of approx. 2 to 12 mmol m(-2) leaf area in leaves and about 0.2 to 15 mM in xylem sap. Clear diurnal patterns of carbohydrate concentration in xylem sap and leaves, however, were not observed. Calculations of the carbon transport rates in the xylem to the leaves were based on carbohydrate concentrations in xylem sap and xylem sap flow rates. This carbon delivery amounted to about 3 micromol C m(-2) s(-1) during the day and approx. 1 micromol C m(-2) s(-1) at night. The data demonstrated that between 9 and 28 % of total carbon delivered to poplar leaves during 24 h resulted from xylem transport and, hence, provide a strong indication for a significant rate of carbon cycling within young trees.  相似文献   

The water relations of the inundated forest of the Rio Negro in the Amazon have been investigated. The sap pressure in trees and bushes standing in several meters of water was found to average between −15 and −20 atm in sunshine. and above −10 in overcast. In rainy weather and at night. the pressure would remain close to ambient. Submerged leaves had ambient or sometimes very slightly positive pressure. Pinnate leaves of legumes folded when the pressure rose above a critical level characteristic of the species. Dehydration curves from full turgor to negative turgor showed 3 characteristic phases: A) a steep decline in pressure when the turgor disappeared; B) a linear decline at zero turgor proportional to the increase in osmotic pressure; and C) a steep decline as negative turgor (intracellular packing) developed. The tensions in the drowned forests were similar to those found in inundated plants of temperate lakes. and hence like many plants in a humid forest. However, in the daytime many flooded plants of the Amazon reached zero turgor without any external sign of wilting.  相似文献   

Recovery of transgenic trees after electroporation of poplar protoplasts   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Protoplasts from leaflets ofin vitro cuttings were electroporated in osmotically adjusted and buffered solutions containing plasmid DNA: pABD1, carrying thenptII gene for resistance to neomycin; pGH1, carrying a mutant acetolactate synthase gene,als, for resistance to sulfonylurea; and pGSFR781A, carrying a synthetic phosphinothricin acetyltransferase (pat) for resistance to phosphinothricin (Basta). Gene transfer was repeatedly efficient, without use of carrier DNA, in the range of one transformant for 105 to 104 protoplast-derived cell colonies. This was probably due to the high plating efficiency (30%) of protoplasts in our culture process. Selection for expression of foreign genes was applied in liquid medium and repeatedly achieved with 30 M paromomycin for NPTII, 200 nM chlorsulfuron for the mutant ALS ofArabidopsis and 25 M phosphinothricin for PAT expression. Integration of foreign genes into genomic DNA of resistant poplar trees was demonstrated by Southern blot hybridizations, which revealed that for some transformants practically no other part of the vector plasmid than the selected gene was integrated.Effective processes for protoplast culture, efficient selection at the cell colony stage and gene transfer will provide new possibilities in poplar breeding.  相似文献   

Landfill leachate can be beneficially reused for irrigation of fiber crops with appropriate attention to nutrient and salinity management. The Riverbend Landfill in Western Oregon has been effectively practicing irrigation of landfill leachate to poplar trees since 1993. Over that time, the site has been adaptively managed to control salinity impacts to the tree crop while beneficially utilizing the applied water and nutrients during each growing season. Representative leachate irrigation water has ranged in concentration of total dissolved solids from 777 to 6,940 mg/L, chloride from 180 to 1,760 mg/L and boron from 3.2 to 7.3 mg/L. Annual leachate irrigation applications have also ranged between 102 and 812 mm/yr. Important conclusions from this site have included: 1) Appropriate tree clone selection and tree stand spacing, thinning, and harvest rotations are critical to maintaining a productive tree stand that is resilient and resistant to salt stress. The most effective combinations have included clones DN-34, OP-367, 184-411, 49-177, and 15-29 planted at spacing of 3.7-m x 1.8-m to 3.7-m x 3.7-m; 2) Leaf tissue boron levels are closely correlated to soil boron levels and can be managed with leaching. When leaf tissue boron levels exceed 200 to 250 mg/kg, signs of salt stress may emerge and should be monitored closely; 3) Salinity from leachate irrigation can be managed to sustain a healthy tree crop by controlling mass loading rates and providing appropriate irrigation blending if necessary. Providing freshwater irrigation following each leachate irrigation and targeting freshwater irrigation as 30 percent of total irrigation water applied has successfully controlled salt impacts to vegetation; and 4) Drip irrigation generally requires more careful attention to long-term soil salinity management than spray irrigation. Moving drip irrigation tubes periodically to prevent the formation of highly saline zones within the soil profile is important. In this paper, a fifteen year record of monitoring and operational data are presented that can be used by others in managing irrigation of saline water to poplar trees. When salinity is carefully managed, tree systems can help to provide sustainable leachate management solutions for landfills.  相似文献   

