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The crystal structure of an alternating RNA heptamer r(GUAUACA) has been determined to 2.0 Å resolution and refined to an Rwork of 17.1% and Rfree of 18.5% using 2797 reflections. The heptamer crystallized in the space group C222 with a unit cell of a = 25.74, b = 106.58, c = 30.26 Å and two independent strands in the asymmetric unit. Each heptamer forms a duplex with its symmetry-related strand and each duplex contains six Watson–Crick base pairs and 3′-end adenosine overhangs. Therefore, two kinds of duplex (duplex 1 and duplex 2) are formed. Duplexes 1 stack on each other forming a pseudo-continuous column, which is typical of the RNA packing mode, while duplex 2 is typical of A-DNA packing with its termini in abutting interactions. Overhang adenine residues stack within the duplexes with C3′-endo sugar pucker and C2′-endo sugar pucker in duplexes 1 and 2, respectively. A Na+ ion in the crystal lattice is water bridged to two N1 atoms of symmetry-related A7 bases.  相似文献   

The title compound 1e, obtained by chemical synthesis, is an inhibitor of E. coli ribosomal peptidyltransferase. A 50% inhibition of peptidyltransferase-catalyzed N-Ac-Phe-puromycin formation at puromycin concentration 1 × 10?4 M with 70 S ribosome-poly U-N-Ac[14C-Phe-tRNA complex occurred at 5 × 10?4 M of 1e. In contrast, the parent compound 2′(3′)-O-L-phenylalanine-L-adenosine (1b) is a much weaker inhibitor causing only 5% inhibition at 1 × 10?3 M. Alkaline hydrolysis of compound 1e to cytidylyl-3′→5′-L-adenosine (1c) results in a greatly diminished inhibition which, however, exceeds that of 1b by a factor of two. The inhibition of peptidyltransferase with 1e can be reversed by puromycin. The latter effect levels off at 40% inhibition.  相似文献   

Three new compounds formulated (ClO4)2[Fe(pq)3] (1), (BF4)2[Fe(pq)3] · EtOH (2) and {(ClO4)[MnCr(C2O4)3][Fe(pq)2(H2O)2]} (3), where pq is 2,2′-pyridylquinoline, have been synthesised and characterised. Despite the different crystal packing exhibited by 1 and 2, the cationic species [Fe(pq)3]2+ are structurally quite similar. At 293 K, the Fe–N bond lengths are characteristic of the iron(II) in the high-spin state. In contrast to 1, 2 undergoes a continuous spin transition. Indeed, at 95 K its structure experiences a noticeable change in the Fe–N bonds and angles, i.e. the Fe–N bonds shorten by 0.194 Å on the average. The magnetic behaviour confirms that 1 is fully high-spin in the 4–300 K temperature range while 2 shows a spin transition centred at T1/2 = 150 K. The corresponding enthalpy, entropy and interaction parameter are ΔH = 7.49 kJ mol?1, ΔS = 50 J K?1 mol?1and Γ = 1.35 kJ mol?1. Compound 3 has been obtained as a microcrystalline powder. The magnetic properties of 3 point at the occurrence of ferromagnetic coupling below 100 K and the onset of a ferromagnetic ordering below 10 K (Weiss constant equal to 6.8 K). The Mössbauer spectra of 3 show the occurrence of a magnetic order at T ? 4.2 K.  相似文献   

The atomic structure of crystals of the complex [Tb(NO3)2(Acac)(Phen)2]·H2O, (AA – acetylacetonate anion, Phen – 1,10‐phenanthroline) characterized by an intensive luminescence and triboluminescence has been determined by means of an X‐ray structural analysis method. Centrosymmetric crystals have a monoclinic syngony: a = 11.2298(1), b = 9.6492(1), c = 13.2745(1) Å, β = 101.290(1), space group P2/n, Z = 2, ρcalc = 1.790 g/cm3. The crystal structure is represented by individual С29Н25N6O9Tb complexes linked through van der Waals interactions with clearly expressed cleavage planes. The Tb(III) atom coordination polyhedron reflects the state of a distorted square antiprism. The structural aspects of the suggested model of formation of the triboluminescent properties were considered and the role of the cleavage planes discussed. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of d(G-G-G-G-C-C-C-C). A model for poly(dG).poly(dC)   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
The structure of the DNA oligomer d(G-G-G-G-C-C-C-C) has been determined at a resolution of 2.5 A by single-crystal X-ray methods. There are two strands in the asymmetric unit, and these coil about each other to form a right-handed double-helix of the A-type with Watson-Crick hydrogen bonds between base-pairs. The helix has a shallow minor groove and a deep, water-filled major groove; almost all exposed functional groups on the DNA are hydrated, and 106 ordered solvent molecules have been found. The two d(G-G-G-G).d(C-C-C-C) segments in the octamer exhibit similar and uniform structures, but there is a slight discontinuity at the GpC step between them. A recurring feature of the structure is the overlap of adjacent guanine bases in each GpG step, with the five-membered ring of one guanine stacking on the six-membered ring of its neighbour. There is little or no overlap between adjacent cytosine rings. Conformational parameters for these GpG steps are compared with those from other single-crystal X-ray analyses. In general, GpG steps exhibit high slide, low roll and variable twist. Models for poly(dG).poly(dC) were generated by applying a simple rotation and translation to each of the unmodified d(G-G-G-G).d(C-C-C-C) units. Detailed features of these models are shown to be compatible with various assays of poly(dG).poly(dC) in solution, and are useful in understanding the polymorphic behaviour of this sequence under a variety of experimental conditions.  相似文献   

