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Y Sang  G H Liang 《Génome》2000,43(5):918-922
The physical locations of the 18S-5.8S-26S rDNA sequences were examined in three sorghum species by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using biotin-labeled heterologous 18S-5.8S-26S rDNA probe (pTa71). Each 18S-5.8S-26S rDNA locus occurred at two sites on the chromosomes in Sorghum bicolor (2n = 20) and S. versicolor (2n = 10), but at four sites on the chromosomes of S. halepense (2n = 40) and the tetraploid S. versicolor (2n = 20). Positions of the rDNA loci varied from the interstitial to terminal position among the four accessions of the three sorghum species. The rDNA data are useful for investigation of chromosome evolution and phylogeny. This study excluded S. versicolor as the possible progenitor of S. bicolor.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the phylogenetic and genomic relationships in the genus Setaria Beauv. including diploid and tetraploid species, by means of the molecular diversity of the 5S rDNA spacer and chromosomal organization of the 5S and 18S-5.8S-25S rDNA genes. PCR amplification of the 5S rDNA sequences gave specific patterns. All the species studied here share a common band of about 340 bp. An additional band of an approximately 300-bp repeat unit was found for Setaria verticillata and the Chinese accessions of Setaria italica and Setaria viridis. An additional band of 450 bp was found in the sole species Setaria faberii. Fluorescent in situ hybridization was used for physical mapping of the 5S and 18S-5.8S-25S rDNA genes and showed that they are localized at two separate loci with no polymorphism of chromosome location among species. Two chromosome pairs carrying the 5S and 18S-5.8S-25S rDNA clusters can now be unambiguously identified using FISH. Phylogenetic trees based on the variation of the amplified 5S rDNA sequences showed a clear separation into four groups. The clustering was dependent on the genomic composition (genome A versus genome B) and confirmed the closest relationship of S. italica and S. viridis accessions from the same geographical region. Our results confirm previous hypotheses on the domestication centers of S. italica. They also show the wide difference between the A and B genomes, and even clarify the taxonomic position of S. verticillata. Received: 28 August 2000 / Accepted: 27 January 2001  相似文献   

An accurate physical map of the location of the 5S and the 18S-5.8S-25S rRNA genes and a repetitive DNA sequence has been produced on Aegilops umbellulata Zhuk., (2n = 2x = 14) chromosomes by in situ hybridization. Chromosome morphology together with the hybridization pattern of pSc119.2, a DNA sequence from rye, allowed identification and discrimination of different chromosomes; pSc119.2 hybridizes with all Ae. umbellulata chromosomes at the telomeres, except for the short arm of chromosome 6U, and shows intercalary sites on the long arms of chromosomes 6U and 7U. The 5S and 18S-25S rDNA have been mapped physically only on the short arms of chromosomes 1U and 5U. On chromosome 1U the order of the genes is 5S rDNA subterminal and 18S-25S rDNA more proximal, while on chromosome 5U the position of the genes is reversed. The relative order of the genes, together with the hybridization pattern of the pSc119.2, is useful in identifying whole chromosomes or chromosome segments from Ae. umbellulata in recombinant or addition lines with wheat. The data help link the physical organization of chromosomes to the genetic map. Other members of the Triticeae vary in the presence and order of the 5S and 18S-25S rDNA sequences on groups 1 and 5, indicating multiple and complex evolutionary rearrangements of the chromosome arms.  相似文献   

The tetraploid species Avena agadiriana that was first described in 1985 is distributed on the Atlantic coastal strip south of Casablanca in Morocco. Five accessions of this species (M55, M59, M60, M71 and M74) were compared by using FISH and RFLP analysis of 18S-5.8S-26S rDNA. The FISH data indicated that three pairs of major hybridization sites of the rDNA were located on satellite chromosomes in accessions M55, M59, M60 and M71. Accession M74, however, had only two pairs of major sites of hybridization. A pair of the major rDNA sites in M71 was very small and closely located at the terminal region of Nor-ST (Nucleolar organizing region of subtelocentrics) chromosomes. RFLP analysis of the rDNA sequence fragments identified differences among M55, M71 and M74, whilst M59 and M60 were the same with regard to the four restriction enzyme fragments utilized. M74 always lost single rDNA fragments in four restriction enzyme digests. The RFLP data made it possible to distinguish M55 from M59 and M60 in the northern Haut-Atlas Mountains group. A unique 20 kb EcoRI fragment characterized M71. Thus, a combination of FISH and RFLP analysis of rDNA was a good tool for inferring intraspecific evolutionary relationship of A. agadiriana.  相似文献   

