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To examine the regulatory function of the src-related SH2 and SH3 (SH2/SH3) region of phospholipase C-gamma 2 (PLC-gamma 2), we expressed this region of rat PLC-gamma 2 cDNA in rat 3Y1 fibroblasts and isolated and characterized a number of clones (approximately 20 clones). An increase of endogenous tyrosine kinase activity was observed in all cell clones that highly expressed a translational product of the SH2/SH3 domain. Moreover, endogenous phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate hydrolyzing activity was also enhanced in these clones, and PLC-gamma 1 seemed to be preferentially activated among endogenous PLC isozymes. Genistein, an inhibitor of tyrosine kinase, inhibited this activation of PLC-gamma 1, and tyrosine phosphorylation was observed on PLC-gamma 1 molecules, indicating the involvement of tyrosine kinases in the PLC-gamma 1 activation. These results suggest that the SH2/SH3 region of PLC-gamma would function as a multidirectional regulator which controls at least two major signaling pathways: tyrosine kinase and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate hydrolysis.  相似文献   

In order to examine physiological function of the SH2/SH3 region of phospholipase C-gamma (Z region), we independently expressed cDNA fragments corresponding to the SH2/SH3 region of PLC-gamma 1 and PLC-gamma 2 in Escherichia coli. Although these recombinant proteins were recovered in particulate fractions by centrifugation of cell extracts, they were successfully solubilized by guanidium hydrochloride and then purified to homogeneity by heparin column chromatography. The molecular mass of the proteins was 45 kDa (derived from PLC-gamma 1 and designated as rP45Z) and 38 kDa (derived from PLC-gamma 2 and designated as rP38Z), which was consistent with that as expected from inserted cDNA. We determined the effect of purified rP45Z or rP38Z on PIP2-hydrolyzing activity of either PLC-gamma 1 or PLC-gamma 2 and found that these proteins strongly suppressed the rate of PLC-dependent PIP2-hydrolysis. Furthermore, both rP45Z and rP38Z were phosphorylated at tyrosine residue by epidermal growth factor receptors and their inhibitory effect on PIP2-hydrolysis was significantly decreased by this phosphorylation. These results indicate that the Z region might be involved in autoregulation of PLC-gamma as intrinsic negative regulator.  相似文献   

The chicken CT10 virus oncogene product, P47gag-crk, contains SH2/SH3 domains that have been identified as conserved domains among proteins involved in signal transduction. We studied the functional similarity of the SH2/SH3 domains by replacing those of v-Crk with those of phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C-gamma, v-Src, or c-Src. The transforming activity of v-Crk was partially retained in a mutant with a v-Src SH3 domain but not in the other mutants with heterologous SH2/SH3 domains. Mutant viruses with Crk-SH2/SH2' domains induced tyrosine phosphorylation of cellular proteins, but mutants with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C-gamma or Src SH2/SH2' domains did not. However, the mutant proteins with heterologous SH2/SH2' regions were able to weakly associate with some phosphotyrosine-containing proteins in vitro. These results indicate that in the context of the P47gag-crk structure, the requirement of Crk-SH2/SH3 is more stringent for its activity to induce cell transformation than to cause phosphorylation of cellular proteins. The substitution with heterologous sequences least perturbs the capacity to bind phosphotyrosine-containing proteins. In each case, the SH3 domain is more flexible to substitution than is the SH2 domain.  相似文献   

