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This study describes time course and ultrastructural changes during axonal degeneration of different neurones within the tympanal nerve of the locust Schistocerca gregaria. The tympanal nerve innervates the tergit and pleurit of the first abdominal segment and contains the axons of both sensory and motor neurones. The majority of axons (approx. 97%) belong to several types of sensory neurones: mechano- and chemosensitive hair sensilla, multipolar neurones, campaniform sensilla and sensory cells of a scolopidial organ, the auditory organ. Axons of campaniform sensilla, of auditory sensory cells and of motor neurones are wrapped by glial cell processes. In contrast, the very small and numerous axons (diameter <1 microm) of multipolar neurones and hair sensilla are not separated individually by glia sheets. Distal parts of sensory and motor axons show different reactions to axotomy: 1 week after separation from their somata, distal parts of motor axons are invaded by glial cell processes. This results in fascicles of small axon bundles. In contrast, distal parts of most sensory axons degenerate rapidly after being lesioned. The time to onset of degeneration depends on distance from the lesion site and on the type of sensory neurone. In axons of auditory sensory neurones, ultrastructural signs of degeneration can be found as soon as 2 days after lesion. After complete lysis of distal parts of axons, glial cell processes invade the space formerly occupied by sensory axons. The rapid degeneration of distal auditory axon parts allows it to be excluded that they provide a structure that leads regenerating axons to their targets. Proximal parts of severed axons do not degenerate.  相似文献   

Three types of hairs were identified on the maxillary palp of Drosophila melanogaster Meigen (Diptera : Drosophilidae): (i) single-walled, multiporous sensilla basiconica, which constitute 75% of the innervated hairs; (ii) thick walled non-porous sensilla trichodea, which make up the remaining 25% of the innervated hairs; and (iii) numerous spinules, which are un-innervated. These sensilla basiconica uniformly contain 2 bipolar sense cells, whereas sensilla trichodea have a single dendrite with a tubular body at the base of each hair. A majority of the sensilla basiconica is located on the distal half of the dorsal surface, whereas sensilla trichodea are positioned on the tip and entire ventrolateral ridge of the palp. Approximately 125 axons of the sense cells join to form a single nerve. The structure of sensilla basiconica and sensilla trichodea suggests that they are olfactory and mechanosensory respectively. The contact chemoreceptors (gustatory sensilla) are conspicuously absent on the maxillary palp.Golgi silver impregnations and cobalt fills show that the primary sensory fibres from sensilla trichodea and sensilla basiconica on the maxillary palp project in the posterior suboesophageal ganglion (SOG) and the antennal lobe respectively. A single fibre projects separately either in the SOG or in the antennal lobe. In the antennal lobe, the input received from sensilla basiconica is usually bilateral and at least 5 glomeruli are innervated symmetrically on either side from both the palps.This study suggests that the sensory neurons are capable of making selective projections in the specific regions of the brain. Accordingly, the fibres from a sensillum project to the brain with respect to their functions and the individual glomeruli represent functional units of the brain, receiving inputs in a characteristic combination.  相似文献   

The fine structure and primary sensory projections of sensilla located in the labial-palp pit organ of the cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera (Insecta, Lepidoptera) are investigated by scanning electron and transmission electron microscopy combined with confocal laser scanning microscopy. The pit organ located on the third segment of the labial palp is about 300 μm deep with a 60-μm-wide opening, each structure containing about 1200 sensilla. Two sensillum types have been found, namely hair-shaped and club-shaped sensilla, located on the upper and lower half of the pit, respectively. Most sensilla possess a single dendrite. The dendrite housed by the club-shaped sensilla is often split into several branches or becomes lamellated in the outer segment. As reported previously, the sensory axons of the sensilla in the labial pit organ form a bundle entering the ipsilateral side of the subesophageal ganglion via the labial palp nerve and project to three distinct areas: the labial pit organ glomerulus in each antennal lobe, the subesophageal ganglion and the ventral nerve cord. In the antennal lobe, the labial pit organ glomerulus is innervated by sensory axons from the labial pit organ only; no antennal afferents target this unit. One neuron has been found extending fine processes into the subesophageal ganglion and innervating the labial palp via one branch passing at the base of the labial palp nerve. The soma of this assumed motor neuron is located in the ipsilateral cell body layer of the subesophageal ganglion. Our results provide valuable knowledge concerning the neural circuit encoding information about carbon dioxide and should stimulate further investigations directed at controlling pest species such as H. armigera.  相似文献   

