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Hormonal analysis provides information about wildlife populations, but is difficult to conduct in the field. Our goal was to develop a rapid and effective field method for fecal steroid analysis by comparing: (1) three extraction methods (laboratory (LAB), homogenize (HO) and handshake (HS)) and (2) two storage methods (solid‐phase extraction (SPE) tubes vs. plastic tubes (PT)). Samples (n=23) from captive African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) were thoroughly mixed, three aliquots of each were weighed (~0.5 g) and 5 ml of 90% ethanol was added. For LAB, samples were agitated (mixer setting 60; 30 min), centrifuged (1,500 rpm; 20 min) and poured into glass tubes. Or aliquots were HO (1 min) or HS (1 min) and poured through filter paper into glass tubes. Samples were split, analyzed for corticosterone (C) and testosterone (T) metabolites using enzyme immunoassays or stored in SPE or PT. Samples were stored (room temperature) for 30, 60 or 180 days, reconstituted in buffer and analyzed. Mean C and T recoveries of HO were greater (P=0.03) than HS compared with LAB, which was similar to HO (P>0.05). After 30 days <21% of C and T was recovered from SPE, but ~100% of each was recovered from HO‐PT and HS‐PT. Similarly, after 60 and 180 days, ~100% of C and T was recovered from HO‐PT and HS‐PT. Results demonstrated that, for C and T, HO was more comparable (P<0.001) to LAB than HS and PT storage was more efficient than SPE (P<0.001). Zoo Biol 29:289–302, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

African wild dogs are large, highly mobile carnivores that are known to disperse over considerable distances and are rare throughout much of their geographical range. Consequently, genetic variation within and differentiation between geographically separated populations is predicted to be minimal. We determined the genetic diversity of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequences and microsatellite loci in seven populations of African wild dogs. Analysis of mtDNA nucleotide diversity suggests that, historically, wild dog populations have been small relative to other large carnivores. However, population declines due to recent habitat loss have not caused a dramatic reduction in genetic diversity. We found one historical and eight recent mtDNA genotypes in 280 individuals that defined two highly divergent clades. In contrast to a previous, more limited, mtDNA analysis, sequences from these clades are not geographically restricted to eastern or southern African populations. Rather, we found a large admixture zone spanning populations from Botswana, Zimbabwe and south-eastern Tanzania. Mitochondrial and microsatellite differentiation between populations was significant and unique mtDNA genotypes and alleles characterized the populations. However, gene flow estimates (Nm) based on microsatellite data were generally greater than one migrant per generation. In contrast, gene flow estimates based on the mtDNA control region were lower than expected given differences in the mode of inheritance of mitochondrial and nuclear markers which suggests a male bias in long-distance dispersal.  相似文献   

Deciphering patterns of genetic variation within a species is essential for understanding population structure, local adaptation and differences in diversity between populations. Whilst neutrally evolving genetic markers can be used to elucidate demographic processes and genetic structure, they are not subject to selection and therefore are not informative about patterns of adaptive variation. As such, assessments of pertinent adaptive loci, such as the immunity genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), are increasingly being incorporated into genetic studies. In this study, we combined neutral (microsatellite, mtDNA) and adaptive (MHC class II DLA‐DRB1 locus) markers to elucidate the factors influencing patterns of genetic variation in the African wild dog (Lycaon pictus); an endangered canid that has suffered extensive declines in distribution and abundance. Our genetic analyses found all extant wild dog populations to be relatively small (Ne < 30). Furthermore, through coalescent modelling, we detected a genetic signature of a recent and substantial demographic decline, which correlates with human expansion, but contrasts with findings in some other African mammals. We found strong structuring of wild dog populations, indicating the negative influence of extensive habitat fragmentation and loss of gene flow between habitat patches. Across populations, we found that the spatial and temporal structure of microsatellite diversity and MHC diversity were correlated and strongly influenced by demographic stability and population size, indicating the effects of genetic drift in these small populations. Despite this correlation, we detected signatures of selection at the MHC, implying that selection has not been completely overwhelmed by genetic drift.  相似文献   

The effects of anthrax on endangered African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
African wild dogs ( Lycaon pictus ) are large, social canids formerly found throughout sub-Saharan Africa. Wild dogs are now endangered; only six nations hold populations larger than 100 individuals. Considerable evidence suggests that disease plays a central role in the regulation of some wild dog populations. In particular, it has been suggested that epizootics of rabies, canine distemper and anthrax can have strong local effects on wild dog numbers. Resolution of the regulatory importance of these diseases has been hampered by lack of data from wild populations. Here we report on an outbreak of anthrax among wild dogs in the Selous Game Reserve in southern Tanzania, describing clinical signs and diagnosis, measuring mortality, and testing for effects on hunting success and movements. Only one of five packs under study was affected. Immediate mortality was mild, with none of 18 adults (0%) and four of 24 pups (17%) dying. Mortality was significantly higher among puppies (<1 year old) than among adults. Mortality of individuals that showed signs of disease but did not die immediately was not significantly elevated over the following six months. The hunting success and movement patterns of the pack were not affected by the outbreak. Collectively, these data suggest that African wild dogs possess a degree of resistance to anthrax.  相似文献   

