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The complete life cycle of Triatoma flavida, weekly fed on hens, was studied at 28+/-2 degrees C and 80+/-10% RH. Aspects related to hatching, life span, mortality and feeding behavior for each stage of its life cycle were evaluated. The hatching rate observed for 100 eggs was 93% with an average incubation period of 27.2 days. Sixty-two nymphs completed the cycle and the mean egg to adult development time was 230.4 days. Mean duration of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th instar nymphs was 22.1, 25.3, 36.7, 49.7 and 69.4 days, respectively. The number of blood meals on each nymphal stage varied from 1 to 7. The mortality rate was 6.5% for NI, 23% for NIII and 7.5% for NV nymphs. Mean number of laid eggs per female was 283.1. Adult survival rates were 344.8 +/- 256.4 days for males and 285.3 +/- 201.8 days for females.  相似文献   

Triatoma brasiliensis is composed of at least four geographic populations (brasiliensis, melanica, macromelasoma, and juazeiro) that have distinct chromatic, morphologic, biologic and ecologic patterns, and genetic composition. Reciprocal crosses between all pairwise combinations were carried out in order to evaluate the genetic and reproductive compatibility of these four populations. The F1 individuals developed normally and the resulting adults were crossed again to test the F2 and F3 viability. Genetic incompatibility was found between melanica and brasiliensis populations.  相似文献   

Megaselia scalaris (Loew) is a cosmopolitan and synanthropic scuttle fly, eclectic in its feeding habits and acts as detritivore, parasite, facultative parasite, and parasitoid. Here we report for the first time M. scalaris infesting laboratory colonies of Triatoma brasiliensis Neiva, the most important Chagas disease vector in semiarid areas of Brazil. M. scalaris larvae were found feeding inside bugs; pupae were found in the esophagus and intestinal regions of T. brasiliensis through dissection. Other relevant information about this finding is also described in this note, including some preventive measures to avoid laboratory colonies infestations.  相似文献   

Triatoma brasiliensis (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) is an important vector of Chagas' disease in both sylvatic and peridomestic ecotopes. Discriminating between these populations of Triatominae has been proposed as a means of investigating re‐infestation rates of human dwellings. Geometric morphometrics have been widely applied in the study of Triatominae polymorphisms at species and population levels. This study characterizes morphometric differences between sylvatic and peridomestic populations, as well as between sexes in T. brasiliensis specimens from Jaguaruana, Ceará, in northeastern Brazil. No differences in either the shape or size of the cephalic capsule were apparent between sexes or ecotopes. However, the wings showed differentiation in shape and size. Sexual dimorphism was detected, with females presenting significantly higher values and conformations. Size differentiation was also evident, with sylvatic specimens being generally larger than peridomestic examples. These results indicate that differences in the wings of T. brasiliensis may be related to the existence of phenotypic plasticity, and variations in size and shape may be associated with different ecotopes, possibly as a result of conditions in each micro‐habitat, such as temperature, relative humidity, food supply and density.  相似文献   

Previous authors demonstrated that Triatoma virus (TrV) is able to infect several species of triatomines when injected with viral inoculum obtained from its original host, T. infestans. Both vertical (transovarian) and horizontal (faecal-oral) mechanisms of viral transmission were also described. In this paper we report the experimental TrV infection of a wild species from southern Argentina, T. patagonica. The inoculum consisted of clarified gut contents of infected T. infestans rubbed on the chicken skin whereupon T. patagonica individuals were fed. The results demonstrate that this is another potential host for the virus, and that the oral route is also effective for experimental interspecific infections.  相似文献   

The characterization of sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in hematophagous arthropod vectors in general has been limited, with the exception of the studies in the triatomine Rhodnius prolixus. Heparan sulfate (HS) and chondroitin sulfate (CS) were previously identified and structurally characterized in extracts of whole bodies of fourth instar larvae of R. prolixus. Recently, we showed the expression of these two sulfated GAGs in specific body tissues of adult males and females and in embryos of R. prolixus. In the present work, we identified and compared the sulfated GAG composition in specific tissues of adult insects and in embryos of another triatomine species, Triatoma brasiliensis. Sulfated GAGs were isolated from the fat body, intestinal tract, and the reproductive tracts of adult insects and from embryos. Only HS and CS were found in the tissues analyzed. The present results extend the initial observations on the sulfated GAG composition in R. prolixus by showing that these molecules are widely distributed among internal organs of triatomines. These observations may be useful for future investigations aiming to evaluate the possible implication of these compounds in physiological events that take place in a specific organ(s) in these insects.  相似文献   