The antennal lobes of different castes of the ant species Camponotus compressus show a marked diversity in the organization of their olfactory glomeruli. Notably, there is a significant difference in the number and size of glomeruli between the reproductives and the workers and among the different worker castes. In this report, we investigate the notion that these caste-specific differences in glomerular number might be accounted for, at least in part, by the differences in numbers of olfactory sensilla that target the antennal lobe. For this, we examine the number of sensilla on the antennal flagella of all the individual castes of C. compressus. This analysis reveals a striking correlation between sensillar number and the number of antennal glomeruli in a given caste. As a first step in investigating the causal mechanisms that might give raise to this correlation, we carry out an initial characterization of olfactory system development in the minor workers of C. compressus. We analyze the temporal pattern of innervations of the developing antennal lobe by olfactory sensory neuron axons. We document the development of the olfactory glomeruli in the antennal lobe during this process, which occurs during early pupal stages. Our findings provide the basis for future manipulative developmental studies on the role of sensory afferent number in glomerular development of different castes within the same species.  相似文献   

The central projection patterns of sensory cells from the wing and haltere of Drosophila, as revealed by filling their axons with cobalt, consist of dorsal components arising from small campaniform sensilla and ventral components arising from large campaniform sensilla and from bristles. All of the bristles of the wing are innervated, some singly and some multiply. All three classes of sensilla are strongly represented on the wing, but the haltere carries primarily small campaniform sensilla and has a correspondingly minute ventral projection. In bithorax mutants in which the haltere is transformed into wing, ventral components are added to the projection pattern, while the dorsal components appear as if haltere tissue were still present. Thus, the three classes of receptors not only produce different projection patterns when they develop in their native mesothoracic segment, but also behave differently in the homeotic situation. Consequently, different developmental programs are inferred for each class. When somatic recombination clones of bithorax tissue are generated in phenotypically wild-type flies, they also produce ventral projections. However, these projections of mutant fibers into wild-type ganglia differ in certain details from the projections of mutant fibers into mutant ganglia. Thus, homeotic changes are inferred to occur in the CNS of mutant flies, but these are not required for the execution of those developmental instructions carried in the genome of large campaniform and bristle sensory cells which specify that their axons should grow ventrad in the CNS.  相似文献   

Knowledge about the neuronal pathways of the taste system is interesting both for studying taste coding and appetitive learning of odours. We here present the morphology of the sensilla styloconica on the proboscis of the moth Heliothis virescens and the projections of the associated receptor neurones in the central nervous system. The morphology of the sensilla was studied by light microscopy and by scanning- and transmission electron microscopy. Each sensillum contains three or four sensory neurones; one mechanosensory and two or three chemosensory. The receptor neurones were stained with neurobiotin tracer combined with avidin-fluorescein conjugate, and the projections were viewed in a confocal laser-scanning microscope. The stained axons entered the suboesophageal ganglion via the maxillary nerves and were divided into two categories based on their projection pattern. Category one projected exclusively ipsilaterally in the dorsal suboesophageal ganglion/tritocerebrum and category two projected bilaterally and more ventrally in the suboesophageal ganglion confined to the anterior surface of the neuropil. The bilateral projecting neurones had one additional branch terminating ipsilaterally in the dorsal suboesophageal ganglion/tritocerebrum. A possible segregation of the two categories of projections as taste and mechanosensory is discussed.  相似文献   

