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The aim of the study was to check the occurrence of Legionella pneumophila in thermal water and to compare different analytical methods of its determination and/or quantification used in different laboratories. The research has shown that there are noticeable differences between results from culture method, qPCR, and FISH. Significant influence on the results has got analysts qualification, samples preparation, and equipment parameters. Very important is also the homogeneousness of the samples. qPCR or FISH method can be used as a preliminary, quick study, for identification of Legionella in water samples but the results obtained should be confirmed by culture method.  相似文献   

The west European subspecies of house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus) has gained much of its current widespread distribution through commensalism with humans. This means that the phylogeography of M. m. domesticus should reflect patterns of human movements. We studied restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and DNA sequence variations in mouse mitochondrial (mt) DNA throughout the British Isles (328 mice from 105 localities, including previously published data). There is a major mtDNA lineage revealed by both RFLP and sequence analyses, which is restricted to the northern and western peripheries of the British Isles, and also occurs in Norway. This distribution of the 'Orkney' lineage fits well with the sphere of influence of the Norwegian Vikings and was probably generated through inadvertent transport by them. To form viable populations, house mice would have required large human settlements such as the Norwegian Vikings founded. The other parts of the British Isles (essentially most of mainland Britain) are characterized by house mice with different mtDNA sequences, some of which are also found in Germany, and which probably reflect both Iron Age movements of people and mice and earlier development of large human settlements. MtDNA studies on house mice have the potential to reveal novel aspects of human history.  相似文献   



Legionella pneumophila is a waterborne pathogen responsible for Legionnaires’ disease, an infection which can lead to potentially fatal pneumonia. After disinfection, L. pneumophila has been detected, like many other bacteria, in a “viable but non culturable” state (VBNC). The physiological significance of the VBNC state is unclear and controversial: it could be an adaptive response favoring long-term survival; or the consequence of cellular deterioration which, despite maintenance of certain features of viable cells, leads to death; or an injured state leading to an artificial loss of culturability during the plating procedure. VBNC cells have been found to be resuscitated by contact with amoebae.


We used quantitative microscopic analysis, to investigate this “resuscitation” phenomenon in L. pneumophila in a model involving amending solid plating media with ROS scavengers (pyruvate or glutamate), and co-culture with amoebae. Our results suggest that the restoration observed in the presence of pyruvate and glutamate may be mostly due to the capacity of these molecules to help the injured cells to recover after a stress. We report evidence that this extracellular signal leads to a transition from a not-culturable form to a culturable form of L. pneumophila, providing a technique for recovering virulent and previously uncultivated forms of L. pneumophila.


These new media could be used to reduce the risk of underestimation of counts of virulent of L. pneumophila cells in environmental samples.  相似文献   



Legionnaires’ disease is a severe form of pneumonia caused by the environmental bacterium Legionella pneumophila. Outbreaks commonly affect people with known risk factors, but the genetic and pathogenic complexity of L. pneumophila within an outbreak is not well understood. Here, we investigate the etiology of the major Legionnaires’ disease outbreak that occurred in Edinburgh, UK, in 2012, by examining the evolutionary history, genome content, and virulence of L. pneumophila clinical isolates.


Our high resolution genomic approach reveals that the outbreak was caused by multiple genetic subtypes of L. pneumophila, the majority of which had diversified from a single progenitor through mutation, recombination, and horizontal gene transfer within an environmental reservoir prior to release. In addition, we discover that some patients were infected with multiple L. pneumophila subtypes, a finding which can affect the certainty of source attribution. Importantly, variation in the complement of type IV secretion systems encoded by different genetic subtypes correlates with virulence in a Galleria mellonella model of infection, revealing variation in pathogenic potential among the outbreak source population of L. pneumophila.


