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We isolated five polymorphic microsatellite markers for the arctiid moth Utetheisa ornatrix as part of an effort to investigate the role of inbreeding in the degree of polyandry seen in natural populations of the moth. We tested the primers on 105 individuals collected from scrub habitat in central Florida. These microsatellite loci provide a new research tool for understanding the population structure and reproductive behaviour of U. ornatrix.  相似文献   

Abstract In several plants, extrafloral nectaries (EFN) are located close to the reproductive structures, suggesting that ants may act as a defence against specialized seed predators that overcome chemical defences. Alternatively, ants may also deter herbivores in a generalized manner, thereby protecting the whole plant. In this work, we examined the relationship between the chemically protected weed Crotalaria pallida Ait. (Leguminosae) that bears EFN, its specialized seed predator, the larvae of the arctiid moth Utetheisa ornatrix L. (Arctiidae) and ants. We tested two hypotheses related to the type of deterrence caused by ants. The Seed Predator Deterrence Hypothesis predicts that ant deterrence is directed primarily towards herbivores that destroy seeds and other reproductive structures, without attacking herbivores on vegetative structures. The General Deterrence Hypothesis states that ants are general in their effects, equally deterring herbivores in vegetative and reproductive structures. Our results supported the predictions of the Seed Predator Deterrence Hypothesis, namely, that (i) ant activity on EFN was related to the vulnerability of reproductive structures to attack by U. ornatrix; (ii) ant patrolling was restricted almost entirely to racemes; (iii) ants removed termites used as baits more frequently on racemes than on leaves; and (iv) U. ornatrix larvae were often expulsed from the racemes. These results indicate that EFN can act as another deterrent mechanism in chemically protected plants by promoting the expulsion of specialist seed predators.  相似文献   

In Utetheisa pulchella L. the dipeptidases capable of hydrolysing L-alanylglycine and L. leucylglycine are not only intracellular enzymes in the midgut but these enzymes are also secreted into the midgut lumen. Final hydrolysis of protein may occur in the midgut lumen before absorption. The activity of these dipeptidases is also present in the salivary gland extract.
Resume La distribution de l'activité de dipeptidase a été étudiée dans différentes régions du tube digestif de Utetheisa pulchella L. à l'aide de la chromatographie à papier (méthode semi-quantitative). Les dipeptidases, capables d'hydroliser les L-alanylglycine et L-leucylglycine se rencontrent dans l'extrait de la glande salivaire, des tissus de l'intestin moyen et le contenu de la lumière de l'intestin moyen. Comparé à l'extrait du tissu de l'intestin moyen, le contenu de la lumière de l'intestin moyen montra une activité plus élevée. L'auteur suggère que l'hydrolyse finale de la protéine a lieu dans la lumière de l'intestin moyen. Ces dipeptidases ne sont pas limitées à l'une ou l'autre région (p. ex. antérieure, moyenne ou postérieure) de l'intestin moyen. La thèse d'une «chaine de ferment» tel qu'il existe chez les vertébres (Vonk, 1937) et chez Periplaneta orientalis (Scholttke, 1937c) n'est donc pas soutenue par les observations sur U. pulchella.

The intact stigma of Trifolium pratense possesses a smooth receptivesurface fringed by a few ranks of brush hairs. This surfaceis ensheathed by a thin (75–100 nm) but highly impermeablecuticle, which encloses four to five ranks of secretory cellsimmersed in their secretory products. Experimental single-grainpollinations show that pollen cannot become hydrated or germinateon the intact surface. The cuticle is ruptured when the floweris tripped; the secretion is released, and captured pollen-selfor cross-can then germinate. As in other papilionoid Leguminosae,this mechanism provides a guard against premature selling. Thesecretory cells are elongated; they remain in communicationthrough persistent pit-fields as the intercellular spaces fillwith secretion product. The secretion forms a lipid-rich emulsion,with a mucilaginous aqueous phase which reacts cytochemicallyfor protein and carbohydrate and has esterase activity. Duringthe early development of the stigma head, the cells possessa fine-structure appropriate to their secretory function, withabundant ribosomal and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, stratifiedor in the form of ramifying and anastomosing tubules, numerousmitochondria and a well developed Golgi system. Lipid globuli,partly invested in endoplasmic reticulum, are abundant in theyoung cells, but there is as yet no indication of how the lipidis transferred to the intercellular spaces during the secretoryperiod. As the stigma matures, the secretory cells become moribund. Leguminosae, Trifolium pratenseL., pollen-stigma interaction, self-incompatibility, autofertility, stigma secretory system, lipid secretion, cuticle permeability  相似文献   