In a paper published fifteen years ago, Gorman et al. (Nature 391 , 479–481) made precise claims about how sensitive the African wild dog is to kleptoparasitism by spotted hyaenas Crocuta crocuta and lions Panthera leo. These claims are regularly referred to in the literature, and so far, they have remained unchallenged. However, careful perusal of their paper and analysis of the available data on energy intake and expenditure by wild dogs show that their claims are unfounded. Contrary to Gorman et al., wild dogs can usually take loss of food by kleptoparasitism in their stride. We present the calculations of the energy budget of wild dogs that remain implicit in the paper by Gorman et al.  相似文献   

Fecal samples were collected for 14–26 months from three male and six female Pallas' cats (Otocolobus manul) to examine gonadal steroidogenic activity in response to changes in photoperiod and treatment with exogenous gonadotropins. Females exhibited a seasonal anestrus from May–December, excreting consistently low concentrations of fecal estrogens (overall mean, 50.2±8.5 ng/g). During the breeding season (January–April), baseline fecal estrogen concentrations were higher, averaging 128.4±18.9 ng/g, with peak concentrations ranging from 455.8–909.6 ng/g. Interpeak intervals in estrogen excretion ranged between 7 and 21 days, with an average estrous cycle length of 14.3±1.7 days. Two females became pregnant after natural mating, with overall luteal progestogen concentrations averaging ~40 μg/g throughout gestation. Fecal estrogens increased in mid‐gestation, peaking just before birth. Induction of follicular development with eCG (100–300 IU, i.m.) resulted in an increase in fecal estrogens (peak range, 263.1–1198.1 ng/g), followed by a postovulatory increase in fecal progestogens (overall mean, 41.1±11.9 μg/g) after hCG (75–150 IU, i.m.). Despite apparently normal ovarian responses, none of the females conceived after artificial insemination (AI). The gonadotropin‐induced nonpregnant luteal phase lasted 49.8±5.3 days (range, 30–60 days), whereas gestation lasted ~70 days. In the male Pallas' cat, fecal androgens were elevated from November–April (overall mean, 352.3±30.3 ng/g) compared with nadir concentrations during the rest of the year (82.1±3.3 ng/g). Entrainment of seasonality to photoperiod was demonstrated by stimulation of gonadal steroidogenic activity in cats exposed to increasing artificial light during natural (nonbreeding season) and artificially induced short‐day photoperiods. In summary, reproduction in Pallas' cats is highly seasonal and photoperiod‐dependent. Females exhibit elevated baseline and peak fecal estrogen concentrations for 3–4 months during late winter/early spring. Testicular steroidogenic activity precedes the rise in female estrogen excretion by about 2 months, presumably to ensure maximal sperm production during the breeding season. Zoo Biol 21:347–364, 2002. Published 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Clinical signs of a fatal disease resembling those of canine distemper were observed in two groups of captive wild dog (Lycaon pictus) pups 13 days after vaccination with a commercially available combination vaccine for dogs which contained a live attenuated strain of canine distemper virus. Histopathological examination of tissues revealed the presence of intranuclear inclusion bodies in neurons and lesions resembling canine distemper as well as colonies of an Encephalitozoon sp. in the central nervous system and kidneys. Lesions were observed in both organs which resembled those described in other species infected with Encephalitozoon cuniculi.  相似文献   

The conservation of many fragmented and small populations of endangered African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) relies on understanding the natural processes affecting genetic diversity, demographics, and future viability. We used extensive behavioural, life-history, and genetic data from reintroduced African wild dogs in South Africa to (1) test for inbreeding avoidance via mate selection and (2) model the potential consequences of avoidance on population persistence. Results suggested that wild dogs avoided mating with kin. Inbreeding was rare in natal packs, after reproductive vacancies, and between sibling cohorts (observed on 0.8%, 12.5%, and 3.8% of occasions, respectively). Only one of the six (16.7%) breeding pairs confirmed as third-order (or closer) kin consisted of animals that were familiar with each other, while no other paired individuals had any prior association. Computer-simulated populations allowed to experience inbreeding had only a 1.6% probability of extinction within 100 years, whereas all populations avoiding incestuous matings became extinct due to the absence of unrelated mates. Populations that avoided mating with first-order relatives became extinct after 63 years compared with persistence of 37 and 19 years for those also prevented from second-order and third-order matings, respectively. Although stronger inbreeding avoidance maintains significantly more genetic variation, our results demonstrate the potentially severe demographic impacts of reduced numbers of suitable mates on the future viability of small, isolated wild dog populations. The rapid rate of population decline suggests that extinction may occur before inbreeding depression is observed.  相似文献   

