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A series of analogues, derived from the antiviral and cytotoxic diterpene stemodin, were prepared and evaluated for their lipid peroxidation (LPO), cyclooxygenase enzyme-1 (COX-1) and -2 (COX-2), and tumour cell proliferation inhibitory activities. Oxidation of stemodin produced stemodinone, which was then converted to stemod-12-en-2-one. Reaction of the latter under Petrow conditions (bromine; silver acetate/pyridine) yielded mainly dibrominated abeo-stachanes. Solvolysis of the dibromo compounds gave products of hydrolysis, some with rearranged skeleta. In the lipid peroxidation inhibitory assay three of the compounds exhibited prominent activity. Interestingly, all the analogues showed higher COX-1 enzyme inhibition than COX-2. Although a few of the diterpenes limited the growth of some human tumour cell lines, most compounds induced proliferation of such cells.  相似文献   

d-Amino acids can play important roles as specific biosynthetic building blocks required by organisms or act as regulatory molecules. Consequently, amino acid racemases that catalyze the formation of d-amino acids are potential therapeutic targets. Serine racemase catalyzes the reversible formation of d-serine (a modulator of neurotransmission) from l-serine, while proline racemase (an essential enzymatic and mitogenic protein in trypanosomes) catalyzes the reversible conversion of l-proline to d-proline. We show the substrate-product analogue α-(hydroxymethyl)serine is a modest, linear mixed-type inhibitor of serine racemase from Schizosaccharomyces pombe (Ki = 167 ± 21 mM, Ki = 661 ± 81 mM, cf. Km = 19 ± 2 mM). The bicyclic substrate-product analogue of proline, 7-azabicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-7-ium-1-carboxylate is a weak inhibitor of proline racemase from Clostridium sticklandii, giving only 29% inhibition at 142.5 mM. However, the more flexible bicyclic substrate-product analogue tetrahydro-1H-pyrrolizine-7a(5H)-carboxylate is a noncompetitive inhibitor of proline racemase from C. sticklandii (Ki = 111 ± 15 mM, cf. Km = 5.7 ± 0.5 mM). These results suggest that substrate-product analogue inhibitors of racemases may only be effective when the active site is capacious and/or plastic, or when the inhibitor is sufficiently flexible.  相似文献   

The tetrapeptide N-Acetyl-Ser-Asp-Lys-Pro (AcSDKP), an inhibitor of haematopoietic stem cell proliferation, reduces in vivo and in vitro the damage to the stem cell compartment resulting from treatment with chemotherapeutic agents or ionizing radiations. In order to provide new molecules likely to improve the myeloprotection displayed by this tetrapeptide, we have prepared a set of analogues of AcSDKP. These compounds are derived from the parent peptide by substitution or modification of the N- or of the C-terminus, or substitution of side chains. We report here that almost all investigated analogues retain the antiproliferative activity reducing in vitro the proportion of murine Colony-Forming Units Granulocyte, Macrophage (CFU-GM) in S-phase and inhibiting the entry into cycle of High Proliferative Potential Colony-Forming Cells (HPP-CFC). This shows that the polar groups of Ser, Asp or Lys are critical for the expression of biological activity, but that the modification of the N- or C-terminus mostly yielded compounds still retaining antiproliferative activity and devoid of toxicity. The efficacy of AcSDKP analogues in preventing in vitro the primitive haematopoietic cells from entering into cycle makes these molecules new candidates for further in vivo investigations.  相似文献   

Recently we identified a plasma serine protease with a high affinity to glycosaminoglycans like heparin or hyaluronic acid, termed hyaluronan-binding protease (HABP). Since glycosaminoglycans are found on cell surfaces and in the extracellular matrix a physiological role of this plasma protease in a pericellular environment was postulated. Here we studied the influence of HABP on the regulation of endothelial cell growth. We found that HABP efficiently prevented the basic fibroblast growth factor/epidermal growth factor (bFGF/EGF)-dependent proliferation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Proteolytic cleavage of adhesion molecules was found to be involved, but was not solely responsible for the anti-proliferative activity. Pre-treatment of growth factor-supplemented cell culture medium with HABP indicated that no direct contact between the active protease and cells was required for growth inhibition. In vitro studies revealed a growth factor-directed activity of HABP, resulting in complexation and partial hydrolysis and, thus, inactivation of basic fibroblast growth factor, a potent mitogen for endothelial cells. Heparin and heparan sulfate fully protected bFGF from complexation and cleavage by HABP, although these glycosaminoglycans are known to enhance the proteolytic activity of HABP. This finding suggested that free circulating bFGF rather than bFGF bound to heparan sulfate proteoglycans would be a physiologic substrate. In conclusion, down-regulation of bFGF-dependent endothelial cell growth represents an important mechanism through which HABP could control cell growth in physiologic or pathologic processes like angiogenesis, wound healing or tumor development.  相似文献   