The canal that traverses the upper part of the style of Trifoliumpratense is derived lysigenously. The core tissue of the veryyoung style consists of elongated cells similar to those ofthe transmitting tissue of solid-style families such as theSolanaceae; as the style matures, these cells separate to formthe canal, which receives secretions both from the core tissueand the inner wall cells. The early secretion of proteins intothe intercellular spaces is associated with the presence ofparamural bodies (lomasomes) in the adjacent cells. In the cellsin the immediate vicinity of the canal, vesicles, probably derivedfrom the Golgi system enlarge during later development and accumulatea protein-carbohydrate content, which is later passed into thecytoplasm where it forms densely packed fibrillar nodules. Withthe dissolution of the cell membranes, this material is passedinto the canal, where it is progressively diluted by continuedingress of water until the cavity reaches its final volume. Leguminosae, Trifolium pratense L., pollen—stigma interaction, self-incompatibility, stylar secretion, protein secretion  相似文献   

As in other papilionoid Leguminosae, the receptive surface ofthe stigma of Vicia faba L. is invested by a detached cuticle.This cuticle, the so-called ‘stigma membrane’ ofplant breeding literature, is lifted away from the epidermisduring development by the accumulation of a lipid-rich secretionreleased into the intercellular spaces of the stigma head bythe epidermal cells and the underlying three to four cell layers.The cuticle is thickened over the prominences left by the epidermalpapillae, thinning out between. Pollen, whether self or cross,cannot hydrate and germinate in contact with the intact stigmasurface, but must await the disruption of the cuticle and therelease of the retained secretion. In most genotypes this takesplace only when the flower is tripped by visiting pollinatorsor in consequence of severe agitation by wind. A comparison of lines differing in their degree of autofertilityin field conditions has revealed various differences in stigmastructure. A highly autofertile line had low papillae at thereceptive tip, with a relatively thin intervening cuticle, whilean autosterile line had longer papillae and a thicker cuticle.A line with partial autofertility was intermediate in thesecharacteristics. These properties of the stigma surface, togetherwith other differences in flower structure, are probably adequateto account for the variation in the degree of autosterility,since no evidence was obtained suggesting the presence of aneffective physiological self-incompatibility system in any ofthe lines studied. Since the rupturing of the stigma cuticle is affected by theturgor pressure of the cells of the stigma and style, some degreeof environmental interaction is to be expected: autofertilityshould be at the highest in conditions of adequate water supply,and lowest where there is water deprivation. Pollen-stigma interaction, Vicia faba L., Leguminosae, breeding system, self-incompatibility  相似文献   

Euchaetes egle Drury andE. bolteri Stretch produce ultrasound using paired thoracic tymbal organs in both defensive and sexual contexts. The defensive ultrasound produced in response to tactile stimulation is fully characterized. The sounds are sexually monomorphic and species specific in the number of sound pulses produced during each flexion and relaxation of the tymbal, peak frequency, peak intensity, and duration of the interval between flexion and relaxation. Ultrasonic signals play a role in the courtship of both species. Males produce ultrasound just prior to contact with females, and it is shown to be important to courtship success inE. egle. Ultrasonic courtship communication is mapped on a recently proposed cladogram for the family Arctiidae. The use of ultrasound in courtship has evolved on at least three occasions within the family.  相似文献   

The style of T. pratense is hollow, and the canal contains awatery secretion which forms the medium through which the pollentubes grow after penetrating the stigma head. In self-incompatiblegenotypes, incompatible pollen germinates freely and the tubespenetrate the stigma, but they are arrested in the canal afterpassing an inflated zone (entasis) proximal to the stigma head.The stylar fluid contains sucrose, glucose and traces of galactoseand arabinose, as well as a range of proteins. Comparison ofthe proteins in the stigma eluate and stylar fluid by microgradientgel electrophoresis shows that the spectra are broadly similar;but in addition to various minor differences, two major glycoproteinsare present in the stigma secretion which are absent from thestyle, while one in the stylar fluid is not represented in thestigma. Six esterase isoenzymes are present in the stylar fluid,and three of these also in the stigma eluate; there are alsodifferences in acid phosphatase isoenzymes. Leguminosae, Trifolium pratense L., pollen-stigma interaction, self-incompatibility, stigma eluate secretion, stylar secretion  相似文献   