Ovarian function in female hominoids is sensitive to both energy flux and energy balance, resulting in a reduced probability of conception during periods when a successful reproductive outcome is less likely. However, the extent to which energetic factors constrain gonadal function in male hominoids is not clear. We examined the effects of both acute and chronic variation in energy availability on urinary testosterone (T) levels in adult male chimpanzees. Acute changes in energy availability, which were assayed by means of observational data on feeding behavior, did not result in decreased T production for 11 individuals at Kibale National Park, Uganda. Chronic energy shortages, on the other hand, may be associated with lower T levels in this population. Adult males in Kibale (n=11), who maintain suboptimal access to energy, exhibit significantly lower urinary T levels than males in captivity (n=11), who are more sedentary and better fed. These results suggest that data on hormonal function in captive chimpanzees should be interpreted with caution because individuals may produce T at levels well above those that are typical in the wild. They also suggest that short-term variations in T levels in male hominoids are more likely to be explained by social factors than by energetic ones.  相似文献   

We collected urine samples from seven male bonobos (Pan paniscus) in the Eyengo community, Lomako Forest, Democratic Republic of Congo, and assayed them for testosterone (T). T levels averaged 525 pmol/mg Cr in adult males, and 309 pmol/mg Cr in subadult males. We collected hormonal and behavioral data during a period of relative social instability following the recent arrival of two immigrant males. In concordance with predictions derived from the challenge hypothesis [Wingfield et al., American Naturalist 136:829-846, 1990], which relates T to levels of reproductive aggression, the alpha male had the highest circulating levels of T. When we removed the two recent immigrant males from the analysis, there was a significant positive correlation between T levels and dominance rank for the long-term resident males (n=5, P=0.001, r2=0.98). These are the first data on T levels in wild bonobos, and the results suggest that further study of the relationship between T levels and social context in this species could inform current models relating hormones and aggression in wild apes.  相似文献   

Conservation management of endangered African wild dogs (AWD; Lycaon pictus) can benefit greatly from development of sperm freezing and artificial insemination. Previous freezing attempts yielded nearly 0% motile sperm within 2 h of thawing. In this study, two canine freezing protocols were tested: Protocol 1: a one-step dilution in TRIS-20% egg yolk containing 8% glycerol; and Protocol 2: a two-step dilution in TRIS-20% egg yolk containing a final extender concentration of 5% glycerol and 0.5% Equex STM, coupled with a TRIS-citrate-fructose thawing solution. Semen was collected by electroejaculation from n = 24 AWDs, of which eight ejaculates of sufficient quality (four good quality with initial sperm motility of 75.0 ± 4.4% and four poor quality; showing rapid decrease in sperm motility to 3.3 ± 3.3% prior to freezing) were frozen. For good quality samples, motility and sperm motility index persisted for up to 8 h for Protocol 2, and was higher between 2 and 6 h after thawing with a decrease from 4 h of incubation. Motility dropped to nearly 0% after 2 h incubation for Protocol 1. Viability was higher for Protocol 2 throughout the 8 h of incubation, with a decrease after 6 h, compared to 4 h for Protocol 1. Acrosome integrity was higher for Protocol 2 throughout post-thaw incubation, with a decrease after 2 h for both protocols. Protocols did not differ in normal sperm morphology or DNA integrity. Poor quality samples yielded similar results, except for acrosome integrity, which declined for Protocol 2. In conclusion, a two-step dilution in TRIS-egg yolk-glycerol extender containing Equex STM yields significantly improved post-thaw quality and longevity of AWD spermatozoa, making it suitable for sperm banking and artificial insemination initiatives.  相似文献   

