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Rigden DJ  Carneiro M 《Proteins》1999,37(4):697-708
The study of the plant oncogene rolA has been hampered by a lack of structural information. Here we show that, despite a lack of significant sequence similarity to proteins of known structure, the rolA sequence adopts a known fold; that of the papillomavirus E2 DNA-binding domain. This fold is reliably identified by modern threading programs, which consider predicted secondary structure, but not by others. Although the rolA sequence is only around 16% identical to those of the available template structures, a structural model could be built that performed well against protein structure verification programs. The adopted strategy involved alignment corrections, justified by multiple model building and evaluation, with particular attention paid to the hydrophobic core residues. We find that rolA protein is predicted to resemble the template proteins in two key aspects; existence as a dimer and ability to bind DNA. rolA protein has recently been shown experimentally to possess DNA binding ability. This model predicts Lys 24 and Arg 27 to be involved in sequence-specific interactions and eight other residues to hydrogen-bond phosphate groups of the DNA.  相似文献   

NHP6A is a non-sequence-specific DNA-binding protein from Saccharomyces cerevisiae which belongs to the HMGB protein family. Previously, we have solved the structure of NHP6A in the absence of DNA and modeled its interaction with DNA. Here, we present the refined solution structures of the NHP6A-DNA complex as well as the free 15bp DNA. Both the free and bound forms of the protein adopt the typical L-shaped HMGB domain fold. The DNA in the complex undergoes significant structural rearrangement from its free form while the protein shows smaller but significant conformational changes in the complex. Structural and mutational analysis as well as comparison of the complex with the free DNA provides insight into the factors that contribute to binding site selection and DNA deformations in the complex. Further insight into the amino acid determinants of DNA binding by HMGB domain proteins is given by a correlation study of NHP6A and 32 other HMGB domains belonging to both the DNA-sequence-specific and non-sequence-specific families of HMGB proteins. The resulting correlations can be rationalized by comparison of solved structures of HMGB proteins.  相似文献   

The gel retardation assay was used to analyze the role of the thyroid hormone receptor alpha (TR alpha) ligand-binding domain (LBD) in controlling receptor interaction with a thyroid hormone responsive element (TRE). While wild type receptor TR alpha binds to the TRE mainly as monomer, deletion of 85 amino acids from its C-terminus results in a mutant receptor with enhanced DNA binding that forms several slow mobility complexes as revealed by gel retardation assay. Receptor deletion mutants that lack most of the LBD show significantly elevated DNA binding and are still able to bind to DNA as two complexes. Thus, the C-terminal end of TR alpha appears to interfere with the dimerization/oligomerization function and DNA binding of TR alpha. All C-terminal deletion mutants have lost their T3-responsive activator function, but some show constitutive activity. Nuclear factor from several cell lines, including CV-1, F9, and GC cells, interacts with TR alpha receptor to form a larger molecular weight complex as determined by gel retardation assay. This factor could not be detected in HeLatk- cells, where TR alpha does not activate a TRE-containing reporter gene. The nuclear factor is heat sensitive and does not bind to TRE itself but can interact with TR alpha in the absence of DNA. Deletion analysis demonstrates that the leucine zipper-like sequence located in the LBD of TR alpha is involved in this interaction. Together, our data suggest that TR alpha contains a dimerization function outside the LBD which is inhibited by the carboxy-terminal region, while the leucine zipper-like sequence in the LBD is required for interaction with a nuclear factor.  相似文献   

The yeast SLK1 (BCK1) gene encodes a mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activator protein which functions upstream in a protein kinase cascade that converges on the MAPK Slt2p (Mpk1p). Dominant alleles of SLK1 have been shown to bypass the conditional lethality of a protein kinase C mutation, pkc1-delta, suggesting that Pkc1p may regulate Slk1p function. Slk1p has an important role in morphogenesis and growth control, and deletions of the SLK1 gene are lethal in a spa2-delta mutant background. To search for genes that interact with the SLK1-SLT2 pathway, a synthetic lethal suppression screen was carried out. Genes which in multiple copies suppress the synthetic lethality of slk1-1 spa2-delta were identified, and one, the NHP6A gene, has been extensively characterized. The NHP6A gene and the closely related NHP6B gene were shown previously to encode HMG1-like chromatin-associated proteins. We demonstrate here that these genes are functionally redundant and that multiple copies of either NHP6A or NHP6B suppress slk1-delta and slt2-delta. Strains from which both NHP6 genes were deleted (nhp6-delta mutants) share many phenotypes with pkc1-delta, slk1-delta, and slt2-delta mutants. nhp6-delta cells display a temperature-sensitive growth defect that is rescued by the addition of 1 M sorbitol to the medium, and they are sensitive to starvation. nhp6-delta strains also exhibit a variety of morphological and cytoskeletal defects. At the restrictive temperature for growth, nhp6-delta mutant cells contain elongated buds and enlarged necks. Many cells have patches of chitin staining on their cell surfaces, and chitin deposition is enhanced at the necks of budded cells. nhp6-delta cells display a defect in actin polarity and often accumulate large actin chunks. Genetic and phenotypic analysis indicates that NHP6A and NHP6B function downstream of SLT2. Our results indicate that the Slt2p MAPK pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae may mediate its function in cell growth and morphogenesis, at least in part, through high-mobility group proteins.  相似文献   

