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ExbB and ExbD proteins are part of the TonB-dependent energy transduction system and are encoded by the exb operon in Escherichia coli. TonB, the energy transducer, appears to go through a cycle during energy transduction, with the absence of both ExbB and ExbD creating blocks at two points: (i) in the inability of TonB to respond to the cytoplasmic membrane proton motive force and (ii) in the conversion of TonB from a high-affinity outer membrane association to a high-affinity cytoplasmic membrane association. The recent observation that ExbB exists in 3.5-fold molar excess relative to the molarity of ExbD in E. coli suggests the possibility of two types of complexes, those containing both ExbB and ExbD and those containing only ExbB. Such distinct complexes might individually manifest one of the two activities described above. In the present study this hypothesis was tested and rejected. Specifically, both ExbB and ExbD were found to be required for TonB to conformationally respond to proton motive force. Both ExbB and ExbD were also required for association of TonB with the cytoplasmic membrane. Together, these results support an alternative model where all of the ExbB in the cell occurs in complex with all of the ExbD in the cell. Based on recently determined cellular ratios of TonB system proteins, these results suggest the existence of a cytoplasmic membrane complex that may be as large as 520 kDa.  相似文献   

The TonB-dependent energy transduction system couples cytoplasmic membrane proton motive force to active transport of iron-siderophore complexes across the outer membrane in Gram-negative bacteria. In Escherichia coli, the primary players known in this process to date are: FepA, the TonB-gated transporter for the siderophore enterochelin; TonB, the energy-transducing protein; and two cytoplasmic membrane proteins with less defined roles, ExbB and ExbD. In this study, we report the per cell numbers of TonB, ExbB, ExbD and FepA for cells grown under iron-replete and iron-limited conditions. Under iron-replete conditions, TonB and FepA were present at 335 +/- 78 and 504 +/- 165 copies per cell respectively. ExbB and ExbD, despite being encoded from the same operon, were not equimolar, being present at 2463 +/- 522 and 741 +/- 105 copies respectively. The ratio of these proteins was calculated at one TonB:two ExbD:seven ExbB under all four growth conditions tested. In contrast, the TonB:FepA ratio varied with iron status and according to the method used for iron limitation. Differences in the method of iron limitation also resulted in significant differences in cell size, skewing the per cell copy numbers for all proteins.  相似文献   

The TonB system of Gram-negative bacteria provides passage across the outer membrane (OM) diffusion barrier that otherwise limits access to large, scarce, or important nutrients. In Escherichia coli, the integral cytoplasmic membrane (CM) proteins TonB, ExbB, and ExbD couple the CM proton motive force (PMF) to active transport of iron-siderophore complexes and vitamin B(12) across the OM through high-affinity transporters. ExbB is an integral CM protein with three transmembrane domains. The majority of ExbB occupies the cytoplasm. Here, the importance of the cytoplasmic ExbB carboxy terminus (residues 195 to 244) was evaluated by cysteine scanning mutagenesis. D211C and some of the substitutions nearest the carboxy terminus spontaneously formed disulfide cross-links, even though the cytoplasm is a reducing environment. ExbB N196C and D211C substitutions were converted to Ala substitutions to stabilize them. Only N196A, D211A, A228C, and G244C substitutions significantly decreased ExbB activity. With the exception of ExbB(G244C), all of the substituted forms were dominant. Like wild-type ExbB, they all formed a formaldehyde cross-linked tetramer, as well as a tetramer cross-linked to an unidentified protein(s). In addition, they could be formaldehyde cross-linked to ExbD and TonB. Taken together, the data suggested that they assembled normally. Three of four ExbB mutants were defective in supporting both the PMF-dependent formaldehyde cross-link between the periplasmic domains of TonB and ExbD and the proteinase K-resistant conformation of TonB. Thus, mutations in a cytoplasmic region of ExbB prevented a periplasmic event and constituted evidence for signal transduction from cytoplasm to periplasm in the TonB system.  相似文献   

