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Pancreatic ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channels control insulin secretion by coupling the excitability of the pancreatic β-cell to glucose metabolism. Little is currently known about how the plasma membrane density of these channels is regulated. We therefore set out to examine in detail the endocytosis and recycling of these channels and how these processes are regulated. To achieve this goal, we expressed KATP channels bearing an extracellular hemagglutinin epitope in human embryonic kidney cells and followed their fate along the endocytic pathway. Our results show that KATP channels undergo multiple rounds of endocytosis and recycling. Further, activation of protein kinase C (PKC) with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate significantly decreases KATP channel surface density by reducing channel recycling and diverting the channel to lysosomal degradation. These findings were recapitulated in the model pancreatic β-cell line INS1e, where activation of PKC leads to a decrease in the surface density of native KATP channels. Because sorting of internalized channels between lysosomal and recycling pathways could have opposite effects on the excitability of pancreatic β-cells, we propose that PKC-regulated KATP channel trafficking may play a role in the regulation of insulin secretion.  相似文献   

A hallmark feature of Ca2+/calmodulin (CaM)-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) regulation is the generation of Ca2+-independent autonomous activity by Thr-286 autophosphorylation. CaMKII autonomy has been regarded a form of molecular memory and is indeed important in neuronal plasticity and learning/memory. Thr-286-phosphorylated CaMKII is thought to be essentially fully active (∼70–100%), implicating that it is no longer regulated and that its dramatically increased Ca2+/CaM affinity is of minor functional importance. However, this study shows that autonomy greater than 15–25% was the exception, not the rule, and required a special mechanism (T-site binding; by the T-substrates AC2 or NR2B). Autonomous activity toward regular R-substrates (including tyrosine hydroxylase and GluR1) was significantly further stimulated by Ca2+/CaM, both in vitro and within cells. Altered Km and Vmax made autonomy also substrate- (and ATP) concentration-dependent, but only over a narrow range, with remarkable stability at physiological concentrations. Such regulation still allows molecular memory of previous Ca2+ signals, but prevents complete uncoupling from subsequent cellular stimulation.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of myosin regulatory light chain (MLC) plays a regulatory role in muscle contraction, and the level of MLC phosphorylation is balanced by MLC kinase and MLC phosphatase (MLCP). MLCP consists of a catalytic subunit, a large subunit (MYPT1 or MYPT2), and a small subunit. MLCP activity is regulated by phosphorylation of MYPTs, whereas the role of small subunit in the regulation remains unknown. We previously characterized a human heart-specific small subunit (hHS-M21) that increased the sensitivity to Ca2+ in muscle contraction. In this study, we investigated the role of hHS-M21 in the regulation of MLCP phosphorylation. Two isoforms of hHS-M21, hHS-M21A and hHS-M21B, preferentially bound the C-terminal one-third region of MYPT1 and MYPT2, respectively. Amino acid substitutions at a phosphorylation site of MYPT1, Ser-852, impaired the binding of MYPT1 and hHS-M21. The hHS-M21 increased the phosphorylation level of MYPT1 at Thr-696, which was attenuated by Rho-associated kinase (ROCK) inhibitors and small interfering RNAs for ROCK. In addition, hHS-M21 bound ROCK and enhanced the ROCK activity. These findings suggest that hHS-M21 is a heart-specific effector of ROCK and plays a regulatory role in the MYPT1 phosphorylation at Thr-696 by ROCK.  相似文献   

