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The 4-arsono-2-nitrophenyl chromophore can serve as a versatile spectrophotometric probe of the surface structure of proteins. Values of pK1' and pK2' for the arsonic acid ionizations are near 3 and 8, respectively, and the presence of nearby positive and negative charges produces substantial alterations in the spectral response of the probe. Changes in the extinction at the wavelength of maximum difference are 30-50% of the extinction coefficients, epsilonmax, for each ionization of the arsonic acid moiety. The titration of 41-(4-arsono-2-nitrophenyl)ribonuclease A indicates that the arsonate dianion binds near the active-site histidine residues. With protonation of a carboxylate side chain in the acidic region, presumably aspartic acid-121, the active site is disrupted. The 41-(4-arsono-2-nitrophenyl) group interacts to a greater degree with the histidine-119 side chain than it does with the histidine-12 residue. Interactions of uridine or 3'-cytidylic acid with the ligand-binding region of 41-(4-arsono-2-nitrophenyl) ribonuclease A modify the spectrophotometric response extensively. 3'-Cytidylic acid binds 41-(4-arsono-2-nitrophenyl) ribonuclease A with an affinity 300 times less than that for native ribonuclease A and 17 times lower than that for 41-(2,4-dinitrophenyl) ribonuclease A. The arsononitrophenyl chromophore is responsive to changes in the active site of ribonuclease A induced by such perturbants as ligand binding, chemical modification, and both acid and thermal denaturation.  相似文献   

The properties of aortic proteoglycans synthesized in vitro were examined to demonstrate synthesis of intact proteoglycans by aortic tissue in culture and to compare labeling and synthetic rates of two different populations of proteoglycan. Following 3, 6, or 9 h of incubation in medium containing [35S]sodium sulfate and [3H]serine, the tissue was extracted with 4.0 M guanidine hydrochloride containing protease inhibitors. Extracts were chromatographed on Sepharose CL-4B and subjected to buoyant density centrifugation under dissociative conditions. Radioactive precursors were incorporated into two major populations of aortic proteoglycan, one of high molecular weight eluting near the void volume of Sepharose CL-4B (Protooglycan I) and one of lower molecular weight (Proteoglycan II) having a Kav of 0.40–0.44. The radioactively labeled proteoglycans were localized at densities 1.50–1.56 g/ml (Preparation 1) and 1.43–1.49 g/ml (Preparation 2) following CsCl buoyant density centrifugation. Both proteoglycan populations had increased incorporation of 35S and 3H over time. At all times the lower molecular weight proteoglycan had a higher specific activity (dpm 35S and 3H/μg hexuronic acid). At 3, 6, and 9 h, the specific activity of Proteoglycan II was 8.2-, 6.7- and 3.0-fold higher than Proteoglycan I using 35S and 13.0-, 8.1- and 2.7-fold higher using 3H, suggesting different synthetic rates for the two proteoglycans. The results illustrate synthesis of intact proteoglycans during short-term artery culture. The proteoglycan types have size and buoyant density characteristics as described for artery, but based upon changes in specific activity ratios, the two proteoglycan populations differ in rates of synthesis.  相似文献   

Metabolism of small molecular weight monodisperse nuclear RNA   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

