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This work focuses on paleopathological analysis of one of the skeletons from the Gravettian triple burial of Dolní Vestonice (Moravia) and addresses issues of Upper Paleolithic funerary behavior. The burial includes the well-preserved skeletons of three young individuals. The skeleton in the middle (DV 15) is pathological and very problematic to sex; the other two (DV 13 and DV 14) are males and lie in an unusual position. The young age, the possibility of a simultaneous interment, and the position of the three specimens have given rise to speculations about the symbolic significance of this spectacular and intriguing funerary pattern. The pathological condition of the skeleton in the middle further emphasizes its peculiarity. Main pathological changes of the DV 15 skeleton include: asymmetric shortening of the right femur and of left forearm bones, bowing of the right femur, right humerus, and left radius, elongation of fibulae, dysplasias of the vertebral column, and very marked enamel hypoplasias. Scrutiny of the medical literature suggests that the most likely etiology is chondrodysplasia calcificans punctata (CCP) complicated by trauma and early fractures of the upper limbs. CCP is a rare inherited disorder characterized by stippled ossification of the epiphyses. The cartilaginous stippling is a transient phenomenon that disappears during infancy, leaving permanent deformities on affected bones. Among the different forms of CCP, the X-linked dominant form is that resulting in asymmetric shortening and is lethal during early infancy in males. Thus, survival of DV 15 until young adult age would require the specimen to be a female. Clinical findings often associated with the disease (erythemas, ichthyosis, alopecia, cataracts, and joint contractures, among others) would emphasize the singular aspect of this individual, pointing to a condition that should be carefully taken into account when speculating on the significance of that peculiar burial.  相似文献   

The probably Middle Pleistocene human femur from Berg Aukas, Namibia, when oriented anatomically and analyzed biomechanically, presents an unusual combination of morphological features compared to other Pleistocene Homo femora. Its midshaft diaphyseal shape is similar to most other archaic Homo, but its subtrochanteric shape aligns it most closely with earlier equatorial Homo femora. It has an unusually low neck shaft angle. Its relative femoral head size is matched only by Neandertals with stocky hyperarctic body proportions. Its diaphyseal robusticity is modest for a Neandertal, but reasonable compared to equatorial archaic Homo femora. Its gluteal tuberosity is relatively small. Given its derivation from a warm climatic region, it is best interpreted as having had relatively linear body proportions (affecting proximal diaphyseal proportions, shaft robusticity, and gluteal tuberosity size) combined with an elevated level of lower limb loading during development (affecting femoral head size and neck shaft angle).  相似文献   

We describe a male newborn with bilateral angle bowing of femora, absent fibulae, aplasia of the fingernails, hypoplastic toenails, malformed thumbs, hypospadias, inguinal hernia and cortical dysplasia in a consanguineous Turkish Family. The MCA syndrome in the present patient is similar to these reported in 3 affected sibling by Fuhrmann et al.  相似文献   

A growing body of archeological evidence suggests that the dramatic climatic events of the Last Glacial Maximum in Europe triggered important changes in foraging behavior, involving a significant decrease in mobility. In general, changes in mobility alter patterns of bending of the midshaft femur and tibia, resulting in changes in diaphyseal robusticity and shape. This relationship between levels of mobility and lower limb diaphyseal structure was used to test the hypothesized decrease in mobility. Cross-sectional geometric data were obtained for 81 Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic European femora and tibiae. The sample was divided into three time periods: Early Upper Paleolithic (EUP), Late Upper Paleolithic (LUP), and Mesolithic (Meso). In addition, because decreased mobility often results in changes in sex roles, males and females were analyzed separately. All indicators of bending strength decrease steadily through time, although few of the changes reach statistical significance. There is, however, a highly significant change in midshaft femur shape, with LUP and Meso groups more circular in cross-section than the EUP sample, supporting archeologically based predictions of decreased mobility. Sexual dimorphism levels in diaphyseal strength remain low throughout the three time periods, suggesting a departure in Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic foragers away from the pattern of division of labor by sex observed in modern hunter-gatherers. Results confirm that the onset of the Last Glacial Maximum represents a crucial stage in Late Pleistocene human evolution, and signals the appearance of some of the behavioral adaptations that are usually associated with the Neolithic, such as sedentism.  相似文献   