Adults of the Japanese nine-spotted moth, Amata fortunei, are diurnal and have white-spotted black wings and a black-and-yellow striped body pattern. We evaluated whether this species uses sex pheromones and whether visual cues from the female body are used in mate recognition. We introduced extracts of potentially scent-bearing abdominal tips of females to males. Males responded more to the extracts than to dried female specimens, suggesting the presence of sex pheromones in the extracts. Indeed, no males responded to the dried female specimens. To evaluate the importance of visual cues, we conducted the experiments with crude extract and an additional model stimulant. Males responded more to model females with the same number and similar area of yellow bands to the original conspecific females than to those with more bands and greater total band area, suggesting that dissimilarity in band number and area to conspecific females could interrupt male mating behavior. Males of A. fortunei likely find mating partners using olfactory cues over relatively long distances, while using both olfactory and visual cues over short distances. These results suggest that olfactory cues play a major role in mate recognition, whereas visual cues play a supplementary role.  相似文献   

R. E. Mc Fadyen 《BioControl》1997,42(4):467-470
The leaf-feeding arctiid mothPareuchaetes pseudoinsulata has been released widely in tropical countries for the control of the weedChromolaena odorata. P. pseudoinsulata is now widespread and locally abundant in Ghana, Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Micronesia and the Philippines. In the West Indies where it is native,P. pseudoinsulata is host to 2 species of egg parasitoids, 4 species of tachinid larval parasitoids, 1 larval-pupal parasitoid, and 1 pupal parasitoid, as well as a virulent nuclear-polyhedrosis virus.P. pseudoinsulata is not significantly parasitised where it is established in south-east Asia, Oceania or Africa. No egg parasitoids have been reported, and only 3 larval or larval-pupal parasitoids. Only one of these, the larval-pupal tachinidExorista xanthaspis, is regularly encountered, and rarely exceeds 10% parasitism in the field. These results confirm the pattern that herbivorous insects from families with exposed larvae are unlikely to be heavily parasitised in a new geographic range.  相似文献   

The standard model for the migration of the monarch butterfly in western North America has hitherto been movement in the autumn to overwintering sites in coastal California, followed by a return inland by most individuals in the spring. This model is based largely on observational and limited tagging and recovery data. In this paper we test the model by plotting many years of museum and collection records on a monthly basis on a map of the region. Our plots suggest a movement of Oregon, Washington and other north-western populations of summer butterflies to California in the autumn, but movement of more north-easterly populations (e.g. from Idaho and Montana) along two pathways through Nevada, Utah and Arizona to Mexico. The more westerly of these two pathways may follow the Colorado River south as indicated by museum records and seasonal temperature data. The eastern pathway may enter northern Utah along the western scarp of the Wasatch Mountains and run south through Utah and Arizona. Further analysis of distributions suggests that monarch butterflies in the American West occur primarily along rivers, and there are observations indicating that autumn migrants often follow riparian corridors. More data are needed to test our new model; we suggest the nature of the data required.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 85 , 491–500.  相似文献   

STERLING, P. H. & SPEIGHT, M. R., 1989. Comparative mortalities of the brown-tail moth, Euproctis chrysorrhoea (L.) (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae), in south-east England . The mortalities within natural infestations of the brown-tail moth were investigated from 1982–1984 in four sites in south-east England. Mortality agents were quantified from field and laboratory assessments. Microsporidial disease was the most important factor, causing 91.9% mortality in large larvae in one population; cytoplasmic and nuclear polyhedrosis viruses were present, but not significant. Many species of parasitoid were recorded, particularly at the end of the larval and in the pupal stages; however, combined parasitoid mortality was low. Predators were also of little importance, although cuckoos were found to take up to 19.3% of pupae at one site. Changes in density of larvae in the spring were more strongly influenced by dispersal following defoliation than by any particular mortality agent in most cases. In terms of biological control, diseases offer the greatest potential for development.  相似文献   