TonB protein appears to couple the electrochemical potential of the cytoplasmic membrane to active transport across the essentially unenergized outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria. ExbB protein has been identified as an auxiliary protein in this process. In this paper we show that ExbD protein, encoded by an adjacent gene in the exb cluster at 65', was also required for TonB-dependent energy transduction and, like ExbB, was required for the stability of TonB. The phenotypes of exbB exbD+ strains were essentially indistinguishable from the phenotypes of exbB+ exbD strains. Mutations in either gene resulted in the degradation of TonB protein and in decreased, but not entirely absent, sensitivities to colicins B and Ia and to bacteriophage phi 80. Evidence that the absence of ExbB or ExbD differentially affected the half-lives of newly synthesized and steady-state TonB was obtained. In the absence of ExbB or ExbD, newly synthesized TonB was degraded with a half-life of 5 to 10 min, while the half-life of TonB under steady-state conditions was significantly longer, approximately 30 min. These results were consistent with the idea that ExbB and ExbD play roles in the assembly of TonB into an energy-transducing complex. While interaction between TonB and ExbD was suggested by the effect of ExbD on TonB stability, interaction of ExbD with TonB was detected by neither in vivo cross-linking assays nor genetic tests for competition. Assays of a chromosomally encoded exbD::phoA fusion showed that exbB and exbD were transcribed as an operon, such that ExbD-PhoA levels in an exbB::Tn10 strain were reduced to 4% of the levels observed in an exbB+ strain under iron-limiting conditions. Residual ExbD-PhoA expression in an exbB::Tn10 strain was not iron regulated and may have originated from within the Tn10 element in exbB.  相似文献   

Ferric siderophores, vitamin B12, and group B colicins are taken up through the outer membranes of Escherichia coli cells by an energy-coupled process. Energy from the cytoplasmic membrane is transferred to the outer membrane with the aid of the Ton system, consisting of the proteins TonB, ExbB, and ExbD. In this paper we describe two point mutations which inactivate ExbD. One mutation close to the N-terminal end of ExbD is located in the cytoplasmic membrane, and the other mutation close to the C-terminal end is located in the periplasm. E. coli CHO3, carrying a chromosomal exbD mutation in which leucine at position 132 was replaced by glutamine, was devoid of all Ton-related activities. A plasmid-encoded ExbD derivative, in which aspartate at position 25, the only changed amino acid in the predicted membrane-spanning region of ExbD, was replaced by asparagine, failed to restore the Ton activities of strain CHO3 and negatively complemented ExbD+ strains, indicating an interaction of this mutated ExbD with wild-type ExbD or with another component. This component was shown to be ExbB. ExbB that was labeled with 6 histidine residues at its C-terminal end and that bound to a nickel-nitrilotriacetic acid agarose column retained ExbD and TonB specifically; both were eluted with the ExbB labeled with 6 histidine residues, demonstrating interaction of ExbB with ExbD and TonB. These data further support the concept that TonB, ExbB, and ExbD form a complex in which the energized conformation of TonB opens the channels in the outer membrane receptor proteins.  相似文献   

Nickel is a cofactor for various microbial enzymes, yet as a trace element, its scavenging is challenging. In the case of the pathogen Helicobacter pylori, nickel is essential for the survival in the human stomach, because it is the cofactor of the important virulence factor urease. While nickel transport across the cytoplasmic membrane is accomplished by the nickel permease NixA, the mechanism by which nickel traverses the outer membrane (OM) of this Gram-negative bacterium is unknown. Import of iron-siderophores and cobalamin through the bacterial OM is carried out by specific receptors energized by the TonB/ExbB/ExbD machinery. In this study, we show for the first time that H. pylori utilizes TonB/ExbB/ExbD for nickel uptake in addition to iron acquisition. We have identified the nickel-regulated protein FrpB4, homologous to TonB-dependent proteins, as an OM receptor involved in nickel uptake. We demonstrate that ExbB/ExbD/TonB and FrpB4 deficient bacteria are unable to efficiently scavenge nickel at low pH. This condition mimics those encountered by H. pylori during stomach colonization, under which nickel supply and full urease activity are essential to combat acidity. We anticipate that this nickel scavenging system is not restricted to H. pylori, but will be represented more largely among Gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