The conformation of the non-histone chromatin protein, HMG 17, has been studied using circular dichroism, infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopies, and by small-angle scattering. The results show that in free solution this protein has little or no secondary or tertiary structure in contrast to the other high-mobility-group proteins, HMG 1 and 2, which exhibit highly ordered structures. Protein HMG 17 binds to calf thymus DNA in an ionic-dependent manner, precipitating the DNA at high protein/DNA ratio. The nuclear magnetic resonance data suggest that the principle DNA-binding segment of HMG 17 is that between about residues 15 and 40.  相似文献   

We report the solution structure of the DNA binding domain of the Escherichia coli regulatory protein AraC determined in the absence of DNA. The 20 lowest energy structures, determined on the basis of 1507 unambiguous nuclear Overhauser restraints and 180 angle restraints, are well resolved with a pair wise backbone root mean square deviation of 0.7 Å. The protein, free of DNA, is well folded in solution and contains seven helices arranged in two semi‐independent sub domains, each containing one helix‐turn‐helix DNA binding motif, joined by a 19 residue central helix. This solution structure is discussed in the context of extensive biochemical and physiological data on AraC and with respect to the DNA‐bound structures of the MarA and Rob homologs. Proteins 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

To clarify the physical basis of DNA binding specificity, the thermodynamic properties and DNA binding and bending abilities of the DNA binding domains (DBDs) of sequence-specific (SS) and non-sequence-specific (NSS) HMG box proteins were studied with various DNA recognition sequences using micro-calorimetric and optical methods. Temperature-induced unfolding of the free DBDs showed that their structure does not represent a single cooperative unit but is subdivided into two (in the case of NSS DBDs) or three (in the case of SS DBDs) sub-domains, which differ in stability. Both types of HMG box, most particularly SS, are partially unfolded even at room temperature but association with DNA results in stabilization and cooperation of all the sub-domains. Binding and bending measurements using fluorescence spectroscopy over a range of ionic strengths, combined with calorimetric data, allowed separation of the electrostatic and non-electrostatic components of the Gibbs energies of DNA binding, yielding their enthalpic and entropic terms and an estimate of their contributions to DNA binding and bending. In all cases electrostatic interactions dominate non-electrostatic in the association of a DBD with DNA. The main difference between SS and NSS complexes is that SS are formed with an enthalpy close to zero and a negative heat capacity effect, while NSS are formed with a very positive enthalpy and a positive heat capacity effect. This indicates that formation of SS HMG box-DNA complexes is specified by extensive van der Waals contacts between apolar groups, i.e. a more tightly packed interface forms than in NSS complexes. The other principal difference is that DNA bending by the NSS DBDs is driven almost entirely by the electrostatic component of the binding energy, while DNA bending by SS DBDs is driven mainly by the non-electrostatic component. The basic extensions of both categories of HMG box play a similar role in DNA binding and bending, making solely electrostatic interactions with the DNA.  相似文献   

The thermal properties of two forms of the Drosophila melanogaster HMG-D protein, with and without its highly basic 26 residue C-terminal tail (D100 and D74) and the thermodynamics of their non-sequence-specific interaction with linear DNA duplexes were studied using scanning and titration microcalorimetry, spectropolarimetry, fluorescence anisotropy and FRET techniques at different temperatures and salt concentrations. It was shown that the C-terminal tail of D100 is unfolded at all temperatures, whilst the state of the globular part depends on temperature in a rather complex way, being completely folded only at temperatures close to 0 degrees C and unfolding with significant heat absorption at temperatures below those of the gross denaturational changes. The association constant and thus Gibbs energy of binding for D100 is much greater than for D74 but the enthalpies of their association are similar and are large and positive, i.e. DNA binding is a completely entropy-driven process. The positive entropy of association is due to release of counterions and dehydration upon forming the protein/DNA complex. Ionic strength variation showed that electrostatic interactions play an important but not exclusive role in the DNA binding of the globular part of this non-sequence-specific protein, whilst binding of the positively charged C-terminal tail of D100 is almost completely electrostatic in origin. This interaction with the negative charges of the DNA phosphate groups significantly enhances the DNA bending. An important feature of the non-sequence-specific association of these HMG boxes with DNA is that the binding enthalpy is significantly more positive than for the sequence-specific association of the HMG box from Sox-5, despite the fact that these proteins bend the DNA duplex to a similar extent. This difference shows that the enthalpy of dehydration of apolar groups at the HMG-D/DNA interface is not fully compensated by the energy of van der Waals interactions between these groups, i.e. the packing density at the interface must be lower than for the sequence-specific Sox-5 HMG box.  相似文献   

