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结构植物学在中国的五十年发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
结构植物学由植物解剖学发展而来 ,是植物学的一个重要分支学科。本文根据其近代的发展 ,分别就植物发育解剖学向植物发育生物学的发展、植物比较解剖学向植物系统发育生物学的发展 ,以及环境生态结构植物学三个主要部分简要介绍了 5 0年来在我国的发展 ,并对它们的发展趋势进行了预测  相似文献   

结构植物学由植物解剖学发展而来,是植物学的一个重要分支学科.本文根据其近代的发展,分别就植物发育解剖学向植物发育生物学的发展、植物比较解剖学向植物系统发育生物学的发展,以及环境生态结构植物学三个主要部分简要介绍了50年来在我国的发展,并对它们的发展趋势进行了预测.  相似文献   

张景钺教授是我国植物学的奠基人之一 ,是为我国植物学各分支学科培养了第一代学术带头人的教育家。张先生的学生李正理教授是我国著名的植物解剖学家 ,为该学科在我国的发展作出了开拓性的贡献。为使后人永记两位先生对我国植物学发展所作出的里程碑式的贡献和对教育事业作出的出色贡献 ,弘扬他们的爱国敬业和严谨的治学精神 ,促进植物形态学在我国的发展。北京大学教育基金会设立了张景钺 李正理植物形态学基金。以作为北京大学从事植物形态学方面研究的优秀研究生的奖学金 ,和奖励中国植物学会结构与生殖生物学专业委员会所组织的全国性…  相似文献   

民族植物学认识的几个误区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民族植物学是研究一定地区的人群与植物界(包括所有在经济上、文化上和其他方面有重要价值的植物)之间的全面关系, 同时也研究社会结构、行为和植物之间的相互作用。民族植物学在寻找新资源、探索植物资源可持续利用和保护途径中已经发挥了非常重要的作用。但民族植物学在我国的发展还相对滞后, 其中对民族植物学在理解上存在的误区是导致民族植物学不为更多人所了解的主要因素之一。本文对容易导致对民族植物学产生误解的6个方面(包括“民族植物学就是研究少数民族利用植物的科学”、“民族植物学仅仅是文献考证的一门学科”、“民族植物学无定量方法”等) 进行了初步分析, 以期让更多的人了解民族植物学, 参与到民族植物学研究中来。  相似文献   

民族植物学认识的几个误区   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
民族植物学是研究一定地区的人群与植物界(包括所有在经济上、文化上和其他方面有重要价值的植物)之间的全面关系,同时也研究社会结构、行为和植物之间的相互作用.民族植物学在寻找新资源、探索植物资源可持续利用和保护途径中已经发挥了非常重要的作用.但民族植物学在我国的发展还相对滞后,其中对民族植物学在理解上存在的误区是导致民族植物学不为更多人所了解的主要因素之一.本文对容易导致对民族植物学产生误解的6个方面(包括"民族植物学就是研究少数民族利用植物的科学"、"民族植物学仅仅是文献考证的一门学科"、"民族植物学无定量方法"等)进行了初步分析,以期让更多的人了解民族植物学,参与到民族植物学研究中来.  相似文献   

<正>书号:978-7-04-045385-0出版时间:2016年9月定价:90.00内容简介本图谱以显微照片为主,配合简要的文字说明,介绍植物体(以被子植物为主)的结构。全书分8部分:细胞,组织,茎,叶,根,花,种子和果实,从种子到种子——种子植物的生活周期。全书图片共230幅,主要取自北京大学20世纪50-60年代植物学教学中为实验课制作的显微标本,还补充了一些作者研究论文中的图片及制作的新标本。本图谱可作为植物学和植物发育生物学教学的辅助教材,也可为植物结构研究者提供参考。  相似文献   