The enzyme adenosine kinase (AK) plays a central role in regulating the intracellular and interstitial concentration of the purine nucleoside adenosine (Ado). In view of the beneficial effects of Ado in protecting tissues from ischemia and other stresses, there is much interest in developing AK inhibitors, which can regulate Ado concentration in a site- and event-specific manner. The catalytic activity of AK from different sources is dependent upon the presence of activators such as phosphate (Pi). In this work we describe several new phosphorylated compounds which either activate or inhibit AK. The compounds acetyl phosphate, carbamoyl phosphate, dihydroxyacetone phosphate and imidodiphosphate were found to stimulate AK activity in a dose-dependent manner comparable to that seen with Pi. In contrast, a number of phosphonate and bisphosphonate derivatives, which included clodronate and etidronate, were found to inhibit the activity of purified AK in the presence of Pi. These AK inhibitors (viz. clodronate, etidronate, phosphonoacetic acid, 2-carboxyethylphosphonic acid, N-(phosphonomethyl)-glycine and N-(phosphonomethyl)iminodiacetic acid), at concentrations at which they inhibited AK, were also shown to inhibit the uptake of 3H-adenosine and its incorporation into macromolecules in cultured mammalian cells, indicating that they were also inhibiting AK in intact cells. The drug concentrations at which these effects were observed showed limited toxicity to the cultured cells, indicating that these effects are not caused by cellular toxicity. These results indicate that the enzyme AK provides an additional cellular target for the clinically widely used bisphosphonates and related compounds, which could possibly be exploited for a new therapeutic application. Our structure–activity studies on different AK activators and inhibitors also indicate that all of the AK activating compounds have a higher partial positive charge (δ+) on the central phosphorous atom in comparison to the inhibitors. This information should prove helpful in the design and synthesis of more potent inhibitors of AK.  相似文献   

Two cyclic AMP-independent protein kinases from rat liver nuclei were inhibited competitively by adenosine and a variety of its analogues: cardycepin, tubercidin, 6-mercaptopurine riboside, 6-methylaminopurine riboside, 6-dimethylaminopurine riboside, and 2'-deoxyadenosine. Neither enzyme was inhibited by 6-methoxypurine riboside. Kinase NI was more sensitive to cordycepin, tubercidin, 6-methylaminopurine riboside,, 2'-deoxyadenosine, and adenosine than was kinase NII. Although the effects of all analogues tested were reversed by increasing the concentration of ATP, kinases NII and NI exhibited marked differences in their affinities for adenosine. The results presented here suggest that 1) differences in the catalytic properties of nuclear protein kinases can be detected by inhibitor studies and 2) modifications in the purine ring and sugar moiety of an adenosine analogue can alter its ability to inhibit nuclear protein kinases.  相似文献   

The anti-atherogenic effects of human apolipoprotein E3 (apoE3) have been partially attributed to its anti-proliferation properties. We studied if endogenously expressed apoE elicits isoform-dependent effects on cell proliferation. Rat F111 fibroblasts without native expression of apoE were used to establish cell lines with stable expression of the three human apoE isoforms. Cell growth curve studies showed that expression of apoE isoforms prolonged cell population doubling time in an isoform-dependent manner with apoE3 showing the most potent effect followed by apoE2 and apoE4 exhibiting comparable effects. Interestingly, saturation density of cell population was significantly reduced by the expression of apoE4 isofom. Further analyses revealed that all three apoE isoforms significantly lengthened G0/G1 phase (p < 0.05) of the cell cycle and were associated with the suppression of ERK1/2 activities. However, these changes were not sufficient to explain the isoform-dependent effects of apoE expression on cell population doubling time and saturation density.  相似文献   