Structural arrangements and properties of redox components of the mitochondrial and bacterial proton-translocating NADH:quinone oxidoreductases are briefly described. A model for the mechanism of proton translocation at first coupling site, which emphasizes participation of specifically Complex I-associated ubisemiquinones, is discussed. An alternative mechanism is proposed where all redox reactions take place in a hydrophilic part of the enzyme and the free energy accumulated as conformational constraint drives the proton pump associated with the hydrophobic polypeptides.  相似文献   

The neural cell adhesion molecule, NCAM, is involved in multiple cis- and trans-homophilic interactions (NCAM binding to NCAM) thereby facilitating cell–cell adhesion through the formation of zipper-like NCAM-complexes. NCAM is also involved in heterophilic interactions with a number of proteins and extracellular matrix molecules. Some of these heterophilic interactions are mutually exclusive, and some interfere with or are dependent on homophilic NCAM interactions. Furthermore, both homo- and heterophilic interactions are modulated by posttranslational modifications of NCAM. Heterophilic NCAM-interactions initiate several intracellular signal transduction pathways ultimately leading to biological responses involving cellular differentiation, proliferation, migration and survival. Both homo- and heterophilic NCAM-interactions can be mimicked by synthetic peptides, which can induce NCAM-like signalling, and in vitroand in vivo studies suggest that such NCAM mimetics may be used for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders.Special issue dedicated to Lawrence F. Eng.  相似文献   

The TonB system couples cytoplasmic membrane proton motive force (pmf) to active transport of diverse nutrients across the outer membrane. Current data suggest that cytoplasmic membrane proteins ExbB and ExbD harness pmf energy. Transmembrane domain (TMD) interactions between TonB and ExbD allow the ExbD C terminus to modulate conformational rearrangements of the periplasmic TonB C terminus in vivo. These conformational changes somehow allow energization of high-affinity TonB-gated transporters by direct interaction with TonB. While ExbB is essential for energy transduction, its role is not well understood. ExbB has N-terminus-out, C-terminus-in topology with three TMDs. TMDs 1 and 2 are punctuated by a cytoplasmic loop, with the C-terminal tail also occupying the cytoplasm. We tested the hypothesis that ExbB TMD residues play roles in proton translocation. Reassessment of TMD boundaries based on hydrophobic character and residue conservation among distantly related ExbB proteins brought earlier widely divergent predictions into congruence. All TMD residues with potentially function-specific side chains (Lys, Cys, Ser, Thr, Tyr, Glu, and Asn) and residues with probable structure-specific side chains (Trp, Gly, and Pro) were substituted with Ala and evaluated in multiple assays. While all three TMDs were essential, they had different roles: TMD1 was a region through which ExbB interacted with the TonB TMD. TMD2 and TMD3, the most conserved among the ExbB/TolQ/MotA/PomA family, played roles in signal transduction between cytoplasm and periplasm and the transition from ExbB homodimers to homotetramers. Consideration of combined data excludes ExbB TMD residues from direct participation in a proton pathway.  相似文献   

RNAi plays important roles in many biological processes, including cellular defense against viral infection. Components of the RNAi machinery are widely conserved in plants and animals. In mammals, microRNAs (miRNAs) represent an abundant class of cell encoded small noncoding RNAs that participate in RNAi-mediated gene silencing. Here, findings that HIV-1 replication in cells can be regulated by miRNAs and that HIV-1 infection of cells can alter cellular miRNA expression are reviewed. Lessons learned from and questions outstanding about the complex interactions between HIV-1 and cellular miRNAs are discussed.  相似文献   

