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Metallothioneins (MTs) are proteins devoted to the control of metal homeostasis and detoxification, and therefore, MTs have been crucial for the adaptation of the living beings to variable situations of metal bioavailability. The evolution of MTs is, however, not yet fully understood, and to provide new insights into it, we have investigated the MTs in the diverse classes of Mollusks. We have shown that most molluskan MTs are bimodular proteins that combine six domains—α, β1, β2, β3, γ, and δ—in a lineage-specific manner. We have functionally characterized the Neritimorpha β3β1 and the Patellogastropoda γβ1 MTs, demonstrating the metal-binding capacity of the new γ domain. Our results have revealed a modular organization of mollusk MT, whose evolution has been impacted by duplication, loss, and de novo emergence of domains. MTs represent a paradigmatic example of modular evolution probably driven by the structural and functional requirements of metal binding.  相似文献   

The rare disease cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis (CTX) is due to a lack of sterol 27-hydroxylase (CYP27A1) and is characterized by cholestanol-containing xanthomas in brain and tendons. Mice with the same defect do not develop xanthomas. The driving force in the development of the xanthomas is likely to be conversion of a bile acid precursor into cholestanol. The mechanism behind the xanthomas in the brain has not been clarified. We demonstrate here that female cyp27a1−/− mice have an increase of cholestanol of about 2.5- fold in plasma, 6-fold in tendons, and 12-fold in brain. Treatment of cyp27a1−/− mice with 0.05% cholic acid normalized the cholestanol levels in tendons and plasma and reduced the content in the brain. The above changes occurred in parallel with changes in plasma levels of 7α-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one, a precursor both to bile acids and cholestanol. Injection of a cyp27a1−/− mouse with 2H7-labeled 7α-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one resulted in a significant incorporation of 2H7-cholestanol in the brain. The results are consistent with a concentration-dependent flux of 7α-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one across the blood-brain barrier in cyp27a1−/− mice and subsequent formation of cholestanol. It is suggested that the same mechanism is responsible for accumulation of cholestanol in the brain of patients with CTX.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) plays a fundamental role in regulating variousbiological activities. Ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase L1 (UCH-L1) is a deubiquitinatingenzyme, belonging to the UPS. To date, it has been reported that UCH-L1 is highly andrestrictedly expressed in neural and reproductive tissues and plays significant roles inthese organs. Although the expression of UCH-L1 in the anterior pituitary gland has beenreported, the detailed localization and the role of UCH-L1 remain obscure. In the presentstudy, we detected UCH-L1 protein exclusively in hormone-producing cells, but notnon-hormone producing folliculostellate cells in the anterior pituitary lobe. In addition,the cytoplasmic expression of UCH-L1 varied and was limited to gonadotropes andmammotropes. To investigate the role of UCH-L1 in anterior pituitary cells, we performed acomparative analysis using genetically UCH-L1-deficient gad mice.Significant decreases in the numbers of gonadotropes and mammotropes were observed ingad mice, suggesting a close involvement of UCH-L1 in these cells.Moreover, we also determined the expression of UCH-L1 in cultured gonadotropes. Takentogether, this is the first report to definitely demonstrate the presence of UCH-L1 inmouse anterior pituitary gland, and our results might provide a novel insight for betterunderstanding the role of UCH-L1 in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis and in thereproduction.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the role of positively and negatively charged amino acids within the 89-99 region of apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I), which are highly conserved in mammals, on plasma lipid homeostasis and the biogenesis of HDL. We previously showed that deletion of the 89-99 region of apoA-I increased plasma cholesterol and phospholipids, but it did not affect plasma triglycerides. Functional studies using adenovirus-mediated gene transfer of two apoA-I mutants in apoA-I-deficient mice showed that apoA-I[D89A/E91A/E92A] increased plasma cholesterol and caused severe hypertriglyceridemia. HDL levels were reduced, and approximately 40% of the apoA-I was distributed in VLDL/IDL. The HDL consisted of mostly spherical and a few discoidal particles and contained preβ1 and α4-HDL subpopulations. The lipid, lipoprotein, and HDL profiles generated by the apoA-I[K94A/K96A] mutant were similar to those of wild-type (WT) apoA-I. Coexpression of apoA-I[D89A/E91A/E92A] and human lipoprotein lipase abolished hypertriglyceridemia, restored in part the α1,2,3,4 HDL subpopulations, and redistributed apoA-I in the HDL2/HDL3 regions, but it did not prevent the formation of discoidal HDL particles. Physicochemical studies showed that the apoA-I[D89A/E91A/E92A] mutant had reduced α-helical content and effective enthalpy of thermal denaturation, increased exposure of hydrophobic surfaces, and increased affinity for triglyceride-rich emulsions. We conclude that residues D89, E91, and E92 of apoA-I are important for plasma cholesterol and triglyceride homeostasis as well as for the maturation of HDL.  相似文献   

