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Two compounds (trans-1R,3R-chrysanthemyl R-2-methylbutanoate and R-lavandulyl R-2-methylbutanoate) identified from aeration extracts of virgin female Madeira mealybug, Phenacoccus madeirensis Green (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), were synthesized and tested in field bioassays in northern Taiwan over a 1-mo period. In total, 1,492 male P. madeirensis were captured in sticky traps. Our results showed that 1 microg of synthetic trans-1R,3R-chrysanthemyl R-2-methylbutanoate released from a plastic tube dispenser was attractive to the mealybugs. Different stereoisomers of chrysanthemyl 2-methylbutanoate also were tested. The insect-produced stereoisomer was the most attractive of all the isomers tested, and the stereochemistry of the acid moiety proved to be more critical than that of the alcohol moiety. The minor component found in extracts, R-lavandulyl R-2-methylbutanoate, alone was not attractive to male Madeira mealybugs nor did it act synergistically or additively with the main component.  相似文献   

The sex pheromone of the vine mealybug Planococcus ficus Signoret has been identified as a single component, lavandulyl senecioate. Racemic lavandulyl senecioate was as attractive to male mealybugs as the insect-produced (S)-enantiomer, indicating that the unnatural enantiomer is not inhibitory. Lavandulol, which also was found in extracts from virgin females, antagonized attraction of males at higher doses. Rubber septum lures loaded with 10- to 1,000-microg doses of the pheromone were equally attractive, and lures loaded with 100 microg of racemic pheromone remained attractive for at least 12 wk under field conditions. Delta traps were more effective than double-sided sticky cards and minimized captures of nontarget insects. Pheromone-baited traps had an effective range of at least 50 m. Comparison of visual sampling methods and sampling of males with pheromone-baited traps revealed that trap catches were significantly correlated with the results from visual sampling methods, and with economic damage.  相似文献   

The pink hibiscus mealybug, Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), is a highly polyphagous pest that invaded Florida in 2002 and has recently been reported from several locations in Louisiana. Although identification of its sex pheromone in 2004 improved monitoring capabilities tremendously, the effectiveness and efficiency of different pheromone trap designs for capturing males has not been evaluated. We deployed green Delta, Pherocon IlB, Pherocon V, Jackson, and Storgard Thinline traps in Homestead, FL, and compared the number of male M. hirsutus captured per trap, the number captured per unit of trapping surface area, the amount of extraneous material captured, and the time taken to count trapped mealybugs. Pheromone-baited traps with larger trapping surfaces (green Delta, Pherocon IIB, and Pherocon V) captured more males per trap than those with smaller surfaces (Jackson and Storgard Thinline), and fewest males were captured by Storgard Thinline traps. However, Jackson traps captured as many or more males per square centimeter of trapping surface as those with larger surfaces, and the time required to count males in Jackson traps was significantly less than in green Delta, Pherocon IIB, and Pherocon V traps. Although all trap designs accumulated some debris and nontarget insects, it was rated as light to moderate for all designs. Based on our measures of effectiveness and efficiency, the Jackson trap is most suitable for monitoring M. hirsutus populations. Additionally, unlike the other traps evaluated, which must be replaced entirely or inspected in the field and then redeployed, only the sticky liners of Jackson traps require replacement, enhancing the efficiency of trap servicing.  相似文献   

Although hybridization frequently occurs among plant species, hybrid zones of divergent lineages formed at species boundaries are less common and may not be apparent in later generations of hybrids with more parental‐like phenotypes, as a consequence of backcrossing. To determine the effects of dispersal and selection on species boundaries, we compared clines in leaf traits and molecular hybrid index along two hybrid zones on Yakushima Island, Japan, in which a temperate (Rubus palmatus) and subtropical (Rubus grayanus) species of wild raspberry are found. Leaf sinus depth in the two hybrid zones had narrower clines at 600 m a.s.l. than the molecular hybrid index and common garden tests confirmed that some leaf traits, including leaf sinus depth that is a major trait used in species identification, are genetically divergent between these closely related species. The sharp transition in leaf phenotypic traits compared to molecular markers indicated divergent selection pressure on the hybrid zone structure. We suggest that species boundaries based on neutral molecular data may differ from those based on observed morphological traits.  相似文献   