Taken together, our study indicates previously cryptic levels of pathogen heterogeneity within a Legionnaires’ disease outbreak, a discovery that impacts on source attribution for future outbreak investigations. Furthermore, our data suggest that in addition to host immune status, pathogen diversity may be an important influence on the clinical outcome of individual outbreak infections.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13059-014-0504-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   


This paper is a personal review of the role developments in separation science over the last four decades have played in the diagnosis and understanding of purine and pyridine metabolism particularly in man. In 1967 the separation of nucleotides was used to demonstrate a new chromatography technique. This technique became known as HPLC and which continues to dominate the analysis of purines etc. The resolution and quantitation offered by even the earliest HPLC systems completely changed our understanding of matters such as nucleotide instability in cells and tissues, diagnosis of in born errors, etc. Capillary Electrophoresis also enabled high resolution as well as the quantitation of usual analytes such allantoin. Now LC-MS dominates the diagnostic field. This paper is based on the Anne Simmonds Lecture given by the author at PP17 in Gdansk in 2017.  相似文献   

The question of whether or not parasite phylogeny provides information about host relationships (‘comparative parasitology’) reached a peak in 1957 in a vigorous debate between Gunther Timmermann and Ernst Mayr. Timmermann argued that parasites were associated with their hosts by descent and that this produced congruent host and parasite phylogenies. In contrast, Mayr argued that parasites were often associated by colonization and that this led to incongruence between host and parasite phylogenies. To test these differing views. Adrian Paterson, Russell Gray and Graham Wallis derived a procellaniform phylogeny. This tree is here compared with Timmermann's tree based on the relationships of feather lice. Timmermann's tree is more similar to the seabird phylogeny than would be expected by chance. Thus, support is found for the ‘comparative parasitology’ approach.  相似文献   



Previous studies have defined vaccinia virus (VACV)-derived T cell epitopes in VACV-infected human leukocyte antigen-A*0201 (HLA-A2.1) transgenic (Tg) mice and A2.1-positive human Dryvax vaccinees. A total of 14 epitopes were detected in humans and 16 epitopes in A2.1 Tg mice; however, only two epitopes were independently reported in both systems. This limited overlap raised questions about the suitability of using HLA Tg mice as a model system to map human T cell responses to a complex viral pathogen. The present study was designed to investigate this issue in more detail.


Re-screening the panel of 28 A2.1-restricted epitopes in additional human vaccinees and in A2.1 Tg mice revealed that out of the 28 identified epitopes, 13 were detectable in both systems, corresponding to a 46% concordance rate. Interestingly, the magnitude of responses in Tg mice against epitopes originally identified in humans is lower than for epitopes originally detected in mice. Likewise, responses in humans against epitopes originally detected in Tg mice are of lower magnitude.


These data suggest that differences in immunodominance patterns might explain the incomplete response overlap, and that with limitations; HLA Tg mice represent a relevant and suitable model system to study immune responses against complex pathogens.  相似文献   

