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A replicated trial was done to find whether the insecticides Thimet and Rogor applied in the soil affected the spread of aphid-transmitted viruses from infected to healthy plants with potato crops. The insecticides were applied at planting as activated carbon formulations at rates equal in cost to three sprays with DDT emulsion at 2 lb. DDT per acre. The infected plants were removed (rogued) in late June.
Thimet applied along the furrows with the fertilizer, and Rogor applied in individual doses beneath each tuber, kept the plants free from aphids from a week after the plants emerged until early August. Thimet in individual doses was less effective but greatly decreased the aphid infestation. All treatments prevented or greatly decreased the spread of leaf-roll virus, but they only slightly decreased the spread of virus Y. No treatment damaged the plants or depressed yields significantly.
Tubers harvested from the plots treated with insecticides contained only very small quantities of the insecticides, but shoots from them, when infested with adult Myzus persicae (Sulz.), carried fewer aphids a week after infestation than did shoots from control tubers. Shoots of tubers from treated plots also grew more slowly than those from the controls.
The aphicidal efficiency of Thimet applied as individual doses separated from the tubers by distances of up to 6 in., decreased as the distance increased, but the effect of distance became less as time passed.
Reasons for the differences in the behaviour of the insecticides are discussed, and the possibilities that the method offers to control virus diseases. The application of insecticides to soil promises to be a useful way of controlling the spread of viruses, provided the harvested crop is free from toxic residues.  相似文献   

Experiments at Invergowrie, south-east Perthshire, showed that the extent of spread of potato leaf-roll and Y viruses varied from year to year and that virus Y consistently spread more than leaf roll. Most spread of Virus Y occurred before the end of June and of leaf-roll virus before the end of July. Both viruses spread slightly more in late- than in early-planted crops. When plants with leaf roll and already colonized by Myzus persicae were placed in a healthy crop of Majestic potatoes at intervals during the season, the amount of virus spread decreased rapidly with increasing age of the crop. Spread of leaf roll occurred in all of twenty-five 'seed' crops in different districts of eastern Scotland in 1955 but in only twenty out of thirty-six similar crops in 1956. Annual and regional differences in virus spread appear to reflect differences in the time at which migrant aphids reach potato crops in early summer and the rate at which infestation builds up in the crops.  相似文献   

A series of experiments on the spread of potato rugose mosaic (virus Y ), and leaf roll, which has been in progress on a uniform plan since 1943, was ended in 1946. Mean values for thirteen centres in England and Wales showed that in 1946 69% of the infections with virus Y and 48 % of those with leaf-roll virus reached the tubers of Majestic potatoes by the beginning of August. There was usually little subsequent increase of rugose mosaic, but a late increase of leaf roll was associated with a relatively high initial spread. Three-quarters of the virus Y and over half the leaf-roll infections occurred within five plants distance of the source. There was no close correlation between the spread of either virus and the maximum number of Myzus persicae , either apterous forms on the plants or alate forms caught on adhesive traps, but centres with high trap catches in July and August showed pronounced late season spread of leaf roll. There were marked differences at different centres in the relative spread of the two viruses. The amount of spread and the gradients from source of infection of the two viruses are compared over the period 1943–6.  相似文献   

Field experiments on potato aphids and virus spread in South Wales 1966/9   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 1966-9 the spread of leaf roll and severe mosaic (Virus Y) was investigated in seed and ware areas in South Wales. The use of disulfoton granules at planting time greatly reduced the spread of leaf-roll virus in both areas but had less effect on the spread of severe mosaic. Foliar sprays with formothion did not reduce the spread of either virus. Practical considerations are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Young potato plants in pots exposed in the open near plots of potatoes for limited periods at intervals during the summer, became infested with large numbers of winged aphids only during warm, calm and dry weather. Although visited by aphids during May and June, when much of the spread of viruses occurred in nearby potato crops, few of the potted plants became infected. Most potted plants became infected in July when alate aphids were leaving neighbouring potato crops. Widely different proportions of the exposed plants became infected in different years; in two of the three years, many more plants were infected with virus Y than with leaf roll virus.  相似文献   