Y W Rong  P L Carl 《Biochemistry》1990,29(2):383-389
We have reinvestigated the molecular weight and subunit composition of calf thymus ribonuclease H1. Earlier studies suggested a variety of molecular weights for the enzyme in the range of 64K-84K and reported that the enzyme either was a single polypeptide of 74 kDa or consisted of from two to four subunits in the range of 21-34 kDa. Although we too find bands in this lower molecular weight range in our highly purified preparations following SDS-PAGE, our data suggest that the native structure of RNase H1 is a dimer of 68-kDa subunits. The evidence includes the following: (1) Western blot analysis of fractions taken at various stages of the purification indicates that the predominant antigenic form of the enzyme in crude extracts has a molecular weight of 68K but that during purification in the absence of sufficient protease inhibitors a variety of lower molecular weight forms appear concomitant with the disappearance of the 68-kDa band. (2) Activity gel analysis of the highly purified enzyme prepared in the presence of a battery of protease inhibitors reveals that the 68-kDa band (as well as several bands of lower molecular weight) possesses RNase H activity. (3) The 68-kDa band recognized by Western blotting with anti-RNase H immune sera is not detected by using preimmune sera. Furthermore, when immune sera are used, a trace of a 140-150-kDa antigenic form can sometimes be detected, consistent with the existence of a dimeric form of the enzyme.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Esposito L  Daggett V 《Biochemistry》2005,44(9):3358-3368
Bovine pancreatic ribonuclease (RNase A) deserves a special place among the numerous proteins that form oligomers by three-dimensional domain swapping. In fact, under destabilizing conditions and at high protein concentrations, it can swap two different domains, the N-terminal alpha-helix or the C-terminal beta-strand, leading to dimers with different quaternary structures. With the change in the unfolding conditions, the relative abundance of the two dimers varies, and the prevalence of one dimer over the other is inverted. To investigate the dynamic behavior of the termini, four independent 10 ns high-temperature molecular dynamics simulations of RNase A were carried out at two different pH values in an attempt to reproduce the experimental conditions of neutral and very low pH that favor the formation of the N- and C-terminal domain-swapped dimers, respectively. In agreement with experimental data, under mild unfolding conditions, a partial or complete opening of the N-terminal arm is observed, whereas the dislocation of the C-terminus away from the core of the structure occurs only during the low-pH simulations. Furthermore, the picture emerging from this study indicates that the same protein can have different pathways for domain swapping. Indeed, in RNase A the C-terminal swapping requires a substantial unfolding of the monomers, whereas the N-terminal swapping can occur through only partial unfolding.  相似文献   

The modification of ribonuclease A with the heterobifunctional cross-linker, 4-succinimdyloxycarbonyl-methyl-alpha-[2-pyridyldithio]-toluene (SMPT) is described. RNase A has 11 potential sites of modification by the SMPT reagent. Tracking the two-dimensional separation and proteolytic digestion of SMPT-modified RNase A with ESI/FTICR-MS and HPLC/ESI/QIT-MS demonstrates the detailed information about number of SMPT modifications and sites of modification that can be obtained by application of these techniques. Analysis of native and modified RNase A tryptic digests by ESI/FTICR-MS resulted in the identification of the sites of modification. Semiquantitative results of the reactivity of certain lysine residues toward the coupling reagent SMPT are presented. Two sites (lysines 1 and 37) are highly reactive, while three sites (lysines 41, 61, and 104) appear to be unreactive toward SMPT under the conditions used. Experimental results demonstrate that quantitative comparison of relative intensities of peptide sequences of different charge states is not possible. No correlation was found between number of basic residues and sensitivity to detection. Digestion of the modified and unmodified RNase A by subtilisin followed by examination by HPLC/ESI/QIT-MS and MS(n) enabled further investigation of modification on lysines 1 and 7, including modification at the epsilon- and alpha-amino positions on lysine 1.  相似文献   

Ring-opening reaction of low molecular weight polyethylenimine with an Mw of 800 Da (800 Da PEI) with methylthiirane produced thiolated polyethylenimine (PEI-SHX ). The thiolation degree X, which is the average number of thiol groups on a PEI molecule, was readily adjusted by the methylthiirane/PEI ratio. Oxidation of the thiolated PEIs with DMSO afforded disulfide cross-linked PEIs (PEI-SSX ). The molecular weights of PEI-SS X were estimated by viscosity measurement to be 7100, 8000, and 8400 for X=2.6, 6.5, and 9.4, respectively. The PEI-SSX series can bind and condense plasmid DNAs effectively forming nanosized polyplexes. The size of dry polyplexes is less than 100 nm on the TEM pictures. In solution, the size of the polyplexes was measured by DLS to be about 400 nm. In vitro experiments showed that the PEI-SS X series have a lower cytotoxicity and higher gene transfection efficiency compared with the high molecular weight PEI with Mw of 25 KDa. The presence of fetal bovine serum did not decrease the transfection efficiency. The results proved the hypothesis that reductively degradable disulfide-containing PEIs could possesses simultaneously higher gene transfection efficiency and lower cytotoxicity than the nondegradable ones.  相似文献   