[Ag(2)(NH(3))(2)(salH)(2)] (salH(2)=salicylic acid) was synthesised from salicylic acid and Ag(2)O in concentrated aqueous NH(3) and the dimeric Ag(I) complex was characterised using X-ray crystallography. The complex is centrosymmetric with each metal coordinated to a salicylate carboxylate oxygen and to an ammonia nitrogen atom in an almost linear fashion. The two [Ag(NH(3))(salH)] units in the complex are linked by an Ag-Ag bond. Whilst metal-free salH(2) did not prevent the growth of the fungal pathogen Candida albicans [Ag(2)(NH(3))(2)(salH)(2)], [Ag(2)(salH)(2)] and some simple Ag(I) salts greatly inhibited cell reproduction. SalH(2), [Ag(2)(NH(3))(2)(salH)(2)] [Ag(2)(salH)(2)] and AgClO(4) produced a dose-dependent cytotoxic response against the three human derived cancer cell lines, Cal-27, Hep-G2 and A-498, with the Ag(I)-containing reagents being the most effective.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of the synthetic self-complementary octamer d(G-G-T-A-T-A-C-C) and its 5-bromouracil-containing analogue have been refined to R values of 20% and 14% at resolutions of 1.8 and 2.25 A, respectively. The molecules adopt and A-DNA type double-helical conformation, which is minimally affected by crystal forces. A detailed analysis of the structure shows a considerable influence of the nucleotide sequence on the base-pair stacking patterns. In particular, the electrostatic stacking interactions between adjacent guanine and thymine bases produce symmetric bending of the double helix and a major-groove widening. The sugar-phosphate backbone appears to be only slightly affected by the base sequence. The local variations in the base-pair orientation are brought about by correlated adjustments in the backbone torsion angles and the glycosidic orientation. Sequence-dependent conformational variations of the type observed here may contribute to the specificity of certain protein-DNA interactions.  相似文献   

The active-site geometry of the first crystal structure of a Delta(3)-Delta(2)-enoyl-coenzyme A (CoA) isomerase (the peroxisomal enzyme from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae) shows that only one catalytic base, Glu158, is involved in shuttling the proton from the C2 carbon atom of the substrate, Delta(3)-enoyl-CoA, to the C4 atom of the product, Delta(2)-enoyl-CoA. Site-directed mutagenesis has been performed to confirm that this glutamate residue is essential for catalysis. This Delta(3)-Delta(2)-enoyl-CoA isomerase is a hexameric enzyme, consisting of six identical subunits. It belongs to the hydratase/isomerase superfamily of enzymes which catalyze a wide range of CoA-dependent reactions. The members of the hydratase/ isomerase superfamily have only a low level of sequence identity. Comparison of the crystal structure of the Delta(3)-Delta(2)-enoyl-CoA isomerase with the other structures of this superfamily shows only one region of large structural variability, which is in the second turn of the spiral fold and which is involved in defining the shape of the binding pocket.  相似文献   

G . T base-pairs in a DNA helix: the crystal structure of d(G-G-G-G-T-C-C-C)   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The synthetic deoxyoctanucleotide d(G-G-G-G-T-C-C-C) crystallizes as an A-type DNA double helix containing two adjacent G . T base-pair mismatches. The structure has been refined to an R-factor of 14% at 2.1 A resolution with 104 solvent molecules located. The two G . T mismatches adopt the "wobble" form of base-pairing. The mismatched bases are linked by a network of water molecules interacting with the exposed functional groups in both the major and minor grooves. The presence of two mispaired bases in the octamer has surprisingly little effect on the global structure of the helix or the backbone and glycosidic torsional angles. Base stacking around the mismatch is perturbed, but the central G-T step shows particularly good base overlap, which may contribute to the relatively high stability of this oligomer.  相似文献   

