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The fine structure and monomeric composition of the ester-cutin fraction (susceptible to BF3/CH3OH transesterification) of the adaxial leaf cuticle of Clivia miniata Reg. were studied in relation to leaf and cuticle development. Clivia leaves grow at their base such that cuticle and tissues increase in age from the base to the tip. The zone of maximum growth (cell expansion) was located between 1 and 4 cm from the base. During cell expansion, the projected surface area of the upper epidermal cells increased by a factor of nine. In the growth region the cuticle consists mainly of a polylamellate cuticle proper of 100–250 nm thickness. After cell expansion has ceased both the outer epidermal wall and the cuticle increase in thickness. Thickening of the cuticle is accomplished by interposition of a cuticular layer between the cuticle proper and the cell wall. The cuticular layer exhibits a reticulate fine structure and contributes most of the total mass of the cuticle at positions above 6 cm from the leaf base. The composition of ester cutin changed with the age of cuticles. In depolymerisates from young cuticles, 26 different monomers could be detected whereas in older ones their number decreased to 13. At all developmental stages, 9,16-/10,16-dihydroxyhexadecanoic acid (positional isomers not separated), 18-hydroxy-9-octadecenoic acid, 9,10,18-trihydroxyoctadecanoic acid and 9,10-epoxy-18-hydroxyoctadecanoic acid were most frequent with the epoxy alkanoic acid clearly predominating (47% at 16 cm). The results are discussed as to (i) the age dependence of cutin composition, (ii) the relationship between fine structure and composition, (iii) the composition of the cuticle proper, the cuticular layer and the non-depolymerizable cutin fraction, and (iv) the polymeric structure of cutin.Abbreviations CL cuticular layer - CP cuticle proper - MX cutin polymer matrix  相似文献   

H. W. Schmidt  J. Schönherr 《Planta》1982,156(4):380-384
The effect of BF3-methanol treatment on the mass and fine structure of isolated Clivia leaf cuticles at different stages of development has been investigated. BF3-methanol cleaves ester linkages in cutin; however, the cuticles are not completely depolymerized. With increasing age, the residue left after BF3-methanol treatment increases in mass. In very young cuticles, 10% of the total cutin resisted BF3-methanol and the fraction of nonester cutin increased up to 62% in mature leaves. Transmission electron microscopy shows that fine structure of the cuticle proper is severely distorted but not destroyed. The internal cuticular layer, which exhibits a heavy contrast when fixed with KMnO4, is completely depolymerized, while the external cuticular layer is hardly affected. The results are discussed in relation to cuticle development and to the function of cuticles as transpiration resistances.Abbreviation CP cuticle proper - ECL external cuticular layer - E cutin ester bonded cutin - ICL internal cuticular layer - MX-membrane polymer matrix membrane - NE-cutin non-ester bonded cutin - TEM transmission electron microscopy  相似文献   

Lukas Schreiber 《Planta》1996,199(4):596-601
Endodermal cell walls and xylem vessels were isolated enzymatically from Clivia miniata Reg. roots. Transmission-electron-microscopic investigation of cross-sections of intact C. miniata roots and scanning-electron-microscopic investigation of isolated endodermal cell walls indicated that the root endodermis of C. miniata is essentially in its primary state of development. Isolated Casparian strips and xylem vessels were subjected to two different degradation methods usually applied to prove the existence of lignin, namely, cupric oxide oxidation and thioacidolysis. The reaction products obtained were typical aromatic derivatives of the natural lignin precursors coniferyl and sinapyl alcohols, and, in traces, of p-coumaryl alcohol, indicating the occurrence of lignin in the polymers from both Casparian strips and xylem vessels. The qualitative chemical compositions of the polymers from the two sources were similar, whereas the quantitative compositions were different, indicating that the molecular structure of the lignin polymer in the Casparian strips was different from that in the xylem vessels. Thus, for the first time, direct chemical evidence has been obtained that Casparian strips of C. miniata roots contain lignin as a major cell wall polymer.The author is indebted to Prof. Dr. G. Krohne (Zentrale Abteilung für Elektronenmikroskopie, Universität Würzburg, Germany) and to Prof. Dr. R. Guggenheim (Labor für Rasterelektronenmikroskopie, Universität Basel, Schweiz) for offering the opportunity for transmission-electron-microscopic and low-temperature scanning-electron-microscopic investigations, respectively. Financial support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