Early modern humans from the European Upper Paleolithic (UP) demonstrate trends in postcranial biomechanical features that coincide with the last glacial maximum (LGM). These features have been interpreted as evidence that ecological changes of the LGM played a critical role in cultural and biological adaptation in European UP populations. In areas outside of Europe, similar environmental changes occurred with the LGM. This analysis introduces postcranial material from the Late Upper Paleolithic (LUP) of North Africa and Southeast Asia and tests two related hypotheses: 1) LUP samples across the Old World had similar patterns of postcranial robusticity and 2) relative to an available Early Upper Paleolithic (EUP) sample, regional LUP samples demonstrate similar trends in robusticity that may be attributable to climatic effects of the LGM. Cross-sectional geometric data of the humeri and femora were obtained for 26 EUP and 100 LUP humans from Europe, Africa, and Asia. Despite regional differences, LUP samples are similar relative to the EUP sample. In the humerus, bilateral asymmetry decreases in all LUP samples relative to the EUP sample. In the femur, LUP samples demonstrate increasingly circular femoral midshaft sections, reflecting reduced anteroposterior bending strength relative to the EUP sample. These patterns suggest changes in subsistence behavior and mobility after the LGM across the Old World that are most consistent with reduced mobility and broad-spectrum resource exploitation.  相似文献   

Human paternal uniparental disomy for chromosome 14 (upd(14)pat) presents with skeletal abnormalities, joint contractures, dysmorphic facial features and developmental delay/mental retardation. Distal human chromosome 14 (HSA14) is homologous to distal mouse chromosome 12 (MMU12) and both regions have been shown to contain imprinted genes. In humans, consistent radiographic findings include a narrow, bell-shaped thorax with caudal bowing of the anterior ribs, cranial bowing of the posterior ribs and flaring of the iliac wings without shortening or dysplasia of the long bones. Mice with upd(12)pat have thin ribs with delayed ossification of the sternum, skull and feet. In both mice and humans, the axial skeleton is predominantly affected. We hypothesize that there is an imprinted gene or genes on HSA14/MMU12 that specifically affects rib/thorax development and the maturation of ossification centers in the sternum, feet and skull with little effect on long bone development.  相似文献   

Human bones from the Sunghir Late Palaeolithic settlement of the Northern-East part of the Eastern European Plane were observed by a gross study of possible skeletal lesions. The complex of pathological conditions we studied could mirror the features of the ancient environment. The climatic conditions of the Upper Palaeolithic, especially in its final stages, were severe. Thus environmental change and the fall of temperature is reflected in the distribution of pathological indicators. The comparative analysis of early and late Upper Palaeolithic populations demonstrates the increasing frequency of some stress markers. The analysis of physiological stress markers convincingly demonstrates that the Sunghir people had an active lifestyle without experiencing considerable negative stress. Living in the cold conditions and a humid climate, the Sunghir people had adequate reactions relative to their life conditions. Different types of physical activity were noted for both children and adult man. It could be that this is the result of the influence of gender diversity in labour.  相似文献   