Patterns of spread of Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) were examined in lettuce and pepper plantings into which thrips vectors spread the virus from external virus sources. These plantings were: 1) seven separate field trials into which TSWV ‘infector’ plants of tomato were introduced alongside or near to plantings of lettuce or pepper, and 2) three commercial lettuce plantings into which spread from nearby external infection sources was occurring naturally. The vector thrips species were Frankliniella occidentalis, F. schnitzel and Thrips tabaci, at least two of which were always present. Spatial data for plants with TSWV infection collected at different stages in the growing period were assessed by plotting gradients of infection, and using Spatial Analysis by Distance IndicEs (SADIE) and maps of spatial pattern. Despite the persistent nature of TSWV transmission by thrips vectors, in both lettuce and pepper plantings there was a steep decline in TSWV incidence with distance from external infection sources that were alongside them. The extent of clustering increased over time and was greatest closest to the source. The relationship between percentage infection and assessment date suggested that spread was predominantly monocyclic with only limited polycyclic spread. Development of isolated clusters of infected plants distant from TSWV sources within both crops was consistent with only limited polycyclic spread. Spread to lettuce was greater downwind than upwind of virus source, with magnitude and proximity of source determining the amount of spread. When 15 m wide fallow or non-host (cabbage) barriers separated TSWV sources from lettuce plantings, spread was slower and there was much less clustering with the latter. In commercial lettuce plantings, spread was favoured by TSWV movement within successive side-by-side plantings. The spatial data from the diverse scenarios examined enabled recommendations to be made over ‘safe’ planting distances between external infection sources of different magnitudes and susceptible crops that were short-lived (e.g. lettuce) or long-lived (e.g. pepper). They also helped validate the inclusion of isolation and ‘safe’ planting distances, planting upwind, prompt removal of virus sources, avoidance of side-by-side plantings, and deploying intervening non-host barrier crops as control measures within an integrated disease management strategy for TSWV in field vegetable crops.  相似文献   

When potato tubers were stored at 37-5° C. in a humid atmosphere, some lost their germinating power after 20 days but others survived up to 40 days. All tubers infected with leaf-roll virus that survived 25 days at this temperature produced healthy plants. Similar treatments up to 40 days did not free tubers from potato viruses X and Y.  相似文献   

Datura tatula is a more suitable host than potato for studying the factors influencing the transmission of potato leaf-roll virus by Myzus persicae ; it is more easily infected, provides a better source of virus for feeding aphids, produces symptoms more quickly and over a longer period of the year.
Loughnane's (1943) claim that leaf-roll virus is transmitted by starved aphids that feed for only 5 min. on infected potato plants was not confirmed. The shortest infection-feeding time in which M. persicae aphids became infective was 2 hr.; such aphids did not infect healthy plants in the first 2 days and, when transferred to a series of healthy plants at intervals, infected only few. The ability to cause infections was increased by increasing the length of infection feeding. Aphids fed for many days on infected plants could infect healthy plants in the first 15 min. of test feeding, and they continued to cause infections for long periods.
Aphids became infective more readily when feeding on recently infected Datura tatula , showing only slight symptoms, than on older plants with pronounced chlorosis; similarly, young potato sprouts showing no symptoms were better sources of virus for aphids than older plants showing severe leaf roll.
The differences in severity of symptoms shown by potato plants with leaf roll in the field mainly occur because of differences in virulence of accompanying strains of potato virus X , but isolates of leaf-roll virus were found that also varied in virulence.  相似文献   

Various workers have proposed formulae to express the spatial distribution of insect-borne diseases. All the published data examined, as well as the Rothamsted data for the spread of rugose mosaic and leaf-roll from point sources in potato crops, were fitted as well by the simple empirical expression log I=a + bx as by more complex expressions ( I = number of infective punctures at a distance x from the source after a given time, and a and b are constants for any one given set of field conditions). It is suggested that distances should always be given in metres, in order to give comparable results from one investigation to another. In the analysis of data on rugose mosaic and leaf-roll in'different years, it is shown that a and b vary independently.  相似文献   

The number of Aphis fabae Scop. per plant and per acre developing on field beans (Vicia faba L.) was inversely related to seeding rate (i.e. plant density) except sometimes at very low rates; with equal numbers of plants per acre, fewer aphids developed on plants in rows 11 in. than 22 in. apart. Plots sown in mid-March with more than about 150,000 plants per acre were more attractive than less dense stands to colonizing alate A. fabae, but established colonies multiplied most on the sparsest and least on the densest plots. The number of plants per acre infected by pea leaf-roll virus was inversely related to planting density. There were more virus-infected plants on II in. than on 22 in. spaced rows-in contrast to the numbers of A. fabae. A single spray with demeton-methyl, timed to control A. fabae, did not significantly decrease virus incidence. Grain yields of sprayed plots were little altered by increasing the seed rate above a critical minimum, except in one year when the densest crops lodged. Increased yields from spraying were closely related to the numbers of A. fabae on unsprayed plots. Dense planting (more than 400,000 plants per acre) prevented or greatly decreased losses caused by A. fabae in unsprayed plots except in one year when the aphids were exceptionally abundant.  相似文献   