In insects, olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) are located in cuticular sensilla, that are present on the antennae and on the maxillary palps. Their axons project into spherical neuropil, the glomeruli, which are characteristic structures in the primary olfactory center throughout the animal kingdom. ORNs in insects often respond specifically to single odor compounds. The projection patterns of these neurons within the primary olfactory center, the antennal lobe, are, however, largely unknown.We developed a method to stain central projections of intact receptor neurons known to respond to host odor compounds in the malaria mosquito, Anopheles gambiae. Terminal arborizations from ORNs from antennal sensilla had only a few branches apparently restricted to a single glomerulus. Axonal arborizations of the different neurons originating from the same sensillum did not overlap.ORNs originating from maxillary palp sensilla all projected into a dorso-medial area in both the ipsi- and contralateral antennal lobe, which received in no case axon terminals from antennal receptor neurons. Staining of maxillary palp receptor neurons in a second mosquito species (Aedes aegypti) revealed unilateral arborizations in an area at a similar position as in An. gambiae.  相似文献   

Extracellular electrophysiological recordings were made from individual type-A trichoid sensilla on the antenna of the female sphinx moth Manduca sexta. A single annulus of the antenna bears about 1,100 of these sensilla, and each is innervated by two olfactory receptor cells. We tested the responses of these receptor cells to a panel of 102 volatile compounds, as well as three plant-derived odor mixtures, and could discern three different functional types of type-A trichoid sensilla. One subset of receptor cells exhibited an apparently narrow molecular receptive range, responding strongly to only one or two terpenoid odorants. The second subset was activated exclusively by aromatics and responded strongly to two to seven odorants. The third subset had a broad molecular receptive range and responded strongly to odorants belonging to several chemical classes. We also found receptor cells that did not respond to any of the odorants tested but were spontaneously active. Certain odorants elicited excitatory responses in some sensilla but inhibitory responses in others, and some receptor cells were strongly excited by certain odorants but inhibited by others. Impregnation of groups of receptor cells in type-A trichoid sensilla with rhodamine-dextran demonstrated that their axons project mainly to the large female glomeruli of the antennal lobe.  相似文献   

The head of Austroperipatus aequabilis bears five types of sensilla. which were examined by electron microscopy. They differ from each other in position, shape of outer sensory elements and cuticular socket structures. Thus, we distinguish sensilla with sensory hairs, sensilla with sensory bulbs, cone-shaped sensilla. sensilla with sensory bristles, and sensilla of the lips. They are composed of up to 15 cells, which can he separated into four cell types. The most frequent cell type is the bipolar receptor cell that occurs in all sensilla. The apical surface of this primary receptor cell is characterized by one or two partly branched cilia with a basal 9 × 2 + 0 pattern of microtubules. A modified bipolar receptor cell was found in all sensilla bearing a sensory peg except for the sensilla equipped with sensory bristles. The apical dendrite extends to a long pale process which exclusively contains mitochondria and single microtubules. In all sensilla examined in this study at least one supporting cell occurs which is characterized by parallel microvilli. An additional function of this cell type as a part of the stimulus-conducting system is possible. In the sensillum with a sensory bulb two kinds of supporting cells occur. A unique cell type with an upside down position has regularly been found in all sensilla bearing a sensory peg. Apart from the sensilla they also occur within the labial epidermis. Since most sensilla contain several different receptor cells, they can be considered as complex sense organs. © 1998 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved  相似文献   

Odorant-binding proteins (OBPs) are small soluble proteins present in the aqueous medium surrounding olfactory receptor neurones. In this study we examine the expression patterns of three Drosophila OBPs (LUSH=OBP76a, OS-E=OBP83b and OS-F=OBP83a), using post-embedding immunocytochemistry. All three OBPs are co-expressed in sensilla trichodea whereas sensilla intermedia show co-expression of OS-E and OS-F only, but not of LUSH. Thus, it is confirmed that an individual sensillum can contain more than one OBP, even if it comprises only a single receptor neurone, such as the subtype T-1. In s. trichodea of lush mutants, expression of OS-E and OS-F is not impaired. No other sensillum type on antenna or maxillary palp (e.g. sensilla basiconica, sensilla coeloconica) expresses LUSH, OS-E or OS-F. Within the s. trichodea the three OBPs show the same labelling pattern: the extracellular sensillum lymph in the hair lumen and the sensillum-lymph cavities are heavily labelled. Intracellularly, the three OBPs are co-localised in a variety of dense granules in all auxiliary cells, and also in the receptor neurones. Immunocytochemical data from antennal sections of flies where lush gene expression has been tagged with the reporter gene lacZ suggest that LUSH is synthesised only in the trichogen and the thecogen cells. Thus, LUSH OBP is produced and secreted by two auxiliary cells, whereas its turnover and decomposition does not appear to be restricted to these auxiliary cells but may also occur in the tormogen and receptor cells. The immunocytochemical results are discussed with respect to current concepts of the function of odorant-binding proteins.  相似文献   