Serological studies on five species of Pseudococcidae (Homoptera)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. Populations of Planococcus cini, Planococcus ficus, Pseudococcus obscurus, Pseudococcus calceolanae and Pseudococcus longispinus were selected for immunoelectrophoretic tests from which correlation and distance coefficients were calculated. Cluster analysis of serological data allowed construction of a dendrogram in which the phylogenetic relationships among the five species are presented. The conclusions were found to be in agreement with modern views on taxonomic interrelations among the five species based on female and male morphology. The recent separation of Planococcus citn' and Planococcus ficus as independent species is emphasized.  相似文献   

M. J. Barry 《Oecologia》2000,124(3):396-401
The predator-induced responses of two species of Australian Daphnia, with contrasting distributions and life history patterns, to the kairomones of two species of Anisops predators, were measured. Daphnia longicephala produced a large crest and attained a larger size when exposed to both predators. D. carinata sl matured earlier than D. longicephala and did not produce a crest. Surprisingly, kairomones of both predators inhibited the production of ephippia in D. carinata sl. Anisops stali, the larger of the two predator species, induced a significantly larger crest size in D. longicephala, and larger brood size in both species compared with the smaller A. gratus, indicating a quantitative but not qualitative effect of predator species on inducible defences. Received: 18 August 1999 / Accepted: 14 April 2000  相似文献   

The rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of 4 mealybug species, Pseudococcus viburni (Signoret), P. longispinus (Targiono-Tozzetti), P. calceolariae (Maskell), and P. similans (Lidgett), was isolated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification, cloned, and sequenced. In this region of the genome there were numerous differences, including nucleotide substitutions, insertions, or deletions between P. viburni, P. longispinus, and P. calceolariae, whereas P. calceolariae and P. similans were very similar. Based on sequence differences between the ITS regions, we designed PCR primers that were able to differentiate the 4 mealybug species and that correlated with morphological differences found between adult females of these species. The PCR amplification by using the species-specific primers enabled the differentiation of not only adult females but also eggs, juveniles, and adult males, which was not previously possible by using conventional identification methods.  相似文献   

Dysmicoccus williamsi sp.n. is described and illustrated. A key is provided for the indentification of Oriental species of Dysmicoccus Ferris.  相似文献   

Previous allozyme and DNA nucleotide sequence studies of the mealybug genus Ferrisia Fullaway (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), although limited, have suggested greater species diversity than is recognized by the current morphology‐based taxonomy. Here we analyse nucleotide sequence data from one mitochondrial (cytochrome oxidase I) and two nuclear (EF‐1α and 28S D2D3) genes and recover ten well‐supported groups that allow us to reassess the taxonomic utility of morphological characters used for species recognition. We report on previously used morphological characters for which states are highly variable within genetic groups and identify new characters (of the wax‐exuding cuticular ducts and pores) with taxonomically informative states. The widespread pest species F. virgata (Cockerell), commonly called the striped mealybug, should be diagnosed more narrowly. From samples identified as F. virgata, we recover six clades that we equate with species and that can be distinguished with the newly identified morphological characters. We determine that five of the ‘electrophoretic species' identified informally by the late Uzi Nur based on electrophoretic mobility of 20 enzymes correlate with four of our genetic groups. This matching of Nur's putative species with ours was possible only because some of Nur's slide‐mounted voucher specimens were deposited in a museum and thus available for morphological study. Species confused with F. virgata are either new to science or were placed erroneously in synonymy with F. virgata by earlier authors: they will be described elsewhere. The most important characters of the adult female for distinguishing these species from F. virgata are the positions and characteristics of minute discoidal pore(s) associated both with the ventral oral‐collar tubular ducts and with the sclerotized area surrounding each dorsal enlarged tubular duct, and the number of sizes of the ventral oral‐collar tubular ducts. In addition, we determine that adult females of F. gilli Gullan from different populations on different host plants vary substantially in the number and size of clusters of small ventral oral‐collar ducts on the body margins – features previously suspected to indicate distinct species.  相似文献   