Diosgenin was modified to control its in vivo bioavailability by conjugating a hydrophilic unit, tetraethylene glycol. The diosgenin-tetraethylene glycol conjugate (TE) was orally administered in streptozotocin induced diabetic mice for this auditory protection study. The bioactivity improvement of TE for in vivo diabetic auditory impairment treatment was clearly observed in three different auditory tests and compared with that of diosgenin. The improvement in in vivo efficacy suggests that the small molecular weight PEGylation of diosgenin is a synthetically robust and systematically applicable strategy to reform the poor pharmacokinetics of a hydrophobic aglycone.  相似文献   

Fractionation of human serum proteins by gel filtration in Sephadex G-200 revealed two regions of collagenase inhibition which corresponded to α2-macroglobulin and a smaller serum component which eluted after α1-antitrypsin. The smaller collagenase inhibitor, having a molecular weight of 40,000 was separated from α1-antitrypsin by chromatography in Sephadex DEAE A.50. It was found to inhibit human collagenases derived from skin, rheumatoid synovium, gastric mucosa and granulocytes, but not the neutral proteases trypsin and papain. Purified preparations of α1-antitrypsin inhibiting trypsin and papain had no effect on the collagenase activities. The small collagenase inhibitor may have importance as a regulatory factor in the control of collagenase activity in vivo.  相似文献   

A panel of monoclonal antibodies against human prekallikrein was raised in mice and characterized with respect to the major antigenic epitopes. Of 18 antibodies, nine were directed against the light chain portion performing the proteolytic function of activated kallikrein, and nine recognized the heavy chain mediating the binding of prekallikrein to high molecular weight (H-)kininogen. Among the anti-heavy chain antibodies, one (PK6) interfered with the procoagulant activity of prekallikrein, and prolonged in a concentration-dependent manner the activated partial thromboplastin time of reconstituted prekallikrein-deficient plasma (Fletcher type). Antibody PK6 was subtyped IgG1,k and had an apparent Kass of 6.8 +/- 0.44.10(8) M-1 for prekallikrein. Functional analyses revealed that PK6 does not interfere with prekallikrein activation by activated Hageman factor (beta-F XIIa), and has no effect on the kininogenase function of activated kallikrein. Monoclonal antibody PK6 but none of the other anti-heavy chain antibodies completely prevented complex formation of prekallikrein with H-kininogen, and readily dissociated preformed complexes of prekallikrein and H-kininogen. Likewise, Fab' and F(ab')2 fragments of PK6 blocked H-kininogen binding to prekallikrein. A synthetic peptide of 31 amino acid residues encompassing the entire prekallikrein binding region of H-kininogen effectively competed with PK6 for prekallikrein binding indicating that the target epitope of PK6 is juxtaposed to, if not incorporated in the H-kininogen-binding site of prekallikrein. Extensive cross-reactivity of PK6 with another H-kininogen-binding protein of human plasma, i.e. factor XI, suggested that the structure of the target epitope of PK6 is well conserved among prekallikrein and factor XI, as would be expected for the kininogen-binding site shared by the two proteins. It is anticipated that monoclonal antibody PK6 will be an important tool for the precise mapping of the hitherto unknown kininogen-binding site of prekallikrein.  相似文献   

Nascent -1,3 glucan synthesized by mixed membrane fractions fromSaccharomyces cerevisiae was solubilized by extraction with hot SDS or urea. Nature of the material was analyzed by electrophoresis and gel filtration. As determined by gel filtration, Mr of synthesized glucans exceeded 1,500 kDa, but was below 20,000 kDa. This nascent material served as an acceptor for further glucose transfer reactions, giving rise to glucan molecules over 20,000 kDa. It is suggested that the high Mr precursor components represent protein-bound glucan molecules in transit to the cell surface.  相似文献   