The meadow moth, Loxostege sticticalis L., is an important outbreak pest in Northeast China. The spring population in Northeast China was considered as immigrants from North China; however, the population dynamics during 1996–2007 was not consistent with this traditional theory. In this study, the source area of the spring population of the meadow moth in Northeast China was identified by trajectory analysis using the wind field simulated by mesoscale numerical forecast model MM5. The results indicated that the population of the meadow moth in North China was able to migrate into Northeast China, but had not made a crucial contribution to the outbreaks there since the weather systems were generally adverse for such a long range migration in most of the years. On the other hand, high density cocoons of L. sticticalis have frequently been found in autumn in Northeast China since 1996. The trajectory analyses indicated that most of L. sticticalis in Northeast China in spring emerged from the cocoons that had overwintered either locally or in neighboring countries, i.e. Mongolia and Russia. The development of overwintering areas at higher latitudes coincides with the increased frequency of second-generation larvae; both phenomena might be attributed to the regional climate change associated with global warming.  相似文献   

为了解取食不同食料的美国白蛾Hyphantria cunea Drury幼虫肠道细菌多样性及差异性,本研究应用Illumina Hi Seq二代测序技术检测16S rDNA基因序列的方法分析以人工饲料、桑树Morus alba Linn和柳树Salix babylonica Linn为食的3种美国白蛾5龄幼虫肠道细菌类群结构、丰度差异和α多样性。共获得657 819对读数,聚成3 743个OTUs,注释到23个门,60个纲,90个目,143个科,196个属和58个种。科以上分类阶元,以两种植物为食的幼虫肠道的优势类群一致,但取食人工饲料的幼虫在各级分类水平与前者不同(门水平除外)。在属分类阶元,取食3种美国白蛾幼虫肠道菌群优势属各不相同,丰度最高分别为希瓦氏菌属Shewanella(12.81%)、葡萄球菌属Staphylococcus(7.86%)和芽孢杆菌属Bacillus(5.24%)。种水平上海藻希瓦氏菌Shewanella algae在3种食料的美国白蛾幼虫肠道中都有较高的丰度;松鼠葡萄球菌Staphylococcus sciuri在以桑树和柳树为食料的美国白蛾幼虫肠道中比例较高,但在以人工饲料的幼虫中比例很低。3种食料的幼虫共有的OUTs为228个,特有的OUTs分别为人工饲料145个、桑树160个和柳树138个。以上结论表明取食不同食料的美国白蛾幼虫的肠道细菌类群结构和丰度存在一定差异。α多样性指数表明美国白蛾幼虫肠道细菌群落具有较高的丰富度和多样性。为进一步探明其肠道细菌的功能以及对寄主的适应机制等方面的研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

Changes in total nitrogen, soluble amino nitrogen, lipid and phytate contents, and in the activities of proteinase (pH 7.0), isocitrate lyase and phytase were followed in the endosperm, cotyledons, and axis during germination of fenugreek seeds and subsequent growth of the seedlings. The endosperm is comprised largely of cell-wall galactomannans: the majority of the seed total nitrogen, lipid and phytate (5%, 8%, 0.44% of seed dry weight respectively) is localised within the cotyledons as stored reserves. Germination is completed after 10–14 h from the start of imbibition, but the major reserves are not mobilised during the first 24 h. Then the total nitrogen content of the cotyledons starts to decrease and that of the axis increases; there is a concomitant accumulation of soluble amino nitrogen in both cotyledons and axis. An increase in proteinase activity in the cotyledons correlates well with the depletion of total nitrogen therein. Depletion of lipid and phytate reserves in the different seed tissues constitutes a late event, occurring after 50 h from the start of imbibition, and is coincident with the final disintegration of the endosperm tissue. The depletion of phytate and stored lipids is accompanied by an increase in phytase and isocitrate lyase activity. It appears that the products of lipid hydrolysis are converted by gluconeogenesis to serve as the major source of sugars for the growing axis after the endosperm galactomannan has been completely mobilised.  相似文献   