The TonB system couples cytoplasmic membrane proton motive force to TonB-gated outer membrane transporters for active transport of nutrients into the periplasm. In Escherichia coli, cytoplasmic membrane proteins ExbB and ExbD promote conformational changes in TonB, which transmits this energy to the transporters. The only known energy-dependent interaction occurs between the periplasmic domains of TonB and ExbD. This study identified sites of in vivo homodimeric interactions within ExbD periplasmic domain residues 92 to 121. ExbD was active as a homodimer (ExbD(2)) but not through all Cys substitution sites, suggesting the existence of conformationally dynamic regions in the ExbD periplasmic domain. A subset of homodimeric interactions could not be modeled on the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) structure without significant distortion. Most importantly, the majority of ExbD Cys substitutions that mediated homodimer formation also mediated ExbD-TonB heterodimer formation with TonB A150C. Consistent with the implied competition, ExbD homodimer formation increased in the absence of TonB. Although ExbD D25 was not required for their formation, ExbD dimers interacted in vivo with ExbB. ExbD-TonB interactions required ExbD transmembrane domain residue D25. These results suggested a model where ExbD(2) assembled with ExbB undergoes a transmembrane domain-dependent transition and exchanges partners in localized homodimeric interfaces to form an ExbD(2)-TonB heterotrimer. The findings here were also consistent with our previous hypothesis that ExbD guides the conformation of the TonB periplasmic domain, which itself is conformationally dynamic.  相似文献   



Human vitreoretinal diseases are due to presumed abnormal mechanical interactions between the vitreous and retina, and translational models are limited. This study determined whether nonstructural proteins and potential retinal biomarkers were expressed by the normal mouse vitreous and retina.


Vitreous and retina samples from mice were collected by evisceration and analyzed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Identified proteins were further analyzed for differential expression and functional interactions using bioinformatic software.


We identified 1,680 unique proteins in the retina and 675 unique proteins in the vitreous. Unbiased clustering identified protein pathways that distinguish retina from vitreous including oxidative phosphorylation and neurofilament cytoskeletal remodeling, whereas the vitreous expressed oxidative stress and innate immunology pathways. Some intracellular protein pathways were found in both retina and vitreous, such as glycolysis and gluconeogenesis and neuronal signaling, suggesting proteins might be shuttled between the retina and vitreous. We also identified human disease biomarkers represented in the mouse vitreous and retina, including carbonic anhydrase-2 and 3, crystallins, macrophage inhibitory factor, glutathione peroxidase, peroxiredoxins, S100 precursors, and von Willebrand factor.


Our analysis suggests the vitreous expresses nonstructural proteins that functionally interact with the retina to manage oxidative stress, immune reactions, and intracellular proteins may be exchanged between the retina and vitreous. This novel proteomic dataset can be used for investigating human vitreoretinopathies in mouse models. Validation of vitreoretinal biomarkers for human ocular diseases will provide a critical tool for diagnostics and an avenue for therapeutics.  相似文献   

A wide range of experimental data characterizing propertiesof individual salamander retinal cells and synaptic interactionsare integrated to form a quantitative computational model of visual function in the salamander retina.The model is used to show how specific interactions between neuronsand between networks of neurons can lead to the integratedresponse behavior of individual cells deep in the retina. Themodel is also used to illustrate how the representation of movingand stationary stimuli is encoded in a series of layer-by-layertransformations leading to the final retinal output at the ganglioncell layer.  相似文献   

Water stress inhibited the photosynthetic O2 evolution rate of wheat leaves. It was shown that water stress decreased the electron transport rate, the activities of photophosphorylation and, coupling factor, and, the synthesis of ATP in chloroplasts. PS Ⅱ electron transport was more senstitive to water stress than PS Ⅰ. The reduction in photophosphorylation activity might be the results of reduction in electron transport rate and coupling factor activity, as well as the uncoupling effect of water stress on chloroplasts. The uncoupling effect could be due to the inhibition of light induced proton translocation in chloroplasts.  相似文献   

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