The root endodermis of Clivia miniata Reg. was successfully isolated using the cell wall degrading enzymes cellulase and pectinase. The enzymes did not depolymerize those regions of the primary cell walls of anticlinal endodermal root cells where the Casparian strips were located. Since the endodermis of C. miniata roots remained in its primary developmental state over the whole root length, endodermal isolates essentially represented Casparian strips. Thus, sufficient amounts of isolated Casparian strips could be obtained to allow further detailed investigations of the isolates by microscopic, histochemical and analytical methods. Scanning electron microscopy revealed the reticular structure of the Casparian strips completely surrounding the central cylinder of the roots. Whereas in younger parts of the root only the anticlinal cell walls of the endodermis remained intact in the isolates, in older parts of the root the periclinal walls also restricted enzymatic degradation due to the deposition of lignin. Extracts of the isolates with organic solvents did not reveal any wax-like substances which might have been deposited within the cell wall forming a transport barrier, as is the case with cutin and suberin. However, several histochemical and analytical methods (elemental analysis and FTIR spectroscopy) showed that the chemical nature of the Casparian strips of C. miniata roots can definitely be a lignified cell wall. These findings are in complete agreement with studies carried out at the beginning of this century on the chemical nature of the Casparian strips of several other plant species. The implications of these results concerning apoplasmatic transport of solutes and water across Casparian strips are discussed.  相似文献   

The biological clock regulates a wide range of physiological processes in plants. Here we show circadian variation of the Clivia miniata responses to electrical stimulation. The biologically closed electrochemical circuits in the leaves of C. miniata (Kaffir lily), which regulate its physiology, were analyzed in vivo using the charge stimulation method. The electrostimulation was provided with different voltages and electrical charges. Resistance between Ag/AgCl electrodes in the leaf of C. miniata was higher at night than during the day or the following day in the darkness. The biologically closed electrical circuits with voltage gated ion channels in C. miniata are activated the next day, even in the darkness. C. miniata memorizes daytime and nighttime. At continuous light, C. miniata recognizes nighttime and increases the input resistance to the nighttime value even under light. These results show that the circadian clock can be maintained endogenously and has electrochemical oscillators, which can activate voltage gated ion channels in biologically closed electrochemical circuits. The activation of voltage gated channels depends on the applied voltage, electrical charge and speed of transmission of electrical energy from the electrostimulator to the C. miniata leaves. We present the equivalent electrical circuits in C. miniata and its circadian variation to explain the experimental data.  相似文献   

对君子兰体细胞染色体计数,并对其核型进行分析,结果表明:君子兰的染色体数目为2n=22;核型公式为2n=2x=22=14sm+8st,属于3B型。全组染色体总长98.37μm,长臂总长为72.74μm,核型不对称系数为73.95%。染色体总体积为302.01斗m^3。  相似文献   

Molecular cloning of mannose-binding lectins from Clivia miniata   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Screening of a cDNA library constructed from total RNA isolated from young developing ovaries of Clivia miniata Regel with the amaryllis lectin cDNA clone resulted in the isolation of four different isolectin clones which clearly differ from each other in their nucleotide sequences and hence also in their deduced amino acid sequences. Apparently the lectin is translated from an mRNA of ca. 800 nucleotides encoding a precursor polypeptide of 163 amino acids. Northern blot analysis of total RNA isolated from different tissues of Clivia miniata has shown that the lectin is expressed in most plant tissues with very high lectin mRNA concentrations in the ovary and the seed endosperm.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of the local diffusion of fluorescent molecular probes of various polarities (alkane, long-chain fatty acid, short-chain alcohol and fatty acid), all labelled with 7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl in the cuticle of Clivia miniata Regel was studied by the technique of fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. The technique yields the coefficient of diffusion, D, in the plane of the cuticle over distances of some 10 m and the fraction, R, of mobile reporter molecules. The inner (more hydrophilic) and the outer (more hydrophobic) faces of the cuticle were studied separately by appropriate incubation. The value of D was found to depend sensitively on the polarity of the probe, the temperature and the position within the cuticle (outer hydrophobic or inner hydrophilic side). Depending on the type of probe, D increased (in the case of the alkane) or decreased (in the case of the alcohol) after removal of the (monomeric) waxes. The electron-spin-resonance (ESR) spectra of incorporated spin-labelled fatty-acid probes measured in the intact cuticle contained a major component similar to the spectrum recorded from the polymerized matrix from which waxes had been extracted, and a second component similar to the spectrum from the monomeric waxes. At low temperatures, the ESR spectra from labels at two different chain positions corresponded to chain motion which was slow on the ESR timescale. At high temperatures, the spectral component from the monomeric waxes indicated chain motions in the motional narrowing regime which were of an essentially isotropic nature.No evidence was found for a liquid-crystalline lipid phase such as found for the polar lipids in cell membranes, nor was there evidence for a sharp, thermotropic, lipid-phase transition either in the cuticle or in the waxes. Experiments with oriented samples did not demonstrate the presence of large domains with a uniform orientation of the lipid chains relative to the cuticular layers. The diffusion measurements and spin-label studies provide evidence for conformational changes of the cuticle extending over the whole temperature range studied (10° C to 70° C). These conformational changes are attributed to phase-separation processes within the cuticle. The phase separation in extracted waxes extended over a similar broad temperature range. This indicates that the transitions in the cuticle are largely determined by these components. At higher temperatures, however, the chain mobility in the regions of monomeric wax was considerably greater than that in the polymerized matrix. The experimental results strongly indicate that all three layers of the Clivia cuticle exhibit a multilamellar structure of alternatingly stacked, highly hydrophobic layers of welldefined thickness (5±0.5 nm) and more disordered layers of variable (4 to 15 nm) thickness. The lamellae are wellordered and extend over the whole leaf in the cuticle proper but are split-up into small domains in the inner and the external cuticular layer. Furthermore, changes of the molecular transport properties caused by the influence of ozone exerted during the growth of the plant were studied. We found that the diffusion coefficient increased both in the outer and the inner layer of the cuticle. A particularly large increase, by about a factor of three, was found for alkane diffusion in the hydrophobic outer face, pointing to defects in the polymerized matrix.Abbreviations MX-membrane polymer matrix membrane (or monomeric wax-depleted cuticle) - ESR electron-spin resonance - n-SASL n-(4,4-dimethyl-N-oxy-2-oxazolidinyl)-stearic acid - NBD 7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl The present work was made possible by a grant from the Bayerische Umweltministerium. Additional support by the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie is gratefully acknowledged. We are most grateful for very helpful discussions with Professor H. Ziegler, Professor J. Schönherr and Dr. M. Riederer from the Institut für Botanik, Technische Universität München, FRG.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the upper cuticular membrane (CM) of Clivia miniata leaves was investigated using electron microscopy. The CM is made up of a thin (130 nm) lamellated cuticle proper (CP) and a thick (up to 7 m over periclinal walls) cuticular layer (CL) of marbled appearance. Evidence is presented to show that the electron lucent lamellae of the CP do not simply represent layers of soluble cuticular lipids (SCL). Instead, the lamellation is probably due to layers of cutin differing in polarity. It is argued that the SCL in the Cp are the main barrier to water. Thickening of the CM during leaf development takes place by interposition of cutin between the CM and the cellin wall. The cutin of young, expanding leaves has a high affinity for KMnO4 and is therefore relatively polar. As leaves mature, the external CL underneath the CP becomes non-polar, as only little contrast can be obtained with permanganate as the post fixative.Abbreviations CM cuticular membrane - CP cuticle proper - CL cuticular layer - SCL soluble cuticular lipids (cuticular waxes)  相似文献   