Nonhistone protein HMG2, like HMG1, binds with B-DNA in a sequence-nonspecific manner and causes structural alterations in DNA such as bending, kinking and unwinding. Here, we studied the functions of HMG2 domains in the DNA structural alteration and modulation by using various HMG2 peptides, and we demonstrated several new findings. The HMG box itself as a DNA-binding motif may have the basic function of inducing curvature, resulting in the apparent DNA bending in the DNA cyclization assay, but not of abruptly kinking DNA. The DNA-binding activity of HMG box B, which is enhanced by the presence of box A, together with the flanking regions of box B, causes DNA bending accompanying the kinking of the DNA main chain. The DNA unwinding accompanied by DNA kinking diminishes cruciform structures in supercoiled DNA. Analysis using mutant peptides for box A confirmed that box A in HMG2 functions as a mediator of DNA structural alteration together with box B. The present studies on the functional properties of the respective regions of HMG2 may help to elucidate the protein function.  相似文献   

Qiu Y  Zhang W  Zhao C  Wang Y  Wang W  Zhang J  Zhang Z  Li G  Shi Y  Tu X  Wu J 《The Biochemical journal》2012,442(3):527-538
Methylation of H4K20 (Lys(20) of histone H4) plays an important role in the regulation of diverse cellular processes. In fission yeast, all three states of H4K20 methylation are catalysed by Set9. Pdp1 is a PWWP (proline-tryptophan-tryptophan-proline) domain-containing protein, which associates with Set9 to regulate its chromatin localization and methyltransferase activity towards H4K20. The structure of the Pdp1 PWWP domain, which is the first PWWP domain identified which binds to methyl-lysine at the H4K20 site, was determined in the present study by solution NMR. The Pdp1 PWWP domain adopts a classical PWWP fold, with a five-strand antiparallel β-barrel followed by three α-helices. However, it differs significantly from other PWWP domains in some structural aspects that account, in part, for its molecular recognition. Moreover, we revealed a unique binding pattern of the PWWP domain, in that the PWWP domain of Pdp1 bound not only to H4K20me3 (trimethylated Lys(20) of histone H4), but also to dsDNA (double-stranded DNA) via an aromatic cage and a positively charged area respectively. EMSAs (electrophoretic mobility-shift assays) illustrated the ability of the Pdp1 PWWP domain to bind to the nucleosome core particle, and further mutagenesis experiments indicated the crucial role of this binding activity in histone H4K20 di- and tri-methylation in yeast cells. The present study may shed light on a novel mechanism of histone methylation regulation by the PWWP domain.  相似文献   

Wang T  Zhang J  Zhang X  Tu X 《Proteins》2012,80(7):1911-1917
SWI1 is a subunit of the SWI/SNF complex involved in chromatin remodeling. It contains an AT-rich interaction domain (ARID) which has the potential DNA binding activity. In this study, we determined the solution structure of the SWI1 ARID domain from Saccharomyces cerevisiae by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Yeast SWI1 ARID domain is composed of seven alpha helices, six of which are conserved among the ARID family. In addition, the DNA-binding activity of the SWI1 ARID domain was confirmed by chemical shift perturbation assay. Similar to its human homolog, the yeast SWI1 ARID domain binds DNA nonspecifically.  相似文献   

We have mutated several residues of the first of the two HMG-boxes of mammalian HMG1. Some mutants cannot be produced in Escherichia coli, suggesting that the peptide fold is grossly disrupted. A few others can be produced efficiently and have normal DNA binding affinity and specificity; however, they are more sensitive towards heating and chaotropic agents than the wild type polypeptide. Significantly, the mutation of the single most conserved residue in the rather diverged HMG-box family falls in this 'in vitro temperature-sensitive' category, rather than in the non-folded category. Finally, two other mutants have reduced DNA binding affinity but unchanged binding specificity. Overall, it appears that whenever the HMG-box can fold, it will interact specifically with kinked DNA.  相似文献   