通过对长江滩地连续7年的水文动态以及滩地杨树人工林年轮生长序列的研究,分析杨树人工林个体生长与水淹时间、水淹深度以及气候因子的相应关系,建立相关模型.结果表明,林分个体胸径分布格局与滩地的高程具显著的相关性,水淹深度对直径生长的影响大于水淹的时间,而当年的径向生长与前一年8、9月水淹情况以及气候因子的关系明显.在滩地营造杨树人工林,以丰产为目的宜选择水淹深度小于2m的地域造林,淹水深度超过2m的地域宜适当密植,以培养小径材为主.  相似文献   

安徽长江滩地杨树人工林个体生长与水淹状况的关系   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
通过对长江滩地连续7年的水文动态以及滩地杨树人工林年轮生长序列的研究,分析杨树人工林个体生长与水淹时间、水淹深度以及气候因子的相应关系,建立相关模型。结果表明,林分个体胸径分布格局与滩地的高程具显著的相关性,水淹深度对直径生长的影响大于水淹的时间,而当年的径向生长与前一年8、9月水淹情况以及气候因子的关系明显。在滩地营造杨树人工林,以丰产为目的宜选择深度小于2m的地域造林,淹水深度超过2m的地域宜  相似文献   

Diurnal regulation of scent emission in rose flowers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Hendel-Rahmanim K  Masci T  Vainstein A  Weiss D 《Planta》2007,226(6):1491-1499
Previous studies have shown diurnal oscillation of scent emission in rose flowers with a peak during the day (Helsper in Planta 207:88–95, 1998; Picone in Planta 219:468–478, 2004). Here, we studied the regulation of scent production and emission in Rosa hybrida cv. Fragrant Cloud during the daily cycle and focused on two terpenoid compounds, germacrene D and geranyl acetate, whose biosynthetic genes have been characterized by us previously. The emission of geranyl acetate oscillated during the daily light/dark cycle with a peak early in the light period. A similar daily fluctuation was found in the endogenous level of this compound and in the expression of its biosynthetic gene, alcohol acetyl transferase (RhAAT). The rhythmic expression of RhAAT continued under conditions of constant light or darkness, indicating regulation by the endogenous circadian clock. However, the accumulation and emission of geranyl acetate ceased under continuous light. Our results suggest that geranyl acetate production is limited by the level of its substrate geraniol, which is suppressed under constant light conditions. The emission of germacrene D also oscillated during the daily cycle with a peak early in the light period. However, the endogenous level of this compound and the expression of its biosynthetic gene germacrene D synthase (RhGDS) were constant throughout the day. The diurnal oscillation of germacrene D emission ceased under continuous light, suggesting direct regulation by light. Our results demonstrate the complexity of the diurnal regulation of scent emission: although the daily emission of most scent compounds is synchronized, various independently evolved mechanisms control the production, accumulation and release of different volatiles. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The leaves of poplar trees (genusPopulus) contain antimiorobial agents. These antibiotic properties are markedly influenced by interspecific and intraspecific hybridizations. Fractionation of the weakly active crude extracts results in more active antibacterial fractions. There are indications that the substances which inhibit antimicrobial effects during the testing procedure remain in the methanol fractions. In addition the results show that the antibacterial agents differ from the antifungal compounds, which both are different from the antiviral substances.  相似文献   