肢骨的形态结构可以反映人类进化、古代人群的生存适应性活动和生存环境等重要信息。基于“骨骼功能适应”和“杠杆原理”,有学者对不同生计方式的古代人群下肢股骨开展了大量的研究工作,但是,国内外尚未有关于农业人群和游牧人群股骨之间差异性研究的报道。本文选取两个具有代表性的古代人群,即内蒙古和林格尔土城子戍边农业人群和内蒙古林西井沟子游牧人群进行对比研究。通过对股骨骨干中部横断面生物力学分析发现,农业人群股骨粗壮度与游牧人群之间具有显著差异。前者的平均粗壮度较大,后者女性组下肢骨的活动强度明显较小,这可能与游牧人群经常从事骑马活动而下肢骨活动强度相对较少有关。农业人群股骨指数的变异范围均大于游牧人群,这可能与前者男性的士兵身份有关;同时,也提示土城子男性组股骨所反映的行为活动信息并不代表真正意义上的纯农业人群下肢骨行为模式,而是一种农业和士兵行为的混合模式。在性别分工上,井沟子组的男女性均从事骑马活动,两侧股骨受力较为一致,在两侧不对称性程度和骨干横断面形状上的男女差异不大;男性股骨的粗壮度要明显大于女性,这与井沟子组男性还从事一定的狩猎行为有关。与游牧人群女性较为纤细的股骨不同,土城子组女性作为典型的农业人群代表,其下肢骨整体的活动强度较大,几乎与同组的男性和井沟子组男性相当,组内的性别差异相对较小;骨干横断面形状的显著性差异说明,土城子组内部男性和女性的行为活动方式存在明显的性别分工。本文研究结果说明农业人群女性的下肢骨活动强度较大,在行为活动方式上,戍边农业人群具有更为明显的性别分工。  相似文献   

To help understand the nature of skeletal changes during the reproductive cycle of the female alligator, we compared femoral robusticity (density) and porosity of cross-sections from the midshafts of femora from the following groups of female alligators: (1) immature; (2) pre-ovulatory; (3) postovulatory with soft-shelled oviducal eggs; (4) post-ovulatory with hard-shelled oviducal eggs; (5) post-ovulatory with eggs in the nest; (6) post-ovulatory with hatched eggs; and (7) mature, quiescent. Femora from alligators with eggs in the nest were significantly less robust (dense) than those of the other groups except those with hard-shelled oviducal eggs. Cross sections from the midshaft of femora from alligators with eggs in the nest were significantly more porous than those from all the other groups. The results indicated that calcium was mobilized from the femoral shaft shortly before eggs were laid and that femoral density returned to normal levels for mature alligators 1–2 months after egg-laying.  相似文献   

The necropolis of S’Illot des Porros, one of the most important prehistoric funerary sites of the Balearic Islands (Spain), was in use from the VIth and Vth century BCE until the Ist century CE. Located in a funerary area which contains two cementeries and one sanctuary, this site is constituted by three funerary chambers named A, B and C, respectively. Investigations on all the human burnt bone remains of the chambers, carried out mainly by the X-ray diffraction and supplemented in some cases by Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy pointed to the simultaneous use of inhumation and cremation funerary rites, probably due to existing social differences.In particular, it was argued that the chambers were differentiated, i.e., B was dedicated to inhumations and A to cremations, the cremations found in chamber B very likely being a result of a cleaning-purification of the burial area. Moreover, chamber C, which is the most ancient (IVth century BCE) and with the largest number of inhumed remains, contains the smallest number of remains that were exposed to fire and just in one case it seems possible to attribute a genuine high-temperature cremation.  相似文献   

Clinical and molecular data of 59 affected persons from 36 unrelated families with XLH (36 probands and 23 members of their families) were analysed. Characteristic phenotypic features (degree of leg deformities, growth failure, tooth abnormalities, tubular reabsorption of phosphate, serum phosphate and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 concentrations, head length and hearing defect in some cases) were assessed in relation to the type and localisation of 29 different PHEX gene mutations. The severity of clinical symptoms did not strictly depend upon the type and localisation of the PHEX gene mutation. A hearing defect was correlated with mutations in the beginning fragment, while tooth abnormalities and increased head length with the mutations in the beginning and the terminal fragment of the gene. Phosphate and vitamin D3 supplementation usually slowed progressive growth retardation and leg bowing. Our results point to the probability that alternative splicing occurs in the PHEX gene, producing several active forms of the PHEX protein. Some of them might be involved in bone turnover and dentin formation, others in renal phosphate uptake and vitamin D3 metabolism.  相似文献   

