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The relationship between torque-velocity characteristics of the knee extensors during isokinetic contractions and muscle fiber type of the vastus lateralis, determined from two muscle biopsy samples, was investigated in 12 male and 18 female subjects. Peak torque, corrected for the effect of gravity and impact artifact, was classified as corrected peak torque. The torque measured 30 degrees from full extension and, corrected for gravity, was classified as corrected torque at 30 degrees. No significant correlations were found between the percentage of fast-twitch fibers (%FT) or the relative area of FT fibers (%FTA) and corrected peak torque values for any of the velocities tested or the knee angles where corrected peak torques were measured. However, significant inverse relationships were determined for corrected torque at 30 degrees at all but the fastest velocity (270 degrees/s) and both %FT and %FTA for the male subjects. These results reveal that muscle fiber type of the vastus lateralis, based on duplicate muscle samples, is not related to the peak torque actually generated by the knee extensors but may influence the shape of the torque output for maximal contractions sustained over the entire range of motion.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the validity of fascicle length estimation in the vastus lateralis (VL) and vastus intermedius (VI) using ultrasonography. The fascicle lengths of the VL and VI muscles were measured directly (dFL) using calipers, and were estimated (estmFL) using ultrasonography, in 10 legs from five Thiel’s embalmed cadavers. To determine the validity of the estmFLs, FL was estimated using five previously published models and compared with dFL. The intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) of two of the five models were > 0.75, indicating that these estimates were valid. Both of these models combined measurement of the length of the visible part of the fascicle with linear extrapolation of the length of the part of the fascicle that was not visible on the sonographic image. The ICCs and absolute% difference were best in models that used appropriate pennation angles. These results suggest that two of the five previously published models are valid for obtaining estmFL of the VL and VI using ultrasonography.  相似文献   

In vivo muscle forces are typically estimated using literature-based or subject-specific moment arms (MAs) because it is not possible to measure in vivo muscle forces non-invasively. However, even subject-specific muscle-tendon MAs vary across contraction levels and are impossible to determine at high contraction levels without techniques that use ionized radiation. Therefore, different generic MA functions are often used to estimate in vivo muscle forces, which may alter force predictions and the shape of the muscle’s force-length relationship. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of different literature-based patella tendon MA functions on the vastus lateralis (VL) force-angle relationship. Participants (n = 11) performed maximum voluntary isometric knee extension contractions at six knee flexion angles, ranging from 40° to 90°. To estimate in vivo VL muscle force, the peak knee extension torque at each joint angle was multiplied by the VL’s physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA) relative to the quadriceps’ PCSA (34%) and then divided by the angle-specific patella tendon MA for 19 different functions. Maximum VL force was significantly different across MA functions (p ≤ 0.039) and occurred at different knee flexion angles. The shape of the VL force-angle relationship also differed significantly (p < 0.01) across MA functions. According to the maximum force generated by VL based on its literature-derived PSCA, only the VL force-angle relationships estimated using geometric imaging-based MA functions are feasible across the knee angles studied here. We therefore recommend that an average of these MA functions is calculated to estimate quadriceps muscle forces if subject-specific MAs cannot be determined.  相似文献   