Systemic Sclerosis (SSc) is a rare fibrotic autoimmune disorder for which no curative treatments currently exist. Metabolic remodelling has recently been implicated in other autoimmune diseases; however, its potential role in SSc has received little attention. Here, we aimed to determine whether changes to glycolysis and glutaminolysis are important features of skin fibrosis. TGF‐β1, the quintessential pro‐fibrotic stimulus, was used to activate fibrotic pathways in NHDFs in vitro. Dermal fibroblasts derived from lesions of SSc patients were also used for in vitro experiments. Parameters of glycolytic function were assessed using by measuring extracellular acidification in response to glycolytic activators/inhibitors, whilst markers of fibrosis were measured by Western blotting following the use of the glycolysis inhibitors 2‐dg and 3PO and the glutaminolysis inhibitor G968. Succinate was also measured after TGF‐β1 stimulation. Itaconate was added to SSc fibroblasts and collagen examined. TGF‐β1 up‐regulates glycolysis in dermal fibroblasts, and inhibition of glycolysis attenuates its pro‐fibrotic effects. Furthermore, inhibition of glutamine metabolism also reverses TGF‐β1‐induced fibrosis, whilst glutaminase expression is up‐regulated in dermal fibroblasts derived from SSc patient skin lesions, suggesting that enhanced glutamine metabolism is another aspect of the pro‐fibrotic metabolic phenotype in skin fibrosis. TGF‐β1 was also able to enhance succinate production, with increased succinate shown to be associated with increased collagen expression. Incubation of SSc cells with itaconate, an important metabolite, reduced collagen expression. TGF‐β1 activation of glycolysis is a key feature of the fibrotic phenotype induced by TGF‐B1 in skin cells, whilst increased glutaminolysis is also evident in SSc fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Subsequent to wounding, keratinocytes must quickly restore barrier function. In vitro wound models have served to elucidate mechanisms of epithelial closure and key roles for integrins alpha6beta4 and alpha3beta1. To extrapolate in vitro data to in vivo human tissues, we used ultrathin cryomicrotomy to simultaneously observe tissue ultrastructure and immunogold localization in unwounded skin and acute human cutaneous wounds. Localization of the beta4 integrin subunit in unwounded skin shows dominant hemidesmosomal association and minor basal keratinocyte lateral filopodic cell-cell expression. After wounding, beta4 dominantly localized to cytokeratin-rich regions (trailing edge hemidesmosomes) and minor association with lamellipodia (leading edge). beta4 colocalizes with alpha3 within filopodia juxtaposed to wound matrix, and increased concentrations of beta4 were found in cytoplasmic vesicles within basal keratinocytes of the migrating tongue. alpha3 integrin subunit dominantly localized to filopodia within basal keratinocyte lateral cell-cell interfaces in unwounded skin and both cell-cell and cell-matrix filopodic interactions in wounded skin. This study indicates that beta4 interacts with the extracellular environment through both stable and transient interactions and may be managed through a different endosomal trafficking pathway than alpha3. alpha3 integrin, despite its ability to respond to alternate ligands after wounding, does so through a single structure, the filopodia.  相似文献   