Several prototypes of C-C biflavones (a-f) were synthesized and evaluated their inhibitory activity against phospholipase A(2)s (PLA(2)s) activity. The synthetic C-C biflavones (a-f) showed rather different inhibitory activity against various PLA(2)s. Most synthetic C-C biflavonoids exhibited potent and broad inhibitory activity against various sPLA(2)s and cPLA(2) tested regardless of their structural array. In particular, of natural and synthetic biflavonoids tested, the synthetic C-C biflavonoid (d) only showed inhibitory activity against sPLA(2) X. None of the natural and synthetic biflavonoids tested showed inhibitory activity against sPLA(2) IB. Further chemical modification of these basic structures will be carried out in order to investigate the synthetic C-C biflavones which possess more selective inhibitory activity against isozymes of PLA(2).  相似文献   

src family tyrosine kinases contain two noncatalytic domains termed src homology 3 (SH3) and SH2 domains. Although several other signal transduction molecules also contain tandemly occurring SH3 and SH2 domains, the function of these closely spaced domains is not well understood. To identify the role of the SH3 domains of src family tyrosine kinases, we sought to identify proteins that interacted with this domain. By using the yeast two-hybrid system, we identified p62, a tyrosine-phosphorylated protein that associates with p21ras GTPase-activating protein, as a src family kinase SH3-domain-binding protein. Reconstitution of complexes containing p62 and the src family kinase p59fyn in HeLa cells demonstrated that complex formation resulted in tyrosine phosphorylation of p62 and was mediated by both the SH3 and SH2 domains of p59fyn. The phosphorylation of p62 by p59fyn required an intact SH3 domain, demonstrating that one function of the src family kinase SH3 domains is to bind and present certain substrates to the kinase. As p62 contains at least five SH3-domain-binding motifs and multiple tyrosine phosphorylation sites, p62 may interact with other signalling molecules via SH3 and SH2 domain interactions. Here we show that the SH3 and/or SH2 domains of the signalling proteins Grb2 and phospholipase C gamma-1 can interact with p62 both in vitro and in vivo. Thus, we propose that one function of the tandemly occurring SH3 and SH2 domains of src family kinases is to bind p62, a multifunctional SH3 and SH2 domain adapter protein, linking src family kinases to downstream effector and regulatory molecules.  相似文献   

SLP-76 is an adapter protein required for T-cell receptor (TCR) signaling. In particular, TCR-induced tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of phospholipase C-gamma1 (PLC-gamma1), and the resultant TCR-inducible gene expression, depend on SLP-76. Nonetheless, the mechanisms by which SLP-76 mediates PLC-gamma1 activation are not well understood. We now demonstrate that SLP-76 directly interacts with the Src homology 3 (SH3) domain of PLC-gamma1. Structure-function analysis of SLP-76 revealed that each of the previously defined protein-protein interaction domains can be individually deleted without completely disrupting SLP-76 function. Additional deletion mutations revealed a new, 67-amino-acid functional domain within the proline-rich region of SLP-76, which we have termed the P-1 domain. The P-1 domain mediates a constitutive interaction of SLP-76 with the SH3 domain of PLC-gamma1 and is required for TCR-mediated activation of Erk, PLC-gamma1, and NFAT (nuclear factor of activated T cells). The adjacent Gads-binding domain of SLP-76, also within the proline-rich region, mediates inducible recruitment of SLP-76 to a PLC-gamma1-containing complex via the recruitment of both PLC-gamma1 and Gads to another cell-type-specific adapter, LAT. Thus, TCR-induced activation of PLC-gamma1 entails the binding of PLC-gamma1 to both LAT and SLP-76, a finding that may underlie the requirement for both LAT and SLP-76 to mediate the optimal activation of PLC-gamma1.  相似文献   

