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This research examined the effects of task (reaching vs. Tool use) and posture (quadrupedal vs. bipedal) on hand preference in tufted capuchins (Cebus apella). Regarding direction of hand preference, we found a significant main effect of posture, as the bipedal stance elicited greater use of the right hand than did the quadrupedal stance, and a significant posture × task interaction, as bipedal reaching elicited greater use of the right hand than did other postural and task conditions. Further, we found a significant main effect of task on strength of hand preference, as tool use elicited more consistent use of one hand over the other than did reaching. Our findings indicate that bipedal reaching facilitates a mild right-hand bias in intensely manipulative primates. We speculate that this moderate bias may have been pushed in the direction of nearly exclusive right-hand preference in most humans with the development of complex tool use. Am. J. Primatol. 44:147–153, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc. This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.  相似文献   

Little is known about the milk composition of nonhuman primates, and it has never been examined in capuchin monkeys (genus Cebus). This article reports on the macronutrient milk composition (fat, crude protein (CP), lactose, dry matter (DM), and total gross energy (GE)) of captive housed tufted capuchins (Cebus apella) (n=8). C. apella milk averaged 5.22% fat, 2.40% CP, 6.94% lactose, 16.48% DM, and 0.89 kcal/g. Fat was the most variable macronutrient and was significantly higher in samples collected after 2 months of lactation. To explore the adaptive significance of C. apella milk composition, results were compared with data on milk composition from a closely related cebid, Saimiri boliviensis boliviensis, and another large‐brained anthropoid, Homo sapiens. C. apella milk was only significantly different from Saimiri milk in CP and the proportion of energy from CP. Compared with human milk, C. apella milk was lower in lactose but higher in fat, CP, DM, GE, and the proportion of energy from CP. Results from this small dataset suggest that among anthropoid primates, the macronutrient composition of milk is influenced by phylogeny, may vary relative to infant growth rates, but may not be related in any direct way to relative brain size. Am. J. Primatol. 72:81–86, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We conducted an experiment to examine the effect of substrate on the nut-cracking behavior of a group of semicaptive capuchin monkeys. We wanted to determine whether tufted capuchin monkeys were selective in choosing the substrate on which they pound nuts, and whether the choice of substrate affected the outcome. Eight adult females and eight juveniles were provided with nuts in the outdoor facility. We found that 1) all adult females and three young capuchins succeeded in cracking nuts; 2) they preferred the hardest substrates (concrete and stone); 3) there is a link between the substrate and the amount of time needed to crack a nut; 4) most young capuchins used various substrates, some of which were inadequate, in a haphazard manner; and 5) there are different forms of nut cracking. We conclude that adult capuchins choose the hardest substrates, and that these substrates support efficient cracking.  相似文献   

Transfer index and mediational learning in tufted capuchins (Cebus apella)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The transfer index (TI) is a discrimination reversal paradigm that requires the achievement of a given prereversal criterion of accuracy. The mediational learning (ML) paradigm is a modification of the TI procedure that features the presentation of three different reversal conditions designed to assess whether prereversal learning is based on purely associative processes or mediated by the use of a strategy (win-stay/lose-shift). These two paradigms have been used with apes and several Old World monkey species, proving to be effective tools for the comparison of species on the basis of their transfer abilities and the nature of their learning processes. However, among New World monkeys, only the squirrel monkey has been tested. Capuchin (Cebusspp.) adaptability and their mastery in using tools have led to controversial interpretations of their cognitive and learning skills. We evaluated their mode of learning and the transfer of learning using the TI and the ML paradigms. We tested four tufted capuchins (Cebus apella)in a WGTA using a variety of stimulus object pairs. The results show that they possess rather good transfer abilities and one subject showed an associative learning mode. None of the subjects showed evidence of learning mediated by a win-stay/lose-shift strategy.  相似文献   

We tested the effects of a haptic search task on hand preferences in capuchins(Cebus apella) and compare this situation to a visual by guided reaching task. In the haptic task, 21 monkeys searched for sunflower seeds on the top or side surfaces of 12 objects. A left-hand preference emerged at the group level, suggesting a greater involvement of the right hemisphere. The percentage of preferred hand usage and the direction of the preference were influenced by both sex and age of the subjects: adult males tended to be less lateralized than the other groups of subjects were. Shape had an insignificant effect on the direction of hand preferences or on the percentage of preferred hand use. No lateral bias emerge in the visually guided reaching task, and the percentage of left-hand usage fell significantly across tasks, demonstrating that the haptic demands of the task enhance the use of the left hand at the group level. We discuss these results with regard to current theories on manual lateralization in nonhuman primates.  相似文献   