Proliferating rat smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts have membrane-associated protease activity. High concentrations of heparin inhibited membrane-associated protease activity and cell proliferation, while low concentration of heparin promoted smooth muscle cell proliferation. The inhibition of protease activity and proliferation was abolished when heparin was treated with protamine sulfate or when acid treated fetal calf serum was used. Heparin required the presence of an acid labile factor(s) in serum for the inhibition of protease activity and proliferation. Heparin and antithrombin III in the presence of acid-treated fetal calf serum did not inhibit cell proliferation or protease activity. Cartilage factors isolated from bovine nasal cartilage containing trypsin inhibitory activity, but not papain inhibitory activity, inhibited rat smooth muscle and fibroblast proliferation and surface associated protease activity. The cartilage factors did not require acid-labile components in the fetal calf serum for the inhibitory activity. The inhibitory activity due to heparin and cartilage factors was not permanent under our experimental condition. Protein synthesis was not inhibited by heparin or the cartilage factors. In rat smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts, the expression of surface-associated protease activity was related to the proliferative state of the cells. Surface protease activity was only present on proliferating cells. When surface protease activity was inhibited by high concentrations of heparin in the presence of an acid-labile serum component(s) or cartilage factors, cell proliferation was also inhibited.  相似文献   

SERPINA5 belongs to the serine protease inhibitor superfamily and has been reported to be lowly expressed in a variety of malignancies. However, few report of SERPINA5 in gastric cancer has been found. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of SERPINA5 in GC and to investigate potential tumorigenic mechanisms. We performed qPCR to determine the level of SERPINA5 expression in GC. We used public databases to evaluate whether SERPINA5 could be utilized to predict overall survival and disease‐free survival in GC patients. We also knocked down the expression of SERPINA5 and evaluated its effect on cell proliferation and migration. Furthermore, we explored the signal pathways and regulatory mechanisms related to SERPINA5 functions. According to our findings, SERPINA5 was shown to exhibit high expression in GC. Notably, SERPINA5 was prognostic in GC with high expression being unfavourable. SERPINA5 was further observed to promote GC tumorigenesis by modulating GC cell proliferation ability. Mechanically, SERPINA5 could inhibit CBL to regulate the PI3K/AKT/mTOR signalling pathway, thereby promoting GC carcinogenesis progression. These results highlight the important role of SERPINA5 in GC cell proliferation and suggest that SERPINA5 could be a novel target for GC treatment and a predictor for GC prognosis.  相似文献   

Abstract The effects of synthetic alkyl ((alkyl 6-deoxy-a- d - gluco -heptopyranosyluronate) 6-deoxy-a- D -gluco-heptopyranoside) uronates, a novel type of mirror pseudo cord factor, on the in vitro modulation of interleukin-6 production and T-cell proliferation in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells, were investigated. Synthetic mirror pseudo cord factors with alkyl chains ranging from C16 to C18 have very weak interleukin-6-inducing capacities and lack mitogenic activities for T-cell proliferation. However, they could inhibit IL-6 release induced by sonicated Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (S-BCG), bacterial endotoxin, and phytohaemagglutinin in a dose-dependent manner. Inhibition was observed not only with mononuclear cells but also with purified monocytes. Furthermore, these synthetic compounds could suppress T-lymphocyte proliferation stimulated by sonicated Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv (S-H37Rv) antigens, S-BCG antigens, as well as by recombinant 65 kDa mycobacterial heat-shock protein. In contrast, these compounds failed to inhibit the phytohaemagglutinin-induced T-cell proliferation. We conclude that the inhibition of cytokine release and T-cell proliferation by synthetic mirror pseudo cord factors was due to direct blocking of the function and/or activity of monocytes or antigen-presenting cells.  相似文献   

