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We have recently developed a mAb, anti-1F7, which defines a family of structures found to include the molecule recognized by anti-Ta1 (CD26). In this paper, we demonstrated that binding of 1F7 by solid-phase immobilized anti-1F7 mAb but not anti-Ta1 mAb has a comitogenic effect by inducing proliferation of human CD4+ T lymphocytes in conjunction with submitogenic doses of anti-CD3 or anti-CD2. The proliferative response induced via the CD3-1F7 or CD2-1F7 pathways is associated with the IL-2 autocrine pathway, including IL-2 production. IL-2R expression and anti-IL-2R (Tac) inhibition. Furthermore, solid-phase immobilization of anti-1F7 but not anti-Ta1 acts in conjunction with submitogenic doses of PMA to mediate a comitogenic effect in the absence of anti-CD3 or anti-CD2, leading to CD4+ T cell proliferation. PMA treatment, in the meantime, leads to enhanced expression of 1F7 on the T cell surface. Despite its functional association with both pathways of activation, however, the 1F7 structure is not comodulated with the CD3/TCR complex nor the CD2 molecule. These findings thus suggest that the CD26 Ag is involved in CD3 and CD2-induced human CD4+ T cell activation.  相似文献   

In our study we have used anti-CD4 mAb to investigate the cell surface association between CD4 and the Ag-specific TCR complex on mature peripheral T cells. Anti-CD4 mAb was administered in vivo and in vitro and its effects on CD4 and CD3 cell surface expression were determined. In vivo, anti-CD4 mAb reduced cell surface expression of its ligand, CD4, and secondarily also reduced cell surface expression of CD3/TCR on CD4+ splenic T cells. In vitro, multivalent cross-linking of CD4 by anti-CD4 mAb and either FcR+ cells or anti-Ig mAb also resulted in decreased surface expression of CD4 and specific comodulation of CD3/TCR. The secondary reduction in cell surface CD3/TCR expression induced by CD4 cross-linking could be pharmacologically disrupted by high doses of PMA, indicating that the comodulation of CD3 with CD4 was dependent upon intracellular mediators, possibly including protein kinase C. These results demonstrate that, in the presence of anti-CD4 mAb, CD4 is functionally associated with the CD3/TCR complex, and that this association is dependent upon the activity of intracellular mediators. Such intracellular mediators might induce the coordinate down-modulation of physically unassociated CD4 and CD3/TCR molecules, or, alternatively, might promote a physical interaction between CD4 and CD3/TCR molecules.  相似文献   

A mouse mAb, TS 43, which recognized the human CD5 molecule, was found to induce the proliferation of human peripheral blood T cells. TS 43 mAb precipitated from 125I-radiolabeled T cells a 67-kDa band, which comigrated with the 67-kDa band precipitated by the anti-CD5 mAb OKT1. Preclearing of cell lysates with OKT1 mAb abolished the capacity of TS 43 mAb to precipitate radiolabeled material from T cell lysates. Furthermore, a mouse T cell hybridoma transfected with human CD5 was stained by TS 43 mAb. T cell proliferation mediated by TS 43 mAb was monocyte dependent, and was accompanied by IL-2R expression and by IL-2 synthesis. T cell activation by TS 43 mAb involved a rise in intracellular calcium level (CA2+)i and was dependent on the expression of the TCR/CD3 complex because no rise in (Ca2+)i was observed in a TCR-beta-deficient Jurkat T cell mutant. This study indicates that CD5 should be added to the list of surface molecules that can signal T cells to proliferate.  相似文献   