In this study, we measured, under laboratory conditions, the direct and indirect effects of insecticides on mealybug destroyer, Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), and parasitoid Leptomastix dactylopii Howard (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), natural enemies of citrus mealybug, Planococcus citri (Risso) (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae). The adult stages of both natural enemies were exposed to sprays of the insecticides buprofezin, pyriproxyfen, flonicamid, acetamiprid, dinotefuran, and clothianidin at label-recommended rates to assess direct mortality after 24, 48, and 72 h, respectively. The effects of the insecticides on L. dactylopii parasitization rate and percentage of parasitoid emergence also were monitored using the label and 4x the recommended label rate. Dinotefuran was extremely detrimental to the adult parasitoid at the label rate with 100% mortality after 24 h. Buprofezin, pyriproxyfen, and flonicamid were not harmful to L. dactylopii when applied at the label rate. At 4x the recommended label rate, dinotefuran, acetamiprid, and clothianidin were all harmful to the parasitoid with 100% mortality 72 h after application. Both buprofezin and flonicamid were not toxic to L. dactylopii with 100% adult survival after 72 h. Pyriproxyfen and flonicamid, at both the label and 4x the recommended label rate, did not negatively affect L. dactylopii parasitization rate or percentage of parasitoid emergence. Acetamiprid, dinotefuran, and clothianidin were toxic to C. montrouzieri adults with 100% mortality after 48 h, whereas buprofezin, pyriproxyfen, and flonicamid demonstrated minimal (10-20% mortality after 48 h) harmful effects to the predator. Based on the results from our study, the indirect effects of the insect growth regulator (IGR) buprofezin were not decisive; however, the IGR pyriproxyfen and the insecticide flonicamid were not directly or indirectly harmful to the predator C. montrouzieri and parastioid L. dactylopii, indicating that these insecticides are compatible with both natural enemies when used together for control of citrus mealybug in greenhouses and conservatories.  相似文献   


Four species of sea urchins of the genus Echinometra, designated species A, B, C, and D, occur along the coast of Okinawa; they are distinguished by color pattern and other characteristics. The two most distinct species, Echinometra sp. A (Ea) with white-tipped spines and Echinometra sp. D (Ed) with nearly black spines (possibly E. oblonga), were examined for potential hybridization through a series of fertilization experiments and rearing of the resulting hybrids. Fertilization was reciprocally asymmetrical; Ed ova were readily fertilized by sperm of Ea, but less than 20% of the ova of Ea were fertilized by sperm of Ed. Nevertheless, hybrids resulting from crosses in both directions developed normally through larval and juvenile stages to produce sexually mature adults. Larvae of Ed♀×Ea♂ and Ed♂×Ed♀ were larger than those of Ea♂ × Ed♀ and Ea♂ × Ea♀, reflecting the larger eggs of Ed. However, Ea♂×Ea♀ juveniles and later stages, up to maturity, were consistently larger than those of equivalent ages of the other crosses; largest to smallest were Ea♂×Ea♀, Ed♂×Ea♀, Ea♂ × Ed♀, and Ed♂×Ed♀, respectively. Ova and sperm of the hybrids were viable and fertilizable in all combination of crosses, although fertilization of those of Ed♂×Ea♀ hybrids was consistently higher than those of Ea♂ × Ed♀ hybrids. These experiments represent the first reported successful production of hybrid sea urchins with viable gametes. They indicate that reproductive isolation is achieved by prezygotic isolating mechanisms in these two species. Of these mechanisms, gametic incompatibility is probably only partly involved, if at all, and differences in spawning times, habitat segregation, or other factors appear to be important for maintaining reproductive isolation in these closely related species.  相似文献   