The flight initiation of T. infestans, the main vector of Chagas disease in the Southern Cone countries of Latin America, and of the closely-related species T. melanosoma was studied in laboratory. The results demonstrated that after the beginning of observations the peak of the flight activity was about 14 days after feeding in both species and it was usually more marked in the females than in the males, but there were no significant differences in the flight behaviour of the two species.  相似文献   

In this paper, glandular areas associated with the phallus in Triatoma rubrofasciata are described and illustrated for the first time. The glandular areas lie in the membrane surrounding the articulatory apparatus. In order to unambiguously define the locality of the respective glandular areas, some features of the pygophore-phallus connection are redescribed. A possible functional context of the gland secretions is discussed. A preliminary study of several other Reduviidae implies that the described glandular areas occur in a wider range of taxa in this group.  相似文献   

Triatoma infestans (Klug) is the main vector of Chagas disease, which is a public health concern in most Latin American countries. The prevention of Chagas disease is based on the chemical control of the vector using pyrethroid insecticides. In the last decade, different levels of deltamethrin resistance have been detected in certain areas of Argentina and Bolivia. Because of this, alternative non-pyrethroid insecticides from different chemical groups were evaluated against two T. infestans populations, NFS and El Malá, with the objective of finding new insecticides to control resistant insect populations. Toxicity to different insecticides was evaluated in a deltamethrin-susceptible and a deltamethrin-resistant population. Topical application of the insecticides fenitrothion and imidacloprid to first nymphs had lethal effects on both populations, producing 50% lethal dose (LD50) values that ranged from 5.2-28 ng/insect. However, amitraz, flubendiamide, ivermectin, indoxacarb and spinosad showed no insecticidal activity in first instars at the applied doses (LD50 > 200 ng/insect). Fenitrothion and imidacloprid were effective against both deltamethrin-susceptible and deltamethrin-resistant populations of T. infestans. Therefore, they may be considered alternative non-pyrethroid insecticides for the control of Chagas disease.  相似文献   

The values of biological parameters related to hatching, lifespan, the number of blood meals between moults, mortality, time lapse before the beginning of feeding, feeding time and defecation delay for each instar of three Mexican-American species of Triatominae, Triatoma recurva, Triatoma protracta (former subspecies protracta) and Triatoma rubida (former subspecies uhleri), were evaluated and compared. No significant (p > 0.05) differences were recorded among the three species with respect to the average time required to hatch. This time was approximately 19 days. The average egg-to-adult development time was significantly (p < 0.05) shorter for T. rubida. The number of blood meals at each nymphal instar varied from one-five for each species. The mortality rates were higher for the first-instar nymphs of the three species studied. The mean time lapse before the beginning of feeding was between 0.3-3 min for most nymphs of all instars of each species studied. The mean feeding time was the longest for T. recurva, followed by T. protracta. The defecation delay was less than 10 min for T. recurva and T. rubida. Given these results, only T. rubida should be considered an important potential vector of Trypanosoma cruzi transmission to humans in areas of Mexico where these species exist, whereas T. recurva and T. protracta would be of secondary importance.  相似文献   

Among the vectors of Chagas disease, Triatoma patagonica is a species in the process of adaptation to the human environment being recently registered in urban and suburban zones. However, its importance as a vector of Chagas disease is unknown. The aim of this work was to evaluate two aspects of vectorial competence: the feeding behaviour and the defaecation pattern. These processes were studied in females of T. patagonica fed ad libitum on a restrained pigeon. The results showed that the blood meal size was negatively correlated with the time of first defaecation (r = -0.42). The first defaecation was emitted before the first 10 min and defaecations during feeding were frequent. A total of 73% of females, defaecated during the first 30 min post-feeding. These results suggest that if this species subsequently colonizes the domicile, it would be capable of transmitting Trypanosoma cruzi.  相似文献   