Protein kinase D (PKD), a serine/threonine kinase with emerging cardiovascular functions, phosphorylates cardiac troponin I (cTnI) at Ser22/Ser23, reduces myofilament Ca2+ sensitivity, and accelerates cross-bridge cycle kinetics. Whether PKD regulates cardiac myofilament function entirely through cTnI phosphorylation at Ser22/Ser23 remains to be established. To determine the role of cTnI phosphorylation at Ser22/Ser23 in PKD-mediated regulation of cardiac myofilament function, we used transgenic mice that express cTnI in which Ser22/Ser23 are substituted by nonphosphorylatable Ala (cTnI-Ala2). In skinned myocardium from wild-type (WT) mice, PKD increased cTnI phosphorylation at Ser22/Ser23 and decreased the Ca2+ sensitivity of force. In contrast, PKD had no effect on the Ca2+ sensitivity of force in myocardium from cTnI-Ala2 mice, in which Ser22/Ser23 were unavailable for phosphorylation. Surprisingly, PKD accelerated cross-bridge cycle kinetics similarly in myocardium from WT and cTnI-Ala2 mice. Because cardiac myosin-binding protein C (cMyBP-C) phosphorylation underlies cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA)-mediated acceleration of cross-bridge cycle kinetics, we explored whether PKD phosphorylates cMyBP-C at its PKA sites, using recombinant C1C2 fragments with or without site-specific Ser/Ala substitutions. Kinase assays confirmed that PKA phosphorylates Ser273, Ser282, and Ser302, and revealed that PKD phosphorylates only Ser302. Furthermore, PKD phosphorylated Ser302 selectively and to a similar extent in native cMyBP-C of skinned myocardium from WT and cTnI-Ala2 mice, and this phosphorylation occurred throughout the C-zones of sarcomeric A-bands. In conclusion, PKD reduces myofilament Ca2+ sensitivity through cTnI phosphorylation at Ser22/Ser23 but accelerates cross-bridge cycle kinetics by a distinct mechanism. PKD phosphorylates cMyBP-C at Ser302, which may mediate the latter effect.  相似文献   

Corynebacteria grow by wall extension at the cell poles, with DivIVA being an essential protein orchestrating cell elongation and morphogenesis. DivIVA is considered a scaffolding protein able to recruit other proteins and enzymes involved in polar peptidoglycan biosynthesis. Partial depletion of DivIVA induced overexpression of cg3264, a previously uncharacterized gene that encodes a novel coiled coil-rich protein specific for corynebacteria and a few other actinomycetes. By partial depletion and overexpression of Cg3264, we demonstrated that this protein is an essential cytoskeletal element needed for maintenance of the rod-shaped morphology of Corynebacterium glutamicum, and it was therefore renamed RsmP (rod-shaped morphology protein). RsmP forms long polymers in vitro in the absence of any cofactors, thus resembling eukaryotic intermediate filaments. We also investigated whether RsmP could be regulated post-translationally by phosphorylation, like eukaryotic intermediate filaments. RsmP was phosphorylated in vitro by the PknA protein kinase and to a lesser extent by PknL. A mass spectrometric analysis indicated that phosphorylation exclusively occurred on a serine (Ser-6) and two threonine (Thr-168 and Thr-211) residues. We confirmed that mutagenesis to alanine (phosphoablative protein) totally abolished PknA-dependent phosphorylation of RsmP. Interestingly, when the three residues were converted to aspartic acid, the phosphomimetic protein accumulated at the cell poles instead of making filaments along the cell, as observed for the native or phosphoablative RsmP proteins, indicating that phosphorylation of RsmP is necessary for directing cell growth at the cell poles.  相似文献   

Cell survival and death-inducing signals are tightly associated with each other, and the decision as to whether a cell survives or dies is determined by controlling the relationship between these signals. However, the mechanism underlying the reciprocal regulation of such signals remains unclear. In this study, we reveal a functional association between PDK1 (3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1), a critical mediator of cell survival, and ASK1 (apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1), an apoptotic stress-activated MAPKKK. The physical association between PDK1 and ASK1 is mediated through the pleckstrin homology domain of PDK1 and the C-terminal regulatory domain of ASK1 and is decreased by ASK1-activating stimuli, such as H2O2, tumor necrosis factor α, thapsigargin, and ionomycin, as well as insulin, a PDK1 stimulator. Wild-type PDK1, but not kinase-dead PDK1, negatively regulates ASK1 activity by phosphorylating Ser967, a binding site for 14-3-3 protein, on ASK1. PDK1 functionally suppresses ASK1-mediated AP-1 transactivation and H2O2-mediated apoptosis in a kinase-dependent manner. On the other hand, ASK1 has been shown to inhibit PDK1 functions, including PDK1-mediated regulation of apoptosis and cell growth, by phosphorylating PDK1 at Ser394 and Ser398, indicating that these putative phosphorylation sites are involved in the negative regulation of PDK1 activity. These results provide evidence that PDK1 and ASK1 directly interact and phosphorylate each other and act as negative regulators of their respective kinases in resting cells.  相似文献   

