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In an outdoor mesocosm experiment of 80 weeks, the effect of nitrogen and phosphorus addition was tested on growth of Typha domingensis Presl. rhizomes in a matrix of Schoenoplectus americanus (Pers.) Volkart ex Schinz and Keller, under loading rates of 0.23 gm−2 d−1 of nitrogen, 0.17 gm−2 d−1 of P, both nutrient together and control conditions, to assess the potential expansion of T. domingensis in response to nutrient inputs.  相似文献   

Two auxin-heterotrophic callus cultures of Crepis capillaris, one coming from an haploid plant and the other from a diploid one, were studied in regard to karyotypic changes for over a year. The degree of polyploidisation of the originally haploid culture was considerably higher than that of the diploid culture. The frequency of chromosome rearrangements was significantly higher in polyploidised karyotypes than in not polyploidised karyotypes and correspondingly greater in the haploid culture. However, the cytogenetical stability of the cultures cannot be measured only through their degree of polyploidisation: it has been found that new karyotypes also originate through chromosome rearrangements at the same ploidy level as the original explant.  相似文献   


The pollination of self-incompatible diploid sweet cherry is determined by the S-locus alleles. We resolved the S-alleles of 50 sweet cherry cultivars grown in Estonia and determined their incompatibility groups, which were previously unknown for most of the tested cultivars. We used consensus primers SI-19/20, SI-31/32, PaConsI, and PaConsII followed by allele-specific primers and sequencing to identify sweet cherry S-genotypes. Surprisingly, 48% (24/50) of the tested cultivars, including 17 Estonian cultivars, carry the rare S-allele S17, which had initially been described in wild sweet cherries in Belgium and Germany. The S17-allele in Estonian cultivars could originate from ‘Leningradskaya tchernaya’ (S6|S17), which has been extensively used in Estonian sweet cherry breeding. Four studied cultivars carrying S17 are partly self-compatible, whereas the other 20 cultivars with S17 have not been reported to be self-compatible. The recommended pollinator of seven self-incompatible sweet cherries is of the same S-genotype, including four with S17-allele, suggesting heritable reduced effectiveness of self-infertility. We classified the newly genotyped sweet cherry cultivars into 15 known incompatibility groups, and we proposed four new incompatibility groups, 64–67, for S-locus genotypes S3|S17, S4|S17, S5|S17, and S6|S17, respectively, which makes them excellent pollinators all across Europe. Alternatively, the frequency of S17 might be underestimated in Eastern European populations and some currently unidentified sweet cherry S-alleles might potentially be S17.


Evidence for domestication of Lens nigricans (M.Bieb.) Godron in S Europe. Small disjunct populations of the wild lentil Lens nigricans were found in secondary and man-made habitats throughout S Europe. Much larger populations of this species were found in primary habitats in SE Spain, S Italy and along the Adriatic coast of Yugoslavia. The majority of the L. nigricans populations were cytogenetically alike. One population differed from them by one reciprocal translocation, and another two by four chromosomal rearrangements. The L. nigricans accessions from S Europe were invariably cross-incompatible with L. nigricans of the Middle-East and with the cultivated lentil L. culinaris. The latter two were cross-compatible and their hybrids partially fertile. The existence of small L. nigricans populations in man-made habitats was interpreted as escapes from cultivation. Being cross-incompatible with L. culinaris these L. nigricans populations apparently were derived from a domesticated form of L. nigricans.  相似文献   

Untersucht wurden Strukturen des Primärhaustoriums von Arceuthobium oxycedri (DC.) M. Bieb., Viscaceae Der intrusive Abschnitt des Haustoriums erfährt seine größte Ausdehnung in der Wirtsrinde. Von hier aus dringen meristematische Stränge durch MarkstrahIen bis in das Zentrum des Wirtssprosses vor. Die Differenzierung dieser Zellen zu Xylem-Leitbahnen ist von der Rinde zum Zentrum hin gerichter. Der Wirt, Juniperus phoenicea L., Cupressaceae, reagiert im Konraktbereidi besonders dann mit hypertrophischen Verdickungen, wenn auf engem Raum mehrere Arceuthobium-Pflanzen auf vegetativem Wege gebildet werden Granulahaltige Xylem-Leitbahnen konnten erstmals bei epiphytischen Misteln (Viscaceae/Loranthaceae) beobachtet werden. Da sie bisher nur von Sekundärhaustorien bei Wurzelparasiten bekannt waren, ist ihr Vorkommen in Primärhaustorien bei diesem epiphytisdien Sproßparasit bemerkenswert. Üblicherweise fehlen solche Körnchen in den Leitbahnen von Arceuthobium, die nahe an der Wirts-MarkhöhIe gelegen sind. Zum ersten Mal konnten granuIahaltige Xylern-Leitbahnen in einer parasitischen Pflanze nicht nur im Kontaktorgan beschrieben werden. Das Vorkommen solcher Strukturen im Bereich der beblätterten Sproßachse scheint uns bedeutungsvoll  相似文献   