M. Mussi 《Human Evolution》1986,1(6):545-555
More than 50 skeletons have been found in Italy in Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic burials, most of them being of Pleistocene age. As for as Upper Palaeolithic is concerned, two distinct phases are recognized, with a gap in records between them of several millennia: 1) a first phase, in which rich burials, generally of adult or adolescent males, are found. Associated industries are of Gravettian — Early Epigravettian type. Strict rules are followed in funerary practices. Sites of this period are only a few in Italy, but most of them yelded burials; 2) a second phase, of late Würm IV age, with burials found in several sites all over Italy, associated with Final Epigravettian industries. Women as well as children are now buried in single graves, but men still outnumber women. Grave goods are scarce or lacking, except at Arene Candide, where very rich burials, customarily attributed to Mesolithic, but actually of Dryas III age, were found. Truly Mesolithic sepultures are only a few, and burial goods are scarce or lacking.  相似文献   

Computerized transverse axial scanning (computed tomography) is a relatively new radiographic technique designed to recover precise cross-sectional images (tomograms) of 3-dimensional objects. This highly sensitive process permits tissues of similar density to be separated and displayed unambiguously. These special features are, therefore, ideal for analyzing the cross-sectional geometry of intact fossil long bones, even when they are highly mineralized and their medullary cavities are occluded by matrix. In order to demonstrate the utility of this method in assessing the complex relationship between fossil structure and probable function, geometrical and biomechanical properties of midshaft tomograms of femora and tibiae have been analyzed for a comparative primate sample consisting of Megaladapis edwardsi (an extinct giant prosimian from Madagascar), Indri indri (the largest extant prosimian), and Homo sapiens.  相似文献   

S L Beck 《Teratology》1989,40(4):365-374
Following exposure to bromodeoxyuridine (BUDR), acetazolamide (ACZM), trypan blue (TRBL), cortisone (CORT), or diphenylhydantoin (DPH), alizarin-stained, cleared fetuses were examined at 18 days postcoitus for unossified cervical vertebral centra; number of ossified caudal vertebrae; number of ribs; and ossification of sternebrae, metatarsals, metacarpals, and phalangeal rows. At all teratogenic doses, in no vehicle-treated groups, and rarely in lower-dose groups, there were significant increases in frequency of unossified cervical centra, the first vertebra (C1) being most often affected, and C7 least often affected. In the high-dose CORT group, there was a significant correlation between unossified C1 and cleft palate. No association between abnormality and reduced ossification of cervical vertebrae was seen in other series examined, nor was there any correlation between litter size and abnormality. With minor complications, the number of ossified caudal vertebrae was significantly reduced after exposure at teratogenic dose levels to all compounds except DPH. Although caudal and cervical ossification were correlated with each other in those series examined, neither was correlated with abnormality. Frequency of 14 ribs was increased in BUDR, ACZM, and TRBL but not CORT or DPH. Other parameters were essentially unaffected. Significantly increased frequency of abnormality, when contrasted with untreated or vehicle-treated groups, was seen at high-dose levels in all but DPH treatments, and mortality was increased in ACZM D9-11, TRBL, and CORT. These studies show that reduced ossification of cervical centra is an excellent indicator of prenatal exposure to noxious substances, and caudal vertebrae appear to be useful as well. Increased frequency of 14 ribs occurred for all strong teratogens utilized if they were administered on day 7 or day 8 postcoitus.  相似文献   

The proximal half of a hominid femur was recovered from deep within a paleokarst feature at the Berg Aukas mine, northern Namibia. The femur is fully mineralized, but it is not possible to place it in geochrono logical context. It has a very large head, an exceptionally thick diaphyseal cortex, and a very low collodiaphyseal angle, which serve to differentiate it from Holocene homologues. The femur is not attributable to Australopithecus, Paranthropus, or early Homo (i.e., H. habilis sensu lato). Homo erectus femora have a relatively longer and AP flatter neck, and a shaft that exhibits less pilaster than the Berg Aukas specimen. Berg Aukas also differs from early modern femora in several features, including diaphyseal cortical thickness and the degree of subtrochanteric AP flattening. The massive diaphyseal cortex of Berg Aukas finds its closest similarity within archaic H. sapiens (e.g., Castel di Guido) and H. erectus (e.g., KNM-ER 736) samples. It has more cortical bone at midshaft than any other specimen, although relative cortical thickness and the asymmetry of its cross-sectional disposition at this level are comparable with those of other Pleistocene fem ora. The closest morphological comparisons with Berg Aukas are in archaic (i.e., Middle Pleistocene) H. sapiens and Neandertal samples. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study aims at analyzing morphological deformities in Palaemon population in the Gironde estuary. The most frequent abnormalities affected cephalothorax and rostrum, and to a lesser extent scaphocerites and uropods (with spectacular dissymmetry), whilst only few cases of antenna and telson deformities were observed. References on morphological abnormalities of crustaceans can be found in the literature, but dealing with only isolated individuals and not for Palaemonids species, whilst in the Gironde estuary up to 40% of adult individuals are affected. Deformities likely depend on water pollutants, among others heavy metals and PCBs. This hypothesis should be tested considering other European estuaries with similar features. Handling editor: P. Viaroli  相似文献   