In plants infected with leaf-roll virus a type of phloem obliteration and necrosis occurs which is distinct from any abnormality produced by other pathogens or arising from physiological causes. The necrosis occurs in the primary phloem only of the bicollateral bundles. The affected tissue reacts with phloro-glucinol in HCI. It was present in all of 179 plants of 33 varieties showing secondary leaf-roll which were examined and was not found in any of 83 healthy plants of 20 varieties. The amount of necrosis varies in different plants. If the disease is severe, necrosis may extend to almost all parts of the plant except the stolon, tubers and roots. If the infection is mild it may be confined to a very few strands in two or three nodes near the base of the main stem. Phloem necrosis can always be found before leaf rolling is apparent.
In primary leaf-roll, slight necrosis can be found in the stem near the bases of the lowest rolled leaves and sometimes in the petioles.
A technique is suggested for the use of this symptom in diagnosis.  相似文献   

Studies on the spread of potato viruses X and Y and cucumber mosaic virus in the field are described: tobacco was used as the experimental plant. The plants were set out in the form of a cross, one series with the leaves in contact and one with the leaves not touching. No spread of potato virus X was observed, but there was extremely rapid permeation of virus Y throughout the plots. The spread of cucumber mosaic virus was much slower than that of virus Y.  相似文献   

Twelve potato clones were exposed to infection by aphids with potato leafroll luteovirus (PLRV) in three field trials in order to assess their resistance to infection. Up to 92% of the plants of some clones became infected, although other clones were relatively resistant to infection and one clone remained virus-free in all three trials. The resistance of the same 12 clones to PLRV multiplication was assessed in glasshouse-grown plant: lants were graft-inoculated and their daughter tubers were used to grow plants with secondary infection. High concentrations of PLRV were found in some clones (c. 1700 ng/g leaf) while in others much less virus accumulated (as little as 60 ng/g leaf). However, clones in which little virus accumulated were not necessarily those which were most resistant to infection in the field, and there was no association between the two types of resistance. Nevertheless, both types of resistance were found in some clones. The clone G8107(1), which remained virus-free in all the field exposure trials, was also the most resistant to PLRV multiplication. The combination of these two types of resistance in cultivars should help to eliminate the spread of PLRV in crops.  相似文献   

Experiments on roguing virus-diseased plants from plots of Majestic potatoes, which have been in progress since 1943, were continued in 1946. Plots were rogued in mid-June, early and late July, and plants were lifted from these plots at the end of July, August and September respectively. Roguing had little effect in reducing the spread of rugose mosaic (caused by potato virus Y ). The spread of leaf roll was reduced to half that on unrogued plots by roguing on 14 June. Later roguing did not reduce the spread of leaf roll, unless combined with early lifting. Early lifting increased the effect of early roguing. In spite of these results roguing main crop potatoes in the south of England is not considered a practical control measure.  相似文献   

Removing virus-infected plants from plots of Majestic potatoes at Rothamsted on 2 July 1947 did not reduce the spread of leaf roll but reduced rugose mosaic (potato virus Y) to about one-fifth of that in plots rogued on 21 July or left unrogued. Roguing Arran Pilot potatoes on 16 June or 2 July reduced leaf roll to five-sixths of that in unrogued plots; roguing on 16 June reduced rugose mosaic to about half that in plots rogued on 2 July, and about a quarter of that in unrogued plots. Lifting Arran Pilot potatoes in mid-August reduced virus diseases to about two-thirds.
Roguing flattened the gradient (decrease in percentage plants diseased with increasing distance from the source of infection) with rugose mosaic, but had little effect with leaf roll. Evidently any plants prevented by roguing from contracting virus Y were near the initially infected plants.
In 1948, Majestic and King Edward potatoes at three places were rogued during 22–24 June and tubers were dug during 28–30 July and again at the end of the season. Leaf roll spread more in Majestic than in King Edward, and rugose mosaic spread more in King Edward. Roguing reduced the spread of both by about one-fifth at Rothamsted, but had no effect at Sutton Bonington. At Bretton, in the Derbyshire hills, roguing had no effect on leaf roll, but prevented the spread of rugose mosaic.
The small benefit occasionally achieved by roguing in the ware-growing districts of England does not make the practice economically worth while.  相似文献   

