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表土干旱和根信号对春小麦产量形成的影响   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
本实验模拟大田条件,探讨一定程度水分亏缺下春小麦能否产生非水力根信号,以及对春小麦产量形成的影响.用3 个春小麦品种,3 个水分处理:充分供水(CT) ,上层供水(DIu) 和上层干旱下层供水(DId) .出苗后17 ~28d ,非充分供水处理出现了植物叶片水势未显著改变而气孔导度和蒸腾作用却显著下降的现象,这是非水力根信号的典型特征.随着时间的推移,植物叶片水势同对照处理相比显著下降.在本试验的3 个品种中,B品种上层根系的比根重(SRW,单位根长的根重) 在出苗后34d 和出苗后54d 较A、C品种高,且在出苗后54d上层根重的绝对量也显著高于A、C品种的对应处理,对B品种获得较高的产量十分有利.C品种同A、B品种相比,在出苗后34d 和54d,DIu 处理中总根重、总根长分别向上层根重和上层根长分配的比例较A、B 品种高,中层根重和中层根长的相对较低;而DId 处理中表现的趋势正好相反.以上表明C 品种对浅层土壤水分十分敏感,其根系的可塑性较强,也反映了其较高的根信号敏感性.相对而言,A 品种和B 品种根系的可塑性较弱,但这两个品种的籽粒产量显著高于C 品种.  相似文献   

半干旱地区春小麦根系形态特征与生长冗余的初步研究   总被引:30,自引:3,他引:30  
以半干旱地区6个不同年代春小麦品种为材料,对各品种苗期种子根系的数量、形态特征进行了比较研究,分析了这些指标与作物抗旱高产的关系。结果表明,黄土高原半干旱地区春小麦品种在根系生长上存在着对产量不利的冗余。在以提高产量潜力为宗旨的品种更新替代过程中,不同年代春小麦品种随着年代推进逐渐呈现出根条数和根长减小、根活性吸收面积比增加、种子根中央大导管直径减小的趋势。这些特点使得现代春小麦品种在早期营养生长过程中能够节约用水而保留一定土壤水分以满足花期和灌浆期水分需求,因而提高了作物产量。  相似文献   

半干旱地区小麦群体的根系特征与抗旱性的关系   总被引:23,自引:5,他引:23  
对抗旱性能不同的 5个春小麦品种 (分别为A、B、C、D、E)的试验表明 ,在 0~ 1 2 0cm土层中 ,其根密度分别为 66、1 0 4、1 37、1 0 2和 99μg·cm- 3;总根量分别为 78.7、1 2 4 .3、1 64.3、1 2 1 .8和 1 1 8.7g·m- 2 ;产量分别为 2 0 1、2 0 7、1 41、2 1 8和 1 90g·m- 2 .在水分为主导因子的旱作条件下 ,根系过大的品种 ,个体间竞争激烈 ,其群体的抗旱性较差 ;根系较小的品种 ,个体间竞争较弱或无竞争 ,故群体抗旱性较强 .  相似文献   

Xiong YC  Li FM  Zhang T 《Planta》2006,224(3):710-718
Pot-culture experiments were carried out to estimate the role of non-hydraulic root signals (nHRS) and the relation of these signals to drought tolerance and grain yield formation under drought stress in six wheat varieties. These were two modern hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L., AABBDD) Plateau602 and Longchun8139-2, two diploid wheat (Triticum monococcum L., AB) MO1 and MO4, and two tetraploid wheat (Triticum dicoccum Schuebl L., AABB) DM22 and DM31. In the two diploid relatives, the nHRS was switched on and off at a soil water content (SWC) of approximately 53–45% field water capacity (FWC). In contrast, in the modern hexaploid varieties, Longchun8139-2 and Plateau602 the nHRS occurred between a SWC of about 71 and 35% FWC, a much wider soil moisture range. The two tetraploid relatives, DM22 and DM31, were generally intermediate. The nHRS threshold range in SWC also narrowed as all six varieties went through successive developmental stages from shooting to grain filling. The two hexaploid wheat varieties had the longest duration of survival after the water supply ceased, and the best yield stability under drought stress, similar to with tetraploid wheat varieties; the diploid wheat varieties were least robust. These two parameters were both significantly correlated with the nHRS soil moisture threshold range (r=0.9456** and 0.8608*, respectively). Based on these patterns, we propose a ‘triple Z’ model to describe the features of non-hydraulic stomatal sensitivity versus soil drought in wheat growth.  相似文献   