The influence of different light qualities on chlorophyll contentand growth of tissue cultures from Crepis capillaris (L.) WALLR. Tissue cultures from Crepis capillaris growing on media (M1; M2 ; M2-E) formed chlorophyll and intact chloroplasts onlyin the short wave length region of the visible spectrum (350–550nm). In red light (600–700 nm) as well as in darknessthey lost their chlorophyll after 8–10 weeks. The growth of Crepis-cultures was strongly influenced by lightand the nitrogen of the medium. The highest increase in freshweight (425–485% increase in 3 weeks) was attained inred light or in darkness on M2 by cultures which had lost theirchlorophyll completely. M2 contains nitrates, ammonium saltsand amino acids. In contrast, the increase in fresh weight ofgreen cultures growing on M2 in blue or white light was considerablylower (155–180% increase in 3 weeks). Omission of amino acids, (M2-E), resulted in the reduction ofthe growth (increase of fresh weight in 3 weeks: 120%) of thechlorophyll-free cells growing in the dark. Green cultures behaveddifferently on M2-E. In white light they attained an increasein fresh weight of 245%. This suggests that the growth promotingeffect of the amino acids can be replaced by light. Results with cultures growing on M1, which contains neitherammonium salts nor amino acids, point in the same direction.Green cultures in white or blue light grew better (90–100%increase in fresh weight in 3 weeks) on this "deficient" mediumthan chlorophyll-free tissues in red light or in darkness (20–30%increase in fresh weight in 3 weeks). Some aspects of thesefindings which concern the effect of light on growth are discussed. (Received November 28, 1969; )  相似文献   

1植物名称盐穗木[Halostachyscaspica(Bieb.)C.A.Mey.]。2材料类别采自新疆五家渠地区盐穗木种子,经实验室萌发形成无菌幼嫩茎段。3培养条件(1)丛生芽诱导培养基:MS+6-BA1.0mg·L-1(单位下同);(2)生根培养基:1/2MS+IBA0.5。上述培养基中均加入2.2%蔗糖和0.7%琼脂,pH5.8~6.0。培养温度为23~26℃,光照时间为16h·d-1,光照强度约34μmol·m-2·s-1。4生长与分化情况4.1无菌材料的获得将盐穗木的种子在超净工作台中先用10%次氯酸钠消毒20min,无菌水冲洗4遍。随即用无菌水将处理好的盐穗木种子喷涂在底部约有1cm厚的MS琼脂培养基的三角…  相似文献   

本文介绍甘蓝自交不亲和性的化学控制研究进展。  相似文献   

对吐鲁番沙漠植物园中自然分布的疏叶骆驼刺〔Alhagisparsifolia (B .KelleretShap .)Shap .〕的物候进行了 5a连续的观测 ,编绘了物候图谱。运用主成分分析方法 ,对影响疏叶骆驼刺物候的温度和光照因子进行了分析 ,揭示出与其主要物候期关系最为密切的气象因子 ,表明不同的物候期 ,诱导物候表现的主导因子不同 :诱导疏叶骆驼刺萌动期的主要气象因子为旬均最高温、旬均最低温和累计日照时数 ;诱导开花期的主要气象因子为≥ 5℃积温、花期平均日照长度和盛期旬均温 ;诱导果熟期最主要的环境因子有始熟旬均温、累积日照时数和全熟旬均温。  相似文献   

Plant Molecular Biology Reporter - Salinity is a major abiotic stress that limits productivity in yardlong bean. Identification of the quantitative trait loci (QTL) underlying salt tolerance is a...  相似文献   

Park HI  Jeong MH  Lim YJ  Park BS  Kim GC  Lee YM  Kim HM  Yoo KS  Yoo YH 《Life sciences》2001,69(5):553-566
This study was conducted to investigate SAFB-induced apoptosis of mast cells as it pertains to both its basic drug mechanism and the potential therapeutics of the pathologic conditions accompanying mast cell proliferation. SAFB induced many apoptotic manifestations as evidenced by changes in cell morphology, generation of DNA fragmentation, activation of caspase 3, and DNA hypoploidy. The reduction of mitochondrial membrane potential and the release of cytochrome c to cytosol were also demonstrated. However, reduction of mitochondrial membrane potential and cytochrome c release were not prevented by caspase inhibitor zVAD-fmk or PTP blockers such as bongkrekic acid and cyclosporin A. Expression levels of Bcl-2 and Fas remained unchanged following SAFB treatment. This results suggest that the clinical effect of SAFB may depend on the pharmacological mechanism regulating the demise of mast cells.  相似文献   