中国植物学会是由植物学科技工作者自愿组成的依法登记成立的学术性、科普性、公益性法人社会团体,迄今已有81年的历史。现已成为我国植物学界历史最悠久、学科最齐全、专家最广泛、组织体系最完善、在国内外享有很高声望和影响的学术团体。为了广泛团结和动员全国各地植物学工作者,共同推进全国植物学事业的繁荣和发展,建设植物学界的高级专业人才队伍,根据《中国植物学会章程》,发展中国植物学会高级会员。我们诚挚地欢迎符合条件的专家学者申请加入中国植物学会,成为植物学会高级会员。  相似文献   

一.古植物学和它的内容古植物学是研究古代植物和它们的生活的科学。它是植物学中的一个学科,也是古生物学中的一个学科。在理论上,它是专门探讨过去地质时代的植物形态、结构、分类、分布、生理、生态、生化和各地质时代的植被、古植物区系以及古植物群的起源、形成、发展和演替的科学。它一方面与研究现代植物的形态、解剖、分类、地理和植被的学科密切结合,共同研究植物的自然分类、系统发育、区系发展和植被变化的规律等等植物学上的重大问题,另一方面又与古动物学、地质学、地理学密切结合,共同研究地层划分与对比、古地理与古气候上的问题。在工作的进行中,古植物学往  相似文献   

民族植物学是一个新兴的跨学科研究领域,是研究与探索人和植物之间全面关系的学科,是自然科学和社会科学相互渗透的学科。民族植物学在我国还处于初创阶段,需要更多的关心和支持,它的发展将必然会对我国各民族、各地区的经济发展产生重要的影响。由中国民族植物学协会(筹)主办,江苏省中国科学院植物研究所承办的第三届中国民族植物学学术研讨会暨第二届亚太地区民族植物学论坛将于2006年11月13~15日在中国南京召开。  相似文献   

结构植物学是植物科学的1个分支学科。根据近10年来国骨外植物科学会议及主要学术期刊的论文分析:第14、15、16届国际植物学会议宣读和版报的论文中,结构植物学的论文数约占总论文数的10%左右,中国植物学会第55、60、65周年年会的论文集中,结构植物学的论文数占总论文数的15% ̄21%。1989 ̄1998年的《植物学报》、《American Journal of Botany》刊登论文中,结构植物  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Domatia are small organs usually found in the axils of major veins on the underside of leaves and, although they have received wide attention from ecologists, few detailed reports exist on their anatomy or development. This study is focused on the domatia of Cinnamomum camphora (Lauraceae) and is the first comparative study on the anatomy and development of the different shapes of domatia within a single plant. METHODS: Four types of domatia in C. camphora leaves were observed on paraffin sections under a microscope. KEY RESULTS: The domatia consisted of six histological parts: the upper epidermis, the upper mesophyll tissue, spongy tissue, the lower mesophyll tissue, the tissue filling the rim opening, and the lower epidermis. They differed from the non-domatial lamina mainly in the cell structure of the upper and lower mesophyll tissue and the rim tissue. Differences in domatium shapes were mainly associated with differences in the structure of the upper mesophyll and in the number and size of the rim tissue cells. Differences in the development of domatium types were observed in terms of initiation timing, differentiation of the upper mesophyll cells and degree of rim tissue development. CONCLUSIONS: In domatia, active anticlinal division in the lower mesophyll cells, as compared with the upper mesophyll cells, was coordinated with dynamic growth of rim tissue cells and resulted in cavity formation. The anatomical or developmental differences among the four types of domatia were related to the positions of the domatia within a leaf. In terms of the ecological implications, the major anatomical difference between the domatia used by herbivorous and carnivorous mites was in the development of the rim tissue.  相似文献   