Background and Purpose: Recently, several abnormally regulated microRNAs (miRNAs) have been identified in patients with Alzheimer''s disease (AD). The purpose of this study was to identify abnormally expressed miRNAs and to investigate whether they affect pathological changes in AD in the 5xFAD AD mouse model.Experimental Approach: Using microarray analysis and RT-qPCR, miRNA expression in the hippocampus of a 4-month-old 5xFAD mouse model of AD was investigated. A dual-luciferase assay was performed to determine whether the altered miR-200c regulates the translation of the target mRNA, Ywhag. Whether miR-200c modulates AD pathology was determined in primary hippocampal neurons and C57BL/6J mice transfected with miR-200c inhibitor. In addition, total miRNAs were extracted from the serums of 28 healthy age-matched controls and 22 individual participants with cognitive impairment, and RT-qPCR was performed.Key results: miR-200c expression was reduced in the hippocampus of 5xFAD mice. In primary hippocampal neurons, miR-200c regulated the translation of 14-3-3γ and increased tau phosphorylation (p-tau) by increasing p-GSK-3β (GSK-3β phosphorylation). It was also confirmed that miR-200c inhibition in the hippocampus of C57BL/6J mice induces cognitive impairment and increases tau phosphorylation through 14-3-3γ activation. Finally, aberrant expression of miR-200c was confirmed in the blood serum of human AD patients.Conclusion and Implications: Our results strongly suggest that dysregulation of miR-200c expression contributes to the pathogenesis of AD, including cognitive impairment through hyperphosphorylated tau.  相似文献   

In triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), the pleiotropic NDRG1 (N-Myc downstream regulated gene 1) promotes progression and worse survival, yet contradictory results were documented, and the mechanisms remain unknown. Phosphorylation and localization could drive NDRG1 pleiotropy, nonetheless, their role in TNBC progression and clinical outcome was not investigated. We found enhanced p-NDRG1 (Thr346) by TGFβ1 and explored whether it drives NDRG1 pleiotropy and TNBC progression. In tissue microarrays of 81 TNBC patients, we identified that staining and localization of NDRG1 and p-NDRG1 (Thr346) are biomarkers and risk factors associated with shorter overall survival. We found that TGFβ1 leads NDRG1, downstream of GSK3β, and upstream of NF-κB, to differentially regulate migration, invasion, epithelial-mesenchymal transition, tumor initiation, and maintenance of different populations of cancer stem cells (CSCs), depending on the progression stage of tumor cells, and the combination of TGFβ and GSK3β inhibitors impaired CSCs. The present study revealed the striking importance to assess both total NDRG1 and p-NDRG1 (Thr346) positiveness and subcellular localization to evaluate patient prognosis and their stratification. NDRG1 pleiotropy is driven by TGFβ to differentially promote metastasis and/or maintenance of CSCs at different stages of tumor progression, which could be abrogated by the inhibition of TGFβ and GSK3β.  相似文献   

α-Thalassemia, arising from a defect in α-globin chain synthesis, is often caused by deletions involving one or both of the α-genes on the same allele. With the aim of investigating the prevalence of α-thalassemia 3.7 kb deletion in the adult population of Rio Grande do Norte, 713 unrelated individuals, between 18 and 59 years-of-age, were analyzed. Red blood cell indices were electronically determined, and A2 and F hemoglobins evaluated by HPLC. PCR was applied to the molecular investigation of α-thalassemia 3.7 kb deletion. Eighty (11.2%) of the 713 individuals investigated presented α-thalassemia, of which 79 (11.1%) were heterozygous (-α3.7/αα) deletions and 1 (0.1%) homozygous (-α3.7/-α3.7). Ethnically, heterozygous deletions were higher (24.8%) in Afro-Brazilians. Comparison of hematological parameters between individuals with normal genotype and those with heterozygous α+-thalassemia showed a statistically significant difference in the number of erythrocytes (p < 0.001), MCV (p < 0.001), MCH (p < 0.001) and Hb A2 (p = 0.007). This study is one of the first dedicated to investigating α-thalassemia 3.7 kb deletion in the population of the State Rio Grande do Norte state. Results obtained demonstrate the importance of investigating this condition in order to elucidate the causes of microcytosis and hypochromia.  相似文献   