西北旱地春小麦不同覆盖措施的温度和产量效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在西北半干旱雨养条件下,以春小麦为材料,研究了夏季覆膜(T1)、秋季覆膜(T2)、春季覆膜(T3)、小麦碎秆覆盖(T4)、小麦整秆覆盖(T5)、夏季覆膜+麦秆还田(T6)和无覆盖对照(CK)7个处理间0—20 cm土壤温度、产量和重要农艺指标的差异。结果表明:处理间在不同生育时期、不同土层的土壤温度存在显著差异。生育时期间比较,处理间土壤温度差异以播种期—分蘖期最大、蜡熟期—成熟期次之、拔节期—灌浆中期较小;土层间比较,处理间土壤5 cm处的温度差异依次大于10 cm、15 cm、20 cm处。T6在各时期、各土层均表现出突出的增温效应,全生育期土壤平均温度较CK高0.57℃,以成熟期、播种期及分蘖期增温效果较大;其它覆盖处理存在增温和降温的双重效应,增温效应覆膜秸秆覆盖,而降温效应则秸秆覆盖覆膜,各处理的32个土壤温度测试点中,增温点次以T4最少(仅有9个),降温点次为23个,且T4降温幅度最大,全生育期0—20 cm土壤平均温度较CK低0.63℃,降温效果在播种期和分蘖期尤为突出。覆盖处理全生育期土壤平均温度表现为覆膜CK秸秆覆盖。温差最高值出现在分蘖期土壤5 cm处的T6与T4间,T6高出T44.23℃。T6可以平抑生育期间土壤温度的变化,其它5个覆盖处理则加剧土壤温度的波动,以T4处理的土壤温度波动最明显(CV为32.4%)。处理间产量、单位面积穗数、穗粒数间差异显著,而千粒重差异不显著。无论覆膜还是秸秆覆盖,都较CK穗粒数显著增加(17.4%—36.3%)。除T5较CK显著减产14.1%外,其它覆盖处理均较CK显著增产21.7%—37.3%,其中以全膜覆土穴播基础上的秋季覆膜(T2)增产最显著,适宜在西北旱地春小麦产区推广应用。土壤温度主要影响营养生长,拔节—开花期0—20 cm的土壤温度与株高高度正相关(0.77*—0.92**),但覆盖引起土壤温度的变化最终对西北旱地春小麦产量没有关键影响。  相似文献   

研究了干旱、CO2 浓度和温度升高对春小麦生育期、光合速率 (Pn)、蒸发蒸腾 (ET)及水分利用效率 (WUE)的影响 .结果表明 ,大气CO2 浓度升高 (5 5 0、70 0 μmol·mol-1)虽可延长抽穗 成熟期 ,但高温 (日平均温度高于正常日平均温度约 4 .8℃ )对生育期的影响远大于高CO2 影响 ,使得高CO2 、高温下抽穗 成熟期缩短 ,且种子提前萌发 ;CO2 浓度升高和高温共同作用使各水分处理的小麦光合增强、气孔阻力增加、叶片水平的水分利用效率 (WUEl)和群体水平的水分利用效率 (WUE)增大 ,但对蒸腾速率影响不显著 .对蒸发蒸腾的影响因不同的土壤水分而不同 ,在高 (田间持水量的 75 %~ 85 % )、中 (田间持水量的 5 5 %~6 5 % )水分条件下 ,高温和高CO2 使蒸发蒸腾增加 ,而在低水分条件 (田间持水量的 35 %~ 4 5 % )下 ,高温和高CO2 使蒸发蒸腾减少  相似文献   

春小地片质膜氧化还原系统及其对缓慢干旱胁迫的响应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
研究了抗旱性不同的2个品种小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)叶片质膜氧化还原系统的部分性南及其在田间缓慢干时时下氧化还原活力的变化。结果显示,2个品种小麦叶片质膜氧化还原活性的最适pH为8.0,最适温度在40℃左右,Mg^2 对其活性有刺激作用,Ca^2 对其活性没有影响。但这2个品种叶片的质膜氧化还原系统对K^ 和Na^ 的响应不尽相同:在品种定西24中,K^ 刺激作用不太明显,Na^ 有一定的抑制作用;而在品种8139中,这两种离子都有明显的刺激作用。干旱降低了小麦叶片的水势和水分含量,影响了小麦的生长发育;在缓慢干旱下,小麦叶片质膜氧化还原活力在生长发育的前期上升;在后期,其活性不变或下降,这与前人在实验室内以植物幼苗进行短期而剧烈的模拟干旱下所观察的结果不同。这种差异的原因除了与植物材料不同有关外,主要与胁迫方式及植物的发育阶段有关。  相似文献   