The elucidation of molecular mechanisms underlying the leaf development can be facilitated by the detailed anatomical study of leaf development mutants. We present an analysis of leaf anatomy and morphogenesis during early developmental stages in has mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana. The recessive has mutation affects a number of aspects in plant development, including the shape and size of both cotyledons and leaves. The earliest developmental observations suggest almost synchronous growth of the first two leaf primordia of has mutant. No significant disruption of the cell division pattern in the internal tissue is observed at the earliest stages of development, with the major anatomical difference compared to wild type primordia being the untimely maturation of mesophyll tissue cells in has mutant. At the stage of leaf blade formation, structure disruption becomes clearly evident, by irregular arrangement of the cell layers and the lack of polarity in juvenile has leaves. One distinguishing feature of the mutant leaf anatomy is the absence of mesophyll tissue differentiation. Altered has mutant leaf morphology could be at least partially accounted for by the ectopic STM activity that was found at the base of leaf primordia during early stages of leaf development in has plants.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis underpins the viability of most ecosystems, with C4 plants that exhibit ‘Kranz’ anatomy being the most efficient primary producers. Kranz anatomy is characterized by closely spaced veins that are encircled by two morphologically distinct photosynthetic cell types. Although Kranz anatomy evolved multiple times, the underlying genetic mechanisms remain largely elusive, with only the maize scarecrow gene so far implicated in Kranz patterning. To provide a broader insight into the regulation of Kranz differentiation, we performed a genome‐wide comparative analysis of developmental trajectories in Kranz (foliar leaf blade) and non‐Kranz (husk leaf sheath) leaves of the C4 plant maize. Using profile classification of gene expression in early leaf primordia, we identified cohorts of genes associated with procambium initiation and vascular patterning. In addition, we used supervised classification criteria inferred from anatomical and developmental analyses of five developmental stages to identify candidate regulators of cell‐type specification. Our analysis supports the suggestion that Kranz anatomy is patterned, at least in part, by a SCARECROW/SHORTROOT regulatory network, and suggests likely components of that network. Furthermore, the data imply a role for additional pathways in the development of Kranz leaves.  相似文献   

Eurya japonica occurs in diverse light environments through seed dispersal by birds. As the seed size is extremely small, we hypothesized that newly germinated seedlings with restricted depth of roots and length of the hypocotyl would suffer high mortality due to increased transpiration in sunny habitats and low light in shady habitats. We also expected that surviving seedlings would differ in leaf traits between habitats as a result of selection. We aimed to determine how photosynthetic traits differ between habitats and how leaf structure is related to this difference. We examined photosynthesis and leaf morpho‐anatomy for plants cloned from cuttings collected from the forest understory (shade population) and neighboring roadsides and cut‐over areas (sun population) and then grown under two irradiances (18.5% and 100% sunlight) in an experimental garden. Under growth in 100% sunlight, cloned plants from the sun population exhibited significantly greater area‐based photosynthetic capacity compared to cloned plants from the shade population at a comparable stomatal conductance, which was attributable to a higher area‐based leaf nitrogen concentration. On the other hand, mean values of photosynthetic capacity did not significantly differ between the two populations. Cloned plants from the sun population had significantly thicker leaf laminas and spongy tissue and lower stomatal density compared to cloned plants from the shade population. Thickened leaf lamina might have increased leaf tolerance to physical stresses in open habitats. The variation in leaf morpho‐anatomy between the two populations can be explained in terms of the economy of leaf photosynthetic tissue.  相似文献   