The cellular actions of nerve growth factor (NGF) involve changes in protein phosphorylation, initiated by the binding and subsequent activation of its tyrosine kinase receptor, the trk protooncogene (pp140c-trk). Upon exposure to NGF, a 38-kDa tyrosine-phosphorylated protein (pp38) is identified in both PC-12 pheochromocytoma cells and NIH3T3 cells transfected with the full-length human pp140c-trk cDNA (3T3-c-trk) that is specifically coimmunoprecipitated with pp140c-trk or phosphatidylinositol-phospholipase C (PLC)-gamma 1. In both PC-12 and 3T3-c-trk cells, NGF rapidly stimulates the association of pp140c-trk and pp38 with a fusion protein containing the src homology (SH) domains of PLC gamma 1. This phosphorylation and subsequent association are specific for NGF, since epidermal growth factor, platelet-derived growth factor, and insulin do not stimulate the tyrosine phosphorylation of these proteins or their association with the PLC gamma 1 SH domains, although the receptors for these growth factors do undergo tyrosine phosphorylation and association with the PLC-gamma 1 fusion protein under these conditions. Furthermore, the NGF-dependent pp38-SH binding is specific for the SH2 domains of PLC-gamma 1, since the phosphoprotein does not bind to fusion proteins containing SH domains of ras GTPase-activating protein or the p85 subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase. Both amino- and carboxyl-terminal SH2 domains of PLC-gamma 1 are necessary for the association of pp38 with PLC-gamma 1, although each SH2 domain is sufficient for the association of pp140c-trk with PLC-gamma 1. In both PC-12 and 3T3-c-trk cells, the phosphorylation and association of pp38 with PLC gamma 1 is rapid, occurring maximally at 1 min and declining thereafter. Moreover, this effect of NGF is dose-dependent over a physiological concentration of the growth factor. The specificity and rapidity of pp38 phosphorylation and its association with PLC-gamma 1 suggest that it may be an important component in signal transduction for NGF.  相似文献   

This work has been focused on testing the influence of two selected Pt(II) complexes cisplatin, Pt(NH3)2Cl2, and [Pt(dach)Cl2] on the activity of porcine pancreatic phospholipase A2 (PLA2). It has been assumed that this enzyme plays a role in carcinogenesis and that it could be a target in the tumour therapy. The results of this study show that both Pt(II) complexes inhibit the activity of the enzyme, though they bind to it in a different manner. While cisplatin interacts with the enzyme in an acompetitive manner, the stable interaction of [Pt(dach)Cl2] with PLA2 could not be detected under our experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Phospholipase C-gamma (PLC-gamma) is a substrate of the fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR; encoded by the flg gene) and other receptors with tyrosine kinase activity. It has been demonstrated that the src homology region 2 (SH2 domain) of PLC-gamma and of other signalling molecules such as GTPase-activating protein and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-associated p85 direct their binding toward tyrosine-autophosphorylated regions of the epidermal growth factor or platelet-derived growth factor receptor. In this report, we describe the identification of Tyr-766 as an autophosphorylation site of flg-encoded FGFR by direct sequencing of a tyrosine-phosphorylated tryptic peptide isolated from the cytoplasmic domain of FGFR expressed in Escherichia coli. The same phosphopeptide was found in wild-type FGFR phosphorylated either in vitro or in living cells. Like other growth factor receptors, tyrosine-phosphorylated wild-type FGFR or its cytoplasmic domain becomes associated with intact PLC-gamma or with a fusion protein containing the SH2 domain of PLC-gamma. To delineate the site of association, we have examined the capacity of a 28-amino-acid tryptic peptide containing phosphorylated Tyr-766 to bind to various constructs containing SH2 and other domains of PLC-gamma. It is demonstrated that the tyrosine-phosphorylated peptide binds specifically to the SH2 domain but not to the SH3 domain or other regions of PLC-gamma. Hence, Tyr-766 and its flanking sequences represent a major binding site in FGFR for PLC-gamma. Alignment of the amino acid sequences surrounding Tyr-766 with corresponding regions of other FGFRs revealed conserved tyrosine residues in all known members of the FGFR family. We propose that homologous tyrosine-phosphorylated regions in other FGFRs also function as binding sites for PLC-gamma and therefore are involved in coupling to phosphatidylinositol breakdown.  相似文献   