Cloning and functional expression of the T cell activation antigen CD26.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
A cDNA encoding the T cell activation Ag CD26 was isolated from human PHA-activated T cells by using an expression cloning method. The nucleotide sequence obtained predicts a protein of 766 amino acids of type II membrane topology, with six amino acids in the cytoplasmic region. The predicted amino acid sequence of the Ag was 85% homologous to that of the dipeptidyl peptidase IV enzyme isolated from rat liver. Derivatives of the human leukemic T cell line Jurkat transfected with a CD26 expression plasmid were established. Characterization of the CD26 Ag expressed by the transfected Jurkat cells revealed that the Ag could be immunoprecipitated as a 110-kDa molecule similar to that found on peripheral blood T cells and that the Ag had dipeptidyl peptidase IV activity. Functional analysis of these Jurkat transfectants showed that cross-linking of the CD26 and CD3 Ag with their respective antibodies resulted in enhanced intracellular calcium mobilization and IL-2 production. These results provide direct evidence that the CD26 Ag plays a role in T cell activation.  相似文献   

The requirements for activation of human peripheral blood T cells by the mitogenic monoclonal antibody OKT3 were examined. OKT3 binds to a T cell molecule, T3, associated with the T cell antigen receptor and involved in T cell activation. Activation of T cells by OKT3 requires signals provided by accessory cells and is IL 2 dependent. In the presence of accessory cells, OKT3 induces loss of T3 molecules from the cell surface, production of IL 2, expression of IL 2 receptors, and proliferation. Modulation of T3 molecules by OKT3 can be induced in the absence of accessory cells with anti-mouse IgG. These T cells, however, are not induced to express IL 2 receptors or secrete IL 2. The addition of IL 1 induces expression of IL 2 receptors, but does not induce IL 2 secretion or proliferation. Thus, peripheral blood T cells appear to have different requirements for activation compared with antigen-specific T cell clones that can be induced to produce IL 2 when stimulated with OKT3 and IL 1. Expression of IL 2 receptors does not require modulation of T3 molecules, because the binding of OKT3 to T cells in the presence of IL 1 alone is sufficient to induce IL 2 receptor expression. The results suggest that IL 2 secretion depends on cross-linking and modulation of T3 molecules, and additional, as yet undefined, accessory cell signals. The expression of IL 2 receptors and proliferation of T cells can be induced in the absence of these signals when exogenous IL 2 is provided.  相似文献   

The CD44 molecule, also known as Hermes lymphocyte homing receptor, human Pgp-1, and extracellular matrix receptor III, has been shown to play a role in T cell adhesion and activation. Specifically, anti-CD44 mAb block binding of lymphocytes to high endothelial venules, inhibit T cell-E rosetting, and augment T cell proliferation induced by the CD2 or CD3-TCR pathways. We have characterized an anti-CD44 mAb (212.3) which immunoprecipitates a 90-kDa protein and is specific for CD44 as shown by peptide mapping and antibody competition studies. Interestingly, our studies with 212.3 demonstrate that this CD44-specific mAb completely inhibits T cell proliferation stimulated by the anti-CD3 mAb, OKT3. Inhibition is not a result of reduced cell viability, but is associated with 1) inhibition of IL-2 production, 2) inhibition of IL-2R expression, and 3) inhibition of OKT3-mediated increases in intracellular Ca2+ levels. In addition, 212.3 does not inhibit proliferation by the T cell mitogens PHA or PWM nor does it inhibit proliferation in a mixed lymphocyte reaction. Similar to other anti-CD44 mAb, 212.3 also augments T cell proliferation induced by mAb directed against the T11(2) and T11(3) epitopes of CD2. Thus, these studies describe a novel CD44-specific mAb (212.3) that inhibits T cell activation by OKT3 by blocking early signal transduction. Furthermore, these studies suggest that "receptor cross-talk" between the CD3-TCR complex and CD44 may regulate T cell activation.  相似文献   

By using a murine monoclonal antibody produced against an IL 2-dependent human T cell line, we defined a T lineage-specific molecule, termed Ta1, that is expressed strongly on activated T lymphocytes of both the T4 and T8 subsets, as well as on T cell lines and clones, but only weakly on a fraction of resting T cells. SDS-PAGE analysis of immunoprecipitates from 125I-labeled, activated T cells demonstrates a single major band of apparent m.w. 105 KD under both reducing and nonreducing conditions. Unlike anti-IL 2 receptor antibodies, anti-Ta1 does not inhibit T cell proliferative responses to mitogen, antigen, or IL 2-containing medium. Moreover, anti-Ta1 has no effect on T cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Ta1 appears to be a novel human T cell-specific activation antigen that may serve as a useful marker of T cell activation in human disease.  相似文献   