Recent research on the developmental anatomy and morphology of the fern sporophyte is reviewed. Detailed histological and experimental studies of the organization of the fern shoot apical meristem have reconfirmed the recently controversial role of the shoot apical cell as the single apical initial of the meristem. The shoot apical meristem is nevertheless an anatomically and functionally complex structure with a strongly zoned cytohistological organization. Fern shoot apex organization can be compared with that of seed plants. The control of leaf initiation and phyllotaxy remains poorly understood. Studies differ as to whether leaf initiation in ferns involves one leaf mother cell or a multicellular region of the shoot apex. The concept of non-appendicular fronds is refuted for living ferns. The later developmental changes in the determinate leaf apical and marginal meristems of the leaf primordium form an area that is still largely unexplored but could be investigated by methods similar to those used to study shoot and root apices. Branching in ferns is morphologiclaly and developmentally diverse. There is apparently more than one developmental mode of dichotomous branching, and several modes of lateral bud formation have been described, including the phyllogenous initiation of branches at the base of leaf primordia. Developmental changes in bud meristems related to apical dominance, inhibition, and bud activation is another major area for continued study. The traditional concept of the role of the root apical cell has been reestablished by studies similar to those made of the shoot apex. Detailed ultrastructural investigations of the root ofAzolla have given a sophisticated new picture of developmental processes in that organ. Fern roots show remarkably precise patterns of histogenesis in relation to apical segmentation. The formation of secondary vascular tissue inBotrychium suggests that the Ophioglossales may be related to the seed plants. The causal relationship of leaf (and branch and root) formation and the initiation of vascular tissue in the shoot needs more study. Although still poorly understood, protoxylem systems in ferns are variable and may have morphological and systematic significance. Recent investigations of hydraulic conductance in fern stems have found possible correlations of conductance levels with growth forms. The anatomical diversity of ferns makes comparative functional anatomy a promising field for future study.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the leaf anatomy of grassland plants is crucial for understanding how these plants adapt to the environment. Tibetan alpine grasslands and Inner Mongolian temperate grasslands are two major grassland types in northern China. Tibetan alpine grasslands occur in high-altitude regions where the low temperatures limit plant growth. Inner Mongolian temperate grasslands are found in arid regions where moisture is the limiting factor. Few comparative studies concerning the leaf anatomy of grassland plants of the Tibetan Plateau and Inner Mongolian Plateau have been conducted. We examined leaf characteristics at 71 sites and among 65 species, across the alpine grasslands of the Tibetan Plateau and the temperate grasslands of the Inner Mongolian Plateau. We compared the leaf structures of plants with different life forms and taxonomies, and their adaptation to arid or cold environments. We explored relationships among leaf features and the effects of climatic factors (i.e., growing season temperature and precipitation) on leaf characteristics. Our results showed that (i) there were significant differences in leaf anatomy between Tibetan alpine and Inner Mongolian temperate grasslands. Except for mesophyll cell density, the values obtained for thickness of leaf tissue, surface area and volume of mesophyll cells were larger on the Tibetan Plateau than on the Inner Mongolian Plateau. (ii) Within the same family or genus, leaf anatomy showed significant differences between two regions, and trends were consistent with those of whole species. (iii) Leaf anatomy of woody and herbaceous plants also showed significant differences between the regions. Except for mesophyll cell density, the values obtained for the thickness of leaf tissue, and the surface area and volume of mesophyll cells were larger in herbaceous than in woody plants. (iv) Leaf anatomical traits changed accordingly. Total leaf thickness, thicknesses of lower and upper epidermal cells, and surface area and volume of mesophyll cells were positively correlated, while mesophyll cell density was negatively associated with those traits. (v) Growing season temperature had stronger effects on leaf anatomy than growing season precipitation. Although the communities in Tibetan and Inner Mongolian grasslands were similar in appearance, leaf anatomy differed; this was probably due to the combined effects of evolutionary adaptation of plants to environment and environmental stress induced by climatic factors.  相似文献   

聂江力  孟令宁 《植物研究》2010,30(1):126-128
应用徒手切片法对金银忍冬叶进行了解剖学的初步研究,旨在为其解剖学、分类学及生药学的研究提供相应基础。结果表明:金银忍冬叶为异面叶,上下表皮细胞各一列,上表皮没有气孔,下表皮气孔分布的气孔指数为14.3%~25%,多为不定式气孔,栅栏组织为1层,含叶绿体较多,海绵组织内含草酸钙簇晶,表皮细胞外壁加厚形成角质层,皮层有厚角组织,主脉为外韧维管束等。上述特征说明金银忍冬叶的解剖结构与其生理功能及生态环境是相适应的。  相似文献   

It was found that ryegrass seed treatment by maleic hydrazide leads to deep and different transformation of basic structural components of leaf anatomy. The results of this transformation depend on leaf development stage and increase with growth of leaf number. The prolongation of treatment is more efficient than increasing of drug concentration and may suppress the development of leaves and their vascular system. The connection between leaf anatomy transformation after maleic hydrazide treatment and genome function was discussed.  相似文献   

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