Recent efforts to reconstruct the phylogenetic position of the insect order Strepsiptera have elicited a major controversy in molecular phylogenetics. We sequenced the 5.8S rDNA and major parts of the 28S rDNA 5′ region of the strepsipteran speciesStylops melittae.Their evolutionary dynamics were analyzed together with previously published insect rDNA sequences to identify tree estimation bias risks and to explore additional sources of phylogenetic information. Several major secondary structure changes were found as being autapomorphic for the Diptera, the Strepsiptera, or the Archaeognatha. Besides elevated substitution rates a significant AT bias was present in dipteran and strepsipteran 28S rDNA which, however, was restricted to stem sites in the Diptera while also affecting single-stranded sites in the Strepsiptera. When dipteran taxa were excluded from tree estimation all methods consistently supported the placement of Strepsiptera to within the Holometabola. When dipteran taxa were included maximum likelihood continued to favor a sister-group relationship of Strepsiptera with Mecoptera while remaining methods strongly supported a sister-group relationship with Diptera. Parametric bootstrap analysis revealed maximum likelihood as a consistent estimator if rate heterogeneity across sites was taken into account. Though the position of Strepsiptera within Holometabola remains elusive, we conclude that the evolution of dipteran and strepsipteran rDNA involved similar yet independent changes of substitution parameters.  相似文献   

基于5.8SrDNA序列论三白草科的系统发育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
三白草科(Saururaceae)是古草本的一个核心类群,它的研究对被子植物起源和早期演化具有重要意义,本文采用最大简约法(maximum parsimony method)和邻接法(neighbor-joining method)等不同的分析方法,对三白草科及其外类群齐头绒(Zippelia begoniaefolia Blume)的5.85rDNA序列进行分析,得到一致的结论:Anemopsis最早从三白草科中分离出来,Saururus chinensis和S.cernuus是一对姐群,由于5.85rDNA序列的变异位点和信息位点相对比较少,Gymnotheca chinensis-G.involucrata-Houttuynia-Saururus之间难以通过5.8SrDNA序列的比较进行分辨。  相似文献   

Absract  The physical locations of the 5S and 18S-25S rDNA sequences were examined in nine wild Hordeum species and cytotypes by double-target in situ hybridization using digoxigenin-labelled 5S rDNA and biotin-labelled 18S-25S rDNA as probes. H. vulgare ssp. spontaneum (2n=2x=14; I-genome) had a similar composition of 5S and 18S-25S rDNA to cultivated barley (H. vulgare ssp. vulgare, I-genome), with two major 18S-25S rDNA sites and minor sites on four of the other five chromosomes; three chromosomes had 5S rDNA sites. The closely related H. bulbosum (2x; also I-genome) showed only one pair of 5S rDNA sites and one pair of 18S-25S rDNA sites on different chromosomes. Four wild diploid species, H. marinum (X-genome), H. glaucum and H. murinum (Y-genomes) and H. chilense (H-genome), differed in the number (2–3 pairs), location, and relative order of 5S and the one or two major 18S-25S rDNA sites, but no minor 18S-25S rDNA sites were observed. H. murinum 4x had three chromosome pairs carrying 5S rDNA, while the diploid had only a single pair. Two other tetraploid species, H. brachyantherum 4x and H. brevisubulatum 4x (both considered to have H-type genomes), had minor 18S-25S rDNA sites, as well as the major sites. Unusual double 5S rDNA sites – two sites on one chromosome arm separated by a short distance – were found in the American H-genome species, H. chilense and H. brachyantherum 4x. The results indicate that the species H. brachyantherum 4x and H. brevisubulatum 4x have a complex evolutionary history, probably involving the multiplication of minor rDNA sites (as in H. vulgare sensu lato), or the incorporation of both I and H types of genome. The rDNA markers are useful for an investigation of chromosome evolution and phylogeny. Received: 9 February 1998 / Accepted: 14 July 1998  相似文献   

* BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The genus Hordeum exists at three ploidy levels (2x, 4x and 6x) and presents excellent material for investigating the patterns of polyploid evolution in plants. Here the aim was to clarify the ancestry of American polyploid species with the I genome. * METHODS: Chromosomal locations of 5S and 18S-25S ribosomal RNA genes were determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). In both polyploid and diploid species, variation in 18S-25S rDNA repeated sequences was analysed by the RFLP technique. * KEY RESULTS: Six American tetraploid species were divided into two types that differed in the number of rDNA sites and RFLP profiles. Four hexaploid species were similar in number and location of both types of rDNA sites, but the RFLP profiles of 18S-25S rDNA revealed one species, H. arizonicum, with a different ancestry. * CONCLUSIONS: Five American perennial tetraploid species appear to be alloploids having the genomes of an Asian diploid H. roshevitzii and an American diploid species. The North American annual tetraploid H. depressum is probably a segmental alloploid combining the two closely related genomes of American diploid species. A hexaploid species, H. arizonicum, involves a diploid species, H. pusillum, in its ancestry; both species share the annual growth habit and are distributed in North America. Polymorphisms of rDNA sites detected by FISH and RFLP analyses provide useful information to infer the phylogenetic relationships of I-genome Hordeum species because of their highly conserved nature during polyploid evolution.  相似文献   

18S-25S rDNA of intact plants and tissue cultures of G. acaulis, G. punctata and G. lutea have been investigated by using blot-hybridization. The decrease of rDNA amount was found in the callus cultures as compared with the plants. In contrast to other species, G. lutea showed intragenome heterogeneity of rRNA genes as well as qualitative rDNA changes in tissue culture, in particular appearance of altered repeats. The relationship between the peculiarities of rRNA gene structure and their rearrangements in in vitro culture was suggested.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of nine genera in four tribes of the family Brassicaceae were estimated from the sequences of the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) of the 18S-25S nuclear ribosomal DNA. The entire ITS region of 16 accessions belonging to 10 species of seven genera was sequenced. Eight published sequences of Brassicaceae were also used. A total of 27 sequences were included in this study; four of them were found to be pseudogenes. Both the neighbor-joining and the parsimony trees suggest that the nine genera can be divided into three groups: (1) Arabidopsis, Cardaminopsis, Capsella, and Lepidium; (2) Rorippa and Cardamine; and (3) Brassica, Sinapis, and Raphanus. In contradiction to the proposal that Cardaminopsis and Arabidopsis be put into an expanded tribe Arabideae, our data show that these two genera are more closely related to Capsella and Lepidium (tribe Lepidieae) than to Rorippa and Cardamine (tribe Arabideae). Further, our data show that within the tribe Brassiceae, Raphanus is more closely related to B. nigra than to the B. oleracea/B. rapa clade. This result is in agreement with the nuclear data obtained in several studies, but is in conflict with the RFLP data of mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA. As pointed out by previous authors, it is possible that Raphanus is a hybrid between the B. nigra and B. oleracea/B. rapa lineages with the latter as the maternal parent.  相似文献   

中间偃麦草(Thinopyrum intermedium(Host)Barkworth et Dewey)是禾本科小麦族植物中的一个异源六倍体物种,是重要的牧草植物,在小麦的抗病育种中发挥了重要作用.利用荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术,在体细胞中期染色体上,对18S-5.8S-26S rDNA位点进行了物理定位,发现该物种有3~4对染色体携带18S-5.8S-26S rDNA主位点.结合基因组原位杂交(GISH)分析,证明中间偃麦草的St基因组中有一对同源染色体短臂末端携带一个主位点,其余2~3对主位点位于E基因组染色体上.对不同来源的材料研究表明:18S-5.8S-26S rDNA位点的数目(包括主位点和小位点)、位置、拷贝数在不同收集材料之间的差异较大,甚至在同一个体的不同细胞中也存在差异.讨论了rDNA物理作图数据在分析系统发育问题中的局限性.结合中间偃麦草的三个可能的二倍体基因组供体(Th.bessarabicum、Th.elongatum和Pseudoroegneria stipifolia)rDNA位点分析的结果,对中间偃麦草进化过程中rDNA位点的变化进行了分析,同时,对其中一份材料的核ITS序列进行了克隆、测序和系统发育分析,发现在中间偃麦草中,ITS序列具有很高的异质性.  相似文献   