A mouse mAb, which recognized a rat T cell surface Ag responsible for the T cell activation, was produced by a regular hybridoma method using F344 rat T cells stimulated with PMA and a calcium ionophore, as the Ag. The mAb termed 1F4 (kappa-IgM) was reactive with rat T cells but not with B cells and immunohistochemically it stained rat thymus tissues strongly at medulla and weakly rat cortex. Addition of 1F4 mAb to a culture of T cells resulted in the proliferation of T cells by a help of PMA or a solid support. 1F4 mAb also caused the modulation of the corresponding Ag but not other T cell markers such as CD5, CD2, and OX-52-defined Ag. The 1F4 mAb immunoprecipitated a cell surface component having an apparent m.w. of 25,000 from rat T cells which could be associated with a disulfide-linked heterodimer (m.w. 92,000) consists of subunits having m.w. of about 52,000 and 43,000. These results strongly suggest that the 1F4 mAb recognizes a rat T cell Ag homologous to the human and mouse CD3.  相似文献   

MAb anti-Leu-13 reacts with a 16-kDa-interferon-responsive lymphocyte-endothelial cell surface antigen and has been demonstrated to induce lymphocyte aggregation by an undefined adhesion pathway. While anti-Leu-13 inhibits proliferation triggered by CD3 antibodies it was found to consistently augment proliferation induced by a pair of CD2 antibodies at suboptimally mitogenic concentrations. The latter mechanism of T cell activation may represent an antigen-nonspecific activation pathway requiring extensive cell-cell interaction. Proliferation induced via the CD2 pathway was very sensitive to the presence of monocytes whose inhibitory effect was reversed by indomethacin. While the potent inhibitory effect of PGE2 on proliferation induced via the CD2 pathway was weakly antagonized by anti-Leu-13, the combined effects of anti-Leu-13 and PGE2 on the CD3 pathway were additive and very inhibitory. The possibility that the Leu-13 signal reflects a mechanism by which a monocyte/macrophage-sensitive T cell activation pathway might be selectively amplified in vivo is discussed.  相似文献   

The Ta1 (CDw26) Ag distinguishes a subset of circulating T lymphocytes that is the major population proliferating to recall Ag challenge. Unlike receptors for growth factors such as IL-2 and transferrin, the Ta1 Ag is present on T cell lines and clones irrespective of cell cycle. The appearance of Ta1 on T cells that respond to recall Ag allowed us to investigate activation requirements that may be associated with T cell immune memory. Ta1+ peripheral blood T cells were induced to proliferate by mAb recognizing either the invariant chains of the TCR, or by pairs of mitogenic antibodies directed to the CD2 molecule. In contrast, Ta1- cells were not stimulated by these antibodies. In addition, Ta1-cells did not proliferate maximally after addition of the phorbol ester PMA in combination with the calcium ionophore Ionomycin, suggesting that the intracellular targets of these agents may not be fully active. Anti-CD3-induced elevation of intracellular calcium levels was equivalent in the two subpopulations, suggesting that calcium mobilization mechanisms were intact. In contrast, PMA-induced phosphorylation of TCR CD3 chains was significantly greater in Ta1+ cells as compared to Ta1- T cells. Taken together, our results indicate that Ta1 expression, which is associated with T cell activation and memory, may be causally related to TCR and CD2-mediated activation mechanisms. The PMA inducible TCR phosphorylation in Ta1+ memory cells associated with their increased ability to proliferate after CD3/TCR or CD2 stimulation suggests that intracellular phosphorylation events may be causally associated with T cell immune memory.  相似文献   