Patterns of fecal reproductive steroid metabolites and adrenal corticoids were characterized for 12‐ to 24‐month periods in black (n = 10 male, 16 female) and white (n = 6 male, 13 female) rhinoceroses at 14 institutions. All black rhinoceros females exhibited at least some ovarian cyclicity on the basis of fecal progestogen analysis (range, 2–12 cycles/yr). However, cycles often were erratic, with many being shorter (<20 days; 18% of cycles) or longer (>32 days; 21%) than the average of 26.8 ± 0.5 days (n = 104 cycles). Five females exhibited periods of acyclicity of 2–10‐month duration that were unrelated to season. One complete and seven partial pregnancies were evaluated in the black rhinoceros. Fecal progestogens increased over luteal phase concentrations after 3 months of gestation. Females resumed cyclicity within 3 months postpartum, before calves were weaned (n = 5). Approximately half of white rhinoceros females (6 of 13) showed no evidence of ovarian cyclicity. Of the cycles observed, 5 were “short” (32.8 ± 1.2 days) and 24 were “long” (70.1 ± 1.6 days). Only two females cycled continuously throughout the study. One had both long (n = 9) and short (n = 2) cycles, whereas the other exhibited long cycles only (n = 5). Fecal estrogen excretion was variable, and profiles were not useful for characterizing follicular activity or diagnosing pregnancy in either species. Males of both species showed no evidence of seasonality on the basis of fecal androgen profiles. Androgen metabolite concentrations were higher (P < 0.05) in the black (27.6 ± 6.9 ng/g) than in the white (16.8 ± 3.1 ng/g) rhinoceros. An adrenocorticotropin hormone challenge in four black rhinoceros males demonstrated that the clearance rate of corticoid metabolites into feces was ~24 hours. Fecal corticoid concentrations did not differ between males and females, but overall means were higher in the black (41.8 ± 3.1 ng/g) than in the white (31.2 ± 1.7 ng/g) rhinoceros. In summary, fecal steroid analysis identified a number of differences in hormonal secretory dynamics between the black and white rhinoceros that may be related to differences in reproductive rates in captivity. Most black rhinoceros females exhibited some cyclic ovarian activity. In contrast, few white rhinoceroses demonstrated evidence of regular estrous cyclicity, and those females that were active had comparatively long cycles. Results also suggest that fecal corticoid concentrations reflect adrenal activity and may be species specific. Continued studies are needed to determine whether fecal corticoid measurements will be useful for understanding the cause of inconsistent gonadal activity in these two species. Because all but three (15.8%) of the white rhinoceroses evaluated in this study were less than 20 years of age compared to 73.1% (19 of 26) of the black rhinoceroses, the impact of age on reproductive and adrenal activity also needs to be evaluated further. Zoo Biol 20:463–486, 2001. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   



Infectious diseases have contributed to the decline and local extinction of several wildlife species, including African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus). Mitigating such disease threats is challenging, partly because uncertainty about disease dynamics makes it difficult to identify the best management approaches. Serious impacts on susceptible populations most frequently occur when generalist pathogens are maintained within populations of abundant (often domestic) “reservoir” hosts, and spill over into less abundant host species. If this is the case, disease control directed at the reservoir host might be most appropriate. However, pathogen transmission within threatened host populations may also be important, and may not be controllable by managing another host species.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We investigated interspecific and intraspecific transmission routes, by comparing African wild dogs'' exposure to six canine pathogens with behavioural measures of their opportunities for contact with domestic dogs and with other wild dogs. Domestic dog contact was associated with exposure to canine parvovirus, Ehrlichia canis, Neospora caninum and perhaps rabies virus, but not with exposure to canine distemper virus or canine coronavirus. Contact with other wild dogs appeared not to increase the risk of exposure to any of the pathogens.


These findings, combined with other data, suggest that management directed at domestic dogs might help to protect wild dog populations from rabies virus, but not from canine distemper virus. However, further analyses are needed to determine the management approaches – including no intervention – which are most appropriate for each pathogen.  相似文献   

The excretion of three gonadal steroids was studied in the urine and feces of female cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus oedipus). Each steroid, 14C-estrone, 14C-estradiol, and 14C-progesterone, was injected into a separate female cotton-top tamarin. Urine and feces were collected at 8 hr intervals for 5 days on the three tamarins. Samples were analyzed to determine the proportion of free and conjugated steroids. Steroid excretion patterns were determined by sequential ether extraction, enzyme hydrolysis, and chromatography. Labeled estrone was excreted in a slow and continuous manner into the urine (57%) and feces (43%) with 90% of the steroid conjugated. The nonconjugated form had an elution profile identical to 3H estrone, but the conjugated portion was not completely hydrolyzed by enzyme. Labeled estradiol was excreted primarily in the urine (87%) and was released rapidly. Over 90% of the injected 14C-estradiol was excreted in urine as a conjugate, of which 41% was converted to an estrone conjugate and the remaining 59% was excreted as a polar estradiol conjugate. Labeled progesterone was excreted primarily in the feces (95%), 61% of which was free steroid. Four to six individual peaks of radioactivity were found when using celite chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), indicating that progesterone is metabolized into several urinary and fecal metabolites. One of these peaks matched 3H-progesterone and others may be pregnanediols, pregnanetriols, and 17-hydroxyprogesterone. These steroidal excretion patterns help explain the atypical hormonal patterns seen during the tamarin ovarian cycle.  相似文献   

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