Summary A highly specific recognition system, capable of foreseeing and distinguishing between two critical points in time, exists in Mamestra brassicae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Both points in time, the onset of a drought period and the end of the growth season, require different growth patterns of the pupae. In order to minimize the likelihood of weather-induced mortality and to maximize fitness, individuals of M. brassicae must enter aestival dormancy or hibernal diapause, respectively, before the onset of drought or frost. This study is primarily concerned with aestival dormancy. Normally, the pupal period of dormancy-free developing individuals amounts to approximately 20 to 30 days. A modified pupal period of approximately 35 to 80 days is defined as aestival dormancy. The onset of aestival dormancy is triggered by day lengths exceeding an innate individaul-specific threshold. The results reported in this paper indicate that the photoperiodic response curve represents largely the genetic variability within a population with respect to the thresholds triggering aestival dormancy. This variability in thresholds is considered to reflect the frequency of correlation of a distinct day length with a certain onset of drought period in the past. Furthermore, the innate thresholds are characterized by a temperature dependent norm of reaction. Our results also indicate, that a strong genetical component is involved in variability of duration of the pupal period. This variability in duration of aestivation reflects the frequency of drought periods of a certain length in the past. The adaptive significance of both the variation in day length thresholds and duration of aestival dormancy is discussed with respect to the number of generations per season, and the synchronization of the individual life cycles with the seasonal changing environmental conditions.This study is dedicated to Prof. H.J. Müller, Jena, for his 75th anniversaryThis research was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Sa 259/3-1)  相似文献   

Summary In a geographically wide distribution the life cycles of different populations of the cabbage moth Mamestra brossicae are adapted to a remarkable diversity of climatic conditions. This is undoubtedly a proof of its success in adaptation. Some populations living in regions characterized by a drought period interrupting the growth season are capable of distinguishing between one critical day length signalling the onset of the drought period and another signalling the end of the growth season. This study, therefore, is primarily concerned with the geographical patterns in the variability of the adaptional responses of populations exposed to environmental conditions requiring different strategies and tactics in, synchronizing individual, life cycles. It is also a contribution to our understanding of evolutionary mechanisms maintaining median responses to photoperiodically inductive day lengths in geographically different populations. The populations investigated originated from regions differing in predictability of the incidence, onset and duration of a drought period: Freiburg (48.0°N, Southern Germany), Avignon (44.0°N, Southern France), and Argelès (42.5°N, Southern France). Geographical variation with respect to both onset and duration of a drought period consequently results in clinal variation of the variability of innate day length thresholds triggering aestival dormancy and of innate duration of aestivation. In this paper we considered the influence of geographically changing temperatures on aestival dormancy induction. Even in southern populations of M. brassicae a temperature dependent switch off-mechanism exists which prevents aestival dormancy under certain environmental conditions. The effective temperatures vary geographically, too. What the geographical patterns in adaptive responses really are, is discussed.This research was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Sa 259/3-1)  相似文献   

Summary Hair-covered scent organs of the male arctiid moth Creatonotos produce and dissipate the volatile pheromone hydroxydanaidal. The biosynthesis of this substance depends quantitatively upon the uptake of pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA) with the larval foodplant. The size of the tubular, eversible scent organ (corema) is also positively correlated with the ingested amount of the same alkaloid, which acts like a specific growth factor. After an assessment of the corema normogenesis by Rick-Wagner (PhD thesis, University of Cologne, 1986) we injected PA into PA-free raised larvae, prepupae, and pupae. We found that the PA competence (sensitivity) of the corema anläge terminates with the first prepupal day. Ecdysone titer determinations (radioimmunoassay) are in agreement with those in other moth species. Ligated (ecdysone-free) pupal abdomina never developed imaginal structures, with or without earlier PA application. Ecdysone injection into ligated pupal abdomina of PA-fed specimens initiated the development of imaginal structures and also of coremata of more than (ecdysone-free) control size. Pupal abdomina without PA pre-treatment only developed very small coremata. With these experiments we have separated and identified two morphogenetic control agents of corema development: the dietary PA specifies the size of the organ whereas ecdysone induces the anlage to proliferate within these PA-dependent ranges and to differentiate adult structures, as it does with other imaginal anlagen.  相似文献   

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