We report a gene discovery system for poplar trees based on gene and enhancer traps. Gene and enhancer trap vectors carrying the beta-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene were inserted into the poplar genome via Agrobacterium tumefaciens transformation, where they reveal the expression pattern of genes at or near the insertion sites. Because GUS expression phenotypes are dominant and are scored in primary transformants, this system does not require rounds of sexual recombination, a typical barrier to developmental genetic studies in trees. Gene and enhancer trap lines defining genes expressed during primary and secondary vascular development were identified and characterized. Collectively, the vascular gene expression patterns revealed that approximately 40% of genes expressed in leaves were expressed exclusively in the veins, indicating that a large set of genes is required for vascular development and function. Also, significant overlap was found between the sets of genes responsible for development and function of secondary vascular tissues of stems and primary vascular tissues in other organs of the plant, likely reflecting the common evolutionary origin of these tissues. Chromosomal DNA flanking insertion sites was amplified by thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR and sequenced and used to identify insertion sites by reference to the nascent Populus trichocarpa genome sequence. Extension of the system was demonstrated through isolation of full-length cDNAs for five genes of interest, including a new class of vascular-expressed gene tagged by enhancer trap line cET-1-pop1-145. Poplar gene and enhancer traps provide a new resource that allows plant biologists to directly reference the poplar genome sequence and identify novel genes of interest in forest biology.  相似文献   

A semi-empirical model of methane emission from flooded rice paddy soils   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Reliable regional or global estimates of methane emissions from flooded rice paddy soils depend on an examination of methodologies by which the current high variability in the estimates might be reduced. One potential way to do this is the development of predictive models. With an understanding of the processes of methane production, oxidation and emission, a semi-empirical model, focused on the contributions of rice plants to the processes and also the influence of environmental factors, was developed to predict methane emission from flooded rice fields. A simplified version of the model was also derived to predict methane emission in a more practical manner. In this study, it was hypothesized that methanogenic substrates are primarily derived from rice plants and added organic matter. Rates of methane production in flooded rice soils are determined by the availability of methanogenic substrates and the influence of environmental factors. Rice growth and development control the fraction of methane emitted. The amount of methane transported from the soil to the atmosphere is determined by the rates of production and the emitted fraction. Model validation against observations from single rice growing seasons in Texas, USA demonstrated that the seasonal variation of methane emission is regulated by rice growth and development. A further validation of the model against measurements from irrigated rice paddy soils in various regions of the world, including Italy, China, Indonesia, Philippines and the United States, suggests that methane emission can be predicted from rice net productivity, cultivar character, soil texture and temperature, and organic matter amendments.  相似文献   

B J Horton  S D Turley  C E West 《Life sciences》1974,15(11):1895-1907
Laboratory rabbits maintained under controlled lighting and fed ad libitum exhibit a weak but consistent diurnal fluctuation in feed intake. There are two major periods of eating; at the beginning and the end of the light period. This results in similar feed consumption for the light and dark periods. Water intake shows a similar diurnal variation to that of feed intake. If the normal lighting cycle is retarded by 6 hours, the animals adjust their diurnal rhythm of feeding behaviour to the new lighting cycle within 8 to 15 days. Comparative studies on rats are included.  相似文献   

Diurnal pattern of water potential in woody plants   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Klepper B 《Plant physiology》1968,43(12):1931-1934
The dynamic relationship between the rates of water loss and uptake controls plant water status. Marked diurnal variations in water potential of both leaves and fruit occurred in all plants studied. Variations in water status during the day were most clearly related to changes in evaporative demand of the air and were different for the east and west sides of a tree. At night, the plant water potential reflected the soil moisture status.

Changes in the water potential of pear fruit were correlated with changes in fruit diameter. Since water loss from fruit occurred mostly through the pedicel into the xylem of the tree, the fruit could be used as a crude gauge of xylem water potential, which also showed dramatic changes during the day.


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