Early organization of activity states was studied in 17 tufted capuchin (Cebus apella) infants from birth to 11 weeks of age. Development of exploration and interactions with mothers and other group members were studied in 14 of these infants up to the age of 1 year. Activity profiles changed from 3 to 8 weeks as infants began to move off mothers and explore their environments. From 2 to 6 months time with mothers decreased; time alone increased correspondingly. Time spent with other group members did not vary significantly over the first year. By 7–9 months capuchin infants spent more time alone or with other group members than with mothers, although weaning was still not completed by the end of the first year. Simple environmental exploration began in the 2nd month and reached stable levels by 4 months. Complex manipulation of food and objects first began at 3–4 months and increased to stable levels in the second half of the first year. Some preliminary differences were evident between infants living in indoor cages and those living in indoor/ outdoor runs. Infants in cages spent less time in dorsal contact with mothers, and less time in social play and proximity to other animals than those in runs. Instead, infants in cages spent more time alone and engaged in more manipulation of food. Some measures of social and exploratory behavior showed a high degree of variability which may be useful in exploring individual differences in infant temperament or reactivity. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study is a comparison of locomotor behavior and postcranial form in two species of capuchin monkey, the brown capuchin (Cebus apella), and the weeper capuchin (Cebus olivaceus). Behavioral data from groups of wild C. apella and C. olivaceus in Guyana were collected during the period of December 1999 through November 2000. Postcranial variables including 40 measurements and three indices were taken from 43 adult and subadult specimens of C. apella and 14 adult and subadult specimens of C. olivaceus housed in American museums, as well as two wild-caught adult specimens of C. olivaceus from the Georgetown Zoo in Guyana. The results of this study indicate that these two capuchins exhibit similar patterns of locomotor behavior, but that there are important differences in how they move through their homerange, particularly with respect to quadrupedalism. These differences in behavior are reflected in their postcranial morphology and can be related to differences in foraging strategies. This study provides an example of the importance of using more exclusive categories of quadrupedal behaviors when comparing closely related arboreal quadrupeds, as well as an alternative explanation for some of the postcranial features of C. apella that may relate to foraging postures and foraging strategy rather than traditionally categorized patterns of locomotor behavior.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyze the manual patterns used by tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) to retrieve a small food item from a narrow tube, with special attention focused on the independent use of single fingers, fine digit movements, hand preference, and intermanual differences in the time it took the monkeys to obtain the food. The capuchins (n = 20) mainly used their forefinger to extract the food from the tube. The simultaneous use of the index and middle fingers occurred less frequently, and the use of the forefinger in combination with other digits occurred rarely. The capuchins demonstrated a capacity to move single digits independently when the fingers were locating the food inside the tube, and displayed a high mobility of the distal phalanx joints. However, they possessed only a limited capacity to coordinate single fingers in space, and displayed only a slight degree of manual preshaping when they approached the tube. A hand-preference analysis failed to reveal any significant lateral bias for the group, since both adults (> or = 5 years) and immature individuals (<5 years) of both sexes used either hand with the same frequency. Conversely, a latency analysis showed a significant interaction between the subject's age and performance difference between hands: in adults, but not in immature individuals, the left hand was faster than the right hand in retrieving food.  相似文献   