AIM: To examine the time-of-day (TOD) effect on torque-force/angle, fibre length (FL), tendon stiffness (K), stress, and strain using the quadriceps muscle-tendon complex as a model. METHODS: Twelve healthy young men (aged 27+/-2.0 years) were studied at AM (7h45) and PM (5h45). Maximal isometric contractions were carried out on an isokinetic dynamometer, with real-time recordings of vastus lateralis (VL) FL and patella tendon K using B-mode ultrasonography. Percutaneous electrical twitch doublets superimposed on maximal torque were used to test for muscle activation capacity (AC). RESULTS: At PM, torque and force increased by 16+/-3.0% (P<0.01) over 30-90 degrees knee angles. Where the load was standardised (at 250N) in order to discriminate between torque generation capacity and tendon K changes, PM relative to AM, there were 8% and 13% (P<0.01) reductions in relaxed and contracted FL, respectively. Average K decreased by 21% (P<0.001) and the maximal stress and strain were increased at PM by 11% and 16%, respectively (P<0.01). No TOD effect on AC was seen. CONCLUSION: The quadriceps torque or force-angle relationships shift upwards at PM vs. AM, with no shift in the position of the optimal knee angle. This torque or force increase appears not to be centrally modulated. Although K decreases with TOD thereby potentially shortening the working length of the sarcomeres, these changes overall do not affect the ability of the muscle to produce greater torque in the evening.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to study the distribution of satellite cells in slow (type I fibres) and fast (type II fibres) fibres from human vastus lateralis muscle. This muscle is characterised by a mixed fibre type composition and is considered as the site of choice for biopsies in research work and for clinical diagnosis. Biopsy samples were obtained from five healthy young volunteers and a total of 1,747 type I fibres and 1,760 type II fibres were assessed. Satellite cells and fibre type composition were studied on serial muscle cross-sections stained with specific monoclonal antibodies. From a total of 218 satellite cells, 116 satellite cells were found in contact with type I fibres (53.6±8% of the satellite cells associated to type I fibres) and 102 satellite cells in contact with type II fibres (46.4±8% of the satellite cells associated to type II fibres). There was no significant difference (P=0.4) between the percentages of satellite cells in contact with type I and with type II fibres. Additionally, there was no relationship between the mean number of satellite cells per fibre and the mean cross-sectional area of muscle fibres. In conclusion, our results show that there is no fibre type-specific distribution of satellite cells in a human skeletal muscle with mixed fibre type composition.  相似文献   

In this study, we have determined power output reached at maximal oxygen uptake during incremental cycling exercise (P(I, max)) performed at low and at high pedaling rates in nineteen untrained men with various myosin heavy chain composition (MyHC) in the vastus lateralis muscle. On separate days, subjects performed two incremental exercise tests until exhaustion at 60 rev min(-1) and at 120 rev min(-1). In the studied group of subjects P(I, max) reached during cycling at 60 rev min(-1) was significantly higher (p=0.0001) than that at 120 rev min(-1) (287+/-29 vs. 215+/-42 W, respectively for 60 and 120 rev min(-1)). For further comparisons, two groups of subjects (n=6, each) were selected according to MyHC composition in the vastus lateralis muscle: group H with higher MyHC II content (56.8+/-2.79 %) and group L with lower MyHC II content in this muscle (28.6+/-5.8 %). P(I, max) reached during cycling performed at 60 rev min(-1) in group H was significantly lower than in group L (p=0.03). However, during cycling at 120 rev min(-1), there was no significant difference in P(I, max) reached by both groups of subjects (p=0.38). Moreover, oxygen uptake (VO(2)), blood hydrogen ion [H(+)], plasma lactate [La(-)] and ammonia [NH(3)] concentrations determined at the four highest power outputs completed during the incremental cycling performed at 60 as well as 120 rev min(-1), in the group H were significantly higher than in group L. We have concluded that during an incremental exercise performed at low pedaling rates the subjects with lower content of MyHC II in the vastus lateralis muscle possess greater power generating capabilities than the subjects with higher content of MyHC II. Surprisingly, at high pedaling rate, power generating capabilities in the subjects with higher MyHC II content in the vastus lateralis muscle did not differ from those found in the subjects with lower content of MyHC II in this muscle, despite higher blood [H(+)], [La(-)] and [NH(3)] concentrations. This indicates that at high pedaling rates the subjects with higher percentage of MyHC II in the vastus lateralis muscle perform relatively better than the subjects with lower percentage of MyHC II in this muscle.  相似文献   

We investigated the firing rate of motor units in the vastus lateralis muscle in five healthy young men (mean = 21.4 yr, SD = 0.9) during a sequence of isometric constant-torque contractions repeated to exhaustion. The contractions were sustained at 20% of the maximal voluntary level, measured at the beginning of the test sequence. Electromyographic (EMG) signals were recorded via quadrifilar fine-wire electrodes and subsequently decomposed into their constituent motor unit action potentials to obtain the motor unit firing times. In addition, we measured the whole muscle mechanical properties during the fatigue task using electrical stimulation. The firing rate of motor units first decreased within the first 10-20% of the endurance time of the contractions and then increased. The firing rate increase was accompanied by recruitment of additional motor units as the force output remained constant. The elicited twitch and tetanic torque responses first increased and then decreased. The two processes modulated in a complementary fashion at the same time. Our data suggest that, when the vastus lateralis muscle is activated to maintain a constant torque output, its motoneuron pool receives a net excitatory drive that first decreases to compensate for the short-lived potentiation of the muscle force twitch and then increases to compensate for the diminution of the force twitch. The underlying inverse relationship between the firing rate and the recruitment threshold that has been reported for nonfatigued contractions is maintained. We, therefore, conclude that the central nervous system control of vastus lateralis motor units remains invariant during fatigue in submaximal isometric isotonic contractions.  相似文献   