Expression of murine adenosine deaminase (ADA) in transgenic maize   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A murine adenosine deaminase (ADA) gene, driven by the maize ubi-1 promoter and intron region, was transformed into embryogenic maize callus, along with a bar and gusA gene-containing plasmid, using microparticle bombardment. Selection in the presence of either the herbicide Basta® or the adenosine analogue 2-deoxyadenosine resulted in transgenic cultures that expressed GUS and accumulated a 41kD protein that immunoprecipated with an ADA-specific polyclonal antibody. ADA enzyme activity was observed in extracts from transgenic callus as well as regenerated plants and progeny. Cultures expressing ADA grew in the presence of 200mg/l 2-deoxyadenosine, a concentration which completely inhibited the growth of non-transgenic cultures. ADA activity appeared to segregate in progeny of regenerated plants as a single, dominant Mendelian trait. These results suggest that ADA, in combination with adenosine analogue selection, represents a potentially viable selectable marker system for transgenic maize production.  相似文献   

Inhibition of human endothelial cell proliferation by heparin and steroids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous works have reported the controversial effects of heparin and steroids on angiogenesis. In this study, we investigated the effect of these compounds on human endothelial cell (EC) growth in vitro. An antiproliferative heparin activity was found in low human serum concentrations (2%). When EC were exposed to heparin (10(-6) M), their proliferation index was reduced in the presence of endothelial cell growth factor added 6 hours or more later. These results suggest that there is an intracellular effect of heparin which reduces 3H-methylthymidine uptake. Hydrocortisone acetate and tetrahydroS induced inhibition of EC growth in a dose-dependent manner. Steroids inhibited proliferation of EC in culture medium in the presence or the absence of growth factor and in different human serum concentrations. These results suggest a possible synergistic antiangiogenic action of heparin plus steroids.  相似文献   

A solid tumour undergoes ischemia/reperfusion due to deficient vascularization and subsequent formation of new blood vessels. This study investigated the effect of transient oxygen and glucose deprivation (OGD) on proliferation of C6 glioma cells. The cells were subjected to 18 h of OGD followed by reoxygenation in the presence of glucose and different extra-cellular H2O2 concentrations since H2O2 affects cell proliferation. After reoxygenation, the cellular H2O2 concentration was increased returning to control levels within 24 h. Within this period, increase in cell number and MTT-reduction were impaired. Regeneration was completed on the third day of reoxygenation. MTT-reduction increased faster than cell number, indicating an OGD-dependent up-regulation of protein expression. It is concluded that ischemia/reperfusion stress promotes proliferation of tumour cells. An essential factor is a distinct H2O2 concentration. Massive elevation as well as significant reduction of H2O2 concentration impairs the proliferation process.  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the leading cause of cancer related deaths in the world, with increasing incidence in many developed countries. Epidemiological data suggest that consumption of soy products may be associated with a decreased risk of cancer. We investigate the effects of genistein on cell proliferation, apoptosis and caspase-3 in DEN induced (200 mg/kg body weight; by single intraperitoneal injection) and Phenobarbital promoted (0.05% through drinking water for 14 successive weeks) cancer-bearing rats. Immunohistochemistry was employed to detect cell proliferating markers proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), DNA fragmentation was determined by agarose gel electrophoresis and terminal deoxynucleatide transferase dUTP nick labeling (TUNEL) staining and caspase by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. We found inhibition of cell proliferation, induction of apoptosis and activation of caspase-3 in genistein treated animals. From these results, we conclude that genistein inhibit cell proliferation, induced apoptosis. This activation of caspsase-3 in genistein treated liver cancer bearing animals correlated well with its apoptosis inducing effect.  相似文献   

乙酰胆碱对培养的人垂体腺瘤细胞增殖的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解乙酰胆碱(acetylcholine,Ach)对人垂体腺瘤细胞增殖的影响。方法:将Ach作用于体外培养的人垂体腺瘤细胞,测定MTT反应A值和^3H-TdR参入量及用流式细胞仪测定细胞周期。结果:10^-7-10^-5mol/LAch可剂量依赖性地使MTT反应A值和^3H-TdR参入量降低,使垂体腺瘤G1期细胞比例增加(P<0.01),并可被阿托品阻断。结论:Ach在体外能明显抑制培养的人垂体腺瘤细胞的增殖,这种作用是通过Ach受体来实现的。  相似文献   

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