High molecular weight forms of the insulin receptor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The insulin receptor of liver, adipose, and placental plasma membranes was photoaffinity labeled with radioiodinated N epsilon B29-(monoazidobenzoyl)insulin. Three specifically labeled bands of 450, 360, and 260 kilodaltons (kDa) were identified in each tissue by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the membranes solubilized in sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). The 360- and 260-kDa bands corresponded to partially reduced forms of the 450-kDa band. The distribution of radioactivity between the three insulin receptor bands was dependent on the tissue, the purity of the receptor preparation, and the conditions of solubilization in SDS. The 360- and 260-kDa bands became more prominent in each tissue with an increasing time of solubilization in SDS. However, with a short solubilization time in SDS, the 450-, 360-, and 260-kDa bands of the receptor were distributed approximately in a ratio of 85:15:0 in all three tissues. Inclusion of sulfhydryl alkylating reagents during solubilization in SDS altered this ratio to about 95:5:0. We conclude that the 450-kDa band represents the predominant form of the photolabeled insulin receptor and that the 260-kDa and probably the 360-kDa form as well were generated during the experimental manipulations preceding identification of the receptor. However, the appearance of the 360- and 260-kDa bands was not due to reductant present in SDS or buffer solutions and could not be accounted for by proteolytic degradation of the receptor. Furthermore, purification of the receptor over 2000-fold did not prevent the appearance of the 360- and 260-kDa bands.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

An immobilization procedure for protein on surface plasmon resonance sensor (SPR) chips is described. The target protein, cyclophilin D, is thereby genetically linked to a mutant of the human DNA repair protein O6-alkylguanine-DNA-alkyltransferase (hAGT). The procedure includes the immobilization of an alkylguanine derivative on the surface by amine coupling and contact of the surface with a solution of the fusion protein (TCypD-hAGT). TCypD-hAGT could be immobilized using buffer solutions of purified protein or cell extracts. High densities of covalently linked proteins were achieved by either procedure. Binding experiments performed with the ligand cyclosporin A indicate relative binding activities close to 100%. The KD value (12 nM) and the kinetic rate constants kon (3 × 105 M−1s−1) and koff (4 × 10−3s−1) are given and compared to values determined for cyclophilin D linked to the surface by amide coupling chemistry. The KD value is in excellent agreement with the KD value determined in solution by fluorescence titration.  相似文献   

1. The mechanism of the reaction between ribonuclease and GSH at elevated temperatures has been studied by using N-(4-dimethylamino-3,5-dinitrophenyl)-maleimide to label the reduced ribonuclease. 2. After incubation for 2hr. at 35 degrees , enzymically active ribonuclease was recovered; at 50.8 degrees half of the initial ribonuclease was recovered as enzymically active ribonuclease and half as reduced labelled ribonuclease; at 55 degrees all of the initial ribonuclease was recovered in the labelled form. 3. It was inferred that the rate-limiting step was the reduction of the first disulphide bond in any one molecule. This was followed by rapid reduction of the other bonds in the same molecule.  相似文献   

Small, round-structured viruses (SRSV) were detected in 14 of 300 fecal specimens obtained from patients with acute gastroenteritis by electron microscopy. These SRSV strains were morphologically indistinguishable from one another. While 11 of these strains had a single usual major structural protein with molecular weight of 63,000 (63K) daltons (p63), interestingly, three strains possessed a single major structural protein with molecular weight of 33K daltons (p33). Treatments of p63-SRSV with proteolytic enzymes or denaturating reagents did not affect the molecular weight of p63, and the p33 was not detectable by Western immunoblot in the ultracentrifugal supernatant of the p63-SRSV suspension. These results suggest that the p33 is neither a definitive subunit of p63 nor disintegrated component derived from the p63-SRSV but a novel polypeptide of SRSV. Immune electron microscopy and Western immunoblot analyses indicated that p63- and p33-SRSVs may share an antigenic determinant(s).  相似文献   

A simple, rapid, and reproducible method is described for the quantitation of submicrogram amounts of protein. This method is based upon the reaction of 3H-labeled 1-dimethylaminonaphthalene-5-sulfonyl chloride ([3H]dansyl chloride) with protein under denaturing conditions. As little as 50 ng of protein can be detected under the experimental conditions described, and the assay is linear over the range 50 to 5000 ng of protein. Furthermore, this method has been used for the electrophoretic determination of molecular weights of proteins available in submicrogram amounts.  相似文献   

A method utilizing high-voltage electrophoresis on paper is described whereby a pentapeptide (Asp-Ser-Asp-Pro-Arg) labeled with Bolton-Hunter reagent is separated from hydrolyzed reagent and unreacted peptide and is recovered from the electrophoretogram in high yield. The general applicability to other peptides is discussed.  相似文献   

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