Genetical control of nine enzyme systems has been studied in preserved juniper species (Juniperus excelsa Bieb.) of the natural population of the mountain Crimea. Isozymes were extracted from the haploid seed endosperms and separated elecrophoretically. As a result 16 loci have been identified. Fourteen of them were polymorphic (14--Gdh, Got-1, Mdh-1, Mdh-2, Mdh-3, Acp-1, Acp-2, Acp-3, Lap-1, Dia-1, Fdh, Sod-1, Sod-2, Sod-3). Analysis of the allele segragation of the heterozygous trees confirmed their monogenic inheritance.  相似文献   


Research on the regeneration in «Pterocladia capillacea» (Gmel.) Born, et Thur. cultured «in vitro». – It has been show that small segments (even 0,3 cm. long) of the thallus of «Pterocladia capillacea» undergo the regeneration «in vitro» of adventitious buds. Sea water enriched according to MIQUEL'S formula (1890) was used for the culture. Adventitious buds were present on both the cut-surfaces of the intercalary segments. Both surfaces regenerated, suggesting the absence of clear polarity for regeneration; howewer, usually one cut-surface showed more vigorous adventitious branches than the other one. The possibility that the predominance of one surface could be related to a polarization of the flow of nutrients from the parent segment has been discussed. The thallus originated «in vitro» is very similar to the creeping axes and the formation «in vitro» of thallus similar to that of the erect frond was never observed. 0,1γ/ml. IAA promoted regeneration and stimulated the growth of adventitious buds. IAA stimulated also the growth of the apical portion of the erect fronds. 10?5M 2-chloro-ethyl trimethyl-ammonium chloride (CCC) stimulated regeneration and the growth of the tips of the main axis and lateral branches of apical segments. Higher CCC concentrations (10?3M) inhibit regeneration and at the same time all the tips were necrotized; consequently some outgrowths appeared along the original axes. Such phenomenon was interpreted as a new type of regeneration obtained without any injury. Data reported in this preliminary communication represent a good approach for new study on the biochemical aspects of regeneration.  相似文献   

根据我们实验室已发表的植物甜菜碱醛脱氢酶基因(BADH)的同源保守区设计引物,通过RT—PCR扩增获得了由1503个核苷酸组成的盐穗木BADH基因开放阅读框,推测该基因编码500个氨基酸,分子量约为54.49kDa的多肽。推测的盐穗木BADH氨基酸序列中包含一段甜菜碱醛脱氢酶中高度保守的十肽序列(VTLELGGKSP)以及与酶功能有关的半胱氨酸残基(Cys)。序列比对结果显示,盐穗木BADH与盐地碱蓬、中亚滨藜、盐爪爪以及菠菜等的核苷酸序列同源性在81%以上,与水稻的同源性也达到68%。半定量RT—PCR分析结果表明,盐穗木BADH基因的表达受盐胁迫诱导,推测BADH可能与盐穗木具有较强的耐盐能力有关。  相似文献   

Measurements were made, for several seasons, both of the growth rate and biomass production of stands ofBolboschoenus maritimus, the seasonal development of the vertical stand structure together with parallel measurements of microclimatological data including incoming global radiation. Water and bottom soil chemical analyses in relation to the nutrient content in the biomass were compared. The ecological adaptation of the acidophilic subspeciesB. m. ssp.maritimus, growing in south-Bohemian oligotrophic fishpond waters with that of the halophilic ssp.compactus was studied in experimental hydroponic cultures and the results discussed with the findings of other authors from different European habitats. The efficiency of solar energy conversion of incoming radiation was calculated by means of energy content biomass analysis.  相似文献   

The clonal plant Schoenoplectus americanus shows variable belowground clonal architecture as a result of producing two types of ramets: those with very long rhizomes (long rhizome ramet, LRR) and those with very short ones (short rhizome ramet, SRR). In a previous study we demonstrated that the two types of ramets are functionally specialised. The production of SRRs results in the formation of consolidated clonal patches with densely packed shoots, while the production of LRRs results in a more diffuse network of connected rhizomes with widely spaced shoots. We hypothesised that the two types of ramets would be produced at different times during the growing season because of their functional differences. The production of LRRs throughout the growing season would enable the species to continuously explore new habitats while the production of SRRs early in the growing season would enable the species to occupy and consolidate resources in available open patches. We evaluated this hypothesis through field observations in different communities with S. americanus and indeed found that SRRs were produced early in the growing season while LRRs tended to be produced over an extended period of time. Plants in high-quality environments (i.e. higher light conditions) produced more SRRs, and these were formed early in the growing season. In contrast, plants in low-quality environments produced more LRRs, and these were formed continuously over the growing season. We also observed that the shoot longevity was greater for SRR. In high-quality patches, the production of the lower cost SRRs results in a more rapid occupancy of open spaces; in lower quality patches, the production of LRRs throughout the growing season enables plants to explore the immediate environment for higher quality patches.  相似文献   

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