The temporal patterns for the development of sensitivity in the lactic acid-excited neurones of the antennal grooved-peg sensilla and for the initiation of host-seeking behaviour by newly emerged virgin female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes were determined and compared. A 1:1 correlation between the presence of a high sensitivity to the host attractant, lactic acid, in the lactic acid-excited neurones and the presence of host-seeking behaviour was observed. This finding supports the notion that changes in the activity of the peripheral sensory system are sufficient, although perhaps not the only means, to control host-seeking behaviour of female mosquitoes.  相似文献   

This review surveys the organization of the olfactory and gustatory systems in the imago and in the larva of Drosophila melanogaster, both at the sensory and the central level. Olfactory epithelia of the adult are located primarily on the third antennal segment (funiculus) and on the maxillary palps. About 200 basiconic (BS), 150 trichoid (TS) and 60 coeloconic sensilla (CS) cover the surface of the funiculus, and an additional 60 BS are located on the maxillary palps. Males possess about 30% more TS but 20% fewer BS than females. All these sensilla are multineuronal; they may be purely olfactory or multimodal with an olfactory component. Antennal and maxillary afferents converge onto approximately 35 glomeruli within the antennal lobe. These projections obey precise rules: individual fibers are glomerulus-specific, and different types of sensilla are associated with particular subsets of glomeruli. Possible functions of antennal glomeruli are discussed. In contrast to olfactory sensilla, gustatory sensilla of the imago are located at many sites, including the labellum, the pharynx, the legs, the wing margin and the female genitalia. Each of these sensory sites has its own central target. Taste sensilla are usually composed of one mechano-and three chemosensory neurons. Individual chemosensory neurons within a sensillum respond to distinct subsets of molecules and project into different central target regions. The chemosensory system of the larva is much simpler and consists essentially of three major sensillar complexes on the cephalic lobe, the dorsal, terminal and ventral organs, and a series of pharyngeal sensilla.  相似文献   

The antennae of the rhinoceros beetle, Oryctes rhinoceros (Coleoptera : Dynastidae), comprise 4 parts : the scape, the pedicel, a funicle, and a club of 3 lamellate segments. The inner surfaces of the lamellate club segments carry one type of trichoid sensilla, 2 types of sensilla coeloconica, and 3 types of multiporous pore plate sensilla. The total surface occupied by the sensilla on the antenna is 5.2±0.4 mm2 in males (mean±SD) and 5.4±0.5 mm2 in females. With a measured density of 8665±1254 sensilla per mm2 in males and 8952±1642 sensilla per mm2 in females, the total number of pore plate sensilla was estimated to be between 45,000 and 50,000. The structure of the 3 types of pore plate sensilla is described. SP1 are the most abundant type of placoid sensilla. They show a convex and rugged plate whose infoldings form a circle of irregular cavities. SP2 sensilla are characterised by a smooth and convex plate, surrounded by a furrow with a ridge. SP2 are localised on a wide band situated along the straight side of the lamella. The plate of SP3 is nearly flat and there is no furrow. SP3 are confined within a narrow margin along the convex edge of lamellae. The 3 types of pore plate sensilla house 2 neurones whose dendrites branch repeatedly under a plate of thin (0.2 μm) cuticle, which is pitted with numerous pores, 40 nm in diameter. Single sensillum recordings with tungsten microelectrodes revealed the firing activity of 2 neurones. These receptor neurones responded specifically to olfactory stimulus. Olfactory receptor neurones tuned to the male pheromone compound, ethyl 4-methyl octanoate, were found in male and female antennae. Other receptor neurones responded to plant volatiles. Morphological and electrophysiological data suggest the absence of a sexual dimorphism in the olfactory organs. The functional organisation of the olfactory organs is discussed in terms of their adaptation to the ecology of O. rhinoceros.  相似文献   