No consensus exists about the quantity and variety of environmental enrichment needed to achieve an acceptable level of psychological well‐being among singly housed primates. Behavioral and plasma and fecal cortisol measures were used to evaluate the effectiveness of four levels of toy and foraging enrichment provided to eight wild‐caught, singly housed adult male brown capuchins (Cebus apella). The 16‐week‐long study comprised six conditions and began with a 4‐week‐long preexperimental and ended with a 4‐week‐long postexperimental period during which the subjects were maintained at baseline enrichment levels. During the intervening 8 weeks, the subjects were randomly assigned to a sequence of four 2‐week‐long experimental conditions: control (baseline conditions), toy (the addition of two plastic toys to each cage), box (access to a foraging box with food treats hidden within crushed alfalfa), and box & toy (the addition of two plastic toys and access to a foraging box). Behavioral responses to changes in enrichment were rapid and extensive. Within‐subject repeated‐measure ANOVAs with planned post hoc contrasts identified highly significant reductions in abnormal and undesirable behaviors (and increases in normal behaviors) as the level of enrichment increased from control to toy to box to box & toy. No significant behavioral differences were found between the control and pre‐ and postexperimental conditions. Plasma and fecal cortisol measures revealed a different response to changing enrichment levels. Repeated‐measure ANOVA models found significant changes in both these measures across the six conditions. The planned post hoc analyses, however, while finding dramatic increases in cortisol titers in both the pre‐ and postexperimental conditions relative to the control condition, did not distinguish cortisol responses among the four enrichment levels. Linear regressions among weekly group means in behavioral and cortisol measures (n = 16) found that plasma cortisol was significantly predicted by the proportions of both normal and abnormal behaviors; as the proportion of normal behaviors increased, the plasma cortisol measures decreased. Plasma cortisol weekly group means were also significantly and positively predicted by fecal cortisol weekly group means, but no behavioral measure significantly predicted fecal cortisol weekly group means. In sum, these findings argue strongly that access to a variety of toy and foraging enrichment positively affects behavioral and physiological responses to stress and enhances psychological well‐being in singly housed brown capuchins. Am. J. Primatol. 48:49–68, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

When males in captive tufted capuchin monkey (Cebus apella) groups separate and come together within their group, they have been observed to embrace and vocalize upon reunion. This display has not been observed in any other age/sex class. To investigate this, we deliberately separated six animals, including the only two adult males, from each of two social groups. We hypothesized that only the adult males would embrace upon reintroduction. When two males were consecutively reintroduced to their group, they typically ran to each other and came together in a frontal embrace, emitting stereotyped vocalizations. No other combination of animals showed this “reunion display.” Though dramatic, this behavior was in no way associated with incidents of aggression. We argue affiliative bonds may exist in these tufted capuchin male dyads. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We introduced two to four unfamiliar animals into three established groups (N = 6–9 per group) of tufted capuchins (Cebus apella).We present findings on the behavioral consequences of introductions as a function of age, sex, and residency status and long-term consequences for health and reproduction. No morbidity from aggression occurred at the time of introductions or during several months following, and reproduction was not compromised. Activity budgets and patterns of social spacing and interaction were little changed following the introductions except for increases in vigilance behavior, especially by newly introduced adult females. Adult females exhibited the strongest and longest-lasting response to changes in group composition. The results indicate that in this species (1) introductions of adult females can be carried out with acceptable risk to the newcomers provided that careful monitoring occurs, so that the onset of severe aggression instigated by resident females toward new females can be avoided, (2) juveniles can be introduced with minimal risk, and (3) adult males can be introduced into groups lacking resident adult males with minimal risk. Capuchins differ in important ways from the better-studied Old World monkeys in their response to introductions of strangers. The differences are instructive with regard to processes supporting species-typical social structure, which is less overtly hierarchical in capuchins than in macaques.  相似文献   

We examined the production of stone took by capuchins (Cebus apella). Eleven subjects used five reduction techniques to produce 346 stone tools (48 cores and 298 flakes). They produced a sharp edge on 83% of the cores and largest flakes. Three monkeys later used a sample of these objects as cutting tools. These results demonstrate that monkeys produce lithic tools analogous to those produced by Oldowan hominids.  相似文献   

The development and individual stability of three intimate social behaviors (Lipsmacking, Carrying Attempts, and Facial Inspection) were examined for 43 group-housed Cebus apella infants from birth to 2 years of age. Occurrence of these behaviors was scored from 10-min videotape samples recorded three times a week over that time. Frequency of Lipsmacking and Carrying Attempts by adult males, adult females, and juveniles were all highest in early months and decreased to low levels by the end of the first year. Facial Inspection of partners by infants, in contrast, first began at 3-4 months and increased over time, at least to adult males and juveniles. Correlational analyses indicated stable individual differences in these interactions with infants and outlined a relationship between these intimate behaviors and more general social patterns reported previously for these animals. Results suggest that adult males may play a special role in affording juveniles opportunities for social learning of foraging and manipulative skills.  相似文献   