Mannosidases are a diverse group of glycoside hydrolases that play crucial roles in mannose trimming of oligomannose glycans, glycoconjugates, and glycoproteins involved in numerous cellular processes, such as glycan biosynthesis and metabolism, structure regulation, cellular recognition, and cell–pathogen interactions. Exomannosidases and endomannosidases cleave specific glycosidic bonds of mannoside linkages in glycans and can be used in enzyme-based methods for sequencing of isomeric glycan structures. α1-6-mannosidase from Xanthomonas manihotis is known as a highly specific exoglycosidase that removes unbranched α1-6 linked mannose residues from oligosaccharides. However, we discovered that this α1-6-mannosidase also possesses an unexpected β1-4-galactosidase activity in the processing of branched hybrid and complex glycans through our use of enzymatic reactions, high performance anion-exchange chromatography, and liquid chromatography mass spectrometric sequencing. Our docking simulation of the α1-6-mannosidase with glycan substrates reveals potential interacting residues in a relatively shallow pocket slightly differing from its homologous enzymes in the glycoside hydrolase 125 family, which may be responsible for the observed higher promiscuity in substrate binding and subsequent terminal glycan hydrolysis. This observation of novel β1-4-galactosidase activity of the α1-6-mannosidase provides unique insights into its bifunctional activity on the substrate structure-dependent processing of terminal α1-6-mannose of unbranched glycans and terminal β1-4-galactose of hybrid and complex glycans. The finding thus suggests the dual glycosidase specificity of this α1-6-mannosidase and the need for careful consideration when used for the structural elucidation of glycan isomers.  相似文献   

Introduction and Aims: Elevated plasma levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) are closely associated with progressive renal injury in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Here, we tested a hypothesis that CRP may promote renal fibrosis and inflammation via a TGF-β/Smad3-dependent mechanism.Methods: Role and mechanisms of TGF-β/Smad3 in CRP-induced renal fibrosis and inflammation were examined in a mouse model of unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO) induced in CRP Tg/Smad3 KO mice and in a rat tubular epithelial cell line in which Smad3 gene is stably knocked down (S3KD-NRK52E).Results: We found that mice overexpressing the human CRP gene were largely promoted renal inflammation and fibrosis as evidenced by increasing IL-1β, TNF-α, MCP-1 expression, F4/80+ macrophages infiltration, and marked accumulation of α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), collagen I and fibronectin in the UUO kidney, which were blunted when Smad3 gene was deleted in CRPtg-Smad3KO. Mechanistically, we found that the protection of renal inflammation and fibrosis in the UUO kidney of CRPtg-Smad3KO mice was associated with the inactivation of CD32-NF-κB and TGF-β/Smad3 signaling.Conclusion: In conclusion, Smad3 deficiency protects against CRP-mediated renal inflammation and fibrosis in the UUO kidney by inactivating CD32-NF-κB and TGF-β/Smad3 signaling.  相似文献   

Activator of G-protein signaling 3 (AGS3, gene name G-protein signaling modulator-1, Gpsm1), an accessory protein for G-protein signaling, has functional roles in the kidney and CNS. Here we show that AGS3 is expressed in spleen, thymus, and bone marrow-derived dendritic cells, and is up-regulated upon leukocyte activation. We explored the role of AGS3 in immune cell function by characterizing chemokine receptor signaling in leukocytes from mice lacking AGS3. No obvious differences in lymphocyte subsets were observed. Interestingly, however, AGS3-null B and T lymphocytes and bone marrow-derived dendritic cells exhibited significant chemotactic defects as well as reductions in chemokine-stimulated calcium mobilization and altered ERK and Akt activation. These studies indicate a role for AGS3 in the regulation of G-protein signaling in the immune system, providing unexpected venues for the potential development of therapeutic agents that modulate immune function by targeting these regulatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