Clivia miniata is a popular breeding variety. The production of anthocyanin has been studied in Clivia species and the presence of key genes in anthocyanin production, chalcone synthase (CHS) and dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR) confirmed. However, it is currently unknown to what extent these genes are expressed in different flower tissue during flower development. Thus the aim of this study was to determine the expression of CHS and DFR in C. miniata var. miniata, an orange flowered variety, and C. miniata var. citrina, a yellow flowered variety, in tepal, carpel and stamen at flower developmental stage two to six. As expected, the anthocyanin content in orange flowers was higher than that of yellow flowers. The expression of CHS and DFR correlated to anthocyanin content. Anthocyanin gene expression and production was found primarily in the tepal. There was a high correlation between CHS and DFR expression suggesting that these genes are subject to coordinate regulation in C. miniata.  相似文献   

Wang QM  Wang YZ  Sun LL  Gao FZ  Sun W  He J  Gao X  Wang L 《Plant cell reports》2012,31(7):1283-1296
Clivia miniata is an important indoor ornamental plant and has been reported to have medicinal value. We developed an efficient in vitro micropropagation protocol from young leaves (indirect organogenesis), young petals (indirect organogenesis) and shoot tips (direct organogenesis) of this plant. Using young leaves and shoot tips as explants, the regeneration frequencies were much higher than those in previous investigation and the regeneration was dependent upon less nutrition. We speculated that the leaf-derived callus can generate amino acids necessary for protein synthesis by itself. We employed the methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism (MSAP) method to assess cytosine methylation variation in various regenerated plantlets and between organs. The MSAP profiles indicated that the frequency of somaclonal variation in the form of cytosine methylation was highest in petal-derived plantlets followed by secondary leaf-derived, primary leaf-derived and shoot tip-derived plantlets, but the methylation variation in petal-derived plantlets was lower than between petals and leaves of a single plant. The results indicated that the methylation variation in regenerated plantlets was related to the types of explants, regeneration pathways and number of regeneration generations. Two possible factors for the highest somaclonal variation rate in petal-derived plantlets are the callus phase and petal-specific set of epigenetic regulators. The property of meristem integrity can account for the lowest variation rate in shoot tip-derived plantlets. Moreover, the secondary plantlets underwent a longer total period of in vitro culture, which can explain why the methylation variation rate in the secondary plantlets is higher than in the primary ones. KEY MESSAGE: Methylation variation in regenerated plantlets of C. miniata was found to be related to the types of explants, regeneration pathways and number of regeneration generations.  相似文献   