A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) include a family of scaffolding proteins that target protein kinase A (PKA) and other signaling proteins to cellular compartments and thereby confine the activities of the associated proteins to distinct regions within cells. AKAPs bind PKA directly. The interaction is mediated by the dimerization and docking domain of regulatory subunits of PKA and the PKA-binding domain of AKAPs. Analysis of the interactions between the dimerization and docking domain and various PKA-binding domains yielded a generalized motif allowing the identification of AKAPs. Our bioinformatics and peptide array screening approaches based on this signature motif identified GSKIP (glycogen synthase kinase 3β interaction protein) as an AKAP. GSKIP directly interacts with PKA and GSK3β (glycogen synthase kinase 3β). It is widely expressed and facilitates phosphorylation and thus inactivation of GSK3β by PKA. GSKIP contains the evolutionarily conserved domain of unknown function 727. We show here that this domain of GSKIP and its vertebrate orthologues binds both PKA and GSK3β and thereby provides a mechanism for the integration of PKA and GSK3β signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Many Gram-positive bacteria coordinate cellular processes by signaling through Ser/Thr protein kinases (STPKs), but the architecture of these phosphosignaling cascades is unknown. To investigate the network structure of a prokaryotic STPK system, we comprehensively explored the pattern of signal transduction in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Ser/Thr kinome. Autophosphorylation is the dominant mode of STPK activation, but the 11 M. tuberculosis STPKs also show a specific pattern of efficient cross-phosphorylation in vitro. The biochemical specificity intrinsic to each kinase domain was used to map the provisional signaling network, revealing a three-layer architecture that includes master regulators, signal transducers, and terminal substrates. Fluorescence microscopy revealed that the STPKs are specifically localized in the cell. Master STPKs are concentrated at the same subcellular sites as their substrates, providing additional support for the biochemically defined network. Together, these studies imply a branched functional architecture of the M. tuberculosis Ser/Thr kinome that could enable horizontal signal spreading. This systems-level approach provides a biochemical and spatial framework for understanding Ser/Thr phospho-signaling in M. tuberculosis, which differs fundamentally from previously defined linear histidine kinase cascades.  相似文献   

Many human epithelial cancers are characterized by abnormal activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), which is often caused by its excessive expression in tumor cells. The abundance of EGFR is modulated, in part, by its ubiquitination, which targets it for degradation. The components responsible for adding ubiquitin to EGFR are well characterized, but this is a reversible process, and the mechanisms that modulate the removal of ubiquitin from the EGFR are not well known. We found that de-ubiquitination of EGFR was regulated by diacylglycerol kinase δ (DGKδ), a lipid kinase that terminates diacylglycerol signaling. In DGKδ-deficient cells, ubiquitination of EGFR was enhanced, which attenuated the steady-state levels of EGFR and promoted its ligand-induced degradation. These effects were not caused by changes in the ubiquitinating apparatus, but instead were due to reduced expression of the de-ubiquitinase, ubiquitin-specific protease 8 (USP8). Depletion of protein kinase Cα (PKCα), a target of diacylglycerol, rescued the levels of USP8 and normalized EGFR degradation in DGKδ-deficient cells. Moreover, the effects of PKCα were caused by its inhibition of Akt, which stabilizes USP8. Our data indicate a novel mechanism where DGKδ and PKCα modulate the levels of ubiquitinated EGFR through Akt and USP8.  相似文献   