地膜覆盖对土壤水温和春小麦产量形成的影响   总被引:99,自引:5,他引:99  
Wang J  Li F  Song Q  Li S 《应用生态学报》2003,14(2):205-210
通过大田试验研究了地膜覆盖对土壤水温状况及春小麦产量形成的影响.结果表明,地膜覆盖对土壤的增温作用在春小麦生育期内呈“U”型变化,地膜覆盖可以通过防止蒸发和提升土壤深层水分至作物可利用层来增加土壤中有效水含量,利于作物利用.地膜覆盖的增温保墒作用利于作物前期生长和水分利用,在生育后期覆膜,作物根系发育受到抑制,作物蒸散量和水分利用效率下降,影响产量的形成.对照(CK)、播前灌水(W)、全程覆膜(M)、播前灌水 覆膜30d(WM30)、播前灌水 覆膜60d(WM60)及播前灌水十全程覆膜(WMw)6个处理的产量分别为2554、2424、2750、3138、3305、3123kg·hm^-2,最佳覆膜时间在40—60d.  相似文献   

In Mediterranean regions drought is the major factor limiting spring barley and durum wheat grain yields. This study aimed to compare spring barley and durum wheat root and shoot responses to drought and quantify relationships between root traits and water uptake under terminal drought.One spring barley(Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Rum) and two durum wheat Mediterranean cultivars(Triticum turgidum L. var durum cvs Hourani and Karim) were examined in soil‐column experiments under well watered and drought conditions. Root system architecture traits, water uptake, and plant growth were measured. Barley aerial biomass and grain yields were higher than for durum wheat cultivars in well watered conditions. Drought decreased grain yield more for barley(47%) than durum wheat(30%, Hourani). Root‐to‐shoot dry matter ratio increased for durum wheat under drought but not for barley, and root weight increased for wheat in response todrought but decreased for barley. The critical root length density(RLD) and root volume density(RVD) for 90% available water capture for wheat were similar to(cv. Hourani) or lower than(cv. Karim) for barley depending on wheat cultivar. For both species, RVD accounted for a slightly higher proportion of phenotypic variation in water uptake under drought than RLD.  相似文献   

In Mediterranean regions drought is the major factor limiting spring barley and durum wheat grain yields. This study aimed to compare spring barley and durum wheat root and shoot responses to drought and quantify relationships between root traits and water uptake under terminal drought.One spring barley(Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Rum) and two durum wheat Mediterranean cultivars(Triticum turgidum L. var durum cvs Hourani and Karim) were examined in soil‐column experiments under well watered and drought conditions. Root system architecture traits, water uptake, and plant growth were measured. Barley aerial biomass and grain yields were higher than for durum wheat cultivars in well watered conditions. Drought decreased grain yield more for barley(47%) than durum wheat(30%, Hourani). Root‐to‐shoot dry matter ratio increased for durum wheat under drought but not for barley, and root weight increased for wheat in response todrought but decreased for barley. The critical root length density(RLD) and root volume density(RVD) for 90% available water capture for wheat were similar to(cv. Hourani) or lower than(cv. Karim) for barley depending on wheat cultivar. For both species, RVD accounted for a slightly higher proportion of phenotypic variation in water uptake under drought than RLD.  相似文献   

研究了干旱、CO2浓度和温度升高对春小麦生育期、光合速率(Pn)、蒸发蒸腾(ET)及水分利用效率(WUE)的影响.结果表明,大气CO2浓度升高(550、700μmol·mol-1)虽可延长抽穗成熟期,但高温(日平均温度高于正常日平均温度约4.8℃)对生育期的影响远大于高CO2影响,使得高CO2、高温下抽穗成熟期缩短,且种子提前萌发;CO2浓度升高和高温共同作用使各水分处理的小麦光合增强、气孔阻力增加、叶片水平的水分利用效率(WUEl)和群体水平的水分利用效率(WUE)增大,但对蒸腾速率影响不显著.对蒸发蒸腾的影响因不同的土壤水分而不同,在高(田间持水量的75%~85%)、中(田间持水量的55%~65%)水分条件下,高温和高CO2使蒸发蒸腾增加,而在低水分条件(田间持水量的35%~45%)下,高温和高CO2使蒸发蒸腾减少.  相似文献   