Two virus diseases, alomae and bobone, both of which are spread by the planthopper Tarophagus proserpina affect taro (Colocasia esculenta) on Malaita, Solomon Islands. Where the diseases were endemic, plants of 284 of 297 cultivars died from alomae infection; the remaining 13 showed bobone symptoms on three to five leaves and then recovered, but symptoms later recurred on 12–13% of plants. Loss of yield due to alomae infection was directly proportional to the percentage of plants infected. Losses due to bobone of c. 25% could not be reliably detected unless insect pests were controlled. Frequent sprays with 0–1% malathion had no appreciable effect on the incidence of alomae, but fewer plants (30%) were infected when planted in November or December than when planted in May, June or August (64–94%). Because new taro crops are traditionally grown close to infected crops, insecticidal control of the vectors will probably be of limited use in decreasing spread of the diseases.  相似文献   

Potato virus Y was obtained from field crops of potatoes in many strains which differed widely in virulence and caused diseases in the variety Majestic ranging from severe leaf-drop streak to mild mosaic. The symptoms caused by these strains in seven potato varieties and tobacco are described and compared with those caused by the serologically related potato virus C. No changes were noted in the behaviour of any of the strains over three years, during which they were transmitted to many different plants.
Potato virus C was not transmitted by Myzus persicae , the most efficient vector of other strains of virus Y. Nor was virus C transmitted by eleven other species of aphides, eight of which transmitted virus Y. The efficiency with which different species acted as vectors of virus Y varied greatly, and it is suggested that in some species only occasional individuals can transmit.
Possible mechanisms for the evolution of viruses C and Y are indicated, and the effects of changes in virus, vector, and host on the prevalence of insect-transmitted viruses are discussed.  相似文献   

Batches of potato plants in pots were placed in the field for limited periods among plants infected with potato virus Y and leaf roll virus. Some of the potted plants were surrounded by sticky boards which prevented apterous aphids from reaching them. Almost as many plants within the boards as without became infected, indicating that most of the spread of virus was by winged aphids.
Apterae were probably responsible for spreading the viruses throughout a hill after one or more stems were infected. They may carry infection to neighbouring plants, but most of these will have been infected already by alatae.
The number of plants contracting infection was unaffected by watering.  相似文献   

Appearance and spread of infection with mosaic-inducing viruses were studied for three seasons in tomato crops under glass. Comparison was made between the reactions of plants raised from virus-free seed and those of plants raised from virus-infected seed, on plots distributed at random in a house in which no precautions against entry and spread of virus were taken. Freedom from mosaic infection was maintained longest in plants raised from virus-free seed. An experiment was carried out after steam sterilization of the soil and under exceptionally favourable weather conditions. Appearance of mosaic symptoms occurred later in the life of the plants in this season and plants raised from virus-free seed did not react differently from other plants.
The location of plants first showing mosaic symptoms was related to the depth and texture of soil beneath those plants.
Tests were made of the apparent virus content of infected tomato seed during germination and differences were found in the persistence of virus during germination in seeds of differing origin.
Apparent, 'delayed' seed transmission of mosaic-inducing viruses occurs in the tomato crop, but as yet, this condition can only be interpreted in terms of differences in the resistance of plants raised from seed of differing origin to the multiplication and systemic spread of those viruses. The use of virus-free seed taken from well-nourished vigorous plants is essential to the production of a virus-free tomato crop under commercial conditions.  相似文献   

Transmission of potato vims Y to sweet pepper by the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer), was inhibited by foliar applications of 1.0% or 2.0% neem seed oil to infected source plants or to uninfected recipient plants. Neem seed oil interfered with virus acquisition and inoculation in a manner comparable to that of a commercial horticultural oil, while an oil-free neem seed extract did not reduce rates of transmission compared with controls. The finding that neem seed oil inhibits virus transmission, while oil-free neem seed extract does not, suggests that the presence of the oil rather than biologically active limonoids such as azadirachtin interfere with virus transmission. None of the treatments affected rates of infection when potato virus Y was transmitted mechanically, or the resulting virus titre and symptom expression. In addition to direct control of insect pests, formulated neem oils may help reduce or delay the spread of non-persistent plant viruses.  相似文献   

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