Intraspecific competition between co-infecting parasites can influence the amount of virulence, or damage, they do to their host. Kin selection theory dictates that infections with related parasite individuals should have lower virulence than infections with unrelated individuals, because they benefit from inclusive fitness and increased host longevity. These predictions have been tested in a variety of microparasite systems, and in larval stage macroparasites within intermediate hosts, but the influence of adult macroparasite relatedness on virulence has not been investigated in definitive hosts. This study used the human parasite Schistosoma mansoni to determine whether definitive hosts infected with related parasites experience lower virulence than hosts infected with unrelated parasites, and to compare the results from intermediate host studies in this system. The presence of unrelated parasites in an infection decreased parasite infectivity, the ability of a parasite to infect a definitive host, and total worm establishment in hosts, impacting the less virulent parasite strain more severely. Unrelated parasite co-infections had similar virulence to the more virulent of the two parasite strains. We combine these findings with complementary studies of the intermediate snail host and describe trade-offs in virulence and selection within the life cycle. Damage to the host by the dominant strain was muted by the presence of a competitor in the intermediate host, but was largely unaffected in the definitive host. Our results in this host–parasite system suggest that unrelated infections may select for higher virulence in definitive hosts while selecting for lower virulence in intermediate hosts.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death (apoptosis) plays a role in the pathophysiology of many diseases and in the outcome of treatment. Apoptosis is the likely mechanism behind the cytoreductive effects of standard chemotherapeutic and radiation treatments, rejection of organ transplants, cellular damage in collagen vascular disorders, and delayed cell death due to hypoxic-ischemic injury in myocardial infarction and neonatal hypoxic ischemic injury. Observations about the role of apoptosis have fueled the development of novel agents and treatment strategies specifically aimed at inducing or inhibiting apoptosis.Despite these research developments there are no clinical entities where specific measures of apoptosis are used in either diagnosis or patient management. Part of the difficulty in bridging the gap between the basic science understanding of apoptosis and the clinical application of this information is the lack of a sensitive marker to monitor programmed cell death in association with disease progression or regression. Technetium-99m labeled annexin V localizes at sites of apoptosis in-vivo, due to its nanomolar affinity for membrane bound phosphatidylserine. Radiolabeled annexin V imaging permits identification of the site and extent of apoptosis in experimental animals. Annexin V has been successfully used in animal models to image organ transplant rejection, characterize successful therapy of tumors, pinpoint acute myocardial infarction, and identify hypoxic ischemic brain injury of the newborn and adult. Early studies in human subjects suggest that 99mTc annexin imaging will be also be useful to identify rejection in transplant recipients, localize acute myocardial infarction, and characterize the effectiveness of a single treatment in patients with tumors.This review describes the imaging approaches to detect and monitor apoptosis in-vivo that are presently in early clinical trials. The preliminary data are extrapolated to identify conditions where apoptosis imaging may be valuable in clinical decision making. These conditions include: transplant rejection; hypoxic/ischemic injury of heart and brain; and determining the efficacy of therapy in cancer, heart failure and osteoporosis.  相似文献   

Climate change is uncertain and has uncertain effects on the suitabilities of species habitats. Conservation strategies have to take this uncertainty into account. Two concepts for addressing uncertainty are, to make strategies adaptive and robust. Using a stylized ecological-economic model in which a decision maker can allocate a conservation budget between two time periods and two regions, I explore how the cost-effective allocation of the budget depends on ecological and economic parameters, including parameters describing the uncertain dynamics of climate change; and under which circumstances adaptive allocation strategies significantly outperform fixed strategies. Even if an adaptive strategy is politically feasible, its optimisation requires some knowledge about the dynamics of the climate change in the form of statistics like mean and variance of climate parameters. If these statistics are estimated wrong then even an adaptive strategy may fail. To explore the risk of such failure I subject the cost-effective strategies derived in the first part of the analysis to a robustness analysis that, among others, identifies those strategies that are relatively prone to wrong expectations of the climate change. Amongst others, the analysis reveals that flexibility pays only if there is uncertainty in the relative performances of different strategies; and depending on whether substitution between the benefits of the two time periods is allowed or not, the most robust strategy is to concentrate conservation expenses to the first period or to allocate the budget evenly amongst the two time periods, respectively.  相似文献   



In Sweden, diabetes prevalence is increasing in spite of unchanged incidence, indicating improved survival. In recent US studies mortality in diabetic subjects has decreased over three decades, but only in men. Our aim was to study mortality over time in diabetic subjects.


The annual Swedish Living Conditions Survey from 1980 to 2004 has been record-linked to the Cause of Death Register in order to study trends in mortality risk for those reporting diabetes as a chronic illness. Survival and the relative mortality risk within 5 years of follow-up have been calculated for a random sample of men and women aged 40–84 years with (n = 3,589) and without diabetes (n = 85,685) for the period 1980 to 2004. Poisson regression models were used.


The age-adjusted mortality risk relative to non-diabetics within 5 years of follow-up for men was doubled during all periods. The relative risk for women was initially about 2.5, with a substantial drop in mortality in 1995–1999 to 1.45 although it increased to 1.90 in the last period. Using models that took into consideration the presence of heart disease, hypertension, daily smoking, and socio-economic status at the initial interview did not change the relative mortality risk. The age-adjusted 10-year observed survival rate for men with diabetes increased from 41.4% 1980–1984 to 51.5% in 1995–1999. The observed survival for women increased from 43.7% to 61.0%.


