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Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) offer tremendous potential for not only treating neurological disorders but also for their ability to serve as vital reagents to model and investigate human disease. To further our understanding of a key protein involved in Alzheimer disease pathogenesis, we stably overexpressed amyloid precursor protein (APP) in hESCs. Remarkably, we found that APP overexpression in hESCs caused a rapid and robust differentiation of pluripotent stem cells toward a neural fate. Despite maintenance in standard hESC media, up to 80% of cells expressed the neural stem cell marker nestin, and 65% exhibited the more mature neural marker β-3 tubulin within just 5 days of passaging. To elucidate the mechanism underlying the effects of APP on neural differentiation, we examined the proteolysis of APP and performed both gain of function and loss of function experiments. Taken together, our results demonstrate that the N-terminal secreted soluble forms of APP (in particular sAPPβ) robustly drive neural differentiation of hESCs. Our findings not only reveal a novel and intriguing role for APP in neural lineage commitment but also identify a straightforward and rapid approach to generate large numbers of neurons from human embryonic stem cells. These novel APP-hESC lines represent a valuable tool to investigate the potential role of APP in development and neurodegeneration and allow for insights into physiological functions of this protein.  相似文献   

Alcohol dehydrogenase 5 (ADH5) is a conserved enzyme for alcohol and aldehyde metabolism in mammals. Despite dynamic expression throughout neurogenesis, its role in neuronal development remains unknown. Here we present the first evidence that ADH5 is a negative regulator of neuronal differentiation. Gene expression analyses identify a constant reduction of ADH5 levels throughout neuronal development. Overexpression of ADH5 reduces both development and adult neuronal differentiation of mouse neurons. This effect depends on the catalytic activity of ADH5 and involves ADH5-mediated denitrosation of histone deacetylase 2 (HDAC2). Our results indicate that ADH5 counteracts neuronal differentiation of human neural stem cells and that this effect can be reversed by pharmacological inhibition of ADH5. Based on these observations, we propose that ADH5 is a novel suppressor of neuronal differentiation and maturation. Inhibition of ADH5 may improve adult neurogenesis in a physiological or pathological setting.  相似文献   

Spinal cord injury (SCI) results in devastating motor and sensory deficits secondary to disrupted neuronal circuits and poor regenerative potential. Efforts to promote regeneration through cell extrinsic and intrinsic manipulations have met with limited success. Stem cells represent an as yet unrealized therapy in SCI. Recently, we identified novel culture methods to induce and maintain primitive neural stem cells (pNSCs) from human embryonic stem cells. We tested whether transplanted human pNSCs can integrate into the CNS of the developing chick neural tube and injured adult rat spinal cord. Following injection of pNSCs into the developing chick CNS, pNSCs integrated into the dorsal aspects of the neural tube, forming cell clusters that spontaneously differentiated into neurons. Furthermore, following transplantation of pNSCs into the lesioned rat spinal cord, grafted pNSCs survived, differentiated into neurons, and extended long distance axons through the scar tissue at the graft-host interface and into the host spinal cord to form terminal-like structures near host spinal neurons. Together, these findings suggest that pNSCs derived from human embryonic stem cells differentiate into neuronal cell types with the potential to extend axons that associate with circuits of the CNS and, more importantly, provide new insights into CNS integration and axonal regeneration, offering hope for repair in SCI.  相似文献   

The diffusible messenger NO plays multiple roles in neuroprotection, neurodegeneration, and brain plasticity. Argininosuccinate synthase (AS) is a ubiquitous enzyme in mammals and the key enzyme of the NO-citrulline cycle, because it provides the substrate l-arginine for subsequent NO synthesis by inducible, endothelial, and neuronal NO synthase (NOS). Here, we provide evidence for the participation of AS and of the NO-citrulline cycle in the progress of differentiation of neural stem cells (NSC) into neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. AS expression and activity and neuronal NOS expression, as well as l-arginine and NO(x) production, increased along neural differentiation, whereas endothelial NOS expression was augmented in conditions of chronic NOS inhibition during differentiation, indicating that this NOS isoform is amenable to modulation by extracellular cues. AS and NOS inhibition caused a delay in the progress of neural differentiation, as suggested by the decreased percentage of terminally differentiated cells. On the other hand, BDNF reversed the delay of neural differentiation of NSC caused by inhibition of NO(x) production. A likely cause is the lack of NO, which up-regulated p75 neurotrophin receptor expression, a receptor required for BDNF-induced differentiation of NSC. We conclude that the NO-citrulline cycle acts together with BDNF for maintaining the progress of neural differentiation.  相似文献   