The F7-26 monoclonal antibody (Mab) has been reported to be specific for single-strand DNA damage (ssDNA) and to also identify cells in apoptosis. We carriedout studies to determine if F7-26 binding measured by flow cytometry was able to specifically identify exogenous ssDNA as opposed to DNA damage from apoptosis. Neuroblastoma cells were treated with melphalan (L-PAM), fenretinide, 4-hydroperoxycyclophosphamide (4-HC)+/-pan-caspase inhibitor BOC-d-fmk, topotecan or with 10Gy gamma radiation+/-hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and fixed immediately postradiation. Cytotoxicity was measured by DIMSCAN digital imaging fluorescence assay. The degree of ssDNA damage was analyzed by flow cytometry using Mab F7-26, with DNA visualized by propidium iodide counterstaining. Flow cytometry was used to measure apoptosis detected by terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase (TUNEL) assay and reactive oxygen species (ROS) by carboxy-dichlorofluorescein diacetate. Irradiated and immediately fixed neuroblastoma cells showed increased ssDNA, but not apoptosis by TUNEL (TUNEL-negative). 4-HC or L-PAM+/-BOC-d-fmk increased ssDNA (F7-26-positive), but BOC-d-fmk prevented TUNEL staining. Fenretinide increased apoptosis by TUNEL but not ssDNA damage detected with F7-26. Enhanced ssDNA in neuroblastoma cells treated with radiation+H2O2 was associated with increased ROS. Topotecan increased both ssDNA and cytotoxicity in 4-HC-treated cells. These data demonstrate that Mab F7-26 recognized ssDNA due to exogenous DNA damage, rather than apoptosis. This assay should be useful to characterize the mechanism of action of antineoplastic drugs.  相似文献   

Induction of T cell activation by monoclonal anti-Thy-1 antibodies   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
We have analyzed the requirements for T cell activation by monoclonal anti-Thy-1 antibodies (MAb). A large panel of unselected anti-Thy-1 MAb was capable of inducing a strong proliferative response in resting peripheral T cells and a rise in cytoplasmic free calcium ([Ca2+]i) in both peripheral T cells and a T cell hybridoma. Both of these responses required the interaction of a MAb bound to Thy-1 with a second layer of anti-Ig antibody. Induction of T cell proliferation also required an additional signal, which could be provided by PMA. T cell activation in this system was specific for the Thy-1 molecule, independent of the epitope on Thy-1 recognized by a given MAb, with the anti-Ig reagent was also independent of the type of anti-Ig used, as both polyvalent rabbit anti-rat Ig sera and a mouse MAb to rat Ig functioned as effective cross-linkers. All signals provided by the interaction of anti-Thy-1 MAb with anti-Ig preparations could also be reproduced by the simultaneous binding of two MAb recognizing independent epitopes on Thy-1. Although the physiological role of Thy-1 remains unknown, the model system described here should prove to be very useful in further analysis of the steps involved in the polyclonal activation of murine T cells.  相似文献   