Fibre conduction velocity and fibre composition in human vastus lateralis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The relationship between muscle fibre composition and fibre conduction velocity was investigated in 19 male track athletes, 12 sprinters and 7 distance runners, aged 20-24 years, using needle biopsy samples from vastus lateralis. Cross sectional areas of the fast twitch (FT) and slow twitch (ST) fibres were determined by histochemical analysis. The percentage of FT fibre areas ranged from 22.6 to 93.6%. Sprinters had a higher percentage of FT fibres than distance runners. Muscle fibre conduction velocity was measured with a surface electrode array placed along the muscle fibres, and calculated from the time delay between 2 myoelectric signals recorded during a maximal voluntary contraction. The conduction velocity ranged from 4.13 to 5.20 m.s-1. A linear correlation between conduction velocity and the relative area of FT fibres was statistically significant (r = 0.84, p less than 0.01). This correlation indicates that muscle fibre composition can be estimated from muscle fibre conduction velocity measured noninvasively with surface electrodes.  相似文献   

The relationship between intramuscular pH and the frequency components of the surface electromyographic (EMG) power spectrum from the vastus lateralis muscle was studied in eight healthy male subjects during brief dynamic exercise. The studies were carried out in placebo control and metabolic alkalosis induced by oral administration of NaHCO3. At the onset of exercise, blood pH was 0.08 units higher in alkalosis compared with placebo. Muscle lactate accumulation during exercise was higher in alkalosis (32 +/- 5 mmol/kg wet wt) than in placebo (17 +/- 4 mmol/kg wet wt), but no difference in intramuscular pH was found between the two conditions. The EMG power spectrum was shifted toward lower frequencies during fatigue in the control condition (10.1 +/- 0.9%), and these spectral shifts, evaluated from changes in the mean power frequency (MPF) of the EMG power spectrum, were further accentuated in alkalosis (19 +/- 2%). Although the changes in frequency components of EMG correlated with muscle lactate accumulation (r = 0.68, P less than 0.01), no direct relationship with muscle pH was observed. We conclude that alkalosis results in a greater reduction in MPF associated with a higher muscle lactate accumulation. However, the good correlation observed between the two variables is not likely causative, and a dissociation between intramuscular pH and the increase in the low-frequency content of EMG power spectrum appears during muscle fatigue.  相似文献   

Electromechanical delay (EMD) values were obtained using a cross-correlation technique for a series of 14 repetitive submaximal dynamic isometric contractions of the vastus lateralis performed by five subjects. To avoid a phase lag, which is introduced with one-way filtering, the EMG was processed with a bi-directional application of a second-order Butterworth filter. A mean EMD value of 86 ms (SD = 5.1 ms) was found. Moreover, contraction and relaxation delays were computed and compared. There was a significant difference between the contraction and relaxation delays (P less than 0.005). The mean contraction delay was 81.9 ms and the mean relaxation delay was 88.8 ms. Despite this significant difference, the computed contraction and relaxation delay values lie in the same range as the total phase lag, calculated with the cross-correlation technique. The magnitude of EMD values found supports the need to account for this delay when interpreting temporal aspects of patterns of intermuscular coordination.  相似文献   

Ultrasound imaging has recently been used to distinguish the length changes of muscle fascicles from those of the whole muscle tendon complex during real life movements. The complicated three-dimensional architecture of pennate muscles can however cause heterogeneity in the length changes along the length of a muscle. Here we use ultrasonography to examine muscle fascicle length and pennation angle changes at proximal, distal and midbelly sites of the human gastrocnemius medialis (GM) muscle during walking (4.5 km/h) and running (7.5 km/h) on a treadmill. The results of this study have shown that muscle fascicles perform the same actions along the length of the human GM muscle during locomotion. However the distal fascicles tend to shorten more and act at greater pennation angles than the more proximal fascicles. Muscle fascicles acted relatively isometrically during the stance phase during walking, however during running the fascicles shortened throughout the stance phase, which corresponded to an increase in the strain of the series elastic elements (SEEs) (consisting of the Achilles tendon and aponeurosis). Measurement of the fascicle length changes at the midbelly level provided a good approximation of the average fascicle length changes across the length of the muscle. The compliance of the SEE allows the muscle fascicles to shorten at a much slower speed, more concomitant with their optimal speed for maximal power output and efficiency, with high velocity shortening during take off in both walking and running achieved by recoil of the SEE.  相似文献   