It has been recently reported that the regulatory circuitry formed by OCT4, miR-302, and NR2F2 controls both pluripotency and neural differentiation of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). We show here that JMJD1C, a histone 3 lysine 9 (H3K9) demethylase expressed in hESCs, directly interacts with this circuitry. hESCs with stable knockdown of JMJD1C remain pluripotent while having reduced miR-302 expression, decreased BMP signaling, and enhanced TGFβ signaling. JMJD1C binds to the miR-302 promoter and reduces H3K9 methylation. Withdrawal of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) from the culture induces neural differentiation of the knockdown, but not the control, cells within 3 days, accompanied by elevated NR2F2 expression. This can be attenuated with miR-302 mimics or an H3K9 methytransferase inhibitor. Together, our findings suggest that JMJD1C represses neural differentiation of hESCs at least partially by epigenetically sustaining miR-302 expression and that JMJD1C knockdown is sufficient to trigger neural differentiation upon withdrawal of exogenous bFGF.  相似文献   

Post-translational palmitoylation of intracellular proteins is mediated by protein palmitoyltransferases belonging to the DHHC family, which share a common catalytic Asp-His-His-Cys (DHHC) motif. Several members have been implicated in neuronal development, neurotransmission, and synaptic plasticity. We previously observed that mice homozygous for a hypomorphic allele of the ZDHHC5 gene are impaired in context-dependent learning and memory. To identify potentially relevant protein substrates of DHHC5, we performed a quantitative proteomic analysis of stable isotope-labeled neuronal stem cell cultures from forebrains of normal and DHHC5-GT (gene-trapped) mice using the bioorthogonal palmitate analog 17-octadecynoic acid. We identified ~300 17-octadecynoic acid-modified and hydroxylamine-sensitive proteins, of which a subset was decreased in abundance in DHHC5-GT cells. Palmitoylation and oligomerization of one of these proteins (flotillin-2) was abolished in DHHC5-GT neuronal stem cells. In COS-1 cells, overexpression of DHHC5 markedly stimulated the palmitoylation of flotillin-2, strongly suggesting a direct enzyme-substrate relationship. Serendipitously, we found that down-regulation of DHHC5 was triggered within minutes following growth factor withdrawal from normal neural stem cells, a maneuver that is used to induce neural differentiation in culture. The effect was reversible for up to 4 h, and degradation was partially prevented by inhibitors of ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis. These findings suggest that protein palmitoylation can be regulated through changes in DHHC PAT levels in response to differentiation signals.  相似文献   

Resveratrol is a phytoalexin and natural phenol that is present at relatively high concentrations in peanuts and red grapes and wine. Based upon studies of yeast and invertebrate models, it has been proposed that ingestion of resveratrol may also have anti-aging actions in mammals including humans. It has been suggested that resveratrol exerts its beneficial effects on health by activating the same cellular signaling pathways that are activated by dietary energy restriction (DR). Some studies have reported therapeutic actions of resveratrol in animal models of metabolic and neurodegenerative disorders. However, the effects of resveratrol on cell, tissue and organ function in healthy subjects are largely unknown. In the present study, we evaluated the potential effects of resveratrol on the proliferation and survival of neural progenitor cells (NPCs) in culture, and in the hippocampus of healthy young adult mice. Resveratrol reduced the proliferation of cultured mouse multi-potent NPCs, and activated AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), in a concentration-dependent manner. Administration of resveratrol to mice (1–10 mg/kg) resulted in activation of AMPK, and reduced the proliferation and survival of NPCs in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. Resveratrol down-regulated the levels of the phosphorylated form of cyclic AMP response element-binding protein (pCREB) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the hippocampus. Finally, resveratrol-treated mice exhibited deficits in hippocampus-dependent spatial learning and memory. Our findings suggest that resveratrol, unlike DR, adversely affects hippocampal neurogenesis and cognitive function by a mechanism involving activation of AMPK and suppression of CREB and BDNF signaling.  相似文献   

Ankyrin-G (AnkG) coordinates protein composition of diverse membrane domains, including epithelial lateral membranes and neuronal axon initial segments. However, how AnkG itself localizes to these membrane domains is not understood. We report that AnkG remains on the plasma membrane in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells grown in low calcium, although these cells lack apical-basal polarity and exhibit loss of plasma membrane association of AnkG partners, E-cadherin and β2-spectrin. We subsequently demonstrate using mutagenesis and mass spectrometry that AnkG is S-palmitoylated exclusively at Cys-70, which is located in a loop of the first ankyrin repeat and is conserved in the vertebrate ankyrin family. Moreover, C70A mutation abolishes membrane association of 190-kDa AnkG in MDCK cells grown in low calcium. C70A 190-kDa AnkG fails to restore biogenesis of epithelial lateral membranes in MDCK cells depleted of endogenous AnkG. In addition, C70A 270-kDa AnkG fails to cluster at the axon initial segment of AnkG-depleted cultured hippocampal neurons and fails to recruit neurofascin as well as voltage-gated sodium channels. These effects of C70A mutation combined with evidence for its S-palmitoylation are consistent with a requirement of palmitoylation for targeting and function of AnkG in membrane domain biogenesis at epithelial lateral membranes and neuronal axon initial segments.  相似文献   