Substantial evidence indicates that compartmentalized infiltrates of T lymphocytes are central to the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, but the mechanisms by which such cells become activated remain unknown. To define surface components of activation pathways important in the function of these cells, we have generated mAb against a rheumatoid synovial T cell line. One such antibody, termed anti-UM4D4, reacts with an Ag, termed UM4D4, which is strongly expressed on most rheumatoid synovial T cell lines and clones, and on a subset of peripheral blood T cells, resting or activated. Anti-UM4D4 is mitogenic in soluble form for PBMC and certain T cell clones, and is comitogenic with the phorbol ester PMA for purified resting T lymphocytes. These functional effects are similar to those previously observed with antibodies to epitopes of CD2 and CD3, surface Ag involved in two well defined pathways of human T cell activation. Binding of anti-UM4D4 to T cells is not, however, blocked by antibodies directed at various epitopes of CD2 and CD3. Moreover, UM4D4 does not comodulate with CD3, and is expressed on a T cell line that lacks CD2, CD3, and CD28. The data, therefore, indicate that anti-UM4D4 identifies a T cell activation pathway, distinct from those previously described, that could play a role in the pathogenesis of T cell-mediated autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that the OKTA+ T cell subset in man, defined by a monoclonal hybridoma antibody, provides help for B lymphocyte differentiation in a PWM driven system. Both B cell proliferation and intracytoplasmic immunoglobulin synthesis are facilitated by OKT4+ and not by OKT4- T cells. Given earlier studies demonstrating that OKT4+ T cells were necessary for generation of T cytotoxic cells and the present study that OKT+ T cells are necessary for the differentiation of B cells, it would appear that the OKT+ population is the major human T helper (inducer) subset.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody (mAb) with framework reactivity against the T cell receptor (TCR) alpha beta complex is characterized. The mAb, beta Framework 1 (beta F1) is capable of immunoprecipitating the TCR alpha beta complex from 125I-labeled human T cell tumors, immunocompetent T cell clones, and peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL). beta F1 recognizes the separated TCR beta subunit in Western blotting. Because it does not bind to the surface of viable T cells but does react with the plasma membrane form of the TCR after treatment with membrane solubilizing agents, the beta F1 mAb reacts with a "hidden" determinant on the TCR beta subunit. After solubilization with 70% ethanol, the TCR alpha beta complex is shown to exist on greater than 92% of T3+ human PBL, whereas 2 to 8% of T3+ PBL do not react with the mAb. The beta F1 mAb demonstrates the existence of differently glycosylated surface 125I-labeled TCR alpha-chains (alpha, alpha', alpha") in association with a common TCR beta-chain on the HPB-MLT T cell leukemia. Reactivity of the beta F1 mAb on thymus tissue sections is similar to that of anti-Leu-4 (anti-T3). The beta F1 mAb should prove useful as a research tool for both the immunochemical characterization and isolation of virtually any alpha beta T cell receptor, whether from individual T cell clones or polyclonal populations of T lymphocytes. Recognition of T cell receptors in histologic tissue sections suggests that the beta F1 mAb may be useful in the clinical diagnosis of T cell lineage neoplasms. In failing to recognize all T3+ lymphocytes, it allows the identification of novel populations of T3+ lymphocytes that may express non-alpha, non-beta T cell receptors.  相似文献   

The mAb Tm 1 was obtained from a fusion of SP2/O tumor cells with spleen cells from CF1 mouse immunized with T cells modulated by an IgM anti-CD3 mAb.mAb Tm 1 reacted with IgM anti-CD3 modulated T cells (66.6%) but not with unmodulated T cells (4.4%). Tm 1 was not expressed on T cells modulated with either IgG2a or IgG1 anti-CD3 mAb. Immunoprecipitation from 125I-labeled CD3-modulated T cells showed that Tm 1 Ag is a single polypeptide of 33 kDa under reducing and nonreducing conditions. Kinetic studies revealed that Tm 1 was detectable on T cells 10 min after incubation and maximally expressed after 4 h of incubation with IgM anti-CD3 mAb. CD3 expression was markedly modulated by this anti-CD3 mAb after the same period of incubation. Studies with cycloheximide revealed that Tm 1 expression on T cells does not require new protein synthesis. Tm 1 expression persisted long after CD3-reexpression 24 h later. Tm 1 was present on a small fraction of circulating T cells, B cells, and monocytes and absent from granulocytes, platelets, E, and thymocytes. Tm 1 was not expressed on T cells after various activation stimuli but was expressed on B cells upon activation. Additional studies indicate that IgM mAb against other T cell differentiation Ag and IgM mAb against B cell Ag also lead to the expression of Tm 1 on these cells. Thus, modulation of surface Ag by IgM mAb externalizes this cytoplasmic Ag. However, one exception has been noted. Purified mAb Tm 1 was not mitogenic and was unable to block either the T cell proliferation induced by 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate plus anti-CD3 mAb and other T cell stimuli, or the B cell proliferation induced by B cell mitogens. The role of Tm 1 on lymphocyte function remains to be determined.  相似文献   