中间偃麦草(Thinopyrum intermedium(Host)Barkworth et Dewey)是禾本科小麦族植物中的一个异源六倍体物种,是重要的牧草植物,在小麦的抗病育种中发挥了重要作用。利用荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术,在体细胞中期染色体上,对18S-5.8S-26S rDNA位点进行了物理定位,发现该物种有3~4对染色体携带18S-5.8S-26S rDNA主位点。结合基因组原位杂交(GISH)分析,证明中间偃麦草的St基因组中有一对同源染色体短臂末端携带一个主位点,其余2~3对主位点位于E基因组染色体上。对不同来源的材料研究表明:18S-5.8S-26S rDNA位点的数目(包括主位点和小位点)、位置、拷贝数在不同收集材料之间的差异较大,甚至在同一个体的不同细胞中也存在差异。讨论了rDNA物理作图数据在分析系统发育问题中的局限性。结合中间偃麦草的三个可能的二倍体基因组供体(Th.bessarabicum、Th. elongatum和Pseudoroegneria stipifolia)rDNA位点分析的结果,对中间偃麦草进化过程中rDNA位点的变化进行了分析,同时,对其中一份材料的核ITS序列进行了克隆、测序和系统发育分析,发现在中间偃麦草中,ITS序列具有很高的异质性。  相似文献   

The 18S rDNA was used to infer oral ciliature patterns of evolution within the family Ophryoscolecidae, with the addition of five new sequences of ciliates from the genus Ostracodinium. Our data confirmed the monophyly of the subfamilies Entodiniinae and Ophryoscolecinae, but more analysis would be required for the definition of the status of the subfamily Diplodiniinae. The oral infraciliature patterns reflect evolutionary divergence in the family Ophryscolecidae, observing monophyly on Entodinium‐type, Diplodinium‐type, Ostracodinium‐type, Epidinium‐type, and Ophryoscolex‐type. The ancestral infraciliature of Entodinium‐type cannot be proven, however, the position of Entodinium‐type showed closer of Diplodinium‐type than Ophryoscolex‐type, corroborating previous studies using morphological characters. The observed inconsistencies reflect the need to increase the number of 18S rDNA sequences to family Ophryoscolecidae and investigate the evolution of this group using other molecular markers.  相似文献   

棕囊藻北部湾株的18S rDNA分子鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究北部湾棕囊藻(Phaeocystis)藻华的成因,采用PCR克隆了棕囊藻北部湾株核糖体18S r DNA序列。结果表明,棕囊藻北部湾株具有游动单细胞与群体结构两种形态;其18S r DNA序列和NCBI基因库中球形棕囊藻(Phaeocystis globosa)的同源性为99%~100%,在系统进化树上与不同海域来源的球形棕囊藻聚在一大分支上,且与球形棕囊藻间的遗传距离均小于其他种。首次从分子生物学上确定棕囊藻北部湾株为球形棕囊藻。  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the genus Monoraphidium is unclear due in part to the absence of morphological features to clearly distinguish one species from another. Phytoplankton samples collected from lakes in the Arrowwood National Refuge in eastern North Dakota were found to contain several morphological species of Monoraphidium. Eighteen Monoraphidium isolates were examined with light microscopy and six morphological species were identified. PCR–RFLP of the 18S rDNA was used to type the isolates. Following digestion by Hae III and Taq I, the 18S rDNA PCR–RFLP patterns indicated 10 different types. Presently, the 18S rDNA product is being sequenced for each of the 10 types. By examining morphological characters and 18S rDNA sequences, congruence between morphology and sequence data may be compared. Also, because there is a lack of morphological characters defining Monoraphidium species, diversity within the 18S rDNA sequences may aid in the taxonomy of the genus and its place within the Chlorococcales. Supported by National Science Foundation Grants MCB‐0084188 and DBI‐0070387.  相似文献   

Wild germplasms are often the only significant sources of useful traits for crops, such as soybean, that have limited genetic variability. Before these germplasms can be effectively manipulated they must be characterized at the cytological and molecular levels. Modern soybean probably arose through an ancient allotetraploid event and subsequent diploidization of the genome. However, wild Glycine species have not been intensively investigated for this ancient polyploidy. In this article we determined the number of both the 5S and 18S-28S rDNA sequences in various members of the genus Glycine using FISH. Our results distinctly establish the loss of a 5S rDNA locus from the "diploid" (2n = 40) species and the loss of two from the (2n = 80) polyploids of GLYCINE: A similar diploidization of the 18S-28S rDNA gene family has occurred in G. canescens, G. clandestina, G. soja, and G. max (L.) Merr. (2n = 40). Although of different genome types, G. tabacina and G. tomentella (2n = 80) both showed two major 18S-28S rDNA loci per haploid genome, in contrast to the four loci that would be expected in chromosomes that have undergone two doubling events in their evolutionary history. It is evident that the evolution of the subgenus Glycine is more complex than that represented in a simple diploid-doubled to tetraploid model.  相似文献   

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