Effects of adding osmotically comparable concentrations of PEG and NaCl to nutrient solution were studied in 1-week-old durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf., salt-sensitive) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L., more salt tolerant). Both treatments arrested leaf extension immediately, followed by partial recovery within 40–60 min. Similarities and differences were observed between the responses of the two species and between the two treatments. Typically, PEG-treatment increased leaf extensibility of both barley and wheat as measured by changes in leaf extension rate monitored by an electromechanical sensor to which a stretching counter-weight was added. In barley, NaCl-treatment increased extensibility in a similar way to PEG, but in wheat, extensibility did not change within 40 min of NaCl-treatment. The contrasting fast responses of wheat plants to NaCl and PEG treatments suggests that, unlike barley, wheat leaf extension was sensitive not only to osmotic effects of salinity, but also to ion toxicity. Thus, separate PEG- and NaCl-treatments enabled us to distinguish between ionic and osmotic effects and to show, for the first time, that ionic effects of salinity on leaf extension can commence after only short-term exposure (<1 h) in the case of a salt-sensitive species such as durum wheat.  相似文献   

An experiment was undertaken to evaluate the effect of liquid manure amendment on heavy metal accumulation in wheat and barley. For this purpose, both kinds of seedlings were grown simultaneously in a Petri dish, while wheat seedlings were also grown in pots containing unpolluted agricultural soil. All of the seedlings were irrigated with one of the three prepared solutions: artificial rainwater solution, heavy metal solution and liquid manure solution containing NH4NO3, H3PO4 and KOH along with equal amounts of heavy metals as in the second solution. Twenty days later, 1 g of plant tissue was digested with the mixture of HNO3 and H2O2 for ICP-OES/HG-ICP-OES analysis. The results showed that the uptake of arsenic and mercury was highest for both plants grown in a Petri dish. Furthermore, the wheat grown in a Petri dish also had a high content of nickel, cadmium and copper, while the pot-grown wheat contained high amounts of iron and manganese, probably due to the adsorption of nickel, cadmium, copper and mercury on soil phases. The lower uptake of all heavy metals was observed after the amendment of liquid manure, with the exception of manganese in wheat and mercury in all plants.  相似文献   

通过模拟高温和干旱处理,对喀斯特石漠化生境中南亚毛灰藓(Homomallium simlaense(Mitt.)Broth.Mitt)在胁迫条件下生理特征的变化进行了研究。结果表明,南亚毛灰藓在高温和干旱条件下,各项生理指标均与相对含水量呈显著正相关;丙二醛、渗透调节物质和叶绿素含量均随处理时间的增加和含水量的降低而减少,但植株仍保持较高的可溶性糖含量以维持渗透压的平衡。在极端干旱和高温的条件下,南亚毛灰藓可通过降低生理活性,保持一定的可溶性糖含量度过胁迫期,同时丙二醛含量保持最低状态。高温和干旱处理结束后,进行复水处理,植株的渗透调节物质和丙二醛含量显著升高,光合作用迅速恢复。研究结果表明,南亚毛灰藓适应干旱和高温的极端条件可能与丙二醛含量有关,但复水结束后丙二醛含量升高,胁迫反而增强,说明南亚毛灰藓对高温和干旱具有一定耐受性,原因可能与其长期生存于喀斯特的石生环境有关。  相似文献   

春小麦品种对麦长管蚜生长发育和繁殖的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在室内25 ℃条件下研究了7种不同抗性的春小麦品种(系)对麦长管蚜生长发育和繁殖的影响.结果表明,不同抗性品种(系)对麦长管蚜若蚜发育历期、存活率、成蚜寿命和生殖力有显著的影响,麦长管蚜在抗性强的品种上成蚜寿命短、产仔量少;以内禀增长率作为测定抗生性的指标,供试小麦品种(系)对麦长管蚜抗生性的大小依次为辽春10号>02C-MB >新春6号>巴丰1号>永良4号>内麦19>蒙花1号,与田间抗性鉴定结果基本相同.  相似文献   