To determine the shortening velocities of fascicles of the vastus lateralis muscle (VL) during isokinetic knee extension, six male subjects were requested to extend the knee with maximal effort at angular velocities of 30 and 150 degrees /s. By using an ultrasonic apparatus, longitudinal images of the VL were produced every 30 ms during knee extension, and the fascicle length and angle of pennation were obtained from these images. The shortening fascicle length with extension of the knee (from 98 to 13 degrees of knee angle; full extension = 0 degrees ) was greater (43 mm) at 30 degrees /s than at 150 degrees /s (35 mm). Even when the angular velocity remained constant during the isokinetic range of motion, the fascicle velocity was found to change from 39 to 77 mm/s at 150 degrees /s and from 6 to 19 mm/s at 30 degrees /s. The force exerted by a fascicle changed with the length of the fascicle at changing angular velocities. The peak values of fascicle force and velocity were observed at approximately 90 mm of fascicle length. In conclusion, even if the angular velocity of knee extension is kept constant, the shortening velocity of a fascicle is dependent on the force applied to the muscle-tendon complex, and the phenomenon is considered to be caused mainly by the elongation of the elastic element (tendinous tissue).  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effects of submaximal sustained and maximal repetitive contractions on the compliance of human vastus lateralis (VL) tendon and aponeurosis in vivo using two different fatiguing protocols. Twelve male subjects performed three maximum voluntary isometric contractions (MVC) of the knee extensors before and after two fatiguing protocols on a dynamometer. The first fatiguing protocol consisted of a long-lasting sustained isometric knee extension contraction at 25% MVC until failure (inability to hold the defined load). The second fatiguing protocol included long-lasting isokinetic (90°/s) knee extension contractions, where maximum moment was exerted and failure was proclaimed when this value fell below 70% of unfatigued maximum isokinetic moment. Ultrasonography was used to determine the elongation and strain of the VL tendon and aponeurosis. Muscle fatigue was indicated by a significant decrease in maximum resultant knee extension moment (p < 0.05) observed during the MVCs after both long-lasting contractions. No significant (p > 0.05) differences in elongation and strain of the VL tendon and aponeurosis were found, when compared every 300 N (tendon force) before and after the fatiguing protocols. The present data indicate, that the VL tendon and aponeurosis in vivo do not suffer from changes in the compliance neither after long-lasting static mechanical loading (strain ~3.2%) nor after long-lasting cyclic mechanical loading (strain 6.2–5.5%).  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to investigate the age-related effects of submaximal static and cyclic loading on the mechanical properties of the vastus lateralis (VL) tendon and aponeurosis in vivo. Fourteen old and 12 young male subjects performed maximal voluntary isometric knee extensions (MVC) on a dynamometer before and after (a) a sustained isometric contraction at 25% MVC and (b) isokinetic contractions at 50% isokinetic MVC, both until task failure. The elongation of the VL tendon and aponeurosis was examined using ultrasonography. To calculate the resultant knee joint moment, the kinematics of the leg were recorded with eight cameras (120 Hz). The old adults displayed significantly lower maximal moments but higher strain values at any given tendon force from 400 N and up in all tested conditions. Neither of the loading protocols influenced the strain-force relationship of the VL tendon and aponeurosis in either the old or young adults. Consequently, the capacity of the tendon and aponeurosis to resist force remained unaffected in both groups. It can be concluded that in vivo tendons are capable of resisting long-lasting static (~4.6 min) or cyclic (~18.5 min) mechanical loading at the attained strain levels (4-5%) without significantly altering their mechanical properties regardless of age. This implies that as the muscle becomes unable to generate the required force due to fatigue, the loading of the tendon is terminated prior to provoking any significant changes in tendon mechanical properties.  相似文献   