We previously reported the identification of small serine/threonine kinase (SSTK) that is expressed in postmeiotic germ cells, associates with HSP90, and is indispensable for male fertility. Sperm from SSTK-null mice cannot fertilize eggs in vitro and are incapable of fusing with eggs that lack zona pellucida. Here, using the yeast two-hybrid screen, we have discovered a novel SSTK-interacting protein (SIP) that is expressed exclusively in testis. The gene encoding SIP is restricted to mammals and encodes a 125-amino acid polypeptide with a predicted tetratricopeptide repeat domain. SIP is co-localized with SSTK in the cytoplasm of spermatids as they undergo restructuring and chromatin condensation, but unlike SSTK, is not retained in the mature sperm. SIP binds to SSTK with high affinity (Kd ∼10 nm), and the proteins associate with each other when co-expressed in cells. In vitro, SIP inhibited SSTK kinase activity, whereas the presence of SIP in cells resulted in enzymatic activation of SSTK without affecting Akt or MAPK activity. SIP was found to be associated with cellular HSP70, and analyses with purified proteins revealed that SIP directly bound HSP70. Importantly, SSTK recruited SIP onto HSP90, and treatment of cells with the specific HSP90 inhibitor, 17-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin, completely abolished SSTK catalytic activity. Hence, these findings demonstrate that HSP90 is essential for functional maturation of the kinase and identify SIP as a cochaperone that is critical to the HSP90-mediated activation of SSTK.  相似文献   

p70 ribosomal S6 kinase (p70S6K) is a downstream effector of the mTOR signaling pathway involved in cell proliferation, cell growth, cell-cycle progression, and glucose homeostasis. Multiple phosphorylation events within the catalytic, autoinhibitory, and hydrophobic motif domains contribute to the regulation of p70S6K. We report the crystal structures of the kinase domain of p70S6K1 bound to staurosporine in both the unphosphorylated state and in the 3′-phosphoinositide-dependent kinase-1-phosphorylated state in which Thr-252 of the activation loop is phosphorylated. Unphosphorylated p70S6K1 exists in two crystal forms, one in which the p70S6K1 kinase domain exists as a monomer and the other as a domain-swapped dimer. The crystal structure of the partially activated kinase domain that is phosphorylated within the activation loop reveals conformational ordering of the activation loop that is consistent with a role in activation. The structures offer insights into the structural basis of the 3′-phosphoinositide-dependent kinase-1-induced activation of p70S6K and provide a platform for the rational structure-guided design of specific p70S6K inhibitors.  相似文献   

Store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) due to activation of Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ (CRAC) channels leads to sustained elevation of cytoplasmic Ca2+ and activation of lymphocytes. CRAC channels consisting of four pore-forming Orai1 subunits are activated by STIM1, an endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ sensor that senses intracellular store depletion and migrates to plasma membrane proximal regions to mediate SOCE. One of the fundamental properties of CRAC channels is their Ca2+-dependent fast inactivation. To identify the domains of Orai1 involved in fast inactivation, we have mutated residues in the Orai1 intracellular loop linking transmembrane segment II to III. Mutation of four residues, V151SNV154, at the center of the loop (MutA) abrogated fast inactivation, leading to increased SOCE as well as higher CRAC currents. Point mutation analysis identified five key amino acids, N153VHNL157, that increased SOCE in Orai1 null murine embryonic fibroblasts. Expression or direct application of a peptide comprising the entire intracellular loop or the sequence N153VHNL157 blocked CRAC currents from both wild type (WT) and MutA Orai1. A peptide incorporating the MutA mutations had no blocking effect. Concatenated Orai1 constructs with four MutA monomers exhibited high CRAC currents lacking fast inactivation. Reintroduction of a single WT monomer (MutA-MutA-MutA-WT) was sufficient to fully restore fast inactivation, suggesting that only a single intracellular loop can block the channel. These data suggest that the intracellular loop of Orai1 acts as an inactivation particle, which is stabilized in the ion permeation pathway by the N153VHNL157 residues. These results along with recent reports support a model in which the N terminus and the selectivity filter of Orai1 as well as STIM1 act in concert to regulate the movement of the intracellular loop and evoke fast inactivation.  相似文献   