Background: In airway disease such as asthma a hyperactive cellular event of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is considered as the mechanism of pathological airway tissue remodeling after injury to the airway epithelium. And the initiation of EMT in the airways depends on the epithelial disruption involving dissolution and/or destabilization of the adhesive structures between the cells and ECM. Previously, we have shown that integrin-β4, an epithelial adhesion molecule in bronchial epithelium is an important regulator of cell proliferation and wound repair in human airway epithelial cells. Therefore, in this study we aimed to investigate whether integrin-β4 also regulates EMT phenotypes during injury and repair in airway epithelial cells of both wild type/integrin-β4-/- mice in vivo and cultured cells treated with integrin-β4/nonsense siRNA in vitro.Methods: We induced injury to the airway epithelial cells by either repeated exposure to ozone and mechanical scratch wound, and subsequently examined the EMT-related phenotypic features in the airway epithelial cells including biomarkers expression, adhesion and cytoskeleton reorganization and cell stiffness.Results: The results show that in response to injury (ozone exposure/scratch wound) and subsequent spontaneous repair (ozone withdrawal/wound healing) both in vivo and in vitro, the airway epithelial cells underwent dynamic changes in the epithelial and mesenchymal biomarkers expression, adhesion and cytoskeleton structures as well as cell stiffness, all together exhibiting enhanced EMT phenotypic features after injury and reversal of the injury-induced effects during repair. Importantly, these injury/repair-associated EMT phenotypic changes in airway epithelial cells appeared to be dependent on integrin-β4 expression. More specifically, when integrin-β4 was deficient in mice (integrin-β4-/-) the repair of ozone-injured airway epithelium was impaired and the recovery of ozone-enhanced EMT biomarkers expression in the airway epithelium was delayed. Similarly, in the scratch wounded airway epithelial cells with integrin-β4 knockdown, the cells were impaired in all aspects related to EMT during wound and repair including cell proliferation, wound closure rate, adhesion and cytoskeleton protein expression (vinculin and vimentin), mesenchymal-like F-actin reorganization, cell stiffness and RhoA activation.Conclusion: Taken together, these results suggested that integrin-β4 may be essential in regulating the effects of injury and repair on EMT in airway epithelial cells via influencing both the cell adhesion to ECM and cells'' physical phenotypes through RhoA signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Inflammation is a process triggered by pro-inflammatory cytokines and anti-inflammatory molecules. Therefore, it is of interest to document the anti-inflammatory activity of Stachydrine and Sakuranetin against the inflammatory target proteins IL-6 and TNF-α by using molecular docking analysis. Both compounds showed good binding features with the selected target proteins. Compared to Sakuranetin, the Stachydrine have low binding energy and good hydrogen bond interactions. Hence, data show that Stachydrine possessed high and specific inhibitory activity on tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-6.  相似文献   

Hemidesmosomes (HDs) are stable anchoring structures that mediate the link between the intermediate filament cytoskeleton and the cell substratum. We investigated the contribution of various segments of the β4 integrin cytoplasmic domain in the formation of HDs in transient transfection studies using immortalized keratinocytes derived from an epidermolysis bullosa patient deficient in β4 expression. We found that the expression of wild-type β4 restored the ability of the β4-deficient cells to form HDs and that distinct domains in the NH2- and COOH-terminal regions of the β4 cytoplasmic domain are required for the localization of HD1/plectin and the bullous pemphigoid antigens 180 (BP180) and 230 (BP230) in these HDs. The tyrosine activation motif located in the connecting segment (CS) of the β4 cytoplasmic domain was dispensable for HD formation, although it may be involved in the efficient localization of BP180. Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we could demonstrate a direct interaction between β4 and BP180 which involves sequences within the COOH-terminal part of the CS and the third fibronectin type III (FNIII) repeat. Immunoprecipitation studies using COS-7 cells transfected with cDNAs for α6 and β4 and a mutant BP180 which lacks the collagenous extracellular domain confirmed the interaction of β4 with BP180. Nevertheless, β4 mutants which contained the BP180-binding region, but lacked sequences required for the localization of HD1/plectin, failed to localize BP180 in HDs. Additional yeast two- hybrid assays indicated that the 85 COOH-terminal residues of β4 can interact with the first NH2-terminal pair of FNIII repeats and the CS, suggesting that the cytoplasmic domain of β4 is folded back upon itself. Unfolding of the cytoplasmic domain may be part of a mechanism by which the interaction of β4 with other hemidesmosomal components, e.g., BP180, is regulated.  相似文献   

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