Seven mealybug genera, Kalaginella gen. n., Archanginella gen. n., Metadenopsis Matesova, Metadenopus ?ulc, Glycycnyza Danzig, Inopicoccus Danzig, and Volvicoccus Goux, all with a simplified anal apparatus and lacking cerarii, are revised and illustrated. Kalaginella intermedia gen. et sp. n. and Archanginella kyzylkumica gen. et sp. n. are described from the Kara Kum and Kyzyl Kum deserts, correspondingly. Mirococcopsis stipae Borchsenius, 1949 is considered a junior synonym of Volvicoccus volvifer Goux, 1945.  相似文献   

Abstract. The thermoregulation strategies of Scarabaeus sacer L. and Scarabaeus cicatricosus Lucas were studied in the Doñana National Park, Spain. In this area, both species coexist, showing the same habitat and food preferences. However, S. cicatricosus is active during warmer parts of the day compared to S. sacer. Both species thermoregulate their thoracic temperature but, whereas the abdomen of S. sacer is a passive thermal window, S. cicatricosus actively thermoregulates abdominal temperature by increasing heat transfer from the thorax to the abdomen at high Ta values. In the case of S. sacer, their endothermy indicates an adaptive capacity to thorax heat retention, as occurs mainly in winter‐flying insects. This mechanism, possibly related to the aerodynamic flight posture in Scarabaeinae, could be an effective barrier to retard the rate of abdominal heat loss during flight. This endothermic strategy makes flight difficult at higher temperatures, although it allows flight during cooler periods of the day. On the other hand, S. cicatricosus showed a different adaptive behaviour to S. sacer. In this case, a significant decrease in abdominal heat loss at higher ambient temperatures would indicate a decrease in heat transfer from the thorax to the abdomen, as occurs in some desert and semiarid insects. This ‘heat exchanger’ mechanism observed in S. cicatricosus could be due to the irregular posture adopted during flight, with the posterior legs clearly extended and separate from the body. This behaviour increases turbulence and convective cooling, favouring exposure of the soft abdominal tergal cuticle and, subsequently, water loss. Thus, for S. cicatricosus, the well‐adapted ‘heat exchanger’ permits flight during periods of the day when temperatures would possibly be lethal for those species with high endothermy. From an adaptive viewpoint, these mechanisms of thermoregulation may explain how both closely‐related sympatric species respond in different ways to environmental temperature, favouring their coexistence.  相似文献   

捕食性的普通草蛉Chrysoperla sp.(carnea group) 和安平草蛉Mallada desjardinsi(Navas)(脉翅目:草蛉科)的寄主-生境定位取决于其觅食行为以及对各阶段释放的植物气味的行为反应.本研究调查了这两种交配的草蛉成虫以及取食棉花的扶桑绵粉蚧Phenacoccus solenopsis的反应,以便了解它们之间的三重营养关系.结果表明:草蛉雄虫和雌虫均能感受到棉花植株释放的绿叶挥发物;植株的各个阶段均可使捕食性昆虫和绵粉蚧定位.在受绵粉蚧为害的棉叶上饱和烃含量高,说明草蛉成虫的反应更为强烈;在植株受为害期和开花期释放捕食性昆虫,可提高田间捕食性昆虫的作用.这些结果提示有效的生物防治取决于捕食性昆虫在植株上的天然定殖能力以及对害虫的吞食能力.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers of over 90 species of mealybugs are presented (71 for the first time). The diploid chromosome number (2n) ranged from 8 to 64, but over 68% of the species had 2n=10, and 10 is considered to represent the ancestral 2n in this family. Since only 4 species had 2n<10,and 26 had 2n>10, it is concluded that in this family increases in 2n occurred much more often than decreases. The data are compared to those from two other coccid families, the Diaspididae and the Eriococcidae. Unexpectedly, in both the Pseudococcidae and the Diaspididae the frequency of species with the modal 2n is lowest among species from monotypic genera and from genera from which only a single species was examined, and increases with the increase in the number of species examined per genus.(died June 10, 1977)  相似文献   

Planococcus pacificus sp.n. is described from the South Pacific, Australia and South East Asia. P.citricus is synonymized with P.citri. A key and illustrations are given to separate the species discussed from each other and from the similar P.ficus group.  相似文献   

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