The structure of the octamer d(G-T-G-T-A-C-A-C) was determined in two different crystal forms, tetragonal P4(3)2(1)2 and hexagonal P6(1)22. Although in both forms the octamer adopts an A-DNA structure, there are significant conformational differences between them. In particular, the P-05' and the C5'-C4' bonds of the middle adenine (A5) residue exhibit a distorted trans-trans conformation in the tetragonal form, while they adopt the standard gauche-, gauche+ conformation in the hexagonal form. These differences can be correlated with certain features of the crystal packing interactions in the two forms. Furthermore, a comparison of the structures of various A-DNA octamers reveals that the A-form can be divided into two subclasses such that the hexagonal structures have helical and base pair parameters that fall closer to fiber A-DNA values, while in the tetragonal structures these parameters deviate more from fiber A-DNA. These results indicate that environment plays a major role in determining DNA conformation.  相似文献   

A microwave-assisted three-component, regioselective one-pot cyclocondensation method has been developed for the synthesis of a series of novel spiro[indole-thiazolidinones] (6a-l) using an environmentally benign procedure at atmospheric pressure in open vessel. This rapid method produces pure products in high yields within few minutes in comparison to a conventional two-step procedure. The crystal structure of one representative compound has been determined by X-ray diffraction. The synthesized compounds have been screened 'in vitro' for antifungal activity against Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium oxysporum and Collectotrichum capsici. All compounds have shown good activity against these pathogens.  相似文献   

The linkage isomers [Re(NCS)6]2? and [Re(NCS)5(SCN)]2? are obtained by the reaction of [ReBr6]2? with NCS? in dimethylformamide. Some differences in the chemical behavior allowed their separation and structural characterization in the form of (NBu4)2[Re(NCS)6] (1) and [Zn(NO3)(Me2phen)2]2[Re(NCS)5(SCN)] (2), respectively (Bu = n-C4H9 and Me2phen = 2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline).  相似文献   

The dyes carboxy-SNARF-1 and BCECF are fluorescent probes of intracellular pH that exhibit changes in spectral shape upon proton binding which allow one to use measurements of fluorescence at two or more wavelengths in order to measure pH without artifacts associated with variability in dye loading, etc. In evaluating these dyes for this study, whole spectra, rather than measurements at two wavelengths, were analyzed. For BCECF, the effects of the intracellular milieu were minimal: both the pH-sensitive excitation spectrum and the pKa agreed closely with values found in extracellular solution. In contrast, both the spectra and the pKa for the emission spectrum-shifting carboxy-SNARF-1 showed significant differences between intracellular and extracellular dye. As a result, extremely misleading values for intracellular pH will be obtained if one attempts to use extracellular dye to calibrate intracellular carboxy-SNARF-1 measurements. Multiple origins were found for the discrepancy: (i) the intracellular dye was found to be significantly quenched, with the deprotonated form being more strongly quenched than the protonated form; and (ii) the pKa for the equilibrium with intracellular hydrogen ions was shifted by +0.2 pH units. These effects were readily reversed by disruption of the cell, but were not due to sequestering of dye in an acidic cell compartment.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the binding of square planar cis- and trans-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2] complexes and the octahedral [Ru(NH3)5(H2O)]3+ complex to tRNAphe from yeast was carried out by X-ray crystallography. Both of the carcinostatic compounds, cis-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2] and [Ru(NH3)5(H2O)]3+ show similarities in their mode of binding to tRNA. These complexes bind specifically to the N(7) positions of guanines G15 and G18 in the dihydrouridine loop. [Ru(NH3)5(H2O)]3+ has an additional binding site at N(7) of residue G1 after extensive soaking times (58 days). A noncovalent binding site for ruthenium is also observed in the deep groove of the acceptor stem helix with shorter (25 days) soaking time. The major binding site for the inactive trans-[Pt(NH3)Cl2] complex is at the N(1) position of residue A73, with minor trans-Pt binding sites at the N(7) positions of residues Gm34, G18 and G43. The similarities in the binding modes of cis-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2] and [Ru(NH3)5(H2O)]3+ are expected to be related to their carcinostatic properties.  相似文献   