M. L. S. Mello  M. Pudney 《Genetica》1987,74(2):131-136
The cytophotometric evaluation of the Feulgen-DNA content of the BTC-32 cells at passage 160 after 6 days of growth demonstrated that polyploidy is relatively frequent in this cell line. 4C values were assumed to pertain to diploid nuclei at the S or G2 phases but also to polyploid nuclei at the G1 phase. Polyploidy in 4C nuclei is assumed to be attained by endomitosis. However, there are morphological indications that polyploidization in cells with an 8C–128C Feulgen-DNA content could result from cellular and nuclear fusions, possibly mediated by viral particles present in the cell culture. Micronucleation was also frequent; it was assumed to be promoted by viral action or deficiency in some culture medium nutrient. These nuclear characteristics should be considered when using the BTC-32 cell line for monitoring the action of infective agents or their products.  相似文献   

Insect c‐type lysozymes are antibacterial proteins that are synthesized in different organs with high activity against Gram‐positive bacteria. Because lysozymes possess muramidase activity, they also play an important role in the digestion of bacteria in Diptera. Triatomines express lysozyme‐encoding genes constitutively in the anterior region (cardia and stomach) of the midgut and the fat body after injection of bacteria into the haemocoel. The present study describes the overexpression of the Triatoma brasiliensis lysozyme 1 (lys1) in Escherichia coli. Recombinant T. brasiliensis Lys1 (TbLys1) is purified after solubilization of the inclusion bodies. The protein refolds successfully, showing muramidase activity against Micrococcus lysodeikticus lyophilized cells, after enterokinase cleavage of its thioredoxin fusion protein. In in‐gel zymograms and turbidimetric liquid assays TbLys1 is broadly active under alkaline and acid conditions, indicating a possible digestive function in the two physiologically different midgut regions of the bug: the stomach and small intestine. Muramidase activity is shown in the stomach and small intestine content of unfed bugs and bugs at different days after feeding, respectively. Western blot analysis identifies TbLys1 as lysozyme.  相似文献   

Morphological structures of the head of 1st and 5th instar nymphs of Triatoma circummaculata and Triatoma rubrovaria were revealed by analysis using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Differences between 1st and 5th instar nymphs of these two species were observed in the postocular callosity, the number of ommatidia and tapered hair, the small segment between antennal segments, the rostrum third segment and slit lines. These slit lines were different only in the 5th instar. Similarities observed were the presence of tapered hairs in the joints, and the type of sensilla in the antennal segments. Only the 1st instar shows anteclypeus and gena sensilla. The antennal segments comprise the following types of sensilla: basiconica, bristles type I, bristles type II, bristles type III, campaniformia, coeloconica, chemosensilla, placodea, trichobothria and trichoidea. We describe here for the first time six (3+3) sensilla basiconica on the dorsal portion of the first segment of the rostrum.  相似文献   

The distribution of proctolin in the central nervous system of the hemipteran bug, Triatoma infestans, was studied by immunohistochemistry using the sensitive avidin‐biotin technique combined with nickel salt intensification of the reaction product. Proctolin was present in cells and fibers of the brain and ganglia. In the brain, protocerebral proctolin‐immunoreactive cell bodies were found in the pars intercerebralis, the optic lobes, and the lateral soma rind. The deutocerebrum showed positive somata in relation to the antennal motor center and the tritocerebrum had intense immunoreactive fibers but few positive cells. Proctolin‐immunoreactive cell bodies of different sizes were observed in the subesophageal ganglion. Large cell bodies were found mainly rostrally and beaded positive processes were present around the ventral border of the esophageal foramen and in the rostrolateral neuropil of this ganglion. Small‐ to medium‐sized positive somata were found in the posterior part of the prothoracic ganglion; some of these cells were sending immunoreactive processes to the central neuropil. The meso‐metathoracic‐abdominal ganglionic mass showed positive cells in all the neuromeres, where some of them were large and had thick immunoreactive granules. The results show that the labeling pattern of proctolin‐like immunoreactivity in Triatoma i. appears to be widespread and unique for its central nervous system. It is suggested that proctolin may serve neuroendocrine, integrative, and motor functions in the brain of T. infestans. J. Morphol. 240:39–47, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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