Several studies have evaluated the effects of dietary vitamin A (VA) on the incidence of skeletal deformities during early ontogeny of fish, but little is known about its effects on bones depending on their process of ossification (dermal or chondral). We examined the incidence of skeletal deformities along development (30 and 48 dph) by double staining technique, in dermal (haemal and caudal vertebral bodies) and chondral (neural and haemal spines, epural, parahypural and hypurals) bones in Senegal sole post metamorphosed larvae fed with different dietary VA levels (37 000, 44 666, 82 666 and 203 000 UI total VA kg?1 DW) during Artemia feeding phase (6–37 dph, at 18°C). Results obtained in this study showed that dietary VA disrupted the skeletogenesis in Senegalese sole post metamorphosed larvae by increasing the incidence of skeletal deformities in the axial skeleton and caudal fin complex, which were dependent on both bone morphogenesis and ossification processes. Fish fed with the highest dietary VA content showed the highest incidence of skeletal deformities and its value increased along ontogeny. However, when we compared the incidence of deformities in skeletal structures considering their ossification process, most skeletal structures derived from chondral ossification showed a significant higher increase in deformity incidences in fish fed an excess of VA (44 666, 82 666 and 203 000 UI kg?1 DW), however within chondral bones, hypurals deformity incidence only increased in sole larvae fed Artemia highest VA content. In contrast, this dietary dose‐response effect was only noted in dermal bones from fish fed the highest dose of VA (203 000 UI kg?1 DW). In addition, the incidence of deformities in chondral bones increased even when the dietary imbalance of VA was corrected, whereas dermal bones were not affected at later ages. These results indicated that depending on the ossification process from which different skeletal structures are derived, bones might be differentially affected by high dietary VA content. Those directly originated from the connective tissue with a preliminary cartilage stage were more sensitive to dietary VA excess than those formed by intramembranous ossification.  相似文献   

The article reports the occurrence of osteochondroma in a fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva patient. A 5-year-old boy presented with limited mouth opening and firm swelling of the right zygomatic complex area. The boy had bilateral hallux valgus of the great toes and heterotopic endochondral ossification of facial and neck regions. Associated osteochondroma of the coronoid process and aggressive heterotopic ossification of masticatory and neck muscles were found in response to traumatic injuries. Natural and clinical histories of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva were reviewed. An early diagnosis and avoidance of factors that aggravate ossification are key factors in reducing the expected degree of physical disabilities of patients. An early recognition of congenital skeletal deformities, early detection of abnormal ossification, and awareness of the disease by the involved physicians are important factors in the early diagnosis of the disease and in reducing any unnecessary trauma. Bone scintigrams and CT scans are effective noninvasive tools for an early detection of ossification and for monitoring the progression of the disease. Further investigation of its pathogenesis at a molecular level is important to understand better the nature of the disease and to develop an effective treatment protocol.  相似文献   

A simple univariate technique for sexing individuals represented by fragmentary skeletal remains is described. The results obtained were highly consistent (about 90%) with those obtained by conventional analysis of pelvic and cranial morphology. It is suggested that using maximum anteroposterior diameter of the femoral shaft as a sex discriminator has advantages over midshaft circumference even when intact femora are available.  相似文献   

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