This research examined capuchin monkey (Cebus apella) grips for the use of throwing, nut-cracking, and cutting tools. We provided subjects with stones and apparatus that accommodated the use of stones as tools. Our subjects exhibited five grips, two of which the animals used when force was the primary consideration (power grips) and three of which the animals use when accuracy of sensory judgment and instrumentation was required (precision grips). We believe that the range of contexts in which capuchins use stone tools, combined with the ability of capuchins to employ both power and precision grips as part of their tool repertoire, indicate that Cebus apella can be used to identify grips that facilitated hominid lithic technology. Am J Phys Anthropol 103:131–135, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We examined hand preference in the use of tools by tufted capuchins (Cebus apella). We presented a colony of monkeys with an enclosed container designed to accommodate the use of probing tools. Over an 8-month period, 13 monkeys used probes to extract sweet syrup from the narrow opening of the apparatus. Five monkeys exhibited bias toward use of their right hand and eight monkeys exhibited bias toward use of their left hand. Adult monkeys exhibited a greater percentage of right-hand preferent probing sequences than did juveniles. These results are consistent with hypotheses that in tasks that involve the use of tools, nonhuman primates exhibit strong lateral asymmetries at the individual level, a moderate left-hand bias at the population level, and increased bias with age toward use of the right hand.  相似文献   

White-fronted capuchins were observed to use leaves as cups to retrieve water from tree cavities. On multiple occasions several individuals performed this behavior. Thus, these capuchins engage in habitual tool use, as defined by McGrew's classificatory scheme of tool using behavior. Am. J. Primatol. 46:259–261, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Chromosome studies were performed on 40 specimens identified as Cebus apella paraguayanus, Fischer, 1829, which had been wild-caught in Santa Catalina (Republic of Paraguay). Elongated chromosome spreads obtained from lymphocyte cultures were sequentially stained with different techniques, and a constant pattern of 382 bands was identified in all specimens. A standard karyotype based on the measurements of the total chromosome length and the G-Q banding pattern is proposed.  相似文献   

Cebus Apella (C. apella) is a species of Nonhuman Primate (NHP) used for biomedical research because it is phylogenetically similar and shares anatomical commonalities with humans. Here, the gut microbiota of three C. apella were examined in the different regions of the intestinal tract. Using metagenomics, the gut microbiota associated with the luminal content and mucus layer for each intestinal region was identified, and functionality was investigated by quantifying the levels of short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) produced. The results of this study show a high degree of similarity in the intestinal communities among C. apella subjects, with multiple shared characteristics. First, the communities in the lumen were more phylogenetically diverse and rich compared to the mucus layer communities throughout the entire intestinal tract. The small intestine communities in the lumen displayed a higher Shannon diversity index compared to the colon communities. Second, all the communities were dominated by aero‐tolerant taxa such as Streptococcus, Enterococcus, Abiotrophia, and Lactobacillus, although there was preferential colonization of specific taxa observed. Finally, the primary SCFA produced throughout the intestinal tract was acetic acid, with some propionic acid and butyric acid detected in the colon regions. The small intestine microbiota produced significantly less SCFAs compared to the communities in the colon. Collectively, these data provide an in‐depth report on the composition, distribution, and SCFA production of the gut microbiota along the intestinal tract of the C. apella NHP animal model.  相似文献   

Quantifying cortisol concentration in hair is a non‐invasive biomarker of long‐term hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal (HPA) activation, and thus can provide important information on laboratory animal health. Marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) and capuchins (Cebus apella) are New World primates increasingly used in biomedical and neuroscience research, yet published hair cortisol concentrations for these species are limited. Review of the existing published hair cortisol values from marmosets reveals highly discrepant values and the use of variable techniques for hair collection, processing, and cortisol extraction. In this investigation we utilized a well‐established, standardized protocol to extract and quantify cortisol from marmoset (n = 12) and capuchin (n = 4) hair. Shaved hair samples were collected from the upper thigh during scheduled exams and analyzed via methanol extraction and enzyme immunoassay. In marmosets, hair cortisol concentration ranged from 2,710 to 6,267 pg/mg and averaged 4,070 ± 304 pg/mg. In capuchins, hair cortisol concentration ranged from 621 to 2,089 pg/mg and averaged 1,092 ± 338 pg/mg. Hair cortisol concentration was significantly different between marmosets and capuchins, with marmosets having higher concentrations than capuchins. The incorporation of hair cortisol analysis into research protocols provides a non‐invasive measure of HPA axis activity over time, which offers insight into animal health. Utilization of standard protocols across laboratories is essential to obtaining valid measurements and allowing for valuable future cross‐species comparisons.  相似文献   

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