T cell activation may be triggered either through the T3-Ti antigen receptor complex or via an alternative macrophage-independent pathway involving the 50KD T11 sheep erythrocyte-binding glycoprotein. Monoclonal antibodies anti-T11(2) and anti-T11(3), directed at distinct epitopes of the T11 molecule, trigger mature T cells to proliferate and express their functional programs, and induce expression of IL 2 receptors on both T3+ and T3- thymocytes. We now show that a non-mitogenic anti-T3 antibody blocks activation via the T11 pathway of not only peripheral blood T cells, but also T3+ thymocytes. Anti-T3 does not affect surface expression of T11 or the rapid augmentation of T11(3) expression after incubation of cells with anti-T11(2). However, anti-T3 inhibits generation of IL 2 receptors and production of IL 2 by T lineage cells cultured with anti-T11(2) plus anti-T11(3). In contrast, modulation of the T11 molecule by a non-mitogenic anti-T11 antibody does not inhibit activation of T cells by a mitogenic anti-T3 antibody. The ability of anti-T3 to block expression of IL 2 receptors on both thymocytes and mature T cells activated by the T11 pathway suggests that a regulatory interaction may be important during T cell ontogeny to provide a mechanism for inhibiting expansion of autoreactive clones.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that solid-phase immobilization of anti-1F7 recognizing the 110-kDa CD26 Ag is comitogenic for human peripheral blood T cell activation via both the CD3 and CD2 pathways. We have also demonstrated that binding of anti-1F7 leads to the disappearance of CD26 surface expression, and this anti-1F7-induced modulation results in an increase in anti-CD3 or anti-CD2-mediated peripheral blood T cell activation. In this report, we extended these findings by examining the expression and functional relationship of 1F7 on the CD3 and CD2 pathways of activation of human thymocytes. We now demonstrated that most of the anti-1F7 reactivity is found on medullary thymocytes, the population of thymocytes expressing high level of CD3 (CD3H). We have also shown that binding of anti-1F7 can induce a decrease in CD26 surface expression, with no detectable effect on the surface expression of CD3 or CD2. Most importantly, we showed that solid-phase immobilization of anti-1F7 has a comitogenic effect on thymocyte activation induced by anti-CD3 but not anti-CD2. In addition, anti-1F7-induced modulation of CD26 results in an enhancement in CD3-mediated but not CD2-mediated human thymocyte activation. The observed functional effect of CD26 on the CD3/TCR pathway of activation is mainly restricted to mature thymocytes as distinguished by high surface expression of CD5, although CD26 is also functionally associated with the CD3/TCR pathway on cells expressing low level of CD5. Demonstrating that CD26 involvement in the regulation of human thymocyte activation is restricted mainly to the CD3 pathway, unlike its involvement with both the CD3 and CD2 pathways of mature peripheral blood T lymphocyte activation, our data hence suggested that CD26 may play a role in thymic differentiation and maturation via the differential engagement of the CD3 pathway.  相似文献   

A central event in humoral responses is the Ag-mediated interaction of Th cells and B cells. This interaction leads to the activation of both cell types and results in cytokine secretion by the T cells and proliferation and secretion of Ig by the B cells. The proliferative and differentiative responses of B cells are dependent on contact-mediated signals and cytokines provided by the activated Th cells. Although the role of cytokines in B cell activation and differentiation is understood, the nature of the signals delivered by the activated Th cells and the molecules involved in this process are not known. In this study we have examined Ag-mediated "cognate" T-B cell interactions as well as B cell activation induced by contact with preactivated and fixed Th lymphocytes. Our results indicate that both the T cell surface molecules lymphocyte function associated Ag-1 and CD2 are important in the activation of T cells by Ag presented by B lymphocytes. This indicates that B cells have similar characteristics as other APC. However, once the T cells are activated, contact-mediated stimulation of resting B lymphocytes (the noncognate phase) is dependent on CD2 but not lymphocyte function associated Ag-1. Two lines of evidence indicate this; first, it is inhibited by blocking of CD2 on the T cells and, second, such stimulation is not efficiently mediated by a CD2- Th cell line. Thus, CD2 plays an obligatory role at several discrete stages of T cell-mediated activation of resting B lymphocytes.  相似文献   

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