Extracellular electrophysiological recordings were made from individual type-A trichoid sensilla on the antenna of the female sphinx moth Manduca sexta. A single annulus of the antenna bears about 1,100 of these sensilla, and each is innervated by two olfactory receptor cells. We tested the responses of these receptor cells to a panel of 102 volatile compounds, as well as three plant-derived odor mixtures, and could discern three different functional types of type-A trichoid sensilla. One subset of receptor cells exhibited an apparently narrow molecular receptive range, responding strongly to only one or two terpenoid odorants. The second subset was activated exclusively by aromatics and responded strongly to two to seven odorants. The third subset had a broad molecular receptive range and responded strongly to odorants belonging to several chemical classes. We also found receptor cells that did not respond to any of the odorants tested but were spontaneously active. Certain odorants elicited excitatory responses in some sensilla but inhibitory responses in others, and some receptor cells were strongly excited by certain odorants but inhibited by others. Impregnation of groups of receptor cells in type-A trichoid sensilla with rhodamine-dextran demonstrated that their axons project mainly to the large female glomeruli of the antennal lobe.  相似文献   

Food selection behavior of lepidopteran larvae is predominantly governed by the activation of taste neurons present in two sensilla styloconica located on the galea of the maxilla. In this study, we present the ultrastructure of the sensilla styloconica and the central projection pattern of their associated receptor neurons in larvae of the heliothine moth, Helicoverpa armigera. By means of light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, the previous findings of two morphologically fairly similar sensilla comprising a socketed conic tip inserted into a large peg were confirmed. However, the peg size of the medial sensillum was found to be significantly bigger than that of the lateral sensillum. The sensory neurons derived from each sensillum styloconicum were mapped separately using anterograde staining experiments combined with confocal laser-scanning microscopy. For determining the afferents’ target regions relative to each other, we reconstructed the labeled axons and placed them into a common reference framework. The sensory axons from both sensilla projected via the ipsilateral maxillary nerve to the suboesophageal ganglion and further through the ipsilateral circumoesophageal connective to the brain. In the suboesophageal ganglion, the sensory projections targeted two areas of the ipsilateral maxillary neuropil, one located in the ventrolateral neuromere and the other adjacent to the neuromere midline. In the brain, the axon terminals targeted the dorso-anterior area of the ipsilateral tritocerebrum. As confirmed by the three-dimensional reconstructions, the target regions of the neural projections originating from each of the two sensilla styloconica were identical.  相似文献   

In the Herald moth Scoliopteryx libatrix there are single superficial auricillic sensilla, as well as groups of s. auricillica located in cavities on the antennae. Two sensory neurones, with different dendrite diameters innervate each of these sensilla. The diameter of the smaller dendritic segment is roughly half that of the larger one. The larger dendritic outer segment branches profusely in the lumen of the sensillum, whereas the smaller dendrite has few branches. Electrophysiological recordings from s. auricillica located in the medial part of the cavity revealed a receptor neurone responding to Delta-3-carene. In addition to these neurones, recordings made deeper and more laterally into the cavity showed neurones that responded to (+/-)-linalool, alpha-pinene and green leaf volatiles.  相似文献   