G M Thomas  B Geny    S Cockcroft 《The EMBO journal》1991,10(9):2507-2512
Activation of phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C (PLC) generates two intracellular signals which play major roles in many cellular processes including secretion, proliferation and contraction. PLC activation by many receptors occurs via a guanine nucleotide regulatory protein, Gp. PLCs are found predominantly in the cytosolic fraction though some activity is membrane-associated. At least four families of iso-enzymes of PLC (alpha, beta, gamma and delta) have been identified, but there is only scant evidence to indicate that any of the mammalian cytosolic activities are involved in G-protein-regulated signalling. In this study we demonstrate that the PLC activity from rat brain cytosol can be regulated in a G-protein-dependent manner in a reconstituted system using pre-permeabilized HL60 cells. We identify two enzymes, PLC-beta and a novel 86 kDa enzyme (designated PLC-epsilon) as the G-protein-regulated enzymes. PLC-epsilon was found to be the major G-protein-regulated enzyme.  相似文献   

Stimulation of fibroblast growth factor receptor-1 (FGFR-1) expressed on endothelial cells leads to cellular migration and proliferation. We have examined the role of the Src homology (SH) 2/SH3 domain-containing adaptor protein Crk in these processes. Transient tyrosine phosphorylation of Crk in fibroblast growth factor-2-stimulated endothelial cells was dependent on the juxtamembrane tyrosine residue 463 in FGFR-1, and a Crk SH2 domain precipitated FGFR-1 via phosphorylated Tyr-463, indicating direct complex formation between Crk and FGFR-1. Furthermore, Crk SH2 and SH3 domains formed ligand-independent complexes with Shc, C3G, and the Crk-associated substrate (Cas). Tyrosine phosphorylation of C3G and Cas increased as a consequence of growth factor treatment. We examined the role of Crk in FGFR-1-mediated cellular responses by use of cells expressing chimeric platelet-derived growth factor receptor-alpha/FGFR-1 (alphaR/FR) wild type and mutant Y463F receptors. The kinase activity of alphaR/FR Y463F was intact, but both Crk and the adaptor FRS-2 were no longer tyrosine-phosphorylated in the mutant cells. Both wild type and mutant receptor cells migrated efficiently, whereas cells expressing the mutant alphaR/FR Y463F failed to proliferate and Erk2 and Jun kinase activities were suppressed in these cells. In wild type alphaR/FR cells transiently expressing an SH2 domain mutant of Crk, Erk and Jun kinase activities as well as DNA synthesis were attenuated. Our data indicate that Crk participates in signaling complexes downstream of FGFR-1, which propagate mitogenic signals.  相似文献   

A novel serum protein inhibiting specifically the enzymatic activity of the basic phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) from the venom of the Chinese mamushi snake (Agkistrodon blomhoffii siniticus) was purified from a nonvenomous Colubridae snake, Elaphe quadrivirgata. The purified inhibitor was a 150-kDa glycoprotein having a trimeric structure, composed of two homologous 50-kDa subunits. Their amino acid sequences, containing leucine-rich repeats, were typical of the beta-type PLA(2) inhibitor (PLIbeta), previously identified from the serum of A. blomhoffii siniticus. The inhibitor inhibited exclusively group II basic PLA(2)s and did not inhibit other kinds of PLA(2)s. This is the first paper reporting the existence of PLIbeta in a nonvenomous snake. The existence of PLIbeta in the nonvenomous snake reflects that PLIbetas are widely distributed over the snake species and participate commonly in regulating the physiological activities of the unidentified target PLA(2)s.  相似文献   

Detailed analysis of Src SH2 binding by peptides containing a novel tricarbonyl-modified pTyr moiety is described. We envisaged that Src SH2 selectivity might be obtained by exploiting the thiol group of Cys188 present in the pTyr binding pocket of the protein at the betaC3 position. Peptidyl as well as non-peptidyl compounds 1-4 possessing a 4-alpha,beta-diketoester-modified pTyr mimic exhibited micromolar affinity to Src SH2. Furthermore, these tricarbonyl compounds were selective for Src SH2 to the extent they showed no significant affinity for either Cys188Ser or Cys188Ala Src SH2 mutants. Upon closer examination of the binding of these tricarbonyls to Src SH2 using NMR of 13C-labeled compounds (6a, 6b, and 6c), we found that after the initial binding event the molecule disproportionated in a 'retro-Claisen' fashion to provide benzoic acid 16 and, following hydrolysis of the methyl ester 17, the hemiketal adduct of glyoxalic acid 18.  相似文献   