The ability of a metal-coordinated pyrazole to engage in hydrogen bonding has been explored by synthesis of the title complex, bis[3-([thiomethyl]methyl)pyrazole]copper(II) perchlorate (3). The coordination in 3 can be described as pseudo-octahedral, with two relatively tightly-bound 3-[(thiomethyl)methyl]pyrazole ligands occupying the equatorial plane, forming a [CuN(2)S(2)](2+) unit with the S donors mutually trans to each other. The axial positions are each filled by a weakly bound perchlorate counterion, one oxygen of which forms a hydrogen bond with the pyrazole N-H moiety on an adjacent [CuN(2)S(2)](2+) unit.  相似文献   

1-emthylimidazoline-2(3H)-thione (mimtH) reacts with copper(II) sulphate pentahydrate in aqueous acetone to produce the dinuclear complex, Cu2(mimtH)5SO4 · 3H2O; the formula has been established by a combination of chemical and thermal analysis. The monoclinic crystals, (space group Pc, Z = 2), contain dinuclear cations, sulphate ions and water molecules. The dinuclear cation, Cu2(mimtH)52+, consists of two trigonal copper(I) atoms, four terminal, monodentate, S-donating mimtH molecules and one S-bridging (μ2) mimtH molecule. Some average dimensions are:Cu---S, 2.258 Å and S---Cu---S, 120.0°; the Cu---S---Cu bridging angle is 94.8° and the Cu---Cu separation distance is 3.308 Å.  相似文献   

The atomic structure of crystals of the [Eu(NО3)3(HMPA)3] [hexamethylphosphotriamide (HMPA)] complex characterized by an intensive luminescence and triboluminescence was determined using X‐ray structural analysis. Noncentrosymmetric crystals have a monoclinic syngony: a = 16.0686 (3), b = 11.0853 (2), c = 20.9655 Å (4), β = 93.232° (1), space group P21, Z = 4, ρcalc = 1.560 g/cm3. The crystal structure is represented by individual С18Н54EuN12O12P3 complexes linked through van der Waals interactions with clearly expressed cleavage planes. The Eu(III) atom coordination polyhedron reflected the state of a distorted square antiprism. Structural aspects of the suggested model, including formation of triboluminescence properties, were considered and the role of the cleavage planes was discussed.  相似文献   

Large enhancement in the luminescence intensity of the Delta- and Lambda-Ru(phenanthroline)(2)dipyrido[3,2-a:2',3'-c]phenazine](2+) ([Ru(phen)(2)DPPZ](2+)) complexes upon their association with single stranded poly(dA) and poly(dT) is reported in this work. As the mixing ratio ([[Ru(phen)(2)DPPZ](2+)]/[DNA base]) increases, the luminescence intensity increase in a sigmoidal manner, indicating that the enhancement involves some cooperativity. At a high mixing ratio, the luminescence properties are affected by the nature of the DNA bases and not by the absolute configuration of the [Ru(phen)(2)DPPZ](2+) complex, indicating that the single stranded poly(dA) and poly(dT) do not recognize the configuration of the metal complex. In the case of the Lambda-[Ru(phen)(2)DPPZ](2+)-poly(dT) complex, the manner of the enhancement is somewhat different from the other Ru(II) complex-polynucelotide combinations: the luminescence intensity reached a maximum at an intermediate mixing ratio of 0.32, and gradually decreased as the mixing ratio increased. In contrast to other complexes at high mixing ratios, an upward bending curve was found in the Stern-Volmer plot, which indicates that the micro-environment of the Lambda-[Ru(phen)(2)DPPZ](2+) is heterogeneous. In the Delta-[Ru(phen)(2)DPPZ](2+)-poly(dT) complex case, formation of this highly luminescent species at an intermediate mixing ratio is far less effective.  相似文献   

The interaction of [Ru(NH3)5Cl]2+ and [Ru(NH3)6]3+ complex ions with calf thymus DNA has been studied at various r values (r = [Mn+]/[DNA-P]). Electronic spectra of metal-DNA solutions have been recorded and compared to the spectra of metal, as well as of DNA, solutions. Melting curves have been taken for the determination of DNA melting temperature (Tm) in the presence of the above complex ions. The results showed a biphasic melting of the DNA strands for relatively high r values. The Tm for the first phase increased with increasing r values, indicating metal ion interaction with the phosphate moieties of the DNA. The appearance of a second-phase melting, in connection with electronic spectra, pH values, and conductivity measurements of metal ion solutions, is indicative of the initial complexes' transformation to [Ru(NH3)5OH]2+, which binds preferentially to double-stranded rather than single-stranded DNA, thus leading to a second melting curve at a higher temperature than the first one.  相似文献   

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