The central projections of olfactory receptor cells associatedwith two distinct types of antennal sensilla in the sphinx mothManduca sexta were revealed by anterograde staining. In bothsexes, receptor axons that arise from sexually isomorphic, type-IItrichoid sensilla (and possibly some basiconic sensilla) projectto the spheroidal glomeruli in the ipsilateral antennal lobe.Each axon terminates in one glomerulus. Axons from a limitedregion of the antenna project to glomeruli throughout the lobe,arguing against strict topographic mapping of antennal receptorcells onto the array of glomeruli. Axons of sex-pheromone-selectivereceptor cells in the male-specific type-I trichoid sensillaproject exclusively to the sexually dimorphic macroglomerularcomplex (MGC). Axons from sensilla on the dorsal surface ofthe antenna are biased toward the medial MGC and those fromventral sensilla, toward the lateral MGC. Some receptor-cellaxons branch before reaching the MGC, but their terminals arealways confined to one of the two main glomerular divisionsof the MGC, the cumulus and toroid. These findings confirm thatprimary-afferent information about pheromonal and non-pheromonalodors is segregated in the antennal lobe and suggest that thereis a functional correspondence between particular olfactoryreceptor cells and specific glomeruli. Chem. Senses 20: 313–323,1995.  相似文献   

The neurophysiology and antennal lobe projections of olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) within sexually isomorphic short trichoid sensilla of male Heliothis virescens (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera) were investigated using cut-sensillum recording and cobalt-lysine staining. A total of 202 sensilla were sorted into 14 possible sensillar categories based on odor responses and physiology of ORNs within. Seventy-two percent of the sensilla identified contained ORNs stimulated by conspecific odors. In addition, a large number of ORNs were specifically sensitive to ß-caryophyllene, a plant-derived volatile (N = 41). Axons originating from ORNs associated with individual sensilla were stained with cobalt lysine (N = 67) and traced to individual glomeruli in the antennal lobe. ORNs with responses to female sex pheromone components exhibited similar axonal projections as those previously described from ORNs in long sensilla trichodea in male H. virescens. Antennal lobe axonal arborizations of ORNs sensitive to hairpencil components were also located in glomeruli near the base of the antennal nerve, whilst those sensitive to plant odorants projected to more medial glomeruli. Comparisons with ORNs described from female H. virescens supports the notion that glomeruli at the base of the antennal nerve are associated with conspecific and interspecific odorants, whereas those located medially are associated with plant volatiles.  相似文献   

We used single-sensillum recordings to characterize male Heliothis subflexa antennal olfactory receptor neuron physiology in response to compounds related to their sex pheromone. The recordings were then followed by cobalt staining in order to trace the neurons' axons to their glomerular destinations in the antennal lobe. Receptor neurons responding to the major pheromone component, (Z)-11-hexadecenal, in the first type of sensillum, type-A, projected axons to the cumulus of the macroglomerular complex (MGC). In approximately 40% of the type-A sensilla, a colocalized receptor neuron was stained that projected consistently to the posterior complex 1 (PCx1), a specific glomerulus in an 8-glomerulus complex that we call the Posterior Complex (PCx). We found that receptor neurons residing in type-B sensilla and responding to a secondary pheromone component, (Z)-9-hexadecenal, send their axons to the dorsal medial glomerulus of the MGC. As in the type-A sensilla, we found a cocompartmentalized neuron within type-B sensilla that sends its axon to a different glomerulus of the PCx4. One neuron in type-C sensilla tuned to a third pheromone component, (Z)-11-hexadecenol, and a colocalized neuron responding to (Z)-11-hexadecenyl acetate projected their axons to the anteromedial and ventromedial glomeruli of the MGC, respectively.  相似文献   

Abstract.Recordings from antennal olfactory receptor neurones in young adult Schistocerca gregaria Forskål (Orthoptera: Acrididae) showed that behaviourally important odours are detected by receptor neurones present in morphologically identifiable sensillum types. Both nymph- and adult-produced aggregation pheromones activate receptor neurones housed in sensilla basiconica. The receptor neurones in this sensillum type in solitary-reared locusts display a higher sensitivity to aggregation pheromones and to some other behaviourally relevant odours than the same type of neurones in gregarious locusts. Receptor neurones present in sensilla coeloconica respond to green leaf odours, organic acids, and nymphal odours but are inhibited by mature adult-produced aggregation pheromones. Receptor neurones housed in sensilla trichodea respond to a possible sex pheromone. No phase differences were found in the response of coeloconic- or trichoid-associated receptor neurones.  相似文献   

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