Phospholipase A2 was isolated from human sperm and its potential role in the membrane fusion events of fertilization was examined. Highly purified enzyme hydrolyzed the phospholipids of [1-14C]oleate-labeled Escherichia coli optimally at neutral to alkaline pH with 5 mM CaCl2 and 150 mM NaCl (specific activity = 20 mumol/min/mg). Activity was inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by an oligomer of prostaglandin B1 (IC50 = 1.5 microM) reported to inhibit human phospholipases A2 in vitro and in situ. Sperm phospholipase A2 injected into mouse foot pad induced a dose-dependent edema that was inhibited by oral administration of prostaglandin Bx (IC50 < or = 10 mg/kg) or by pretreatment of the enzyme with 4-bromophenacyl bromide. Human sperm phospholipase A2 (10 micrograms) induced fusion of phosphatidylserine vesicles in the presence of 1 mM calcium chloride by approximately 80% (+/- 10%) as determined by monitoring turbidity (O.D.400) and efficiency of fluorescence resonance energy transfer. This enzyme-induced fusion was accompanied by phospholipid hydrolysis, and both fusion and phospholipid degradation were inhibited by more than 60% when enzyme was preincubated with 5 microM prostaglandin Bx. Sperm penetration of zona pellucida-free hamster oocytes was inhibited in a dose-dependent fashion when sperm were incubated with prostaglandin Bx (IC50 approximately 15 microM) during capacitation; sperm motility was not affected by this treatment. Capacitation in the presence of prostaglandin Bx had little to no effect on the in vitro acrosome reaction. These results suggest that sperm phospholipase A2 and its modulators may contribute to membrane fusion events in mammalian fertilization.  相似文献   

The series of imidazoldine-2-thiones 2 and tetrahydropyrimidine-2-thiones 3 were discovered as inhibitor of α-MSH-induced melanin production in melanoma B16 cells. The primary bioassay showed that 1-(4-ethylbenzyl)-tetrahydropyrimidine-2(1H)-thione 3e (>100% inhibition at 10 μM, IC50 = 1.2 μM) and 1-(4-tert-butylbenzyl)-tetrahydropyrimidine-2(1H)-thione 3f (>100% inhibition at 10 μM, IC50 = 0.76 μM) exhibited potent inhibitory effect against α-MSH-induced melanin production. Compounds 3 inhibit the biosynthesis of tyrosinase without affecting its catalytic activity in melanogenesis.  相似文献   