K. Matzke  M. Riederer 《Planta》1990,182(3):461-466
The outer layers (bran) of white wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Jubilar) caryopses contain several layers of lipophilic materials. It was the objective of the present work to establish the nature, composition and amounts of the lipid polymers of wheat bran and to compare it with leaf cutin. Prior to analysis, the bran was isolated and divided into two fractions: (i) the inner bran containing the remnants of the nucellus, the seed coat and the inner layers of the pericarp, and (ii) the outer bran consisting of the peripheral layers of the pericarp. Following depolymerization, a total number of 14 long-chain monobasic, dibasic, ω-hydroxymonobasic, α-hydroxymonobasic, dihydroxymonobasic, trihydroxymonobasic and epoxyhydroxymonobasic alkanoic acids have been identified as constituents of bran lipid polymeres. The most abundant single constituent was 9,10-epoxy-18-hydroxyoctadecanoic acid. The qualitative and quantitative compositions of depolymerisates from the inner and outer bran fractions were similar except for the absence of 9,10,18-trihydroxyoctadecanoic acid and of long-chain (C22−C26 ω-hydroxyalkanoic acids in the outer bran. The composition of bran depolymerisates closely resembled the constitution of the BF3/CH3OH susceptible fraction of wheat leaf cutin. Only less than 2% of the total amount of monomers released from inner bran were indicative for the presence of suberin. The total cutin content of wheat bran amounted to 4.2 g per kg of dry caryopses. Most of it (96.6%) was contributed by the cuticles of the seed coat and the nucellus while the cuticle of the pericarp made up only 3.4%.  相似文献   

Seeds of many Amaryllidaceae are unorthodox (recalcitrant) and toxic, and cannot survive ingestion, yet are packaged in brightly colored fruits suggestive of zoochory. Seed dispersal and germination of the understory amaryllid, Clivia miniata, were investigated in KwaZulu‐Natal, South Africa. Motion‐activated cameras revealed that samango monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis labiatus) are the primary disperser of C. miniata seeds. They eat the mesocarp and, to a lesser extent, the exocarp, and spit the large (13 mm diameter) seeds whole and cleaned onto the forest floor. Most seeds were dispersed farther than 1 m from the parent. Experimental removal of the fruit pulp had a small positive effect on the rate of seed germination, but did not affect subsequent seedling growth rates. The main advantages of monkey dispersal of Clivia seeds appear to be short‐distance dispersal away from the dense foliage of clumped parent plants and occasional long‐distance dispersal through cheek‐pouching behavior.  相似文献   

The number of free and bound hydroxyl and carboxyl groups of the cutin of Quercus suber leaves was investigated by the lithium borohydride hydrogenolysis of mesyl-cutin compared with the lithium borohydride hydrogenolysis of untreated cutin. Fifty per cent of the vic-diol groups of the trihydroxy C18 acid component and twenty five per cent of the secondary hydroxyl groups of the dihydroxy C16 acid component are free. The rest of the secondary and all of the primary hydroxyl groups are esterified; all carboxyl groups are esterified.  相似文献   

Glycerol derivatives of cutin and suberin monomers were synthesized by acid catalysis. Their dispersion in an aqueous solution was examined by phase contrast microscopy, neutron scattering, and solid state NMR. It is shown that the phase behavior strongly depends on the nature of the derivatives forming either lumps of aggregated membranes or well dispersed membranes.  相似文献   

Zeier J  Schreiber L 《Plant physiology》1997,113(4):1223-1231
The occurrence of the biopolymers lignin and suberin was investigated with hypodermal (HCW) and endodermal cell walls (ECW) and xylem vessels (XV) isolated from Clivia miniata Reg. roots. Both biopolymers were detected in HCW and ECW, whereas in XV, typical aliphatic suberin monomers were missing and only representative lignin monomers such as guaiacyl (G) and syringyl (S) units could be detected. The absolute amounts of lignin were about one order of magnitude higher compared with suberin in both HCW and ECW. The ratios of the two aromatic lignin units (G/S) decreased from 39 in XV and 10 in HCW to about 1 in ECW, indicating significant differences in lignin structure and function between the three investigated samples. Additionally, compared with the detectable lignin-derived aromatic units G and S, significantly higher amounts of esterified p-coumaric acid-derived aromatic monomers were obtained with HCW, but not with ECW. This is interpreted as a functional adaption of HCW toward pathogen defense at the root/soil interface. The final aim of this study was to provide a thorough chemical characterization of the composition of HCW, ECW, and XV, which in turn will form the basis for a better understanding of the relevant barriers toward the passive, radial, and apoplastic diffusion of solutes from the soil across the root cortex into the root cylinder.  相似文献   

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