The serine/threonine protein kinase LKB1 is a tumor suppressor gene mutated in Peutz-Jeghers syndrome patients. The mutations are found also in several types of sporadic cancer. Although LKB1 is implicated in suppression of cell growth and metastasis, the detailed mechanisms have not yet been elucidated. In this study, we investigated the effect of LKB1 on cell motility, whose acquisition occurs in early metastasis. The knockdown of LKB1 enhanced cell migration and PAK1 activity in human colon cancer HCT116 cells, whereas forced expression of LKB1 in Lkb1-null mouse embryonic fibroblasts suppressed PAK1 activity and PAK1-mediated cell migration simultaneously. Notably, LKB1 directly phosphorylated PAK1 at Thr109 in the p21-binding domain in vitro. The phosphomimetic T109E mutant showed significantly lower protein kinase activity than wild-type PAK1, suggesting that the phosphorylation at Thr109 by LKB1 was responsible for suppression of PAK1. Consistently, the nonphosphorylatable T109A mutant was resistant to suppression by LKB1. Furthermore, we found that PAK1 was activated in the hepatocellular carcinomas and the precancerous liver lesions of Lkb1(+/−) mice. Taken together, these results suggest that PAK1 is a direct downstream target of LKB1 and plays an essential role in LKB1-induced suppression of cell migration.  相似文献   

Although the function of protein kinase D1 (PKD) in cardiac cells has remained enigmatic, recent work has shown that PKD phosphorylates the nuclear regulators HDAC5/7 (histone deacetylase 5/7) and CREB, implicating this kinase in the development of dysfunction seen in heart failure. Additional studies have shown that PKD also phosphorylates multiple sarcomeric substrates to regulate myofilament function. Initial studies examined PKD through adenoviral vector expression of wild type PKD, constitutively active PKD (caPKD), or dominant negative PKD in cultured adult rat ventricular myocytes. Confocal immunofluorescent images of these cells reveal a predominant distribution of all PKD forms in a non-nuclear, Z-line localized, striated reticular pattern, suggesting the importance of PKD in Ca(2+) signaling in heart. Consistent with an established role of PKD in targeting cardiac troponin I (cTnI), caPKD expression led to a marked decrease in contractile myofilament Ca(2+) sensitivity with an unexpected electrical stimulus dependence to this response. This desensitization was accompanied by stimulus-dependent increases in cTnI phosphorylation in control and caPKD cells with a more pronounced effect in the latter. Electrical stimulation also provoked phosphorylation of regulatory site Ser(916) on PKD. The functional importance of this phospho-Ser(916) event is demonstrated in experiments with a phosphorylation-defective mutant, caPKD-S916A, which is functionally inactive and blocks stimulus-dependent increases in cTnI phosphorylation. Dominant negative PKD expression resulted in sensitization of the myofilaments to Ca(2+) and blocked stimulus-dependent increases in cTnI phosphorylation. Taken together, these data reveal that localized PKD may play a role as a dynamic regulator of Ca(2+) sensitivity of contraction in cardiac myocytes.  相似文献   

Protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) is a physiological regulator of glucose homeostasis and adiposity and is a drug target for the treatment of obesity and diabetes. Here we identify pyruvate kinase M2 (PKM2) as a novel PTP1B substrate in adipocytes. PTP1B deficiency leads to increased PKM2 total tyrosine and Tyr105 phosphorylation in cultured adipocytes and in vivo. Substrate trapping and mutagenesis studies identify PKM2 Tyr-105 and Tyr-148 as key sites that mediate PTP1B-PKM2 interaction. In addition, in vitro analyses illustrate a direct effect of Tyr-105 phosphorylation on PKM2 activity in adipocytes. Importantly, PTP1B pharmacological inhibition increased PKM2 Tyr-105 phosphorylation and decreased PKM2 activity. Moreover, PKM2 Tyr-105 phosphorylation is regulated nutritionally, decreasing in adipose tissue depots after high-fat feeding. Further, decreased PKM2 Tyr-105 phosphorylation correlates with the development of glucose intolerance and insulin resistance in rodents, non-human primates, and humans. Together, these findings identify PKM2 as a novel substrate of PTP1B and provide new insights into the regulation of adipose PKM2 activity.  相似文献   

Dentin phosphophoryn (DPP) is a major noncollagenous protein in the dentin matrix. In this study, we demonstrate that pluripotent stem cells such as C3H10T1/2 and human bone marrow cells can be committed to the osteogenic lineage by DPP. Treatment with DPP can stimulate the release of intracellular Ca2+. This calcium flux triggered the activation of Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII). Activated CaMKII induced the phosphorylation of Smad1 and promoted nuclear translocation of p-Smad1. Inhibition of store Ca2+ depletion by 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid tetrakis(acetoxymethyl ester) or down-regulation of CaMKII by KN-62, a selective cell-permeable pharmacological inhibitor or a dominant negative plasmid of CaMKII, blocked DPP-mediated Smad1 phosphorylation. Activation of Smad1 resulted in the expression of osteogenic markers such as Runx2, Osterix, DMP1, Bone sialoprotein, Osteocalcin, NFATc1, and Schnurri-2, which have been implicated in osteoblast differentiation. These findings suggest that DPP is capable of triggering commitment of pluripotent stem cells to the osteogenic lineage.  相似文献   

RPK1 (receptor-like protein kinase 1) localizes to the plasma membrane and functions as a regulator of abscisic acid (ABA) signaling in Arabidopsis. In our current study, we investigated the effect of RPK1 disruption and overproduction upon plant responses to drought stress. Transgenic Arabidopsis overexpressing the RPK1 protein showed increased ABA sensitivity in their root growth and stomatal closure and also displayed less transpirational water loss. In contrast, a mutant lacking RPK1 function, rpk1-1, was found to be resistant to ABA during these processes and showed increased water loss. RPK1 overproduction in these transgenic plants thus increased their tolerance to drought stress. We performed microarray analysis of RPK1 transgenic plants and observed enhanced expression of several stress-responsive genes, such as Cor15a, Cor15b, and rd29A, in addition to H2O2-responsive genes. Consistently, the expression levels of ABA/stress-responsive genes in rpk1-1 had decreased compared with wild type. The results suggest that the overproduction of RPK1 enhances both the ABA and drought stress signaling pathways. Furthermore, the leaves of the rpk1-1 plants exhibit higher sensitivity to oxidative stress upon ABA-pretreatment, whereas transgenic plants overproducing RPK1 manifest increased tolerance to this stress. Our current data suggest therefore that RPK1 overproduction controls reactive oxygen species homeostasis and enhances both water and oxidative stress tolerance in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

MEKK3 serves as a critical intermediate signaling molecule in lysophosphatidic acid-mediated nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) activation. However, the precise regulation for MEKK3 activation at the molecular level is still not fully understood. Here we report the identification of two regulatory phosphorylation sites at Thr-516 and Ser-520 within the kinase activation loop that is essential for MEKK3-mediated IκB kinase β (IKKβ)/NF-κB activation. Substitution of these two residues with alanine abolished the ability of MEKK3 to activate IKKβ/NF-κB, whereas replacement with acidic residues rendered MEKK3 constitutively active. Furthermore, substitution of these two residues with alanine abolished the ability of MEKK3 to mediate lysophosphatidic acid-induced optimal IKKβ/NF-κB activation.  相似文献   

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