Efficient DNA replication involves coordinated interactions among DNA polymerase, multiple factors, and the DNA. From bacteriophage T4 to eukaryotes, these factors include a helicase to unwind the DNA ahead of the replication fork, a single-stranded binding protein (SSB) to bind to the ssDNA on the lagging strand, and a helicase loader that associates with the fork, helicase, and SSB. The previously reported structure of the helicase loader in the T4 system, gene product (gp)59, has revealed an N-terminal domain, which shares structural homology with the high mobility group (HMG) proteins from eukaryotic organisms. Modeling of this structure with fork DNA has suggested that the HMG-like domain could bind to the duplex DNA ahead of the fork, whereas the C-terminal portion of gp59 would provide the docking sites for helicase (T4 gp41), SSB (T4 gp32), and the ssDNA fork arms. To test this model, we have used random and targeted mutagenesis to generate mutations throughout gp59. We have assayed the ability of the mutant proteins to bind to fork, primed fork, and ssDNAs, to interact with SSB, to stimulate helicase activity, and to function in leading and lagging strand DNA synthesis. Our results provide strong biochemical support for the role of the N-terminal gp59 HMG motif in fork binding and the interaction of the C-terminal portion of gp59 with helicase and SSB. Our results also suggest that processive replication may involve the switching of gp59 between its interactions with helicase and SSB.  相似文献   

The steroid hormone, 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E), directs Drosophila metamorphosis via a heterodimeric receptor formed by two members of the nuclear hormone receptors superfamily, the product of the EcR (EcR) and of the ultraspiracle (Usp) genes. Our previous study [Niedziela-Majka, A., Kochman, M., Ozyhar, A. (2000) Eur. J. Biochem. 267, 507-519] on EcR and Usp DNA-binding domains (EcRDBD and UspDBD, respectively) suggested that UspDBD may act as a specific anchor that preferentially binds the 5' half-site of the pseudo-palindromic response element from the hsp27 gene promoter and thus locates the heterocomplex in the defined orientation. Here, we analyzed in detail the determinants of the UspDBD interaction with the hsp27 element. The roles of individual amino acids in the putative DNA recognition alpha helix and the roles of the base pairs of the UspDBD target sequence have been probed by site-directed mutagenesis. The results show how the hsp27 element specifies UspDBD binding and thus the polar assembly of the UspDBD/EcRDBD heterocomplex. It is suggested how possible nucleotide deviations within the 5' half-site of the element may be used for the fine-tuning of the 20E-response element specificity and consequently the physiological response.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae non-histone protein 6-A (NHP6A) is a member of the high-mobility group 1/2 protein family that bind and bend DNA of mixed sequence. NHP6A has only one high-mobility group 1/2 DNA binding domain and also requires a 16-amino-acid basic tail at its N-terminus for DNA binding. We show in this report that nuclear accumulation of NHP6A is strictly correlated with its DNA binding properties since only nonhistone protein 6 A–green fluorescent protein chimeras that were competent for DNA binding were localized to the nucleus. Despite the requirement for basic residues within the N-terminal segment for DNA binding and nuclear accumulation, this region does not appear to contain a nuclear localization signal. Moreover, NHP6A does not bind to the yeast nuclear localization signal receptor SRP1 and nuclear targeting of NHP6A does not require the function of the 14 different importins. Unlike histone H2B1 which contains a classical nuclear localization signal, entry of NHP6A into the nucleus was found to be independent of Ran as judged by coexpression of Ran GTPase mutants and was shown to occur at 0 °C after a 15-min induction. These unusual properties lead us to suggest that NHP6A entry into the nucleus proceeds by a nonclassical Ran-independent pathway.  相似文献   

The carboxyl terminus of the S3 segment (S3C) in voltage-gated potassium channels was suggested to be the binding site of gating modifier toxins like hanatoxin. It has also been proposed to have a helical secondary structural arrangement. The currently available structures in high resolution for such channel molecules are restricted to regions illustrating the pore function. Therefore no further direct experimental data to elucidate the detailed mechanism for such toxin binding can be derived. In order to examine the putative three-dimensional structure of S3C and to analyze the residues required for hanatoxin binding, molecular simulation and docking were performed, based on the solution structure of hanatoxin and the structural information from mutational scanning data for the S3C fragment in Kv2.1. Our results indicate that hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions are both utilized to stabilize the toxin binding. Precise docking residues and the appropriate orientation for binding regarding amphipathic environments are also described. Compared with the functional data proposed by previous studies, the helical structural arrangement for the C-terminus of the S3 segment in voltage-gated potassium channels can therefore be further emphasized and analyzed. The possible location/orientation for toxin binding with respect to membrane distribution around the S3C segment is also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

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