Twelve phospholipase C (PLC) isozymes have been cloned so far, and they are divided into six classes, beta-, gamma-, delta-, epsilon-, zeta-, and eta-type, on the basis of structure and activation mechanisms. Here we report the identification of a novel PLC isozyme, PLC(eta)2. PLC(eta)2 is composed of conserved domains including pleckstrin homology, EF-hand, X and Y catalytic, and C2 domains and the isozyme-specific C-terminal region. PLC(eta)2 consists of 1164 amino acids with a molecular mass of 125 kDa. The PLC activity of PLC(eta)2 was more sensitive to calcium concentration than the PLC activity of the PLCdelta-type enzyme, which is thought to be the most calcium-sensitive PLC. Immunofluorescence analysis showed that PLC(eta)2 was localized predominantly to the plasma membrane at resting state via the pleckstrin homology domain. This observation was supported by Western blot analysis of cytosol and membrane fractions. In addition, expression of PLC(eta)2 was detected after birth and showed a restricted distribution in the brain; it was particularly abundant in the hippocampus, cerebral cortex, and olfactory bulb. The pattern was similar to that of the neuronal marker microtubule-associated protein 2 by Western blot. Furthermore, in situ hybridization showed positive signals for PLC(eta)2 in pyramidal cells of the hippocampus. Finally, we found that PLC(eta)2 was expressed abundantly in neuron-containing primary culture but not in astrocyte-enriched culture. These results indicate that PLC(eta)2 is a neuron-specific isozyme that may be important for the formation and/or maintenance of the neuronal network in the postnatal brain.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes is a bacterium responsible for localized and generalized infections in humans and animals. It has the ability to spread from the cytoplasm of an infected cell to neighboring cells without becoming exposed to the extracellular space. The bacterium secretes a phospholipase C (PLC(LM)) that is active on glycerophospholipids, e.g., phosphatidylcholine, and on sphingomyelin; thus, PLC(LM) should be described more appropriately as a phospholipase C/sphingomyelinase. We have obtained PLC(LM) free from a frequent contaminant, listeriolysin O, using an improved purification procedure. PLC(LM) has been assayed on large unilamellar liposomes of defined lipid composition. The enzyme is activated by K(+) and Mg(2+), and readily degrades phospholipids in bilayer form, in the absence of detergents. Enzyme activity is accompanied by important changes in the structure of the phospholipid vesicles, namely, vesicle aggregation, intervesicular mixing of lipids, and mixing of aqueous contents, with very low leakage of vesicular contents. The data are interpreted as indicative of PLC(LM)-induced vesicle fusion. This is confirmed by the demonstration of intervesicular mixing of inner monolayer lipids, using a novel procedure. The observation of PLC(LM)-induced membrane fusion suggests a mechanism for the cell-to-cell propagation of the bacterium, which requires disruption of a double-membrane vacuole.  相似文献   

The deacylated forms of the phosphoinositides were used to determine whether the guinea pig uterus phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC I, Mr 60,000) required fatty acids at the sn-1 and sn-2 positions for the hydrolysis of the sn-3 phosphodiester bond. L-alpha-Glycerophospho-D-myo-inositol 4-phosphate (Gro-PIP), but not glycerol 3-phosphate (Gro-3-P), L-alpha-glycerophospho-D-myo-inositol (Gro-PI), or L-alpha-glycerophospho-D-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate (Gro-PIP2), inhibited PI-PLC I in a concentration-dependent manner. Assays performed with 10 microM [3H]phosphatidylinositol ([3H]PI), 10 microM [3H]phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate ([3H]PIP) or 10 microM [3H]phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate ([3H]PIP2) as substrates, with increasing [Gro-PIP] revealed an IC50 = 380 microM. Kinetic studies with increasing [3H]PI substrate concentrations in the presence of 100 microM and 300 microM Gro-PIP demonstrated that Gro-PIP exhibited competitive inhibition; Kis = 40 microM. Ca2+ concentrations over the range 1.1 microM to 1 mM did not effect inhibition, suggesting that Gro-PIP inhibition of [3H]PI hydrolysis was calcium-independent. To determine whether Gro-PIP was a substrate, 20 microM and 500 microM [3H]Gro-PIP were incubated with PI-PLC I. Anion-exchange HPLC analysis revealed no [3H]IP2 product formation, indicating that [3H]Gro-PIP was not hydrolyzed. Assays performed with [3H]PI and [3H]PIP substrates in the presence of 500 microM [3H]Gro-PIP revealed approx. 75% less [3H]inositol 1-phosphate ([3H]IP1) and [3H]inositol 1,4-bisphosphate ([3H]IP2) product formation, respectively, indicating that [3H]Gro-PIP inhibited the hydrolysis of the substrates by PI-PLC I. These data suggest that Gro-PIP does not serve as a substrate, and that it inhibits PI-PLC I by competitive inhibition in a Ca2(+)-independent fashion.  相似文献   

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