The neural cell adhesion molecule L1 is a phosphorylated integral membrane glycoprotein that is recovered from adult mouse brain by immunoaffinity chromatography as a set of polypeptides with apparent molecular masses of 200, 180, 140, 80, and 50 kilodaltons (L1-200, L1-180, L1-140, L1-80, and L1-50, respectively). In the present study, we show that two kinase activities are associated with immunopurified L1: One specifically phosphorylates L1-200 and L1-80 but not L1-180, L1-140, or L1-50. This pattern of phosphorylation corresponds to the one described for L1 after metabolic phosphate incorporation into cultures of cerebellar cells. In both cases, serine is the main amino acid that is labeled by radioactive phosphate. The kinase activity is not activated by Ca2+, calmodulin, phosphatidylserine, diolein, cyclic AMP, or cyclic GMP, a result suggesting that the enzyme is distinct from Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinases, from protein kinase C, or from cyclic AMP/cyclic GMP-dependent kinases and may belong to the independent kinase group. The other kinase phosphorylates only casein but not L1, utilizes GTP as well as ATP, and is strongly inhibited by heparin. Because the primary structure of the L1 protein does not contain consensus sequences characteristic for known kinases, we believe that the catalytic activities detectable in immunopurified L1 are due to kinases that are strongly enough associated with L1 to withstand the stringent purification procedures.  相似文献   

Control of the growth and differentiation of neural stem cells is fundamental to brain development and is largely dependent on the Notch signaling pathway. The mechanism by which the activity of Notch is regulated during brain development has remained unclear, however. Fbxw7 (also known as Fbw7, SEL-10, hCdc4, or hAgo) is the F-box protein subunit of an Skp1-Cul1-F-box protein (SCF)-type ubiquitin ligase complex that plays a central role in the degradation of Notch family members. We now show that mice with brain-specific deletion of Fbxw7 (Nestin-Cre/Fbxw7(F/F) mice) die shortly after birth with morphological abnormalities of the brain and the absence of suckling behavior. The maintenance of neural stem cells was sustained in association with the accumulation of Notch1 and Notch3, as well as up-regulation of Notch target genes in the mutant mice. Astrogenesis was also enhanced in the mutant mice in vivo, and the differentiation of neural progenitor cells was skewed toward astrocytes rather than neurons in vitro, with the latter effect being reversed by treatment of the cells with a pharmacological inhibitor of the Notch signaling pathway. Our results thus implicate Fbxw7 as a key regulator of the maintenance and differentiation of neural stem cells in the brain.  相似文献   

The amyloid precursor protein (APP) is well studied for its role in Alzheimer disease. However, little is known about its normal function. In this study, we examined the role of APP in neural stem/progenitor cell (NSPC) proliferation. NSPCs derived from APP-overexpressing Tg2576 transgenic mice proliferated more rapidly than NSPCs from the corresponding background strain (C57Bl/6xSJL) wild-type mice. In contrast, NSPCs from APP knock-out (APP-KO) mice had reduced proliferation rates when compared with NSPCs from the corresponding background strain (C57Bl/6). A secreted factor, identified as cystatin C, was found to be responsible for this effect. Levels of cystatin C were higher in the Tg2576 conditioned medium and lower in the APP-KO conditioned medium. Furthermore, immunodepletion of cystatin C from the conditioned medium completely removed the ability of the conditioned medium to increase NSPC proliferation. The results demonstrate that APP expression stimulates NSPC proliferation and that this effect is mediated via an increase in cystatin C secretion.  相似文献   

Connexin43 (Cx43) is the most abundant gap junction protein in higher vertebrate organisms and has been shown to be involved in junctional and non-junctional functions. In addition to the expression of full-length Cx43, endogenously produced carboxyl-terminal segments of Cx43 have been described and have been suggested to be involved in manifold biological functions, such as hypoxic preconditioning and neuronal migration. Molecular aspects, however, behind the separate generation of carboxyl-terminal segments of Cx43 have remained elusive. Here we report on a mechanism that may play a key role in the separate production of these domains. First, stringent evidence derived from siRNA treatment and specific knockouts revealed significant loss of the low molecular weight fragments of Cx43. By applying a dicistronic vector strategy on transfected cell lines, we were able to identify putative IRES activity (nucleotides 442–637) in the coding region of Cx43, which resides upstream from the nucleotide sequence encoding the carboxyl terminus (nucleotides 637–1149). Functional responsiveness of the endogenous expression of Cx43 fragments to hypoxic/ischemic treatment was evaluated in in vitro and in vivo models, which led to a significant increase of the fastest migrating form (20 kDa) under conditions of metabolic deprivation. By nano-MS spectrometry, we achieved stringent evidence of the identity of the 20-kDa segment as part of the carboxyl-terminal domain of full-length Cx43. Our data prove the existence of endogenously expressed carboxyl-terminal domains, which may serve as valuable tools for further translational application in ischemic disorders.  相似文献   

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