The purpose ofthis study was to determine whether enzymatic and histochemicalcharacteristics of human skeletal muscle are altered with aging.Tissues from the vastus lateralis (VL) and gastrocnemius were analyzedfor citrate synthase (CS) activity and fiber type in 55 sedentary men(age range 18-80 yr). In this population, CS activity in thegastrocnemius was negatively related to age(r = 0.32,P < 0.05); there was no relationshipin the VL. Treadmill-determined maximal oxygen consumption waspositively related (r = 0.40, P < 0.05) to CS in the gastrocnemiusbut not in the VL. CS activity in the gastrocnemius was 24% lower inthe oldest (60 yr, n = 10) vs. theyoungest (30 yr; n = 12) men; therewas no change in CS activity in the VL with aging. No changes in fibertype were evident with age in either muscle. These data suggest areduction in oxidative enzyme activity in human skeletal muscle withthe aging process; this relationship may be muscle-group specific.


Surface EMG signals detected in dynamic conditions are affected by a number of artefacts. Among them geometrical factors play an important role. During movement the muscle slides with respect to the skin because of the variation of its length. Such a shift can considerably modify sEMG amplitude. The purpose of this work is to assess geometrical artefacts on sEMG during isometric contractions at different muscle lengths.The average rectified value (ARV) of 15 single differential signals was obtained by means of a linear array of 16 bar electrodes from the vastus medialis and lateralis muscles. The knee angle was changed from 75 degrees to 165 degrees in steps of 30 degrees and voluntary isometric contractions at a low, medium and high force level were performed for each angle. The ARV pattern was normalized with respect to the mean activity to compare signals from different joint angles. From the data collected it was possible to separate the geometrical changes from the changes due to different intensities of activation.In three out of five subjects, we found (within the resolution of our measures) a 1 cm shift for the vastus medialis muscle while no shift was observed for the other two subjects. For the vastus lateralis muscle a 1 cm shift was found in two out of four subjects. Such a shift produces the main contribution to geometrical artefacts. To avoid such artefacts the innervation zones should be located and the EMG electrodes should not be placed near them.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate EMG signal features during fatigue and recovery at three locations of the vastus medialis and lateralis muscles. Surface EMG signals were detected from 10 healthy male subjects with six 8-electrode arrays located at 10%, 20%, and 30% of the distance from the medial (for vastus medialis) and lateral (vastus lateralis) border of the patella to the anterior superior spine of the pelvic. Subjects performed contractions at 40% and 80% of the maximal force (MVC) until failure to maintain the target force, followed by 20 2-s contractions at the same force levels every minute for 20 min (recovery). Average rectified value, mean power spectral frequency, and muscle fiber conduction velocity were estimated from the EMG signals in 10 epochs from the beginning of the contraction to task failure (time to task failure, mean ± SD, 70.7 ± 25.8 s for 40% MVC; 27.4 ± 16.8 s for 80% MVC) and from the 20 2 s time intervals during recovery. During the fatiguing contraction, the trend over time of EMG average rectified value depended on location for both muscles (P < 0.05). After 20-min recovery, mean frequency and conduction velocity of both muscles were larger than in the beginning of the fatigue task (P < 0.05) (supernormal values). Moreover, the trend over time of mean frequency during recovery was affected by location and conduction velocity values depended on location for both muscles (P < 0.05). The results indicate spatial dependency of EMG variables during fatigue and recovery and thus the necessity of EMG spatial sampling for global muscle assessment.  相似文献   

In order to determine the influence of an extensive history of participation in high intensity activity on muscle fiber type, fiber size, and metabolic profile, elite ice hockey players were selected for investigation from three different leagues. Biopsy samples from the vastus lateralis muscle were obtained from different groups of players prior to and following the season and compared with control subjects. No significant differences were found in the percentage (49.6 vs. 43.8%) or the size of the ST fibers between the elite athletes and the control group, nor was there any significant alteration following the season of play in these variables. For the FT fiber subgroups, a reduction in the FTb (12.2 vs. 3.9%) and an increase in FTa (38.0 to 45.2%) fiber populations occurred over the season. Similarly, increases in fiber area were observed for both FT subgroups pre to post season. Of the enzymes studied only 3-hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase was elevated in the post season measures, while total phosphorylase and phosphofructokinase were significantly lower. The metabolic pattern exhibited does not appear to be substantially different from what would be expected from an untrained group of similar fiber distribution.  相似文献   

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