Green house study was aimed to investigate the effect of seed biopriming with drought tolerant isolates of Trichoderma harzianum, viz. Th 56, 69, 75, 82 and 89 on growth of wheat under drought stress and to explore the mechanism underlying plant water stress resilience in response to Trichoderma inoculation. Measurements of relative water content, osmotic potential, osmotic adjustment, leaf gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and membrane stability index were performed. In addition, analysis of the phenolics, proline, lipid peroxidation and measurements of phenylalanine ammonia‐lyase activity were carried out. Seed biopriming enhanced drought tolerance of wheat as drought induced changes like stomatal conductance, net photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence were delayed. Drought stress from 4 to 13 days of withholding water induced an increase in the concentration of stress induced metabolites in leaves, while Trichoderma colonisation caused decrease in proline, malondialdehyde (MDA) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and an increase in total phenolics. A common factor that negatively affects plants under drought stress conditions is accumulation of toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS), and we tested the hypothesis that seed biopriming reduced damages resulting from accumulation of ROS in stressed plants. The enhanced redox state of colonised plants could be explained by higher l ‐phenylalanine ammonia‐lyase (PAL) activity in leaves after 13 days of drought stress in Trichoderma treated plants. Similar activity was induced in untreated plants in response to drought stress but to a lower extent in comparison to treated plants. Our results support the hypothesis that seed biopriming in wheat with drought tolerant T. harzianum strains increased root vigour besides performing the process of osmoregulation. It ameliorates drought stress by inducing physiological protection in plants against oxidative damage, due to enhanced capacity to scavenge ROS and increased level of PAL, a mechanism that is expected to augment tolerance to abiotic stresses.  相似文献   

田间增温对半干旱区春小麦生长发育和产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在中国气象局兰州干旱气象研究所定西气象和生态环境试验站,利用开放式红外增温系统设置增加0 ℃(对照)、1 ℃、2 ℃3个温度梯度,模拟田间增温对春小麦生长发育、产量及产量构成因素的影响.结果表明: 冠层温度增加1~2 ℃,春小麦的全生育期比对照缩短7~11 d.生育前期增温使株高增高,叶面积指数增大;从拔节期开始增温使株高和叶面积指数降低,且增温2 ℃处理的效应大于增温1 ℃处理.温度升高导致叶绿素含量降低,尤其是灌浆后期到乳熟期.增温1~2 ℃,产量较对照降低25.4%~45.5%,主要是由于穗粒数和穗粒质量显著减少.增温处理明显降低了春小麦田间土壤贮水量,0~100 cm土壤贮水消耗量随温度的增加呈逐渐增加趋势,而在100 cm以下深层土壤变化趋势不明显.  相似文献   

以蛋白质含量不同的两个冬小麦品种扬麦9号和豫麦34为材料,研究了不同温度和水分条件下小麦花后旗叶光合特性的变化、营养器官花前贮藏干物质和氮素转运特征及其与籽粒产量和品质形成的关系.结果表明,高温及干旱和渍水均明显降低了旗叶光合速率和叶绿素含量(SPAD值),但高温下干旱和渍水对光合作用的影响加重.小麦营养器官花前贮藏干物质、氮素转运量和转运率在适温下表现为干旱>对照>渍水,高温下则表现为对照>干旱>渍水.适温下花后同化物积累量表现为对照>渍水>干旱,高温下则表现为对照>干旱>渍水.花后氮素积累量在适温和高温下均表现为对照>渍水>干旱.籽粒淀粉含量以适温适宜水分处理最高,高温渍水下最低;蛋白质含量以高温干旱下最高,适温渍水下最低.温度和水分逆境下小麦粒质量和淀粉含量的降低与花后较低的光合能力及干物质积累有关,而蛋白质含量则与花前贮藏氮素的转运量和转运率有关.  相似文献   

AIMS: To examine the effect of interactions between water, temperature and gas composition on growth and ochratoxin A (OTA) production by isolates of Penicillium verrucosum in vitro and in situ on grain-based media and wheat grain. METHODS AND RESULTS: Three isolates of P. verrucosum were examined in relation to radial growth rate and OTA production, and to interacting conditions of water activity (a(w)), temperature and gas composition on a milled wheat medium. Subsequently, detailed temporal studies were carried out on gamma irradiated wheat grain over the range 0.75-0.995 a(w), 10-25 degrees C and air, 25 or 50% CO(2). This showed that optimum growth of P. verrucosum was at 0.98 a(w) in vitro at 25 degrees C, but at 0.95 a(w) and 25 degrees C on wheat grain. The a(w) minimum for growth was about 0.80 a(w), although no OTA was produced under this condition even after 56 days. Significant inhibition of growth and OTA production occurred with 50% CO(2), and 0.90-0.995 a(w) at 25 degrees C. CONCLUSIONS: The optimum and marginal conditions for growth and OTA production on wheat grain have been identified. At least 50% CO(2) is needed to inhibit growth and OTA production by >75% in moist grain (0.90-0.995 a(w)). SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: First detailed identification of optimal and marginal interacting conditions of water/temperature and gas composition on growth and OTA production by P. verrucosum on wheat grain. This is a critical component of the postharvest management strategy for minimizing contamination by this important mycotoxin and predicting risk, based on environmental conditions, during drying and storage.  相似文献   

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