Survival rates have improved in subjects with diabetes since the early 1980s, more so in women than in men, thereby decreasing the gap to non-diabetic women.

Limbic hyperactivation and an impaired functional interplay between the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex are discussed to go along with, or even cause, pathological anxiety. Within the multi-faceted group of anxiety disorders, the highly prevalent social phobia (SP) is characterized by excessive fear of being negatively evaluated. Although there is widespread evidence for amygdala hypersensitivity to emotional faces in SP, verbal material has rarely been used in imaging studies, in particular with an eye on disorder-specificity. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and a block design consisting of (1) overall negative, (2) social-phobia related, (3) positive, and (4) neutral words, we studied 25 female patients with social phobia and 25 healthy female control subjects (HC). Results demonstrated amygdala hyperactivation to disorder-relevant but not to generally negative words in SP patients, with a positive correlation to symptom severity. A functional connectivity analysis revealed a weaker coupling between the amygdala and the left middle frontal gyrus in patients. Symptom severity was negatively related to connectivity strength between the amygdala and the ventromedial prefrontal and orbitofrontal cortex (Brodmann Area 10 and 11). The findings clearly support the view of a hypersensitive threat-detection system, combined with disorder-related alterations in amygdala-prefrontal cortex connectivity in pathological anxiety.  相似文献   



Diets rich in whole grain are associated with several health benefits. Little is known however, about whole grain consumption patterns in Malaysia. The aim of this study was to assess whole grain intakes and dietary source in Malaysian children and adolescents.


This analysis is from the MyBreakfast study, a national cross sectional study investigating eating habits among primary and secondary school children throughout Malaysia, conducted in 2013. Children (n = 5,165) and adolescents (n = 2,947) who completed two days of dietary assessment using a food record or recall respectively were included. The whole grain content of foods was estimated mainly through the use of quantitative ingredient declarations on food labels. All wholegrain foods were considered irrespective of the amount of whole grain they contained.


Overall, only 25% of children and 19% of adolescents were wholegrain consumers. Mean daily intakes in the total sample were 2.3g/d (SD 5.8g/d) in children and 1.7g/d (SD 4.7g/d) in adolescents and in the consumer’s only sample, mean intakes reached 9.1g/d (SD 8.6) and 9.2g/d (SD 7.1g/d) respectively. Wheat was the main grain source of whole grain while ready to eat breakfast cereals and hot cereals were the main food contributors. Less than 3% of the children and adolescents reached the US quantitative whole grain recommendation of 48g/day.


Whole grain is consumed by only a minority of Malaysian children and adolescents and even among consumers, intakes are well below recommendations. Efforts are needed to firstly understand the barriers to whole grain consumption among Malaysian children in order to design effective health promotion initiatives to promote an increase in whole grain consumption.  相似文献   



Lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein scavenger receptor-1 (LOX-1) is known to be involved in many pathophysiological events, such as inflammation.


To clarify the role of LOX-1 in mtDNA damage and NLRP3 inflammasome activation, we studied wild-type (WT) and LOX-1 knockout (KO) mice given thioglycollate, an inflammatory stimulus.


We observed intense inflammatory response (CD45 and CD68 expression) and mtDNA damage in spleen and kidneys of WT mice given thioglycollate. The abrogation of LOX-1 (use of LOX-1 knockout mice) reduced the inflammatory response as well as mtDNA damage (P < 0.05 vs. WT mice). We also observed that mice with LOX-1 deletion had markedly reduced expression of caspase-1 (P10 and P20 subunits) as well as cleaved IL-1β and IL-18. These mice also had much less mtDNA damage and only limited NLRP3 inflammasome expression.


These in vivo observations indicate that LOX-1 plays a key role in mtDNA damage which then leads to NLRP3 inflammasome activation during inflammation.  相似文献   

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